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',. I II '._ .,I,~!~ .'~~I~J. __ II_J_, __ l __ _jl_~ ._I~I; _. '.~ ._jlg.,, __ , .. ~. __ l ~. __ .• IIlI_,.~_ ... _ '_ ~

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'TY,pisc:b rd,r' id,i.e i.ndisehe! Kiicllie 5 Besondere Zutaten und Gewurze ;5

"V',':·· r ers .. "pe' .. ·,I'~,'D ,., g'ld, "F1' ade ··'b. ··'ro'···':t·~·e·-, ·9, •• ·•

.~ _""., _'::-"'~ . ~ ,'_ ,-' .... ' ..... , ,-," "-,", . ,-'_'

Friti e 'rt·, e G"'" ',:_' em' . U'I!III. s e" I'" n

, . ,,~: 1,-:-:-' ',' '~.' .li_J.--1:_--: r

gewnrzrem Kichererbsenteig 19

Teigpastetehen auf vegetarisehe Art - Samosas 91 Fladenbrote _, Chapatti '1.1.

Gebraten ie "o'II'I·k· '0' m" ·n' ad" enbrote . Parath as '1:.-- '1'.'-1

', IU."!.~:.~l;.· .:' ' ::."~~: ''''[ .. ··: .. 1· ~.:::.',"",:', J > l~" ,~,.'.' :~ ,"' ::~" ",-: : .. :._ .. , - :-:~I. ~ ::._ .IIL . .i .- - .

Fritiert te Fladen bro ··,t- e - Qo"',Q: ris '-1'· '2-'

I " l .. ··· ',-,",", •. ll .. ,',', ci···.· .... I._ ,',I'.

W'ii:rzile Re:~lericb,te 1.3

'To matenrei SI 1,3 · Reis mit Erdnnssen 13 Safranreis 1,4, ~ Zitronenreis 15 Safranreisgericht = Shahjehani biriani '1. S Gewtirzter Reis-Pillau mit Krabben 19,

BeL, .I'i!" 'a~' n· . nte ". Fl' e'" illijI, Qnll-jo'e" "r:'IIjiIC" . h-·:· ·(t·-~e· ~ . ~ -1"--

~'&.' I_, __ ,, '.- " .. ' "iII~ , ',I!,', ' " .. ': ' ..... ' , ,~"

Gebratene marinierte Lammkeule mit aromatiseher Gewtirzkruste 21. Fleisehballchen in scharfer,ce, Curry-Gericht 22

La m i'lm'l ·'nl~-····~h'~- in !S'~C' ;h-~a-= rfer Jog hurtma -1il'n'~a""d'le"

'" ,_. I,.!" " " . ,.1."':""'" __ ', ~'.', '" · __ "I,-,I~,· __ ··, .',' '",',._,.''''' .. ~, .... , .' ' __ -" '~I. __ '_ ' :.,.

Curry-Gericht ,2:3

Ges .. ··· chm nortes 'F· -I' e Isch ';:'0-' ". 'W"" _':u~'~.~,"I~' a e :'r--~ M ",8'" "n- iI;,O' a •. sde,

._' -' ._,'"-" , ""- ,._,.,II.J._,i;;J , , , '_, LJ_· "-" "-' 11·-,- . - .-,.I·~'-·,e·· ,.:_.:_ ,c_: •• , __ ' __ '_ '-'-_'-'-,,_--_ . __ .' _."

Curry-Gerieht 2·4

Geschmortes Fleisch Moghlai-Art, Curry-Gericht 24

Schmorfleisch Haiderabad in 'w'iirzige:r Sauce 2,,5:

S,pezia,'I.i:ti'!le:n, m,it 'FI,eisc' D,nd IG,eD.·U,g:e:, 29 Seelachs 'mit, pikanter Kokosnufsmilcb-Sauce, co rry-Gerieht 29

Kabe janfilets in Tomatensauce .30 Wii:rz,iig'e Fisehfrikadellen ,311 Gebratene Hahnchenkeulen, Tandoori chicken ,3'1

Hahnehen Lucknow 3,,2,

Gewurztes Hahnchen auf konigliche Art, 33

C '··h,-utn··"'---···e'-:-vg. :S<··~'a··'u~n·· un--'dl Be:,"'1-018" .: ""-""'n-'" 3'·~),4·······

. ',1._:,_" ....• I·!~·,~'I _'" "._ ,". ,~; : ',"_ I ..•.•... ", ". lI!W:' ,'_ '_ ,_. _ .... I

Pfefferminzchutney 34, ,~ Apfelchutney ,34

, I J •

Bun e rmilch ... K:.· 0: ko ·s· ·0" '·U· 'O··'·'mj·;/I'": lch-Sa U· ce 3:,,·'~

~. __ 1 ... 1.,.,1,,' .,-,_, ,.· .... ·.· .. 1· '. ,J] '.'.<_', __ ' 1.:.:. .... _ .. ~ .. J

, Joghurtsauee 35 li' Auberginen s,ilB",s8ue:r ,3,6,

. 0

S.'~:'··A'I-'b-I.···~'III'g,"e· ma cht J31;' Frisc ·'k···"anil:l'e·: 3-,19··:.······

,_~, .~. > ) . ,I.. , .. '" . .~, " , ,~,; ',. .!!:II.. . . '.

'VegetarisChe Ge,ri.ehte ,40 Ananas in gewurzter Sauce 40

WeiBkohl mit ,Kok,QSD'U,B und Senfkornern 40 Gewurzte Kartoffeln mit Zwiebeln und Erbsen,

urrv-Geric ··h·· "I ,·4:·1'

. "_:.a;A'IJ ",_ ," -.-.,' ",_ .,' . ,~'01 ... ,

Gewurzte Kichererbsen 41

Gednnstete Tomaten und rote Bete 42 Gewurzte Champignons 43

Rote Linsen ~ Masur dhal 4,3 Gewurzter Spinat mit Linsenpuree ,·44, Joghurtsalat mit Gurke und Tomate 44 Hausgemachter Frisehk .. iisie mit Erbsen in wiil'rz'ig:'e'r Sauce, Curry-Gericht ,45 Auben '·0' ien In Kokosnufsmilch 46,-'

_ .U __ I. , .. " Itl., .. . . . _ __ .

S· - ina ,.,'-:. sal a't m tit Joghu n" 4-19' .. ,'1

pl __ ' __ I~S,,:,\,_ ,: I, 1",_ _:_:~, • i : ' , . ." /

Sp ninar und Use in pikanter Sauce 491

,j, lr

Mangosalat mit Joghurt 510

-.' J. "·:I:lilie!b.t·· ~.e; i-S··,' ':'·'·:u'·~',D" 'ppe' ':' :-. ~\& - 5';'1'

_ . _"'__: __ ' . _ '_" . l .' __ . __ .~ _. _., ~ . 1_,-,.

, !

Reismilchpudd ing mit Rosenwasse r 5""·1"

,.··~iII.·':1, ,: .. ;.: .'::" ,', :"',,'-' : c_ •• __ '. :___'.,-.:.,. '.I·','·,~,,, • ",:.,'::,' , .... ,<.' .',._'.,."

Halva mit Weizengrief 5,1 Vollkornweizenmehl-Halva 52

U' "o'!'"Ioh'~ ren -,'H' "'8:-- Iv ,"a71 '5-:-:121 iii' J: oshurtsne ise 5,'_:.,3"'.,

, .. '_,' . ,II ':',' , ',.",. ..: ,~_, ~":::_____, "':::':"!f:!ji;_'=_:_ ,~, -':.::.',.r ·._:_,·,lII,i~"'_·"

Indische Pfannkuchen 53 r

Bananenspeise 5,4, ~, Frischer Obstsalat 54

'D __ Ilii'BCOu,e', lie' ',',',.' '5",'6,:, 'j ~&.,...".-, .... -' '.' . . .....


AJle .... Rezep .: ite sind '. wenn nicht anders

,,' ., . _. ' ... ' . ,.,.,. ._. '.' . " "' " " ."" . __ .1 .,'

,e: naeaeben '~U\~"'I'- ·4·····'1 P··-·,'-' :~··--:-·"il·:"--· be ·' ...... e ehnet

angie,g.eccc.n, ,I,i."r, ! .. e,rson.en_ .··:.r.J .:' __ "c_ .. ';'.\!!,


. --·o·····r

V· "·1

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Die indische Knche ist eine d .. er reizvollsten asia-

t··· "h-- -'. ". K,,":OOI-'h'-··· ' .. -" AJ'~'" ich ~ .. - .--, 2···0······ J' lu ','!.': .. -. ,,' · .. ·:·h··· .~. ···d··· .. ·~

l,s,e,en .r,UC_:Jen~.··.·:···,.SIC,_ vor _3 re'· .. I.n.· .. J-

sehen Gewurzen suchte, waren die meisten un-

bek .,":-, .':. ·t·· J' find -iii" '1-1···-:-····· '. h .. ·· .,.-:' .. .' .. ' 'I' d' . , t· B,:,,' .

_,e :,aDD.!. eJL£~ IJOe,IL, ,man ._ .: lcrzu'.an, ". e .In g,ro .. en

'Wa'r,e1ob,Ausern und gut sortierten Spezialge-

sc -"h' i'"':ft':""e""n" 'a: lles was man benotigt urn :1"'0-' dische

~"., .. 1, __ ., "'_ ,,1Ii.:~., "',I".,-,,:,_.J._. !.c ,._I:U~,~!_::" ~'.' ,1.,:' ,

G · h h ,_' h berei - I di

.'_ ( -.- r . >._ ", ./ - - J ,,_ •••• ". ~. "_ ": •• ,_,' l ", .: ~' .' - , .. ' -~ r . I ~'. ~'_ .. -": :-. i···~:-:, ':1 .'.: , ~ I.'·.:'····",··s' :.

_ enc nte aut ennscn zuzubereiten, rn mesem

Buch will ich Ihnenmit vielen Anregungen und

K~;p;· ··h·.-···· "t/!'·· ":,' ... , •. " ' .. : ... : ..... -., ~r'"'f:''''' ch ...... r ist : ",., 'd' "":~ '.', ., ..... 'I

__ U:C: __ eo_mps.. z,elgen" wle eiD. ,ac __ es IS.: u.n,., WleVle,

SpaS les maeht, indisch zu kochen. Denn die m-

di h ':-K' ...... hei kom . ich '" d La d

_ IIC: "'e .. ·:uc ·e rst 5·0' __ ontrastret C.' ,,' W'le ': .• ' as .' .::0,1

d b h I lch ~ d G"'-'" hili h

un . ,sIQI aowecns ungsreic .. wie essen escr icn-

t'" ........ -E-'-: · .. ·,'!'bt .. "k.,:-C'I '.' ..... :1; .' .'., - 'd'" ""I" ". K- '.: ". .. , " ihk ' ,·,·t· ~. d 1 '.' ,

I.e .... ·S, gt.· ,aum, 'e).ne ·an:~.e'.re .. ··OC ... ,.U.ns~", 1.0 '.' .e·r

di _. - 11'- _ .. - h .- ·t· - . z'·· '--1"-' t' .... ~·t' .. ~ I "E' ~ .. 11" '1'1 .. '"' ch

.' ..' . . ',' . . . ... '. . . ... -'. '. r'" .' . .' - .... ,.... . . .... " .. ... , . . ....... . .

, le e.l,n. ,ac' SleD,.en. ml,- ;801 vie ... 1-:'10. a . l.srelC 1,1.-'

ti . 'd'~'·· fe' 'b,I,- 'd--:1e' 'K·'······ 'n-: "8' ·t-- ,d··:',e···,·s···· w·';·····u .. ~~·e· ··O·'I··S"·I ·y··:/e·:'·rw--····· 'a .. ··nr· ·d···-' ,e·I"

urn I_.U :.~.,-. I: 1_· .. ···u 1 .. 1 .. 1_,· .. "':._ : . .!I..L!J·c .. ' I, . ,'." ,.: 1 , .. 1"

W'·e:__,[':d· •• ·e··:-ft ..

. -[ .. -_ .. _'._'_

:»Cu.rry·«:! Weir k.en~nt·s ,Ge'wiirz 'ni"c':ht?'

Ab· Ar' d:' '8'" '~'n·gt'·· e' "8' reC"-"h-- 0·· .. 'nl a·'·n··, 'C" ""U"ITV' S"'u":"d~: I~·n'--·d!.: '11I"COic·,h··

.:_~ .. '~. :.,:1.,:',_. ,,,:,:.-,' .. ' >. ~: ~ j ]:.'.:.- '-:, 1.1Ii! ',":.' I ,j;, .. ' .. ~'.'. 'I · i'l I~:···~~".

'K···· - -,!" b- _. d- , - -" 't· - ·S·-I - - « ·D· .~, .). _ .. d-··~ .. 'I-··b ...

.»'. •··· .. a:n.«.,_ic.··.·.e'u.·II.e ... »·_a.-u.ce··,., ... le In ,.D-Ien .een,-

d·:le·'· '0'" E~,.u-,-·r.o.·p-::,?:te.· 'r' b-',e··ID·,··-U:·tzt·· ···::'·e:·,o:·· J'·'·e··.-d': ,0". ···.c···.·h··· ·d·a';s: i ·W··;·.····o:·· .rt.· .C.··.· .··.··u .• 'rrv-

_ ' .. ' ''-'. ,·"C '_'. _.' a·._. . ._ ", '._ " ',,' _, I,. _ ... _ .. _. '. ,", .. _.' .... " .... , .A, &OJ,

- . . .. ... Jo', rzt·· .. ·0····· .'. . .. ,. 'h' t· '. ..- Fli ~', 'h'· 'FI"" .. 'h' . d'.

urn ge:wu '_e' ···.··~enc, '_,e ·aus ,,' ,else·", ,,' '1,5e,' o-.c:r

G···· ... ' ... :'", ....... :' b···,···· : .. ,h···,;:····;·, d····"'··· ,.' ·R····· .. ~., .... ·d···· .. ·· B:--:I···,t·, ,..··-:···IIIIi'

_ emu,s.e z,u, . ·.e,zel(:,· n,en" .... Ie zu' . els 10 .. er ,·, .. ro ·ge, .

··h d' 'D" ... d 'h'" I d'

r'e'le .,'1 w'u.r',e:n,., Ila,geg.en 18t-.88 ,lerzu, ani' ,e: zu

ka';u' ·~e:.'n···'d·.·I,e· ... ·C;":·u·.rrvp'lu,·I·ve' ..... 'le-.·I ... n·e-·' M····.· .... ·'.ii!:,s.:·c:,:hl· U"ni 'g':" ·a····ui:s·' :G····.·~':e'· .... ,

J.. • ·,1',. .... " ':. "&&,j- '. _ : _ . or,. ", 1',',", " I ,._',.. ..• .(.J ll·,' > .. ' .. _.... . . ...

wu' 'i ... rz,········en···· I"'n'~ I·e~rs'·>'t··e .. ·· .. r- L._':I'"'n'- ·;e··.·· 'fi:~·ul~lr' d'-e-,n"~ ·~:U~O' ·.p'-'~II ... ·S·· ,c,;'h-"-'e: '0-'

" '" -.I ., ,. .. ' . __ .. , .',,', JI..... , .',' .'.'. ," '"'" '. ,1, : ,.·a, .. " .,'. . "

G,a:u:men. g,esch;a'ffen w'orde:n~ Die In,der' st'ellen ,d,a.gegen. ihre GewQ,rzkombin.'ation,en., Idi.e sie

)j.) Mas,a·l.a,« ·nennlen,. stltts 'neu zusa:mmen~,

Die Pa.lette del' in.d·j,sc·he·n :Kii,che ist b'reit., Zum

B,eisp:'ie:J g ib't es 'in Kasc'hmir.'. ,das g·:.·anz im N,or;de:n

_. . '. . .., ,., " , , ,... . . . . ,

d S .. -- b'k'lI! I ,., 'b 'h' ill·. I'"

'e;s ···.··.·.·U.l".o:ntl'ne'n:ts, :re ,allv a · .. ges,c .,n·l.lten ' :Iegt,

d __ ',,;O; K·;·· .. :'!-····~··hl. I' "'j 'D!' ' .. , ",.- ,,~, .', ;'. ·S·~'· ". """1'1·"'1:"',· __ , '·b····· , .". i·'

rei '.,.DC ... eOji, . '. I.e In elnem.~, p,eZl8,.Ol,e.n ZU .. erel.-·

't:et'e'o, ·w·elt.berilhmten Ta.ndoo,:ri-S,.p'ezi.alitlten

S·t'~a::.m- .···m·i. ·.··e,o' a···:··i.U-'-'S~' d('.e.·.··'ri-- Po.,· n •• ··J:~a·,·b,-:', ... ,K. 'u~+I',c·,.'h·····e:, V····:·:o·'.·n-· or·o,.B?e·'r·-' 'BI:e',,,-,,,,,,

- _. - _.'_ -- _ . --' '_-_' .. _.1 ...• ~ - _ --:- "-'.- _,_, .. _. - '_"_ ._.. _.. _'_' e~-' ._.,. ~.' - ,_.

d,eutu.:ng· :ist au.c·h. die' :fu.r den 'kii'h,:lere'D u,old tr,o,k.~

ke"n' ','C""'rl-po-'-' ·N·· "'0' I .. d··· .. ·C-'n-'- t-·''-y:p,,···t!ec···'h··-·c··-:c, M·: 'oah' ···I-al~-·K·,'·······u"~'·c··"·b· ';"e"," d· 'l~'e"

'.' '.:" ","' .. , ., ". J.,_ .. I!_ • . '.. "_ ~". ~,_. I:. '- ... .__. e) " "'(,, .... .... . .. , _ ., .. -, .'

aus d.e.r h.o,·hen K.ii.c'he der G'ro'.Bm,,n :h"e'rvorge-

ga"~'-'n'" ac···-o. '. I'" s. , 'I" ii-·n"·d·J Scl"ic····.h: .. d:I: .. r'·c:.··h.:· 'b'e·.·,~::o· .. ·,·n···,d' e··:,·r·le···: .. /D,lj A .... ,·····.u,.· •. f·:w<··.·8 .. I'O. · ... d:;:

_ - e.," '- - U "- - ," . , ,_, U._ . -' - '- s .. - " _. -' , .. .., .. , '- .

be'i, ,de:r Z'ub,ereitun.,g vo:n ktlstli,c:h'en F1eisch,-, 'uod.

O·.·-'~'·e::·fl·-- u·'··oe':)g·:,·.e· .. ··n· .. ,.c·-,:ht"e":·"Rj .a:·u··s·."z···:e··,I·IC·····h'·,o'l.e·····t· - A1 ,·e:;;ln··; ·v'o.·r:a'···o'. a:· ·b'e···,r'

....... [.: ... CI·· ... :.·1·..· .' . Y. '., ',:. '. I. - ... .. . ,'. J ~., .'!I! .. ... , .. _ ....• !.., .J: . 1.'. .

<ill' ·t·"· d" 'iii .. . 'L.. .. . . 'h-L· .. I - - - iii 'h' - _. 'd-' k' .:.t. 1"'-)' 'I! "h" - - - t·'·-

:IS', ,.·:me aiv;wec._-,s.:.'u,·n,g,srelciJ e un 'I, .·oSI'ccIC ,,~e v·eoea~·

.. > e

,~.- . h" . 'K'- '"' 'h- . '1-' d'"' . - . - b-' -,J'~"h- _._. '-'. S",- __ ,·" ... t· 'illo . 'k- '1-"1"

.. ', : .. 1 ': I :,' ' 'II'" __ " , "1' .'"." '"'1''' -' .. , ,'. '" "

.nsc·e .,u.c..e .. n.'I.ens . ,eru, ., m.t. ': le e.n Wlc.'e ... e

s:ic',h ills Fo:l,g:·e Ide's fur' H.i.nd'us; 8'u:dd'his·te·o 'uDd

Dschainas bestehenden Verbots von Fisch ..


"F1' ... h 0'" fl·'" d 'E' ~ D' ....

-:- '.: ~~ .. : .. : .. ~~: .. _ ~.:: .~': .:-..:.~... . ·'n:·:·-: ., I::~:.·!.·.-.·.I .. ·1<.···" ·.'··;·"":."·>:-··~I· .. ~: I.·· .. '. j_' _. . .• :.·-I.··~.·, >I ~_.:;: .. ~,·:.J:·. \~

,el.SC" . _ e, '. ,ug,e u __ .. _ sO.gar von . - ],ern.. . ... I.e vege

t'_::-," _-li, sch "j.. M"'ll .. :".,ii", ode ·Th·,-=·· .. I'· :-M··· · ". ··h-·11,.., -:~'-:"-'" '.' "~ .' . "1-'-1:'

ansc,_--,en.·. ,enus o .. er ._.1.811-,·· r .8" .. tzeiten, WO ,8,.,.e

Gange gleichzeitig fUrf jeden einzelnen auf groBen. Silber- Aluminium- oder Messingtabletts

. 'd"'-' '.- '.- rf B" . ' ... "' ... '.' .- 'bll ''''·tt'·'' ,- .. '- ,- ... ",' I' I!!i rt ,,'. d.'· '. - -,._. d'

o .. er au.. >,ananen .. ·.1.8, ern se,IVle: -1_, wle:·r'. I .. e·n~ SlD"

.. E':I b . 11'-

elD . ·'r· eL:n.l:S~,

Die indische Knehe kennt keine typischen Na-

.. tk ... al ... ····· .. ch te ·S· .. .-"·' .. ··, b ',' isteht vi -~I' .. mehr .~. :'. DI·····, tz··· .... ·e··· .. n···_

.l,o,na ,I,ene, ,Ie. ···,l,e, .es· '.' ,.~. '. VJ.e_,-,,· .e·. ··c a,u,s ··u ~,-'c_._.

d - - .... . . ile _ .. "K'·· "ii'''' h . . d···· - d' - ch '!'h' . \II .

...... :·1 ' .. ::.: .. i .-. ' ... , , .. -j I· .... , " ',:.: l·-····· .. , ... '. , .. :-, '··1 .... , ... ~" ··(I .' : .- .... -. - .. ; .... .' ·~riiiiiiiiI

.en, von reglon,a--, en. _.,c .. c __ .en" ···.I,e . ·,urcl, ),. ,re'Jc

.. ii!)'.' - . "U' "' 'b' " . ,. id G""'" . h'''', .'Ih· te ... ' ... .: .. ~Igt. ' .' .~. 'd'

. ; .. " - '. ,'.' I , " : .' . I '.,' I .. ' . -.', :" . .' .' ,. ,":" .'''.' " " "

wellige, '. m.,gle·=·ung. u.n, .... _ lese·· Ie 'e gepra,_>I. 8I.D,,,.,

Aus indischer Sichtist die Nahrung gleichzeitig

M·_· led · ... zin, un d von a iltersh .. e .• er sind viele 'I' .nd .. er da-

. . .",. . _ ... - - .. - - - - -- - _. .. - _. , --

.. . ·!I!!'"·b·· ... _- ... -t·· d·· .. - · .. ·fl-···' '~. :: .. '.', . ·:t,· '.' .'1' .' .. ' ." ,- ~ hi .. , .,.-.- - id .' .... 'I. ··t· ~.,

V,OID u ... erzeu.,g: , .• '. ,al.l_e,ge·.,aner ru~'_lge·.r u.n··,· g.els·lg,

ag.iler sind a'ls, 'Leutle, d:i.e s'ch.' Sp·· .. ·.ei:sen. :zu 's:ic'h

- I:. :".' ., -'" J. .. ., ,. •. . .. , .. - .• _. .. 1···· .. -_

, n.e·.hmen ... ,D:ie scha-rfe:n G'G'wfirze so:II.en, 've'rs,c'hie-

I' - -

d- e" :'n·" "'e' '1O'n" 'e" 'rg" I~ 'el'q"-' U'i I e') 'I e·n· . "f"r' ·'·e··'·llIls:;e- !i?"e-':n- U'ndd;- ·e·-'n K A'mer'

..... ' ... .II::!..I.' , .. ' .. 1. ,',< "'..' I,. .....~ "_ .'~ ~_' ... '. '.:._ ..U.~ y:_ .

V- -'O'~""n""-:-' ·G·· '.··.II.~'.l.:ts· 1"-:'11'-0" ;l!"Ce·~:'nrl b"e". 'f"~e:I",e_'in", ·D,'I·' e'·· '. ·R···.e~·z···,e·, ... ·iP: te-, 'd' I'" ·e;s-e- '8·'·'· B,·o· ...

. '. '.' ' .. ~. .1111. ..11 i. .iI. I... '. ., ill .".' " '. •. .'. . ,.... . .. . . "

"h '''·t'·,' -'11 . 'I'h- - --.- _. .. '!' _... .. "E- ,''!I' .. ". d-' , . '-'k' ... -' .. '-. d: .-' .'-

,c.;.I.e~s· 'v,e·rrlll',el.D_c_' n.'e:n. e'lnen .J·:mn,1 :ruc •... vlo;n ....•. er

·V· .. ·':liI'e,'t.e:a:·)I'"' ·d'··· 'e""r' ''''1''0-- ,d·:I'·Qc:h·: ·e- ·n __ ·· 'K': u'iIi .. ilc·····h-···e·· ·)"h:re···r P:h' ··a·:· n· .. ·t·iQ;~I'"'e··-·'

._: / ._~.I,1 ~ ·L.I ~, I, . n· . I' _.} ·,al. ' .. , .. 1 , .>_:'. J ••• ___:_I .. _ ,)__:,_, . - Ii . "':" __ " __ ' ' .. '.',:_, .', l _-._: J '_'~I· . I

sin,d. ke'in,e: G're,nze'D ge;s,e·tzit~Lassen. S:ie ;s.ic,h. v'on,

d -" . ··:H·· ·h·, ·t··~ ,'.' 'F' ."" ': ,:b' r:. it 1-': '~DI""m" 'iii'. -=:..r- e" 01 .. ' Di":~,e' ", I~'nfo'" ··r-·

en .P'f'AC_,lgen ·a.rloos a,J . " . .l.e.: .. A' ~ •. ,.:, .1.",

mgrt,'iJ·!v-"~·,e· "'0: S,c'hriU-- :~.-:ftir-·Schritt- Fot,os, 'bieten Ih,n.e'n,

, ~'. 1 ' .• "_' -,,_ _. "_' _.. l '. __ " 1 _.~ • [ l .• _ _ •• • • •• _ _

- k'·',· - . h' An·-····) "·t··· ..... 'ib' ,'II!.. 'K'..'.····· 'h' -.

·pra'tls,c.~,~,e: ."~" I" ,el'u.n,.g.i •. elm I' QC·, •. en.,~

'V···'· I')' ... "h' '1" JI''''b ... ··h .... ·S·····,,····· ',-II)'h' . 'FI ' , . ~II:~"

.:Ie .elc .'. '. u-'erras·c .. i·.en ··.·,·.I_e e:l,nma •. ".,' .re _-',amI. Ie

d Ih' - O···'·I·-t··· -··~t ··~····,·t"",·ii!· 'h'- ~'d,·!Ii-·· 'h' ..

.... :' -- ,,,. .. ": .' '. "',,,,' :": '. .,' '. .' '-" '.'." . , . '.. . ". .: '1 .

o er, ., . ,- .~ ,s,.e .ml_- elDer ,ypISC,.!, In, .' l!ie .. en.

:-MI ~ 'h"1 .. !lot "b' ~ d' ' .. ·:'11···· S···· .... '· : ..... ,.:.', .. ,- .. , .... ~ '~.- ... ······hze·· ,;'t··· ''''. ,'. ·f··

" /, a . .Izel, · ,8 .. e .'. pe.l,sen. ,gJ.el,c.c_ " .. 1.1g, ,au.

d-,e··---<o' Ti:I:s··.·,c··· :·h·. k,· •.. o>m, m·!I .. n·.·· - SI'II"',e, b.·····e.· 8··:···t' e···~,·h'·-·'t·r .zu·lm. Be:isp:iel aus

, "_'.' ., , - .. " , ~, .. _.," .... = . - .. _ - - - -

. Re'is Older Flad·e:·o·brot ein,e:m .Li·nseng.·'eric:h't, Ge~ ...

, " ... - --. , ....., . . . .. ,--. " ..". . - -- , .,' '. . ' " '

m.-tise~, J·Q'.ghu·lt, Chutn,e.y' u:nd. ein,er S,uBspei.s1e oder O!'bs'l. Z'u. besonderen .An:IAssen 'reich'l, m,an.

. .

d···' ...... ..... " ..... : .. .' h' 'G"'_:'IU'~'""" F'-·":" ".:'.- 'h:·-.... 'F=:=~I :.:_"'i:c· · ... h--;- _, 0'" ·d··'-- ,e"'r H-C I ~"h' 'n' :- .......

azu DOC:, . em, :,s,e, ._ ISC--, l__ ., .__ el.S, . -, . ". "0,, '.

Ic·he·ng·e'ri,c:hte' U'D.d 'einen S,a"at~,ds u:n,d, pj,c:k,-

) ; ~. 'd~' ""~'b-'I""-_-'h'~"'" '8"'- ,· .. ·11·::-· .. - .'-'. '-:- ·N···· · .. ~-'·s~·'e··-· T~o·····c··· __ k·· ·e·n· .. ··o····:b,s··t···

, ,es Sin.", U,I.I Ie· .:e .el'.a,g,en,,~ --, .. ,US-'.'" .~." __ •. ,I:, 1,:-":"

I d F" '"',., 'h' d"1 S·:·; <ii. d'-'S hX'1 h .. , .'.'

o-:'e:r _. ru.c,_-_te_, er ···.·,aI80n un'~' . ~-c .• ' tl .. cl .. ,en mlt, g,ero-'

~s···,it·'·e- te- '''0'-: An· ';-1'" Ci's···:·"·a: "m~"-:-'e~ n"-:- ·s'··o-w:-;_--']!e~ 'K<' 'a·~"'n"· .d:':1!8:-:S~·t··-u~~'c·· .. ··kl~·c:h· 'e· '~n: . b,·e.-e~:..'n," -

. I,· •.•..•• -. ~' .• L ." .,0. .l~.~.,~,,~., ,.~ I·· .. >" :'.' " _I, . __ :..._.,. :...:. " •...••..•. ~-.~ .. ' · •.• 1 I ~.. I· ...•.• : I· I

d.e'D .= ·vi.elleicht zusam.m.en mit ITee od.e:r Ka:tTee ._

d ... 'M' h"l ,t

.·I.e: .:',.8 ..•. _Ziel.t~

Iq·h. wilns,ch,e Ih:n.e'n. ein gutc,s G,eli:n.gen beim

"K h f' .~, d'''' h'- Art' d'" I F d" 'b '"

i.·oC 'en au .•. t:n._' ~:ltsc.:e· ,:: u:o ..•.•.. Vl.e. .. ':reu. Ie .·e:mm

G··· .. ·,·,· ~""'B;':~' '. d: .. - ·M .. ···'·h·11 '~t···

le.Ole '.', en .. " .e.r 8, "".Ilzel.:.,

Ih A, J--:-' R"" I!! 11 ~d' 1"

_ ,_,re; ..... · nina' .. , ...... ·",·eme,n!sc ·.·'1J'el/ saacs



.' ··c··'

. U'

" . ,"

..' i . " '

. ,

. , "_

-, "_

'·D···· ."~ ndi . ,-h' K <orh .lebt "-·C' .... - R'" ",:' .. , ht nnih -- · G" '.:.- . ".

, ,.l'e: 10.' lS'C.e .. ··uc_.~_e_,e: .• ,'. vom.'.CI .. Cc._. ,urn. I, , ,rer .... , .. ,e-'

wD,rzc., :10 de'[ Regel stelltjede Hausfrau ihre Ge ...

"'. ,~, h d'l ,- h d- d- 'K" h

wd.rzml,slc, vo'r o-c,r w·,i .. I:ren,- . ,'c, ,·OC ,"e:DS

'::ii" rlich ""1" ,.," '1"" "'1"": -,-. 'S'_·", 'i-O;';'~'·-"t-,·"t'· d ~.-. ' .. , .... -,- .... G·/-·"-·: .

Ia.a;g rcr neu zusammen. 1,_le r ste .' Ie ganzen ._ e-

··W,:··O"',..,'!k.·".A-'mTe.··.'c.r· U··,····Dr .. m Ittelba ...• r· ·V·.:·"O·., ':r' d ·:e,· ···r,. Verw ... ·.:,e· .•. ndnng :I·'n-I

"_ _ _ ,I..~ ,u. , .. _ _,_,. ~ - , . _" ._.1 ,' __ ." "_ .yll.. _"" _"_" '.:--:. '_'

.,., .• ~- .. "1" d .:Ii , """:1 Z"~':-'" .' :1[ " .. ' ,.- 'b' ".", ·h·· . 'lit' .' ,.' .. ' 1:IS)t-, 'h," '-:.'

leI gens, " I.esem, .c:_:we·c.A. vor~1 e,.,a _ ene.n .. r.l, ... en.

.-- .- . d . t· , ..... ID"t· ,.. .. d ." . ' ~ . - . . . fl' '. .. S'·,·· .. - c-. '1- ·t' . ~. '. una zerstotst 'S,I,e ..•. ann rmt grouer sorgra im

M'orse~; damit sie ihr Aroma voll entfalten konnen, Der Duft ist unbeschreiblieh. Wnrden Ge-

f ... · 'hi DU' '. '"''"' a ... d G'" filii,", hl G" b

U ; ,:e I ... "·ite verstromen, "',as ._e:'JJ ::, '»,·.~-e· .• ,org,en·-

heit« wtirde 8:"0'- nl ieehen

" .'. ,'IIi;'., " _ .. ,_" .'. _", '. -. _ .. ' ,',' '.'

Gekonnt und mit Fingerspitzengefuhl erfolgt das

W'·'"'· . - ,.'-'.,". der 'S' '.' ,-- 'i .. ' .. - H,:iF.- 'k-' .. '. it d'· ':"', _'., d iIi._ h . K'r .' ,.1Ii

... -',: . .' , .:. :', -.---:.' . I 'I ····'1· I,; .- _ 1- '.' I.' •....... :-

urzen, .er .' .. pelsen.. ,I,er, en,n ... ,Je I,n .. , lSC e .. 0

chin genau den jeweiligen Zeitpunkt, an dem die

G "" ... bei K h- 'b- dl -

, ewurze berm K, oc ... en zug tege -"en were en mus-

.. - .. _. '-." . I' ~ .. - ~ • - . ~. . ~ ~.- .

. . ,

U Ih d E'·,!iIi I' di Ii! di h K"'-' ,i..,

,se.n.~. m ..• ··nen. '_ en l3_ln..s,tl:eg; :In'_le In"ls~c~,e' '" u ....

ch e leic ht zu m a" ch e .. ··o· h .. ab e ich in die .-.Iem'·· 'B·':, c'''b-'-''

, ". ' .. 1.-:.' ~.I., . .....'.- I •..•..•.. <,-. : .', . ,I'" ', . ..t .. -, .: .. ' . :_ I .'-5 _ _ ,J;_U~ .. J e'he'r millde Wu.rzu:ng fOr die Rezep'tie ,g,e,~

· ,x'h' ·l·t,· JI'- '. "1 'h: 0.'-'- .... -.---: ""'h-" .',,:. -,,' :,,··k-··- k' ,-'.;.t.- .... ' .. ' .• -';:-- 'S,"'-"',,",··· d·-· .. ··, ", M'" '.-,-

W,41,.I:,.,-e n·a,c.i ... :,,:'e·s'c, .m:ac ,,',V'.nnen.,le ·,l.e· ,,_'e.n.~

, . .,. .,.- .. - .. " - '. ':- .. b'" .,", b-" -.~' d'" - - G"'" ',,' .'~ ,----,- .. ~.,',~ ,-- .. ,,' .. - ';h- X'h- '-' .. - .. - d' ;" I

g,cn,,3.ngr8:.··e,n, .···.·e,l, ·._:.en .':_ eWUI'Z'en, erL'_U,_,_,le'D 0.:· .er

-v·'·~e··· ·m·"n· ,ae- rn' - ..

-'::, _c • .__;. JD' -'.~ -.: • ..

· . ,- c·- ,c" . ,ii'!II' '0' ", . . '.' '

.Im. na.chl.lo, IS:me e)'nen '.' ..... berhll,c·k

,",iob- '.- " d-·.'~ -- ... - '"' - "h' -·t''"'',· -. ,'" - .. ' -. '"""-"d' '"' -h' .' .. - G'- .- .... it,~, . ",. d~' Z···· u.-er '. " .. I,e WIC ~ il.gsreo In'~IS'C. :.: :e'n,_'--ewu:rze' un,,' .:U-i

d.. h'" I d .. d 'R I hi

c, > _, " .. " " j 'c. .' I, . ~ > .; ..... '. . i ,.'. . -' .,;-" ~: I "'.,1 . .... , I, ....

t,Bten" ,e man, lerzu an .. e In,. e.r, ege, pro_."em

). ,'k' I)".~.,." 'k' .... (" "'hi.. d" - d'·JOj·· '8" --- . -- - , '1-1- ..

, ' ... , . '.' '.. . . ',- '. . .'. . .' .. . ... ,. .' . .... .. .... . . . . I' .' .

O'S,R.U ,C'D ,linn, ,SIC' "C-3ZU. ,leezugsq,ue· ,e'n,.

Se"'I"";t'e"'" '5""6')' ·W···· '·:·:as···:-- ·d:I·~e: K···· '~~c···h···e· n:""~ ·e'·'---:a·~t-·-:- ',:- nbl.···:·- 'I-c .~ gt .. -, -'.,

. I.I~-, -,:.c .. , i ,,_c' I~I .. ,l~' c. ·U,::; _- .~.~.,g, r,_ Ie a ~. e:_:an. '~I'

ko·'·m··.:· ·ml·t.'· ·m,:····,a········n'· ·m· ·'I:i'·t·,-> d::le'·· .. ·.r· h"··I"'er,-,··u·~!O'b-·:l·I:!Oc:···h· '~'e:'n"'" A:····'··u· ·~ru .. ·"rs:t-··u' .. ··n-'·g,':: I .. m .. · .. ··

-., . _' , > <_" ,_.,.. __ ~ '!!!!!!!.l ' '[ _:..._:_, ". __ ." •. ~. •••. • ••.. : . , • :. .• _ '... , _11i3.f· . '. .' ., .

1'1' I'

,': ", ... '. ,."- ' .... "". . .... . · .. ·1 ,:,.

a . gem.' ,au s '!!',

E"I~'n'" M-"···: 'o~~"'rse""'r 8:' '-:-'-'s' '·S'·~····te··,t'ln'·· H'· '10,·1",' '0, ···d····'e'f·' M:········· ·e· ··'8·-,·,,,,·.'''n'' '.g"" t"· . t: ,·,C-, 1', ·t:':·-·

· . : .. " .,:/, '-.1,_0.:: I, . I 1..:.1., .: .•. _z ",cc .. ___:. 1:--.<,s.J.! ... ~ u .. gu.·e

n'- .. d'h o!!! 'h- I' K £i'C:' '-'h'l k'

· . ·.·lenste, "DC. ". .. auc.l- ,eln.e __ a{I.:eemii .. i_le :pra,,-

iii 'h'- KJ' .' - . 'iP G" ,....1> '"' M' h

tlse.: ' :: .'_ cl.o.'e ···.: .. ·.ewu.lZsa·men wl.e , ',0, ·-·nsam.en,

Se·---:-:-I ,' ... -, ', ..... "~.',-" ..... 'K'·····" ", '-'d'- ".,'.-,~ '> . "'.'- '- - ",,'.'" .' .... . ,S: - . <fk-:--" ,,._ •. -, - .' .

2.·:_sams,am .. e·o, .. ·,·,am.omsam,e:D, ~··.···en., ······orn,er

:':'."d···' .... ~'-;~, ·,k·,R.-. -"'1,'" ,'--' 'k- -:--'Xf·- ."-," ·d···· ···-,·~'t' ." ,,"-", -.'" ~··b'-'·'I··~-'- '~.~ .... ' ...

o,e,r rl'el"I.,er,Um,e,r "unnen. _ amll ,gem,aen, we,r

d n'· ~ 'K- , fJ"" ',,', 'b- h- b- ~'i .' 'ii' d- 11

en,~ " ·.Ie: ,' .. ' a' .' 1.'ee·O.:1 nen ..•.. e:D.otll,gen. ···a·n:n .. 81:. ·er· .... ei'ne e'i"ge'ne M:Ohle.

·E·' - - kI' ".". '. 1111, - ..... ' . Pf·-:- -- --. . iI'._ :--' ~ - -- - An···· ,- '0'

-=-'In,e . ' .. eIRe' p_Ul:'asem,e . ~. ---,anDe' ellens zum c\.i __ .ro-

[s,ten von 'Oewurzen" ·e~·h,e :sie ze:r.ln,ah.~.en w'e·rd,e'.n, siolite immer griflb'ereit s'ein'i

"E"'" ... '. - .... :to >111'-,,' .. L" '·t"'·· rt······· .. d····· , ' . K'·'·'· :'h'" ... ", , k· . - ,.,

'10 spezle.', :er ,,-n lie· ·.O'p,I.,-e:r »,::,ar al«" . :a'nn

d- h <I' 'W' k d- 'h'" iI d' h"'iIi fl"

, 'u:rc" !e· "_0',",. ··.·.en _.·lerzU.II.a'n.~: '.'e au" '1.g, R, ....

'00-" .-. ··t· ',-' .. ' , .. "c"'h-" "". ' .. ' ~,.~,~ h····· " - U··· - ''!' '-. - ,-·It·"· ,-. '-,.f.: "-·d .. ·-·· -' .. - d"\ ·-·c -"'h

· -'~ _·e·n.en ,c. :.: loes,,'Sc, .' en. ' .. · .. ·olvlers·a,ll. op.___.", o_e.r .. ' ·!.ure ' ..

,einen, ge'w',oh~nlichen, ,Fritiert.!opf ersc·tzt·

w'e'~d" ·c· "0"

',._. ~.: "," :,1.. I", :;, _. " ',!II'

'F~""'i"'··· d .10,. V'''-, . ··~·h'··aI· ·I-·~I·i ..... -,'. efiehlt ... s sich '·1' ~,

. n.r .···le~ o,rra.'UlI l· ... II,U. em.plt.c . .! es ,s1:C. , ., .nur

kleine Mengen von .. ganz,en Gewurzen einzukau ...

I!' -. 0'.'--'·· '.- ",,",ii'. .. ", .. '.11'"". t., .••• • ," ""h-' ,,-' Ar h . -. ,'. -'-, -,-', "h I'b'

ren, L. ·'ewu,rzle verueren rascn an ···~~'.', west a,

man sie 'hl:u·nger ersetzen :sio'~I'leii

Gewnrze b-····e .. 'W·· 'a" 'b- ~ m tan '8" m be ste '0"" k-·-.-- .. lhl -"'n'- d d "

__<.' ~· •. L~· ,.'.,:,_, fI '" ._1_. 'I, ' .. <~' . ._: .' S "-_,, .·,U.~,_~ U_', .. 1,un:-

kel auf, das heiBt so 'w,e'it weg vom 'Kii.c:h.e:nd' und vom Fenster also moglich, Man. kann die un,o,em·a:h),enen Gewarze :'0 Glasern mit Schraub-


de- ckelve rs c hlu 10 (m :"'1""; F'-I'B·..:b·- .. e . d- 'I n kel a 'D-' rn a II en)

_ '.... .' .'_', ::. ,'.__UU,. '.~.~ ... '---.·._I'-_U., .....'.' .... J I .... 1,-· .en,

a- u fhe ben, 01. . ..•.. ies e 0 •• ·· "i)' .a,,~j se r stel .1 .. t· '., m '. a n wied e:-·-,ru·.·· m n '1'·:0·

_. .. •... _.1 ..•. 11. A .... 1 IHI

, ,-

Dosen, die sieh mit Deckeln luftdieht verschlie-

fl'e" m '1· a 8-S': e n 0'1'"' e Ge ··'WO·: i · r ,!I! .. ··rz· ze w" , .. e '-r' 'd' Ie·' '0';' e'· "rs" ··t·; b e .'1'·' G· .... , e:···-

w -. , ' .1;. ,:' ,.'" . '...' - " :',',' .' ,", ." '. _.' '. :..' -',', ...... ... '. ," ...__ " ,....,. " ..... ",.

- - - ... - - ...

b 'ro'u'c-h', trocken a' ngerost et und anschlie 'S"'e' nd ge

I .. , :, '" .' .... :" .~ I i 0[\,' -: - .',;L~ '<:1 ' :~'~.~" .:" >. '~,~_. >.'._1. _.- .. I.e _ .'.' :',1 . ). ,:~',"'-

, mahlen .. _. Mohnsamen Sesamsamen und Nusse

'( · h ., f1 ...

I~. ~ • I' :" •. ': ]1" . \' , .' .. ' I ," ':' . ~ . ,."' ... - .. " I . ' .,,~. ,". . I ._' '" . I'. .

rassen sici , gut em rteren,

Beso'Dldle're' ,Zuta,t:e'D 'u:Dd Genrze ,Amcboo:r:: get:r,o,cknete" ,gem,a'hle'D,e ·M"an,g,o:fruc:h.te:; im ,asia'tis"ch,en Speziaig,esch,aft e;r:b.i'ltli,ch, . Ersatzweise mit Zitron.'e:Dsaft (doppelte M'enge) siue:m.~ Der G',es1ch:m, 'Ist a·lle~d.ings :n:l:c',h't, vergleich'b',a,r ~

,As.,rdt:" da (H'i_I):: aJJl.c'h, Te'ufe:l.sdreck, g·enan.nt, ,;, 'u'oangen,ehm ri,echende" rotlic:b-,du.nkelbrauD'e

Ha" rz·' '. ·b'-~· "ro'-"""c-'k-''--_'e'n'~ ·d:II'"'·e- 'I'""m-"" g'" ·a··'· 'oz" ,'. "e··n·' V""''''o'- r,d- ·'re' '"0''' '0' "n-'"',e- ··n"· ,·t' a:-:-' "Is"

.'" J;.·' I: ~-'J"'''''''''''' ~.,',." .. I" .: : .. ;:' IIJ, .. o" 'J I ••..•. I.lI!·. ~,!J·.·.I·[· " .. '- . .' ..•. '.".: 'J:_.'

v,erda.uungs,fordern,des, 'GeWUrz belie·bt s:ind.~. In der Apothek,lc' c:'rhilt ic·h~.

A.tta:: Weize:nmeh)" das· fii.[' .Flad:e:n·b:rlot,e verw·en.det, w.ird. 1m asiati:sc:hen Sp:ezi.a:lgescchl'ft ,erhiltlich,. ,, g,ic'h 'e,rs'etz,en, ,du'r,ch' le:in:e ,Mi:-


slch.ung, 'frisc:h ,ge:m,ahl.enem Vollk,.Oirnw'e:izen·-

me~hl un,d 'Weize'nmehl Ty:pe 403 (Misch'uD,gsve',s 1 : 1) od:e'r' auc'h, d,urcb. Vo·llk.o·m'w'eize'I],-· mehl 'Type "1.700 (aus de'm R.e'fo:r.m.h,a·us),I'

.. .' (M'ethi):: a'ro'm,ati,sc,h, rie ... '

ch' ·e····,:-.'o·· ·,d.·.·· e···-[· J'""e'd·.··.- o······.·.c,:h:: b,:.··I"'tt··" ,e·.···cf' s·:.c<h: "'m! • era.·k(_,e.' 0·· ,der' Sam,e:'n'ii der'

l . " _" I , • . l. l _. _. J •• l I _ ~ .. -_ __ _ _ _ _ ~I

·~ie-llllne'n,. 'W' 'o',h': l'g"'iOlS,< ,c··.b··m.· j'. a···· c·.···k:·' e·-.---:;r'C!i:1 n'a·~:-·.c·h ·ku· 'rzem 'RoSI.en

~ ., 1.- _. l i ~ .' . I J J JI . .. . AJ a . . .~. . _ I, ,l._. I J J = . -

e'ntwic'kelt~, E'£' 'ist Teil v'on G·e·wfi.'rzmis,ch·u,n.g'eo. 'fi-''"'~' C"""" .- - .. ' G"""~'-+' 'h'-,t'-- fh·-.-··c· '·d······ :-F'''· "h"')" 'd"'rWurz

__ .u,:r'urry~- .. en.cc_.'e '\'Uc'son.ers . ~··IS·C .'. '. '0.: .•. e'.· . ...,_._.

zutat 'bei. Ch:ut-ney:s so·w:i.e' Pi.ckles., I'm, Re:folrrn, ... '

h d N' kid h ,-.) '1'"' .~

aus 10,: i,el' '. at,u,r TOista, en ler ita t _'lC,I,I,.,



'C····· :h!iil' '· ... ~ ... -.-.'··':··-:" - ("'M'-',~_L,Iii')liIi 'Dr-., 'erschoten: 'h,'-'I -" _c", 1,,":

< __ I_.ISI: l_iO JI!,D, .,., .. I,rc.II,,/. ,rl,le,,lc.J,-"o'e __ "7! __ ,erzu, a.n:~,

d -,.' sind frische Peperoni a,' ·-U· f dem M'\:·,·· arkt, In der

' . .:_' "~ I~ I' I , I _.'. ", J" ~l"'" .••. '_'~ l,1I ', __ '., ',_ ' .. _., '" ,",' 11_, __ '_J~ ~ '~' . __ .... '_'

indischen ,K'Dehe: werden grtme Pfeffersch _.~. . ... n,

, .- .. -, m- .'i"-d:- b'I_'~"- b r'e' n"o'e'" d sch "a'- rfund ro-' te brennend

v',o,:n ,~J' l!, I '15,~/:'-'" .' ':0: '1[_ ,13'" •• arr u ,: ,I, ,_' J: ... "_:: .. ',I".~

sch .. arf und getroekne ': verwendet, 'We:r an scharf ,1= ":ewti,'rLt,c' Gerichte nieht gewDi'h,nt ist, sollte zu-

. ~

'na,lch,ll: mild ·WU,:rze·.n, und dann die Scharfe all .. ,

:m,l,hli --I intensivieren.

Eine milde Wu'rz,lIng erreicht man m'it~· l roten P 'a,'p·"n:·"k·'~,c'~~·'h'- ote die en nkernt un d;' '1"""],e·~,IIllI· neeh ""8""c'_-k-I:;:"t-

'\" . _ _:.I, " ,'''p'''~, ,.I.." . ·"t .~_ .. _,,:_. ~, __ ,_ .. _-A~· __ -'-'_: .~-::_.,-,,~I, ,Il"-·"-'-'-'D"'.'" __ '_".:_.' '_::,_


Ein'e m iI' - :~I ,S'chiJ'rfe' bekommt man durch l entkernte und kleingesc ;~" I~ i't,t,le:ne' Peperone,

Eine miulere Senla", _' erhalt man mit 2 e ntkern-


ten, kleingeschnittenen Peperoni,

Ei"', .' . "L.· ,.,£, JfIi,..~"',- II' . eraibtsich , .. ' '. - " . ,-'. 'P""

_,ne SIC-rllll'~J'le 1,"'" ,···IlTZ;~,_ ng le~g .'I!. SIC.- " w,enn m,an , "e ... '

peroni mit Kernen benutzt,

:01 .. , I" ,. ;- II ::: Ge"wirzm'is!c:h'UDg B_ S seharfen

Gewil rzen, die i' des Regel im voraus hergestellt wird, Man mischt d,azg- 'EB~c)'rrel 'K,a:rd,a,m,o'm.s8:'"

·m.en"i 1, Te1ci'oiffiel Netkle'n" ~,Musk,atn'uB (:rri.sch ,g,e~ri,eb,en)t, 1 Zi,m'tsta,n,g,e; l'l!elel,oi'fJe:~ schw8,rz,e ,pfeffc' 'Iolrne.r 'u,n,ld, 1 '1!ee,_.ofTel Kre'u2'ku,mm.'els8;-

m'~'ile'-::--'I~e' ·0.·.·. I !Ai'!l1''jjj''':~I''''''': -w·'I./Ar,d· •.• e~n- ,"'I"."n-· e-:'I'""n-:ll~r' 11!','I,~,[i;'nle"'n '~a,-·,"nl !!!!!!'

