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1. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for?

 Attention, Interest,
Desire, Action

2. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for? Profit and

Loss (fully, Profit and Loss Account)

3. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development

from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets

4. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change

according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as
what? Variable Costs

5. What is the correct ascending order of these human needs according to

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and Love,
Self-Actualisation, Biological and Physiological? Biological and
Physiological Needs (basic life needs - shelter, food, drink, sleep,
etc); Safety Needs (security, protection, law, etc); Belongingness
and Love Needs (family, affection, relationships, etc); Esteem
Needs (achievement, status, responsibility, reputation, etc); Self-
Actualisation (personal growth, self-fulfilment, etc)

6. What does the accounting acronym FIFO mean? First In First Out (a

convention for writing down the balance sheet value of assets of the
same type - oldest are written-off first)
7. One of the most effective and efficient forms of marketing is abbreviated
to the initials WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth

8. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Dr Stephen


9. What are the four metaphorical terms used to describe

products/services in Boston Matrix model according to market share and
market maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child and Star (or Rising

10. The financial ratio which divides a company's 'liquid assets' by

'current liabilities' is known by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick

11. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis? Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

12. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within Carl Jung's
theory? Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, Intuition
13. What are the four sequential stages of the 'conscious competence'

14. What does the financial term ROI stand for? Return On Investment
15. Daniel Goleman was responsible for popularising and defining what
management and behavioural concept in his eponymously titled (ie., the
title is also the subject) 1995 book? Emotional Intelligence

16. What is psychometrics? The science of measuring (or testing)

human personality type (or mental abilities)

17. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of management; what did
he call them and how are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory (or
Theory-X - is authoritarian, autocratic and repressive) and Y-Theory (or
Theory-Y - participative, delegating, and developmental - or words to
similar effect as these two descriptions)

18. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team development uses what four
sequential rhyming words to describe the four stages of a group's
progression? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

19. What does the business acronym IPO stand for? Initial Public
Offering (meaning the initial sale of privately owned equity, i.e., stock or
shares, in a company, via the issue of shares to the public and other
investing institutions)
20. What do 'open questions' typically begin with? Open questions
typically begin with Who, What, How, When, Where, and Why, (or for
particularly capable or intelligent respondents, 'Tell me about...')

21. In marketing, what are the The Four P's? Product, Price,

Promotion, Place

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