Sie sind auf Seite 1von 18


It is the totality of an individual's physical, intellectual, emotional and social

A Adaptation
B Personality
C Individuality
D Heredity

2. Under a light microscope, tiny dots can be seen in the cytoplasm of living plant
and animal cells. These are likely to be:
A Chloroplasts
B Ribosomes
C Mitochondria
D Nuclei

3. Viruses are not considered free-living because

A Their cells lack cytoplasm
B Their cells contain DNA
C They are too small to be seen by light microscopy
D They cannot reproduce outside a living cell

4. What yellowish-orange compound belonging to the vitamin B complex is

used to treat pernicious anemia? It is synthesized in the intestinal
bacteria and occurs in green plants, fresh fruit, liver and yeast.  Its
formula is C19H19N7O6.
A Riboflavin
B Cobalamin
C Inositol
D Folic acid

5. DNA is to genes as chromatin is to

A Mitosis
B Blood
C Allele
D Chromosome

6. What do you call the type of cell division exhibited by sex cells wherein
the chromosome number of the four daughter cell is reduces to half the
somatic number?  
A Mitosis
B Meiosis
C Fission
D Budding

7. The force of attraction between the earth and the moon is called 
A Gravity
B Inertia
C Relativity
D Equivalence
8. When a scientist uses the process of reasoning, it means that he 
A Makes a lucky guess
B Does not need to make observations
C Makes inferences on the basis of observations
D Does not need to make a hypothesis

9. Which two metals make-up brass?

A Copper and nickel
B Iron and zinc
C Copper and zinc
D Zinc and nickel

10. The lowest principal quantum number that an electron can have is

11. What do you call a liquid with high content of nitrogen, antibodies and
vitamins secreted from mammary glands just after giving birth, and
prior to the flow of proper milk?
A Milk
B Colostrum
C Nestogen
D Sweat

12. When a reaction requires heat, which of the following is correct?

A There is an endothermic reaction
B The energy of the reactants is greater than that of the products
C The energy of the reactants is less than that of the products
D Both A and C

13. A scale of temperature that uses absolute zero, the lowest possible
temperature for its zero point is called 
A Fahrenheit scale
B Kelvin scale
C Celsius scale
D Cepheid scale

14. They are bacteria which feed on dead materials

A Harmful bacteria
B Scavengers
C Germs
D Saprophytes

15. In gases, as pressure increases, volume _____________ and

temperature ______________
A Increases, increases
B Decreases, decreases
C Decreases, increases
D Increases, decreases
16. An atom of beryllium consists of 4 protons, 5 neutrons, and 4
electrons.  The mass number of this atom is 
A 13
B 8
C 9
D 5

17. When a doctor gives you an antibiotic when you are sick, he/she
always tells you to keep taking the antibiotic until it is all finished. The
reason he/she tells you this is because:
A It is wasteful not to finish all the antibiotic.
B Viruses require high doses of antibiotics to kill them.
C Allowing the more antibiotic-tolerant bacteria to survive may
encourage a population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to evolve.
D A long period of antibiotic use is required to prevent secondary
virus infection.

18. The layer of gas covering the earth is called 

A Atmosphere
B Hydrosphere
C Lithosphere
D Troposphere

19. What is the important animal hormone responsible for the control of
glucose levels in the blood?
A Thyroxine
B Cortisol
C Prostaglandin
D Insulin

20. An instrument that is used to map the ocean floor is called  

A A hydrograph
C A hydroscope
D Hydrometer

21. Some organisms living in a garden included dragonflies, bugs, roses,

grasshoppers, grasses, worms and spiders.  Collectively, these
organisms represent a 
A Biome
B Community
C Habitat
D Population

22. Which lustrous, white metal conducts heat and electricity most easily
and is highly valued for ornamental and industrial use?
A Cadmium
B Tin
C Bismuth
D Silver
23. What term to the part of the nitrogen cycle where nitrogen compounds
are formed by certain bacteria from the free nitrogen in the air?
A Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen
B Denitrification
C Nitrate leaching from soil
D Release of NH4 by decomposition