!",_, dIP. . ,_. ' __ , ~.". U'il,[&i~ .'. ~l J "_ ", • ' " _ ~ _, ,',.( ,~'_ L_I~!lI_l _loc, ,"~I Ir'[I!j 'I

ne' o:hn,le' 'F:ettzugrabe 'be'i :m'i.ttl.lf!'rer :H'i.tZJe ~,~.IUrz ,I,e':rol~' e"t'Alif 'N>'I'a-:-c",--:-'h d' e"m A',',' 'b-·'L'u,i;Ii;·'h-·'le·n-·" W' 'e' ·,p;d:-e" ft·· ;e/"e ~"m-- . 'M···· '~,- .. -,.-. -,

:~I ~ ~IL,~ ,."'<._ ·~·._Y .. '-:_! -',~ I, ",'_1 : .... ,,:,_ .... : .. ~ .... ·:~_I.' l:~ I :,,'. " :. I ',' .~~" :~~.:,I, 1: .... : .. ,1,", ,I' ". I~,II .. ~ .. I : _'~_'-'_I J"'~'.". ,lursle1r-

ze'fs,to,f)e:n o,d,e:r ge:ma,h,'le'n"ii 'Gut a'u,tbe'w',a'-~. n, h.iilt ,e-i,:ne slol,c'h.e: M':isch,UD"g 2, 'Monate',~,

'Ge,I-~ <.-.1 n, I K I Irk: ' I(.H;_- __ di): g,et,roicknet ,a: :5 Wu'r-

zle.I.'k',~,o'I:I'e D,d,er i,:n :Pu,-'v'ie-'rfolfl:)l im las,iar-'i.sch:en, S,p:e'zi,a,:_,lieslch;i:ft 'o,d'e:r' 'im, :R,efoirm:h,aus, e'r!h~all,I'ic'h~ 'Esl 'ISlt ,ein ty~"~'p-~··'i:sc:h:elr· 8es'lan,l~ :I,ei'- de·r G'e'wOrz'-~ -:- .~''"'"

- ___'=:: _ . ""'_ . - = - - .. I ., , _ .. , :mll

:SC:h,U'D,1 'im C'urry u,nd vle'r'leih't den Q',e'ri,chte':n, sein, t:YP'isches .NO'm,a, Iti'O,w:ie ei:n,e 8pp,et:itliche Farb'e~ IGe'l'b--.I'w~··:."'u. ,'ff!'!7: l'"I'8-,··t: e~/I·n·' 1'·' D' '. d:' .11IJ!~c·<.h· ·.,e:~ 'G •• ·-~"ru- :- .. '-'·n·ld.';- D.··--'WU~,"~",~'~.

_ ._,1_, _. _' '. I,~, J.. ._. 1.'" II 'I J la .. [ " .. ii:I . _ "_-_ J_ ',_ 'D'~" . jl,£,~

Gh:~.-,: :~.n.d:i.siche gekla,rte':8'u,'tter, Idle 3,U'S, :K'uh(';!O,

10"'" ·d,·,'-,.'r--= 'B··.·,-u'~~ 1~~lIlm-~:-~;I.c,h- "'I~,'-wn ·'o~'in'n-Ie'n' ''1''I;~I'''~~ G·"-=::_,h .. · 'e"',e" go,. ~'b-','· p'S'~

•• -~ •• l~' '" .'II; 11..,11 J ,[ IL J', _. , , it:lj~ :. ..... =1 Jl J ••.• ,', I "'f JI~'!U!l '.' I," J J.:_ ..... _:_ .. J I .. ,ILI ~ ....

,~a' Ilb·.·!e"r' ,:8:: UI'-i~'h" '~u~'~"r' '''~~p'e': '''I':a:'n-;-'!'~''r- 'a~( 'Ir'-:-~ p;:n-'I,:a~"'I, ... 'II'I'"',r<: ".e·····"·r-· 'B·:···-a:··~":Ii!!'IS:C

......... ' .,. ~" ,III ," ""'~'el-. ' __ ,._. !Ilr. _ " ; '._ .... _.,I..ILiiLu_·.I. ~f ".)1 I" .~ .. a· .... ,.II!

Eln au:sgeze'ichne'te':, 'E:,sa',tz ,is;l, Idas :h'i,e::rzu.'·,a:nd,e 'illb.J,j,ch,e 'Bu,tte'rsc,_= .. malz" ma,n 'k!a:nn, a.'blc'r a!ulc:h. U' ,~ g,esalzle:ne '8u.tter old,er' ,g,es1ch.m,a,eks,:neut'rales, Ptla,:nz:en,6:1 s,ta.t.t G'h,ee' verwend,en'i Ghe,c is;t im, as'iI8'ti,:s'c' e'n ,Spezial,'>es,c'hal'ft erh,a'I'tlic'h;o

'I'n""'--.'~ 1 lZe'II("Adh' -I~I")' 1'·' Ingwerwurzel wird :~',-

, , I l!fl'''''I!!i!!'' ' ,_, .' t. ,._ "':' ',,- _ ,. ',_.' '.' ' , ..• ,.;", •• ' '. ,.~., '_., ,-',' ,Ir,,~·: 1 .. 0

d indi h K' ~,~, h f IIJ!I :h d S:-:'~I 'I' ,

, er rn .• ,:-: ,'I-~:C-:-I,-:- ,e,~-in' :/'U·I',O·· -~I·~!~ :i. n- !~C:I- verw ven .•..... et . ',I,e', I~.t;:.

_ ill 13i., . _ .. , ""' ,a, ,'If ... , .. . .,. . "'"' _ iii _,._ ,.;JI! .

hierzulande in asiatischen Spezialgeschaften und

~'un" 'e; 'h-' mend ·a·",' I" ·Cr·_:h .. ' ·3;"" :f·"\ O··"·'C,: .. 'h-l_e''{n··I!m···:-:-·'la'~''I'' -'~I,'~-' .-:-" ·,'··"--h--~;;'·I'·If!I"I!If·~.',·,

,Z,··" .. I"" '. ":_""~ '~'. I~.U .... i, '':_'" _ .. ~' _:_ •. I, ". ".','_ r,"_l"en e"r,_ ,a~IIl". C, I ",~,

Getroekne ... te "-"0" g': W'::·:.'."e:·,rw·.',' :U' .'1"""I."e:,- eigne ;t-!_, 1~:I~;iC-h-'[' n icht f-u'i'~'r-

...,. "_' J _ • _. _' _' J/. __ . ~ J • _ _ ,II [~ _ I _ I '-:--. '._" _ ~l •. _) II J __ I.I ._.~ __ . I I ~ _.l~ I

. . .

d' I'~;e- '·K····· '~'i"c-:'''he'' "W' ':', ·':'-e·· "'r' k .. .e ,,'" ne ,f;n' _'·'·SC··-: ,hi .. A, W' 'U'- 1- '~'AI' 'L.,e,·II"",·O" unm POI

._:_ 111·.'-'- _,lg,I,_:__., __ ,I.' . lij,_,>" , ,." I. ,III, l " ,'~~, ",I!L,;;;' ',' _ . _ ,iIJ,,~~', U:_:,15..'::_ ',_ ,_,_,I_,[ '"",:_,_

kann verwendet am besten Ingwerp .. ulver (dann

I _l , __ " I II If_' " "_ I " __ '"_ ~ _! " _ I .' . .' . . '[ • I ,. c! ',' . ',,' " _.I . ._ I . _ .' I

b di 'H" I'" d--' Iii R 'b

<.:=' :'.:.: ..... >.- .... - .. ;- .. :~ :~:.>~.I. ,:.: ... 1 .··.·I}:~··/'~-· -.-1' ..... ·:> L. :··~.,.' .... ··-._I·:.:·:' ... ~.... I··~·;·.'~:~··.·.·· .. ·~.,. (' .. , -'.

a, er_, .. IC _, _,a,_,,_ .' _ er I,m, , __ ezept a, , ege - e.n,en

Men ze 'vie: rwen de .. m ")' .. Be 'J:"'lm' :' K··.·.· a iuf frisch er )"0': g~ 'w~- 'er .....

:......: .. :....__ ..... _Ja.. -", _'_ -', '- . _". _,' 'I ~._.:!II! .. ",.1 Ii, •.. ", _." •. '[ ] •. J~ .. __ ., .I~~~ ,:___ • .___: ',' ~'I ,_,' .'", . '_

c-w':" '-U- rzeln daraufachten da Ill' d ie W',:'·'· '·:·:-u'· rzel P'·I ra ' "'-1- und

"'" 1,_,_,. __:_J"",_.~,_: I,~_,, __ ),-- _'_'_ .~ __ ~_".:__.',_, .,_:"'" ' ",' ,,' lill. ":1, .. '.'_' ._ ,J,iIi"jjL":_.,, L,'iI!,i __ ._- ' "L_I.~'~

I ,r.-'!I-:- ..... 'Ih' .. ,- .. - sieht ,- ,- nd eine 1"'::-- ·t·- ,- i·- .. t" 'I h" .. '1 '- . d .- .. ~, I,ns,e_,:, a'U'S'Sll'C_._.I~ u.n .• ~ e'I,Dle lese' ._~.a,u I .. rat, n,J,e'f

Knch e die '1"D-·::-'g;-· .. werwu rzel waschen - 811'1'. 8" ·I'U·· sb ·u-'!r' r-

l j' __ ~l I I. _ l __ ,', ';. :,' • '. _"'. n' __ l _,'. 11 ,"_, ~ _,_,>~, '-=" a1y.'J . _., ,~ .. ' ",_: .

'S·'· ","(-; er '. - sch ,a'~;~ 'II en . un I.d:- Z..-'-C·=-· ,r~k- --: I e :]! nern - am be ~S·· '~,'I- ",1-0'1 m I~ "1-" e 'I~ ,_

' __ • , 1',. t I I .I~ [ _ . . 1, f.,_., 1 1<, ,','[ IrIJ"I,·._ "_' -"_' '1 l~,_,_:: .... ", . )~ j'l l I I l' _' _),'

ner -H·' Ian dreibe 'f"u''''','r-' Roh ikost o~b- .·r-I,as'·;-,'-'--:-e-:~I.n-'·-,

, '_ .. - ' = - 'I' .. ~". . . . ., - . , I J • ,", _. J j .'. ," ~", D.JIJ, IV. ::.: '. . '. ·.1" "" ,!!!!



~~... J


D:'· ",'," ",-' 'd'" .. _.- ,-. "~"'":h '1'~·I"'t, . '!II' 'h ,,":"'''-'' ,~-'"'." ·,,·hl. ':1- _ ... , .. ,., , .. ' '." ,,-,-,-,--~ iii ':

." eSQ,o,··I,e.n, .rasc .. , . a.LJ'.,. SIC, .. ·,.,e lIln,sc' ,e ,ngwle,rwu.rze,~, m.ll,

Ide',' Roh'k.IDrs't,ra:s,pe~l, zer, /,~e:i.:n,e'm,~

K •. ~:: I '. '; " 1(:--,'" ;.' , .... h'·)lrj ,-,_""",:iI" .. ,~,_ Ka': ,:,'.' id··~'.,· 'i-'iO'lm::-' ,~a---I-I.· 'Ib'i ,'_,

. _' . mio,ml, ,I:" I,~ iii "Ie ·,"r,am~~. JI __ mene

fi"'-'-:'" d':~' ,-,' -. ,,-::·,iI!i,","~"h-~·:·' ,!iii,:", (,,'.:' """'- .. - .. ~" K(·~~···f···,'I"·:·· " ,.,!-', , ... ,. ... , .. "., ... , "0' '.' ". · .. :·,t'.- '1"

. ,lln,.·~ ,en, ,S,I,e" ,ID, ,gnJn,en, ,;' ·a,pse, ,n~,! w,cn,n ,SI:le g,eem"e ;

'" "-"1""""':- 0-·,,:··111,: ,"kJ""- , .. ,""--: .. - ... --:- .. 'ii-,,_, .. "K"'·,:-:-:·, .. ,,·· ... , ..... " '. '", ",1 K~'·-:-.-,··-· '1-'"

w~,r·· ·e.:n,~, .... · .. ·Ie·", I'· e·:IOAD ne, __ D ·,···,·.a .. , :p.:.~e In.' 8"·:,IU· :S·,· 1 "e·· ;'r\a·: ,·8"_.

~ - ._. I!!! , _ j _. l~l It J '_'.' I 'I _.1. ~. ,'[ J !"_ . _ ,l_ '-"_"i'!_ L _ l

,~, d d' II; -'1-1 "D' '"' , 'I d- fr"I'

,',," .... '" ,"'(-. [' "", ,_.,' ,',," . ", .. '1··1·· .. ··1 .-; I ;· ... -:-·l~-·· '. '1'- -:-. . ,", .... ~". -'j . 'I . -j' .-,-.' "--', .--:-" ... --:.. .. ;: 7' I

SID " , !e wcrtvo "s,te,n·j, ,__:..,II: a.psle, n, weli"_,,e,n 0' ._.

ge'b'h:,iich'l., 'Ka"rda'miQim 'w,'!"rd, 'filr S,uBsp'-:-.e/'se~n 'u'nd

I ._...l I !I I .. I '_ l_ '_" _,1__ ,_. .,. __ • • • . . l! " .!___. •• '~" • ',. ' __ ',_.l,_, I

G,e'wO,'rz-m.islc~b·ungen ve.,rw',en,det:~, KicheN'rbsenmell'- (""_n)- !II 'Ferl'~'g:"'-P"fOd'-'c-k-" da -..:

"._. ".,' ,., __ .' _.', ._'_,_' __ ' .. " . '" .. ,-_., _. -':>'" .. ,.".,1,.-,,- ... 1" .' .. U "_- .. ".:_·,,_·;,S,

'W'!"'I' ' 11'~'h-"" KJ)!'I'h-,'-:-~:----"~'.~~-·'- ,'~. 'R')' "'~'-'I '-ll-'~ 'h'- '.',-:-', i •. -' .-., -:h"'~~I'I'I'~

, ,Ie a ·,C", ,., ..... c ..£IOsen, ,1m , .. ,e.lornl",8U,S er, s, ~-

'1·';:lc~'h·' '11Oi~t) -M:·''',· '~I!!'t-- 'e"·';t-·w··.a····s .. ··: "W,·.".QIIC'C:e.=-r' 'ct·····'-.'m- -'1'.". o'.'ru-li'i"'·~·n· I.'S'·-' 'U:,,_

_.,Ii .. '. ' ,a .... , ,. I , " ': .. '_' ._::_ .' ~,~, .'1. .'). """, ..I ., " ,I::'- D'I!i;,;iI,.I, "I, ,""~ ,.ft..)-

c'h,e:re'r'b'se'nme:h'l e:rsc'tzt d,ali 'Ei!De'I'b .. Dle'r'mit 'K] ...

. _. _"_ •• ". _' , ..• _ ..... . ' __ " .. _" ," '-t~i' ."_". l~ _ ..• _' It J._', ,I

c:h,er1er'b,s}e',n,m,le'hl :h,e~l;est.ellte ,A'us'bac:k'lei,1 s,augt

h- ' .. "F' , ..

,nfur se .'f 'w'e'n'IS . ;.Ie'lt !BU::",.,

?lnk'--:-o-C!l.'u8;··· iI!!I Je··· 'm" -'e"h"r -K',--,o" :k-:' o' ·"'-n:" _"-8~IW"" B-,-"s's"'e:r'-' s' '!"e'" .-',,: -::-,·t·:·h···~:E'~'l;

',g ,; ... "1311 I' I ,iii • '. ,,'.' , :.',,',. ",·.S U '"' ,. ,:, " I.,", '-, II"" 'ee-D.I, ."a,1 I .

- -. _.- .. . ."., ,_, . _ _. , '_,' _. ..,.... .. _. _ =". ., H' ,.. ' .. , """

,. 'I' '.' ":'1'" 'r:--.','~·w·"h .'" ·:~,t·'··'·':·: '. ;D-;:~ ..... A"-",,~,,-,:, ,', I, '-' ,_ ,,"."" ,., ... :!!',- "I'd,:- ,d··- ,-~;;

D"m, ISO ,_ ns,c, er IS, Sill' , . le.u,gi,e,n, e.s SID,:_,I:_"Jiel, -

sollten nicht fa 'U-I '-I 111 0'-: d er feueh t. sein Sticht man

l~'". ' ..... __ ",_., " .. 1;1; __ ,lI ... _.1. I,ll. ... .. l. l I.,.

zwei der drei A:" u ~'g-' '-e-- -0'1 d arch Ila~~i.'ul'''t d,-'- 'a, ,~ ~K':::-' ,0- --, ko "s: n , 'U" ,,0',_

• j' _,'_ ',_ !~" '_ ••. ! _ ' . "_', __ "_ . '. _ .. ,. I.~ I .. " . .,1, ij .". -1:31 , .. I ,. l ,I·J

'," ,=-, -'J ~ -'_"-, :h:- -'--:- - ", n--' ,;iii' ' "h·', Mdi A'-' '. 'I B-:':' '1' ,--'h- I, ·'1 ' - ch 11':'liM

was's'e,r ' . e~au!s,., , j,le, _ al,~, , . u .. ,en,le, , la ,e se,. .". ,5'"

,,- --- i.: --~- -- ::--'Iil-" d ~.' _:__,;- " H(" --; I I ",-1' I, .,'- , .. uf i ~'I- d i - 'I -1-1 '-I . ~' . die K,:/' ~ .... ,

,man. ml . _.em, , " amm.e,r ,au_, IJI],_ ,e,m, man __ I,e ,,0

'k- tosnuls auf'eine harte Unterlage legt, Die Schale

," -,_, _". _'_._. " _ '._ II II _.' I. _. __ ._" .' .. _. '._' _.'., _. _'(.' ... _I~ ,I _.' _.'. •. _

II ,. h- ,.. 'Ill 'H' 'I~ '~'I-

:80_'_ S,J-C_'_ in ZW',C'l ~ 'al_l,ten tetten,

'K 'k liiiii1ft.~ __ , E ibtsi d '8 .' '~-

,_c.~._JOIB~iCme:: :-:5 11_.t. sie unter !'. ,Ielf' , -·:Czel,C,Il-'

nung »creamed coconut- im asiatischen Spezia ... lii'tit,eng:esic'hi'ft za kaufen, Die Kokosr ufscreme ist der beste Ersatz 'fur eine frische Kokosnuts,

, .•• ' . . _" I .' - .' •.•• • - . _ , ] ]. _ • _ ., ",! ,],'.., I _. ., I ill' _ " !II!

,Ko:kosB,u8,,:: 2,'Tass,en frisehe Kokosnulsraspel in eine Schussel geben und 2 Tass en heifses, aber DII03C,--:-'h' 't-- ko chend es Was sser darubcrgiefsen AI ..

. 1 1Il_.' 1 < •• 'l ~,_ ... l .. !i:J..l .. ~ .•.. , ...• ~,l_,.J •. ,"'11. ,I

'I-e--s,--', a- 'b-I;"k-I'U'i'~, - I en lassen und ,d-I,UI'I, eh ein Haarsieb ge-

•.••••• I. 1 'I' ,~~ 11 ... I ••.•• II .l 1 •. • l. .'_.,

ben, das mit einem sanberen Knchentueh oder einer Mu Ilw 'i nde I, ausgelegt is,t und 'fiber' einer

.'';;' S' h- 'I 'b-- D'" 'E d d ~ h

tieren Schussel LJ,an,gt~ _··· .. e _J'n,:_,en I~ es I,'U'C:_-_Ies,

zusammenfassen und ie :R'iis,s:ig'ke,it krift-i'IS herauspressen. Bei dieser sogenannten ersten

'0- - - .- - -, - .- rh ~",cI~'I' ,', - - .--. -, d':-'!' . It-I , ,- K"-' kc ,-- ,,-- - 'B'-',· -. -, ';;;"'1 ch DI- '.-

rll,essu:ng ernart m}:a:n,~-_I'C,,', e _ : ,0, o!,s,nUJ~ml CJ_,~ - -Ie'

a- U' sg geprelsten K,i,O~ ,k-:'IO·= .. sn u,lllra~'p-~,_-cll~-n eine S-:-- ch - usse I

__ 1 •• __ .1~ ~ .' =. __ ' .. 'I!iii __ = ... 0. I_ ,= _._~ _ _~ . _I _ ••• =. __ .. ..1_

~~. ,', ,

QirC:bC'D und erneut mit "l'Tas!sc' heilsem Wasser 'be, ... ,


'ii' U 'D~' M;I;iI: h - '"' b h- ,I' b-

gI:e',LJen'i ,'I,lt r -.lllJ,C' - sep'arat, Wle' ~ 'C'S'C, .. 'nle .~. en, g,e ...

wi,n,'nen,. Be,i, d,e'r zweiten Pressu'o,g: erhi,l:l :mJan die

,;' "_'-__::___', -- _-'"'" '-, - -,- --: 'm- - - t'l '"','-c--' 'h' -- --, d- ,!ii,'" --- _,;" K··· . - 'It .... ,O_ ); --- ' 1'1 a:'ml - ~""~ ,".":h Sl''', We,D.lg,er afO, ,a IS, e· uone, "O~ . snu, .. ' 1,IIC , '. ,1,le

"'·id-· ---- 'Q--'-" '''-'ht' ----,·'b-- ,- 1',"" . d~~· ··d':I'"'-.'k' 'K"-'--

Wlf··. ,zu'm li'e:nc, " ge,ge' .·Ien., we:on I _'Ie .'. I-C' e·.··· .0-

k·, 'i"B,,'-·, ,!!"II,_lh -'II 'f (l",(--'h'-,'-t" h,-,t' ,osn,u, ·),mllll,C, ,a,D,I.g,e,L,De:", :,a :-'*'

Oewinnt ,m,an. ,di,e Kio,kosnl18,m:ilch ,a,us ,K,okos,',- B~'" ---- .. -, '11;;",t, ,,,' "d-,:r; -- C-,--,,·, - ---,- '-I --, ,'"',-" -d--' -'II R'co'e-I- '1;0"'0" nu._:cr,eme", ,lI],US man, __ Ie ... :r-em:e: In '_ "e,r<-e'-:-:" ,_,'

d-,e--:-r ,d'-o'p.····PI-"'e~:lt-',e .. :n Meng'e.--:-, hie. i8:e~:-,m 'W~I.~,s~-,e·'r' au,f~,

". - ' .. "[,', ... "_ .'---' _' - ". "_ ~'" -:} .... '--' ' .. --'- -' .' -,-_' , ~. -.- __ .

Ko'kie.nuO'pute: 100, g 'Kokosn.'u,B:raspeI in der' '~a;;:- n-n-~ .o--ib-:n-e- 'F~·~t--tz-I:-U' ,Ip'gl',b---:-'e- 'hJ~I'II'b-- r--a;,r.un- - r-'o'jiJ~,ti-',e-,'n-i. ,-4·-: C'e';I""o-j ...

,Cil.~ .. _" ,:__ ~ , "_' '---l_" _' ~._. _ '--le~ _" __ ~, _I._. '_ . __ . ,_, __ , _. ~ - ,_,r. - ,I,~. _.'_"

,_.--=- -.- b--;- alli"'ill~t--,,·-~ Z->-' ~'~-:-~'b-: '--:-I-=-' t',:--;· -:', --::-.'Ik- :-', ::--.'-:-- ,- (:- "-,-,,,".~ ,--=-:t\:.--,--:- D';I'e=' Z----:·,-,"'-w-' -::I~'e~· '"",

ge, .~.'-- __ ,~,A,,~e ~.' ,Wlc.:_en I_-r,oc-c_~ ,C,D an.rose,D,., '_- ,1" -' ,_" '""" ,',-

beln Dod di,e' Ko,-o,snuBraspel mit. 4 du'rc'hge~,

'p' ;lr~I'[l';t-"e-n"-,- 'Kn':-,o.~ b- -, 1-' a, -u·:' ,c,'~'~e,~:h-I.e,-:-,n ':I!I!ID: liQ'~I'-'n! ~:m,' -H", .a-, --nd·'m~-;· '';i''It,err'

,_,__' ,~g . _ , __ , ' __ '_" "_.', ,'_._ ..... ·.1:,1£ ". _, _. !_,_ . II 'I ~ l_" ,~_~~ '_" ,. __ '_. ~L~ •• _._,

ZU, eio,c,r d'j,c'ke'D Pas,te 'v'ler,a:rbe~ite:n,~ 1m 'Kflh.I--,

s .-. I,~·'ra'nk a"il~~,tbe.· 'w,ah're'D, .. '111e·.· ::e~l,o:rrel d'ieser' Pa's,tc'

_ ... _. -- - _.

',-- ·@'t-'2·' TL.· ·'I'~'i'~· I ',' G-:- 1 ,_" ",,;0;;0;, --., '''-' ", - "h' I' -;' -, I' '-, ''" __ ,,', --, -IIII3;O;h, 1-;'· -'1-·

,m,l .. :" ", ,I!ee, Ol .. le ,n ... _ ewu,rzm,ms,c .un,ge,n venu ,r,e,n,'i'

.,.. 11 .. ",·.- -"i-"O, ,. I. 'D··"·· , .. " I' d-~ .--' "S--"-Ih' -) -, ,'I:iI'·'· "tl' K'-"··-

,aO!aOl.auraspe:, .' .. ' ,as, aus -er I-C, a, ,:e g,e ,os e.·· 0·-

'k Bfl' ';0; h d' b A'-' 0--:-: h t 'b

,r:~.-, ~-:t, -~ 'II .;.1.. .,. ~ ",." ;'1 ..... i "',-1 , .. ' c •••• ,.,1 ,':' - :.", ..... ,., . 1'-1 II' . I' ",_

,_0,8,,8U, ,el,SC von,· ,e,[ '-' raun,en ,. "U, . ,en" ,8,0, ... e

frei,e'ft 'u'o,d :mit d:e'r' 'H:,a:n1d:rei'b,e r:as,peln ,od,e'f' m.-it

d" -" ,- 'I{':' ,!ii!;i! -,- h -, ,--,---- - ~ -- ~ 'h- '!i!" - I.e - 1-,11",,'1' - ,"',- --.' -_- F;'- -'"" c:- - h- ~ _ ,-~ - =,_

I,e,r '_ :uc ,e,nm,8S'C" lD'e z,cr,fi.J.:e ,I,n, e·,rn'i! . -n,le,. g,cras,-

'I, K-' k 0' I'" D . ., h j;.. ~ f' 'Ii

,:e'llte ' ,~_:o __ ,os,nu,aJ' I i.Jt s:i,c •.. , :poI11o:o,.e:rt gutel:n,':;n,e .... ,

I ren, Getroeknete Kokosnutsraspel :k,t\:n,nen als Ersatz verwendet werden,

l\t' , 'I' , (Ji. ,,-)1':: bitter

sehm eekender s charfe 'r::.' ·S- :-:a--"'m-: -e- '0--1 d' IA'r--- ein wiehtieer

!~I .. __ 11 _. 1 It I~ .. _ ,l~":. e- __ '. ..•.. . ' ." 1-,11~1 .".11 . . ~_ I'. , ••••• ,_.' ,: ". _.W I '. ~",~, ,', • "._ ~11' .. ~. 1 I ~ 'l~' ]

Bestandteil der Curry- Wu:rzu,ns ist, Das Kauen v /0-'- n tro ·C,IL,.,C'-:- n rP'O-1 iD'e:'rns:- tet e "D ]V" reuzkn mm els am I .en

, ':____: _l__-c""". ~"_ Il. ,' __ ,~,_,,_ ,E'- " ,""" ~ . _ ' ,I", ~,~,_ ;iI;.J,_', _, " " '_ ,_, ," " • ,I

hilf b 'II; M 'hi 'ii', '.. ,,., h'II'· h Kn b

__ 1.._',1 t nac ,~ emer ·,:~a -, zeit rmt reicr net ',', -, 01 .' , .... '

ta u ch ge gen den G:, ,~1i"'1I1',c----'-b: G-- ,'-,e- "W"', "'o~-j"bn: ich er Kum-

l_. _". '. _' ._.1' ... ~('l -e ~ II .. w,_lLli1 .. I Ij ' .. - __ . _' I Il_1 I I~ I _ l __ ,,'. __ [ __

m- e ',)-1 '1~'S,,·,t- kein Ersa tz '-ruii>_'""r Krenz -:k:u~"mi;:m' e ' - M,,' i,t~ ']V'~~:'UIZ-':""

II _" .' I • ,IL "I;.,~, , 11."' ••• Ill .. ' 1 III''tii.11IC -._ _ l ._. III • I. _ ,~,I~ _~_I

'k(lm'mel wird auch Tafelwasser oder Zilr,o:nen: ...

"'. t F I d G .'11 k '., d h ''"'0=

wasser gewurzt .. , 1-0', 1,g,eiH:_' res, 1- .".etran. 'wmr,'!'·, '.I,lell ~'

oder kalt als Aperaif'getrunken: aufI Glas Tafel'wasser :Ya 'Ieeloffel Kreuzkummel, ~,:E,Blo,ffe:1 Tamarindenmus, 1. EB,:16ffe'), frisch gehackte Minze, 1 Prise Chilipulver, Salz, Rohrzucker, alles gut


:Koria,n,d,ergri'R, (:O'hai :,): die Petersilie d,e'r' asiati ~

schen Kuche Man kann sie :im asiatisehen Spe ... zialgeschaft frisch kaufen oder selbst im Blumenk asten auf: dem 8--: a' i'iI1k"C"lo,'n- 0--' -·d' -e'r-- Fensterb 'r--A'U--i"i an

, f "~Q. ", . _~ l' '._ ••.... '" 1 '. I _)1, . I'· _.. I' _ •• ' .. _' I 1 "._ l ~ _,,'. ·111 _', ~;. _~ I.~ _._,_1

sonnigem oder warmem Platz i n gut feuehter Er .. , Idle (drinnen wie draufsen) selbst ziehen, Nach 14 Ta,gen, £angen Idie Pfla'RZ,che,[], an, ,ZU, k,e,i,m,en, 'n,ac:h 3, 'Wo"c'hen ka'on m,an em't-en .. , DI+,e 'B:],atte'f' lassen ·sic:h gut einfric're'D,. Als ,E,rsatz; k,ann,'l.-, 'b! ,3"tt'ri,ge ,Pete'rsili:e ve':rw'le:ndiel 'w,e,rd,en.,

'Masur dh,a:I,: indisc,he rotle' 'Linse'n, d'i,e 'beim, ,K:o-,

'C'---' e'-"n- g.-I~:llb'-', 'w',,,I"'e--;r-d-le"_:__~'nl- S::,-.I-e_:: 'w'·',:e---'-~ie'c'n--" gUI t-I 'v,':'e__:_;r,-'I,e___:s-:--I,le;-:n-> g' "e' ,-

',_,- ' ,_ ,"",II!." , . _,'., "'"' ,_, .' _I-'U '" _" ." - _ ' ,', "--, , .

'was!c'-,'Ien 'uD,d e:in,g'e'we'i"cht .. Man setzt sie' in fri,-, 's:---;c~'h:-:; 'e- m- -I Was-,~ ':." ~e •. r'; 8,0,f:- 01 ,n, 'dr-I, ,oib':l": e'rs·· 01 a:: c', -,h-,,~ I d. ·--'em

I .. I ' '_ I _ • ~. . a , .... __ . .., I I:'-t-... I lL I. . .• _. ]

,A'ufk,oc:'h,le-'n Salz ZQ"" ,d,a d,:i'e: ''n, :sonst 'hart bl,e!i,-, 'be:n, uod ,e.'i,n,e~ la,:n,ge:re' G,a'rzei.t ble:n,ijti,g:e:n~, Ein,

'S-, ,c"'hu--~.,Q' O':~~II- '~'nl' '~' '~f,~'~~s·-::e, - :'r·· ue: -g-:=-'ie:'b- ,e· -,n' 'v-":e'r·· '~;nd_i_ - d'':' a'~ 1----

I _ .... _ l 11 1 __ ,Id! _. ~Il _I~ Y"·I~~._ ~_ - e _"I:~ _ .: _ I • _"., • ' ,I .'._

'Ob,erk,loc~he'n,; etw,a,s N'at~on w~',rk.t :BI,ah'un,ge,n e,n't,g:,e'l:en~, d'j,e d:i,e H'u,ls!C:D,:fril,c:hte 'veru,:rsa,lchen .. , ..... , A'u, ... , Ber' ,die,Slen, I!Oite:n, 'Li-n,s,e'D" d'ie im asiatisc'h,e'D Sp'e,-

~ :zial.g;es,c.haft zo' ka,u,'fen s:in,d, g "'b't, leSt i'n d:er' 'j,n,dis,c:hen 'K'Dche nach, vi'cl,e an,d,ere :SoJ1,len~J MOih'_,men (K.b:u:s,):: ,Det w,e,j,B'e M'ohnsa, ...

" :me'D, entfal,t,le-t s,eine:n D'uB:a'rti.,g,en '!ck,. 'w'e'n:n e:r :im, G,ewU,fZ'p'fijLn·o,ch.e'D :k'u:rz 't:r-ock,en ,ao-' ,g:leroste't w,''''rd, ,;, im ,asi,a,tische:,n S,p)ezia,l,geschift er' ... 'hil,tli,c'h. lE,:r wir,d, :fu,r 'CU,tl]y-Sa,Doe'n u,:n,ld K!o"n:f-e:k,t



, ....


, • -,' j

. "rl"

'. 1- \ .....

I, ' ,

FUr einen Indisehen Gastgeber 'is't es selbstver-

<j*'H ; ·d·"··I,',!!i ob. einem I '-I erwart eten 'H' :., ch .. ' .. ,;j; .. 0':'--:-.' i_ -

Slusn .. "IC--,o_" el.n,em unerwa, .. ,ee,n,'esu,· .. e.ID.·. _~-e-

1-",- k-"" ,-.~ '-," ',d'- '.,~;' .'~-. ~ I kI- ':--I'~I, '1-=-'::::"::-' . 'I' II bi IB-."I' biete .. '81-:-, ,-'

_ ra,n. '. u.n Blnen, ,elne,n .. m ... l~ anzu, .I,el .. _,n"i" r

h· a··~·t'- '£I"UI~[I'rr' ,d· -1'P'e' se n'~' Z·· .... ,-·:'w-c··":,e-:c·,··,k··· ha __ ni seem '8 .. ' ch ues ,G" :"',e' !b"i:~'c':~"k'::'

., :_. ' ,1,1.,1. _....:. " Q ~... _" '_' _. ',' _.::_:....' ,_-,,: _: . _' ,'.'._'J .· .. CI .. ':..__:._ _ _: _', . ~~ -'_:'_. _ - ". I • .'.~ • ; .

d·" 'H" d Of d di 'k'lllll tli

g,n ,~"_Lel,en, zu:r ,~.---"an.~_ .. · .. ·•· .. ···.,_1: 'w'efr\'~ e:n, ':1 rese kost ,'1,-'

"h"'-'" '. KJ':' '-":,--'~-- keiten d-~- ,-- '0" ,e-'l:'" '" - .. -. -.- ch -'1' A-" - .,' etit

cr en .'. e1DIU811:en ...• en ',4,111 en auci a s Appeu -

_.'=!J __ 1_1 I'". '-D--'_"_'_--'_-' __ '_'_ ._ '---'.-'-[-~ J ' ,-_.] -._ •• 1,_ 1,.:_",_",_,,_-_

h- .~ ... ,: nch '1--;-::-;-"0"'-::;- eboten ·~:7,"'h~e··-···n·,- id S .... ·I~',e·' auf .. :·' d ,~-~ 11;' ~'!,-~ __ ,A,, ,e.n a_,_,g~~~O_~~:_J" Wa--,_:I,'~'_H_~._ I~_._, __ ,_, .'_: ,as I:rSSlc,n,

warren r. Sc ... h··I:!~BI"I··I'IlC·····:h: reicht man 8·'1"" ....... 'u~ 'r'o M-'·:'·,_,'· ·a···:··h· ilzeit

'_. '_'._:___ ... 'J" I - . '0 •• ~ '-', .~:__. I ji _, _ :....__ _ • " ."' .. ",_ '. 1_,1~ J I .' ~ ~ •.• l t J'_ I - • r· . .ll ._)

od """-11-:- est ind .-. 'FI' ad .... ···· .. ibrote .. ,'.,."." .... ...11 ...... , '~, .. :.' 1-' sdi ','.' . eeslu,n ·.·.e~ ~. _.a~.e·n ~.·ro. e weruen 1.0 . n··('en,

b d d bill .. I .. '

eso . me ers .'.~ ·0': rt 1- zu oereitet, wo V.,: e W'··:'-·:':·e"<I'I'Z··~·.'.DJ;n 8"IDlOie···-

_ _ _ " _,- _ ~ _ " ._ ",_ • -',' ,._. -," • -' -._. '_."_ ~ • _ "'::'.- " ,',_.' J ." _ ~. •• 01.,,'

ba :'1" ··-<I40··rd·,·, Sie "w' erd e""'n' stets frisch aeba ·.:'1~,. ','. .u~'"'h;-

,au" Wl_,_, .. ~ _::.'. ,:.:._ •. :-~.II, ~_-,:'_' __ ,' . )~ .. '. CI-" ,c.&e,n" w,a.,,·

d d E .. d 'pili '''') d !iiI

.ren des Essens nut c en r-mgern zertes .t unc I, in,

d:i,e v,ersc'h'i.,e,denen :Be~:'llag':,e:n :D"estip ..•• ·p· I.' t.

"_' liC:I :, I;

p' n;;t':I'"'I,e·'~'e~ G: ···'e"· "m' "" 'u'·~'se~s· ··t·'u!ii'l' c:::'){;"c:··:·h··-·C-·D'-- ·h·-·~ C"-li!lfl·e:....o,· I~'n:' 'In"" ,d······· '1'~le··-·n- ..

'", .. , _'I~I', ~.' ". __ , .. ~ .. I, _' I " .. ',' •. _~'. ,' ..... ", ", It .... :." Y'· .. ··/l, I' "", [' "' 'I _,.", I j'."", ••

""PatoraSI"<<:" Si,e geboren. ZlI, den b(e:li-e'-b;tes,ten 1m, .... 'b· •. .-I!!'oiP:e~····n"':,c.·.::b .. ··te;:n···,_ 'N·····'a·'·'·c;"hl- ·d:I·I:'"e:s··'···e··-.·'m· .... R'·.:·.'~?"Ap,t' '~'aTn"""n" m'" a,,·n'··-:--·

'-' ,1jJ!'D"'," --.' ':"" . '. , .. '.'. ' .. ,..' .".' .. , ...... 1 .',',,'., .. ·.~liiILI~ ,., . ,., .. , , " , " " .. \ "

. 'h 'B"'I 'k h'( ,",-41 'h 'h d ,."., A" 'b'- 'iii

" .•.... _:_.. ., .: '1' 'It, ' .. 1 .' ,","," '"I .' i"I' II"~' ',~ .. ~I': ...

aue.. " u,m,en,··o . "lOse,I" eo" .se ·,r ,···.D.D,ne, ."u, ... er:gJ

n'" e-··'n .. ' 'S'-'C":" ·'h·,·le-'I!i!ib .. ··c··n:· ·p·-····a'·' ". 'I -"'k···" '. ". t· ""':'I··_···/f/j,t::'c .. ···.' ' ... ·'· .. d· , ' '1-' e:.-~'II'''-:b·,··, . S',·'~

.': .. I '.: ._', '.- " ,,--p.n .. as, . re·lole,n. oer Jlns,c e ·.PI''''

0·· '. ·a'- ,t-'b-. : )- ,~tt-- ·e,--r ""'u~I=Jb-·· ·'··e..:p,e··I"' ·t· -"·e- 'n':, ' .

. , __ , _ .. _ , D· .. ' ,,~ ... _, ....:. .. " . .1,1 ... _". ", ", ~

l-OO···~··'- 0" K--:,::-:,·"';,,;I,..D~'~~an~;-!m-··dJ:.l,i· 'il S:-:'a''-' ,'·z··.-, '. 1: Prl'~e"""" :.'Q'_': ·t>~IJ··' III!

. . .. _ ,,' 10 .'" · ... !Lr.n~I' ~ruLJI~~. : .. 1' .' .'~inf· - ,':! .1,1,'. ' .. ,' ',I " I' 'iJJ' .. - ,I·"',~, ..... _,' "':_.'1._' .

1 L~, .,.:.- G' ' .. IIJ,..-- - ,,-=--: . i- -',':'-:-" :,-', iii J" 71 ,-' ,". ~ ,-" , h,'·· ,-. 1/·' --

1e;,e,,~ ... ·.e'uwurzpu. ~e, ·1ee.;o gema~·, "e,rle,.

Ko'--'-~n·,,,Je"'··!-~ 1·· T»'··--::-·'·'~"Dm-·· la-h· "-1'-- K-···:···,- ... - .. -".·."'=.'L,_II"..... "-'. "-;. -.,.

~" :n"[.1ql,.,,~ " .I ~e. ii' g~" .! >:Iener .. ·reuz~lI,m,me_ f!!'

e,entuell' Ji Tee"'~! TO,tes ,Ch"lipJlI~r2r ioder ,R'osenpap,riialpu'lver ,I 2 ,EfJl~, fest:er Jo:ghUT' (siehe

'li'I'I"'" S··· Isz·t"'-·e·· 3'··'5") /,.--;. Z····u:' .. e·· .. ···b~·e··l /' m'" ··I~t .. ·t·'e·- "'g'" -roo "rJj'l.s

I~ .. _.: ':" ~-,,"" ': .;.;.~) . i' ~., [_ .: ~~ '..... 11 .' ,~~ r.-: .. ' <~'. ~ l .. ','_," Ii I I_.'·~"[':·I ' .. ,' : ,1_.; .. '" _' ! : ' 'f~

I" I,' ',' _'

,P .nrt··o· ... ,#ol·' g' 'D'r':I",Lm· "rI'p"'-n"" 'e" U' ',·· • .:n".,ro' ~n~·i~'tie'''o!l'''l-' AIM"If'_-"J~L ,i!! ,",'~~.:i~'J~, .... ~~ .... :., ···.'I~"H.I~~; C'.:·'~ ... It"fil" i~

.1 'Vo~berei.tu,ngs,:ze:'i.-t: 1.5 'Mi:n.'ute.-n R:uh.lezc:'i't ':' 1,

'1 IG,BIZ,eit: 1.5 Minut.e:D.

S'~" , ,iii' --d"-'I' - _, - .. hl- '.,_ D'-' ". - 'I{j' iii ·h-1. . -_ .. b-' - .. - ._ .... 'h'l- 'Ii!... . '!!

~Ol WIIl·.···S>·, ge·· ··m"l a~·.··c:~ I "t"", .····a:'s· .".: ,c.'·-·' r"le~;~e"" rls·,e.·-~:nme~·,.·!, 'In le-'I-'

, ... . _ '._"_' ... ' I, ".' II... _.. I ,', .~ _.. __ • _' , '." ," . • . I, ," .. ' . , . .... '" ' ..

n,e' Sch.ti.ssel si.,e'ben,,~ S,alz, ,d.8S N'atron u,n.d alJ.e Gc-;

ill. d b AI" , I ,i h D"

wnrze dazugeben, ,.'~'_I. es ,8'u'l, vermiscnen. ".Iann

de - J"'- - 'Ih- rt·.'- - d - - _ii_i' 1- ~ .. ,,- - -.- W" :.:~'., .' . '. '.,-, , te

I e_n .". o'g,c- _~'u,,_J ' u~n.i_, ~o _v~.~ l.aU,Wal_-.llln_,e~. asser U.DI-er-J

ruh 1--' en I ,d-' "0, 1-1""1" d: I':~, ,'kfl~: '"" J!ii,-;,_.,'iI>:1' -: .= A- ssba ·Ic--··;k:--:-t- eia ent-

I ,1_ :_re_,_" ',,' .8 __ e.ln "" _lei .,UIslger, _c,us~ .... _,-,'i,;y :B e.;, '. "--

st eht M···,:'I:i't··· d ern Seh Die" ebesen n--·o·~···c····,,··h·~ e tl'~n-I'm" --·a··~I'I; d 'U' I' lc·-::~h··-·,""'

_ . "~_ .,~. '_ Iii! _: _ '':__ _. _l '~'. ~ " _ _' •• ~>, . II '.~_> . __ . I ":,'~.': ,_.:. _:. , " ,'._ .'. l',·1 " 'I' I I _.1 "._ .. _, .' _ J.' ~ !

rnhre .-. '. md den ~- .. "(,-: 1- '8·······t·--' ·n· ide 'ru- rhen 'l',,· ... -li-. '-' .. -'.'-" . "1

, ", ren, UD'_ .. ' ,.en j,em,g :__ ··.···,u~,c__~,~ .. ,J _" I .~ ..• I ,ass·en~ ..

'D' ~.' - z-· ··--,-,,·,--,'b· el .-. 'h'- ',",i.,._ .. _. ,- .. -.- .- ~~-" d' 'ti""~" ,- ..... ·S<t ...... ,~' --

, ·.Ie .··:·WI:el···'e. se,li,B" en, U.D __ , :1'n. -'~_n,ne~-_re:l.l,en:

'-"':'.~ hne .. d .. ·', . '.'--. D";; -, ·K'··'· ' .. --::- rtc ffe '1- "w'" ',.:: ..... ., ch ,'('., ' .. ',.'. ·'h!···,:'·:·,·il··i' , nd

s;c"II,nCI'.- en, -.lle .,a~IO,II.!_,_,._as'c", en so .. Bien uno

in. dunne Scheiben schneiden. .1 Das ,Oil in einem

1.'1,1, k '.: ·d:' I"" F· f!!'t·, ... ert "( : .:. if" ...... , ·'~f··-' 1'17:"5<"01-, --:"oi',.", -. .' 'M":" ,'!!',·tr nO . '. 0 ::'.er _ n,_-I,C..:. -o,P, , ,a,g,,1 .. .. :-. er, 1"IL£len~- ,,' 1.-

2 E~··n'IAe.e; .. ), . " b ' .. ',," -'h .", I'" d d-'l~' - z·~ "'-.- _ .. iI> ebel ~ .. I't· " ". /~,e'·. ,"', . LJ u,ltle, n a : ,wee 'Sle'D,1 [.leWIC: ~e.lI·s, -fell.'e:D

,". nd die K:-:'~"""~"I" ch .. ,,'l!l"b··· t'·· .'"',,_-. ·d·- '", 'iF,1':,··!Ii',··· ."," ··t"',· .....

UR_I .. ': I.e .,····al..I ... ,OI.,le.~sICi,l,e'I, ... len, I,D I.·.en 1,'CI,g eIR_8U_,-

I ·c'" 'h'~" --:: ,-,--. und 'po iortionsweise frit .. ·,····· ',,',: . bis sie ·nt·- ndu m····

.'_ ""en u. ' .. _' '- ,1:, .' .•.. , ~I .. ,I~, 'c_ .. : .ILl .. ,.l,ere.n" IS Sll .. , C- •• ' ,. "

.' ":::"'Id~-'b_-""" '.-' .- !I!! .. 'd' D······ ,'." d" .' ·····tt .. "_ , "., '.',_' p;' --·,·rt-,:'iii'O-··'·-· . ···t·_, ., ....

go~ .lra,UII, 'SlD__:_ ~I ,:8S_'.aue ,-_, ,pro' .. 0 ',<tll",n e ,wa,

4 'M'i':nu:ten~, D'a8 Friti[er,gu~._'gelegentli,lc:h :mit ,eine,m,

S·_I····-h· .. ' . )- x"- ')-1 [I, -'". h- .. ' ··""0- ( .. ·O··OIc'~···I" '.' ·d'···· .', ·D·ii;, - f::-:,·-~,-,ij ',-'

·,·.·Ie ,- ,au,m,_'OIl.lle:, .,m_-~el·:·'e"n ' :. w,eD~,-:,ern •• , ·Ie,.r~

.. - .- G'" .~, - .. . .iii,.,. - - .:iii' 'k- 'h'-' f' K--: .! .. , '!I,ii, 'h- '11 .... - ab- ... - ...... -

ten· :. : 'e:museslu[c ,-,c. i"i,en. lau) , , UC. ~,e':n.~.-epp' : _ "tro.p'"

,r., 1- H" ' - '''10, - - d'- r-:-l-!- . 'h-'- _ .. 'h-I- -- - - '1l_ .. - .~' - .- .. ----

,I,·e:n ,as,s·en~. ~ L__,e'I.JlJ u'n~ .. 1 n,I,e, __ , __ sc 1~_.m.,ec,llen Slle' ,am.

bes;ten! si,e klo'nnlen aber a'u.c',h 'W',alliln serY'i,e'rt

........ --' . , . ., "_' '_. , . ". -'. -- -'~' '--' _ ... - - -' ._"- '--' _. '---'-' '~'-' - '-'" -' ",,_." ._'

d w'e'r _ en~




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'Di,es,e .k·n.usp:ri,g:en Te'\g,pas·tietch.lcn s'ind, mit. 'vlege~ tarisch,er Ftillu,n.g e'be:.nso 'b:eli.e'bt wie mi.t d,err'

PI'!II' 'ht"'~i 1")1 iii, i d' ",l: ,,. d'·· R

I~I,S-·· "C'---:-'j ·.'lul I'" u-'ng-,. I'ee""": 10-- ':- rer' ',,',a'n- -. 8' I" ·t·· '~ 'Z<U' I '.'.~ 1·I"e~'e-:m·--'r~1 . ···.'···e::-, ...

...... '_ ", '_', __ ' __ ',, __ ,_~~, ,.,~l _. '_' " ', __ ."_,':__ . ' __ ' 1 '! _~.. ~~ ._.~. _. ,., '=-~

zept, a'ufge~ti,hrt wird~, Fur ei'n"e, ,gfoBe're 'Ein-· la.'d:u:n,g; 'k,an'D ma'D auch d'ie d,o'p'pe:),te 'M',c'D,le a'n, 'p·g'II:!!'t·le~;t·e:=__:_'n·-:-·'te~·I~;[1J' 'h.-' e- ·rc;t·"e····j·)· ·Ie····:n, U' ,0" ·d·,· b···'iIEIi,'I~ld····-e: 'F-u'-"71111'-u, n· 'ue' "Oi ·z··"u-

" ~. "' ..... " " 11.; ... • \,,1 . ·.'-~,I,I!iJ!' J_.:,_,_,:_-,.", '_' . , ' ' ..•. c'l!ii;t .. --, ,~- .. __ .ll!.._,· e···.· , -'.',

0")- e-<Iiil·c·,:·'-:'h·· a' n--,··b'"l''''e··,·t··-,c··;n--·

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Z"" ""'1 ,.' .... ~ .. jii'.""" 1'6'·",' 2:~'O''-''''' ~.:._- .. >.,'" ·"t· ·t·· ,'h'!"e"'MI'"

".,:")1 ;·L1JrJ·" .' "III!" ..... I . - .... ,[, .' 'I~':~jl"?;'~ " .. 1.'. ,iI'l, ,.'

_~J_,~_ ~Ii_ '_.' ."_.. _l _' ,., ....,'. ~I. ~, __ ..

Ciii', ., '~'" -, 'T,,_.'",. '"', ,2;5'-0·.···:· 1······ I'~'J': •. ~!'~ " '-I'.' ,L,l ~ , ····4··.'·,'0:'1·5 ' .. S'······Q··- :,l'--z'···.- ..

cur u:e,n ;I_,erg. ,Ji' g ",,, e"zenme", .,,-,:ype ,_'/ . " .. lli:. .

2- I E .. ,~,?,Ql· ,,,._.? .. ,I:""~',"-"9'rro B' ,,'·':I·,·_t~,·~,,.ph',···-:m·~· .-.n'l-z'->,: ,Q:,"d,'l!'r G'hee.; Q,d'er

, ,~' 'II! ,~E;,~I'~~!I;""~~, 14_ .. _ t;.'.liJ.iLr I .Le ... _' ,,~~. .... .. - . __ ... -

glesch'!macks'neul:r.ale:s' Pflanzeniil ,~, ~,Teel. Kreuz;..

k-· ,~ .. , &-'


·E!;u~,r.r·' d ~,' ~e... G"'~[Dm; U··illl~f!·· ,j4;'~,,'I •.. lI'''I[U 'II' 2·'· m tt ·:'·~e·· ·,·,UiPOl[.R,.Q' 'U:D,I~O""'! e h' .;-- te n

,et,_ . _'~ '.:. ... ' .... ~ _ '_"_. -"':/1":/1':.,,;0. ~., ,.'.' .'., '. :&!I' I .~'!fi# Ol'~:n..· ! ". ~.

;D,~·,,"J"-~··~"*~·I·'n' '~I i! J' ':,_2'[ ElR;l: fi,"n'~- ~,~,,.,Le···,, 1:I.'·'~o:e···.!'_;~"~'t·~·e·,-· griine r"e,',AU" 110;./..1 ,e. .' - .. ..' '. ".fI'I' .•. ,,' .. ~..;rl: .. · ... ~ltll' . ,"'.;L]; .. '., ~ . ' .. : .. , '.

