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Part I.


A. Philosophical Foundations
1. Perennialism
a. Definition:
b. Aim:
c. Rule:
d. Focus
e. Trends:

Instruction: Follow the format for the rest of the philosophical foundations

B. Historical Foundations
1.Describe educational changes that stand out from pre-Hispanic to present.
2.Persons and their great contributions to the curriculum
a. Bobbit e. Caswell
b. Charters f. Tyler
c. Kilpatrick g. Taba
d. Rugg h. Oliva

Instructions: Input: Prepare a table: a. Provide complete name

b. Great Contributions to the cur
development/Theories & Principles
c. Use bullets for the information
C. Psychological Foundations

1.Four psychological perspectives or schools of thought with detailed explanation

and their corresponding proponents and their contributions

Instructions: Same as above

D.Social Foundations
1. Schools & Society
a. Society & curriculum
b. Changing economy curriculum
c. The Changing family institution & curr
d. Cultural Diversity & curr.
Questions: To what extent should curriculum consider the world outside of
How do changes in society affect curriculum

2. Seven Special interest groups and what should be included in school curr.
3. Guiding principles in selecting knowledge for a society that is changing
rapidly.)Ornstein & Hunkins)
4. Persons and their contributions

Part II. The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer

A. Ten general axioms for curr. Designers(Oliva) with one sentence explanantion
B. Four Elements or components of a curr design. Explain.
C. Discuss through a table the taxonomy of educational objective
Examples of verbs for stating objectives or outcomes
D. Sources of curr design (5)
E. Points to consider when contemplating curr design
F. Qualities of curr design
G. Most widely used Types of Curr Design Models with explanation (3)
Example: 1. Subject Centered Design
a. Subject design
b. Discipline design
c. Correlation design
d. Broad Field design
H. Approaches to Curr Design (2) with explanation
I. Curr Mapping
a. Definition
b. Curr Process/steps
c. Curr map
Sample A: Basic Education
1. Elementary
2. Secondary
J. Compare the curr planning models. Use a table.
a. Model
b. Steps/elements/components
K. Identify the participants in Curriculum development & planning. Use table.

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