24. The two main parts of an atom are the 

A Principal energy and energy sublevels
B Nucleus and electron orbital’s
C Planetary electrons and energy levels
D Nucleus and kernel

25. Chemical action may involve all of the following except:

A Combining of atoms of elements to form a molecule
B Breaking down of compounds into elements
C Separation of the components of a mixture
D Reacting a compound and an element

26. A baking powder carries the statement "Ingredients: cornstarch, sodium

bicarbonate, calcium and acid phosphate, and sodium aluminum
sulfate." Therefore, the baking powder is 
A A compound
B A molecule
C A mixture
D A mixture of elements

27. Oxygen laden blood pumped by the heart is supplied to different parts
of the body through the channels called
A Artery
B Ventricles
C Aorta
D Veins

28. Which of the following did Sir Isaac Newton discover?

A Laws of elliptical orbit
B Penicillin
C Law of gravitation
D Solar prominence

29. The largest object in the solar system is 

A A star
B A planet
C An asteroid
D A meteor

30. Which of the following is most responsible for erosion?

A Radioactivity
B The outer core
C Rivers
D Asteroids
31. What do you call the phylum of marine and freshwater invertebrates
which live permanently attached to rocks and other surfaces? Its body
is hollow and consists of an aggregation of millions of  single-celled
A Mollusca
B Echinodermata
C Porifera
D Nematoda

32. It is the change in form or structure in an organ or organism during

A Mitosis
B Meiosis
C Mutation
D Metamorphosis

33. How much work is done on a downhill skier by an average braking

force of 9.8 X 102 newtons to stop her in a distance of 10. meters?
A 1.0 X 10^1 J
B 9.8 X 10^1 J
C 1.0 X 10^3 J
D 9.8 X 10^3 J

34. Why is it warmer in regions near the equator?

A Regions near the equator have thicker atmosphere.
B Regions near the equator get vertical rays from the sun.
C Light is changed to heat faster near the equator.
D There is more pollution in that area.

35. Mutation is caused by all of the following except:  

A Chemicals
B Viruses
C Surgery
D Radiation

36. A 1,000-kilogram car traveling with a velocity of +20. meters per

second decelerates uniformly at -5.0 meters per second2 until it comes
to rest.  What is the total distance the car travels as it decelerates to
A 10 m
B 20 m
C 40 m
D 80 m

37. The symmetrical structure of the  CH4 molecule is due to the fact that
the four single bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms are directed
toward the corners of a
A Triangle
B Tetrahedron
C Square
D Rectangle
38. An organism has the genotype AaBbCCDd.  How many possible
combinations of alleles do the gametes of this organism produce?

39. Which of the following statements about food chains and energy flow
through ecosystems is  FALSE?
A A single organism can feed at several trophic levels.
B Detritivores feed at all trophic levels except the producer level.
C The lower the trophic level at which an organism feeds, the
more energy available.
D Food webs include two or more food chains.

40. The electron-dot symbol consists of the symbol representing the

element and an arrangement of dots that usually shows 
A The atomic number
B The number of neutrons
C The electrons in the outermost energy level
D The atomic mass

41. A student calculated the percent by mass of water in a sample of BaCl2

* H2O to be 16.4% but the accepted value is 14.8%.  What was the
student's percent error?
A (14.8/16.4)*100%
B (16.4/14.8)*100%
C (1.6/14.8)*100%
D (14.8/1.6)*100%

42. The reaction 2H2O(l) --> 2H2O(g) + O2(g) is forced to occur by use of
an externally applied electric current. This procedure is called  
A Neutralization
B Esterification
C Electrolysis
D Hydrolysis

43. The speed of light has been calculated to be 186,000 

A Feet per second
B Kilometers per second
C Miles per second
D Meters per second

44. What is the pH of the solution formed when 1M of NaOH is mixed with
an equal volume of HCl?
A >7
D Cannot be determined
45. Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes.  Which cross would produce
a blue-eyed child?
BB x bb
Bb x Bb
BB x Bb
A BB x bb
B Bb x Bb
D BB x Bb