Brbse» .' eventueli ] mtlde g'rUn,e Chills'chore oder

. . _. _ _. _.! '_ t.. .~. • _ I '. ( '.! '. _ . '._ ( ... _ _ __ ' . " . _. . _ ... ~ _ ._ _ _

Pepe '·I'IiIl',IB!II 3.:1 .. - t: g· tesehmacksneutrales

r!~· # tU"._ ... IE,;> . . . i. !I;io~'."-' _ M - _- ~ ~ ~"' - _ ~ ~ - - -

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Pfla'·· n z 'e ,ani'·' ~ JL Te ·'e···1 K: <:"Ii' e • tzk. "·;i'm··· "m- - ,O.I'·a·: m ··-···· .. ,e~··M 'Ii;

I . -: ,J " ' "-:_ ",;I,"!U'i . ._7I!l ~ 11',= r.o '.,.' '.1 ',' r I _ . .s' ··_.·~.·· . .:.: .. ~.I .' .'~ ._.'._. ~I~~ _" l.'~ _:' ~':"I


J'L. "T'!e .. · e- e·.·' G:'~e"'b' ·.u"J'.""P:·'·II·:·I:'I~'e·:'r· ,~ J~, Tee .. ··l··, Fena ..... elsamen Iii'

7,;/;.,1.· :.' - ·.:ft !rY"!I'~."., ... I .... Per 7:1. "I, ~-.' .... ..E."'l-,fl·:.t:'.:_ Mi " '.1'1·

,IlL ;I!J"l~"~I' '.' ' .. -, ." ~ h··I' ..... ~.C', .~. ,K···· ...... ' ~,,' ..... -! :.- ...,)' .. ; .. : iJ 2~' E·r'n," /I'''>\.I'!IIL, ,fie, :_,

72' J ee, .. , ,,·ema,ener ... on_··nUier· ,.' :1"'." .. ".:SL,r.I.o. c

L-· . kt· .v..~' ... ~ .. -, . - " u_ - "" - ., .0 ~,t" .,' - '~/':'" S' ' =. -;- ,_

ntJC~ ' ... ea n.,lo,~an"erg,ru,n lpu[er' Tie, ers, fie '. ~.·alZ ' ..

71 " G' -. ' l' (G' , ~'"' ... h' ~ h

1 .:.: '.;' , " >' - 1 l' - ..•• - 1 - • _ ~ . -." 1, - •• ~ ',1 ..... =- "":., ':-. I If _ _. .' ',' 'I -. [ .' ... ~" •. " ' ".: ['~, • :: -1" . '1

.,·,., ... ara,m maSICJ_a, . ·ewurzmlSC ".u,ng S,le.e

Sette 6~;I' l EjJl .. ZitronenSla!t

,E!Ui~:,., d :,4 Pastetche -'II~I~e' ·"~'l" Ii! geschm r · sacksneutrales

C'[~. . .. ,.~, rU.~ . _ ,~" .. ' ,-" J"Jr~ .. '1 . I: '., ~ r:1. _ ... 1'-.)", .. .. .. ..


• Zubereitungszeit: 40 Mirnnen Garzeit: 20 Minuten

_ Ruheze it: 301 Minuten

• Fritierzeit: 10- :210 Minuten

So':, . w~';"';;r-d':I~s'" gle:'m" a·' ,"",·'·~·t··, .. D"as~ .... '·I:1.e,LZ- '.' '[e· "'0' 1m' '. 'e', ·:h·· ')1 'ml' ·'1''"' .. ···· S .... a····J .. z· '''''0'''

.. ,~I. '. ~:IH [.,,",1 ~ .. ' •• : ~y.- ' .. , . .''\if..,. ~ .. ":~I ".~:~'i1 ." ,:t l L ":__. I n I I_I '-~"~_I '_____:_ __ "_'

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... S'" 'h- ~i' 11" 'b d"'1 "', - dl

eloe ·······c1j· I .. sse:ll s'le .. ~·en un·'·~.I, :zus,amme:n mlt':_em

F"'-"Uir . 'I"l"':~'n'~'e'·':'n" v-:~;'·mle'·'ln· z··e'···rr" ·e·"'I'"'b· 'e"': ~a:" 'n· 'n'" d"'e"'-"

e " " Z,U ~.' e,1 I, li."L..I U. " .. ,,"',...:.., ._. . '. ' .. 1.1~', .. " . .:_... . ,

·11"· ..... 'c:::ul· z .. k···'u"·'·m·" m" ,e:I' s·'a··'m;', 'e~'n' ,d···· .. a-I'ru· ···'er's· .. ·tre·······'lI··'e·:n·i· u~· 'Oi' ,d·,,' 113·:·' E·:IIIl, ....

,~ .' .• _'~'" '._" '!. 1I . ,II' ." .... !JI ". '., [ '.~ . ~,. ,_ .. ,' II.. I,." _-' ,' .. _ . .I ... ,}, .~.I. , ... ,_·,U

I-.M:.·«' I' 'I w,' . , . . !F._, 'h D' T ';;;'

,Ul['le_ . au,wa.rm"e;s··~.asse:· U.n,terru :'~~Ien .... =en ,l,e'll

11, ... _ii''"''l'i! ... fi-::'-' B II 'ko t s:~" 11-"

lUlali'tt.g zu. eln,em ,este:n ':,',a I .'.··:e_e:n .. :~o~_t,e [e::r

h- b- .;;;~ 'h' ii' iJ 'I!!I!' '. W' . .!

n,o,e .. ~·ruc :.-" ..... : Sle'II1., 'noc l'malS lel.n, 'wlcn.lg,,"'··,as,sle',r

z'u.fu'Q"en, ... ·.len Tej'.g-' knet,en- b,is e'r 'w,eicb und.

... -,D'" .-- -. - _ ',... .. . .

elas·t';;sch· w1'l"d-!Ii d-a"- '.- . - Iii - ' .. B'-I'I- Ii' nn- 'en ~~nd-

, I:"I.'~ '~\:_ , .... ' •. ,:~." 1_:.':: .on. ZU. el 'Ie I,:\al J 0<"" . I •.. ' 'I U,,, , ..•..

d k - ill' d 3- 0 M'- III '~K~" .-, Ii 'ii, 'hi"

zu,g,e ,ec:,t mln:~.e'stens .'Ie> ~<·._.Inuten ,--m,<ul,~,_-

· J,,-=,--··h··· ,i' ,". ' .. :-·h,-I .. ', .-- '1- '-'.-:-: .-:- ... - '-.- .1 I', ~: .. ~~.'(,. "·-;-'h· .. --"~ . :' i'''''' '0-:" -, .. ' r·' ,.';-:-., '.

S·C, ,,"-"ran,·· ru, ,en assen" .. _ ,-,nZWISC_ 'e.n . Ie '. ·.,cmu'lse-

';;;·'"'1 b '"' t- . D" r' .'"''"' d" V' rt re I hH, t

:Jl u, .·u,:n,1I zU .. { ere), ~en; _)a'_·ur._I,~·: A.a, 1 :'O'Jl: ,I"e' 'n sc,:, ,",I,'en

un"~'d'~ I'·;n, ·k")· .. e, 'I""oil,e·: W·,:··.····'u·~~'-£'.e·-I s·\C··::hll-,n·.·. e-iid··.'"e-:-,'n. --'--:··~·e·· ·K:'····.a::11 '," ~e···· .. ·ln-I

__ t_I __ ~, .'~ I. _ = I~._.·:..____... . _, "~'~~'. ~,. ~ .. ~,,~"!I! .... , .1 __ .11111"_' 1

'r'- 'i't· dl,·· 'E)' 'b' -.".... .'",.' ':.' ~',~ .. ,. ,-'h·l , '8" '"' ""-" .. ':'1'- "'" d' ·1- I" .', d": "I"

,ml.-,_~,en, ,·,r. ,slen venn,l,se ,en,~ ·.el '¥'erwe"n··· UD8 - ,I,e

C··:·c .. ·h~'I· -"b' ·t·· .. .... . P' ~ . '. _. -····h ~ ... - .. "t·· ·t· II! "'1' ...

'. ". ,. I IS' 'Ie .. o· ~ 0'·,: e·:r . e···· _po e, ·'''0' .·o,e·· W"· ···a···' ·s·c···· .. 'e~-n' e'ni'. S"li' e·~·' e··,·· .. :'D' '-

._. ,~ __ I _., .' ""'" ..... , , .. ,....;, ... _.I.'._ ... _ .. , .' _.' ~-." ,', ' .. ' .1 '. , _ ,_,' ,

.... 'I' ,t'k'::-' , :.". -. . .:' 'd'-' 1('.- .', .. h:" : ". ·kl,. .. '.. .", 'D' " ':'. O~-·;I - '":. ',~"

· ·D-·.,e·m,en u,' I. ,I,e ,D ,ac ··en ... ,". as '.:~ ~n c'lner

~·"'~annle be~. i mlttl·e~.rcer Hitze .. e.·.·:iB, w·e~.;rd·'I· ·e·:cD'l la<' s:~~s::e·'·n[ .•

_ ' ~ .' _ _ . . ' .!.. ,. _ ' . _ _ ... _ , '" ,. , ' . .

DW' v, rt-· r.r-·I-~ -d: d,,-,II! . 'b' d"~' k -b'i

._ ~Ie' ~a- :·o".I·e n U:O.:·_:·.:,I,le ,Ir:·s[e:n,~'.an"n, :';'U,IZ a.D c"ra,,,,,

tle'n, ,dan:n. :al:l.e 'Wul"ZZuta.te a.uB,e:r der O'la:ramm,a:IS·.··'·a: I-,B'<·.-·G:,-Ie;wu' "~"~m-r···i'll·ls.···lc- ·h'··- "0' .,g.' .... UJ "'d;'; Id·~;e·.··:mi·1 .Z~···:··';:t····--o.--:Yn-~ :e·~·:'n··~ s· :·a:-,fl--:·-·

, .. '. .. . . ~ ,~,,£ ,. ,.. ~ [_'. l' _ J c' .' • _ • I '. .•. " .jl, _. ,':__ " '. . ,[ .. ~ "

'. ~ tlerrii·hre.n und al]e:~s·:··' b- -ra ,ft'O· 'b,is die Er'bls·e~·n g:~.'a'r

.. _.' '. '. . .. ,. '. . ,'. I. ".' '.' .. ".. .... ' . . "'"" ". .... . ::. '.' \1 . ~ ........:.. 1._. ,'.._:_: ~''-

S,jnd .. ~ D ~ s d.auert e-wa '. [0 Mi··-ut·--e.'n:· - ·D.I'!I!,e····· G'·.- 'a··r.,8:;m ...

_.-- _ _ . .. .• .. ... _.. ._. '_' '_' - .' . _!II . , , ~. ~ . .. ,

:masa"la ... Gewu,: --::····m:isch'u:ng dariib1e:rs:treuen u:nd. diie' G'emOsemisc ... u'n"g w'ei.lerie' 1-2 M'i , , . It· ,n g' t'rlen,

),·alsc:s·.· .. e •. -'In· - .1 DI .• ·I!'-- M···· I""-s··:c;;-·:hl~ U'IO' 'g' .. ·a·····-u·:r:·' [e· ·'I~"··-:-,·e=-'In·~ Te'=-:)'Ie-r: or·e· ·:'b·· ·e-···~·"

.. _.'! ... _ [_ II@l _..: l!!!!l~ _', ~_ •• _. ,' ••• , .' '_., r - ._, _._,_..._____:' .. '_" J 1.1 .. " :,_: 'I e '.1 .. ' !,

b h k .' d .-,.,. ft· b . -- e' 1-

aoscnmecsen, mtt oem /···Itro'nens,a~i:'· betraufe .. n

U·- d al "[le-' -·7 h iler I '1.> • N' - .. - d .. '~'I'" p "[ stet ch :'~II ~C"r'--:-'-iiiii

~, ',:.:.'.-". ,_,:U._c ~e,n ~,asse~ " ,UO. 1.,I,e, ,_ ,BSI_.e_-,c,_. _cn ZU, .c-

,., 'D' .£'i.1- d 'T 'iI! 8' t· O~ 'B" "', )-1 h bst

reiten: l·a:JJ.'ii:r aus ·:._.e:m Ilel::. , .......... ' "]: ,!'I, icnen a ~,stc ....

'h dl '. Mehl bestreich Jed

chen U'O;::, mit etwas .c.c:.i Ie ,_, . bestreic ren.uec es

· , Ii; 'btlhli)'1 h fei 'I' 'ii! ht b 'h'l: . Ar- b ~ts

· elg:\8 e,i eo. a:u.-, elDer Ieicnt beme ~~t[en, ····,,.-:'e: .. _;', .... ,

flache zu einem Kreis, VOiD 1,10 em, ,D _ ,rehmesse:r

,".' sroll ,_ d·' ····,-··:·'·l·:-M······· h .. J· be .. ··, a~,.~·C"b····~,···-· ·D· :·· .. ·~·· :. dc' .',',".'

,aU5,1_ men une nn ,_ e I oestau sen, ,-···lle, runcen

Teigp .atten au rei aanderstapeln .. W'ichtig, ist daB sie nicht aneinande rkleb en .. , Die Platten mit dem

M '.' Ibiii J d- "',n"[ Ibkrei '0, d 'elsser ,. a ..leren", ,I e ~_:e:n '1 lel,,~lla , '. ' t, ,eIS ,alD .. J:'\.,an.' '_.'

f b I' K" '1 ~.:' d '.

· '.' ,.-, ;:-",' '-.' .'.' .. :. . '.' '1':' ' .. ".-:.. ....- "I"~ , .. - ' .. " ._" ' ,. "... .' , - ,-., -c .

an C,De,,, ren, Z,U e.mnem. ~. " .. eg'e., ,'orme .. , UDI .. c .. mit

1 To I"'"'" rc. 1- 'F ~ 'II f '"iP!l 1'- N····· d ,ff" 11' ..

.~. see iO;I, ,I e ,'I.JI.ll. UDS.-:' u jen, _c<. un oen orrenen '. el~-

rand anfeuchten und die Kegel mit den FiQger:;

Z'U' samm enpressen • Den Back 0" fe n au 'cO····O v r o r-

, J' '_.' -.} I "I',,', •.•• ,~~lIi:Il~I" ., - ,....... ' ',. ": ·~·Ijl.~!.. _.,',', j":::'_' .... ,._.1,-

hei D" O"'''!'·, '!Il" '~- .. k d .. 'Ii'.'" - .',

ieizen. • _::asl:" m emem Wo[ .', ooer Fritiertopf

. ~ ~ ·f·· .. · .. ' 75" Q - rh i!. ~ - D' - x)- "h .. ' di - '! h- ~ ",!iii - ~ !!I""f"':. - ~ ~ -

au,.~ ~,., er. ntzen, .. ' as IV, hat ( I.e 'nIC,'-,e tempe-

ratur wenn AI'""n'--: .: c"l'"'n: 'e'" s Probeteig .. \S-=-·',Hl;'C-:::I...Cc--·'h· ien S'LO:

~'J'~ .• :;, ,_,'C-: [, . ". ~, .. . ... :_: .~ .. ~. r '.:... .. '.~' ... ~..:' _! _:"<.I!.U·6, . .,: .:!!I!ii;oi: . ,: .. ~-

·fo·::;·rt-·· a·· n~--:-' Id··· I~ e· ~ ,0'" - :"b' '-:-"e~ :rfl~-'; ia'"',·:,c"'··h- . e·· ~ s::,c~·:h'· W~···· ·····I .. "m~ ' '1' u- - n':" d,' g'. 0; lid, b' ·r' 'a"" n··,

I.t" .. _ . __ ' '':_'' '.~ .'~" ~ "-..:. I _. ,._" " I_, ._. '_' __: .. ~ ' .. _'. '_:_,, __ :_,_.,

UO·I:. k<.·n: U' S··-:pin'·'g~' wl!l"r'ld'~ Je··'we·· .. ·ls·, .. · 3·" ...... 4·~·, ~_rl··g·····p··as~···,··'e .. ·~Tf!·h·e.:n·l·

_ '_l'_' _ ,,_' _I .. ' _ "' ...... ~. ..' '= '.' . '. ".', ._. _ ~" "'~' ~I~I ( 'J _ ..•• _ '_ .. _._' :_.;i',~l, t ,, __ , " '

I '. ._. ,

,gl.eic:hzeiti,g ·etwa 3 :M~ nute. fritiere " blis, sie S:o;l.d-,

·bl:r:-a···· n···· n·'d·· 'k';'~' .: ···,·'·····'"'···d·· ·D·- .,·G; ·rtl' I'~g'" 'Ie···-··· P···a··"··-:-c·t·elflc;'·h·II-··I··~

- _ .. _- .' "_,, U, .1 ...•. nuspng, SID "- ,. · .. Ie, Ile,_I :··0 _:~ .. 'S ,- .. , •. ~, ._cn

'. f'': 1('"!io,!i; ~'h" "h', " ". "b- " .. e···I·· - d· .. · ... · 'B' 'k-;

au' ·:u'c!len. 'e,p'p a_Jlro~'len, ass'e:o un·. __ lm ·:ac.~'

0, '-c'o w'arm . ,allieD.

DI3'IS J;!la··l:t"t idazu~ Pfe'ffenninzc:hu:-tnc'C""'y~'~ ";o'''''m-;~'~'a~t''''e-'n-

_..::...._.I.,_. ,"'.I .. I .. tld·. I,' '.'_'l~ '., .• _ ,', _., • _I ..... ·, .. ~,J .' _''': ••• _._' ...... , :..__,.::,_ ••• '.;.'.,.:.,____:L

ch'utn,ey od,e':r' Ma '.' 'goc:h'~~~ tn.[e,Y ,

'p De~r Te·iig flir [die Pas.tetchen

'k !ii' 'K--:- iHIi hl~ h 'k I 'ii' -. - S d-

.1 ~:·.an~~ '1m ,I: D '" ,:sc (rlan ·~_i·IS[ :zu 24 _·:·lu.n" Ie,;,:

,aufbe'wah,rt W". :'rd,e'o .. , M,an kan.n auc.h fe.rt .. ig,len. Blin·tert,eig ··',e'rwe·n,dc'D ::: D'en, Blatter~

·t'e,j .. g: ,au's,ro,:lle'n, et.w',a, 4 x: 7 em grro[B'e .... ,t~

e[c~~,e :zus,choJe'id;eo" ful,en" in.'k,e :falte:n 'u:n,d im vO'rle . ',eizte'-," B,ack.o,fe'n 'bei

2"'1['0'1° et·,·-,·'w':····a··'· 15:·····:2::0··'· ". 'I"n"" 't"e·'n·· .. ,a".·c~·k, J-.1e_· .. ·n-I,·_, ...

..... . _.' _ ':' _, ~ ~.. , .. " I . I. ", ~ ~ ~ ~ '!!'

S'I~'A schme .. eken frisch a·~·!--I-;- b esten - Nac .".' Id!I';;;'O- paar

.~ ~"_ I _I J'._.,' " llll~' .!!3.,". I, .. I I •..•..• ~I._ .. I_,_.I!!!II _ "Gl .. _, [ ~Ji I' • ., __ ,, __ -_

S'::·'tu"'-·"-d···'··· .,' ... ', .. ··r d .... " ,iii··_·'1 "Bh-" ' .. ,,_. T. ~'", ka ". d ,;=- ... -;

"<,~ _n,~le,D W:_Jf' ,en ,1,I,e Z*~_i,/e,r l,e'IS ,lao, ,'. ,0; "OOi

aen mehrere Sn nden im Vlor,B!US z:ub,·· ireitet wer-

ID"-'-' 1_ l J J j',_ ", ._ ••••••• • •• ~l ,' __ I I _~_l'_ .. _.'_, __ , __ ,_,' I "_ . '._ .• '_ '.) _.~ •• I

de .. n un d zueedeckt I~i' li'U''!'~''\· lschrank ruhen,

__ • -e )1_1 .• 1 OJ I"' I ,', -)D~' ~~~_'t. I_[_. ' _ __:,. __ . __ ~_~. _,"l_l __ "_ ,_,l_ " 1 _ '= _.j' •• ~


'S' e·"iI"'!·LIf''1-'ilriAD-· t' 1,~:·,iI,w ,;I;,I,'~"JI. ~,J . !!Ii


i ,'J' 181'1, ,gu't zu::, 10e: .. ';' ii;Sle'~ H'~~,llsle~n.frUlc·b'l:en" Fleise ~.'''''''

Fis 'I, 'iii, und Oe:!,'-,'U;' lin


-' 'I

. I . . .

'.1 ":-:1:_,1- :reitu,ng;szei,~)::' 5,-'> inuten

.1 Rnhezeit; mi ~,~"- 'e"-II ,_, ~ Standen,

S ,~, d-" ,. I D' . " '-M·-:" d d - , 'S~ I ·Iz- !' ._-

; 0 W:I,rL, I, ,g,e~ma,'C!I,~,t:':las! ,!'" ,e' unc .::88 t:_,laL~:__', 1:0,

'Ie-=-!;In"~-' tiefe Schussel I-=-. eb e ·n··' . nd !.;- d ,;,~ '-';;I,t"l~ eine

,,_._,~.~._~ !L~ ~·.·',Ii!.~., .. ~.: _ .. IU~l~." l . }~._ ~. _I II i i J' .•... : ,I. ' , -,,'_' ,I~ -e -.Jll 'IIJ~ '_'i'l "'_,'

'V~"','·e'· ···rt· .. '1"1 e fu . ·0-:- !o' d·· __ · rucke m Da hin I~"in 4 EO'IO el 'la'uw'lIr,~,

·._'·'.~·.'I _".~~: .. ~' "ID .__:._·.,._·i_.~·l _", '___:,~!il .... /'.': [.l.jI I !Iiit.', I _',,- _'; .! ..... - ... ' ,:'1._' -"-:-~--'-

'1..1 b d iii d ' . 'hI· I.

mes '~!QI,~,s···,,~ir··' geben uno mn c em ., en zu emem

I' J u ._,...:__. __ I~ •• ' •• ~ . I', ....... ' __ "_,' _. I[ '.~ ~~Il J '_ ,'. I I -,_,_,___J -- --_"_. -- ~~. -_-=-

'T._',,'~,.~, vermische : .. Nac .,." un d naeh 4- w·:::e:--I~~t·IA'r"-1A EB,-

.t'e.lS Venn,IS!C\_, ,e,n, " , I.'~: u __ =,' ,n,ac_~_, .~" .~, ~ ,-~-",

'Ixet:'-I- ') .. ,-.,-, ,.,' .".... "'1"1",,. r • ... " ,"-+,- rarbeiten 'N"·'··'····'·I":-"r·~ Q·O····,· I UI,I,e:_, ,_,8lU,W,B,nDleS ",aSSler U,R,I,erar _)el,,:eD~ , "'" u" ~" ... "

I, '1·"1

, , I

. '-~"-"'I' ".,-:-., .. " -. = '~.! - -=-:-'--':' end --:-;0' ·d·-·-'a-·O--·- ein '~A-:-:- ·r·' ,-IIJIJ·I-_··--=-·-:s·--:--'b,·!ii·'·S·:IC··--:--·'h-,· e--:-"r-=

VIe" 1ft" aS1Sier verwen ·.'.It_:-,,,j_~ __ ~_' . -. I._.:__. (I!wl, '_C__C', ~.:__. __ - > IJ .'- .,.· .. 1_

Teig entsteht. Den Tai.,S zu einem Ba I, formen, zudeeken und im Kiih.Isc·hra·nk. mindestens

. '~L S" - d hen l . A-' d 'T.'" 8' .'- '8:'=;')'1

'1 '12 ,:'tU,·D;·_·. en :ru,~,en,llassen,t-· _ ;U,S oem ,I.C:_I '.". ,-:,.- ,""

ch .-- ,C'_' ... --- --' -- .. -., nd sie -- -!t,t· '.-I·-'~". M··:.'-'··-·h',1 b "'c-t'i"';- ben iii Ie . "Ie. J lo,nn.en u.n.~_ :s.le ml - w,e\Dlg ,/ e_i_ ,Ies, ,~_;U .:--' .. -.-, •. 'iI!

dan 0"-' ku 'P7' ru I hen las" ssen, 'D-QI~ Feu ~" ... rlassea, '.

I __ .-:: ". ,_I -II,,. " _: _-,.:__' '__!.-. _'. __ - -,_~.. III""~' " _. _ "~ ,_-~i!;';JI __ \_,,_:,~

A- . f·:·,·e--I'I'OII'A(P· b .. e:·o:m··1 ehlten Arbeitsflaehe je .. ~~d,e·,···~~s:,-', l1e'jg·-:,·· ..... ,

,= u,.. . _-' . , : 1II!l.;!' I.. '.,'._. ,-,,_, __ ,_. __ '.' _-,. ,1'"1.1: - _ .-- .. ----..'.Q... --,-I .. _- - _ .1 _ ' - __ : '_'

- .

b 1-'1 h o!I; d III iii d C111 d

_ 1,I_J.c:~_.en. zu 'CI'nem, __ 'onne.D" .ru:n;'en .. r:la •. ·~.e'D. au:s,~

- - _ iC1 d

rollen und mit etwas FeU bepinseln, Den. Fladen

zu einer )"iinsliichen Rolle zusammenrollen und diese wleder zu einer Sehnecke drehen .. , Diese Schnecke mit dem Nudelholz fest ZUSI8'm:men-

'p--: 'r-:il' ~,~eS'-:'e-;nl-- sowie flach drucken U' n d." - erneu t· zn einem .. I

· .. ·[I.' ..... l~·' .... ! r· .... ," I, ..... :..._.~J "'~_'_'" _" . ~ ', .. ~ J' ,I J j'._ • ,.[1,11111'_ ', '£':'1 __ -,_,' 3 '~'_3 __

.. "

FI- --;- den .-:0(:----.,---: --:-1-'1 -;-- 'S~:---.-·I-··I--· -'---:I-:ii',-, 'Fl'-I- ade '~b-::"" :l" -' ,,', ' __ .,,'-". ·'ihl .'-.

._a,_en a,usro_:.J..en.~, 1·.··,0 ten ..•. Ie·. . .a_,'en >r:c se .. r

bl .' Iii, B" d-JiJ '''I.T 'IIO' bill' •

. Attn- sem mut 1'le·Sier··YO'f;D'aoO" em-jns zwer-

_.' ,_J. '-:_: ~.-- -._ ~ID ",,' _:_.,:"'__ __: .. _", _:""_:3_" __ '_,' ' __ '__: ',." ~ '_' ._. I ~ I[ '~ . . '_ " _ I 1 I. _.,._

,- .... ·111 _ .. --~.' d~- .. - '-' -':b-' - ··,-'1-- :--. ,,-· .. rd "-'. --, "-. D--" - --,--. 'B'-' ),-. -'-"1 - ".- ,e_ .. - , ,'-., ·f: 5······0· "'0'

mall. Wlle,=_er:_.:_o_I_- wemen, • _·-en .·18,'C,Q,II,en, au, ~>I.

'h • '1' T. 11" n"'. ')- 'F" - ti' ,ii S":" iii

vorneizen. L Ieelotfel ~ -ett Ln. emer gu sessemen

PI1 b + • 1- H"JiJ hi ii'S d '111

an me r~'~ nutt erer --: ·I.:''e-) II' le··'II·:', w'er--' le~n 118ssen- -

1 I_,_~ ._ .. ~~ _' •• _, ._ • .__~ '! • ,. .' 1 ._.I~I •• _ '_' __ I •. _., __ I_._-_-_._ •. _. ,_,!t!!

1- "FI- I d "h'~' - --:- ~ -")- - - - -- 2-'--'1 "3" I 'M-' ,- .. _. t-I - 'b-' t· . - ... - d'"

:,:I.a'·~.en _lnclm,e'gen",· ..... ,,'1 :< IOU,li,en ._:ra,.en, u:n···

,diab,e.i :hin,--u,nd 'b,elSchieben,~ ,De::n A,aden, d-Bn,n

'. ': :: .... d:···· __ I'· ·d: '·b··· .. ··/~ 1-I'~' iIX'"- :11 'F'~-'· (,/ :"'.-- .. d'::·I11 •.. ~"'- ••

wen,l-en", ':,a~le,1 _ lee 'U,I,.I!'f!tll ,,·ett lD · .. ·,I,e ,rll!nn,e·lc",

'b-I- .. ,-.c 'r' - ... d· . d--: .. --- "1 '.- ':p111" ··d·· .- ,.... " '.-', '- - "1-' .~- '3': M····:, ' .. iI'. -'''' '- ,·t·· -'. -' bl·· "., ·t· . "---1- '.

-,e,n un,· ·····,e.n, · .. ··1.8,._ ,e·.n le·rn,'eu, •. --~I ':" I,n,u_c,n, I··,ra~:!e·n,~

D~'r' -J Fl ... :-' ,a··:··d~ lao'·' :~'O·I-·:II tn·U-I:-,S.~pi-~,riUJ',··:c-. s-,e-IJiJ'n.--· 'UI .-n·. d~- b,.···r,-i'u,n'mic'h,c-;

- . ","" ,.. . ","".. ~. _ .. 11.. - _- - - - , .. _ '=e . . ,- . . . .. . . . . - . ..... .

~ r. 'h-' b- "'ii!! r iii 'FIl d d"

Jl.U,pl,en;!a,_:en~ " •. 0 I.e' :lIcc·rtl8e:n, . ',- , ·a,~' Je:'o ,entwc',·.er :l:n.

'i:iIiil~i'n'--'-'e~:m---'-:-' w:-':- a:-:-'nnr' ·~··e·-···-·n:· K-""u"~'c:-:L',-·n-~··t:u·· ,c·--·',h-I .. ,o~,d"lD'r"- m .. ····J'i!!t·- .. ~ .. 'II_.U· '~O-,III"'·e-~

. ..,' _ _:'_.":'~" ':"." .. "" ,.'~"." .'. ", _'.~.~I,~'_. ". ··.·!!I~I .1"."I··.I'l.JI, .'., ,,_ MI,.·: 1".:.".1, ....

bedecld im Ba,ck,ofe;n 'W',arDl 'haI'ten. b'is ,alle· Fla-

. - '-' --- ...." ,,, - . . . ,_.. -" '-- - _., . " "-, --, . '. - .,' '-'._"- -' .. -- -- -' - -'

d·· ··b-----·te·- I'd-

,e.n lie .r,a' ....•.. ·n, 8:10:-,.,


7:.- - t·; ·t' -, 1:;,:, - 12':' " 2' 'O'D ' .. ,,,J' .. - 'b' -, - - .' . .... I" '£;II,;,Q;,enJ'Mr . ".-- .. ·:I.~ C',ltJlu,en ·····ro;,:e,~-

,~~'!ii , _,.. "J"!.,-"'. - ,"" J:',4rO···1 .... , .11.-.-"- ·t·-t···- /" •. d-,-··'i!il .. ; l...-,I.I·~h·: I '.-.' - ... d··~·:···~· '--,-, .rll,' "len .I.le,lg'i~ .-.J' g~:.,_:,a (,"_, ·'S,Cn,es .lv.e·, .' ailS, ': em

I!O 'Ii' h S' 'I! Ii h '"'ifi,.; .'.-' d--: ,Ii M'"' h

Q'P:IIIQ.-· 't,·l!i-~C-.-·· '.:. -'.e:HI-<;-ne· 1~1{J:-"'''e:i'r.,.a, .,. Q : '. ',. , 1'1;>0', .• " .q,~M'O .: ':I"~~',- I 'ti'.,;11n :,a

.d,~._·,_· _~'iiJ! .. : '. ",.. '':''r'!'~ ~ .~"-' 1-'0 .' :~i~_ . ). :.~" ... ~ "1.: .I~·i. I~ ." ... ~ " '.' kJl~, .I~\ 0

a· ' ... '- I'" 'z."'e' ;-: i 'I';> ,~.,., ... -.,. - . .- - .1 .';0;:_ ,- . . ... ':h'" '-'.-. d:-".' 1·7.~€· .-, 1' .. :,:-.... . .. ,' \ ...

. US , , ,.J II pc o,:I;ftJO,rnWelz,enmJe;" , un i_' .: ,.J ,g r"e,zen

-.' -, .. ~;,LI'- 7,Z' --:' .'-.'-., 4'/'O-=iC'), 'ii S·.: .. - 'l':" l~' l' .lL Et'RI -::-: --'. ---,J _. -.".-= -, -

m,e,,~_ ~'ype:J/" "a z ., ,_ . ; 72' ',f./J' .• zer,Qsserles

Bu'tte',~chm--·nl',~!l!!r 0'· der G--"h,e·_-·e·····~· 0< L~e' ·····'r .sl;ff',~'' ... acks"eul:ra~

" . .' .. ', ,- , - - , ' ,;_ '. U;'.~ . -. .' .. ', . - .. ,' .'. ···'O:i., .. _. ,e,iII;"i!i:I'IL-I'I.II'I'I.·. '-'.':,.' ! ' '.... .

,. -, ."DR " ,--liii'~I'-

liteS 1J'.'a,nze,'no',

,Fur die' ,Raden',:' .Mehl' 'ii geschm,tJ'cianel.ltI'rQI'es Fri'-

'i'a'~;;" .. ,~rtII


Vorbere itungszeit ::1-,5, Minuten

• Ruhezeit: rnindestens :2~,3 Stunden oder '(j,ber' N,B .. eht

I." ._._. '-' - . __ '

II Garzeit: 10 'Min,u:t.en .

IS-"Ol wird's ge~-m'·-I'a·-··,c'·~h: t: ·D:8.'5'. Mehl und ;S-~:a·-:-·"I. '!07' in eine

I. .. '-' 'n'.,. '. __ I ....... __ ''___:_. __ '._ .. __ " .!!!!! __ . '._ .... '1'_' ._ .', __ • _' __ ' • _. ~ l I ..• ~~'.

t-:I' .. -,~ ... Schassel -"::,- - ben ·O--·:·-·as·-·- Fett ·m··· it .. ' 'e' --n: 'H' ··,R·O· iden

I_J.e.l.e _:.·c·_-,u·sse.ll I,e· _i.:_::, .,i; ,> ,,~ . :::'_'_. , , .. ,'~_:c '_::___":_c_:. ·~"idt._.'<:. ,:_

so unter da -~, M eh .. 'I' m tisch ien, d .'18-,: ein '~~I1l'- '"'''',m-- ae Iiger

_, . _,,_._. _,. "_ .. __ ' _~ ,_ ,,_ .. ,_, , , , '~-._ '_" ,', ... '_' ,. ,,_., , .. Ii, ... -= .. ~',

I '.. ielt wi d 'E~ - 8'" 'I , .. Ii H. I ' .. ' , 1- 'T,' I

Teig erzie t wire 'i! '--, .<,1 ,oi·Jl.lewel:se. etwa rasse ,au-

I "." '.: ",'1", ,,'_ . ·n,t· ". ',: .. -:-'" -:b-'" eit - i - -. "b-I-:-JiJ',~,- :ii!,_, '~'-'" ',-.- - .:-- -11:'-:- '''II~ .

w,arm1es nasser UI"lllerar e-ll-en" .:_ IS 'elD ,leSI ,er . ell,

.... - tst 'h'-t' D···· Tl," 'I'''I-'-''~'-'- knet -",":. bis "'-'--1:-:' alatt

I emster :.en reig so ange _~__:_I ten, celS, ·e·r 8-,8.

'''. d-'-' ·--·1··.·· ,:t-:Iii ch .'iIi t D-" ". -'. 'T. .. r , .--:-'_'-- '~ ·B·····a)'11 form "e"-'D

u,n.-_:. ellas ISC ;., . .lSI~ __::c·en .le·.lg, zu elnem .... "':' .I.~I> ... - ... ":. .. I"~

,'il.- ..... ~'.- ' .• S·-:· h _ .. ;i;;;;,. ,'.- .. )' )- .-'--- . .-' :---- nd unt -. --'/""'- 1"- m······ ~A,'U· ehten ,11.1, el.n1e: ~"C._- usse. _.,e,:gen u.n~ D.O ~er 'elD,e . I, ,til, I~I .~ .' .', ,.~;. .

~- uc .• ,c--'.·--h-- bei Zimmert ,- e~mp-'-:-' eratur ruhen 'lassen Rei

.- . .' . __ .'. ". . ..-'.,,'" 1.......-. '" ,._ ' ._ , " .- '.. . '. _. __ . .. '" _ . . _ _ . . ,. _ _ ,

laneer er R'Ui-I'h,-- ezeit do' '8-,,".5.-· 'Iueh hin und wieder an-

... ft .. ; 'cLt,' , _' " '. ''"_ ... ,l~,£,~ ', .... ' ._. , .. ,. . , I, • . .... • _ .. , .

fe ·:nl·c- ··Jh·~e· '-'0' • Ans dem 'Teig'·· abg eflachte Blllc'hen

,1.1':' _~ ".-"_'._ .:L.::__·. "_',, .. '.' :_.~ !_::_J '_:_ •. _"'" _. _ . .- .. _:.. ..: .•. '-". !_"_":'_"_-'--' ,_ .... _'>.', ._~' ... - __ ,', '._' .. " ,.'_, .'

. Dnrch ~., A' roo, , ..

, /- .. ,- ···f·--'· "I·~,'---:I' . -"1' -:--:-- .. '-~'I·.·· ", ,,- '-"11---" 'II .. ' 1-( - -. '-:'-1 '

von etwa ,4 em, .. /:__:.rc., messer rormen, " .,U" emer

dtmn bemehlten AI1be·:i.'lsn,ic'hc jedes '8i'( chen ZU, 1!fJi;1'~"n'----:c,:-lm' .. ' Idjila··· ,d.·'- e". 'n° '-- V~·-"-'O······J'n-"· 1.' 3,:11 c···;-m·- a···· ull:·s.·';r-o.:I'~e····.n-' I, 'D--,ri,e ·fe·rtiDen

~_, ,_._" _"_ r,I, __ .· __ ,_.·_ . ', __ ~ _,[_.' ,_,,_, _ '_.' __ ., __ ._ 11._.[ '. _. I _ 1 __ ,11 _ D'-, 1

Hade"n a'u'r einem ,BlroD'en 'Te:lle;r au,~lb:reit[efn. 'uD}d

.- . M . 'hi 1- d ,·!I!'b· -'-d' d···· - <!Ii' ·hl t-·:· -- .

,e1tw'as .,_"ei:· .. >_,a'ru:,er ·U.O."_ '_BZW1.S,c_:uen, 'S.rreu:en~

D,·,· ,'., Oiil0~'II- i!:: __ {!_.--. -, 'n:e,:,-,,-_ ···!·I·~.·' ·F--·· .. '·:t··-':~'- -·,rtl'··'--·---·· "'-':f-:" '-.- ·d-' ".

as" - In ,e"I,D'er CIJ.,, el.oem, .~ ,n, le_ :op" 0:. er

e-·.i!·o----:-e-·m-:-:, W:··,·'·:o·'·--:-::k·-·- a~l·u~.fl' e-:t.·"w~~:~ac;-.175.,O ,e~-r:hitz"'-~eln- VlO'-iD den ·Fla,·,

.. . ,'. ... • •. _ .. '. "l .. .. . .. . '. _I :..._: '_ ." .. _' _' _',--1 .. . . r., .. . 1 . _' , , , _

d,e:n, jiew'c,j,ls Id,3S ',Ie'~l a.b,sJchu,tt1e'l.n. un,d si.e' n,a'cb.-

1iIj, - ,i, ':h~' fl' O~'" '1- "1- . S' "b-' . 'Id' . '~- 'FI-" d' . .

c'I'n:3'n,lder' 'ID,S, .Ielwe'<-/ .,e'g:e':n,~ <-,o.a._' _ el~n. · :a: 1.le·:n,

.:. ·f···.-'-i-'e······h·~-,t- ·~"h-:··n m,-,--· .. '~·t· d'" e·-·-:m",·, 'S-'·:,c·-··h-···a·',"um: · .. ·I-,x"~ei,~-·'I-;w·_. ·:','C-"O'" d'~' ·e·-···'·n-·- ·u· 'o"'d':-- ~

a.u g.; I " I" IU, . ,.1 ! >!, I.. . ..'__:_._ .. u.ll.i.. --:_ _ '-.' '.' ', ..

I .:- '·f··--' b- --::;"'dJ- -_:- 'S':'-'" - ·i;,-t- -. -.-- ',':: 'I-d·'-·b-·'" i -r:-::-' . I -_:- f' :::I·=!iI!'t·I,!i!i,~'---=-'n·" A,'" :-I,r'_--' 'K"-'~:~I'-

au .. ,ell en _elen I,,n ,_n .. I.ere·.~, . :u .. :Ul

ich.len,k.Jiep!:p a'b't:rop~e:n. '1.a8:s,e:n. 'D.nd w',a,I .. I.ll ..

'p"-' n" -',.- . - '-, -:-, - ill! jjjj.-. d-:- '-' .. - . -H,' .' - - - - t- -- --' .. '---'. h- 'Iz- ·-::-···'",t--

._,au,1 gyt .Z,U ;, Je.··· ,1e.r c_: ._.aup rna __ ._.~·~el.l .


---_ .

I-I 1'1

: n I __ " F(i:r 'festl:ic:h,e An' isse wi~rd,


d,or' '~e{i,g u.nze'rt1f!·ilt a'uf e-i'o:cr' Arbe:itsOacb.'e

a,u,!;,g:ero:llt, 'u,n,d dla'nn .S,-,'1'CID .groJ3,e~ nI,n"d.le ~e.igpla:tten a·u.'s,ges,'tolc:b1e:n. un.ld, diese :fri .. - -

··t·,)'II',e-":·rl·- ·M··· .. :· 'an·-·-· e~'r'h- '#t,l-I't' ·d:·-'B··: 'n .. ··n- ·e'-·W-'!:8·· 2-8'~-,'~,O~···· ~o""rm-'---'I-'

_.......:, "LI _-i _., .. ,'_:1".-_' __ ,: > . ~._: _..:,~a........:, ' .. _ :-- .1' ", "'IL·.,I'.:.. . ']. '. ,~ .. J.: 1,11.: " ,I

" "

i£i"",:h-A:'IO- ~ 'Fl,~- a:!.d·-,e~'D---··b:-ro-,-~:t'·e~- , __ ·1.·~~e,-'n- 0':-" Im--:~·an·~ -I, u-:n~ ·ite··-,-'r-·

~"""". _.u.-'.~~ """,. :__' __ '_". :__._--_._.-_, -'I "" __ ,,,_,,, _,,_,, __ "_--'_ ._._-'.

,d,·' 'e·-cn--·---'-- 11.e:-l!o ~'t-:a~it: 1····. 'T.~'~~.e- W:as::-,:s--·~·,e-r:- .~; 'Tas:se

' __ . ,_", __ ' l_ ._" GI ~ - _.~ I , I, ~o ._. ._ _.' _. __ .. [ l I l •. _."_. _. __ •

,J'o;gh,u,'n 'u,n,d .~ 'T.sse Wasser misc:ht!ii w,er ... ·

d-e- n:' ,d'-: liII'e' '-. F1-:':' ai, d·· .. · e···in··-·b·· r-,-:o··t:··'le--·-' 'b-··e:_:-s~·'o-··-··in-··d·:li.'r-s···: .' .:.,--- ··u'~·p-··'n'''g·:·,·

•. - .• '1 '. "._.J j" J'_' ' .. ~' .. ' _:. I '1' .• :._:., _-::.' . .......:,. ".' •. 1 : .1. ;" .• ' _.I~I.. ""'.' • I," "a !'" .' )iij.

,'. .._ .. '





Reisgerichte stellen den feinsten . eil der indischen Ku~".c'he'·, dan vorau .. sg .. esetzt m ian i' w·.· •.. ·'a··c'\h':,lt·· eine

[ ,,' ",,' " --" , . --, - " - . , .. . -' .... . - - -... ,. , .. .

'. ute R" '.' .... - " orte . :--,;jj: "'.' ',', . B:": Iii , . ,iI "') B"'''''' m· ati ,,-:. D··("·"

g,uI,e ·,.·,eISS,O", .'e Wl.e: zu,m 'el,s.p1.e .··'as 11,1,". Ire'IS .. , .. ··I,e

» Auslese- der guten Sorten wird oft bis Z,U

15":· Jah ren gela g ert ", und 0':""0'[' " zu spezielle n"'''' An I' a~~ls,:~' ...

.',,' ,'", ,'. ", .,,,[,.,_:',:." ', .... ; .. : _1. 1, ..... _ .. ' ,', .!"I" :' "1,', ',.' '.:';":"_" _':, __ ,.:_:. ::......c. c__'. ".

, ," . ,

sen gekocht, Der bekannteste Reis is'! d .. er Patna-

Langkornreis, FO,r Alltagsgerichte verwendet

," - ,-- '~'. I""" dier -:- .. " .. ,. halter R'"·''' F"'I ,~" .-". ,'iI .. ",,_ '.,,"."",'

.man lD .,n _,Ie·n unge,slc· "a, . ,en,:, . CIS. •. as,I" ,I,mmer

reicht man den Reis 'mil Gemuse, Fleisch Fisch

d - fl'"

o , er Gef ~~g,el.

2 1i. N. ," k .' 1'" ~. ' Z··' ;0; b l

Tassen N .aturiane "om[,e,~s ... g'··rro'e ··"'WJ:e·:'e'· .'

""[~.~ - .... : . ['_.'.-" ",,"'.: J.:1ft:· J,,>., r ._ .. ', .-' . "'-,,1 L ' .. ,[ ..•. : .. _,1, .,"!1 ',I .....

2- K· - '-" '. 'b: ,J' .. " "h . . h' , . 5,,-'00':::' '~"'I . fi: '. ~ ... ·h··· 171·.·. I '. ·t·· . ". -.,;1,

... ·n·o:·'a.u,c ,zeen.. . .. ' c' g"nsc,.,e ~Io,m,a,~en ,uu,er

I Dose- 4 £fJl .. Buaerschmalz oder Ghee oder

g- eschmacksneutrales Pfl········· 'anzenbl. 1 'Teet- frisch'

, . ~. .. . . . ..' I. .. .. .... ~ >.. '.. . .. .. .. .• I •

.. . , .. , -, -- '. lte l" ..... " -. ,- -- .' ", ,", ", -- .. ' I:·' ( .... -~, ,L :,' S··'·· .. · ~t·· ' .... , 6"·; }

geraspe'·I.-e "n,gwenvurze, s,e,,'e,~el,e 1 .. / .'

2 DI:. .. ,j"'I':. ... J~N.- ',', - 2"· ·G::'-" -_. ,- '""~·--:-'Me:"JI."':~n 'ii

_ •. JeJJerAV,me7 III ,:. ·~ewurz"' __ ';l\;c· '

1 Z'·/'~'·:·-t,·,,·-:,t·-I ....... - ... ,.. 2'..'· Kardamo .. "m· ... ka ... ~.,'." : ei -- Ill"/'.. rrbe:·/:

_ .~ 1m'S ,ange W'. ", a~"a: </.,: ",:_:1'5 ~." n y~ .1 It;, ...

Gelbwurzpulver- sa«. .1 EfJt~ frisch ,geh:a,cktes Koriandergriin oder Petersilie

I. Vorbereit mgszeit: 10 Minuten • Garzeit: .20~,35 Minuten

·So wir:d"s ge'ma,cht: Den Reis gut waschen bis

d W·::, er kls bleib dann ir iIO-'-'H!- ieb as \',.ass"e·[ '.' ar " eibt; c ann In emem ,-' aarsret

abtropfen Iassen. Die Zwiebel sehalen und in dtlnne Scheiben schneiden. Die Knoblauchzehen schalen unc durch ·di,e Knob'),au,chpress"e

,d·',ruli>~c··":k,·,·e:":n··, 01' .~., T.o"·m·:· 8't,"e"D':' w·"8S,">c,',-:',h';""e' ·n·' k"r' re-11'~JIl'J!'W·:, .. e'I"s:'le· ,e"-;'I'·'OI!!!!!

.,'! '_'.', .·.;·· .. 1 L',ll .. 'l_'.' II~.·· I' .. ,1,_ '[ .. ' ,!. '.:"[, ' '·~L':. " [ .. :. :,. 1'1'

.. d k ... k 'h d' W'" 'Il,", b b Ill'"'

'--"'.:~' "1," ..... ; .. ' '1","-:',: ...---,.··· .. 1" "':,-~ ·.~::"':··'H~·!:'-'· -

na,en, un,··, "u,rz .1n "DC,. en, e.m ,_ asse.r U,' er ... ,m

':h" 'D"- HI:. "," "'b ,., 'lb·· . d.o d;I' . " ·S··,:lt· .' ,·,'1," .. I ··t'

~-~-n* ·I'C ,au,! az e".:en, U,D', ,'e ~ en;ge'._,an,sa ,Z

a'u's·';s·,"'l·"e' ~'h' ',e···· - D':' ",e.-'! . 0'; m' ," a· .. 't'e~'n; e'·ntlk· ... ·e·~'rn··· "'e':-"D U" n· 'Id:-c I ;m"

"I .. ". -, .' '.'Y' '. ',,: I, • ." .' ,' .. " .1' "" .1 .. '" " ".' . ',.' ."',,' ': .. , . _. _; _:, .. .. '~',_;

MI~X·'-:I.'r, p' ".'u~"'n·:!i!'e:~."r, e,'·JD. ,o,~,{de"r d:-,·u'r-'c,:·'·h-,. ,e:-I'·n···· H" aa .. ·· ... r,s/),I.I!,e···.,~b so:-·t:',rei ....

- _'[ '.. ~ . .. - - . . . _... = .. -' = . = _. - _... . - ._ . -

che"n' D""as" F·e·'tt···,· It:n el<!l!nem" gr' -'oltle'n TO" "p"f'" be"I'~ m,,~;,tt"le

.1 .. ,. ,_.[:~~_:";: .,' ..• _. : . ~ . ,,'_'., _",'._ .: ','.1..),- .1 '.: .',1. ,'.::~,·I '_..i. ':1, 1_ ': -, ....

re:" .H'itze h,eiB· 'wer,de·. lass,e'D u.nd die Z,w'iebel., den. Kn:oblauch. s!oiwi:e' de:n, In.gwer dari.n a'o'b:ra,-,.-,--, 0- .. ·· .. 'Dl':-,N"'k' A' . d_;'~'- 'G"" .. ,.'II'k'··' d"··'''' te·n. ·.<Ie: r-.el.J,er~··u·rnler, .··.··,,·Ie. ~ewurzne,Il,,:.en, I.' en,

Z:'!,--_·-t-: .. ,",) d' d' :!i!'e' Ka~'::'-·d·' :"C ",,-:-:;-'. '.-:-' ;-·-·,'k·:: 'po "e~ 'In' daze" 'ug--'[e' b" J'e'''''n'-' U· "'01 d·_; Iml. U.n,~" . 1:-:· .' .. : .r:,amo.m. a .... S,:~ .. , '_ '~--'._'.~" .~;- __ ,!="

. .

alles unter Rtihren goldbraun braten, De'D Reis, das Gelbw srzpulver und Salz untermischen. Das Tomatenpuree mit Wasser auf 4, 'I assen Flussigkeit a" ufftlllen und zu m Re '11:5".' g t<l!'e··O"':,e-."'n·'·' Al les 'u'-n-: ter

.. ,. . .,11 _ ".1. __ " .' ':__'. _.. ,., I ._ .... ' .... ,-" ",' _ :__.:_'111",· ' ... ".1 "".' .'

Ruhren aufkochen lassen und die Hitze reduzjeren, De'D 170'p.f verschliefsen und den Reis bel

'hi h H··'·'· h S , 2"'0 3'" S' . ·M""·' .

SC",I',wac,. ',er ,. ~ ttze Je nac :1,: sorte " .. ~:>~ ,'::::.,:< Inuten

ausq' melle .. ·n· '-'I--'~ --, • ...---:-:- .... " " C";,...t.t:-, .- koch t"·· .... R--i:. /~

,_:, .. ' :'.~, '" assen ... ,··, e,n Ile .. "l! ge .. o,e.,., e:D, "",el,S

'mit einer Gabel aufloekern und vor dem Servieren 'mit dem Koriandergrun oder Petersilie gar-


nlere:o ...

,PaSt a'-D.t z,u: roten Linsen und Joghurt oder zu Fisch oder Fleischgerichten

• 11'

3 ""1'1' B" ", . ... ~'...I i L ·'·1 D

,'lassen . sasmaureis o,uer' gescnatter Patna-

E' -:"'IOk:"'{J': im re "~'''. !'/.' Tn'41- Gelbwurz tmdve» 'I,I'L: ~":' ' .. ,.:

1.AAl:.IIO'>~ . ~ ,_ '- . ,I~ ,r4 .IC;;.~., II!'-~'I .• rr .... M,_··rM'. r~,r n ~ee At

e!L ·l· ~ ,- d R" "'lea I

rates _ r",'P"~ 'ver o:~er'·,·'·~-:.rpu.<"er ~

Salz» J milde grii,n[e Chi jlisch 0 te oder Peperone · ,3 EJJI. geschmacksneutrales Pflanzenol ~

I/, ~ I K'" ,r_:: L t»: 'T1' h[ ··.,t-

74 ,,',ee .. ··,~ ... ~' "euzltu'[mme' __ .;sa,men' .. , i<4 'tasse gescnatte

E· . d ,~ ... ' ",., .. - .... .. 2:,' E·-;ra".' fi: ._": .' h' .. . '. "l... .... ·kt·:·: ' .. -, K·:.'·' ' .. "; 'ii ... ' .' ." ' .. " .. ' .. ' .. ~~"" ranusse- '·~fI~'·,:.,,·· risen genaoaes ~_ .onanaergrun

~D ".1'" 2" ·r:;",QI Z .~

oaer Petersitie - . '. 4P[. Zitronensaft

.1 Vorbereitungszeit: 15 Minuten

• Ruhezeit: 3[0.Min.ulen.

