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A = 432 Hz (~ 432.186 Hz in Audacity) – the frequency of Nature.

Corresponds to C = 128 / 256 Hz in

Pythagorean scale. This pitch relates to the frequency of the Earth-year, which is C# = 136.1 Hz. The
sacred syllable "OM" is tuned to this tone and used in meditation. This frequency is also the keynote of
sitar and tambura music. Music tuned to 432 Hz has a relaxing, balancing and sedative effect. It is the
best oscillation for everyday stress relief, to regain inner peace and to restore balance. It is believed that
the frequency of the Earth-year has an influences on the soul ;

A = 430.538 Hz (~ 430.447 Hz Audacity) – the scientific pitch. Corresponds to C = 128 / 256 Hz

applying the widely-used at present Equal Temperament scale;

A = 423 Hz (~ 423.3 Hz in Audacity) – considered to be a harmonic pitch as well. The great Handel used
a tuning fork of 422.5 Hz, which is close to 423 Hz. Tuning forks, used by orchestras between 1750
and 1820, mostly had a frequency of A = 423.5 Hz;

A = 424 Hz (~ 424.031 Hz in Audacity) – considered to be so called RA- frequency. This is another one
of the natural harmonic frequencies. Note: an audio sound of 212 Hz - which is 424Hz / 2 - has a
wavelength of approximately 1.618 m - the famous PHI-ratio. In addition, 424 Hz is believed to relate to
the frequency of Iodine – a very important mineral in the human body. Iodine can help goiters,
hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), fibro-cystic diseases, and exposure to radiation. Iodine is
necessary for the production of thyroid hormones;

A = 435.92 Hz (~ 435.952 Hz in Audacity). This is equivalent to the frequency of the Earth-day, which is
actually 194.18 Hz (G tone). This pitch relates to the Base chakra and to Muscle toning. Music tuned to
194.18 Hz is believed to have a stimulating and vitalizing effect. It is believed that the frequency of Earth-
day influences the body ;

A = 444 Hz or C = 528 Hz. (~ 443.829 Hz in Audacity). This is the well-known Healing frequency, related
to Love, DNA repair and Miracles (as some scientists claim) ;

A ~ 443 Hz – this pitch is sometimes used instead of A = 444 Hz, and is presumed to have similar
effects. Plenty of musicians tune their instruments to 443 Hz, believing that it, too, corresponds to the
healing frequency of C = 528 Hz. Besides, in Equal Temperament A = 443 Hz relates to the important
frequency of 352 Hz ( or 351.8 Hz). There are those who say 352 Hz is the frequency of sodium (salt) as
well. Sodium functions with chloride and bicarbonate to maintain a balance of positive and negative ions
(electrically charged particles) in our body fluids and tissues. Sodium is a vital component of nerves, as it
stimulates muscle contraction. Sodium also helps to keep calcium and other minerals soluble in the
blood, as well as stimulating the adrenal glands. Finally, 443 Hz relates to the tone of Saturn (147.85 Hz)
in Equal Temperament Scale ;

A ~ 449.8 / 450 Hz. This pitch is thought to relate to the frequency of the Sun (B = 126.22 Hz) in Equal

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