46. What is the absence of measurable electrical resistance in certain

substances at temperature close to zero degrees Kelvin?
A Resistivity
B Conductivity
C Malleability
D Superconductivity

47. The brightest star in the sky other than our sun is 
A Polaris
B Betelgeuse
C Sirius
D Orion

48. The transport system of the human body is the

A Digestive system
B Respiratory system
C Circulatory system
D Endocrine system

49. Chemical elements that are usually present in only very small amounts
are called 
A Radio elements
B Trace elements
C Scarce elements
D Radioactive elements

50. What type of reproduction involves gametes?

A Fission
B Sexual
C Fusion
D Asexual

51. An orbital may never be occupied by ____ electron

52. The moon's gravity is _____________ that of the earth's.
A 1/2
B 1/3
C 1/5
D 1/6

53. Which of the following is most responsible for earthquakes?

A The magnetic field
B An imbalance in the crust
C The speed of light
D The atmosphere

54. The Milky Way is a 

A Nebula
B Star cluster
C Galaxy
D Constellation

55. The more active the cell/tissue such as muscle, the greater the number
A Chromosomes
B Mitochondria
C Nuclei
D Lysosomes

56. A distance of one mile is about 

A 1 kilometer
B 16 kilometers
C 160 kilometers
D 1.6 kilometers

57. The totality of pattern of relationship between living organisms and their
environment is the basic concern of 
A Physiology
B Botany
C Biology
D Ecology

58. When scientists refer to the hydrosphere, they mean 

A Air above the earth
B Moisture of the air
C Mantle on the earth
D Water of the earth

59. The conversion of radiant energy in most plants are called

A Fermentation
B Photosynthesis
C Respiration
D Transpiration
60. What do you call the reactions in which the hydrogen ion of an acid and
the hydroxide ion of a base unite to form water?
A Hydrolysis
B Decomposition
C Displacement
D Neutralization
1. It is the totality of an individual's physical, intellectual, emotional and social
A Adaptation
B Personality
C Individuality
D Heredity

2. Under a light microscope, tiny dots can be seen in the cytoplasm of living plant
and animal cells. These are likely to be:
A Chloroplasts
B Ribosomes
C Mitochondria
D Nuclei

3. Viruses are not considered free-living because

A Their cells lack cytoplasm
B Their cells contain DNA
C They are too small to be seen by light microscopy
D They cannot reproduce outside a living cell

4. What yellowish-orange compound belonging to the vitamin B complex is

used to treat pernicious anemia? It is synthesized in the intestinal
bacteria and occurs in green plants, fresh fruit, liver and yeast.  Its
formula is C19H19N7O6.
A Riboflavin
B Cobalamin
C Inositol
D Folic acid

5. DNA is to genes as chromatin is to

A Mitosis
B Blood
C Allele
D Chromosome

6. What do you call the type of cell division exhibited by sex cells wherein
the chromosome number of the four daughter cell is reduces to half the
somatic number?  
A Mitosis
B Meiosis
C Fission
D Budding

7. The force of attraction between the earth and the moon is called 
A Gravity
B Inertia
C Relativity
D Equivalence
8. When a scientist uses the process of reasoning, it means that he 
A Makes a lucky guess
B Does not need to make observations
C Makes inferences on the basis of observations
D Does not need to make a hypothesis

9. Which two metals make-up brass?

A Copper and nickel
B Iron and zinc
C Copper and zinc
D Zinc and nickel

10. The lowest principal quantum number that an electron can have is

11. What do you call a liquid with high content of nitrogen, antibodies and
vitamins secreted from mammary glands just after giving birth, and
prior to the flow of proper milk?
A Milk
B Colostrum
C Nestogen
D Sweat

12. When a reaction requires heat, which of the following is correct?

A There is an endothermic reaction
B The energy of the reactants is greater than that of the products
C The energy of the reactants is less than that of the products
D Both A and C