• Garzeit: .201 Minuten

S- 0·:" wird 's g'c:':m" :"8:'LC,:ht'-;; D' ·····e~::'n' 8'·:'."'\8' s,::'m'" iatireis verlesen

~ . '. 111, . ~' .: J •. :......, ___:. . ~'~ • •• .. .' .'" •. ~. .... ". _ ..' • ,. , ~ .' . '. ., .' J . ,

- . ,

-- d'" <I ... .. " -- ·s·· . 'h-- ..... i -" I - 1.- w..~, .. . - .. " .. - ,aI' .,' ," '-:b"" .. -, -.

un,[': J.D. eiDer "C .. _.~USSle', mtt.,:3lSSe'f saO.IJ, ZWISC" en

d.e'n FinQ',e'rn 'reiben his, Was,s,er ·milchig·· .. und

.. - . '_" _.- - Ie" '- __ '-'- .. _., -'_-'" ,,:__ .. - ..-- '- . ,. -- --. ,,,. " , . : ,'.

ct· '~b' '-, -".' ,,",':, d,'"'' d-"" .-. -, d"· .~, w···:· ". '.. . --: h-- ,,!I!!i!tt,·, , ·n·' I ' .. [ -

ro.-·e, w),r._ '.,,- ,an.n ,~as. ·a,s[ser wegse" ,Uj· )e_. l,iI ~ e-

, . ,II, d h' I bio d ''1,1'

s'e·D. Vo'rgang so lange w~l.e-eri .'. 0 :,en,,-:1S "_:as "as~'

seer klar blcibili Den Bas,matireis, v'on, 'Was'ser 'be-

de···.c':ict'··, 3""',0", M' ' ...... .'l""nu---.'':e···'·n··' ,e,:I·"'ln. ,"W',: '···e·.,I'"'ci·h~.e· .. ·:.n-i u .. o,d·: in eine:m

. .' . . .,' . II I [. [ , • • [ I 1 • __ !"""!l ~ _ _ _ _

:Haarsie'b abtrop'fre:n, lasse:D.~ Den La:ngkornreis :Ied'iglich kalt abbrau,s,ein, bis d!as Wasser 'klar' 'bJeJi'bt, uod abtro'p"fe:n I.assen .. , .1 In. einem, gOI,Be'n To.plf

, , '

I d.e·:n ,Reis· mit 6 'Tassen Wasser, d.e':m. Ge·I'bwu,rz.pul-


ver, Idem. IC' __ Ilipulver oder Rosenpa .. prikapulver sowie Salz bei starker Hitze zurn Kochen bringen. Den 'Iopf'verschliefsee, die Hitze reduzieren

und den :Rel,s in, etwa ,201 ~"', inuten bei schwaeher

~ .~,i,tze ausquellen : assen, .1 In der ZW'isc:II'e:nzeit


die ·C· ... "-"h- ;1~1'11~'iClIP ~'o·-:-··'I·' I'D" d er Pepe erone wasehei 'V·-IO-::-··'D

I JII.:_;" _ .,._ '_" ,i:I'~' _' ), -~ <:_:-::_ ,.,"".. , 'L.r. -,' _' __ ' . _ !iUi-ai._:__ __- ''-'_'" ,_'.- - _. ,

Stiel und " .ernen befreien und feinhaeken, .. DI,3S1

IAI- ,'Ii'n-- 1.;;'- er a . ne bei mittlerer Hitze 'h.- ··e·- :'''''I-I? '.' er-

U _ ._:'__'_ ~I£_~_ '._. I r j".J ~,~,_ tljlol,IiI", _.Jl~, ._",[ [ 1 1~L£._. _ I lU . ~d 1

den lassen .. ' ~,e Kreuzknmmelsarr e'- dazugeben

und, sobald sie platzen die Erdnusse zufuge'n und unter h,lu,'n,ge:m, Wenden goldbraun braten, Das Koriandergrnn oder Petersilie und die gehackte Chilischote oder Peperone ein ,. hren und kurz braten lassen, Die Mischung aus ler :_" .. 'anne zu dem Reis geben und mit einer Geb I gut U'O,-terh .. 'e" ··'-b·'n··· ' "',Q!11 Zitro mensaft 'u'''''' b- "'C- r- d":: en ' )-'e-''"''£i itra'~"'UI

_,~ j I .. ~ .. < .~ .. ~'l J Iii ~_' (~~_~~-[It .l_ -' I I ~ I JiilJif':_,I fl .: J _'." -.,::".,_:, '.~l _.:--:!_l ! :···>1· .. ·· I ~ '1& (.~I . /!I!!I

fe'·o" .. , · .•. 'oc'h, leinm,B,) mil, d,er' G,a,be:, a, :';-,oc:-Iem'i~'

D'ii3Iiit'l1 'p.;g"" · d·" 'OIi""'j!UI' 'v·I",-'AII;··le··~·a··'-' 'n-iIo'iIi:\i',ci"~"h! e' '-' u-' '-, 'd': 'nlil!;C·'-I"I-'!j:-ji""'I~·t-l·a •• ~" .. ,,...

i"~ _:. '!g; - .... ~_I_:Q-.!LI . ...:._ l!il .:~. _'; .~/I-._'.l ID·· ··;:It I '.~" _. '11 " ":: II In _ .... _:_.,~ ~ .. _-.'y'~. :-:"~"_- __ J_, I!!!!!!

. . '. .

h 0- 'Ill h

_~'<.":~-:- ": '~. I.': .~: ... ", .. [ - _ I':~~ .~ .. '1 . ".

sc ,e~e "c "Ie

2· '~a~l; _,~' •• :- B.~· in_'~'~inll.l,i.(. '\~~~air~~ .'J':J~~,~.n".l~'r-~

, ,~ 11 __ ~~l~ ~ 1'1' _. "~~il'II'" Ill; I; IH" 1r.;.1_~ . ~UI~! . [~I ~!~ILrn .. !I~~ ) L'l

,Dnt·,--··--···~_ ,I' -'~I--' -:- ":"' ... ,-1' .. '! v 1''''','._ ... 1- ~- - S'a'·-j'I"'.:.ii!'lIII···lilCi~s'n· !ii'

,ru: ilfta ,_.LAA,,,,g,KrOlmreIS '- _: .I'll ~, . ...,!I" 1ioI]. ,fI'llii!IUI~1 '.' .

3 .... ,' ,1J,1'J!'.'pt-, ~ J' Z·"I~~ ~ 'c-b'-· .::-.,,-:'.. j"~ .. ,'-,-' ;1- B' -'li'iI'~"!lIDq.,pL.lm~ In'I'~'~

. '."", ,JI''''I!iL,.,'1 ,:,' "'W11Ie,t!,. '- ,'.', ., ',;0; .. ' H:I:III;~if If 1 '"",,fl, .' g;J 1£

- !. _ -I.' .' ..._ - - _. _. - .. _. . - ._ .. _ _.. - ~.

··-·d,'·····'-Ir:!h';·····i ... ,-, ... -.~/.,-~ ... c, ... ,-';'·····,-h-,-, , ... :-;-.-,J'.-,,,,,!,-,-,,_.--,-,.-- .. __ ,-:----::: -- .-' __ '.-, -,-,.-':- ··~~'I: III' u'~,,_,t!,e ,oYi~,r g,esc'l.macA:jneJI."ra.l!s ~_,_,anize",ol~' -

2- G----: ,~~ it'- 4' K'····---, d-' lea-II"

• ' ~. ~ ._: .-:' • I .' •. ~-I."',-l ':., -: '. I . , . '.' ...•..• ,~~~ .. , .• ' I -. ~' •.•• , ~ ,,-. '.' .~' ~.~'I-:-- "',~I • '~I

,~!ewurzll,lI j"-Jen Ii '-c ,-' .' ,a~~!a,m,Olm ,._r~se, ,n .,


1 Z·-··/-,·-··.-,"""-,-·-··- .':' --,' - -::-- ,:I,t ~"" ,1'" ,'G'-~':"'-lilb-' 'iU,t'Ij!,,~lm'j/i~'litIS -~ " S··.······ n'l··· ,-,- -

~ ir.,m':Si~ tinge I!J. ,72.1 ee,' ,,. ' ... _e',IP'lYM;" 6!y"~' 'r' r;;. r.. --'g, ,Z ..

. -

,""'-: "71' .'1'" ,':- ,', "::-:',-,'-";- .. ,,~~.L ~ -.'- ~- ....• ' " .v_ .. : . (~. ',- '! :_ ': ! '- .. ," ;-.,-

,72 ,1,' e~_,,!!, ",em1an,'ene,r AIQ,ru'llmo,m

'Voi'rbe:i ::,:_~ilu,'n,gs~eit:: 1,,5 MiD'ule'D

R-' .:', , 'h- .. ·· -' .. '···-·"~'.;I·· ,~; "3'10'-' - ' ·iii'.:-~ ·:t--" "'I'~"

._jU,. ,eze·I_"i' '~"". · _I.nuen

0- - " ._ .. ,Iii',._, .. 2-::"0""" 2-~iS"" M··- ~.-. ,-'- .. ' _ .. ,8 rz,elll ~ '_I:: -',-'. ,f_ I,D u.tle~D,

d .' . ck - ,(. 3'~"'O"'1 "M' ,:~,--- :-'1-':"- '-,'-.' ,'!!i',: "'., .'.-, '·t····:-_~··h·-· "," ind '!!i', - A;~I:(n--' ,-, -'8'1'8-' -'

.' ec,_ '~'" mn,u,e,n, Clnw,el,C, ,en u"n· I,n ~'"",. , .. ':, _,

- '~' eb --.- ---- A'" 'b"L- -- - - e---- -b-- -. -- D- .... '. -. --'. "L' .- .-- .- kc -----. -;;;;s,lle n zu.m Abtropten I,e' ~'en,~, ,I··'e'o ,_ .. ·a,DB ····.orn'~e!I,S,

di!!! 'I-i!!! h h 'b'" d' ".'11 _. - 'kJ'- - - - ' .. -.- --. - d

, ,e ,s:~ rc " W,a!,C_.,_.CD, ~I:S: as wasser ,~ . ar unn

eben 'II-I,!I]:!I, in ·e·-:,;r; n .. ·e."m·, - .. ' 'H-'I 'aarsie ····b,· 'a·~ btropfen Iasse .'0," ,

..•.• ...II~ Ill.' '._.'1 .1'_.' ~l" "" ~JI __ _.~.111~_. [1,_ '~~"_'[ [~

Die Safranfad en i'D'" einem ' .. Pfan nehen bei mitt le-

'.' .... '" 1II.,i_)_" ,I." ... " CI,i_",.,~" '._ .. _

',"IIlI., ' , ., .-- b iliii;- d'iii M'-'I!!ill"h

rer Httze 0, I ne ,I· e ·mu.,gaJ:e a , 'IlDS'en1i_~ ,llle _,~: I, c 1-,',

dazu 'iie-r€i'A'n'-:-" nd k ··.U~I 'w" 'a-C,lld 'w', .... erden lassen Das

~.I l.· .. ,y~I j •••• " •• J •• [~ '._'~" •• " HI','. I,.~. J 1'._-~I~I~"!i!1 ... 1 ......

'~-: '- .. ' ":h-I-'_'--:-"i-~-" - - --;.- .-- - .. ' 'I: erd '-' .~>.- h .. ···-· 'm", '.' -.' ._. '. -'1'-- b - ... I!!'(~ .' ··,·i!!3lt';,·" , st .

. rl.,aDD.C....!.Je,n Ylo',m . ,e,', .. _' _ e_c,_, "_e_,, , U,,_, , .. · .. ·:_i,Se, . ,e ,s e, ,'-'

I ·.'iiI· Z ' .. b 'I '-h--'I dl ,~, d -- S h ,.,

le~-,:n·~'··-. - •. ·II-,·/,-':-I·:,,·-I'-e:-' ~e- ,~;t"iii-,a~:; e-:n-::- U. n--;- r '111'11"11 , .• ·I'~~I'n'n-: 'i~ i ei-

" .·,',_'11I!!!1 _'._,".' I_.··_l~ _ ~l~_J ' __ ~". ,_[ ._' __ " __ lI"ILI ._llU'llil, ~ I .. ~[ '.'

'·b· en sehneid en ·4" 'Ta'·IS'·SC-"e·'n·-' W··'·· -"'-a',;C£Ar---" zum Koch en

· ., .. 1 .. I l' ii:J -:1 I j II '~'I /.::._. :~'!~ . I ~":I - )- ' :_:' '" ' •• "'. r.~ ~._~~l~. , ,~." .':__:~'" " ' .. " '-t ' I ~.~ •

b :'~.~ .. , '" .... --,:. . I. 'D'" .... ::-: Fett in ein e'''-''m-I'' ·····uro·"· ·-·Bii'e·- n'!'" ~'C"-' "h-'-· '--'--"~I-e"'--'-'-'-'" .-;-.

nng,en .. · . ~.' a.5, _. -~.~_- 1. __ , ',~ ~, .l _ '~, " . ~'='_~ __ ~"'" ,W

To ". ····f·":...:' bei , - . lttl -'1 '.',--- H' : '~, ... ~ .... , h" ,1!!3'O--" . ',,' '-.,' d--·· -.' ,-'" '-I ,","-,,.---=- .. -",,'-'-. 'c-. , rd I

ropreei mnnerer . nze _,i'CI" wer en ,_.'8isse,n uno

- d k - d

die Gewn .,,~:i'r-'1J'·n-- e"" ken d··'II'!!I'e' Karc 3":- 'm- . 0'''' "m·- .. -.' /8IP---·,'s· .. iel 'n·- .. unc

II I ... ~~~. ". >_ ... '~ . :".: ._. II, ~ __ J .: •• ~.. ,'. ··..:...·1 --.I'" I '~' .. ' ~, .•••.• ,'.~ I H i r ...... ~ I [~. "].._1 ) ~' ••• , .. 1._. _1 __ 1 I .~. __ , I _. I

.. ' I!!' Zim t-I" "t·" '. ,,- .. '. ", "h""'" '-.,/. '~.""'( ,-,,- .. ' ·s'<'I:.' ·····rl·_··· d ·a-·,' nach d "Ii!!>'e-"

· ,lIe .. ' _:_J. _ .I,I_an,se, . "I,nz,ul,u,s:en,~ ····01,0 i_ .I". ,1~.1""'1 ".~ .. ~;

Zwiebel dazuaebe l Die' Zutaten 'S'OI la ~··g,~·',e stan-

_ '. l!!!! .. ' ' .. '~ '._. __ •. _l •. ,.} •••• I l~ . '.,'. } "1 I' I ••••• [. I ll.~.'·'_ .-._

d-,iI!i:", ,uh-'-·, --'.. bis di . Z········ .. ., ... , ;b---'II ("I-gl~,:!i!I"~ '''''·''1'' D·,-···,-=-· ..... ·O-·_:_ 'J'b

__ II,", Ri_, ,re'~'-'!li :11.i ,lie ·······wu~~t ,e,1] ,:0: ,,~,I,'Q ,~S.I~ '_ as, '.' .Ie .-'

~ ~ ~ ~

'1- -' I 'iii' !ii' .--,- 'h-' d-' .... , ... ' d-' 'h-' ~,",. ,.

WU.'rz'-llu..J.'v'e:r ~~ 'In,le':I.:-I;:-.'rii, .~,re'n,,_,le'n, ._~,:!eIS! ,-=-"a-Z~u's:c, .~,u:t; -,len

'u'od u'n'te'r' slt.arnl'-'i'O·le;m ','-":e~ ,e;n n'u'r :SJO! la'Due 'bf'a~,

• _ -,_ ... __ I '. _.l __ . '. I .. .r_-_I_"-·=ID· . "_ _ •••. !.__ ••• _11_, -- - -' ." .~_I bl' '. J' .~.I

,.- :'1·',0·" '113:" 5·····,s·=.;:'n·--· b---'-':~'··--::-· d-'-'~ =, R'=;'~i;k-'I~'i :-,_Ir-' _il!i;'-n' ··e,····n-I 0······ lO'I'-ld'-;'O--'-rn--:- ,."r:...'

_-.~' , , ,1'1' e, __ 1_ ],S~ ,_e ~ ~e],s._-~orn~,_ ~, ., "_ .' ".'_"'.'-_' ~,_

'hi ')'t· .. - 'h- "b- .,. D'-' k-' ·-··h··· ... d·' - '. "W:" ~."., '-,- . --, -,--. "1- -'.~ 'U'-~

I' la, . le'n, I"a. ~· .. en"ii . ·· .. '8,., u::".OC:c__ e:n ...••• ,e '.- ·· .. a.,SIC!:,r u.,n,_:,err ..... m, ....

rul'~~"hll're-,: ~'n~' ' .. 'ih" I~ n .. ·e.,ii 'n':' I· '. -,.'I~ ,e,Q'e: .·n~ . - 'S-- :8.:· .. "1",,' Id··: ,1I31';;7U-'- Qi·b,,~rn--· ·U-· 'n:··'I-d·.~- ~'O:I!!!!'

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b,al,d, d,a's . "anz;e !B,u'fkolcht, die ',-~-ltze red'uzieuniO

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._.I,le _ B, .. Bnml c, . ,au, f·,en ,(~, , __ I,I,_I,'~',IJ .,I~; . ,It~ '.-

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- 11_-=1 Dcr ,Rei:s mu,D, 'blc:i d,,~es,e'm 'Ge'rilcht , I,Q(mri,1 u:nd. 'I,Qckle'r' se:i ".. -,a:lls 'IJ;B,lc:h ,2,01 M:in' ,'l'e1n n"ocb zu' ~vile:1 FI,u,:ss'i"g~'"ei·. V'iDlr ... hande'n s,ei,'n, slo)),t:1e', ein, K'~r·ch.le',ntu,ch zwi~, sc'h,e;,-~, ,d,en --,---,opf u~n,d. d.e,n. ,Dec,-.:·,e:1 "-,i,:nd,e'n.

ode:r de:n, R:e' :im. 'vorg,eheizten B,aJck.o~e:n,

1 .. · '0-:-'· ':--M···.·······~'~J'n· I'U,' 't'e}n~' t"'r--o' '··:c·,':Im·,· ',"-e·,lo" "la'··~',~IA'nl

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sic .... aut 'VIOl, bereitea,

2! Tassen Basmatireis ode,' greschiiller

Punta- r ~n' "Dk' ' , .•. ~- ... - " ".-. ~ -, ,. S~"> l··-' iI 2"O····',C· .... I,. :.1.. ... ,'," "';;;;;;:1" ;-' < -

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By"').e',.\Ci,~,l.lm· .. , JfI'l,:·~ ,-:-,~-:y-, '6;"':'- "I." -::-.', ;:-:! .,:- .. ',-. .~, 1';:-, ,'::-., ,~I!..,:- " - , .' ,',._,' '( " .'1," .-, ,.' I'~ -. -

.~ -- !I.;I·r~Lr;I"jU,:Z fJu!er~,rl,ee tJ ';_,' Igesr;nmQ,c_,_ni--:_,_,'a ....

les .. - In' ":~Pllij",~ I E'·n,'-:'micll'Tne-· 'n!'·······-'e~,

_" jc~"" ~ ", . ,I .. 1. . , l!Jitil' .ll.lJJI .,_.l ._" '--r'!-' . 1_, ':l 'I'- ,' .. [

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WN_' e- .. e; 1,&~ef,'Ie ~Ier.le 1.:1' ''''" _ ,_"",,~~I"SICn,e oU'le",.

, I ',"-1 ,,, r . '- '- ... ,,- -. ". "!Il"~" ., " ' ..... ,'-' t""1 ,,~. -, .. - SI ... ~t',··,·· 7" ~" I ~--l

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. ,. h' . - -- . . - d'~ -., , b- .. '. .. S' '- rfk' .,--,' "'~'-.. .. - . 14' :' ...•. fi""- I. .,'

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.... _ .. "w.;, ,_ _ __ _ _ _ w .. E;j. 'i!!: .'. _ . fl~·I. . ... , ~~[. ~

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1 ·eIUwu,lrz,pu\_pe,r .~.~ .. ,,:,e~u,rzn!e#\.£'!".. ,', .~J-I"i!.~,n~;IC:,."

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• Garzeit: IctWB ,30 :Mi- uten

S'o-c: 'W·' ':'I:!i!' rd !., ~I lint·: ~i" m . a . c :h' . ·t-' ~ .... A,'. '."'0" B·.·.~ as~ ! --, ·'m-'- ::.-,'a,'t-·Illlll' 'r-i.-e~.··.I·!II!I,'~ v ·.A, er -'I es 1,,_,"._ ",D'-

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.... .. I ~ll I ~ _l I _~, ,[ I, ~~ '~i. ~ .... !, .. .. ' ~. /~ ,_) HI·" ~ ... I j!IIJIL ! ~

,dJ-e~"-'-' 'F·I'~;'II-!··:!\a'rn-"-' r~'I'I!!Hb'-!e·.· n·· 'b-'IIS, .. ·· d'-> '.: .. :' ':~rF!-s::e-r-" -'~"I'~I c'~:- :'"'g'!I.' 'I'" -''"~'I:''

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"w.', .... , ,'·· .. ' .. a··:=-· IDQ'-'r"- b-L-d'" -,e·:-\c····,Lt,· ']. "101 '.... 1~ln··-· .. u'·t...,·'n·· el~"n,w'···':'·e:'II!!"c,-··,h· e"··:'n· .. ·· I' GII~~a'n' II'

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,d,a'o,n i.'n e::'n,e:.m H,aa.·rslj,e'-.: a,-.~tro',pl:fen I,as'slen~ ~::en,

'La' .. ' -'. 7·0····'-:::-· 'r-';:I:;i~, 'I-ld, ';'IO'I-I!,~'h-ri 'm-···='h--·~e~"r'e··, M<','3; ·Ie·,··· U.rt'!il· -ld-'I'lliiiCT:h-

~ __ '_ _:_ .. ...:._ •. _l _._~_ ._ •• [Il.~ , ". _ :.lllD' .(_~'_l_ l __ ,·_. _._~_I. -.~_l" -. l l'· ( .• __ . j', " c:l: ~~II_I_I' ...:..__IJ .. 'I

'w',alf;'h,~;:nl u,n,d, ,a,b1trlo':p:}ec,"-. ~,assJe.:-~I'i' '.! l ,~I, lein,em Ilr~-

Be'- ''TtO'~1 ···'f:. 14'~ . '., -'QI~~'e'· ',n'~ '. ·'iJlI,~II-::-lg .. , ""'~u ,d:- e,··-'m-·7 3': "b""g~ - ,(. "ri-:rp' . :;i£.'i['_, .

. IIIR._. _,.[_ _~l~._. ,_1_ ~~l_ ~ll 1iiE.iJ. .. _ __lO,,! !f' 1 . ,,/< .. _. ", -·.·111~ .

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R,~i:~ 'I': .'( .... 'b·.D'D - ',.:e':,,"'I'"' '~i,t_)a-'" :r--'k··· e,·r· H- '-I~' , ., li~;'I~ 'n-'~' 'm::- ::- :a', .). g ':-u- , ~-, O'I'~-- =-- ...

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lal~'~e,·-,:n,' .,- iI?!,a-I!"!I',i~'n-·. 'U,:O· d·.-i', 'u'I'm-~ 'rU-·"V h"'r; le', ··'n~1 D .• Ie"-T T;O· .• · '-I:-:'f"'- 'v··_'r· ....

___ ~~ . "Ii:I .. iiiL.!~, _- ' , __ - . _' "iii , ._ n ,I.~_p ... ~"

s,c·h. ,:i,eB'e;n ·u·nd. ,dle:n. :R.eisl 'b'-/! S,IC·b'W'8C'h:er' H:~.tze~ in

elwa 2iO ··'i,n,·u.t~e:D. la, Ulsq.'u,le:1 , e:n, .I.assle.n" 'biiS e:r a:,' :e .FIJ.,;iii~"S:!! 'I<,e'~it >~-_·-t'~gleso .... ',n :'I-J: __ ~:,~, I~I 'I:n de',[' ,Zwisc'

'18:I"t-· I'd'_'-"I~'=" g!iC,{'-·'II·'IllP.ln-·'u·"~"mic:!/-" "le'lo',' _I C'" ',-' " ,~-"-I=:'''''

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:S'C'hID'te.-,, ,ode:r 'Peperoi'n~i w8S'c'h.1e'n, 'VIO'O S'~le'l u ;-d,

K"'rn-· e=:,n- 1-.~~re~.-·I!!(e······'jII"Il ·U" 'Dd: ';n':" ", ... ' I_,il~'n:""~ 'S-\t-ul;!;~ .C·'~I"'·IP' ·C!,c···'h:-In-~~:.'I~';;;;;;;

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Id.e·:n,~, • D,as 'Fett. :i'n ein;cr' sroDen reuerre[s'te"~: _ FOI:t.I:ll

I ':.C:·f' le'i!~:-,Iem: IOip,:r' ,crhi.tze"n"!i D'~·.e C,ash'c'wn, -. ISIC'IJ die iC.hilil:slc:b,o·te'n od!er' _~t:(p~;roi:n'~I! ,d.le;n. l'ngvI'er un~, d:~',e

Koko sn -- B·I"'·r--QlIC!!'p-~'e-···1 !!7u"fi~'u":'" 's":' ,ye- n'·~ 'u: .. ~.,."- alles ' "·,'e··']tl'b·"·I··-':· ~ 'U' - a-- in" ., ... ,

~~"' >_ .J •• :.... .• ~~~ ~_·:.__._~/I~'~~ ~ .. LI.·; .J.~ .. J.,'" •••. ·"1 II _. i . J I : Ijl ~.~! . '~'. II. _' [",,_" I" !J1 l i '~-_'~...:,:_...:

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. .,~ :,I!!!io!" [I ". "_.' I:_: ' .. , "". uL c_._ .. " .. ..:__,. __ '.'_ ..... Jl .' n' g, .. -I ~-. 1 ' (;, ._ ... -,., ..... , " ' ..

G·e.~wilrz- znelken U'O· id die '~'ii'111"",Q: "d:' azuaeben . '0- d

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unter s·· a:nd::~g; em :Rur:'- iren mitbrate n Iassen ,- . bis die

_ _ _ l"""'!!__ 1 . l .11'1. l J J,_ JU! . I J 11J "_. '_' 1]_1 __ .11." ._'~J.

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f,·'e.o. , '10 , ,er P··.·, ,aWJc·n,;iii' ~/en _,~e_,L1!en :91.e 'oc\, ,I,~:, ,:_:~leISI


vorsichti ,.- ~'t, .. [1;:, .... ,'0····· .·~-T "-'11 -,-,.- .. '- . -- ..... ,-. " . ,- "_ 'D"" .

'~I~lrs_~ __ II,SI m,I··. ICl I er I~-'a _,e .. _,,- termenge , !I),CI;:!

R,.:,'!!I!:,:, -~ ~'t' -~:-~.7 'Z···· .. ··,.:·"l· I·"I--I·-i-~I··,:·,··~,t' .. I~ ~'-;I-·7 und "'~"'-C:".-:-_'. "

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emmai mn emer r: 'at')el au ': ,O'CA.lem .. ,I'cn ~.:;;:els zu-

aedeckt auf d,_" e ,,-, abzeschaketen .- erd '. '1- ,·t:·-·

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_ -_, .. C:." ~ \, muter W8,rDl. stet~, en,,~

er < eisrest vom 'VoI,rtal'>

, ;. , h,,~,le,_, .'.~ lu:rc'b. i:n eine ! ·'!,e .ue ~ e ' " lei .. 'I".e verwandelt :-~~:-',e;r

B'I"llld/1 S·.~e.·-'I'~'t\Qi' 1'" 7":,'::

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,ZUlftltenji,r 16,-8 ,Per;SO,lIie'n'i~

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, KII'(JcA',dltl ~ 16 Klto·-·"Lj'n·u···,plI''7e:hen,~ I m1ilde" ~"~Inlle

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I _ Tc,IIDCnlul_;I£ IUlgler rr:;!pr;:;.~' (#1'11/ .. '!Il' , .~:,,;tj ,:_ .111~L'_'_· ,0 1;0_ 'I~r_'_ ~ -

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- ... I. ".01 '. . . - ' . I,. , __ ",_" '. .' .. ' . [ .' . I. '.' , . _ .. _' '_'.' . . I . ... ..0' .

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, '~iJ~l~ 'I!!" [~'nscr:.' gle't",Qc':':'tes" o'na.",~. "erglrun ,oue,ri

,D811·"'4~~11JI'~.o', 16',' Pl'Q"-I".i ... J1~:A ... B'r~- 'I' ,It.:, ~B,_'I...:I~n'~I", til

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tJ " l

Sia'lz I, ,41 Ttl., ··:eIl1 .tlSmQ·,~,irre:is 10i __ er "esc,',ii ler'

- Vorbereitungszeit: 1 Stunde .' Ruhezeit: ],0 Minuten Garzeit ~i -2',-, 2'. ~ .Stnnden

. __ ,.II,~~', ,~l _. ~

ISO w,i,rd':s, g,e~g1,actll: Das Fleisch und 'bell Verwend,u,:ng, die Knoehen waschen, "-,,, 8, Fleisch trekken ""I-'-u-- pfe ''1'1 '-U'- D'_-" d '~I"n--.' 'J~:I, em -- IBT,OID' -'."I:e,,' "_- '~u'~~ rfel S,- chn eid en,

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Die Knoblauchzehen sehalen und durch die

v ''''''0'-, ,'b- I a "UC~ h "P' resse - d ,n-.,Ic', _- ke 'D'- Di •. 'C"-- ,.,rb-'I '1;o,,"I:I'":S'" 'C"" h "'0" '''It:'IO :0-:-:' der

~I,-- ,.1-1- ,! :"'.' ",1,-" ... ~!3c: .. -, ',' I, U,: .', ' :''!!! ' .' ,-I""" '._- I' ~) -'-I,,:.~,_Jl--,_~~ I _:___'/ _:_-___,~I;

Peperone waschen, entstielen entkemen 'Dod 'I-'a~":~,n--,lp,~ ·h,-I--.---,:a;:-I·lb,.-,1'!:·e,-rre·····:n;",- D-:"'I~,iiiiIii! 'H' ,a~~II'1t·'e·: .d·:" iiiiiIiI'lr__- Kn','-··o,,-,,'bi:'lla·· '~U' I.c~:b-,

, "'e~ -'_:-:'" -___-"_-" -" -II!I --,_!!Iii;!; ___-"'" :,,1.1.-,--, "","'" -, ",--', --- -"- '

ze".-,::",'-'h-- e;,ft'-· ,d'-iIPr- 'ID:'OW"-'-"-"',e,','nv"--"","u'II'~e;,'J- :-u,-'-nlld"-' d_' I.e-:r Z-'I!'m"I't',s-t--'B':',nil'Dliiiliii b.·· .• ·e"-'-'I~i_.

, ,,--'" ' .. _.-". '_--'",,",' - "'-,D --"'--" .-" - ,,1,;4;., ,'" ,,-" ',-' '--' -'",''' '-" - 'D'~ -

i~e--;rit-:,e··: lii!'t-~e.· •• ··I-·Ie-'.- .'D' '~' .d·: 1'''I~la: u'~~'.b~·:· .. n~IID,D 'HI'" a"'''I' fl~i"A! ,~" s': ','a::'mi'lm-- .e-' ," '1m· 'I I~I~

i3i1, __ ,~_. . .. _, .. 1i'- ~_, .. " ,0""" , .,' ,I,t"'"' £. __ .. \" H •• '. • I ,.

d-e-::m---" A',e····:liIi,s,>c,-:h- "b~e:'I~ "e',.:.-·". ·,:e',.'D' ,dr'lu- 'n:~ID 'm-~"':Il~t- ~·d·~'lle· fin-' Kn'-,· ··o''---:.'-'c<he·!D

'. ,,', - - ',-_- .",.," ,- ,W! --,' '"" . -" - " .1 ' " ,_, _-' -" '" , . ' "_'-'" ,--, ", ,"

de'r' 'e,' 'ilis1c,h,o'l.e' ,o,de'r ,Pepero:n.e,~ d,e:m, K"o'ri,a,n,d'ergriin lod,e'£" Petenjiie: I ,d,e'n 'Prene~rko,ntern" d·e:m 'Miacis u,nd, Sla'lz in lei'nen ~b!p'r',s:!eblen'il' 1,'1 'Was:ser' :z;u,lieIBen, · a~,_,lesl 'bei stark,e:r :Hitze :zo'm, K.Oich!cn b:ri:'r_le:,n,~ 'Das FI,le:is,ch daO'D ,im, ,g'esc'hl,osse'ne'n 'Tolp'f' 'b'e'i, mit,tle're'r H,icze et'w'·a 1 S~'u:nde' :k,och,c,n, 'l,asBe·ooo, I. ::'0, d,er ,Z'w'isc,h1e,nzei" Iden, .Bas·ma:tir-e:i:s v!erJlese~n. u'n,d, :in, ei'n,le'r :SI ii:sse:l 'mil Was!sle',r isan,ft

zw·· .. ' .'~ '7'1~'FI""h-,A'n:- ·d··' !,1~'n-1 F,,"I"''-n!B'e--,',rn' ':-'. r:~"I'!b ..•. e.·~'n'-I. '~r-'I!'S_:c .d'-' 'a"':'Es-:- W"-i~I-~':S"!&1' 'ml-I'~I'I,-,

____]l " ,i!il!",""",~ _"_,, !!Iiii,I!o,_._ ,_, '_.' lID" '-' .. I;.~-- ,._"--:t IU '. i. _'. ,,~ '!ii,t,_, _'-'---"-

chl,l 'u'n.d trO.'be i,I'I:; ,d,a'nn, d,as 'Was,s,e:r w'le'gs·c;hU:tte:n'i 'De'D 'Vor:g,an,g, wie!d,c'rih,oll,c:'n, bis, das 'Wa:ss1c:r '(dar b'leibil", ,Den, B,as:m!atireis v,on Wa-sser 'b1ed,le,ckt.

3,10 in,'u;~en ci,:n,'w!eic,bcn 'Iu;s'en 'u.o,ld da~n:n ,.,uf le:i"w D'em ,~ =',aars;ie'bl ,abt'rol:p'fen 'I,asse'n'i' Den La:n1!'koim: ... 'reisl lediglic'b, was!c:he:n~ "bi:s ,d,as 'Wassle,r ' b'leibt

'IU' 'o-,-dt' ·e"-"'bi.···.e";n--I'~a·,:,,II'I~ a.~.·'-u-'r,' ~1!'nl-m'l H', l-a:I'a·~··~\~'e:-~'L, ·a:,'L..,t·,r-D-::'p-:~;t'~'n-'-' "I?Gl1!J!!i!

_ .! -_ _.,_',. Il-~. I ~ " • _ 'I, ~l_" _' ,~, • ll_, J _ ••• _ .Ira 1".1l _ JD._ -'_', C·JI~- _' ~

'sle:n~, .i D,",le :Sa,ftan~fld.e:n, in, einem ,Pr''h,e:n IOih:n1e

Fre· :'I-rt_~'u' Q~a;b-- r-IAIi.!il~-_n-;-' 'DU· :-·''"'t'-'''~3·~·. 'E,~·-B··:lo~"tte'-In:-· ".,f'a-lt·IDe==-·m-- '",'

.. _,.,_I~l. 'e .. -' .. ··.·~ ._. u~ '. __ l_!t 1 __ ,, __ ...... , __ ., _I· .. '1"li' ·!I·'· '~'" _- ,_, __ '_'" _'_'l'

#"_' 'I' H' d- b '~' - H' d' 1 Ii;. h 'I

ser aurgieuen 'U.D_:_ abseits vom _ sere , ZI.e" aen .as-

I ","-,-- b -~' .. do- ... ,I.I: sser selb ' ~. d I . 'S''''' - 'b' . 'lid" d' '-1- as wasser geit wrro, .'O"iallJ.~_,_'as,

F-I-·_:_,"C-'---:"'''·h-I:;- .-!.,,".; ·,:'"'·-'t--- de -I 'T·-":f'--:'" ,:;-_-, -,,--:: Herd neh --',-'-"-.:-' d·':T~,-:-

,el,se "I gar IS '," ,··en, I.,O,p. yom " ,e,r:_~, ne, "men., :: te

FJ" eisehstucke mit elne m Schau -"m-'-)o'·""l:ife··" 'II aus de r'

I, ,._;,_"ii!.lI::' ,_,i!!.l!I',U:_:,_,~'···,· I.-,.'--I._'~\:-:"_"_!_ :·I,·.,___-,_' __ , -_~, . ,.: II,!IJ,'I-;,I, '.' ',!.3 I .. -,.

B -"'h-- - - h' - d" r-"- '1Il' S-",,· b b ~'

;.~ I' ._ .' I '1 '(: I - I ~ 1 ., ,( -. ': " - .. ':: ~w .. ~ '., ,- '.. • •••• '1'- . ':. ': _ .~. .: \- ': ;- .. ··1 1":;-" , ':' '.\ (: 'r ~ '( \': ':' -.

.. ru, _Ie D,e ,me, u"n._) a,u ' eln,em ~,Ie - a,~., trop ,e,n

lassen .. Die Bru- '·'~'h,,~ du I~:'h! ein 'I' aarsieb .'I!e·:IB(le','-'o-'--'~

, l. __ . .• .' ' .. ' _I _' _ _. ,_,"" ,_. _' .'~ ~ • :~( II I ~l !IJlIl] J '. __ • _. _ II ~ _" .' _' .0-" . ' __ . ' .. l_ ._ ,

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.assen navon beiserte stenen (eventuell warmes

':-W~" ,-, -', ". I " "", ''''i '" B~ I. - .)... • 3"'·· DIO-'Ixiffi::::--'---"-'I F'- -tot"~ ,~', '- , .s. - ',', ,-, ,-, .-,

- ,aSSle',r zugle,' .:en, I~ '.-,1 ,~ .. ~, :.1 .,U,_c .c_. e:; !;- e. ~ ,I.D eiDem, gro-,

B·'n-~I _-----o~'--:,"'p,·','r:-' be '~i m 'I'"',tt-il-·r-,·,(, '-H' '-1""··_' he '~D-"'-' "" -' ",-'-, -d,.-"-e' ,- -', 'I'::-I'-:-':~I(-' -.-

, "'",.'" , "',,' ' ...•.. ' iIJ ",I ' __ """,II ""'", I, ,I". ,I~I _ I_el~~ W'C,[ I •... I" , , as,sen

und die halb - Z~' ntsta ,' .. ". die Kard ..... -' kan

-e _-_,_,,_,.:__ ',>,1,1,-' I __ ~_.c_,_e 2:lm·-.-.Jan,ge" I,I'C:-_;,lol,m._s8"p-

se' ":n i£!!'o"'II'IJ!\I~e'-' die Ge wu ,-:c)Ii'!ii'~n-,ii!!ft;'I-'k:-'--- _",-,,:, 'd--_-'" .'" 1- "M"-: -'!II, , "t;.,

:':" ". ~,:__-,Iri_. I._,I_ '::___-_, .... ', '_I,,~_:_!~' . ::::e,n I_:___,_·ann " ,1_ Inu_'e

beaten, Den Reis zugeben und unter sti,ndige:m

R'U'~'~· 'h- . rrM'n---'---' d <!e:..:· .' .' usk -"a~I'-'n-"ul'Q' "1- Tl .e I'e' '.'la""c":1 "Kr·/' .;' ID,,-' _-.----::k-::-)ii" ,--.----::- -

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mel - " E--B,r),'o'i"'I"e=-:1 Koriand I·;r-· 'UI nd 1- ~8je,;!I'o:~'"e···· ·'1' ·G",_---"'~."I-'b- ,'!Ii!!'

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i wurzpt lver ,zU'fO,IB":n, Das Ganze b . aten, bis d'ie

- - I , __ ... . . _ '_' I -~D~- _.~ , __ .. __ " .. __ ... ..' .. ' .. __ .. ,,"'[ .'. J'._.'

R'·· e- '~,eLJt"m~' ->e'-:- ·'r.:.- d urch ~ ;':c:'-'- 'h-" "1- ! •. -;-:-. 'jl",r··-·· rde - "D"'f'·'.---:_:_' ab -,- :-;- ,'-'" -----: "-'-",.-'(' -- -, ,

'-C" - QAU,··, .',' ' .. ' _ '~"~, -, "Ig,n e~_ ,en~, ,,_ .. , Ie ,8 :8e,messe ..

n-- -', 'B:'-i 1i!!~1 h -- ",'"I, , ~:"' h ',- -', A]'-'-,., I " - ,"'- fIc': - .. be --' '1 ,,- ,-' ---- -. -,- d

, __ ,e ,~,.ru,· ,e: eln,ru ;' ,r'en,. ,':. "Ires a.U, :___-~,ocen, ,=ass,e'D U:O'·

d - ·'0-:-' 'R' •. ' e--'I~:C!': ''''1- rn 'g" -'I'e; s:c'--'~:h" ']0' -' -:; sen ',e, "'0' 'TO' - ""'P' "-'f'_! b -"-"e-';;;'~'c-'I .:- w· .!·7.· -:-: he :

...... ,~d, , .' 1,-, ,!;3 "I" '_'- :.' ... ··S~,:I"" .. , ,I~., :-" . '.1 ,I, S'c" "II, _ac,ll,,' ,e.r

Hitze i', etwa '1'-'5-:::: M--,,:'-,I~',-,., ,:'-'",'-';,_-, ,-,," ",',-', '-'--'-1)-"1-" -,'," '1-"'- ,--,---.,-,~---",,-, bi .. ,

, ,_,",,~e I,n rewa, ,_,' .. LI,Dute,D a,us'que .. en ,_,asse,n., .,JS

d~ II! .... ,'" I't",..-·" "", ",'ii' ,'-'h"-' "'" , -' ", ", I" ," -'d'- .' -- )' . iI d -

~i .)~ _celSi "OrD'e,r ,Ole, ,, __ ,Ia'oz, gar" SO'R!_,c'rn . [)i,a.II, I.:_,en-'

te« sind D" en Topf v om He rd neh 'm'" e'n .1 'ITo' der

)~II" I.~··l I ,I } .. ' .i! I' .: ... ~. ,I II t.:..:.· .. ~. '_I <·.I ... .:__ ... ~ I I 'J:'" .,~ .... I I J / •• ~.::I _I i [ '] ... .:..."::,. _'!!j . " :,. I I ... ~ "'~ _

Zw-·~ :i'~',c"'"'~,,~'nzi' 1:·'~;I'~I't- ,- V:·-:·'D·· ~. m-, J-'o" Dh, "UI ' In"" e,--'v-:: e··::n.·· t'-"U- ,- e-I'I V'- .. 'Q.·· ••. lr--' 'h' " a······ D" ·d' 'e· ··~n'-" ',e·. ".

._ " - ~ ' .. ,I,~I,~", ~" .' , I. '. .' Dr ~ l~ ) •• • "I II ' . '._], "." ._ .' ._. _' _' ._

'-,' -,'1"~ S ... I~"Il!!IO:L..,~cl'~t- 8'_-, b··.,Q'I"'le't;le,'-, -:'D'" 3'~', 'E--,~I ID'~I~e·' ,'- Fe,··:t-l··· ,il'O e-', ::IIII'-n-:m

, '- __-.IQ, 'c,.""',' '- '0 ,LI, II "g,-I, I ~. . ..... '_'-'- J .... '"" "-'

ToO-- Ip'='f~' ·b'-· .. e-.'!!!: 'ml- - '1"Ii't-' " I" ·.'1-1 e'lrlG! H: .. ,;!!!\t .... 'A h-- ,1_:i"l ':, 'W~,-, -'~'r-d- ·e·· ·~···n~· '~I ,al~~~~le-:nl '0.1" I.. .

til I. ! I •.••• ! •• '. "'. ,1 , • "I~, l I I ~~ "~~' .' '. ~ ~l . •• 1.~!!3.. . . I I I . J

····-a~·,t'JI' 'IAi- .il!!l'~c:-"'h-' -z-u~'a-=;-'m~-"m- - 'e-'D- ' ... ·;I'~ d'," .:m- '-,:-' ]'" .;:-w'-'-"e-"'lli"ls~ -v~i·'r--b':-::·'111i; •. -

I '_;-!3 ,-- ,!!I!ii;il .. a,~ -" , '~'ai_ ,.' .' .. ,111 .• 1..1,1" ,'!!I!i;,!i, . '. I '!!I!iii;i'.' 1--::- - -- ~,--'~""

b- -, --'- .-,,--, R'" ,- , t", '1',-, -" ',- - __ -, --- 'Kn"- ,- ,-"" "b"'I' ,- - 'h-- Kre"'- ,-·--'lltiil'llIl -- .. - ... '1-'

~Ie;n,en ,.···~es, ,c_ngwe,r, ,,' =~lo~,a,UIC,_J" _,.~ ,·~uz.")U,m-m,e._,

'K·.······.o--:--,n--'~a?·n' ~'d··---,e'" "r- U' n'- __ '-'d,:'- G.-,-'e=')-b- ·"wu:-·~·~-'~'p---=- ul--'I-'v . .'?I--lr---'--- ~O'--' ,'W:-'~:~I~e,': m"_-' _- -'1"'- d-"'e,-:--:m-'-- ,-,'"

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IC'hilipiu'vc:r' old,er R,ols'cnpap"ri:k!ap'u:lver ,an'b'r,a'l.en,;o,

D J-' h: 11'-' iIliil d' I - - '"' . .- - - d'

" . ;,' ..... ', I." i " ,~, : ... , l .). ' t' .. 't, ': 'j' , .- I '. ,.'. • ·;.':·····'·1 : :,'01 : '1. : .J" 'J " l " .. _; l I f""'

, en ,~Lo'o', U ,._ %U" _1"iDie, _.' ... 1 15'0 "an,:.e, ,' ...,n, U,,'._ .. ··I

~ ~ ~

'D' '!;jIS·· :S····~···· ol,i10m' ::' n'~'liills···,g,A,n'j; #('!I'h' "t' = ·S·,.-<"I'h-" 'a' ';I~,'h-'a': - :n~ ']~' '-b· .. ~ n'~: ~1D1'- :~ :1!!'j~]I--'" 'e, '-:I~ '-O-'---',,A, 'k···· AC'lt-,,·... I ........ ·

,:...:___;___ '~!Ik I .,1" . I ,I iI "'"'" . '0''''"' I ~ ,:'._,~ clJ,¥, '_ ,_,_,_, _",_, 1._. I, , . .iOJ.I." " ",.". . v,;,," V'"

I-:i!' __ 'h-- 'B'-" "")u' ---' ',' '11/'.,1", ,,/-:,'I-iii"--:h--""('- 1I::(I-,-liii'-""' __ 'b-- '-~'d'- 'G'--:-',- -0-··""···· "1 ,.-.-,--=,~ :::':·-h--'

,Ie, ,e . ,el.. lage zg, I est, .lce,.D. r',le,UJe , :- un,.· _ e.". u"g,eI1en,c, ... '

t- ,-, -, M': "'k"" _ii', ,-,'~ ,-, Arb- -L -- '!".ii'o -'1.'- --, - --, -, 'h -,,--'- ,~I ,. ' " "-,--,

'8::n,,,, ,-8:n, ,ann, 'CIA'I, ·'~-~,lell~,I,~'_nle srC,~,on I,m, YO,ra,UI,

",~u",-be--I'I'\il:aIi!i't-;iClii'n' _ U, :n:··.d·:- ,,gIU~,L, I.d-'~m:: 'IU~'n···Oie·~'r.,ibft·.·e,jn' D'le,II.I'!"'n···I'ot', iG,I·,e,~, a:u"f;-

,ilL; '_ 111''''' ,_~, .. " " , '_' g_~.ul . ,""' ,. .., H 0,'0, ... '_ 0' '~'e'llii U! I, .~"

An- 'h-L "Ii - 'b R' -'I ' , -, - ,t S~I-'~ j' - -1"- '5

·'~.Ie' .. , .!eze'p,,~;e:ll~e ' 1-.'

"1'- ,6>

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'! " ,., .. ' I . d .' '''1'- b '1iI!1-:-: das ", -, eiseh - ,. b II. " ,'t·, - ,-." id - ·d", I!!!' '" IS-:~',' I'"

we,n,I"en, .. 'I,S,~_aSi "el,5t /, "g'e,~=-.a,u,n: u.n,_, '.' .Ie_,8,u,ce

L,_.,· ".1"-:-'3'''1 nlich "~'-:-'I-'~I ' -""1-'- Toef'fest " ichl !I'D,-,. ' nd

AruI U,Sl!end ",n,~.IC~ .. , II .11 .... . ... ·en, ,I'OP, ,I,es ~ S'C , __ .I'eLle"n, un '~.

'~:':"o""'m" ,,' "H~ erd 'n' ehmen .1 Den Backofen '8: ruf '2-100 rt ( .. '110

VI., ..... I , [I. I .. ',,' .,"_ .' j l_',,_, ," ",-,_,_Jl_l " ,~ Il II . . - . '", · ... 1 j' ..• ' __ L_"l_ '," ~ :111~, :_. _". _.: ' .' .. ~ '..:./

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v 0" .~,el:Zfen~1 .In,e, groue eU,IC,I-I,le_e ~ "orm, mit .e_c-

'tel milt _ ~ BOla ~e:'-'I-~ Fe ·':n fiei' hen 'UD.d mit

sehr .. '.:'!I:~~n·'il· .', IS··-Ila'~'~ besereue n DI';I~ 'R. l'o"'-:;"'lQl'~'n-le-"nl> ' ':'li1i,t", 'w,,':.··",a::I:r- .....

l ~ "_". t"!~_. -ill., ._·. __ U! _" ~'.. .. . . .... !li!1. -.~ I ,_,._.,~~ I II ,._ _ l_··.· ",_, , __ ",

'm-' ··IC··lm· '. '~,J:a', sser 'w"" asch .en, i ••• :··,.I~I. ". ,~~II'~ ·e·~···· ::- ~,o,~,-- -, 'R:, eis hin ,_,

,r ", ," . 'n'; _ ~~~._.,. _'. _~~~( __ ,_. ~ . ~ , D~ll~ _,' _.' ._., "ll I • vt a '. £' ••

eins 'ben LTee '.' ,,H, -e'~'11 des Sl_.<'··a~~I'~·a" 1---:- II"'OI£!~-rs und je

_'""., ~._ . _.: .... _. , '1" ,.]1 ...... ,"[ lU .. ··.,11··.··· j ••.. 1:1 ··· .. ,.· .. 1,,1,1.'· ",'~'. ~at~I' ,-. .. '.' I JI ... ~.'

"'1 EID~,'I·''' .. ,'ffi:'~~-:''~ ----: r, ·.·e'!!!i,_ - - IC""'-""'~" 'h--' , - _.,Jiit.;- ". ,. "-"', -,'--,--, 'd'I""-~ .

..... ,:i 0·· •.• e" _.,'"O·· •. S······ Ine·, " , ..... ~~',-!.,:\,.' I·U,I~!~J,: u,o:····' Ig'o· . !e,· 01

, , •• ,'" '._ " I .• ,1,1 . ~IH1"~' l '._ li;ll~._., ._ • '._ l_l Ur- .... , ,


da··'ft1I~i""b'·'·e"'~'I"'r·u·'·:n-'· 'e '. ~ "~-'-"I-'·-':: .. , " -Y' '-'0-:-' --,- ::- eiseh , 'n- ter

_', ... .. .I.,al. _l!!li;,,;o~ ,,., I .. _ ,_I_:__,_!~ J_,.,I I, _' 1.,"",,_ ::,:''''''', I,i'_ ,_, ,1~ I

den D',_~'I:!i.' e "'e' '1''''''1_''-'' ,-. -,- 'd', ," mit ]!" --"::!'I-·o'·3l<~::--.,ll.n--· Z:"''-'·'I'·'"tr·: ~iln-'e-"'n"· .

