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Lesson #6 - Math Lesson

Class: 4/5 Grade Combo

Objective: (What students will know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)
- Students will be able to round numbers with decimals to the thousandths place value.

- 5.NBT.A.4 Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.

Duration: 40 Minutes

- Following the lesson, the students will take a 20 Question Quiz that assesses their ability to round
decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth place values.

1. Rounding
a. Round Up
b. Round Down
2. Decimals
3. Place Values
a. Tens
b. Ones
c. Tenths
d. Hundredths
e. Thousandths
f. Ten Thousandths
4. Whole Number

Instructional/Teaching Sequence (Include time allotted for each):

- Think about 21st Century Skills (Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, technology)

Anticipatory Set/Activate Prior Knowledge (5 min)

- Teacher will state that today’s lesson will target “Rounding Decimals”
- Teacher will share the purpose of rounding numbers.
o Including a Real-World Example
- Teacher will have the students engage in mental math as a warm-up to activate prior
- Student will have 20 seconds to round the given numbers to the nearest ten.
o Answers will be shared after the 20 seconds are finished.
- Students will have 20 seconds to round the given numbers to the nearest hundred.
o Answers will be shared after the 20 seconds are finished.

Input (3 min)
- Teacher will explain that there are three steps when rounding decimals:
1. Identify the given place value
2. Look at the number on the right
▪ Is it a 5 or more? Round up!
▪ Is it a 4 or less? Round down!
3. Remove all digit after given place value

Guided Practice (10 min)

- Teacher will explain one example for each decimal place value.
 14.5691 (Round to the Nearest Tenth)
 1.6181 (Round to the Nearest Hundredth)
 24.3527 (Round to the Nearest Thousandth)
- As each example is discussed, the teacher will review the three steps to rounding decimals.

Independent Practice (15 min)

- Students will choose one or both online games links to practice rounding decimals.

Formative Assessment (Self-Paced)

- A Google Form will be used to assess student learning.
- Students will answer 20 questions regarding rounding whole numbers and decimals to the nearest
tenth, hundredth, and thousandth.
- Students will have until Friday (April 24, 2020) to complete the assessment.

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