13. A scale of temperature that uses absolute zero, the lowest possible
temperature for its zero point is called 
A Fahrenheit scale
B Kelvin scale
C Celsius scale
D Cepheid scale

14. They are bacteria which feed on dead materials

A Harmful bacteria
B Scavengers
C Germs
D Saprophytes

15. In gases, as pressure increases, volume _____________ and

temperature ______________
A Increases, increases
B Decreases, decreases
C Decreases, increases
D Increases, decreases
16. An atom of beryllium consists of 4 protons, 5 neutrons, and 4
electrons.  The mass number of this atom is 
A 13
B 8
C 9
D 5

17. When a doctor gives you an antibiotic when you are sick, he/she
always tells you to keep taking the antibiotic until it is all finished. The
reason he/she tells you this is because:
A It is wasteful not to finish all the antibiotic.
B Viruses require high doses of antibiotics to kill them.
C Allowing the more antibiotic-tolerant bacteria to survive may
encourage a population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to evolve.
D A long period of antibiotic use is required to prevent secondary
virus infection.

18. The layer of gas covering the earth is called 

A Atmosphere
B Hydrosphere
C Lithosphere
D Troposphere

19. What is the important animal hormone responsible for the control of
glucose levels in the blood?
A Thyroxine
B Cortisol
C Prostaglandin
D Insulin

20. An instrument that is used to map the ocean floor is called  

A A hydrograph
C A hydroscope
D Hydrometer

21. Some organisms living in a garden included dragonflies, bugs, roses,

grasshoppers, grasses, worms and spiders.  Collectively, these
organisms represent a 
A Biome
B Community
C Habitat
D Population

22. Which lustrous, white metal conducts heat and electricity most easily
and is highly valued for ornamental and industrial use?
A Cadmium
B Tin
C Bismuth
D Silver
23. What term to the part of the nitrogen cycle where nitrogen compounds
are formed by certain bacteria from the free nitrogen in the air?
A Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen
B Denitrification
C Nitrate leaching from soil
D Release of NH4 by decomposition

24. The two main parts of an atom are the 

A Principal energy and energy sublevels
B Nucleus and electron orbital’s
C Planetary electrons and energy levels
D Nucleus and kernel

25. Chemical action may involve all of the following except:

A Combining of atoms of elements to form a molecule
B Breaking down of compounds into elements
C Separation of the components of a mixture
D Reacting a compound and an element

26. A baking powder carries the statement "Ingredients: cornstarch, sodium

bicarbonate, calcium and acid phosphate, and sodium aluminum
sulfate." Therefore, the baking powder is 
A A compound
B A molecule
C A mixture
D A mixture of elements

27. Oxygen laden blood pumped by the heart is supplied to different parts
of the body through the channels called
A Artery
B Ventricles
C Aorta
D Veins

28. Which of the following did Sir Isaac Newton discover?

A Laws of elliptical orbit
B Penicillin
C Law of gravitation
D Solar prominence

29. The largest object in the solar system is 

A A star
B A planet
C An asteroid
D A meteor

30. Which of the following is most responsible for erosion?

A Radioactivity
B The outer core
C Rivers
D Asteroids
31. What do you call the phylum of marine and freshwater invertebrates
which live permanently attached to rocks and other surfaces? Its body
is hollow and consists of an aggregation of millions of  single-celled
A Mollusca
B Echinodermata
C Porifera
D Nematoda

32. It is the change in form or structure in an organ or organism during

A Mitosis
B Meiosis
C Mutation
D Metamorphosis

33. How much work is done on a downhill skier by an average braking

force of 9.8 X 102 newtons to stop her in a distance of 10. meters?
A 1.0 X 10^1 J
B 9.8 X 10^1 J
C 1.0 X 10^3 J
D 9.8 X 10^3 J

34. Why is it warmer in regions near the equator?

A Regions near the equator have thicker atmosphere.
B Regions near the equator get vertical rays from the sun.
C Light is changed to heat faster near the equator.
D There is more pollution in that area.