. ':, . " ..IIi:"\l~, @ ','."':'".,_,::'_-', ._,~_!~ '_::_' __ <='_' '~'_,' ~_'!I , ":_,', .1"" I~;I,~ ,.._", ,'U' I, '. ,-

Il b . a IJ".' ' J' .. - - d' I'"" 'h-' ' " III' d ,,,,,0; b

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- - -

'o,~b:~e:···D"· 1- ~"iIlII!-IDro':"~_'-1 Safra Irn' ,.", .. _-'-',rcl~'--' ~"O~f--:'!I ~ .. je 'I" ·-B~,···-,o'~<~'·'t'~

0'''"' "',,: I, ' ,1,IIL".il!!ii;,;i!f." "I, It" . ", '. 1, __ ' ,~, 'R' .. ~ .. "ii3!"",!ilI. _ ,_," ,::_,I,"" ,'" "~,I'

,r.~:11 '1'~DI .. 'n·. ' md N-irl-'~;i" &"i .. ,.~ .... a~ ·'Fau-,:'f'.'I.'., -~ U-I-

lll~llli 1 II '._.' ._ ' ) •• 1 ~_''_'' .. __ lIlll_~I. _._ ~' .. _ ~ I e=e-

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.I._~ ",_,_,~ '~' '.' ~ii:I ... ~ . ". ,._ "_'~ll~_l~_'~llEl!I l_ ' __ ' ._~._._,._., '_.l_~_~~

dem ·v··"7·e-'If'\-_'-:~il·b-Le·,··' nen S_:9I'~r' .::.a:,," ,- 'Qt.', !I,,~D'~'!C-'!"e·· ··.r-' und i Z"':'Ii!liiI:-='''''''o·'·'n-~le:n--''''

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sa,ll_c ::_ . eLr:a,U.I,leLD, .. ,D···.· ., ,e ,r-Ct_.I"IC, I" ·en If'ii..OSln,lcn u.n,~

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"u,' Iler ,m~_ e,ren .::_c, ,,__:,Iene,:= I .. ~I ,_~,' ,-IIl,eD,S, " .. ·,1,

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lue,D WIle lau,c, I., ,I .. ·.. ',_. ", II' Dill." mil. ,el 'C::~, .~ II _.,~,u,n"I, I,~-,_, _,_re, la. s

V;O""rs-:-p--:-iP!;;~,e, 10' ,d':'· e,,"r-" a···· 'II~ Zi~"W~···I'~'I~,,~'h· "ft- .Ii··.'n,-'~,,,,,-'hrt-' I~'e"rv' -",",'-I'~e· ~11-- Der mi,t

_' .. ~'.' t· _' .·~,lla,. . ., '. ..' . _ :11 ilil . '_. Ja.~, ' [ .' > '._.' ~ _. ~ I _ '.' ' •. !l!J. . _' '_~_.~ " .. I

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ft.I-~,uz;~umm;e, S8,me, I· D'" 'WUIII&'I,.-:-:: I~C'\D 'n I'", .~. 1,1 •. ,·_·_I~._ ,-'

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mem .· .. ··,user a~8:e·1 u •• lIj'I\",h'~, .'''' ,-IUr:__ Ie ICI,!_ilS't':Lc_,cn

'i d'; d'" ", . '-,- .. ' .-, "-'111,- - ''T-'"'. ,,~- 'H' I - 'tl'b-- 'T-" -,-}'!, .', .' , ...... -.:" . ·.''''t.-t·· . "

Wlli:·, ·.··,e.r a,u,s,B,e,r1o Ilte' 1,81,8 In . _,a,~,.·I_~~re,l:s,e I'BSIC_,-_DI __ en

(8illd 2) .. :Oie Tei,IOe1c'k!en w'e'rde:n, 'm':'t, 'FiliIJ~'_"QI 'belest

("0: '~'-Id"- "').),:" ,-" ,,·d·'-· '. - I-"~'" -:-. -',-_~c-' -K""'-:' ')-1 '--IC"~---,:--,t ·····'~'Id·" 4':-'):'" :0' "~-. ~_I~I,::-,-

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tuc,:~-en wer.-) ,en t:m -o't'l,eno'p_,:'·o.- .,_:r 'w:~,e' .:·ller 'l:mnO, .',

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IS' -=·IlIl:",;rt.- ~ilr-.n'·' 'b""e. 'r-"Aliii,t: .( '.81 "':I~ '."d- 1,6.' :'),_ ·.A~A-p' ."f ':S:,J ~ ~"t"A il.

I -.··lWl •. ~ I ~ _J ~ _ ' •• '._. 1 ~l ._ , 'l I'. _ • ",',:!Il I • 11i#'.. .11, I ~ll' '-' '7'11

~ EB:~(j'ffe"mn Fett braun braten, Die '_"-:ier sch"II,e'D un d v-:"~'I~'le--:'n, ·'·-'e-'~I.n- • Zum Serviere '0'-" W""/'!I"r"~1 d 1~1~If!!I, Reis ae ....

" . '. '_, ~,IL·· II! " _ . , I, ~,~I.'I!',,. 1],'" '-- '" -"- -U' __ ~ ,,"', .. _, D" .

richtvorsi . ,Ill; ,a:Il'(I;,t,l,oc'k,ert, auf eine g;ro8,e vor,p:e~,-w~·~~N"rm-" nte P att e (:: "h~lu,-~I'~ u ',,'- 'd'- m "!i'II' de 'D' Z·····/w·,"'l~,e-·"b·"le,.:,I,n'~':n·' "iIiii'

,:cl'" ', .. a,_· ''',''" " "" J'~,' 11_, ,,}q,,_, 11_, ',__ _ ,_" H ,", ,,_: '_-""',, ,,',' '" ,", " -' • , • " ,

" ,gen und den Biern .. aamiert,


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1,_."'-.!IIi;;;;', ...I!IIi;;;ili3'L!i' " ..... , " . '_' ~,I "'_I) " --'- ID

Ipre·· .. ~ it ." v,o •. rau e, ,,"' '.~' .• A' ~8!'ii:·t"~'n.~··.'~ das F1-le··/I~il~S. el und

IID"" ,_,,_o_.~ "~..' III [ _)1iJIi l~._ '._. ~ _. ~I~I ._I~ _ 1_ I~ • __ ~l, !... ._. '_"__: . __ ' _ ._ I

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Reis lam, ''¥oirnilliri ~'a,B (aber dann au:r einem ,I

flachen '~e-- "I,~: ,=, '~/' ", '-' . nhlen 'ac usb reiten),

, " , __ . =_,~,~,., , '_. ~ ~ I I __ I l I I , iUll I ~I _ _l_ .. ' _.IiI ... " " .. '. ,.... .1 ,II!

1 S':t-'u'-"-'n-:-",d:-::-',~ v·'·-O·· .. '··I'r--' ,.' -lA' - ·J~!€Iie··· .'n·'" l"'r~~r';T __ ,'1"1, S- 'I !iii I ~I ,d····' .""0" '0

_ '-'-_ _ .. ~~,~,,,,,_-__; ',' ~" ,iaa"· , ,~,I"I ~Jlcl .... , ',.. :.:. _ _~H-'

d- iie· r--~~,t-~'I- ';c-h-·· . e,-n',~ -V"':',"'o':~: ~bl~ .e' "'\¥\e,i'l"'I"lInr- . D'a-~ -

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. 4. ,/.'C":n 9 Ki,'·',.:nlb--tSn:-."n.d\'~,I..,l-'~"I..-,-'~" .... ' ~,nl· ,f~ '~C;.'£"" ....., 'I!." 'il!:l;ge~,

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II fir:o,r(en unllel' Q,-'_. ·'.,'fJ:I;flM",,11 ''',' . e"~I'~' rol:es ,C',~',ilj~'IJ7er

l_ !, I r'I!~I!!!~!!~r

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,pu'lvr:F '~l ,-, ,'iz ,j ,3 ~~el, '.-, m'a'I--_~'.-i,,-,'d~--',~,~',m'u"~ {tlJi I I

'~- iiI . ...JJ -J - - ii!J!"!- - - - - -- _iii __ ...,11-_ Be,..:' -ii_ ,11..,,., . ii'. L,B

.,',a:mlfln,RA:e IOger' a,uS' "'am:a'"~",,-re"'I;j~'Ii~-uM,,, ,"'I'I"~n~,

S-'., ~, ... 'n - SPilPa'if'"'l!"UiiJId:i-'P8' '" 1 ,r;',Qi" -:~-:C'P!)iiiiil,I'iDi"-;'P~I'iiL:" '!!!i

, _ I~"I' .'.:;.' .. ,IJ! '::;;,11' IdlU;ll~ 1.'FI~'II!i,)JI._ -, " ,E:j,PII.'i' ,'····111 iU; .. ·I~'if '-~~~:o .

,4 rasserl' ,B:asm(J'tl're&' ,oiler "e'-~lIii'lt." '-_,~tn,II'!!!!l,_14'ng~'

kom.· ;"'DI"~'IP'~ _2?Ut,ie/."~~'n:· 'II J')"Ir":_I'#I''''''~U--'~'~ -! ,'sn-: I ;!ii,

, 'Ill II"J~.liJJ ,J ~lrr,I UE'I~!.·., " AII1'!I;~UIM_._~ ~~,.

,:Ii E: ~i,,,,-' . ""p,~~L ,m · "I"II'~~ ,?J;.,-' 1'- 'h','-l~"D 1.0·: 1~''- '. .D~~""h m,..,..p~\0~

,,;I '_ ~1 ~, .. I'iiiJ!I""r:1 -14,',. U1U'II;;. . '" ~,~_ "1_ ,Ill' (I ~ilIl!I..,.L La.fl.,.;I'\d;

IJ',eutrales ',~ 'arJze,rl iiI),~ JIOOj,r'fi=~ 1-' 1ft ode,'

,ge:trockrle:te K;okornuft~,el (siehe~Sei,'e :7j •

.E. !£It~L''Yj,n ~'Di DrdN'.dI~,iI .. ;:'P:M.;P! - j-'-::-~I 0"·,·· .lJJu!'ii""n- -'DI',iI~''''''''n iii IV iJil.:..r, 1'\t""';,f1,~;I~ ''''~J'fJ.I ~,,-AUr'iI'!I!'E;:,I/- '~' - .•.... ' /.~ ",H,' ~,_,_)~,I'ft",C'IiI~' -

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. . . .'. - . .

,Erbs'en ~ ,/' ,h,Q,rlRekDc-i1llres .. ' -~,,·i

····11- I... 'e' "'r-I-c' - 'I"e

. . ' i' ,.,' ,," . L ',.'.

,I .1"""" .. 1 ," _ I 1-" "

'. Zubereitungszeit: 30 Minuten

• 'M· i ';' ,-'~'., ~ .. ', 'I "c . - _.'"' t- '-'~ '0-:' d - R" uh ezei ,·t '" 3-;-',0'" I 'M'.: '·l~ 'n~' ut e":n'"

I,an.m'e,rzel, D,.,. ,>-,-_, ,~Z ...... ,I, I ii' , '! r- ",_,_:,_:._:_~_~"'"I

Garzeit: 2,5 -3,0' Minuten

:s""':: .':, , ..... , ~'d'-""" --: , .. - .-,.'.-' "" .. ' . 'Lit, .. ' D""':'~' ,.:::: Krabb '-"0: "fl~" eisch . m' ""'1;0;",:, d ,~( j--

-~O wmr,· s'R;em,3JcJu" ,!I; _,as rr...l,a .. ' ., e, J~.,.' 1S '" ,,,,,', '. ,~,m

Chilipulver oder Rosenpaprikapulver, dern

• _,' J I I " I ," _ ',' -,_. '_ . _. ".' J " -"', • - I, - - - " _.. _. -

0;: ·~'·'Ib·' ::' , ," .''',.'---:. '. '( .... :: .. _-.: :' . n': id Salz ""··:····,'nn··':-I·:,-'D·'·g,',,e'-Io·',· D'.· ·a'··'s··: T.a~ ....

_c"wurzpu, ver u, I. '. ". . ve~-,-,~e,-~:=,_,,,,~ ,··· .. l~_:

, ..... , .,. '~: id . ',,'.' .. . ',.' 'de: .,' '. ::'.':. 'h··,,··""'b' "',.:' D"Ii'3i"s" 'T-a' "m" '.'" .. '.: .' 'd':-' ~ 'm"r- , ' .-::-

m,a,n,n,'·,'e',nmU8 .... _ure" ,I SI,ere,D" ,ai. I,i, HI a,n,n,_,en,_~ .. J.U,S'

od le -. ,r,,~le·· ·~n:·· 'I/" '-a'~';' '11 ''II,'le.·, ressig "c: unter das Krabbenfleiseh

_ . _ ',_ _' al., /[ l I ~; _~IU! ',_' " ,-._ [ . ,'I .. ._. <_ '_ •• ," • -'. I... -- .~ - -

mischen und dieses bei Zimmertemperatur

30'" 'M" ' .. '", ' .. ' .... - " . ,,'"' .. :"'.". "',:',' , 'I" (,_- • D:'·'··,·",···· B"" .... : .. , . ·t,~

_. .' inuten ,mannl.eren . ,asse,g'I' ...... e,n"asma, 1--

re ":1" S'" v .', erl ese D'" '0' "0--; d· i n":" ein A'f"" S·:·,··'· c~,'h,~·u' .. :"lls··-s~,e'll m it W':~a'··· sser

", ,'.' ,_.'" "'.' <,':: , ,I,.' ',' ,I, " '_'" ."', _,'-_ .' . .l " _,iI!. .'. :"."~'"

.'," ,e. - ,--,<"" .. chen de "'" 'F','~'I" .'. ·'1 reiben b:"II~Cl ·d'··' a' Ci ''--W·'·'·'':a·· S' saOlll1 ZW,I.S!C ,:Ienen ,,· .. n,g'e'rD, rel_" .. , " .. ~,a_-:;""

ser m ,-',000'I-c"":'h', "I:~"O' und trnbe wird '.' da nn das Wasser

\;,jl 1 ~I ~'" "'0 .. ':', "'.' ".'" ," '.' . " " .. ' ,. I. . '

'~l'-", ,.,'" "-;'h' -':·'t·,·t'-·,,·· 'D····';o;,:······ ,~-, '-,·CC··.'.---::::· ·w······~ed: . e" "r-"h" '0" "Ie"'n"- 'b--;"''''liC'

we,gs,c .... u en"!!,, < Jesen 'Ylo,rgang ,It '.'." 11' .; .. ' ,,~,

,d,,'-,'Q'~ "'I'''a~,:·s's·~····e·- r-' k)'·18··, 'r' b','·le· '_"llI3bl't'l D':I~;n---:' 'B······:a:· [C"m-:"·, a'·,,·"t·'I'~r·-·e:·,I .. s:··, 3~-'O-~ M-: ·i ...

".J. ~ -n !. ," . ," ,,' .. :1 _ _.:,' ,~ .. _ s. . ," "1\. _ "r I :"" . Ii .:__:__-_ ~, __ " .. I .. " " -~I, ] .', .;;J,_ l', .... " .'0 '.' , ,-,' •. _

'W" 'bd' 'k" '"' '!!"h 11

n.u'te'o 'von ,,·.·····asser .• -e.- ec_:,~t el'Dw·,e.'lcl, 'en J.ass,e'n,~

'D""""""'---' La' ~: .,- ,.--:k·!-···'''---:-'-'''','"' '" II,' ·d·::·... I'"' "~';h- "ka"·"" It-· . ::·:..,·,·'·······.-··,~',h,',<', .. ' 'b-' ','.','''' 'd"~''--c

, ···'C,D,. .' ' .. n,Ic_,_·o,m,rel.s Ie 19.1.e,. " '::C .. ' .L'" w,asc, ~"eO,;I,S . ··as,

W- ; '., '., ,'1(,,1····· "b-=-JI,-'-~'Ib,·t·'· DI""",·"'" :', 'R'· .,'\: ,:~',- .-::- !'n'e'm" ',' "H"'a' a' ~s,""'I"e"b' ... ass,e'r_,'_:_a,r~;,lell __ til ,en, I, els ' n, elc_, ':_': ,I... ,'.' ,1,1, .,'

'·'·'lb·,·t" ." .. ,.': ,17'. ',:':' 'iI"'.--'r~·"··)'e··:'·;n' • 'D·····t'·e" Z"" . : .... ,- "b- .. , .. -,.), 'i- .. -· .~. ·c~h'a'"'''''I''e''''n·· 'un: ',d·· '1""0·" a Irop.e,n Jl8SS,__:,c_ .. ',~ . / "'<; :__wle.e,-,n. S~'" "~, ,-', . '"

Beim Ko,c'hen; ,auf indisc·h,e Art, :solilte ,die ,:Kn.o'bl;a,, :pressJe stets ,griftbereit scin.,

d_': I,'·'" ' I : ',' 'S,,':·:,·t'l· .. ~~'- .. ""h-:':"'- ·-';"'d- 'D:''-'''''''' ".,' 'I{n":."-' ". ""'b"'I'" ' .. ,'. ·hl-'h· ; ...

,1Un.De .~ .. rei I en, S,C,· ,ne,len~ ---=en , 10 ~I, au.c ,S,C ,.a,-

le~;n'~ '0' In--: .d··· d~ 'U' .... ,c~'h. --:1 dO' 'l'Ii',e-~ Kn······· ': Q'···b-';'Ia··, ','u-''--.c·'.'h-'··'' p- :re·:C"'s·-:-·e·,·'·' ,d: lru''"'_~c·' :k.·· .. e· ·'0' '. - '.'

'_' .• I .' II' . '_ .....• 1.. .' -, .. ~! ,_." I _ -'. ," " • __ .' _.' _"' ......:_. • ~l.:_:' _._ .' . _ .. . ..,!.

2 ~-~.I',o'~~e'-:I'I F-.'lcO'u·" bC.·'JI; 'mitt'!' =I-'e',fie',""'f'- H,:i"I'~'f.."""e,: ['!!in··,·· e·.-:,."'D' e.··,·ml·· '.', 'o'rnl ....

-' l~, .. ,1,1," ... , , ... .1 _.' ' •• '-'="--_' .. '_ ."_ '_'_' l£ ... _ .. "~. _.t" O-'~

In· ····h·······_··T ·r"h·'~fJ''''''. 'd""')"'" --'d-Id"~'

,I,~en" SC~'_,w,eren ,I'OP::J' _,_,'elw, w'e:r, en .8Ssen u,n" I, ,me

Zwi,e·,:'be-ln d,arin 'bi 'f'B· .. "··,,u--n·, a····· '0"" ,b,.;r',-,a', 't~,e.:'n.···, ',- 0., ···.il"':e··':' 'H' :';.Q,'lltl' t',e····~ d,·-:',e'r

, , ••. _.. • ., .~. _. " . _., .~ _ •.. _.\, . ,.. , .. . ~,.. . I, g.~I, .... _.. !!!!!"!l

ZW,' "";Ie'~'b""e', '-'I-'n'" 'ml··I~·t·--· d· .. ' e··'·m:··· :S····.··c·: .. ,"h·-·"·a····',um·" lo~ "e'· h'· "e'· 'ra,~"·uls·...-'In- 'e~'Lm'~ ~ 'e-"D"

.... I" ,' 1,1 ',"",.' ," .',!" ';, .. _ .• 1 .~I.,I,'-.J -, ",1,[ I 111 .ll I I" .•• ' _. ~"'I'!'I'1 ·.,I!tll I],!I '~> ...

'U, I'n. d'-' a·"'-·' u-,'f",' K·····'__.' u"~ ,c"-'-'h' e·,'·'n; "P- ·a· 'p··i'''ie'·:· ':'r'-' a··:·; ··'b'" t..,o •. ·p··.&:e·,· 'n~1 '·la~·Ie~·e-:n· -. D'.· ··.·e=-'n·--·

. I I., .', " " - _.... '.',". .. . .••.• , I .. ". . A".·.·"·. ,I ~ .. [ I~t" ,1, ... ~l~ .. _. __:, ",iI! " ... ' " .. : __ >

,,', .. ,


Knoblauch 'ZO, den, verbliebenen Zwiebeln in den 'TO:':"'PIC'-c:; ge ben u .n ·,d··--·' 1 M> ·.····';In'-'o.' te '0'" n ter Ruhren bra te . n.

,I,N, •. / ,' .. , " . ~' . .' I,... ".' ·I,L.I·, _".' ,_' __ ,'.\11. '_' '~' .. ,c_1 ",' .- "_' •. ,;,_l",~ ...I ,III

" .. _ .

D'''.- .. , K""'~'-''''''k' .'" .',-' B",,· :." ... .- ", -'I h r, ,-, ,l'";-t'~I- .. ',- ,--' d ·h·' ""I-"~-"bl .,-' ,",'- ,.

,I,e . ,0, .··Os,Dul:raspe_:,_,_IDZul,u,g,e,n u,n,.~ .. " e ,lIJ .. ·•· r,aU,D.

,-:-:':~ br aten 'D' 1'"'-' Pfefferkorn te ,"r' d 1:!!:le' 'G,~::le'" I""'" ' , 1I11k' .'- ',",

a,nraen", .le C'l'ell_i,-., .. ~ .. ,,:.dl,;_',~ ··,·.··:_wurznelll .'e,n

d- d ',,, b d -, '. -,'.' ... b'

un __ '-'- en Zimt zuge ben una ,2 Minuten weiterbra-

teo :n-' ,,- '0', ·e···,n-'·· 'Re··· ••••.. '·'I~ :IC\ ein r--T~h; cr. ·e.:,D: U: D, d'··· u- mter .• ' st .. "an nd ig :e: ···mi .

" !Ii!!I'"_ ._ .' I I _._ . .~ ~ II U .' I ~ I I . _' _ ,._.I _ I ~. _.' I IQ ._ . . l··,. I" /[

Wend en" rost en bis d,te .. _:,' o'''-'''rn' er troc e'n' '. sl'·n' id

"" 1 _ _i ..•..• h'~!' , 1 ~::.'~. :~ •.. " •• "I .' I, ,I .'.1 , .• ' ..... :, ,.'-'1':.. :.' '.~ '; ':. '" ............, .•

8' "17a':I~S"_"I,en" Wa:"~,s,e';r' u "0." d Salz h'·· ·'I .. .ne .. in geb en - einm nal

I. ,i !::J, ' '" .". ." ., , , " , . _ , '" .' , " .. ,,_,.,,,., '. .'" :' ."",. ". . =', '_

:,,,,,. "'II"h ",.,. 'I", d '''''(111 ',' .. " 'fk'~'·-I.'··" ch '. ,:". ',), .. ,." ." Oi' •. "", ... H··,'·:i'.,"7""

u.m.m, , Iren un,. ales a,u" ,DC '. lenass'en. . •. e .: ~,I.~C:

sofort reduzieren und den Reis zuzedeckt bei

.. ~ ... _. -", ~ ... , ". . ., " '-'" I _ 'le. ..' . . -,

sch ',., 'Y,' cher Hitz .','., 2·0'·'" "M,'~'" uen - .. ,-11,' .,,,., 'II' -

S,C , ,wac, ,Ic,r " 1. ,Je ..... : ,.: ,In,ue',n a,u,squ.e .. 'en. , .lassen.

In d er Z>·'w,~·", 'ischenzeit das restlieh ',e~" F, -ett ';1'0". ein I.e,·'-'r',:

1,1, .. ~ .. _ '_ " ... ,,_,_ .. _,. '.' '. ,_... ,1, ,_,~,_\ •.. ",. " _. _ .. ,a, " .',', ,. .,'

Pfa nne b ei miulere "r" H·"''"'tz'·, e' heif . rerder '(a' .'c .... sen

,rl;' \' ... , .' .>.: .,1 :'.' .I.~,:- ,. ,~'~ _,ely' wer~. en ,_,~.S:S" , .,

D Kr b' b n"~"~ h b 'Ii B di M' 'i' ,-

I,as ,8,( :en' " ,ie).sc~- .. a'gle,_>,e:,n ;"_I,,e .. ,1, ,ann,ad,'e

fb i.." 'D"" 'Kr" b- L. n'- 'iii 'h- 'I d'liI' '~

a,o ,ew',a.IJJ,ren.~, c_'as -'._,'-a., IOe~n:", ie'ISC,~,·· :I.:n .• 'I.lle "r',Jiao'n'e

' •. : .. ~ 'b,:::"'-:-I ., .. '~d('1 ' , n":I",- -,- 'R: ,'.,. 'h' 1 ,:::-: .. 3,:'''' 'M> ":~"-I':-'-It{~-I b' ,.--'-\',. ·t-:':, ._-. 'Df:·;""·· ,

,ge .. en un:.._ u,_.,_,er "U, ",.ren. ,- I.n,o en raen,. · .. e

Miarinad"e z'u,gi,e,(l,e'D D,nd d,8S Kr,a'bb,e:n:fleis,ch. d,ar:-

I'"'n ,·w'" ""e" ·'n'd····le·'.-n .. ·· D"l'"'~ 'Sla"""uc'::::',e- ~Z"'u"'m'"'' K····· ,o"·"c·'··'h,-',-·C·:::-·o" 'b-=-'-~n' g'-: "e"':'n:'1 f-n:"d"

"" ',C' ,', ", .. "", ",. , .".,., '\i;,;l' :' ' .. ' .. ', .... , .. , .' ::'''', _ ': .'~_" ... , .. ,' .. ,:_!"_,,,.,.: .. _: ., n~~, i'" ',~_, _, u!, ,',_'

d~ 'E b ~~'h D-' G" d- 'R" lie ,I:rl.!se'n, 'u,nte'rnJ"I::,ren. . .. : as ' •. 1- anze' zu,·"'e:m. :~e:I.S,

ae·,.'.,'b·::--,e·,.·,·n--· 'U"'I'Di-··d·.· ,ce' 'b:r v" .... O···'~'llIIc···.'h: ,t';ig',' un·lt··'e,-rm:·"---··I'""s'c.-·,h:' e··-·n· 'D···.···e··~."ni

e .~.' . .:_ ... _-.',. _:.: ., " .. ". ~"'- l [ .. '.:_' .", l~ •.. I,' !.t, _,' ". 'I' 'J.. ~i1,'" 1 I." ..... " I, ,.", " I",!!! _ .. ' ... ':,,_,'

"Kr·:'·""·a",·'b,·'b: '"e''' n .. · .. r'··e·'·lI~e I~'m"'" ,0 e' s' C""h:"IO"'S"'s'e'n"'e"D T.o"'"p·r·:-·'b" e"t'"' s· "c,h'W'" '8-:'

:__ ..... ~,_ ..•. ',': __ ._ ... ' ... .;:ll _, . .1' ,D;i:-::. ',- I" ' :'.~ :'~ .. , I, :' I ,I, M_ ",. ........,I.::", .• ~ :_,-

'-""'h-- .. :- .. "", 'H" "~'tz'I"": 5"· 1" "0"", 'M····· .. ~i,,'~I't·"·· -". ,--=-:-'",. h·" .' ..... I I" '. D'··'·":·'··"· Ei :." .• ,

c,:_cr "I,~,I.~,e-....,,:, .. ,' lRu,!en ,Z,I'e, ,en ,asse,n,"" .. as I I.

S,c=:h,a~~.'le •• ~.·'n u,D,d:- ,in S:-·c.':h-:· e-,),.;.b.···e·· :0···· ,c,c··.·:h· 'n-le."'I'~'d.'·e·':n, .,- D-~',a::::s:·' R=.'~l'i~~,g .. :e··,-' ... ·

.' t= '_ ' .. _ _ . '--' '." " 1 ..' • . .'. '.' 1 I~.. " ~ ..•. .. ,III', ." _. .,~ liI:J .'

'n° :~',c.',h'· .. ·t' m' ,:-,',iiot-: de,,·'" n:: E·"IS· .• C'_'hL, e_:l,f;br ,e·'n'l U· ,'D.'. dl d.' e':n:" Z···.····.·',w."·~e·.'b.e:lls,··:·.·t'r·, ,0'1'·1,,,,,,

'l , ._" ., ~ _l. _"_"_' .. _. __ •. _" • __ \' ._' ~ ' ... ,' 1 •• ,1. _.' .. 1 ~ 1


Da···.,-·'s·, p,a::::-,B"")'rI' :d'-::--az::::-li·U'" iio 'r--o::!'t'-e'-, 'L.I~'n-:'·s·~e"n' u--"n' ,d"'." J--'o',·,g·····/.'h,,·urt·'·· s·--al'~a::t·"e~

'_ " .... ·,.,.·_,_.,ylt, .' !.",~ ".':,. iii " .... ", :,' ...... ,'" .. ! ~"" '.-', , _..": ... ",.,.:", ..•.... ," ,oll,,· ,


....... ~~~~~-------~' ~'~-~'~'-~~~--~' ~~~~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~

____________ - _._ - - - - - __ ,_ _ ~_ - I



Mehr als drei Viertel der indischen Bevolkerung sind .. Hindus, die aus religiosen Grunden keinerlei Fleisch essen, Eine Ausnahme stellt allenfalls der G'enu.13 von Lamm- oder Ziegenfleisch dar, Nichtvegetarier essen, natnrlich auch Rind .... oder Kalbfleisch selten Schweinefleisch .. ~, 'B,ei vielen indischen Fleischgerichten werden Joghurt und Zwiebeln verwendet, die keinen Eigengeschmack einbringen, sondern das Aroma des Gerichtes u n terstrei .. chen r. Jo •.• igh urt m ",8:' ,C·' h ,'to d la 8, Fleis .. ~· ch

,,' '; .".' . ,_,'[ ,I" .. '_ . _" iIi'.:t .,' r, '~'" ',' • •.•. 1.'", •.. - .• ~ '_" .. '_ ," _. "

d 'I'" ID di G"-'" _iii, ~ di F'I" hf

zart un _'3,.ut:. te ·· .• .rewurze in me ,:. I e'ISC_': rasern


G.blr'_I,ene .'U'

•• ••

rln', "11'.' ··)rt,.'··"·,···:

. . _,...:1..... ..'

m -- it arom i atis ... c :'h'-,·e":r'·-' G' lewnrzkru iste

I " ••• 'r..!!!!!! .. ,_,,_ .• :__, ~~,'. :""_': - ~" .. ".":. ._ .• ". - '.' ~ .', " .. "! 1 ",.'", •• "-'

B"ld' ·S'·"'· '"'t··, . '2'17'"

'I, ._ele .

D'!'; .-, ,.,-, , '~".-,. t"'I'"' -'h" B" ' .... ,.. .. "d" 'M: hi ~ 'K" ..... ';j; 'h-

I" "','--ir' '. ''''''1' I' ".-. "C ,-' '. , .. "'. " •. , "1 ,'''.,'' ,,' "1 ,. .,,,. :. ','.,

, es .. e, .. ,-c,es-c_.c~c_e ·raten. laUS I e,r ,, '" l,a.I....U,C," I,e'

1-·ROt· (,'"'c":h'" d,e .... ,., 'k'b-' c. :'. ~' .. ,f:'.'··I'·'hi '. '. '.' ':b'" , .. ···"'t,· .. ,·-,

, G·Jld . St,. "en ·ar emD,13C. z,u,-e.rel.I~.e,n.

5 K·'·Q···· ··'~a· m""o":""m' .. ,I"·Q'!'n~·e·:··l·M - 1"2: G··:·-e-'u;u·~"ii:p""'n·'ie·· ,lk<"e····M

" ': '.' '.~_ ,', U:i .. _ ,r," '1','[ :,". 'i .\~. '.~ 'r'~ .... 1 '"1' !I! .'. : ~ .. '.:_' •. , IP'-r-' .' .... ~ .... : .:~ .. , ... .:._ ","'1 ~

1 Z·~·· imt:'iC"t'a" n··· O'e"", . 2··~·· T8.o,,',' K······~ou· zk··"'"';m'-'·"m·-' e'-'ls" a" m" e"n' I

· .···-··)~~l···.··:,~· ""I-:·)~Ib.-.·· iii , ' ..l~··~'·'I'1i ·:···.,.·-C.:· .. :·.··.~·· .. ;K··;'· .. ·;:·.I[.~.·,!: ~:._ •. : .. _.: _; ~l

2 ,. ,p.". Z<'·, ~··b·,·l'·,-· 6"'K""__'_'-' bl'----·h,:-' '-h'-'- S"'-'ifJ''-''

!UTO _. e .. / Wle,D:"' +. .. ...,. n·, 0:"· .Q ·u· ,e:·:' . z:·:'·e······ ... ·e,·n '" .' ... .n.". '1"0',-"·11·'

'. 011 .. .:.....: .. : .. _ .... _. _. -'. - .-':". ,,~, ,"',1 ':-' ['] .... ·' .... 1 •. - - .... : :1 ...... '.' .. ,.; ._. '~;.'. :.' ~I •. :' .:.~

3 Z·· ... - 1 ·.I:';P-'l fl"'·' h' 1 J' ' I

_ :';>:,I'trfJnen ,!! .. L'."·;-rlsc-."erasp·--e,te .·ng.··-··'werMrurze···

" ,.".. ,. 0 ",'" ,I., .. ,:__. 1. "', ""',,-

I,~.·"'.~,I,...". S··,'.·······:t·':·.·,',·· ,6'-:'.),1 !Ii' J'.' ~'-/.... ,G~l:!''-: ,> ,-' .......• [',",', ,. '.. 1··~ rr. ... ······1',-

IS-feHle :e,e,.' . .Jlee. u'e,.vw,urzpluver - ,: Jee_",

g'em:Q!hl'en'er s,ch'wQ'rzer Pfeffer _, 1 Teel,~ ru.tes 'Chili~ :m:llv€', o······der R'o··~enp·····a'·:'.-p',··,n~-~ka:',·-:-'··'·.--p·:,ff61·:1i1'~Ie""'r" ,i' S····'a"/.·z:··'· I' La·':' ···.'m·····m·"'···, ....

r~'} '_' ..... __ .. ..:..._. _ _: . .....::.... . __ ._; .... _ .. [.; ..... :- : ... '; .... !MI'fJ'· .... [ -=-.I._· ... '. "_: ··.·_._.·I_··_.·_·'_-

k·IH·~'e'·,: Int'-,'1,""Q": 2'5·:·',(}()·················· '0')",. '" E:··~,al··· - ~n'gb'''''a···~/·,'·-·'e· '·n·' .,- Pi::"'~·t"· ,~ ... , ...

. ~"14"~ I~ ~. __ , 1"""' .. c..:_~- .... , ,0" ,'. -,!/J;:~ II, .... ~U! .. "z",e ,: IS ,az"en~

k"'·""· , .. , .. , .""., .. , 't .. ,_:I" " .. C,··,,·, , "h: .. ,--,' . _iii',": - -., I' E· ~'nl

I erne,. er,s(J:zw,else ... , ,-as, <,Iewnusse· .... "tlJ', ..

R"-'-' . " ..... I :". I, 1,' E'~,fll' 11 .. ,-,,;Q··· M" .,. ", "h' ',' " ." .".,-", ,.- d·-:,·,,;· .

, OSI,nen ' . ,.y.J:.,~, lJ'v:eYJe .. ; .... ,,0· ···,nsam.ell o",er

SIQI('I'Q'm' ,:IS·',Q·:,m·ie·:n:' ii' 3'···· E·~(al.' fi:'·,·e·:'trl·e··· .. ·'O',O'"L'iI",,··t·, 's':·l:"e'-.·h·' e" Ti' ':In

- .... ~_ .... , .. , ' .. '1, .. ', ... , _ i:· , .. ,!/J: '. " . ,!i.Ji ' ... ~ Ji, .,fj;T:Iu.'· [ ~~,' .~ .. ' , ".. ,:. '"fJy

S '"'I 3"5)" 1- E-;'IJ1' /1,:1"", '"' U ..

_ eJ'~:'e ~:,:_': ii, ,',_···.·iJ~'-,·~ _'. '.'ussiger 1.~I.!O,"'~g

• 'Vo'rb,e:reit,ungs;ze'it: 20 M,in,ute'D

'. 'M ~; ~ .. 12' S d

· . ,,_, ,annte:rzet·t:: " I'·.·~··:tu,n· . .'e:n,

'. :Bac,kz,eit:, etwa. 2 St,U.nd.e,n

S·· ". '-'-, 'ird' . " -. -. -.-.-.' "h- n: D"· '-K-'.'·"1'-:;-', "d:-' nnkapse .. ·I'·'n'·· die

_ '0 Wlt" S gemac.: ,I, ... ,Ie ~. ~~a,r,am.om_· ,a .. -:,S," ,,,: I, ,,_-,.1'

0'-·, ~i"'.. '.' 'Ik'·,·, d .. ·· Z···i~.-- t .. · ·'t··,-- __ - .- .. '-' .. -.-,- d de .. ·· K"','.--', ',. " ,

oewurzne I tee, me zamtstange um nen Kreuz-

k·,J.!t'm''''·' mels . .-,--· '-'1 'iii -":,. kJ·· . ,'"' .... ~ ,- .. '~a" 'nn··'le· g': eben '·U" n· d

,. u" ", ,e,I,5·am.en, 10 el,D:e ,_,_ e,IDe ,r,1 i . !,. .." ' ' . ,,),.1.

bei mittlerer Hitze ohne Fettzugabe unter Urn-

ruh '. ' .. "1'" ,'·.oi···t·,··-.··-:- D"·'···e··. Pfanne v"'o"'m" ,. H" 'e- r'd'- n'- h ,.: .. ,~ - ~

ru ,re·n an,r,o's·.en~ . 1._ Clt", ,,' .."! ,.', ..• _",~,_, . ,,-ce_. m,en"

die Gewurze abk ·'u·i"'h·'lle·n· lassen und d a-'nn '" .- M' '9

_ 1.- _I-~"'I, '; i.<. > i ,I ....••.. I.,' ,":.' ":,'>"1.". .,I,'__i_ <. :,, __ 'J "I,D ,_L,af' ....

ser fein zers .. tofsen ~ • Di .• ·'·IC:'·· Zs« ... iebeln schalen u nd

. . . . [I~.; ] .,11 ~ .... u ' '!Ill ". . . _ .' '':___ _ :__,, __ , ". ·I_~,._ .... ,' •. '.' , ._

,,",,,,:. 'h·,,' ': "-'''k''·' ,':... 'D:···.-.._iii, , "Kn" . ob '1:,:" chz ,-" "h· .... '., sch .. ,.,I··· '.' und

I. e.lD.,a,c .... 'eol' .... I,e ,--' ,_..... _0, I, au,c, " I·· ··'e, ,en sea ,en, un"

d-.'U'I'fC .. ···.··:h d'-ie.·~ .. Knoblauchpresse 'd . lrncken - • Den 1 Z·······.l·''''''''

.... ' ,. ". " "... _ .~.' .', .', .1 I~ .. , , ,'.' ,I!II" ..

tron '::-"'~Ii::-' ft ,"!,- ... ~ ""0" M:···:, '~"" r e ", .. ~ c ebe .,.. die: .. ""~t', "18'~;"""

r,on.ensa, '. I,D eID,e, ..... geen, ... :Ie zers-ol, . 'eDen

0':"'-··, ,,"iii;: ,' ..... , die Z·'_-· vieb '--'11',; d ,- Kne 'b"I'" ,-, ch d .. ,:

......... ewu,rze, ·._I.e _. /,wle",-Ie_n,,':.e,n,_, ".o,c':au,c,,,, "en,

Ingwer, das Gelbwurzpulver, den Pfeffer und das

, ... ",.' .. " --,., " .."" .--, .' -"_, ',' '-". '-, ---.' -' , '.' .' ,. .,.,

Chilipulver oder Rosenpaprikapulver und Salz "h'· '''''1:0'' zufugen und :Z···:U'i. ein .er Paste ·m-;-':--,.'I~'·S·· chen '.' Von

I II_] l .•• !' .. ' "_ .. '_ .. . ._l '.' __ ..• _ ,r!_ .. · .. ~ _' __ . ' .. '. _". _ ',!II . _ ,=

d ,',,'.:: 'K'· 'I'~ die A"B········~'I' he t '·I··'I·d·~·: 'II__: , i~""·b·-:::=-i--·:-··;·h··,~:"······,-:-"~-,

, .. er ". eU"lle ,I.e.· .u, ,Ien,=. a,u . un.. a,,-,, es U ,e·tsc. I,' ,USSI

.. ' ',. F"·· ;I:'t" .. '.' . ·t"&"_ . , .. , , .',' 'D""·· ". -K···· .. -, , 11··. "-""'·1'" .. ' .'~, -, -.,,-- .-. "'. 'h--- , .. .-Ir_'" ..

ge r-e I. en. rernen, ,.··I.e I.eo.,e mn emer scnarren

'M":' :,.,.-:-,-:- .. ,."-".",-, ,III,tz·,, .. '. ," ,,· .. ·d· , .. ~,,--,. 1'0'-'1"'1 bi . -1- '2"-·',,·, ., .. ,0] '-}''-'. sch ' den

.\/, ess'ers,p'-.e ,ru,n.·· .. ,u"m ' · ... 1 •. '.I.s, I.~,m,a" elo.sCI,_.nel._,:.e,D"

mit d.' e,,",f" Gewtirzpa ste e .. ·,··I .. O··" reiben Die 0·.··.·., i'e,=wu~~;,··'t~!.~, ....

I Ill] ._. '._ .• _1 .. _ .•...•.•• '._." I. f.'.· •.•. t'·.' , ,!!!!!I ' .. ,& .. ' _._. _ •.

'-.: ste ' .. , ch ,"',,: d::-" E"_'·'--,·",· -h: nitte d ': ucken D'··'·'--:-' ·K:<······ )- ,".

pas 'e aUlc, ; In, le , D.lI,e· ru·c_en~ I~ I,e, , .~e

in eine feuerfeste Form legen, Die Form mit Alu-

,C ·)1 "' .. , '~' t "'" , __ . , eh ·I'·:ID' . -, id d" ". 'K" ..... 'I" ,.-'~~,'b' , . .-" .. N"'" ',-·:h·,t·,

,I,D Ie ,l.'es e ve:lS'C. l,eiJen un .. ', .·_le.eU.Il:e, u,Jer, . ,a,le •.. ,

i'ml" K···::: 'U'l<~' h·: 'I' c" 'L .',- n" ·k-;·· m'" ·-'n'" n· '! e" ·f!t';e·"'n--·· 'Ia" ,s,· s· e' 'n° • Am''-''', ,_- .. ,. na:;O;··,·c'· ··:h·

.I." . ,' .. ·,S'.'Jl.Ira._, ._.~ . :.', a" . 1<',11., ., " _" ,.. • ,' •.•. ,., ,' ..•.. ;, -

sten Tag den Backo-"~e-~n auf 180,0 v"orheiz,e·n. I. Die

.,.__ "', . ,'. '_"- _ . _ -' _ _ ' ". ' , '" .. , . ," . . -- '. .'.,'

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Sloe,n, m,lt wa,rmem, .... ··as,s'er W,asC'1 ,en un'. _ zu,'sam,-

., .~,~ .,,- .'~ - ·'"'t d--" ·e· '.'.~' 'M· .. · "0'- 'h"-:' ·--:·d··:-··,,·; .' 'S~·I, ,', "'1-;' 'd,"e""'m--'''' j"o""'-

m,e.o, ml,. ~n i...I. .. n.- oer ·esam.s,am,eo,., C,_-c ,."-'

I' 'h" 'rt" .' ,-- d·· d" .. -" .~.~ 'H' "'~... ,! - M" "~, ".,. ". -' ,- __ "iii '·-·::-"hl~I··'-··":-'- 'D<!·- ,-:::.'

g,_.-c,u,_c ,. u,n~. '_, 'e,m.',onl,g 1m .. ,', Ix,er mlSC_, _en,~ . -: les,e

Marina:de g,leichma,B:i,g fiber d:ie Ke·ul.e 'v'crt"eilen .. Die' For,m wiede'r mit ,der ,Alu,folie ve.rschlie',B,cn

, " d"1 d'; ';". K'" l' ·f,·:1 d· I' - ... ·~·t','l" --, ·S···' --hi '1' .. -, .. :.', .. ,

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Meil,n ITllp 'Die Gewu,rze :k,o,n:ne:n i.:m, 'vo:r:a'us, ,zusa.m .• m.e.n,g,est.ellt, ,a,n"g,e'rostet 'u'nd zer""' sto,Be'n 'werd,e'n, 'un,d, erst u,D'mitl,lelbar' 'vo:r' d,e,m, G·ebra.u,c'h, :m'it de<m Zitr,o'n.e:ns,8,ft. ge ... , :m.:is,c'h't 'we-rd,e:o .. 'Br,a'tenre-ste' las:se,n. s:ic'h g'ut I

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'_.' , ' .. ' '" _' , ,.. " . _. _I I .. ." ~ . , _ ~ _ _'.'~' - - - _. - .

lu. 'n' g,.',"' fro ··'-·u··' 'r~' 'F, ··'I-,e'-,:I! ,s-:',c",~'h:',p'-' .I,a:: ,s··,···,·te-·t'e":' n- 0::- ·d'-e··:f··~ ai' '118,.--., ,Z>'lIl' ,g~~'a'b,e.· ",

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I.' .' • . . .

zu ein,e.m, 'R"eisgerich't einfrier,en ..


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se,::,'f I:eln ,',~ la,c,en'i' .le ..... II.~ l.I.SIC.-o'te'n lo __ er I.c'pefiol-'

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gru"n." .... :em,n,lw'e'r, !~. ,em ' ~->,I, u,n,.··< _= '.:'8,_.1:1 zu. ~,_n~ ,_, I,I!:_'-

-.. "M'" - -.. - . - 1:.1- . I!!!' ',. . ... . ... 'D' - ·O'~ ~"I- ,~_. . '!'.. - 'Pfj":- - .. -- ... - ...

sten .:.,_,ass,e veraroesten. • ._ 'a8 ~ '_, In, C'I,:o:er' ;-', ··a:nne'

bei m· .... nitt .. tlerer 'HT-;I!!Itz'''-':'e'' :h·.il""B" werd ·e· .. n·" lasse .. ·"n"·. 'M< ~'·t" ~·nll·e·-1!!!Ii

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feu ich e :·t'I-'n-· "H,' -, ··d·· en ·w,:"'-··~·a.,·I-··n:···:-u-·IQ','DrlD·"····,B,e·-·: "8' :',a~;"'I'I,c-:Jh"e' ·,0- for .... ,

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,men, D,n,~_ .po_ ~I,O_, ~S,- e, ,se .ID. e.m. __ el~_n .. r .'

"b. rau 'In··' ' •• anbra uen - A· .. ·, ... u··~ d .. er Pfa n-·'n····,e:: nehr '··re:·,n··'· und ,ailb'···· ....

· II. I. . ._ '" 1._ '. ,'. . . " " .. , "" ,"'" _,i!!:J ._'. ,. .c_. .J '. __ ,_. _._,._ ... ' ,_,,_ ."_" , _," .. . , ._ ' , ,. .' g". '.'

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· . , .. ' r- .. II'! . J • ~a .. ! [ ~ _. _. ,,_,,<,~ _.". __ '_ ... _.' '._ t ~ .'. 1 ._ ••••• I.! ._

soh '"a~1 I __ ·ftl " nd in dun 'n'l- ·Rj· .• ·• .. :'!"lnl.· '. sch o· ieid ·e· ."0-" D, .····Iiill_

.' .. _.__: _ ~.I.I, ,_J ,. l I •• :__J •. .:__ .... _ j _;;;~. .' • I I •. _. ., 1 .: . . ". I II . .' l"

Knoblauchzehen .. ··. sehalen un d d ureh 1 die Kn iob-

•.. _ .. '_"_._!_! .. _.' __ ~[ _ ... _ _.~. 1,.).' ,I . [I .. ~ I. _'.' _'

'11" .:- ""~ h --."" .. r ".",""., d . "ru'"'''' ek .. ·· .. ·, . ··D···· .. ···, T' . .-:.·,-:-.-·,~ ten ,~- ~"", .... :;- ..... - . .-:-. '''- .

. 1Ilau.c_,_p· · .. reS,lle .',', .... c, ··e,n,"" ··.I.e lom·a e.n w,.,sc"· ,Ie·.n.",

I . : ..

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. vom grunen St elansatz befreien die Haut abzie-

"h' . _.- ----. d- 'k~'1 .~ .. I' "h-' .- .. ' rid .. ','. -'" 'D······- .-. O~~'I '~"-" ,! - .. ,.- .,' ,. ' .

. ie:n, ·u.n.,~ . , , .. elns!c=~ ·ne.I,,!en .• , '.1 ,. ···,as 1_ I:n, e:l·n.e,m, gr,o-

13-,.. ' .. ,-:. b '-\-"~"I""'''''-''-~-' l1-'o"''"P- ·f"· bei ,"ii'itt"le'" ,- .... - --, H:III;,·· .'. h· e"I~'B' .'. 'W': zerd p'n"-'

· ,e.n, .. fe"I)e,g . .·,el ml,li, :-:-re.r .c_c. '. .'. '.:_., '. . '. '.\;,;!, "-'

I ·D··.. Z· ,~, 'b 11 d- d Kn bl h d ,i'

assen. .,--rl.e',~/~'WI,e;etln unc _ en ~,~ ,__:IOI~, ,a uc :" ann

h·-··,"II-....,·· ·'Ib-···· '" '. 'b'-'" ·-\:;·,·t: .. -·,·- D····/"'·e··, 'iFi"b- ·· .. n·f!ii"g··'ein-·'· ·G:-:-~e·.'" ,::.'~~I_, 'UD"~"d'- das

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I~'--el'-'[~ _ ---- Il I'. " __ ._ . ' •• ' _ •• I.' '.' ••• _ ..••• _.I 1 • . .

S· ... ··',·a-....'II~ einruhrea und o"-O'·I··c: .. 'h-I .. ~ M·:····"I-·:I~n· .. 'u ... ten ';iI·~'-';"IIAI--·b-····a"~

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-,. 101,1l.lle' w,arm'c·s " .. ' ,as·ser ... ,azu'Dtlle, . en ... 18\ .s .:.I,I'e·

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·Mi:sc· "u'ng:' au"! Id,e:m ~olp ,'t.bod,en ·k-I.'e ·ii 2,ITassen

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W·a·:··nn·-·· 'e' ·s···' 'W···!·' ···'··a::[Qs·"-e" "r U· '-'n'" ·1(r@i,Pl"'ii,'h··r-e"n:·D····e::..:.n··-·· ,. ·o!· .. :··p··,fl·z····,-u':-d··· ·e·· ·c .... 'k' '··:·e: ·'0· .. ·

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un, , .. ·'I.le' I·.· ••.. a,u,ce a,UI\,ILOC ,: ,en ",asse.n,~ ,·:le ,.,-~Jjl:_._, .",,1 I'·'

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. :sc "w,ac' ;er ._ ... I,uie' _.,_. lllY'.1. 'D,D, ,len a,oc_'_e,_'o _ass,en~ I .. '

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,"" Ie , .... Ie, ,'I] .' .' ... ~. _',~'". ·:_ .. en'l,eren, I .. !Ie, riel,S.· ._,_ . ,IlL,_··.:_·." ,~. r . lIJ "

.. "~'" . ": IS-/-,...,h~·· '~~; .. "-::'~'I h-::- ·-·.'b- .. ·····-t-·.- .. Dj .•... ,"'., !S'~'~I .. 0'" '-", ~.-' ·,-i' y.: :I-r~~'h- , \aDi

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d· --.- d-ii' 'FI- OJ h-' bfltlllil h Iil 0-" 'D ·K-.' ,iii

un ,ii~Je:r' •... _'I,e' _;i'_,e'IS'C" ~'Ia, . ,e'en gJle~_le.'n''''1 .,_I,8S·:0In,,,,

I a'.'ln··,·d,~ e.-··r-'~·ru-~"'~·n- 0" ·d··-.r' M·:··· .. :,. "liI!'nl~"~ Id·-: '!Qtru-,r·'bl·:le··-:'r-~t··'r-.·-u-~n:··-

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.D.5,--,-,'1 dazu. ::',,an<r,c.i,s~, 170,ma't,e'o,reis" :kotn'i,g

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. _ '. "__' . _~, I:\J '.' 1!Ii;;; .. oil.!;. "I,,£!lJ .• , . '. " .. ··,1,,1.': .. ", , .'.'

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Di!e ftei,sch'masse ,zus8ltzli:c:h :mil 2, E ::illofTel:n.

Zl~'t:"'r'o"n' 'e"nl~a'" '-t·· 2'--:· "'e' ··rdc'ru·~'rL..40'e···-···n·- 'U'_'o·-··'b-·'1Iaru-I'-·c'L.'''''''e·-··'h--·e·-·n·-·

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ile 1, 'elo,ffel, s,e:mra'h.Ilen.le::m .Kr·e,=-':~,mmel uod

K·/',o:-:··-n~~la·"· 'n-:-I,d·· -e~·'r- ~wu::-....,-ii!~·rz,:· "'e':.'n· 'i' d"I-'~I~ E~I.'i; a'·' 'b'e' 'r-' w···,·:e···o'l-a: iC'[s-"e···'··n:·· M-······-'O'''·'\o,_

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li.c.h.s:£, :tle'i.n.c' :BI1I.c.he.n. form,e'n 'u'bd, b'm'te'.n,", Alsi ,A'p'- "._ ·~it . ,Ipp.chle:n ,Q,hne' Sau,ce' :se1nr-ie' -Ie~n,,~

, 1 [. 11 III!ii!


.. t. '.- E--:- "'b- ''''''1- fj'~ 'I' '-b d" .

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I!___ SC _ _ _ IL _ _ uee

St a 'tt""--' d' ',e- _I,r FI-- .. 1··,£,c,,,',h,-I'b-i~_·111·c:, "b-" en ka n '0-'--'- m 'S',' I·n, a uch ---, r-~',-',-:'

_-'- __ - __ ._- __ ' ._~,_~_._,_, __: AI.. __ " .. L_C· . _ ___:___:. ._-.___: __ • -_. -"""'___:.,--,

, 1,-, --"',':-:-',,.------ 4" 6"~' hart ,.-::---,-k-,-",:-:-",:-:-··h-,·t·j . 'E:,,-'"""h- '~"·I"'t-·· -,,-- :i',--:- die ·S·--:I -' .. ""C--

,,.,,,-emon ,~:,.53.,~ .. ,c_Clc_, tgexccnte ...L.:I___:-~)a~lt~'en, In I.~, ,Ie ~Iau!ce


c'h r" u ... , .~ ,-I.rined.

CUi' rry --'.' ·_JO. ~e-~n' ,1II'c:'h: .".

I. I" " ...• /I"J, '", .; • I .

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K- ", p.- 'b- h jlB---' di !ii' I di b I'~ 'b'-

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.»'_1'1011_, ,an. gosr t,( " e,I,t, meses 10 Indien be rebte

Fleischgericht das ursprunglich aus Ka 'e schmir

:._ ••. ,,1,.- - .•. ' :.~ .. ::.I,._ _ . ',1:'1 I.'., ',"_ I •. · .. ~". _.,,' "', :.:. __ " "._'. __ !', :' .. ~_" __ :"'_:_" . _' 1;1!; ._._:".: ,_,"t" I. -"': ,I [_ I [

stam --.-' 'm-' t'- F'-" .st ., -,d':" .. ' ..... ill. -d_;-I'"'" .che Restaura bietet

s_~_t:..!,_,_I ~~, " aSt _Je :,e·s n.~_,,I~!a,u:r,all-·

-- :i!.-:-. ,-~'-,--. . .. ' . "'_.111',;;- t'·- "'- - --- ,'-C:' ,---', -H"', I:~ ,-'-',,--' .--".iIi. ---- "R':--:" "'----:.' --,,-- ,·t- u -',= -1-"-

eme.eigene vartanon an, '--' ner em c_····:_e~epl_. aus

Kasehmir ...

_ =_ -- __ -----~ -

~·'cO" La sfl I. ,.1.. (K' . I'- j'

1·.:~i····lg"" ma 'U4Ft'S' ·,-··mlm·;,:e"&IC,,! .. ' '-······eue tJf.A,·£'F·

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.1' ,Bech!er (500 g)ljes,';e1r' J(),h:ur:t· I(siehe Ti;p

S,---- -- '"'t", ',,' 3"'5" -.~ :11,. 2'/ ..... ' .... r;;,.(I .. Z--"'·-'-';"I. ""-'-:-,b-e"""!' n·" 'III 2-' _"". "",-,.;",- ': .- 'I .' 4/ ,~.I1,/··'

_ eI ,e ,-- -'I-~ g~QJi'e ··~Wlle_- -'." .I.,oma·,ell, :, CU~';-'~

B h" l d-' a-'ll' it II ks

<:."··~'··I .. ·., .. ;·.·.c_ >JI···" .. '1.> I '" , ~,~. -·f."1 I··'·-'.·~·(·I'· ',';'1 :>~./~",~: .=Il·~·/·-J~>·,,··.··-,-:·,,"·. ·I·'·~I.· "~"'.=' .: ···~.-:·.'I!!!i!J

N,",e,sc~··m,a.z 1( .....• '/ ·ee ·0 .. ,e.r Ige'Sc"mac_",neut,ra

le$'~anzen'(jl'· l' E'~I- fi'-ris,f;h "era'sn,elte Ing,·'.wler--

. ., . ":,J·IJI.. .,.. ... ,fJJ.1 ~ _ " - .' .' ..... _ ,,' 0·· .I_ - -,r . !_. _. _' . (. .... . .

uM.I'~-:..~.I:.' 1---:~~e····"L'e'·'· S'·D"!!it'--:e'-',· 16a '" 1'--' ~e···· '01'" g"---Dm'-- ,-a~-h-Je·-'IIi'ID -' IrrIM,rz~, '. I~ lSI, "- ' .... IJt;"1 .. '-'1 - ,.II ,..,-:.,·ti, "if,;;.,'. ,_ .. I ,1;1 , .• ,;~r

~" -, Cc Idi- ~:",--.~ .... " ',"" f2". '1«"-- .,'-:' 'G···~ jlb"-',,- '- ,-, ;.-.,:- .-- -."",:- .', >-,-~. iii J~".- .. 'n,.:-:.-",'.---','.

.~~"'JI~ I ' .. __ .• m··,,' ,.' om. 'I~' - ,'/, ,'~e.·· _, I... ·~I,-'U,~tI;I::~.n1J! .. iJ~,d,r.. -/~. . 1c9.,D ",",

I ,. ~.",,, ... . ., .. ~I. _ . ~'.. 'IP. " ~I __ [J1r'I14,.' ~r·lI4: 1"':';'1 . ~ , !£;.E; ..

ro,tes' Chili'nu/"·ler' od:er RIO&'eH'ftQl"lrilaJ'nul~f!.r ~

' ........•.. - .. "':,·)[i .. 1F'·>" :.·.·~.~.I,·· ·.' · .. I,y·!!·r·l· :., -.r ' ' ..

1-1 ~.dje~.·I-- 1i7;"''''Q' .·.~~DH'e·.·. K-:'a'~',':·'J~.m,- I,~'m'-- ~. 1-' 'TBOI'."-_ g---:-;I;jm~~,-~h·~·-'~D ....

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n'le------" Z/·:i"'r:' 'I' 1 ~e"'-'---e~:/'~' f!le~'m---·' -'a~'h~ i'e---~n,c'-',e-~' TJD"IiI'Mi';'~""'MiLJIJI!"'D:"1 ""

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'_ cl,lee '~, gema_..,I;:ene,r SICII,WQrzer ~',Ji'~JJe,

.1 V' ~b-"'-- ··~·t-' .-,-", ,-- .. - -1II·t",· 3'0'--'1 Mi-' ,t, ----

' .. ~. Ol,! :_lerel~u·n"gsze'I,_, •. ~'.'. . I~I ,~,n Uien

.1 M'a~rin:ierz,eit ': 2,4 S'tunden

••. / IG"-:C-La:'.~"P'I@.'t'-'~ ,e'::t'-'.W·:-~"I'a: 2-- S--···t'u'-:-I,'nd'· ,e/n' ,

. _ ~lIl ,~~ ,. I~ ..._. • • _.. .11.111. I I

S'~'~--' .",.'!!il, d·"· ··ht" DI·'··· . La' "- n-- ,.-'"' "'h' -.-. -'-'h-' --

"_01 wlr··._ s se.m,act, ._L: ... 'as -"'.m:m,, .. e~ls!c_._. waslc __ len'l

t-, I ·.··'k' ': -",., '-:' ··t·~·- ,·4f:I. .f!···. ·F, .".1 " t"II-r_ 'b(--~'f,'~' ._-:ii'., . ( .~ Ild·.·.·. .- '3···, .. "~ .

,roc .. en .. up.l.e.D", vom, .. e... ..e ,re co. o,n .. __ . In ... em

,gro.Be Worrel sc'hneid;e·n, Fleisch, in e:i,D,e .groBe· ,flach···,e.······ S,-c:-:;'h--;'uii;·s--s .. 'e- 'I l,e-':g~ e··~n 'U' n,d-. 'm'i'l. 1 ~ee'liolffel'S,alz

._. - ", .' _.. ..- .. - _'.. ., .. ,I ....., - .. .. _. .. '.' .' - ... "I ',.-

'~d- Z,-,,",' ,- r-tI, b ... ,ii_ C: 1- '-V--:' J-' h- -

sowle l~em. ,It:rlo'nensa_:'letraU~I:e;, n ,.<omlo.g ·'u.rt

eV"Ao-- t',- " 'I-I-~'--"-'h-~"'- '·-··'d'-I· .. ,·--· ,',-' 'FI--' u~~···",,!i!: I-k·· ,,~,t: -b---,,;IIii,,'-'B·'-',"-"n D··"e""·o'

:~_:.I.u,le_ vor.llan~:,ene .':- .. !-'.SS,lg. ell, agle_-e ,.", _'-:.--._ c·

,J'·oi=,Q'b.'I-U'~' u~i;'b·~··.e-·r' i.d··.·- ·as~.·- ·Ft: ·e·. :"Il~~,c'h- ,o,;~Qe-n-'-'. ·'n. ·· .• ·.·as---:-- F~·IIIA:';,~:'c~h-'-- m-·:-----:- ,:.!t-[

. .. .. a " ..lI!' . ...". '--- - - . - :.-.~ .. - -' a,ll \.i' LJ - '. _ iI!l'- - - . - .Il ~.!.hi3_ - -' -- '--.--

..../~'.- --- -~ - '1·A . .a:-·)- '.;. :.- '- .. -:- ·d:--- d·:'··· ~ ·t'" ,- "- " ",' -:-" , ,,;:;,)' '1' -,-- -, '·S· ~.-,'! •.. - ---:

e·lnem .. .Lt\Jl,l·e_. wen!:_en';I- ,aml_. es, vo,n. a .~e,n, ~,· .. Iel,,'en

Q.b'erzo·g!en, wird, 'Die Sohnssel fest mit Frischhaltefo Iie versch 1'I~i,AJiBI~D----1 ·U"O· '",d,-,--·- d a S," La .~ .. ·.I'm---·'m'-I't1- A.1'"'IQ',c--h' '

! . ,I~. " i .. _. ,_)~, 1._.' _ ' ,_,~, __ '~'_l' __ ' ....::._ 1_ I[ 1' __ ) . _ e=e- _ '._ ,_.~._i_:""_~_. _ ~._,~,_/_,_,

:2.4 Stunden Im Kilhl.lichrank marinieren lassen,

D'I·'e'''': Zwiebe '1-"n·--:.,J!"fth:·H:'II~'n-:I' in .. d e ',.'1"' "'h .' cken D···";·· I T'.,._ ,:-: ,.~_. ,> __ "~ ~, , s~_ .g, '~ " u" ,'~" ,1,e.I,D", ,ac ,_,c,n"s, i' ·I'e, 1,0-'

maten waschen, oben kreuzweise einritzen und

", ,-" - - , , - - , ,. ,- - _. ., , - .. - , ,. - -', " ,-' ,,-'

kurz in koche ndes 1,'11:-.,· .. ·.-. -, '1·" '.' '~n'" "01' _'~e- Tomate .. ""

.. 1-., ._- .. __ , ._' _ '.'~,' . _,.,$, Y¥3S,ser ,:eg,e ill' ...•.. l= ~ ,1,1. :, ',a, ,en

"h' " "- " ",-,' h '"-,,. d' .' '. - . ~~'.- .. ' " ·S·~··t~'·1 . --. atz ""'.'

. eraUlsn.e:,· .men-, l_~~en lru.nen - .. -,I,c.,ansa ~~:c la.u,s/-

h' d"'" H' - - b ,~, h d di K"-'

stec •. le.n,.·_:I'e: .,. aut a ·.··zle . .II.en. 'u:n I. 1_I,e ~;_erne a'.u:$, ....

drueke ,'-, D·f~).' 'T; . ·t' ""1 '.' d:' . - ch _.'iI'-~ S·-i!lli ···b"--, , tr _'·iil'

, •..• e ._.0.. ..I.e .om.a. e.D __ ur'c __ . 'elR _lie:, sl-re·.I--

chen. '. Das ;.-, Fett in einem g·fo·!·.B---:e~;n·- schweren Topf

.• I .. , !II _.. '._.'."'" , , .. _ ...• '_ ,';:' ,_,_,1_._ '_"'~ ,~II , ,

- .

'b iIIl I~" ·-H----"~ , 'h- 'II! B'-" d· 'I D' ." Z' '0;

bei mitt 'ere'r .. : utze ... Iel, 'w,e.rl~! en lassen., ... ,Ie .'<·',w:l.e ....

beln darin glasig brat le---~··n--:·· Den Inaw :'-:;'e--:r-: dazugeben

. . ". . " ,.!IL·~··C -,_-, ,,,' '. , . . "e- . - -- -'< .' ..

, rdl bi ·2·~· 'M''''- ,!'. ",,·t .--'-', " - ib .-. 't·, ,"- 'D' ... -'--- - 'FJl_:__---··~·'!'- ch . ---,-,

uno ,111:5 ,/,: .. In.U en anbraten.Das ,:.c-~_eIS,C_,·, aus

der Marinade n ehmen und die M·l-·a~=:n-~- .. nade aufh se-

_, _'".- ._. ' ',' _.~ , ~.,: I.,.. __ ._ -. ,~_I. .. - . .._. '. :- ._ .. , .' __ . c.'

ben, Das Fleisch unter standiaem D'!U-,",iilhrl·~·-~.n'-·- v··'O---:-'O-:::- 8···.· 'I' , ....

_ ._. _I ,[~ l_ . _-_ -..:..:_. _' __ •• _:.._....:.....:... ••.. _ .•. '. _ 1'_' ' ... ' ~ all~ _ --' .~. . '~'ei·".!· .. :...__ ~_._~ ... ___: ~___::.._, '_ .... ._ .. ~ :._:, .... :_:_ .. :_

:- en Seiten etwa 15 Minuten anbraten, Die restli-

IC" : h ··,-n-"-' '0'· ··___:__'_AW'- '" U-·'!'I~·-' ohn 'e- -, ·W"-· eite tr___:,:a Fettz \. 'U' aa .. ' 'b- --:e=- I'!·O'--· d I_In'"

··.~·i1·I',~· II .. :__:, ",· .. _: .. ~_.IIiLiJ~ '~'_' r= II ~I_"~_) "'_I['~-'~-_}.~-,-~ ,__; •. ' _ _).~~I.__:_~__:_-I_:a·~- .. __:.·' .. _=~(_. <:'_~I~ _

Topf zeben und g:u:t verruhren, Falls die Mi-

11 D .

I (--~ 'h ' ,- .", . ;- " '-". , -' ~--"",: ,- ,fbi, ... d . - k '1,' "b'· ( ..... it I'. ,,' ", "'(., I..' .- -- --, ,- ,

SC'.pU,OS; am ropi ..... O,·· en : e 'I mu werug warmem

Wa'·'--·s··~ec:rr lo'~""s,:j~nl ·V'-:'· e',,:_' rru· " 1I''"'''h"rie·~Jn 'un-"-·-d· k-'-''-o'·''''c<he· ·In:' la,-" s··' s-"'-e-'-n" 'O-:-""t"'e·' "'I

,,--,~I.,-:.-'. ,".'_-'-'-'"",,,' "" ... ,.---,,1 . -,' , •. ,.,,-, • .1 I.," ','.' • '",---, .. ",- .-, ,.",1" ,..._:.-,.,'.--_-"- .. 'iii!. ,,'_- ... --~,

M'" ':a·:',-nl'n'·' a··-"d< e~~- zu······· ·U'I·I·e~,llI1le--=-::···~' .-. 01:- ,d,:- "I-~·t ;_;'j' R······Ii!!I'·h·· ... - .~ 'fk"~-"" 1_'

. ._ ~. " .. ' .. _ .. '- ~ "D",LI - n, g,- D,n er ,U ,ren au.- ,·0

'Ch,e:D las'~ije'-n Die. ,,_-" Fl-' - e·· ~.·I" ~·c·-:'h'-;I 'S-It-,-u'i~ c:-·k- "':,-e··~ ml ·ur S'_- S: e .. :·n' gu> It-'-:· ,d·.' -a:-m~· 1"'1'-:'

". '_" ]-. __ ._ .. ' .. 0." .1_o_,<!1 '_ _ ':'__;' ...... ,11:11 ", .'." '. . ..... _ .' "" '.- ." .' ...... [I, .. J. _ I I _ I.·.· I •.. )

.i!""'ib'· e'·'1('!i'i7 -:",,'_-I :;--,-,-' .c,_," ,,:!.--~ 0:"1::-' "~- ~:-:-, .. ----- '-,' ··t""~'·, -'. ::-_,"'.t,--,-,,,-, ,',' ~-·te-L--{ ----:-:~

u,I~I.~,Lioge·n sel.n", _·.·as 1.!,en.pu,r,ce UO ... ,I1III-

I ".'--·,·':h·' ,'.-,-' M··/ I','*'·t--,· ·d:·:··' ':, -,~-, '-'<"',·t-"II·"','-,',h--·,-,',· ,- ,:SI .... ·11,---" . -·I'b"LI',--,"I··':h-·-· ---'1-- ,'--,- ·,,·-·k"·',,-· -, ,-

,sc .. e,n., .1· _ em [lCS. I,C~ ,e,n I a Z 8 . .8C", ,mec,' eo.

'O'·"·e···- ~o'·'-:·"· "I"f~- ,C'.- '1-" .. "~'i --,--·-"h--'I.-' ·B',"·-~;· .(,-.,-,.iiI"-'h--I- -T:~······ :S·--,'i!i,·-· ·2~'I:'):"

,>-0 ,III,.P" le.sll v'e,rslc, I.I,ee,D, I,S,I,e'll "e , .p (Iel.llie "J"

u'nd das F eisch b,,'~' >l<,h---":·" ,~'·,-~-'h--,-·'I'- 'H- -',~',t-;··.,-- b--·'i~,,·.-'

._.1- . , " .,el, sc"wa,e .. er. lze ,I.S

1. '~ IStu,:nd,e:n. ga'r'e.n .•

Das, paSt d,az,u: Safra:oFe::i.s" :Fla,d,en,'broit old:e:r S:pi.~, :n,8,ts,alat, m'it J'o,g·h·u.n:



D.·' i:]"'e-,s:~,~~ ·0.···.·1 An--~e·-L·'I! h,-:·,a:., ·,t; ,e····~·n- 'e- k".'ru~ 'I ....

. :_ •. L .... ~ '.' .• ~: " .I.,I" __ ,, ,I ••• , ' •• ·I~ •••• ' .. :........_. _

€'It"-e'-' ,"n-·~·h- "'RI I':c:-:-;hr·e-" S::~a--: 'u·F"ie"--' 'F--alill-£I' @~I'!n-_:-Ie':; d, '.!Ii,c·-:kfl···· 'I: 'urs- S",'I~'Ol',e~

!i3. i1 _. ~ I HID. , , ; I I.'. '. [ '.' ,,' _:_. . '... .. ....,. '._ I!I! ' • 1u...1I 0 ~ .. , .... OJ ." I . ~ ., '. . - ..... ' ':......e .' ..

Sa-'--- U' c"··'e': g" 'e' '·WU··: · .. ··lIl:in,s"'·,c-~h- ~-'I'- 'W~- I~'r--'d······ 'l~! b-~I~:'~' 'IL ~a';:-s~-'s-,e~ ko·~· ... ,

_ .':.l _ .. -.... . '. ',:' _'~ .. .' _: . _ ~I ,,_ .,_' .... _' . .1 .,_. ' •.. -." :[' 1: •.. '_., a !y:Z ._i~' ' .. J •••• ' _' .'. ':/

C- - -"e"n' --- d-,c;'- 'e- ---S··," W:~~'-~a-:-::-' s-s-·'e:-··r--J u- n·-:--"t--'e·c:----:r-.---- d- ·a·· ,~ '~o-:-"-'m--~ --'·a-~'I'--·e-n-- :-"p-:::-'u11'r-,Ae:

. , ' .. , ... ,' ,. . ~.' .... ... . ~ .... I- .. - .. ~ .... _.d ,I,'L) ... _j, _" ... ~_.J~_

'" h ,mISJC_~len,~.


i ..... :.

• •••

lin' urZ,1


In den Wirtshausern an den alten Karawanenstrafsen in den 'Wiis:tengebiete'n, Nordindiens schmorten einst riesige Topfe marinierten .. Fleisches die langen tropischen Nachte hindurch. Das 'wurzi,g-'a,to:m,ati,sc'h,e: Gericht laBt sich gut vorbere .... ten und wird ohne Wasserzugabe ge ... , schmort,

500""':" g" m ageres Rindfleisch (Schulte r) odei La:' .,> mm-

fl' ····'~'·'·'h·'· '-'-r'K'f"',; .. ····2~,·~;I,>y~",' ".~,"'TI.'l;Z'-~ . ,~, ',: '~'b'~ . ',:"1' "<_'1"",'1"

etscn ' ..... :, eute)- ,: m'l',lte:g:roJJ,e/ .·iHl,e ~'. e,:'IJ '.

K b I h h 2 B h [. ~I 15'0" i'ifi' -

4' __ nomaucnze ten 'i' ' .• Becner tzu]e _',~_ g,i,' ester

Joehu t Isi ... ~l.,.- T. ... ~ S········ ~t···"·:3··'5····-:-~~· l··'E···~al'~fi·Ns'···c-'_'g·'D

o:g .··:"ur: "SIe"e ,liP ,.'_. el. e- . .r) I .' _. f.iJ-'" -:,1',1-.1 fI;-~'''''

." .... . '. . ... ' :I·t, " , ... , ,'-'I"'" :-:i""UiHJ1 .' . .0/ (sie 'h·:· ·e·' S·····:e· ite 1·6;'~.of' /.... E,~'al" g .. ·e .. ·····_

ras,pe>~;e ,_:,ngwe" n!'M,rz~" ~ ~.l".' .':"'~')' , ,{/jJ~, '.'~ .... '

.: .. I " 'h' Ie '"e-'· K" .::. :l"!'LHI':Jf7'k··l1'm·: ···m· . e"· 1 E-:rRl:,: g·· r. ·.,om· '.,. 'Q' ... hlen .. ,nT·'

ma,~,_,_., .;, ~f' '. I"~ H~' H, ',,', ",." ", ·,!It;'}'',., , .•.. !I;.. >. _~,n~, _ _ ~<

K' .-~' '.' ,d' ;'" '.: :'-.. J.... '1l .. -:e· ',.:/'. G··...- 'e,!\L,UH.,:- 'zmdve ·r"·' ;0; ___ ,onQII'e,r: ,je;~ ." ,UrV,H.rZr,KII"'.. -

IZimt: '... 3'K:'" rd -,'\.' '- ,* , ,/.'. 6:', "'h' ' , '.

_ Zimtstange ,,. "".1 .. ·:,a~· .. amo,mlW'Ps,en 'I','·,SC·· wane

Pfi·~,./"';;"-· .. ,1'"", '.'"'~': •. :'. :'. '.1 4/·' 'G" .' , .... "" -:' ::'--:-', -; ·:·l·!·J1I!"'··': '!Ii' S:·:······: Iz '!Ii 2/ Ei? Ill:

eJ.J,erKo,""er v ssewurzneucen- ,al",~ "-,lJ"'·''''

B''II,' t····1·8 PC"''"''"'h' '- m .: IQ"- lz 0' ' J er G'~ 'II' .' .De····' 0'-:" der go C"'C"" "h' ~ .. RI' '.: . a - CI ,'!"""""'!".H eu i t .. n-

, &iii: : ~ ,I: lllll[~i' j', > . "'." :':," ~l ,:' :. '. ," 'U:~'... . ,.,: ," ·t·. '. :~ .. .:.... '.' :' ~ 1.;' , : I: .. !I;.!Jiii. :. s. . I~ l~. ".~ . [~.1 ~ .• , .', .. ~"""..'. '_.' _ • 1'- ...,'

l Pfl·· '. ' iIi''''l'

es ruanzeno '::

~ .'

• Vorbereitungszeit: 30 Minuten

•... M- a.::' :n·i 0':- li',e.-'r7"e.·~li"tl" Ii 'm· :.: '~'. ·"·n:,·~,d:- .e.·~s··· .te~:'trii,s-: 3-',0:-1 'M··.··, ,inu,:' ·,'t· "',e- n

. , " ~ .. ,11 ~ .• l . I. . ... ~IJ,I. ... .. .. . _ ,

besiser 3 -,4 S,tun,den

• ,G'a:rzeit:: et,w',a '1 Stu,R,de

s·····'· '. ". '. ·"/!!',,-·,·d·'· "'_ ,'C ...• -'1'-:-' ·····h-~,·t-· I' "D',' , .. , ... 'C FI···, .'1<. ····h-'·~, :-~,,,.- -::,··:h-·-· .": ." t·· ·-::·,k·:--

,'01 WI,r . S ,g,em:8,'c "'~ ., _ .. :' ,as, . _ ,elS,C· " was,c,· .en", .·1"0 .:-

k .. t· - -. C'··· - d' ,~ .. '2'" .. - ,. B':" '·W·' :,'H--I':':-l' 'h' _ ... '~d'" ' .....

e~n'.u"plen 'un, __ I,n ,_: 'c,m ,gro,_e.-u,'rl,e',- S,C "nel:..'e'n'lI]

D .. ····.. z: ·':b I h' "·'1' d" ~.: ~ "h k "D"'"

..... - ". !,-,"I'::'~:"I .-11:"1 " ,'<:"'-i .' .. ',

... Ie -IWI,e ... e, n sc, a"en un,., el,n, ,ac. en",., I,e

Kn bl h h 'h''"'''I'' . d d h d'" Kn··.. b'

o:l,aulc,,:ze'e'n SC~ a, en 'un.'urc,,· .•..... 'Ie ,1:011_""

la,u,ch'pres,g,e d:rlick.en, .. 'Vo'm ,Jogh,urt ev,e'n.tue'll 'v'or'·"

'h'- d' . Fl' '.... ill' k' ~t 'b 'J!! .. B" '.' • 'D-····· .. J'" h' - -rt··· 11; ..

,an,en,e .. U.sS:I"g,~,e'.I_, a,_I,gl,le, 'eo .. I.' ,.e:n, _ O,gl.'U" -_ In

einer S·chu:sse'), g'ut mit d,e,n Z'wie'b,eln" de'm Knob--

la··;····u· c· .... ·, .. h·; un· ,d':." ,a······ lie' n'" W"·········U·'~'.rzz:-U.-'·tia:l't·- .. e.· ·n:.· v··,:·e::'ir·,_m'~lls· .• · ·e· -h:. :e:-'o.·, M>······I',j·t-·, .e· .. ·.·l;!i .... ,

" •• 1 "_' •• ' ••• ',.t" •..• _.' ... '} '_'. "'.~." ,,_ .. _.".",JI._ ._.

ne"·r-' 0·····. -:;8," ,b .. · ... le····.·'I, 0.' d·:'! e:-rl' e,,i;n' .e'·'r' s···.c.·····-:h ..•. a, Je'.:-'n. 'M···.· .. ····• :e,··:s~·s··:·.'e·.··rs·. p·.· ... ·lt:t~'!e._ I!,ni

, . .' ._-_ '. . '_. . ._. .., . ..1". [ .... " .1-,1' ,J _. , • ..,.. . 1.1IIk£.. " ,

d·II!!' " '. F-"-l' ~""c' ,··h· '.:!. ~,o;IJ""I- ··,'l····· ,.··<h····,·· " .' I": ,d·, d- ~ '.' , ~' .... ·d-..c· .", ' JII' ....

Ie, , elise ,WU,l-,le, s·ec"",e,n, UD,.IeSe IDle ",0

"·-'h'~ '·rt···I·' :c·.~·,::: .'.',: ... -' -, d'.'.' . ',.'. '-"b'i -'. G':' ~ I" ,·t· d:" :'--', ..... : ' .. '.' ":': ",d-' "'~'.~ , ,d'~'

g. U _,m,ann,a· _,e geen,. ' ..... U, '.' a,no we,D .'. en, u,n_

30"'1 M'" '. ' .• ,_- . t··~··· 'ib' :~ ZC .',rO! .. _. I'rt··,· .. " '-' ,- ..... -. '.- ,- .--, d":-" ".-''., .· .. "II],U, en 1 ... el.··"·I,m,m,ie,,·.lempera"lur o.,er

3- 4- 'S;··-··· , rd - - ,io, .. "K""'" io;i;'h't,- ···h-I.·,-·· .,- 'ik·· , .~ .'L .. · '1', 1"1 "., .• '

. ~,> I tun en rm"u,.lI,S,C, . ra,n,:, ,ZleJJ.I;en ,18sse,n,'ii'

D······~'·· Fl·' :'"' 'h'-' ·' .. irf .. ·····,·I-1 .' nt "'M"'-"i ,-."", d--" ,!ii._ .'~-' '" b'" "'''~

I .. ' lie .-,"e'l;sc:",wu, .~ e "sam,: I ,a,n,na,,_,e In 'elnc:nrel,-

I ten sehweren Top' .. f geben 1 'EBloffel Fett aufdas

- -" , , _ '-" '. ' .. , ,. , , ", . - . ' .. " . - -" . . . - . . ..

'F')'I ~'-"h reb .... " .. d d ... Toof fest t - .. - .. ·"'h-···I~··B~,···,··· " eisc 1 ge e'n un .... 'en I,OPI.· ,( est verse :" te sen

(sieheTip Seite ,2,5);1; Das Ganze bei mittlerer

, ,e-H' -',""t' - " rfk .... ch .... , . '''., d d···· ,', '. b .' ... :0; .": .... h ''' .... ,. ·,·h·'· : ' 'H"··t "~", ... )1 ·Z:C ,au,~, ,_:oc "Ie'n un;.· .'.- ann, .1' el S,C, , ,w·a,lc, "er __ . ·I_ze

etwa 4.":·0 •• ' M·······.····I"I .. n uten schm oren ). assen, An ischliefsend

, .. . . ..' ,," , , , g, . .., ..' , . . 1,'. ".g~ ,.,' ,. . . _ ,II . _ _ _

d las A": eisch .. absch .... m .. iecke .. m und bei mittlerer 'HI' "I'~ltz· .. ze

'. . '-'. ," '. II, '.: '. " ". .,1 r, I" ". . ,.. . '. . ' .. ' '. ., .,.... . ." ". . , " _ '.'

I 0;"" ff:" '. 'T; f"~~ k .. _., h 1 I d"- b ;0. ,.,. 11' . t

im geottneten ·.op ...•. , .:',QCC;,ie',:D assen; oar ei otter

. . I J

umruhren, Sebald die: Flnssigkeit etwas einge-

kocht ist 1 'EOlo'ffel Fett zufugen und immer wie-

" P ••• " .' , . _, ,. - .• .., • . •• • • -, •. 1_.' . , I .. ,- _._ - .. .....- -

der ,= - .,-,:~ ··h,:t···II!!'·:, r-I ,': .. -,o;fh:, ':':'::"-' 'W:~·'~:.~'·· das 'A-:- ,e' isch fa ':"'r'"

uer vorsici ig umru , r,en"~.~e,n,nas,, ,<1\8" ,'.SI

troeken ist und sich mit einer schonen Kruste

I 'u,be:rz,o'g,e:n, hat, ist das Gericht fertig,

I Das 'plaU't dazu · kornie gekochter Reis, Fladen-

. .. ' --.:., . ...: ' "" '-' - -' ',,," ., ,', '.0 :_./ ; , , , .. ,. " ' ' ..

b .,'.' te . iit G" ~ .. ,-.-.:.- "'~":"~: '-I' -':-d':' I Josh urt .. tsalate

oro e rnn .·em.llls:c uno .rog urtsarate


Unter der Herrschaft der Mogul ... Kaiser entwik, kelte sich die Mo,ghla,i-'K'uc'h,e'" ei,ne' besQ,nde,rs 'h,o,h,e ,K'uc:h,e m'il. a'usgek), (i,g,elte:n, u,nd r,affini,e:rt,en

'G'e:richt,e,n,;; "'




500'g··'C.·· mag-eres Lamml!e'is,ch' (Ke,uie oder

..: . . .. . ,.:' .,. . " . I .~' I!I:, _ .._ _ _ . _ _ __

., h"" I ' .. ' k' 'II~ l 2" '"',!'..,J

Sc ···.Iute,.) '.' ,3 Tee .. Kreu'z-u',n1',me_s,a,m'en' I.' ~._. ,m,',.;UI,€'

. ..... -'~~, .- ·."~I 'C'" -h'" ,tl··· ~"'-h' ..... -., ...... - ... ··-·d-:··'· ,0·· " ','--'.',,: "~" 3" K' ' .. ,-,b·tc··l,.'·· .. '· .. -·.,..-h

grune ~ .. ,rllsc',,"(},en ,u·:€r ~~per()n'· "~nOI~.·,au,c·,,...,'

·-h':,,· 4""" Z···· ""~"-b' l'·,·- 1 E.'··;JJ'·······l·· fi"':'~' h' ..... ,. '1"" ,··:/:t·,··- /'._ ...

zle'en ,i,-' .·····-w,lele, ,n· .'-', ,..'rlse g···er:aspe, eng-. ,,...,

_._ •. _._.l _. I __ •. '._ ._. __ .. I 1 •. ,: ..... :' t· ••. _ •• ,.- - - - - - -[_'.

Il ", h S·- .. 6: ,I 2 E--:~nl' fi'-' ,II h' :L k'

w,e'rwurze_ f,sJe.-,t' ~.,-,eltei~ ~ / .",~J, ,,,,rIse'. ge,,,a'c~:,tes

K· · .. ''':'/.- :-·d,c :- - ~''',. '.' ·····,d··::- '.~ .. :D·."~t··-:-,· :~/'~e'~" • 2': ,J:?t:I,l": g··ej'm··· .. ,..i'lIlh:· .. '··,.l:e· ··':'n·:·e"

, ontln ergru.n 0, ,ler rl! "erSI",f:" G/J"~ .'·_W' " _"~

. ... ".,'. h ...... ,'." ..... 1.1.- . ·d~·····.,·l'· - S·············"I,,·-, .. 2···· B .. ····", ······h·······:,· (./ .', r 150 I:)'

gesc"a, It ,,4'v~an,·ei,n .. >,Q,Z" ..... ",e,c, erzuJe".c g

fl·· ·,·'t'l' "'. ·h''',- -n" /" '~' ·h' ..... ~Ii ..... S"':··· .... : ·"'~t······ 3-5' .. C)' • 4' E~RI' 8, t··,'t;· -:-" :_,

, es"elr""og,,',u, [slee ,I~p·e"e,~-" '. "'-_~"~' ,'IU.,le,r

sch'··· ·m·····'Q· .. · ·l:·z:· . D:··,d····'·e·· G·:,h .. ···e·,L) o,·.',d: e··' g'e'-·'c·· 'l.,m'··· .. :"a··· ·c· ks .... ·,···I1,.·· ·e··'·y·· '·t'r:a::-·/le'~

.":' .'_ .' ..... ' .. ' .. ' .: .' .,1.,:, ' .. _1.··· ~ , .~. __ 1" 1.' ... · . ....:.. . .J!.'_ .. "J_. _.'_ .. _'._: ... ~ .-. i"I ..... iJ

Pfl'-'a' 'n··: ·z· 'Dn··o"'~·/~· .I.t. TOe'-·I:: S···'·-a·· ·~r.rn:Hl:a·~,;;'d,,:·on·-

.,: ': .,- ... : .... ~:_.: : .. : .. _. !IIi, 7.l!J ,~I; . '.~1i4i '-': .. 1·.'~'t~·1 fI.4.YI:_· _.' .'~'.'

.- "1 V"···-·,I-:·b- .-:---=- :!'t'-i '- .. 'C . ...-::,,-:-' ... ":"'(1'" II!!' 3':0-1 'M·········· I'~" 'I ' 't·· ' ... '.

• . ... o,r. ··.·,crel,. ,u"ngszel. ,~ -.:'-/. "n.o .. en,

.'-'. G"'~"" ,- -, "',-., '1" 'It IS"~'" -,- .. d' ...

• 1 •••••• ' ,arzell ~ "i~2 ,<tu'n,e'n,

'11. AI, ,~!

So wird's glemac'ht~ Das Fleisch waschen, trok-

,_.. .. _ -.1" __ ',' t;, ' ., "..., . .... __ , ......,. '"

ken tnpfen ·U- n: ·d-·-I ln '. 3~' ,c·,·,·~" -" 'i'; ,.01, W"'·'· ,rtiJ' "'1-;""" h-':" neid -" ,,,'

K,· .. ' _._:.IL"" "I,~, I. J " <m g,fOJ,Jle Ip,I-)le SC,D:em' __ len .. ,

Das Fleisch in. eine Schtissel legen, Den. Kreuzkumm .. ie . ls amen in einer klein e n Pf ann e ohne '.

'.' I" " ,,', '.', ".' .,' "," "_. ,II .. , .'.1 . '~'" .lI§".~,I"""_.iJ,___;::___;,, .I. I.~_~ .. :..c.", ._'"iIl.l .. ,':_,

Fe ttz "':UI' ga I'b,e,. a IU' 'fl;' m ". ';'I":-t:'I-,'e' " "e' :r-' H- '-',il"\':""~' trocken 'a,' n r"'(Ji('Js~:t--,e,: m:

__ '._ _ . -I' ,- • _ • " _ .. - 1 ' '1 I] .. _" '_" I', I ll,~ _ I '. _ .. " [ ._" III _.' 1 _ V __:_. __ . •

d .• r ,a'~nn,J, Z,U'··I,:m Abkuhlen beise Ite st ellen und .. ···· (·"'.'I,e· .lrs-7':ll~O.",i-

.. .' .~__ _ .. _ __ _ • f_. . . •• • _I. ,S Jl . 11 . Z. ,.

Be'~'n oder zermahlen 'D-:--/I!e"," 'C .. Chil ischoten od er Pe-

__ " .. =.~.. . __ 1.... J I., 'l J _._ •• , -e ~ ~ 1 .. _. . _ . "l. ... .. _. · .. ··1 ._.- .• _." I '.~.'

peroni waschen, entstielen entkernen und la.:ngs halbieren, 'Die Knoblanchzehen scha en und


durch d'·· ie Kn nob ""a:"'u"'c"h' tpres se d 'ru,'·~'c,·;k· en 'D··'·'/I··e·· Z,·'_._"-w:" ie

" I. . , ,1', .. , '" ,I., I, I ',,' I".. "" I.", , ,.' '", I'" ' I". I ',." " ,,' ',"', '" ... ', - . .- , '. . .' '. ',' " " '.-

. ].. .I I . •. [ .. _' J I·. _. . . •.. • I ... , I I • l .• _ . _. I, _ .•. _.' • • . [ !ll!J [ • ; _. I • I. _

beln schalen und in dunne Scheiben schneiden ...


~........,.- .... ,m" _ ..... ;ao.. .,_--..-...- ............... ~, __ , r .. .r_ ... _

Ge ··'w:,:,','u'~~"""'e,· 'W,,' . e r' den in der ind iseh en K-:'< uche Dam .. ' m '"'t·",

'." . .,,~- '-"_".'-. I. _,,",", I, ,II" '" ,.!i::!!I',""" ,'" D, I" I.: D'~' I" • I_-,

M,;.t S'" H' '. d 'M'" B"

IJir.sem ,a,DS Stein ' . ,IO,~Z 0:, cr ""i , zerstohen.

~O'·'··'·:m":·'" J' og h U,' Irt,:··,- even ·,t·"u, e ') vorh anden tc FJ: U 'ilis,s··'I~'g""'-k'".e'I!!!3,·

l.; •... ': ..• ' ..•.. _ .•.. , .•. , ...... ,' .. I .• J ..... J .•...•. :.[ .l~~., .... ' ..... I·, ~I·-' •.. " I ,." .• .lL

,·,"b··· ... -B"" .. '''· - Al'"···)",,Z"":' tate , B:"- der Fett md

a .. I,gl,e_,e,n,,,,, • ,';;1 ,e: . L,U, :a,e'n. ;a.u,1 :'Ier' ,': I,e'm ~ e'~' . un:,

den Safranfaden mit dem Fleisch sehr gut vermi ...

h- n- " 'F'" 'Ii ~ h' b Ii . 'T r~'

sc nen, . as I. ett :I.:n emem scnweren, breitenJop

b· ei m 1ii!'tll· .. Ierer H"I itze hei f[J' werd en 1,1.." ~:~I,:A·n-- un :d··.' 'd" ;a.~,

._ ' , ._ , .. __ .• ,._,._,. ,~ . '_: '_ _ ·,i_ .~~ '_ "_ ••• __:_:_ .... ,ll_' _ ' .. ~,: ._ , .... , I, •. I.~. _.ii;;J~i~ .. :...._ __ ' __ '_ ,l._._., .. __ -~~

FJ" ,,'~'. ··hl. 'L~-! -- 'b-' ,- D' -". T'· -- f" ,:&,'- -,", - ,,-- . h--'IIII''! - 11- --

. ". e':lsc;~~ llI.ll:n,elnlel_en~ c__ .... e,n I.OPI_ ,I'esl. v'erslc __ llIlle:iJ,e(D

(. ".'"', ·'h· .','. T··"'----: '2',·,1;)" ."'(- -',d"" d" __ '""" 'A",'-i !',,-:-, ·,'·h-:·' .' t'·-..-:-:,..-··, ·1' :It, S·",:·,t I '"~d,-''''' '--,~

."B,le ' e ' ,_"P " J> un. ~_ I~_jas ,_el.,S,C,_ el~ wa. _c. 72 _;l~u,n. ~_en

'b ", h- 'h" H'" 'i' - 'h' I d"

.. ",' -". (C.' ',,", --:--; .--;-' '. __ ",,, ,-,,{-._.- "-"-'-'1--'-- --'--".,," ... ,-,---:-- .. '-:- .. ,,-.-,-,"- '-·1,----.--· -"'-,,':::- '. ','-', ,'.C-, __ '-

.. el, se.·· W,B'C,___;Jc,r . ,_cJ.tzc :sc,_~morle',n, ,_,asseo", '-' _n~.e,r

Z'wis:c:heD2,eit die' Slafr,ao'fad,e'D in einer 'kle:'inle'D, PfaLn~ne ohoe Fcttzugabe 'b'e'j 'mit,tlerer Hitt'e' a,n~' 'I.l~ 'eC,iD, ,iii d, ::'a··.··.· .n-,'· .0.1,1; a,'b' :1~,e...:,.:lt:,t.".S·;, V'O'.IC",,'·m·· '.1 'H"~ Ie:. ·rd.·I:,"I, 1, E' .:~ll~,{lTe"::)1 'w-,:_.·:··.-a····.·· r.· :: ....

. . . .,._. _ . . ill .. ... _ ., . . _ . . _ . 1-" Jl U II' . II, . _ ..

m'" C' '5"'· W,,·','·,··'.-·a':"'·II.'----c···-:-·,c·:·'-r· '~-:-'--I.·I~',e··,nlle·;ni' i "o'ld'" 'd'~ 'e"'n:' -S,-J1'a'·--Crra·"', n" ,~~,;o;C"h',e"--:n:" J-'~~",

",.-, .. ·,_SS",.,ZUI,I_"Y.--.' U,' ._ .. ~ .. -.I · ..... ·.,I.t_-I, ... ,ZIC_,· :" .. I~I

'b'" d 'W" l-'b d';o;, 'D

' .. ','., , '''.''.- ,,' .' .. " " .• ',,'.' .':"'-,,, .', ... '.' " .. '''''-'', '.', .. ' ,'" """"'1 I. 1-' '1""

seO,,_oI,I,;S I: ,as ' aSiSler I,e--" gewor_ ,en l.s,t.~ " ,c_'_as,

S• .. -.e:, ... '" , .. , - .. t" 'd'· ,r rt··!I!! 'G""" "~"h"-" '-"'"'h''' .

_,aJl.ranwasse:r 'llD"le:r I: as iel.- .. l,ge· I;·enc ,,' t nI,ren,~,

:DI~e··; 'F •. 'J· e···.'.·.I:!!i~,c···.·~.h::s.'~,u'~'~'c·,;-,k'_.--- e." g .... DOl ,to 'm, ,I: 'I~'ti ,d .. ··.·~ .e····'r· S·.···.·,a-.' ':U' ·.c····)~ v,·.-'e·. ·.·rm·-.· "II~i:S< ic:h.··: e.- :0" .

_ , "~. _], _ IL._.. . _ ,I _:, _ . .. " " ... _ . • :.. . . _......... . _ , .• , '.. .

U-,n.· .. ·d(--''', :1'""0'" :e" :I~'n'·e·.··. 'v,:,o,'rg"e~:w"l',a:lnn' ·.'t;'e···· S·~llc····.h. ·,u~··s·:s··.··e--:'-I g'. "e:;b; ·e····.n· ·ul'n"d··.~ .. :z~ .. ':·u, '_

_ .•.• !J" • ., J., .: .••••.• g, . K' •• '. - •••• J ..•.•• l .,.:_:.... .•• .1" •... ' •.

, d'· '1...' 'b'" ~B" "'- ~ - -" - ,Be·· _1 .. ec.i\.'I. "lei I s'ervle:r1en,.


"DI,88 e,aB'I", Id,azlu:. Ko:mig gekochter Reis, Safran ... , reis, Fladenbrote und gewtirzter Spinet in 'Linsenpuree

, i

- --- ----,- ---- - -"

_._--- ---

I 'I'p' . . 'B'·" ,:~ IG' _.. ,., " ,__:'" '" ···h-"·· '-':'" '-I ',", 'I ,"" 't· .. , I"·· 1-" ..-::_

." ,'. el 'ene,!., ten m.l ' , !an.g"el"

-!S~' c'h'" m""O"" e' it nd , '~ . 'F·I-'~I"'·- i!!i 'k it "". ·t·" , . "

I:" . I: ,,-.!I'Z'-, ,I U'O,I" wen~l,gl ' .. Usslg"el, m .. s,"· c·s

sehr wichtig .. d,aBi beim Garen keine Fltls; ... '

- . - '.,., ,.., . . , , ." , , . ., ,",. , .. ,' .

sigkeit vertorengeht, Daher mull der Topfdeckel auch wirklieh fest schli e,Be~n .. Sonst . .~ ",-- d'- .-,. - -. elt -- "La' .. -.. AI···· - ,co )- _! ! - h -. . -- d __ . -eme aopper e .. age ·····1··· 'U,I'O ie zwtscnen .•. aen

__ _ ~_. _ . ~. . l _ . -,I . I _ 1_ ._ _' ._. _ . . ' __ ._. • I _'" '_.'_'

I ' .. '

'~' "',, ,-- f'u nd d"" -, ',- D"'", ek el '~I" ' ", -,', d' ~ , 'E-- d - - fe --

.. - . .. .. '. ..- l.. . : .• j '.. ·1 . ·.1 . I. -'1 .' , , f· '1 j' .

.IOPL uno aen ,·ec,~,e, ,_D:"",e,n test

unter 'h' al b d AIC!. 'Io ipf ra nd e 'S a' n druc k cen ,-' n 'd"l

_, >=~.I,'.::c,-g" .'_,I~!3 ,I~._'.' ranc es '-.'," ,_.,·_I_:_.~'. L~ D, r I~_

'ubler den Deckel noch eine zweite Lage Alufolie spannen, Eventuell ein Kuchent i:Ii. fest d--", , 'i··lb:,···· '.' b II< .. d .' ":' .

. uell,,1 leS,I, I" ,a,m. ,er .1 ... 1,01. ,en.~

'., .,




)·O.!- Haiderabad im 1 r ·.rd··I:~:1l.i'il 1-", idien liebtman _'_'_' .~u_._l. _,er,[i .. li;IU, I.m su',·.· le,)1,I,cn, n .... lcn ,..Ie.". man

i scharf gewnrzte Fleischgerichte, .

IL: Teel. S··'(J·· .. ifra .. 6:.a?~Je·' sn ,,., S·~"I:I'I·z" ,'"' 2·.····· B··.·i'LJ~~,4.' (zu]e 1,'5 .. ,0' ...• all

7" . .11;;.11>, 'I!' " '" "U-Ei!1' ,(.II" pi·, .' " . ~t;,..,R~,. ~ ~,M, ~ .:__ '.' ,,/ b./

fester Jogbur (stehe Tip ,Seil:e,3:5) , .. ,500I,g magere«

La ,-,,- ,,-.- K'" ',.,,'.__ vd -., R" Ii -drjZ"" - i'_ '-h'- ~_'S-.- .. -h~" - "l""- " . d' - -

.: . r .. :~~ ~ - .: <:.. ····.·1 .. i.:,·:l.. i··:.·_> c'.'_' / :-..1.:. f.: ., .. '_' : :... .:.<: .. ' :.! .. , .. ": :'. I·.: _.1." ,I I. ;1. :! .. ,: <~." : : .,' .. :-

, mm J ',,:" .(J, oer".IIJ_",f!.,ISC" .cu"teraer

KI~,j'l·'ld' .. ~ ,., ,4/~' K':··~i,nb~II~'II-I~'-"~'7e··~:,L'Qn~',~ ,4·.·~ E",(~l'-, B····;'iI.llt",'·~loQ.i.'---

~q_.·~/· [_ '~_:_'lf·"UlJ.f.(_~ ... J·~_._.L~··.~:n~~_ _ _' ,_ .. ~I_l~ .~ ... 14_ ... _. ~.,. ~

f:'o·p;It- m"-: 'Q"'-:' . (Jl i1Dr'· ,'I""':!,hi 1,,Dd; .n~Qr'·' ,QCOph' "-'m' ~,-:. 'IJ"'~ ,~,Ji~l~n:-- .t:HI .It· Ir-lln '~Ir

iIiJi'~l ··0"_11[." _: .. _:_, .....•• ,,:~,_: u;_ ._.~J~~ lJf!"r~._.· ~~'~l_.·_. _.'~.' _._.:_.I~{~~_':_:'~I":_.l!iJ ,,'I~~

Pfla':---'M"DH'(J·!"iI'l·.-: 'i! I' E~lli' fi",:",~,ph~:- UB.MJ"I'Iifi)'nP,l·"t:a l'··_au.'I.':IIii"iU.iH!lj':~DJ1:'

. 11'11,£0 I!(i" !f 110' , 1)" . "fJ~"'''_/'' ;I~'!L.,. ". ,G LI,i 'l.CdY_' "~ " ''':,0, rJI',~" Irr·H;,. '£'~'.,

I'Sliehe' ,Seite ,6]1~, 2,o'ro~e Zwlebieln,~ 1 milde' g' .. rUne

':I~'_'~.l_.~' - _ ... _ ·~I ICj-' t!'#\. .-- -.- ._-.-- ------- - 1:_ .. 1 -

CrL";'~l", '"', .. / h: ·<T·~"--:--,,::-c,J,,,- ',10",--;-' - ',:- ":. :,'-','. '. ill; l'~ ';Il/·:,: S···:"t·.-a···"n' ,'"':li.1ile··MI ti'

I nl_'SC,,' .. :iOl!e ou;elr repeTone ' "~",,:'41 -·.,11,1:1_',_,·[,,'1#1'. ,,',1,

2 E "I,la'n,delsJJ;~-,lit.ter~' 14 Tee/' g .......• ·em1a'h'len',er ,Zim~t ..

'_ , __ , ~ J'rJ't._.t_. _ .. __ .. _ _ _ _ ... _. _.!. _ ' ..... rI!! .. _

.' • J •• '

II ,- I

I .. '. I 'I' .. ._. Ii~ .1'" l ,- ..

I ~'Teel", I,em'ahlen'e Gewurzne:. ·-"en· ;S Te,£:. ,ge~

m,Q' ,._ ·h';:-,l'"e··" '14',~'1 K.··~·'-a·.~'~a'· 'm' .• o"m,,·· 1 I' !&i Tee'li' g.·.····.,emahle:n'erl

[ . t •• _.lJ[I~l"" , .. ,IU·I I .J .. _ •. ~ :..:.'

sch'warze, 1!Ieffer l~ !k4 :Te;e:l". ,rOles iChilipullJ,ler' o,der

R" - , , - , ',,",-' '-,-' "._'l'1aql'~_ " .. ',"" ." J1'_' '-7i" ",'.'" ".' 'G"-_""" "I,:b- · .. ,', ;. ." '''1/:,'''' c:-,'

IriJ~e·':'~rp(,(J·"p"',ln.-·' j'-."": I, U.··,:·,'1,'"o, .. ~ :i .. ··'1.0,\0.'., I,,'·;e , .. ',~~:Irzpu, ver Iii'

, 1I;.J .fll .' .. ·l l·, r~ _. _ ~,~ .1 •. _ .. . !fir'''_ ~ .. __

I· J' I·' : t· • - , .