35. Mutation is caused by all of the following except:  

A Chemicals
B Viruses
C Surgery
D Radiation

36. A 1,000-kilogram car traveling with a velocity of +20. meters per

second decelerates uniformly at -5.0 meters per second2 until it comes
to rest.  What is the total distance the car travels as it decelerates to
A 10 m
B 20 m
C 40 m
D 80 m

37. The symmetrical structure of the  CH4 molecule is due to the fact that
the four single bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms are directed
toward the corners of a
A Triangle
B Tetrahedron
C Square
D Rectangle
38. An organism has the genotype AaBbCCDd.  How many possible
combinations of alleles do the gametes of this organism produce?

39. Which of the following statements about food chains and energy flow
through ecosystems is  FALSE?
A A single organism can feed at several trophic levels.
B Detritivores feed at all trophic levels except the producer level.
C The lower the trophic level at which an organism feeds, the
more energy available.
D Food webs include two or more food chains.

40. The electron-dot symbol consists of the symbol representing the

element and an arrangement of dots that usually shows 
A The atomic number
B The number of neutrons
C The electrons in the outermost energy level
D The atomic mass

41. A student calculated the percent by mass of water in a sample of BaCl2

* H2O to be 16.4% but the accepted value is 14.8%.  What was the
student's percent error?
A (14.8/16.4)*100%
B (16.4/14.8)*100%
C (1.6/14.8)*100%
D (14.8/1.6)*100%

42. The reaction 2H2O(l) --> 2H2O(g) + O2(g) is forced to occur by use of
an externally applied electric current. This procedure is called  
A Neutralization
B Esterification
C Electrolysis
D Hydrolysis

43. The speed of light has been calculated to be 186,000 

A Feet per second
B Kilometers per second
C Miles per second
D Meters per second

44. What is the pH of the solution formed when 1M of NaOH is mixed with
an equal volume of HCl?
A >7
D Cannot be determined
45. Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes.  Which cross would produce
a blue-eyed child?
BB x bb
Bb x Bb
BB x Bb
A BB x bb
B Bb x Bb
D BB x Bb

46. What is the absence of measurable electrical resistance in certain

substances at temperature close to zero degrees Kelvin?
A Resistivity
B Conductivity
C Malleability
D Superconductivity

47. The brightest star in the sky other than our sun is 
A Polaris
B Betelgeuse
C Sirius
D Orion

48. The transport system of the human body is the

A Digestive system
B Respiratory system
C Circulatory system
D Endocrine system

49. Chemical elements that are usually present in only very small amounts
are called 
A Radio elements
B Trace elements
C Scarce elements
D Radioactive elements

50. What type of reproduction involves gametes?

A Fission
B Sexual
C Fusion
D Asexual

51. An orbital may never be occupied by ____ electron

52. The moon's gravity is _____________ that of the earth's.
A 1/2
B 1/3
C 1/5
D 1/6

53. Which of the following is most responsible for earthquakes?

A The magnetic field
B An imbalance in the crust
C The speed of light
D The atmosphere

54. The Milky Way is a 

A Nebula
B Star cluster
C Galaxy
D Constellation

55. The more active the cell/tissue such as muscle, the greater the number
A Chromosomes
B Mitochondria
C Nuclei
D Lysosomes

56. A distance of one mile is about 

A 1 kilometer
B 16 kilometers
C 160 kilometers
D 1.6 kilometers

57. The totality of pattern of relationship between living organisms and their
environment is the basic concern of 
A Physiology
B Botany
C Biology
D Ecology

58. When scientists refer to the hydrosphere, they mean 

A Air above the earth
B Moisture of the air
C Mantle on the earth
D Water of the earth

59. The conversion of radiant energy in most plants are called

A Fermentation
B Photosynthesis
C Respiration
D Transpiration
60. What do you call the reactions in which the hydrogen ion of an acid and
the hydroxide ion of a base unite to form water?
A Hydrolysis
B Decomposition
C Displacement
D Neutralization

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