1 7J I Roh- k'

.··:,ee .',," .":' .. ' ,:/'i ',rzu:c'l: 'fer'

• Vorberelmngszeit: ,401 Minuten I. Garzeit: etwa .... ~ Stunden

,:So 'Wifld,'s g,emach,t;, ,Die Safranfaden bei mittlerer Hitze in einer kleinen Pfanne ohne Fettzugabe anrosten; zum Abkuhlen beiseite stellen 'Dod

"1, E,B ollre'l, warmes Wasser zugielsen. 2 Tassen warmes 'Wasser- salzen und beiseite stellen ", Vom Joghurt eventuell vorhandene Flussigkeit abgieD,en~ Das Fleisch wasehen, trockentupfen und in 3 em gro,Be, WOrrel sehneiden .. Die Knoblauchze ... ben schalen und d UI rch die 'Knr':-=,-·: ob ',8'·U: ch ·p·'rle~s::~,e,···.·~

.: .1 ", _ " I~ . ,'I Dl._! ',. _ u •• • I . _ .... 'I, ," " . . '. " _. . .. .... . . I I ! .. I!i:Jf

drncken, .' :2, E,B')(j:ffiel Fett in einem breiten, schweren Topf bel mittlerer ::~ itze 'helB werden lassen und den Knoblauch und den Ingwer darin i goldbraun braten. Das Fleisch zu .--::ben und von alle ·"n~ Seiten unter "hi, a·~:'u'l tl·II'g··~ em W-'~:'~e'~;n~--·d'i en "UI"-I't~ an bra-

._':.x·"-...:'·._:..........: _ .. _ :,_ ._-.~ __ ], l •• _~, 1 .. _.'I...f.. I •...••. _~_.'[ ,:., • .' .•••. ~. _,' '_ '_' •.... __ > __ . .:.___ ,:...._::...._: el-·-" __ : · __ _II·._ Ii,.

ten, Sebald es am To pfb 0 den, festklebt, 'mit je-

W- eils 11· 'E-·'O··:'I·-;.R'Cfe"i 'S~':al·I'II'"w· 'a·:s,··"s--r IO',. '!Ii:'·e·:'Dil und diese ~ ein-

·',._~i!l" -'_., ", i' ·,_~_.:,:___:,U,I,lj[!..~'_ .~ ~~_.I . .£t.:._ .=.1_.~.~ !' ~.,. '" "_'_,:,,_:,_'_i "~'~j":_"_:_",_~"'1 ~·'llJ. ]']

kochen lassen, Diesen Vo ·,I,81og' mit 4, 'EBlo,ffe,- n Salzwasser wiederholen .. Die Hitze reduzieren und bis auf 2 EO:I,oiTe). das restliche Salzwasser vorsiehtig zugiefsen. Den 'Iopf '[est verschliefsen (siehe Tip Seite 2,5) und das Fleisch etwa

1-'1· l? Standen schmo re -:0:··· lassen Zu m - Sehlu ~ soll

, 72, '. " I ~ • j •••• _"' •• ". _"_' "'. _" l_ ,. '.'" .! _ ' l - ... ';. .., 'III' l ., •. ,' h l """,', irt 'jl i . " Y . ,_.I., "", ' __ j

nur noeh ganz wenig FI,'ussi.gkei.t im Topf sein, Notfalls In, den ' etzten 101 Garminuten die Flus, ... , sigkeit bei geoffnetem 'Iopf verdunsten lassen.

• In der Zwischenzeit die Zwiebeln schalen und feinhacken, die Chilischote oder Peperone wa ... sehen entstielen und sehr rein hacken, Die Sulta .... , ninen mit warmem 'Wasser waschen, 2 :E,I1,I'oiffe'l Fett in einer Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitze h"eiB werden lassen, 'Die' Mandelsplitter und die Sultani ... ,

nen goldgelb anbraten und auf einem Teller beiseite legen, Die Zwiebeln in dem Fett goldbraun braten, die Chilischote oder Peperone, d,C'D Zimt, die Gewurznelken, den Kardamom, den Pfeffer, das Chllipulver oder Rosenpaprikapulver und

d'· as Ge Ibwurzpu lv '-c·- r' un ter Ruhre ··'0 m -;'t'i anbraten

.. : .. ,g,< ' ... _ .. '":.-'-'" ',', ',,: .. : .. ,I.L1 ',> .: ,_', .,,: ' .... , .~ :,. ,. ,~ '., .,", .. ' .. - . I" ,'.:) ,.1, . ,II .. '.". ,~', ... ,'B ., .. ,_ ...

lasse'n,~, 'Den Zucker dazugeben noch ein.m.'a:-, umrU,h,re'n, und die' restlichen 2, E,I3:laffe'~ Salzwasser zu ,d.!e:r Mischung giefsen, Unter Rnhren braten

..·as pa °It'~ dazu: .R· ••. teisee . .c.n: .. chte ... .F1~. lad . · en b" '·rTO·· ·,·t·,'·e·.-·· od .. er

, -··L .g .... ~~ ... , .~,'ilic;,~ ." ... ',~" ,_. ~ ,. ··"···~'~.c·· '"

Au' b oe ·.'1"\01'0'· e ·0·'·' c"u"!"' B··~·'·',-'s"··'a· ···UI e ·:r

, . -' .. , ' a'IO& 1 j'. >"" ~.:. ' l_.· -j ,." " ~), ,

Die gebratene marinierte Lammkeule ist ein festlieher E>' Braten aus der Moghla] .. Kuehe, In Indien wird die Lammkenle gemeinhin durchgebraten und in, kleine mundgereehte Bissen geschnitten, 'Man, kann die' Keule aber aueh 'wile hier auf dem Bild dem europaischen IG'e, .. schmaek entspreehend rosiger braten und in diekere Seheiben schneiden, Rezept Seite 21 'i'

'~·6/ ~"




11- . •

I:C· .. ·······I

. I




Dii<e- Kustengew ,'·a~~s···'s·e·'·r· lind' /i!~I,;' ·· .. ind .-i~""- " zahres

I, . ,_~U:,I, "'~' , ,_ "~ )-,_,I_!_,I_.IJ~ns, ,S,).,II,._ eJin, w,a .. res,

Paradies fii:r Meerestiere, Es gibt eine 'Vi,el,za:hl

beso md erer "F-II~'S!C"·~",h-'I,e~" a 'UB";'~rd'--: '. em 'H::-:, ummer '0-" a me-

~"~ •• _,._. ',_ :~, ~,. J I ,'_ . '_ .,' .''_~'.:.' :.' __ .. ~ _:," "~;_'''~ '_' .'~. "_,~_" ._,,_., ..•....• !, """, _. __ '_ ;_",

Ien, Krabben und Museheln .. Zu den beliebtesten

Art- d Z b 'Ii :'=:'h'l d 8 k D

___ en. ( er Zul »erenung zahlen ,_ as j8,c",-'e:D, ._·iin~,

sten 'U,' '0-: id Fritieren, H-' !a"'·'h-,·',o·· ichenae rich te eibt e-·,··,~

~ '._ . _." ._ I. . - ~ [ ...!ijl. I -- . I I .. _. _ '_._ J _oil:) _.,] _.'] li'I._ ,DI- ._. _. -_.' ~

. ieist ' . ..' b .. ·· ·'···J"·I:·-··d- -'.' -, .... An-,:,··-,···,'I'IIi,,:O:"']"I-- UI '-- die 'G','-"'::_~ .... ,. ':-'-""·1'-. ,-

me,IS ,ZU, ·",e.s.on'.::_~,eren, .,,'- ,ass,e,n" .. " .. ,,-m . 11C ,,:·_!"ewu,rze

in . d B"'S' 'F)' < eiseh 'e',- inziehen '-ZiU la "" .. ~ ... --, ..... '" ,,,'""-'d-' d' t,,··· '-H~- ,."""-"',-.

I" " ... " '., .""-r-""'-,,:,,,,~.II:-,,,,~ (~_" .,sseO"Wlr_le,,,8,U,_,

de'S Gefhlaels entfe ern t: d li e beka n -'0'- ten TQj,O"- d .. '.~ "0· '. orr II! -,

. ".1 .." I ,. -'ID .' ".']' .' " . -2! l[ • ,." ".' •. ' &,"" "J" [' [I[K· .. 1] __ I ..•.. ":'.' '. I

Spezialitaeen werden in einem grolien Lehmofen gebacken ..



D;:"-, .. - , '11 ...... '""" stli ... "h·"·"·· nik .... - .. 4t-R;,,-,-- ·--'II"·!··· he ,0' :-, ·-·,·--, .. cht ,.---.-- .- .. - ,Ies,re,s, &,IOS,. ,Ie,! Ie", pi ".,an,~~sdlu,er,~I'C __ L:e· ·:· .. "e,nc-,[_ au,s

dem 'S··'·~~d;·"··-I '1'--' diens ,- "~'~i'----:::d'" tn .. dit ... '-::-:'--:-~-:-·-·-:-'--:---.'i!!;iji'O ;'!',----:--

' __ ~_,,_, ,,_:_u'~ en ,n".::._ Jen,s Wlr:_-, I_r.a~ l~I'o'ns'lem,a,L)' mm

TOI, ,n···:t'o·"-p·lf'~' O'le·-·lk··'Cio'" c-·,,:h··:·-t·· , "n'·'d' '0''- .:- "m' ",!t-: e' .'~" -"",-,. ,--- 'H·" " .. ".-;:''11" 1''''-:"'''"--''1

,I~-,,· ,-,'IJ~L-'" ,e:::~'--'·'~,::_!~'~"- u=_~_ ~u,r .. I ~ · . .I,Dem, .,. 'O,lIZ ,Ollie,

it·'·b "

.. . -. 'I -. - ."

gem, .". Itt,,,

j'OO-600'g Se;e'la'chsjile't .' ,Sa'iz ~ ,2'Zw,iebeln' ·

2 K'!' b": ~ h"',L 11,lL .. ,-, ,,,,~, C-!'1.. "l''''' dJl

, 1.··.·· :IJ!'I!,n,'nt"p ·'Z·"LJne~'n'. . n m'IIUl~.Ji g"rIlPlle' I .···nl' •• " ' .. ,ntDM

II . I'I.'LII'! :c.cIC,~~ .' ~:_ 1._' '.-_,'~: .' _.:_ _._ ·._:I_·~_ ._·_.l~, !'.: [_ l_-_" _""':"7 '. _,'_,, __ .~.:_ _. _.IIII_.~.·I.

n,Je·····,T·D»nD.~'Hi 4····· ~o'·-·m' . Q":' t··e·····,H 2" :~',/l,' g'o,-eP,"'-m·· 'a'-"-' 'c· ",1 .... _

U"U'" Cl;.r,1!E;.ilf'VI'11"Il:" .' ,,J,(.,'.,,: ..... -',J '!ii, .: L:JJf.., ,':L,~i!tlil"",n_!_ ...~.-,

" Pfl"·-,,,·, , ""1' l~ c;nl' L r

n',eutra,lies ,",'_'[Q,niz'eno:·' 'Lj.~':'. ,g,e:maT."ie'n'er

,V-:-· - "', " ... ~........ ] ~-. ···l·~ I':~i, .-.- h':"e"" , ·-;e···.' 'K:"--'-' ".--- ,~. ·k: ', .. -~'''', -: ' ... -,.,.-,.", -

AIOn,a"u:er· , .. .I.ee_~, gemll(,,':I_,1I .,. ·.··.,re1lZ ·um\m,e. III

1 ''n'-''-:-''''l'-' 'G=-,·····l··b·'-'-··,,· -, -- --' "-"-"-l~'- >- ~.I: 1'- K"··-·ka"- .-:- .. ,--:,-, -"rjj'--'" ~~'-"'!h'- -

. 1""4 . ,D, . " u.~.'iI!.~;pu .... 'I·'e-r: I!I -.,'A ,'. I""'.· .. ~'~n:r;j ',m, ,.' , .. .". " 'II!!'

, .' . C;~)~ < . .' C'~ I· .·In~·"'.'&~ ~'.' _ .. jl If' ". .."~I'''. lit . '., · ... ~1 I '~'._ 1",'1 .. ; Ll.'~~.

. , -

2 ,~jJl~ Tam~a'rin'{Je'n'm,IIS' (aus Tamarillde oder ,allJ

Tnm·· -nn-"'MJe'~)iMlID'1f"t:· .• nk~·· t··, '~'.e-,L'e- S--:e'-;':"'e'" .~ I .D'·~a'··'~ t-'·~-·!-··, '·-e'· ,~'.--,- .-:-Ak~'_,_'M_ ','-11,"1 -;"I~~,'M,_, " ~',II.-,nl c/ ........• -, .. ~,:_::_ °/:1, ~~,III'~I.· _',ZW,,:,lse

4E" K-----:-'-:- iii'. ..

.~" . '.- - :p .. , "" ... ,- : .... _- .... " - ..•

__ .. :'-'_!! .·:··,llule,ess,~g

'<:ID:' '''', .- ",e ,- 'b--' ·'i ..• ---t·:·- :. .", ,- 'H' - 'Ill", h-" ." .. ".- 'h-" - -. -'-" 'k'" i '1·-, .'C' '.". , • '-. ,- -.;--, -- ,,:11' .. - 'ih~' -'-'--1' '-p: ., .-. d' . - - -, -

·Ie,g,e,ral_cne.n, 1,,3, [n,c\ ,1:eoeUlcn eignen SIC a"s ,a "Y"'" I

'Gerricht :$Ic:h,r ,ut :fu:r eine s,Q'm:m'e:rlicb,e :Einl.'a,d,u:n,g m,it J'og··lhu,rt 'o=d,e'r Jog' ;h'u'ltSalat,e'n 'F1ad-" ,e·····n-- ·b'r.o-t- 'C-',,'--h" "u't'-'O'I'C""us,-'

'·I~_' .. ·] _' ,._ "- "~ .. _'" __ .':1,:.' '.\ ... 1.") '", " )"" ., " . J _ " ".-, It . ~ .II" '. 1ii~ '"", ":_ .. , .,. "J'I"

_. -

""'-'--"'d,c- 111.- 'd'-' .,,,, =_ ·-·~.'h- ... -. 'Q\:<'k"I" --, R;···· , 'rl·'· S·"· ":""1'1', 3~!1-

un. ._, ),D.' ·(seen rJ.'C, ,es~eze,p .. I: ,e,I,I",e .' . ~

[ •... : Vorb sereitun gsze .. ·'I~t-i,t!~' 2"'5,, M.-:·"",'-'· Inuten

Y"I". ".' .,.1'., _,_, ',.:._, .iE:.!. ",) '_. _ ... '" ,_ .. '. ,'_'_'

• Garzeit: 20- 2,S M':i.n,u.'t'e:n

S--O·' . wird 's gie-'malc~~h'l"--!Iii Den Seela chs wasche "0-" trok-

..... ,", ,._,~ .' ,_, _ . '.' " . "._ .... : __ J _.I~,". ~. ' . ~ __ ._ \~-.~':_:'''''''':' ' .. 1.1. ~.~ ... " '-.1 ~ ] CJ! :'"'. o· '.,' I,= '! "~.',., " I~_, I." __ .. , < _:_,

k ~. 'i S- .-- k hneid d ,.' S- I b

kentnpten m Stuc ce scnneic --,en, unc mit a z r e~

streuen, Die Fischstucke nebeneinander auf einen Teller legen. Die Zwiebeln sehalen und

! ._

, feinh .. "k"'-'·'--·· 'D":'i9j, ., 'Kn',--- obla ch zeh - .. '.,--- sehaler und .. -

,1!C'l..R I ac le',n,~ ·I,e: r 1,0 ,8U'C,. ze :, en scnaien u,nl~,

, d 'h di Kg' bl b d 'II!'" k OJ'. C··- hi ..

:' !ure,,' :_I'C:,·· ·'.'0' .... ,a,:u"c, I,:p,ressilc: " ru,e' '. en.. '_e~,I,_'m,_;l,-

, schoten oder Pepero .. · ·n···· l'li wasche n, 'V 0- in St del und

, ". . _'" ." ., '_ " _,. . - ",. ., '.' _' .,,,, - _ ., ,_" '" - "I , _ ,_ . _ '" _ ,'.

'K: .. --'e···rn-·-- e""D' befreie , .. " nd ,[~:-. ,,'C'~; Ri-·~'··, .,\, '~h"""" ''''d''''''''_-'

. "'-'_" ".' , oe,l,re,l,en g,n. ,In, lel,Dle . [,<-,ng'e SC .. _n,em,-en"i!

Die Tomaten kreu zweise einritzen mit ~lro··· •• ···c·'.h·" en-

_ . ''' .. ' "_'- _' _ .. .. ' " ". _ _ _ ' .. Jl. '.' ",""'II",, _ ,1Ii.OL "_", '_ _' _ IL _" .,,,,

d '.'11 .... b b llh ... S- '''' ]1

em 'y"ass'e-'f' '01 '. le'r "'ru- "-.,, ' ". eon 'VO· "m 11- 'ru-- -"'D'en '·',:t'le··-· ansatz

"'.',_,_', •• "_"_ ...... ' '.,1. "._. __ ' .. ' , " . .:_.. '_'" ...... , '1" ... .1, ,,', I:' ..... _. :_\'_" ' .. : ... :." I ,_. " __ .' '.', -. '.,:.,'~ "1

, befreien hauten entkemen und grobhaeken •

, 0········,'-'" O .. ~I' "~,~' ',' I',,-,,-,""'b:,-' ',,~/" T.-"'f-·b:-:·'~':}~::;! .; 'H'~!jj;,,···, :/,3.1.. , I..n el"n,em bretten j,Op .... el, mitt e ,er ." [,Itze,

he'i"B werden rassen, Die Zwiebeln und den

v' ,_, b '( h d ,Ii, R'- - h h )'Ib b

h.)],Q --, auc n c ann unter Ruhren ne ..I sraun annra ....

, ·t· {- I,: DI -":,- ~-:-; ---~~ ,10::.:(--- d ~----; .' .. ~ .. ~, eb ,- .. ,---. -,' nd '2-: -M··' linut -:-- b .,- ,- .. :,.,~

_e,n,~ " .·I,e J!o,ma~,e,n, _az,uge ···.e.n, U,O_-. _ J,_. mDu,_e,n, ._c.·r:a,

i ten Die Chilischoten oder Peperoni den Kori '

,-_.,--,,4o ". '. _-. "., - .. ,'._ ,,_,""'_ .. ' __ .__:_:_-' ' ,___:". ,'-"_ .,_, - , " '._ - ___: ,----,,__;_;._:'_', .'_'

I " der de "~,/",- .. ,. kummel und d '0"''''-'' ·I':b··"-I·' .,111

all er, oen ~,'e,uz, tumme . una oas v rerewurzpui-

I - -e' r '111-'."'02 fl~~·'''' - .. ,.. . -- d ,.' t- . ,--. ·,t' '!OI ndi ,- em'-' R,-·!i!'b~--·e- '0'

'V,'-' i 'I: I; -:U-' u·· O',·-e:::-o·"· 0,'0' 1 .. -" un·' II ;ll)r_ S" ,'gl .. " .: 'ID, :::--1' .. ······u····; '--, I

I .] I'] l[ '~J' [ '! J' ]"" ~ .], ~ • IA..,. "." ~' Ie'" .' .. " "].' .M.]·· '. .'[ .• ,

noc'll 2-3 Minut'e'D 'b'raten 'b.-is die' 'Fliissl!;,o.'ke" it I , 'im

,', ._,,_-, H" ' '-' ",," ',' ,"" .. " _". -" ,.-, - ", -- ,. ,., -,' --', ., ". -' .' . ,., ...... , --- ',iIl:'l-'-"" '-' -'---'

T,·····f·':',·; ""'h: ",.- ,,- """'rd'~'" ··I,·t-,-~·t·· :;;;:"1 'D····'":-' '1('1. .. , ":-_-"'k'-,,-,-·-= ., U-··,,-,-··"!!"I--··'·':h·'·

11 'OP' ,D,a, ,ez,u ve, ,- ons,e, -, IS,.~ ,- . I.e :_OI='~osnu,_~ml_:C:___:~

i 'hl"'ne:·.·ing'·_'ie~Be'n u'Dd alles 'unter' 'R--u,",i'h-:r'p:o-[ zu·· 'm-I···. 'K-':··-'-o··.· •. ·· .... ,

_' __ " .• "';. ": . _.'1 •. _ 1. ~ ] I. ..] " .. .' , .]. ] ~ 1 _ .. _~~ '_'

"_,,·:h· .-' .. ,-'.' "b',,·I-iIl',- .... ,--,' ···1···· D" I' 'T.I,--, . i-d'- ···········1- 1-"- ·d·:' .. --:--., I'd'-"-"'''-'

c,_,_'en .on.n,s'en".. .,8S ,1,am,an,n· enm,us a··.er ... ,en,

Kra:t.o~"ut-Ip;re··'· s····'s~l'~;g.;' d' az-~-u'-g· ·-'e·.··,b,'·e···'n-- 010- 'd'- 'n····io·,··c:~::h··m;:- a7'" I' S·· 'ru·I'b' :""e,'n",

.'.: .I_L ..• ..,,~·"·~. ·,···.,11.- "._ '._:.': .. _:_ . .::_ "...:. .. ,.'" ":'_", , I , ~ •• '~'. ' .. ," , , .. I~·,··,__:_>tI

" . . . .

1::': .).,. -d,l"' , '-8:,"" ',-,' ..... - .... T,,·-tb:--·-·d" .... ,- .: .. -".I-,t!7f' ·b'i"'!'~' -~--I

,I 'a ,.s 1·.·_le ·····.au"c:e, am, ,lOP· -o_:e,o, a,n..sle,~~ ... ·.·IS zo.

'~, 'I 'w'a'rmes Wasse'r zl),geb;e'n". 'Di,e Fi,sc'h.stii.cice in,

d-·"-,··-··, s->-..-- ', - 11/-,--,-"",:" ' d'::-I b-·,·,····-·' .. , ·,···'-~'h·"·."-'··'·~h--·-·-··; - HIii".,."a ,iii'I'"

.Ie,au,oe I,e,g,en, un .. I, el SC . ,wac, ,,'e,r '_' _I~ I.m

z'1!I"gedeck,ten TOlplf; ,8,,- 1,0 ,Mio'uten, gar'e:n,.,

D- ,-:-:-",-. ----.,.--,-,--. D,t·, ·d: '. ,._-., 'ill 'k-'····a,- _-.i!!' .. ····'Ik·- .. -:-. ·-:--··h-t---- D,-----.--:~,"" .. d"'···-· -,

, as palil. !~_azu"., ,_"_u'ml,,g, ,ge.c_.,OiC,-UI·er ",CIS o'~ er

f:n,-"':~c---:'h,- 'g.~ib'··',a, c····'·:kl-c'e,D' ·e: ~ 'G1~AI"en' " -: 'ro-t~'-e; ·m---:--·I,"'I·-·t·, C:-,'h-Iu-t'o--- ·e·-'-y'· '.,

,_,~,_",_,_:::-,;~,,,~-,,-._;,.-,,,,-,-, r',I'CIU_" ., --, .. __:__,'_ , --"~,_'_:'_ ._-., _,,",,' -".::_,'",

'[ An"'" -,-,,--,-,- -!n' '-e'-w' -lI;o;~Jrzt"e- r-' "S- a-'u--'ce-"-- u-- "'n' d''- ·s'U-[·'S'-'· -S'a""u-'re--"- 'I ... ·'n- d"-'I!

~ , , '~"n" a·· ,'" 1'1 iU"·'· "'-I ' -"','1 -- -- ,." .. - Ii' ,,,,, _:_ ," "I --.-' " ,iii' ". -,. "'1""" .... ,

:._., .... " i~1 l' ::.. _~', !Di'~ ".""', -)I :., ..:.. .• _" ..• _:, t· .)'''_'".'' P ...•. -"' .• __ ' .::_'_ ~._ I"_ . :_ .. " '~.~'. __ .-::-"-'" '.-: '~_I- - ,,_-

- . --'h--' . Pi'" .,~ .'IIL"'I (' .• ' .' h'-·· -. ·S· :J!Ii:t'e" '8"-: ) ..

sc'--,_c ,~~~,c .. ,_eS,S'I,e· Ie ~_el'-",

'V-·i'i ·'········1-'-,··-·, ''11''',- ·'b·IL-_,_, ,!!Ij 'K':·· ,·-·-,k J -; B,,'!IIi'I, .... 'LI-:S'aua!'

' ar B L ,e., ,arB __ . ilJlll7.l,l, ,ID ' ,....:..,0, _OID,O -8Il_1gl1 '-:

S,t· ,·t·-'t' 'S'--" .'II,c'ih-' ,' .. cOO':·:··'--·,·, I' Kr'-''-' ',-',··'bl 'b'( . :-, ",.- ,-,-:--:--. ,'-',. '.'-'. d': I·" ... (""f:~-' 'ii<'-'c-',":h'"

r -ja . ~ .'. ,',ee'Jl8C i ',S ".:l--U, ' ,". I "a, •. , ... ·en, ve,rwen,- .en ,,' n,s .. \. ,

~ J

- ···d-':I, -, t'!!! -tiC "if~'-: -,.:. '.', -' -'. -. ')- 'z-·/ 'I'~ ., .. -' - . ',i'· ,- ";"I( d"'-" .( C·_-·-, '. 'b-' · .. ""'1- ,t! .-C.'_ """b' L .

'oL-,e,r .. lelg"e ('oren ,'!iiI' .:usla,mm:cn ,m,I,- .. · .. ,'e,r >'" l"lse. ,0-'

'I,e uod, d,e:n, Gewiirzc':n o'o'c'h, '1 EBI~ofJe'l frisch, ge;-

._-." '--"I-:t"'~' J'Ri-::- w""'e-"'fW" .'0' '[Z:__'··e'l u"nd'--': 11-' TI'C": 'el'-",w'e-'II 'M,,··,.--, IO'-":"'h--' ·n··· ea·;-,-

raslpc_,e '. ,. 8",1.-" ',_ . ,1,<--" .. , I" ,', ,I, It·, ::-', U.l.I,!.,1, --' ." ' ... 11.'Jj.'

men, a,n'b,ra:te:n. Die ,J(r,abbe:n, in de:r' Sa'u,ce im,

.'~-j .. ,- '.. TI /-.", .. ,·,,'r::-- l' '5-,,"·"-' '2:0":'1 M- '-"~I - - '-I'-'t,~'-~ I'~i-'L,=-:.,-::- IQc~le,-,n'> OI,I,en,en I'D,P' _ .. -,' , .. / ,.: ,lnu,~en, z_ ,e,n,e,n . ·~a. ,'~,

:z- ,--., ..


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1:'00""" .. '.... '6>()(J"il -; K: (' r. - :b' .. ··1':''':· . ,.·4·J,"I'1 -.... 2'· '~D'D',I" Essio .~. ·~a: lz '.,

J'I =1/_- _ ,g .·.tJ .' leU,a,IlJ'I"le,~s - ' ~I~,_ ,!, ._. ~!~""Oi .i.J'i_.~

~- I C--1J- 'Ill-'III ,-. tl R'" . . !!I1aJ"

,-~-"'D'" ,D1[!(;j' I ;-:I·'ln.tIJl,'I,'I.;ip~' n,:"er "',O-h'_"ISnn:I'J'nf1' "-,,.:~',_

. ~'E...,)[~ t' I~dl ..... ',-. ,.11. ·'r .. :···'r~'· ~ .. _ ..... ': .: ,", -; .. ..;J.,.~. -r·~r-"l } ... _.- ....

- -I" - . - 2-" K---:C-,L,I" ,:J':",-,L-,.- 2-:' ,:)1 ---,:~'-, ''1'1-,-----(1. -

Pl'-:ver liil , .... , :.nloUlla~UCnZle:ne" ,~, .' ":'--J ,re'!i'B ","·I(J\ma,f.[en!

(1215',,) ~ J Te'ell"frisch~ geraspelte Ingwerwurzel l"ri."I.:-I",,' Sette 16 i ~ 1 Becher (''150 IB' ~'(ester Joeburt

~'I~~!~"'~ - .... I~I~ .. _ •. _ ---<II _' _,._ .. _. ._.l .' _" .. ,b,/l.J'll~_._ .... _,' "01 l ., .

. ,- ._. 3'5" ~ 1 . I,'" - h-' l ~'

(siehe' Tip' Seite '~~")I;; .,_: _--"". ,..... ~ ... erscnmasz oaer

..... - .. - - .. -, M'·····:. 7]'- "'-"-'1:' .-. '-.- .. -'.' 'h-""- '._',--, S' .. .t L_,L .. · .. · ---- k"-":" '.'- .: .. --- ,-'

'D~ 'i1 ,ol'( , .. ·D-B: ["..;ili'I~tI··.··· ,., . ['D'n- IDIF '., 'OCIL1'i!f"liIOm . -I',ees:amell ,~

'. I ~ I;i-' ,"'~ .. "L 'l:;.H '!Iol 10, I~,I'" !I.'] . ~ .:[ .l';;:i. I "E;., ....,' " '. . - l. ' ". l ,_'. .'.', 1 . . .. 1 [ .' "l.

1 1'04: ~a'~I'·1 eemahlener Koriander ~ J Teel. eemahle-

· ,n .6.LII:3.11lll'b'- [ .. ~ .I.·.·! " I', _ "-.'. • .1.lI1Wl10'" .

K k.... ,., 1 ~ I' G····, IL "

ner' , __ reuzkummet » _ ,ieie,I,_,~_el'UwurZpu"lJe,' ..

1 Teel. Ra'QrikaQu"I"er',eclelJu,Q iO 2 E'u','_, saute

- I '_ . "_- _",_ ~ I I 1·_··_,Y·f. [" . '-'_ ,r· . _. ,._. -._ .. _,-. -" .. - 11" !' l~ ~. -" . .

S 1.... l' E~all Z~ -.:.~-,- ... - .. ' - - "1"/;,.::

Q",ne;ll ';,'-'-UJI ',i] ":llro,nensiQJ i

• 'Vo,'rble:re::itu.ngsz'e'i,t.:: 1. S: :Mm'Dute:D - G;arze'it:: etwa.4"S M:i'D'u.ten

s .. ··· '. !,1I!!l -'d"'"-"",, ·,·-'h' .. ·t·,.'!!!, 'DI-"'''--''--: 'B·,··-k-:c'-,e:-( .... ···.··,~I-·f:· 2=:·10··0····'° ""IO-'\r"'-

o wlr··· s gema,cl -ii' .I·.en. ·:ac.··· .. QI.e,n ,au, " V.'- -

l " \'. I I ',' _'," II.. ,"',. , . ",_." . .' .. '. ,', •. _., •• ,. -' .. ' , •. .. . ."

'h ii, D' "K" b-I '1"'" li-::'~ 'I ih- I 'k-

,i,e'mze',Diil • .I- I,e ,/!al ~:e jl:8,'U" t ,e~s 'w'asr'-,:f;'n,i ' -FOC::,1en:-,

t .,,,,".. . - d'- Iii'. .'"' --- ,'--:-_'-, - ,J' ". ·t--·- "f' .'-'.' --- '.-. ." ,-- , .... '0;',,"

_,u,pll'e,:n, un··_, In lel'D:e' 'eU'CI, I.e's, . fe' ,~Iolrm ..c.e:gle,n!!!, '.," ,I.I~,

d E ,iii 'b- -" ~"I-' 'ii .. -, S' '1- d-I dl C'''-'''h- ,iij'I-,i;

_ e.m _':51;I,g .. · .• e:'lriu'l,e_R,' m'mt. ::ia,z, 'u;:n:-'_.-~_.eim." ~11,111''''

.-, ..- ,- '11:-, ,,: .. , .., .-~. '.-: ·d_:_"1 -, ~ 'R--:) .... - ... ~ .. , -',' .-- .. , - .. ", -'. - .', ,=.'. k' . :~-;-" -.' ·1 .<,: 'b-I~. -. '-'t- -~. =_.,.' .' -', -.-. ,. -. 'd~-

pUlver o ,,'e.r ,,<Iose,npa.p,n,., a,pu.ver .' es r,euen un,,_

'ble''I,e 5[:' ~'I.en"I'. Di.e 'K.n,o'b.,au,c~hzehen, sc:h,a.~,en:

.- Z' 'h ,f!!II' 'h 'Il... d'" d d'l "h d'" '-Kg' --::-: b-

'I ~e:_~e leln~,~aCllen,[~_"le ao!-_'e:'re .... -: :u'rc,,1 ,,:.~~le ·······.,~ol-,

la':-:c-'"u- ~h'-·'p>II"\e.-··s·-·ls'·e"· d···~l ::_-III~' c(-::~'k-',:"&'n 'i1ew ToO' ""m~ 18·:·t·'e: ':'0' 'W" .r'a:'iQC-~:'hl ,an-I

,,~:_: •• " J~I '. , ;"/,111 '_ .. " _ t ..... 1.."'.1 . __ '~, -', '~l In Jill, ·1,' "'~ £~ .... ",~ J' _ I I. '_".,[ . ,,'. II~I"_-·"]I .,~I" I I'

'·k:c:-· ·-··i- -' ... -·--;-;· .. ·-i~ii, ~ -_., .--./~,.::- ,- -.I··tz··· :. '., - 'I' -:-'d~1 ·lel..,-, 'I' -~' :~'n: ·k ... ·O-lc-~h~··e·- -n'-"'d': ·e·-··,s,

_~reUZW,eIS'e 'e,I,D_n,11 ·'oC en u.! _, ",U,,[Z 1,1" ,,' :_/'., '. :_,[ I" ,[_ .':::_[

'.:1l .. 1a:: l~C!'e·-·":r:-' 'lIA'D'IA'n-:-· D' ···.I .. I~' '~"-'qIU"- 'a .. ~ b'J?,,'"!,e··~··~,h··A'n'·. [d-'-''''I-''e'~'' -S·····:···t·.I''"'e··~·.la·:·"n····· ~s-:Ia~·ti· ',-

", ". _!.3!3", JlI!l!i;;,.!!C[~' ·,iII" .' ~ ,igj,.,. . .... ,ifiLjl ,_, """ ,"" _ I .. _ ... _

:::;-:, •• ,-. ,,,, ,.), ... ,.,- "0 '''-'''h ".- . " 'd' d·"·,·· ·K::-:···· '-,- ". ,~" '. '" ·d,:-I-, ·,·,"',·_··k .... ·· ','-.' 'D·<··i'l·ie·

ze [a,u,s,s,. elc, . en, un,I _., ,I,e ··!ern,e au,s ,.1 ,ruc ·····,en,~ ".,,'~

iTolm.aten i'm M'ilxer 'p'ii,rie:'r,e:n, IDldler'ld'u.'fe· . lein

'Hi' I',· ,',.. ,"'.- . ,'I' .. 'b· '. d'·: 1-· ~I' ""k" ' ... -- '-.' ,'-" D··:··!Ii .. :·, 'H' H" '~t:- d":':- .",- c. , ... ', -, ',,' .. ' ''''.- " ..... ,:""t·

" .aars"le ,_:", .~! ,I1IC._:.le'n,,~, • , ... Ie ·.!a .I.~,e I, _,Ies, , .ng,wlers mI.

d-' .',' '. ,I!:, ., , I'" ··'h··· " ..... 'k-:-te··:·,· Kn"" '-. · .. ,-·"b···'l·-" "1"-" ··· .. :::h- ··-:-···'!!,-c·-···h·-;-·e···· .. ·o·· . ,,--,~,.d-: b-':-'<O!-

· :em lit eln,glc,!ac,1 ."n .',_ I " _.01,[, .au.c ,_ .mll:S,' __ . , .. _,,_, un -C,I,""

seite Istel'len Vo,m )'olo'l1u'rt '-'W'3 'v',oirha'n,dene F1iis~

-. .,1_., .', '.. J .III! ." '._-'~,; 1_.··.".,D-. ' .. __ ' _ .'.', __ " .. " ", __ ,\, _" .'_' .' '_' _ . __

s!~g·~-'ke'i't a'b!ioieB!en • 'Da'S Fe'tt in ,eine'm mittcllD'r'o,~

" ,I, .':::::- i - _/ ", .. _. ID _.' _. - --:.~: ,....:..._ .. '_ ~-". - ... ~. ,._.:___. .. ·,-,·_,-,'-,'_'_'1 ' ~'--' -. a' I',,'

. - - b ill h - Iii, h-' ""0 d-

°41'0'-- '"r.O-fpr': ';:AI- ~IIC'~~ - w'··~··'h··.··le~-·r- H:_l'-'''~,e~' 'I 'C>ll:·· wle·~rl;j ~~n·-·--·.

. I,"~ ,~.' , .. ~ .. 0 ._' '," ,_, 1, __ ' " -. _: ' __ '_~I " .• ~ _ _' _ . '_ . _ .• ~_

· ,';-',~., ·1"- i' ··D· .. ···,· ' .. ,':', '81.- ..... 1:"" 'h· ··, ':'-. "Id·-::'-" '," '.'-. ( .. ':.':' ."" ,,' d,~ ,." -~ ". "I ··'b-·::_--

""asse"n'i' ,e,n. .IOIC"S, _. _Olm.' ,eesam.'e·,n, .ann [an,,,,,,r,a~

'ten- d,as[ '1nQlwe'r-,'Knlob'laue~h-IG'emisic·h itUIZ 'm!it~

· i .. ~' •• ,. .. I I -0" I, ., ,I . _ ..•. _ .. __ . • _. _"., •. _

'b-I--:'rqll'II·'-e:::.::'n-I-· I~' d'-a:~ n··-'n~· d:la·~ Se O······.- ..... QI'OZ;-. · .. :'A; m--": :"I":'t-~ d··rie,:'·m- '.' S--:-',c:-::_:hlls"""u-"m-' . 1-[o'~~I!~e.·.· :)-

_::_.-;l.;g,., .:__c.L'I! . _'. _,,:.-:..1, . _.' .. _ m".",," _ .. '_ ... ,._. . ,- ,," _.'. __ ' , _"_-,I.,,IJ_,.

~ - d- --- 'T- -f·-·' he -, ush ·'b" - . ,- .- 'd'- 'b' .-. '!' - - "~,,t--'··-·· .- '--'''-'1'11 I - • au,s li-erm.I.,OIPI .. _ •. eraU:S,.-8. -;en. u.n~l_ .~-els,e.E ... e s ... rer_ll.e,R.-

'&0-: restliehen Knobla .. au c-'·:h··· un ',d: . , ngwer mit dem

.. ~ . ·.;a_ ~" . '~" ··l"'· 1 :......1. "." I,. _ ':::."':-" ._:_" .• ,... '·=:..........:1.'", 'tj' .. _-:...__ ··:...._.:..........:~l -,_.-, ~"

KO'-;-:'n: ~;·a~ nder un .. ··d-::1 den ". Kreuzknm tm "·:1' in d···· ~"mT:-1 H[ I-,'·ac:·!··--, ....

= ~"."'.' .' " .. I[ .. ~- '.'_ .!.I] ...:._.) ,' 1 .~' •. _~.{ J I'" •. ':_.I~t.,U; . '~:__':.___:: >_~I.______:, ' '~__:,:__:, .. :_'_:~.:___:....__ _. · .. JLI....:.._ ..

£,:'- tt b -::'"' . mittl ,-,- ... -1 Hr ;'_.,,.,.,...,[ . '" ',-1'- R"~.· ~:iI~h' '-':__:_'-,' ,.e.,,- ·I·'I-·'-~-I-, elb re er rm rerer rr tze umer "'U nren go,_,~_ en

braten, Das Tomatenpuree und das Gelbwurzpulver untermischen, ,D,3,5, Paprikapulver, die

·.t·', ' " ... ':S~··- ah ':.' .-'. -, '. d de '0'-" . "0" "-'--h-' " ' ·rt-···· '. - .1';.'."". e" "n'-' und d ,"'I'· e"

sau-e I~:a, . _De u,n~ ... '~ I.: 1,- .... g .·u ,1 - ,ZU,I,U,g,<-,I, U.,. I.' ,,"

Sauce bei schwacher Hitze unter standigem Rii,hren 'k':',;,;...,,'- e=-'I-n' ~- )- OIIC'o'e···'D[-'·· 1- :~.t. Tassea 'W' "~'·a·:'··rllle·:- Q "~lgQlc~'r' .

', ... ; , . "U~:_ __: ,",_" l_ I .1~1"1 '. I;. 'II . n ,.I. ij,. }~~ '.' .'_', '. .~ I" ' !~. _~-_. _:_;. \ .... 0 'n' I~~I~ "

-::--:::':--1- !I!,-'iIl'):--.--:- 'O·I!'::.- Sauce II nt ',.--' Rnhr -- .. '{-.' 1- :l-I"··",·",,-:---"-'" ,'I'

zugrenen, ,_'Ie~a,u,ce U,D er .u, '". en iangsam zum

A- 'U" fkoehen brinze .. n 'UI' nd dann bei schwacher Hit-

~J". ",_ ',-'" .,....:..:_ ..... .....:.:..-·':.__"-:__"~iDr J!' I' __ .. " ,I, ,l "'.,' I.:,: _.,. I, _ ,'_, ',', _,',_:_ "'.'

ze 'k:iolcheln lassen bis sie urn [die Halfte reduziert

'_ .. , ...... , .. , , ... , .. - .'.,..... . ,_. .... . . - _, . . .. . " . . -' '-' '- -'

ist 0'" ,allC d 'B-'I'U','e:' "11'-' .'trW .. : za 1- c Minuten '.' I' .n d er Zwi-

·_O,Jl!!!!1 ,_' .'I~ ••.. _,111,.: .. , .. ] --: ~"_ r' _:", .J "",1 .•. __ •.•• : __ .~J, dl! .'. ;'J, '.'_"'::~" [ .... J •••

C!',... - A:n "'I~I~'I' I d - ie K-:'--:a:' ':' '1 b : AI-J~:a ufi 11~;t-,~ ,au' f Id-I-I,e- .'r- -:- m- - l'I~'t·-.t· - '1- er-en

a. ~I;~~ J ,j" _ •• '., _ .'_ •. ~,~.I "_",, ~ .. ~ . __ ,._l,_, _,,'_.1 l .••. .i

S····~.· ."--'---" ,;i -, .-[:, im '8· · .. aek rofen g; :"a" r :::'::-'1-1- lasse n b I'"' ~ a le 'Filuili"~I~iI!!!!Il

__ "C_-,.Ilen,e, I " , "Uo\~,_~":._,I.!e,Il,l;.:: _'_._; e,n .. _JIg,,, ,,'Q_ ,.... , ,." ~

siakeit ve .. rdunstet 15,;·t .. Da~~I, daue ~", e wa 2,0 Minn-

~·e ,!!!!!l'._ . ·._ .. ,_l ._.l __ .~_. -_ .. _ .•.. .' _ ,' ._-_.-a -._." .... .. '_,'.. '.. .. I ~.l. I J _.

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I en4!' '. ,le ,I,e 1_"11118 _au:ce L.LelLJ u,ler:_:en, . ·ISC __ flle-

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.Ia'en", •..•. ,as,·· "o,cl_.,aulc"_;:""":n,,gwer .... ',~I;eml,s,c. _ .~_,all(g,::.: •. e,r .... '

"'/;'1--'-' "-1 - .. ' '.'-., ·~,-,·-·-'-d::'- ·d:;-I--:t--;-' 'F··'~~'I!·'·o·::c:·'L, . "t-··I'.-'·-- '1- ~-2"-O-'" M·>····- .. ,~'·: -I 'Clt"e'::n'"

SI reulC,D, un ~_~.en" Ilell,I, e WH, , ,J'-' _, "I ,,0,_':.-.

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ZIIC, , e:D _!Bs!sen, I,),S, .•. _,Ier Is'e,1 elD,e ,ie" Oln,le ... .,:·_,s,e'

b~·······' 7,' .', ...•. '.:' ~""- .. ' '·h·.-:- t-' ',1-." [d'-' ~- ·S~,i ".', -,- 'm- 11:!!'t··,· ·d' e·· .. -.:-.-,-. Z-~<'~' ... ,

_ e ··Ol,mme,n ,I, ,B.-,j) 'yo,r, ,em~e,",leren, ,~, ' .. ~ ,:~m. _1-

t'ro'nll.,e,-~n-;C'a'.t'tt-· -- 'b'" "Ie~'t"-'-r, I: .·UI,' 'f-:'lo';'

_, '_."_',' . __ ~ .. ,If .. - .... _J~. 'IJ,!~. k iii


"D8.S 'paB'C, d,a~~ ':. F, I,aldenb'rot.le'~ .kolrn~i,g: ,g,e -ich-'er Rels" .Au'bier:gi,n,e"D i· -.--loI:k:o!!iI:n,u,Bmiil.c:h,[ ,gewD.m,e C:ham.p,i,golo:ns uD,d "mild,e' i~n.d'iscb.,e', cklc;s

- '." .


T,-. -. -'t- -". 'II .' .. -. ~'-h- - .- .. --'b- .,.)- " - '1" " - ·--·,·t-·h--g 't-· ',-'. ,-. --:- "'-'h--'d~ .', .:-.:.I01m,a ,'en .. I.asse,n, :Bll.C., pro", !Iem. ai,s e,n ..•• U,I. en, .Dac,. , .. ~_.e'.m.

. '_-:. ,.-~ .. :-: '. ,"' .. --. 'k' , .. ,- " ''"''''-' k'" ... -::''L,. . ' .. : . ,d· ~ - 'W' . ''''a- iC!'!itl!JA[' ;oc··'1a; oi" h" ad • ,maiD s'u: ,~.::c u,r:z;, I,n . 0 CII,en,[:.__,es,-, ~ - ~'!J!iI~1 _I =.""ltii~ !,. _III. ~





Dieses Gericht lafst sich nicht nur als Hauptgeric Jt servieren sondern auch 1.],8, Vorspeise o er als 1mb'i6 rei chen.

- Vorbereitungszeit: 1,5 Minuten

•.. ". I·G··Q'[Ir?',~,lI!lt·: - .40J.·.1 Min 'U,· t""e'·.'.n .

. ~I,,~!,_ .. I[~ _ "'_.' _. _ll.__'_' _l _. _.'_'~

Se ,:': rird "\", .. -:--:- ~;'. '-:',"~ cht Ii '-D' "'-'"',-, 'F, :-, .. '····,··,··:-<h·l- ,C' et '" ' ':. 'ft.;:,:'·' fl' 'II' ~'B'I~" -

,":'10 wlr .. ··. ,s gemac" ... , ,~ ,--., Ie, , .1's,C .... ,.1. e. S u,olJ.e.r I.e, - en,-

d em ka hen Wasser ab ,QP"- tllen I'"'''n''' einen kleinen

.~ .... :, " :., '.c.:.: :'_.J I...:.'.' :.'_. _ ' .. .- g.", .. ' L .. '._; ~. _- .. ~, : .' '._'., I~ .,' _ '- "., . I .. .-., .,1 . '. ,. -'II I!!iio;o. " .

Topf in wenig siedendes Salzwasser regen und

b'e'~I!iiJ sc .. h iwacher 'H' 1 itze zu aede ck '/1;' 8 ...•. :-1.01 'M, :t .. n .. ruten .

. "_l _" '_." '_ '_' "" ." _.' _.~ ,"'_ • ~_,L£ ~I .. - e ... __ 1. . _', I . . ._ 'J! . _ .. 1,1

dehen ·n· icht koch .. ·e····n·· lassen .' In ,d,,' ,°1' Zwisc .. ··.'h' 1;,'" I ...

Zle,"_, ,eo, ' , 1.1" J,. ,,: .. -." .-" .. -, ,_ ,1",,_$5,, __ ~. ,_!,,_, . ·er . ·WlS -.',' en,

zeit die De' dlkart ·'o··,lce:e·· .. ··')' li"lliil schalen un rd zerdrticke n

~I..' ' .~I: .. '.',!.',,' .. < .•. f.'!" ,ILl·' " ,.".11.1 .. ,1. '.:' _ , .. _ ~.,.'.' ~,

D" '~ Z,.1 'i!i' 'b '1- h''''" '1- d- I!' '''' h- "k D' -'. E' '''' .1,le ,:WI,ee.1 SIC., a, en. ll.D .. ·I_-,e.'ln:- ,ac,~'en,.. . -"as .-'.'1

)······'!,·· ······:·.:.'h····)· "'i" • 'D······,'lie····· F:iC"·C .. ·:,'h· ·t':I:I"e:'t'-· 'oQil'I-' 'C' ·d·",·e·m-:-··· 'T'O-i:;:fi"'

letc_ SJC. I, ".age.n -,' ': ., I.~': ,.1 .. 1." __ 8 Ql.US, '_, :_._ ," I!I'.P:

ne:h:m.le:.n" abt['lo'p,fen lass/e',n 'und, e'ventu.eIl v,o:rh,an ... ,

d'!·',·,·· G-" ':,. '-M,·t-.-,· .. '.,,' ··t- 1:: ... '.-=..'. "'-,-," O·_.···,·:· 'F' ':~I"~""'h-'--:-' ·!t ;d"'-' "".'::" 0-;"'" b-' .... --"1'

_"en,e ·.··.,rlal.,e·n e'.Rlern'e.n.,., .- '.' e.n .. ".'.ISO." m.l. '., :,le.fI8!_e"

- - -_.. - - .

'-z .... e·· '-:d-'II'rul"~ ·c··l1""'e' "'n- ';i'-~I ·e·':~ -.-:-- ·t-=·~'I-,t?~, S········~,·c··· .. ·-h-·-:-·"'"~ '.-,'.-" ',-;'1 .-:::,' -'b-~,=- ~ '-:-,d"'-'I::-I~t"

, ,', I .. ,' _' " I ,', ,~,n, " .. In,c __ le,1 e '._ .',. USSIE", g,e,en u"n, : m,I,:

d--':' ... -. K'J.' ,-:- 1i'1i:": ',)- --.-:- "d':-' ."- Z··· ", " , : .... :- 'b- -_-_--. ""1' I ·d,·· .. "',-'- -:- E,""" d"-'" -~. IS·: .... --.' -- .. ::- -

'len .,>.. D.I.lle. n" ,er .··WI.le,e"'~1 .' :'e,m :-:1",en (~Ie.m, ....

'm';:-ie-'··'I·"b-r·o·":~e,:ln-· . ·U.··I·O- pd·.·'- d.·'- e'n res:llic'h,e'n G. · .• Jle'w'iirzen 'v'le:-'r~

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m:engen,~, ,_,-i, c~a,_,z ,a_:sc,_"mec:~.en u,o __ , ,zu eJ .. I1,er ,ge~

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SiC" m,el~ Ig,en ,_,: .-ass:c ver.m,ISC~, ,en,!!! ~··',I., an,geleu,c",~

tlctc:n, 'H,an,d,en p-·.n,a·u:m,en,:Q;roIOe' 'Ba]l,ch,e~n fo,r-

I' I:)

men,~, '.' 'Frit'ic'ro!1 in ein'cm, Wok odc;r F·ri.tie'rto·pf

au' . 'f" .'17.10 .... '0 e"r'h-I:- ·It'tz''''··/e~'n··'-· u'lo""d:i', ·d_':-·I·'~ •. ', a'i~I' IC'-:h: e':::-~n'" d'·' an· ~'n"'" J'"'e:' PI"'o"'r',-

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Jon, lD 'e,wa ", .. I.n.u, ,en. g,o,_',I,e,. u,n,] ,Dus,png,

:fritie'Jlen, ..

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",a.s, pau .azUt; ,rl.e .Iie,rml.n.z"· o',e.r J.oma",e,nc.u ....

'ney· .... ····. J'og,.'h· ·rtsau'oe . g. ediins:tete 'To'm,at,e'R uod rote

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U'c;.o ··.e··m, gro ... I".Ie·.-D · ... e·.p.l.e." -D·.lf'C, '· .. ,e·,r "a"D .. o··-··o.··-·.n .... ··· .. u .... ,

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C ,e'- .-Ie, mm - sp, eZle ,len .... -.'. m ,1.11- . .11 i'" ... ' -11-,': .. lSI I .. i S

... , "., .,. . , '--' _ .. __ ., _.' "-' '._" "- - '_."-' ,. . _." ... -"-' .. _. '-' ..... '-' ."-'. -' .

»Ta ndoori ch '1'"':C·:;t····.e··.·'R,( d a s bekannteste Gericht "11

' !I]~ ... I]. _'.',," ".". I _,'l", ....•..•.. ' _." _.~,£ ,.~'l .. _ .... , _' ,,!Il '--' ,

der ·t· rad ition . e·:.'_'·') 11 e. ~n·:.·· Kuch .e··.·. werde .. ·~.'n g·:·a:;·'DzC- Stu ben .... ,

I ]. . . .r. l, .. ~ . . " .. ,I. , " . . .] . "_" .. , . _.' ." '. I_, _. _ .. . . ' .... '. . . _' .

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kucken in d e '0' Ta "0"- d' loor g- 'c-::-s-·t-IC:-C=-'IIL.·,t 'W-"-"O"- sie za .. rt D' md

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1"",: .. ' fr":''''~ (.- . .' .' · .. ·,·-..:d·· .. l, "":- .. ' 'C"'-" h-'~ .. " rakt ",-",;::' ,··-'.'!·-·> .. --:h- ." c.""~' - d<} '. To· •. de '-' _(;0

sa ',Il, g.:. w'er'e,n, .. , "!,,,a,r,B .. ~en!h;,I.srC,c_ .. c_, ,I.ur . _,as ,lan_.QO"n

1.- .

chicken i'1,t die Farbe die von hellrot bis grell

" "'_ I, ,'1 ,..... ,,! .... . .,. .... ",". ..,' .1. •... _ ,~,,_ •. r- U.c• ,'.' 1.. '.' ., I

.:~ .. -'.~".' ;- ".', reicht un ·d·'-' die durch di ~:, An -' . .';._,"-",' ad '1--'; '''--,I'-:In_'' oran,ge ' '"" .'. '.' I".'L,_ •. 1,., ." .: I, ' .•.... -U.I..': ...• ·,Ie ~ , .1" I,wen,u.n.g, vo_;,

Speisefarben zustande kommt ...

ItS"-i8' Hiihnchenkeuler: (je 2'00 ~) ~ ,Saft 1"0:"

l Zitro n· 'A'~, 2····' Teel Salz iii 2'· TO;Dl··· u,Q: a r: - h;,i Iener

.. -' 'fl ~~: ,~. I_'~ ~: ~ it;!,~, i! l _:_' .. I#I,_~. - (., ~ !I·~I~ _ !jI1 ,~'~lr,""l__·._. I.: _}I:~,·!, ". ,

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scnwarzer ~Jt!J'Jer· t tsecner i ,-, .. ,g' jes .",r Jl'(j.-"t,UrL

l- ,"' .. 1. ..... ")'1" S·· .. - ." . '"'t··-,·· 3:·15? 1 .IL ,. R-:-:-"" . ' ...'_O;' ... ', . ~'" '''1 E'';!.RI' ~ . -

,{SIene ,;tI,lp,le,l;e:-~'-:1' * 711·.· .·,o!.we,,,,eJs,rg iIIi' ,~,.~~,.,~,gf!-

schmacksneutrales .Pjl·",',an.zenl:il .. , l' ,'!.rf)fi'e ,Zwiebel' .. ,

. ~, -

2 K':'-:-··-·: b:- ,j I, .....•• L _-:-. ,LI· '. Iii l' '1:;111:' fl'" ' __ ~"'" ':'.11.. .;, .... " .• ,'.' -,,'" , tel '#-8 In«

,.n;O'lQIlc'r:lze.",e,n " .L,JiI'i!"F.ISCrr, geraspeue 1'il_,g~

"-,-'' , ",": --····· .t 1' l··. ~ ,l.." S"· "-" ','"""- "6-) }'," E'';''RI'' ';'" . ···"1..,/··,, ''1-' 'i'

we,nv:urze· tstene "el, eor- .' ":V-"",,,," geman ener

" ~ d 1 Eifl'" " I( 1dJ" I

Ko'" n·'-n'u·,· ··e-'r "0. Un:Dj'R'" e'Cn'D':I"'" . 'il"":d1ilj"",,'" ;~'m"'-"-'m:'-'-'e"'-"':

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,r4 Jlt;.~,"'~lel~[lW'"rzpu, vie." ,c,.J L'~,., , ..... -"~"~"flr~r '. ,;~g

,.-,. . 'I' 'l . ",' '_', ' .... , ... ,". t···~-,,'l: 1·' 'T! .. ··~l:' I' . .-~·t,~···,·· ·Ch···.-: "- .'-I''"l·'~ .-- .. 1···l-n.,nt..Je.-: .. ·· .-

pu,.ve,r ~ even,_ .uel, , -' . .Lee, '", r-o,es '. '.' ·.,.'"lpIU VI~lr uU,i_,'

Rosenpap,rikapu'l"v,e:r '., !ep,e;ni,w'ell J2, .Tassle ,ote o,der

g- e,llbe Sn.eise:T{j'rb-e

: ' .. ,. . ",y!. "'- ',;1- .....

ZtL'm .. -·:-J a"i,,, Ii":M'I~'DIi' ':611111 '~ Z>''IIJUi'.''':Db-~Ql· 'n' .in~~aB 'illto·,n 2- ?u:rl~e'·· .. .-,,-." .. , Ii

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Z'~'t' ·"-j·--,-·'i...'·-·":'b-'··,-,·- I-"~"- lC: Z:'":, .. ·,,····.,...·-·-n

,,nellsc",e,I!~le,n 1',0in .. ': /\I:,ro,.,~

• Vo'rblereitungs:zeit: e'l.'w,a ,45: 'M:i:n.·u:tciD

I ,I Rl1'~h, e;-z·'7 ..... e,-t~·t',:: u~'i'b .•. ·.e:"r--·' ·N.i:a:'lc;·h",t' o,de:,,_,'r- 2,4 S'w'I-·n,d,e.··;o,

I~II 1 _ _. ,. _ •• _ ' I • . I.. .. _ _ . _ _ _. _ _.

.' iG'arz,ei,t:: e'twli ,30' Minu,ten,

" S"~QI w' .. '·,·:I·II"r··d·I's······ 8e;,_.-cm.·,a··.·,c·.~,htl·-~, 'D·.·····'j,e H,aut 'vo"o de·n Kle:'u'l,en

I ...•• '-,.' ._. . I '. -~, . I ,,' ,'11 . I •. ~,~ • !Ii .. . .~.' "., _.'. .... ] _ "" ..... _ . __

'_'., b .. ',·-,-,,:'"' ····h .. ,'''''' D·····'ii: 'C K':"',,' "': ' '1- ,-.',-" ... ",-,'; ':." :b"e-'I"':,d' 'C'O' n'-:-- '·S····e~"~Il~:t···p~n···· "m'-' liIi·tli, e···:1i:_,

a,.-ZI,e, !cn,., ,I-j,e .,~eu, .. e,n. von,., '.'_, ..... 1.1" •.. -v ... ··,_c, ~,I..

I '-,.' '>','- .. .-.~.i:····"h-: .,.,.J.'. " M· .'- -~. ·!··.'i-·':·'; ,c .. 'i"Iz'; .. ·_.··e",o· "m-":· J,!;:t· ·d·"·· ,·c·'··'m···· 'Z>/·,i·t· 'ro,··'····,-

I D:em. sc' .. ~[-.I.en__.,ess!e,.r e)nnl~L,.!,_;".- .. ' .. -' ~ .. ' - .. ~, I '. ' .

'-:. - '. ', •. :··Qt d· .. ·' 'e-' ·m:· ':S,la- I~ u'n' ·d" I ·d .. · .. · e','" m-' '~e,'"e .. ·,r'- e: ·,·In .. 'rl e··Jlb-····e· ";n":- 'UI nidi

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I-" ., .. '.lllU.IL,e·o ,zur.lel'e, 8, ·~e, ,en"i' .. ' om, .1, ._,D. , ~"

I e·v'entu,lell. 'vo:r:h,andene 'FI.-'oss-i,g,ke'it a,b,gi.eB1e'n,., Den,

JO"'-:'O"hurt- de-'n 'Es's'iiD 'D'Dd ,das 0:1 'in einerm M'ixe'r

! ' ··e·c,L.,-I, ,."_._ .' '- - '- . ..:_.,':"':_'. D .. , '.,. ',' .. "'-"'-' .1-,,-. -,-." -,., ... - ... '-"'-


Slit misehen 'undo 5 Minuten ruhen lassen, '. Die

Z)· ····~······b.' 1""1 ch 8"1" ..... '.. id t":=- •. 'h"'- .. c··,·,:···k···" ",-.,. 'D·'·· .. I-··· Kn·<:·· ,'- ob-

, WI,e,_.·e" ISIC . A,. ,en U.O . .lelD . ,ac,e,n,lle ,. ·,0 ~

lauchzehen schalen und durch die -~.:-.::- oblauchpre ··5>S:'J~; drucken Die Zwiebeln .. den Knoblauch,

...:_ •. _, _ "",~ ~' __ ' _,'[ _,.!. II [ l. .' _ ... ~, ~.. . ., '1

den - Ins wer und .~ Jle IG·· ···e·'wu, .. llrz ze 's·:,·O:W·IC:·: ,- ac -·h:·r. Belie-

I I ~ .. , I II! .':'.' _ I,' J . ,,=,~" -.... ~ , I ", !. ". '.' .. ~ . , , . . - .

b e': -. d ie Spe lsefarbe zu e'er Joghurtmischung , 1&J'e ... '

...• :_:E' 1" !. ~ •.. ,11" .l " .I~ ~ ' ..... ,', . ,'t'" II '.~ l 11 ~.~ •••••• L ••• ' ~ '. " LD

. e/ '.,_', ,~,- "d'''' ,." - , .. _"_i''''';,v,' "r"- z u e'" 'I'i'n"~e-r' Paste mischen • D· .• ·ie···

_', ,, __ . .__.:~, . i '_ t." ." .. , ',. :._____.,~I,.A:. -.;, ";:., _,". ! '" ,I ( r:. !~L!I . 1" . j" '. " .1_ ..... , "

HIRhn.cben-:· eulen trockenmpfen '-n einen Brater oder e ine feuerfes te Fonnlegen ,,_.Dd, ganz mit der Paste b e "S,ltr'r eichen, 'IID'S:, 1"'C!lllt.·, wichtia, dialB alles .. ·, ,00-.·ti'

r,iitIZI,·. .- J. ... , ... . 'Ill ~ _. . ~ ..,.- '- '1;'- .- -' -- - - e-

mit der Paste uberzogen wird. Die Fo -.~-_ .mit .AI.u··

~' ',-'iIi 'h- li n · d K" uhl h k s 1-11

,10,1 re verse ~ .. ieeen, in .' ien .:"0. ': S,C .', .. ans ste ten

und die Marinadenr aste ab und ZU, erneut 'mit ei.0 em .. L6ffel glei.c·hm,aBig auf den Keulen verteilen 1., Die '. ('hnchenke,olen 1 S·<I"'. ·0: de V'O;f' Idem

,_ •.• ~.~ ,_.I,·_ ,(. ". "._ .• '_'_~ '_' \..-. _.' 1_ '.1.,_ .' '[1 " "

R d- K .. ··hI hr _It.. h I d' di M'"

raten aus c em _I._;II v usehrank .. " oe'.n, 'U '.' . I. ne I la,-'

rin ide ,,-. ·-:'··c·:·~·'I-- ma S:' verte ""lle"'o'" Den .. B' sa ekofen au f'"

,c~ ,.~. _, •• ~ • .:. ,--,_. __ .,_.. _ i., ~ I.': ,-,_, .... I!I! •... ':,.. ..". ". ,a,: .. :_: I,~ , .. ,.1 .. '"

200": ""0. , "-". '·h--'-"" .. - - • 01"'·',' F-'I ,' .. '. '- .. ···~t·· ' .. -,.,---. ' .. '-'-·hnL .. ,- '-:"b-'" , ..

': .~.. vlolr: e . ,;en~ _.' _.I.'e . 'lol.nn ,. I,~::..,n,,, ,8:" I.e', .e.D:-

keule .' a'u"f'~ dO: ie m .!,U··'·J II ere' '. S·~··.IC· ·:h.iiI'le·-··n- • g- eb e-"o'-- " n d': n aeh '.

.J" '. _ .. _'.:_-, ... : 1-_' L .11 ,: r .,'1. :.:_. I,,: :. 1:':'_: <, -_ ", ,:'-. . (_.~~ .. I

20' 'M" '8 .. d-" AI' r Ii' e. D'"

_',' ... ; l.n.U'[le,n, ,- ratzert c ,lie: .. ',. utone enttemen.L te

Hahnehenkeulen weitere 10·,':""n,ute'n braten .. ~ • Die Hahne ':b' enkeulen m·it Zwiebelringen um-

~. _l._._~ '~='. 'l. 1 ••• • [11,1 I •. '[_.~_ ~~ __

kri, nze:n 'i Die Zltronenscheiben zwischen die

- - - _. _ ,-

ZW·J·,I.;I~e-.b'l .. elrinze stecke ·n .. ·,

'_ '.._.l _,' •• _. I J'DJ - . ','_ _".

. I-In· I ,'Ip-' .'1 Ma··.'·-n,· k···.a .• ·0'. n d·- ,I~e,.:' m- -ll't-: ,d'-e: .'r·-' p~'a.) 'S·,· t-.le:

, -_\ ~'~~', l _ r I _. ._ •.• _ _ . _,' ',.

b,estrich,~ne:n .Hahnchenkeu.lle'o : ~ri'lle'n~

- i

Man le,gt, sie v'lon jeder Sei.'te fo,f' 1. 5 M.inu~ te:n, a,ur .~in!em, :mit_.,_,u:~o' ie' au,sg' eg,t~n

L_.·lec, 'u,nler de.n Grill." Aus,g,ezeich:n.'c't g,e·~ ei '··n-.· - '''s,~'tr' I'. -a- .fi·-~u·r' a';' riC ..• 'L IC,:'in H" "0"-; 'I ''''"'!!:k'! '0" ... 'Ie.'" . '. 'n'!')"--

__ ', • ~ ~I I • ••• J •• _ .11 . ' __ '_' ! . U I. !! I '_._ • J [Ii

Me_'n, ka,D I' a,u,ch. pro' PersolD ,', S, _,~, .'ben~kii,~ ke ~ 1(2,SOI,-300lg) ve:rw,en.den.;, m···,n sc:hn.ei,det •. a,n,n v'or' :~ em, M'ari'n,,",e:ren ,nie' :1 nu .. r' d:i.e :- e -Je:n, ,sion,de'm auc'h die 'BrU:s't,c:hc·n. e:in~ Die' 'Bratzeit betragt i:nsgesa,mt ewa

2S,~, 3: ·0, M·····:· "I~'n'lu-l't::e-=- n'-~"

_. . .... ". I. ", ":,', .. ,: .. ,!.

Vo:r'~e:"-,e:itunlg$~eit,:: 310 Minuten

• Garzeit: 1S~,20 Minuten

ISO wi d's g'-'. · .. c ..... -.' Den Ingwer alle Gewnrze

! . ~l i' . I .• ,I (I ~, •• J. " r-r-: ," '_' - (,I - - ~., _. .I., .

. 'nd: alz "U~' eir ,,~. tiefer -- e;I'le _. eben und - '''It g, .'., " ... ~.\~~-!. ,. ,. c ,n~D, .1 e ,en "", .. "':,-, '. :_ .. :---. - ". '~., , _ ,n,.·.. m.I.-

3 'E':'S'--'· D~'"-I'n' 1:1.'as' sser z . ein e 'r' dick .en Paste mi

I·.·. , .. , . ~ 1,111., .. ':", .• :' ./,'. 0,... ..'_ ... '., l,.:_ ... -.~, .~ ,: .,1, Ci .~I~ j'.-'

'-. ch :., -. D""" ' .. ~--,. -H'b'- ·--· .. ·· .. ·b-··I -"I, ate .. ·ill- , ,·t·· .:' .... tt·" ,.' .... kn .... -'. .: '., 'f"r' ""J

sc ,e,n;) .·Ie, A., D'e . !,e"n ,et ,e gu . a.~'. ,QC· ' ,e,D, a,u, . a: ... ,

len Seiten gut mit dieT' Paste uberziehen und auf dem Teller ruben lassen. • Vom Joghurt etwa

V'·o·· rh 'a' ."-- dene '-. ·'1 U"'T,;:-:'-: isk eit ;, bs :~ ... -,Q .. ,. D" ...... ,-;-::- Kn",· ~ _. b

':1 , ,n~.en,e 1-,SS,.,g ,.,e . a,gtCue,Dj .en 0··-

lau ch .. schale i U' nd du r'c .... h die Knoblauchpresse

._._'.:...... •.. !.- •••••.• [.1·.11·.·.:' -.1.··· .... ':~ ',1.":. "_ J:_" ,~_"'[ [1_._.·. __ 1':: .. ·.:· .. ll .... J~: ... _.,._.

drii,c •• · -:e~'n',· Den Kn··.· .. '10' ,'b··.' la; uch m':-- it d 'e- - .. - J" 10""g, ,·'h· ,:111]- gee-ut

_ ~ . __ '. _,-,_: '. [ . Jill . _ . - • , ":" " '. . , ·1 , ',_. (II [ . .' ". _,1_ ~ _. : _ ,,' - ,

.. Iii I', "" . _. ,- . ,-' 'd" '- .. .- .. -. _ 'iii' . ,'. I-:-'t· . ')'1" ',-' '0'" iii' .. -. Z-::C "~ -, !ii! ... b-I~ ... ,) "-:-'. "'b"~

DIlIS" c'.n, g,D· .•. e. sel_.e s e ,_ce:. I ' :e ' .. wle._ 'e:_D Is!e, , a ...

I,e:n 'u.·:.··d··· ,; ~11~'-I-'--lac·.le:"n • 0,81".' 'c;~,tt"-f' 'l'lin- elliJ'n·.e. '01, 1Dl·~··~I·U: ·lc:··'I',~

,. '_ ._._' ,. , • 'y' . -.J ~ rl~. _ I I, ._,.___ , __ , 1,


g·~Oi9!e. :., .. .," ·c· ··'~I-'- ~e~~'r"-:n' T.o· '-"p •.. of' b:e~'li m'" ··"i"lle. :r-- .~ '~r-I I";tz~· 'Ie~' 'h" e· .. ··,I~'B-"

_ ,.&. ' _ ...• ~ _ .-: C_"i . ,. .. . '-", .. JJ ,I··· ~. .. '_._'_. IIl.IU _. , _, " _,,11_ ..,' ., ..

w'erd,c'n '~a·~sen. Die Z·wiebel:n. da'--.-- ,I'ol'ldb,ra'u.:n L'rl-a:· .. t·:An~l_ m. 1·lt'~ ·d:e;-·m- S~:'c-"h'l a:uml'II'lo'"~'Re",;1 w·····.····I'!!,e-~\dl'~er-,--,·.--.e·~'r,a:~'us'n,e:,h: ...

• I • _.~I I , :""",,:, __ '1_", '. '. I ' '. • • .,' ..., 1.1. I ,.,'. I ' "'J • _ _.', .,' , ,

men. u.:nd a.uf KOchenkre'pp ab,t.ropfeJD, :-,asse'o., •

n' '''': .. 'H"itlh-'-"''-''-:h-'- " ··,t··· '!l- . ,:~. d' - --. h· ,.,-,i!!'O·'-·· ' ... - .. ' ·t···: :-~ .. -:,,- .. '.1111'· .,:

l.e-,a,1 "Dc,en.el ,.e .1.0·, em _ le"._.'en I e _. _- von all en

S !o' 'b d"~ Kn 'b- 'I' h J-: 'Mill

,e:ten, ,an,~-rateln" ":~ie .' '-Io.--.auc@ ogl:un'-l", 1,-

h - 10') .".w' I ~ r' d' 'iii H' '··'h' t '!i!' i

s,c u:n,g eu 0.1.1 e ,weise, a'ul . I lie' .. a,_n'CI.~ 'en'I,lel ,e g1:e-

Be·····o· 'D_'··'I~·"S·~ e- d·-lia···~ b-~· e""I" -. o· "·I-e·: ': 'I~'-'n' 'd' e···n·, b·r..;a·'l··e·_- ,-::- b--- :~'. d'" .",

_-'.--,.' 'I , _.' '~::_I. .. :.. .~. f':_' _.' . u,. .r 'He , .1 - ._-, I ,_I ... n".1 S '.lle

Sl. '1' .. ' :"d', -, -~ - '. ToI' .. - ···fb;·' . ····d·-· .. "C"b--' , ~, .. ··'t" , ,-:--~.( -d':-" ..

auee I : . e, yom .IIOPI, OJ·, en a ,ge'c .. ~'" '.I~ wer .e:o

·m.'u.B) c-e:--, i,gl wi:rd," 'Dc::n To.p'r·v'le'rschl~":-:Ben und

d,iillliro'," In--" h-·,a,··)'t' 'b-e'~I!i' s:c·'··h· ··W·· ·,:·'a:lc·.··hl e~"r' H', 'I~tz" ····'·e~' l' 5,-2:.10', "1 'M':'--:"'-'ID-Ilt('e~'

.~:__,__; ," '1_ • I ,I 1 ,.", , :.:.' ' •• ·~I _ '._ , " "_ _ 'I _' I ,..:.. ' " ,...",'

-h' 1- 'D' ·.iII "b t' Z ~I 'b I

sc,:~_·mo:r·en, ,.a'S:Slen~ <Ie' Be ~r,a"ene'n, <·W'I,e .. e.n var

d S·'-" 'I'!I'Me

e.m ;~e'rvl,eren 'u,· 1:0.

........ p_.a!!!!!!!!!!s~p!!!!!!!!!!a ....... B_'t _Idaz_·~_ ......... ·u~ .. : Zitrlo'nen:reis, ~ -la .. _,e:nb,'rote, S,ala~ tie,;, C'h'utneys u'od 'i:nd:ische pj,ck_es


I ...


,2' Zwiebe:/n ~ 2,Knobla1u'ch'z;ell'en .. 2 Blecher (ZII je'

15'10":' ":)'fi'~':'! .'if': '., '.1..'1" trt /",0; L1"1 '~~,-, Seite 3·'::5':')" I'~ ,;11,1

-- -=_':" :: .... Ig/ ",eS,I,er ,J~gr"ur - '~: S,len,le 11fP ,_!el' - e c'.,_: • " :,.'

frisch geraspelte Ingwerwurzel {siehe Seite 6) jO,

1 B· ,I:':' -: v , 'I'h' , ·:"'~L --"~'h: ,"'. '·::-1, - ---" ,_.A .-, , " H' ' -- '~~' 1;.., " . 'b" I', tfi ~'I, ,:f, ,- I "t··- ',-'.-'

" '0.,1; I,Q",1JiC ',' ,en oaer "'" unnemruss, 1"e,S' I!: e wa

J'()()(J ,O'~ ~ Salz» ~ ,J2 'Teel eemahlener schwarzer

10./ - - - - I ,.. . !I! 0 . . .... l .1. _'. I .. ,", .•• " ", .. I. " .

Pfeffer- 3':·".- - -4,,--- :_' E,-?~/" BJu':-: tterschm alz 0':: der 'G:"h"~ "oe"" 0':' d ;e!; .:

~J;}' ~,,... I > [," -flJ',- ~ ~. ,_: .J .• -:Ii' !LIll -[rIO ,'[ .: . 'i . .£' '.~"'."._~ .. ~,. . .... ', _:".~. _.' ... ~', .. __ ',_ r

geschm .~ .acksneutra .~:o~r' Pfl: -,~a'-- ::61%,. /:Qn":o,"'~/., I'~ .~ 11/:1_ "1;(1' nd /.' .,4,1;~

~!!OJ!' .,,- .. .. ~ft.,S'-II-E;;._ ,~g'~~ ... ' ... 'Il .C. '_ '" " UPI '.. 1,'11';1 U,"II; .. ~I.

sohne» jI; l' 'l"J"!-:-I_:::-/-C ,.~ .'.'- -h-: .-- ..... k: ".--.- I I' ',",-,' .'-, 1'1-., -I'" ' .. ' I' oz. I! ' - ~ . i '

~r,li":. 'er '. .'. tees. Be.·- aoae, ungesaszene rtstazten-

,,:-_ 2'-\ n.s ,illi C'· 'ii,'L "I"'"' 1... ,-, -:-. ,

tu:::mle.. ,.' ,m:ll.ue ,,",'ni,e ' .. >ril,',U'Cn1ole:n oder Peperoni ~,

1-, E:,·:~R;I'·' g"-' '.-D'm······,n,'~I~D:",D'~ Kon iander Iii l Teei '-.- '.'-. '-,,·.1 .. ·. 'h::ll: .'·1·'.'

'- ,_. '.flJ'"." ,~~_,,~,""';~'iI"~'1I ,,-, .. ' .!La,".: '- . . ,jf!le_,· .. , gemIQ,_. en,er

Kreuzkiim sm ·:---',,-1',' ,i J' E:·r'Rl'~ g'-" -ema h-'-':O'H.~ weitier :llo'-''''h:'- ~,--,

,:.......__:,____:_I_· ._.'_._l,:____:__·._· .. ~t.;_. l_.' .• I_l~'_. '_' ._(/J.'- 'I ,', c " ' .. ", ""'''·ilit:.f I .. tf'_ 'UJ'~,~ ,1V;l~ :1'''-

sa-"-m-"le"H 0···· de ,-' S-"-e.- ,.'- .. -,,--.'.-.,. - -.' ,,"' ... __ -.-. 1 E' ~"'i"'I' fi;'---'''''-'-h' . "d: -

,;-:' "-,-,', ':,.'11; 1-,-",- ",'r· ,··:.··)'~ll'm·,'lI:"'.nm.-···/.t1!'iH! 'Ii' .. ,-~ ,,1'.', . ",I~C" -' e''--'-- 0'-'- (·e' -,-.-,,_

~~ ~ -. ~ ~ -'. _,._~" .I'_~~'_I_ .,~"" , I :,:_,"_.'.1 '. 1'!i!II~!IJIi~ __ I_ ... ] '.' .'.

, ~.'

eetrocknete K' ':-.- ::-"~"'""'"I"" ::- '·"·-'·--'l·~ t: ieh« 'I S·"'._·,-:-,"',-,··,· 7"']1 10'/i K:'·-----··-'-'~·-

ge_rocftJl'e,lne .;,aMJ-pST.a~pe_ ~ISle"_le ,,~,el,le/~, 'ltl,rU:Q-'

,momk~ps:e'n ~ }'O GewuTZII~elken~ Ii' J' "Teel,~ ,A ",is~,

!i[!I'nm' •. ··14'11'!! .".L~ ~e··.·e---···-·'I" S· ·.···a·JJ'l"~n"-.l"'n{...Ie···.·"---' iii l' ;~', .------ :111; ,.~J"",: "'#',- . Ij,a

"""', -,'~,'I" nJ.I: I ".' ,!I' M"!I"~U:I' .... " rr,'s,e lYIIIS~a"nu~

"o,rn'.,c.··',lr'le,:-"-,II'·I·l· u .. ·0.' ·1···· s···.···,z·::-.--e·,:I~'t':'1i 4i~·O: 'M'" "'i'n-:-u' . "t'e:,'o-':"

Y' '" ' .. ' '." . j ~ )' ,[ ' •• '. -"-. • •••• II!!!!' ."/" [" .. '1' ,. ]' .. ,

[e Ruh,ez,eit:: 1.-,:2 S'tu:nd,e'n,

Garz'eit,: letwa 310i M:'i,Du-.tle:n

s···· ":-:1 .. "IjJ;'I-d- "'.' ..... ·.d.· ' .. "-h' (t': II' DI,·,,··l.--; Z'" """"b'- , 'I:' .. '-. h'~~ II, 'rr - "d'

"0 Wlr s g~m!\9-,_,_.,I,e ..... Wle',e~ ,n ,s,C .. ,all'en uo[·,

:.~e':I'~;'nlh, - ·,R··. ,c-,k,.'e:_n'", O .. ··· •• ··.' .. ,e·--; Kn'-~··.o.···.· .. b-- ... .'I'la~; 'uc···:~:'''''''!!'le-'-:h-~A:n''· s··.·.·i~:h.·a~"',I-le··: "0:." U" n, d.···'i .. II I ,..... '.,' I., ., .' '_ _ .••.. " ...• 11111i£ ... , J ~l '~" .. .l". ., " .'

d,u'I'r'.c-:·,h-. d···.··I:I~,@' 'Kn""··o~·b'-_'-----1,9ui.C~-h'::-ip"I[\'e=s··-s·;,'·e·,·' !'d-'" 'ru'·'·c~'k··~--'n·· "- "~O-rm"" I J",I"O"':!1Iiii

• '.',1 .".\._~ ":"_""""_"_~' •. "" ~_'_." , .•.•... " " ". ]['1' .1'. ".·,~I",l.] ·yl._·.··.o ,_ .... _:_

gh.'D,rt e'twa. VOl, 'Jan.ld.ein,e' ,FI.'uss:i,g,ke'it ab',g:ie,Be::n,~ •

D"'-'-'e'-'o', J;o·.-·--_.-----·hl-'··,-u .. rt'---:'···:"'·'---:'·~·'-·- 'S··,'·.-·---------hl-·"'",·,-·,-·.' ,') .. " "b"-'-"'-' "1' 'd'- ,-. ':~',t" d"I' ,-

/,~,~~I~~<_,,-_, 10, el,ne ('c"u'ss'e., gle!e',n, u,n,', ml,_I.em.

Knobla,u,ch-TI u-_-"o--_.-----·d,-i' dll~'m'-- :n--ow::--'·'e.,-dr-;' v·"',,,e·:"rru--'-:-r'hi n'e:'n-I • D',~-·,

.' , - ---.--.---,' '.' '.' .. -,~" ,1:11 "-' '-' - '-," r,_, ,,~ ~- .. a.s

'B":'!':ra-t"'h' -a'~"~h'n'c'''-'h-'-An'-- W--'as---:- -c-'h' -"e-' 0"- 'tro"'--c-'lk-' 'e"-n·'t'--p·'C'an-'· ,-' D"d'" d'~"~-

,.', .. ~), ,'~_,_'_,~_I"'_iJ~;~, ' __ ~'i,:;1 '_," :,,_ I, .__:)' ;,::_ _ U, _ __:.~'-L U"}~,l __ ,le'

H,8nt a'bz~ie,;c~'h'c-'-·n,., 'D",,~'Q '~';a~·'I'h··-;'n,,';·,c--h, e'· ~n" 1'·:'n ,8::': ~e.'iille'. 'I.Je···~'I·:",e-:n' Ii'

" _, _ _, _ _ _ =_ _ _ _ u,!!.3 " . . . \ , " ' '_ ,I!. ,iii l . __ '_' . "

dann aU'f ~;n. -"-e,-'-n' IQir;o.'I··B·,'··.~n' ~e:,'I' 'I:e- :'r·),e .. ·--·.g··· I 'Ie: '0' 'OIDi ·d.······ d····.·ta',,~

-, - , , --- ---- "-' ~,I, - _,. -'" ID~ ',- ~ ,I. [I., ". - " .1_ I .,' __ " ", (l

F1ei,sch m,it d:cr Sipitze e;o'nesl slch,a;rfe'D 'M'essen au,f

]1 S-' ,,.., 'II ;o;~'B' - ~, A"'b' x d" .

a-,n :Ielt'e:n 'l.:n ,:re,gellJ.:ma 'IJ.g,e~n' :.~S'lan".e:D letwa

3 C111, :la'nB 'D'od, :Y2: em 'tie:f einsc,hne:iden. M·il-. d,,·',c-m

.~. - DI .. .. I I I J .., ,. , ••• ~"",".. • ,!II", . . . ' .. ' < '

:Slalz 'uod Id,e~m, Pre':ffer" bes,treuen - 'mit d,e;r' J'o,'~'h"~ rt ... ,

-- - . , ,- -- . '.,' _ _ ",. ,'. _', _ ,g, _" D,__

mischu,DB gu,' __ ' eins:tr1eic,ben, D,nd 'mi,n,[deste:,ns

't :St.·:,u-.,n. ····d.··. 'i,e'" 'b:[e.·)"'I" .Z·/~"'Ii!i'm,·--- 'm··'·.e,. ·rt(,~'lm- "p-;-e-;,Fa" t·"'.U- .rl'-- io-:d~',1~'r--' 2~) ·S·.·.·t':"u. 'n:ld' .Ie·· ,'nl

- ••• _. ••• • ., , , '" ,. _ ,_~, 0 :;-" • I, I _'. ._. . __ ~,= _ "',' .. I ] ] ,." " ; ,

~Im 'KJu~I'hls.·.··c~:~h-Irl--a·.:~ 'In-Ik-:-' 'm,s·····n .. ,n--·'''!!',e--:r-n-" • 1 E::~B"',I'~,f·~~e'~" 'P"'e' ·:t'·t'·- 'I~'n

'-. , . __ ' _._ '-_- .,. -- , , , ... _.'.: " _'_ .""'. " ,,. " ".' _, .u:, .In, , .•.. _i _ ,I .

'~' "b '.. 'To f' 'b '" ~"II 'H ii!, 'h Ii; B"

elnem-,'r'e'I,'ten, ,1'Opil ~ . · __ e-i. :mJ.'ttllerer ,_~~~,e ' ,I e",-! w'er-

den lassen U' nd die H. i '-:H'I,-~~· der Z':·····/'w,'.-, riebe .• eln da n. rin __

_ .. ~_ . _ l ...• ,~ , ,41 I,IL~ ... i •.... ... .. Il

, -

h- '.- 'l'lb''- '. ""1' ,", b '.,--' -- 'I' " D" I'~' 'M"':'" - d "I" 'i'- td '-'1 die ·Pi·'" '1'-' .'!iil .....

, ... I.'e " .: ,raun ./r8i le--:-ft- .... ~ " ": ,a': 'Oi I.' Ie·,' ·0· . u .. ·n·: t, ,I .. Ie·: .... ~.',a2,le.· ·'n·.:

,- - - - . . . , I, ..,' _ '. . ..• __ -:r.' ,~, _. , II ]'. ' .. ' .' 't, . . ~_. ". ] a... I .. I ,

k,U'1Z mitbraten Diese M-I'I~'I~ic-'h-:-'-u------l,n-'''-lo' mit ein em

-- , - _--, .. 1,1 .. ,""" '- _. _ -'-~ -'-'-' '-"-',el ,_,_. __ .IL, __ .!I'_ "_'_"

Schaumleffel herausnehmen UD,d in eine Schns ... ,

- ----- - - ---, -~- ----- --_. ~

- -,'1- - -'b-I - ,- 'D":' ---'1-'"' 'h- F -,'" d 11'1 f' "b ."

[."., '-, f: " . '-, I"," "~'" '-1.:.'1 --:-. ':-'1 - .. : 1" .',- ~ ···_:-·(---I-· "~'. :.".' .' ",

s,e,-·Ie_e,n,~ ····as restncne '. ett lD .. ··:_,e,m. ,·op,1 .···.el

~. I 'H'~' h "·'fl' d ' . · ...

I mitt erer r '~1!tze.'el~' wen en lassen nod dice restli-

: che '1'0-'" Z·· '-"W' -:·\ .. iebe .... '10' d ,------ ' ,'iii:, , 1 u , e, bn t:' ','. 'j, __ ' D''!!' "', ·C,:'b···:"I' .'

.', " ':" ,C:_'., , .. :__>'._.,_cJ, .~ ,B,n,n ,i"aslll Ira,,_e,n"!i' ...;",1e.1.-111'-,

schoten oder Peperoni "w,,' ·:-·a.-·'s·:'c-· 'h'· ·e"·(n-· '-.._.- '-_.-----:--'~- .. 1 :-'(,11','" ", (: 'd'--"

•. ",~,_, ,"", .' .. < .. ;" ,rll·1 t • •• ".1 .. " '~ .', ..I'~:.,~~" ganz lassen U,D.,

.' ".~ :~I'it'-' d ..... 'v. '.' . "', 'i' ··d"I·· ,', d .'"' -.' V' -" k .1', '- . - ""'1 den mi." '. em, ~on,an,.·"" ,Ie',r" ,-c,m .n...a'e'u,z .·u\mme. " · ... 1 ,em

Mohnsamen oder Sesamsamen, den Kokosnufs-

ra- speln d Ie' ·'·n·1 'K' --"3-' rda ··~'I,II_,..\ ·· .. ,",'1" d ,. ':. '0--"'" .-:. .,

.' .'.) ·~·.lIJ· ,,- ,'~:, I. .,'~c-,,:.--'~ ,momA.a,pSelD" .. ' _ en ewulZ,-

n .,e.'-:'I'·k-'-··e.~illf?l 'D' nd d •.. en An .. : nissam e n Z:'U' d' en Zwiebeln 'g.,. :e-' ._,

. ' --,!Ij_,I. ,.,,' , ,. ' ... - .. , '_'"''~''''' .I, .. , ,. ··Il~., .....•. ,.,1. __ ._. - ,:,.:._ .. ·/,.".-',··','H "_-"-:

b d .. di W'_' d'"''

oen und unter standigem ··'.e,n,I'-'en 1, - 2 Minuten

braten lassen Die Hahnehen ueile darir 'rjI11' idum .

. - - - -. -- . - ,.., , .. _. . . - ,,- _'. , ,."". _. , "', ' '. _ _ '. "illY, . _ .':",

anbraten D'la=IS' da uert etwa tu M-·,',·-·-"···--" ter 1,_'2·~·· '11':~""

' .. " '- .... · .. ,.,~,','-,,~,e,L e,_.a " .... ,, .. _ .. In.UI.-e,n~ _.-, "RS

sen '------W'-':,',','8;:' rmes Wa sser zu der Sauce g·',II'~e·,'··,'D',o:,-~ und -_--'-,'" [--.:_,

',"" " ' .. '- "-' , ' "!'.~ < _",~ ,;It,il _". __ .. ,':___:. . , ,'; ,LJ~,D, I":,, vor-

siehtig umruhren, Die Sauce aufkochen lassen

I I.:' - - - - - -- -- . . - . - ,- '--'-" '-' '-' '_.- -'--- _- '-'-'

den TOI:P,:f' fest verschliefsen (siehe Ti,.P' Seite ,25) undo die Hahnchenteile bei schw ".-.'a:: che tr'-I' 'H- - 'itze

-- - . - _. , - , , ."-- - . _ ._ _ = .. _- -,',' ,_' "'_"_ ._., I -__!!"C

~c· h·'·m···lo···r,e' ":0"- 'b-I:",'I"'S S·,'I·'le·' "W" "e"I'""c" -'h' 1·- d::' "'b'" - 1Ii'_. ·'h·,t·, - --,,--', 11-"--

,~':-"I" ",.'1,1'-:'" ",[,: .. :_:, ,:_:__, I_:__,_.L S,ID~~ ,Her DI.C .Ie ,ze'II, .Ien,~

Da~· d",:;:- . i,'rt' ..... ", .' ..... ~Ih:'-' Art''':·-· .,--". ,,-·,t"··' I" 11 '5-"1iIO""'" M" .. ' ','~" '1 t· .. , ,--- D"'-''-' ',' "

_~,s __ ,au,le '. ]e nac" ,_. :' . ~ ewa , ",', -,~, _,-IOU,I en~, ,/cn,

T:o""'p"'lf':' 'v:,--'o·-····m·· H" "e-'r·d"·: o· ·c· .. ··h· . 'm"e'"n'-" '.' -'--'d'--' ,d,_'·I, ·H(··"~hL··'·····h-···-·.-:-·"t·,··.-,·-,'*"I-'·

.1 LI, " . ',' I .' '." I. .' u, ,no I, ,,-. . Ie·, ,-, !! ,3- I ,DC·· I e,-"D e',1 e_.·

- _(" -.. I ,. . '.' 1,_,, __ .. "_'--l l I .. 1 .. l _.' I •• _,_. __ .:___:, "._ , 1 .

I' d· .• ·8,·' n;I'n.:· '11 i,~ ~'2'··'IO.··.··, C-M"'-··:-.'I~'nl· -u,-,·t_le~(n' FJlL1'h- I~'n'~' ')a··"I·s"·:s·· . .-:e·' -0-': "e:'h':"e~'-: m': -- .-a:'·'D{ I~SI~"11imIi1

, - - '. - " '" , J , '.',.' . ,,_, _ _ " .- . ,_, iii. 'Y" '. ,,,",,,,, ", . .. -' '., .__ _ . '!" ' _. ,,_,' _. _. ... , ".' .- '_ ,. I .,~

I se'rlie'rt., .1 In d.e:r Zwis,ch'e'oz,eit Idie S,8,[en in

':-- ,'''"-'n=-'''--'' " 'kl', , ···'1 ',. 'I"I!iC:'I·· ,-- ·t··-:-, '.': .. ···-'-"'k'·,, , ... ·: .. ~,-..---,t - Cf - ·d"- 1" E------"o'

CI,,_. :er .- e~,n,e·n Clann.'e:-ro,cl .<Ieo ,auras. len, D.n _:" -' :_~~,:u-'

'Ioffe'), Wu'sie:r zugieB'en, den. ;S,aflan a'b-·

, .. ~~"I':t".i!'" .. __: .' . C-H'I' ''''-~'d' ~ -_.---------·'!:-:h'-~ :'-":--.-' '1- ,~"'-. ,(, .. -'d, -:, 'b·I" d···· (. ·w' ,,'_. ~ ,-,!-, -._ '=. ' ' t," I :: -' ::. 'I' 'b·~··

Se1113 yom , . .I.ef[, ,ZI'e, . en _ass[en., .i IS ..... as .. 1 • ass,e,r lie, , .•.

W·- - -'I'~ 'r. ~d'- , D.r!'!!Ii e.···· .... H- L-'a~'!'I,'h- 'n": . ,c .• ' ···.h':: e·· ='0' - t·· Ile~.I,lii'I',e~: a'~ U' 'r-' e·' .:; n' _--- ·,e.- .-, 'r' S'--,\Qj'~_~I!IIi ,e·~ .''IFlnl-- a·· ··,u'(e,'-

• '," "-"'-' -'-'-~' ii, " '. .. ,~,Jl. ¥' '.....',r'

anric:h'llen. uD.'d .mit, ,d,e'm ,S,afta'n'WlilS's"e:r b·e'gie:B,e:n,

U-'n-·d··'--:: ·d,cie-Ilr--' ·'M·······I'uck,-',a' 't"'n' 'u13I.···· ·b·"---:s"t"'·"=A, ,. --n- 'D····"-· ·S-['·'" ,------ .. -:-;- .. ,t" __ "- .... , .... < . .,_:·ai "i. '_'. .I.e --_:'e;~rvue' _ _'1i ' ·>ile 'au,ce gu,

v'e'rrii:hren 'D'Dd ub'e;r d:ie 'Hlh:n,cb,le':n.'teile ;oie,Ben .. ,


D'· • b-' " ,., 'b' '" - '"

_>l!e' g,e.1: •. lrale,ne ,ZWIC! :"elm'lschung' ,da'riib'elrst'f'e~'uen,~,

D 0'--·, d' S· ',- [" III' C·--· h-' '.. d:" 'h

-.:' '~I ._ ... ··.·'·1 . :.' - '. (:-;- . .f .. Iii .,' '" (::-:-. 'i 1' •. _. - - I .," "., 1 I ' .... :., ... '. ',. .."...... ' .... ,',.. '_".

, ~aSlpa~_t, ~.azu"1! I.' a;, I ranrc I;SI , ' .. _ u,tneys" In' ,lse,)_,e

, ,

'Pi··'IIi "Id' .- d- - J' b . '1'

- '-1 .',', .-- - .' - '... ' 'I ' . ' .. ',- .- .' r - 'i _. '- ".' - , . ' .. ,-;-. '-"i' ''-

- ,_C,. ' .. es un,~·'~_:__.OI_ IUrlsa_8,te

'. II:n T 'We'm Id:ie Chll:i,sc·h:o't.C'D ,Z-U

sc:h.'arfse-in so:llte,n" :kann ,a,Uloh 11!Olte :Pap,ri ..

t' gCltl"'i:h~.,o··~'I--,e-" '-v,·rw'I-~'-.-~e·.·~··n"·d--.e-n·'- iii; W--"--_--I'<I·:e·~··· d1.':III8i'S: d.·.~·liIl,'e·-,_ 'U-' -m- "."'l'

'~~" __ . . ~_. .. __ '_' ... _ !;]I' , -' -_ . -!~ _ ._ I ._. ._.' I 1'_'

SI '_~la,g, ... 'Vorders, .. '=- ze:igt,~, 'I a;nn, so'll,te man


i.'- 'I''''-h 'I', l' 'L bl b'l - --

zU,Sia,tz_lc~~ 'mit L _-or_:.eler.~·',I"a'tt wii'rze:n'l!

Chutnevs ""C"'I~n" d." die Tlu~~:".pfie .... ··lc'hen. auf dem »·:i.« der

_._cu,neys s , ,. ,,'= . .. - . -- =- - - = -- -- --- - - - - -. _

indischen Knche. Fast jede Mahlzeit wi rd. durch

C······h·· nne ." ,-'',''-,-: anzt d'''' ,'''.,. " d .. : ... ~. Geri ichtenein ··e·· ", be iii:i"·o········'n"···

I •... ', u\n'.-Ys e'r,Kd.n,., . .Ie '" .cn, '.~ '_ . ,'. .,,", ,1" : .... ··.·,0. . ,_

dere aeschmackliche Note verleihen .. ·.· •. ···.·hut'ne'v':§

~ !~'

Oi, d" ·t-l ,. Nah III"" '( J d Ii; d""" h

sm .konservierte , ...••.... a. I lru'n,::,' :m" te, '!l' 'c-' ,!-;,r :_111 I'~',C, ne

"H'· .' I" - .-. 'I····' , .. '-f;,I;;;;;; at '~:'" b- '. " ahe "FI- -~,"" ,~' .. -1'--" '. - "--'~' . di .',

, I "au's I ,:-~_ . v'~r, U'51L u::.e', ali., ,Ie ._.·am"I"_J.'en,rezlep'lJ,le",,le

S- orgsam zehtltet werden Saucen werden meist

_. -,' .I .. ~ ._: _ ,~l _' _. . ",_,-[ J _ ' •• '. ,'. _ '_ •• l_' _', !IIi _. ._ _ _ ._ I 1 _. _ ._. I. _" J I, , .

. .

zu Reisaerichten oder Fladenbroten servie :1-_ !D

- -- d G

ll..,o·~~"n, j'- ·e· "n~' ab e a 'U' Ilc-:1T z ....... u ,- Roh /10· .. · s··:.-,t··· 10·' e "r' 1''''I~'m; " ii:·'s:-',e·,·_'· ge-

....... : I '".t AI..··/ .. ' l .... _.·· __ .11 .. :' , , . ," 1. ," "_ " .. ,".), .. Il . -"'. ,'[ ~.' . .' :1". ' ..

reicht w'lerd,eo,. Der hausgemachte Frisch .. ase wird 'b--' esc- ders gem mit O' 'e'm---"u~'l"s-e- kombiniert

',". '.: I' ".'." .. ,", .- ".:.' ,._., .", "!" :'" ,' .. '1 -- .. '. ,'.'.'. '.' ." ",,',. I.. r.i ~-". -, " (.- '. I" .' .. " " .. '. .. 'I ,:':' 'I' .-- ..

:". ,,1 ". ' .. "'" __ ." .. "., ". :.' '.,.'. '_" _ ' ,,,,I " . .~'.,. .~' "".' _' ,", _., " _ ' , ':_'. I".:...

'8'_: ']~ II d' IS"" .'. e ! 'ii' e "]17' .' IlL: ... ~~'m", 'I ,,;j' .

_I kleine Zwieb\el,~, eventuell l1;~ J' milde griine ICh,i:~ 1 lischote oder Peperone .. 4 EfJl .. frisch gehackte

Minz'e' '" Salz 'i ~ Teel. gemahlener schwarzer

Pfeffer ~ M Teel. frisch. geraspelte Ingwerwurzel (siehe Sette 6) ~ 4' Ejjl,i Joghurt ,~, 2 Teel. Honig Dde,r Ron,rzu,cx'e:r,~ Safl' 'vo'n J '-it,ro'n'e !olde,' 2' EjJl~,

K' ~'''' ~.

'; ra,ui"leress'~g'

"1 Z'·~··.·' ·-·.e.-I'r.~le-'I'"'t"u'n-'gl::C':z.·· .. ',e._'·II:Ii"II'~' l' 5_"'"'' M. ,·····.··I~'· ,u-.·-'t-~e···'~n:·

.. - .... " .... , !'i.J .. 1 .',"' '.' .....• 1" '.' .. ,,,,

r.'- " - - -

.' 'K·· .. ' 'j'"" .~. I""-'ir:' ,i] 1 'S·· .. ··· .;-- ... '-,' ·d···· ',,". _,\···,u",,,.,ze_[.~ '_' - .Itu,n" .. e

S'O wird~s ,ge':m"B,c'ht:: Die Z'w'i,eb!cl, sc'h"a:-,en. 'U.Rld,

fC'i '0 ha,c':k··· ·e··· .' .• n·· ,.-,~,; 'V-: ·'·e'·.· 'IM.'lU!'·.e· n···· lid· .. · ·U-··'-I n"1 'g..... .d··· .. ,'~I~. ':, ..••. h-····· ,~' Il;sc,. ·C··. ·.·~h-;,o-'t-··e·'"

" ' __ 'l~ __ . '._' ._'.' ~ ~II ' III ~ . I J , ••••• , i :-,.1 '._ '._" .__ I ,lI '" __ . .' .. , '-.'.'. '.

od,e':r Pep'er,on,e 'w,as'ch,en.; 'VQ,n Stie -, u.nd Ke'rn,e:n,

b .. ··e·'lf··~·r-:'A'I~le-·I .. n:~· 'u'n"'ld'- £-:e"-'l'""n""'h"'a'c'-",k-""e' ··';n·· .' n- '~""'I~'e' , M-> ';'A7'e" d····"~,·e .. ··· Z:'w"~:~'e"-"""

' .. "_. __ .'''"'_ .... "." ... , ,'._ ,1'1.:.- !!!I, .,·:;1,." I .. ,c_,_,", '- ,_.I .. ··.·.' ,.~. IULil.L, ..... 1,1." ,,··.·-1.,·.

b- . 'I - - --- d'- b -'~ ¥ .. :_.' - - d d' [II ·C· .. · ',,' ~ I' ii' 'h .. ' d-

j" 1 I: ··.·.·1 ,-.:"'_' .. ':'~'! .. ' .• I ... I.~,:, .. , .. '. (I, -- '"'" ", I' " I: '[- - ':.i·- .·1.··.· ,": ... , .... , ',',-:::,

e u.n.:_,. '.' ·el . e"rwen. u,n,g, . ~_ ..•. e ..... ," 1, .lSC, ",at.e 0 ' ... er

·Pep-~j~'rjonlc 'mi:, ,a'l._,IE"D Zu.ta,'t'e'ft, in, de':n, Mix,er g,'.e'b'e·,o,

L· l~ .

'U- 'I '0--: d'.' ',- a····· 'Ii, I' 'r' .:' 'h-llo'~i!!' C' - - ~'l"'r' So: :t·"·, 'U I':e···· d-" u'·r1c··,.L, 'm' ,i 'So ,'~,'c":-":h" . I~'n" . • D': a; '. s.····

"~,j, 1" - "Ul __ <_~"··"_'~l_.~d._:.~, ' ... :.1111, . -,,',_,._._ '_' -._:_ II~~_ .. ~"II " '~l ',' ~ J tl!!!l '/." )':,

I·e····· ·','h···Ult·,o· ey d,n .. ·t·:· .. ' e .. ···d- A; _:, '~.:- l .... I·..,. '~ ... ~ .. -'. 'S':~'c-·M,'I· · .... h-,··· ""' .. .- .···d' .. ' .. ,,... <to,

.' ".,',: .1, ,' .• , .... ~ 1_- .,,'~'i~,r ,In ,L ,Ielln.e .... 11'-'",,, .,a,_C_,c_e,n, 01 .. er n el''''

'n·-·· e' ·hu'i!ll'b,,~n'h· . I'e' '. S·,C·', .~'~ so, ~" .-:-'~.~ "1;0;, -. D')- _.-.- - ,~d"'-- . ::::";;"" "-"1'1. -' 'S .. ····.-', ",' -" '"' ....

, 1,1 .. ~,~, :' - u.···.sel g e --len u,n·· IS, zurnl ·"C,rvIC-

. - - - -- • , .. I I,. ~ • _ I : ~. ".' ... I ,. . ~ -, J • _ • _ • • • ~ I~. l~ ,~ • 1:1 • _I. •

'.-_:-"-.- ,-.-,--.!!!, '~d'" .-' .. if, -",'-'. -11 ·S~ 't-·-- ,-,-" d·I,- ..... '" --. d'-I,-- K:···· _";;;' L,'~ .,' "h-- ,'C .... ·Ie

,f'cn. ,m.l"n,:..e:,IJ,'e,ns" un.'.'e lD ; !le,D. .U.,I:I,ISC, I,_ran,c_.::

- '~- ~-

:SI. er, e::n"i

P·· a-:··,t·-:- ,,- .. ' Ii! ,. ,'. 'b· t·,,,· , .- .. H' ",ii' .- ' .. - .. ··.-"h- "-". : 'k":-" '1,"-" F,·,-"h··

8, .,1. i '·U ,ZU .. g··e.l.f,8,-ene'n .' a. nc· en .·cuen- . ·"lSC:. ~ ...

• ,I _._ _ _ " •••• _ I" • I I •• _ , " , _ ' ., , ._' ,' ~ , ,'.. ,.

r- "I'k d '(I 'FI- d'b - ~ .~--

, . -,"" .'~,a<_ e, I,en, ':, ,a:~ e:n,' I'r!oten", Re<l,sge'rI,ch,t'en,,! P,a;s.tet-,

,c.··.···h·c-·,-n·~ 0·-:' d--: lie···· r' f·';; :""'1' "';e,.,.,rt- .... -:-;-"'---.-:'" G···:.· ::1 .... "' .. , .~ ,- I"'~' .. .'.'.'~

• " .~ , .... _'C__ I, ,I . em. .cm,use


I I.

. '.

I fi'.6~,:ac~~uh,e:,if!'.;i~._"~.,~.~,'".' .~l:·t .•. el·.~ni·r/w/ r ~. ~~~~l. ~ul~.··,·~_,.h,'~ehh.~eS; ~~t: 61i.··.)~~,'·

,_. ,. 1""-,,. ,,' 0, ,I' W,O;JIyl;.- ,~, '-0' ~.,"' urz~; _ (SIIC. ,e . III .' ~ .' .

~, 'T__Q'SSI,e Rotweinessig ,i ev'ell'~u;,e,'l',~ Teel. rotes

!e'> j'I...'.',II'~~nrli!lj'I'IiI,j' ... r 0: -d 'er R,'·:·IO· senoann -. ~';'"n'nlilijil' 'ilill,d'~- ,ii, 2~1 f;'R:,'

· .:___ r;, I.; ,"lI!r ""-' '" - I' . -....!If , ~II:,;.II',lIr -"-r" .' ·,Il--..U,rl.'i) r~lr" :..:_ ~',,!O'

II Rosinen ,~, C,' EjJ/:i Rohrzucker Ii; Sal:

Vorbereitungszeit: .t '0 Minuten

• Garzeit: etwa 3101 Minuten

8·····-·,-0-· wird 's gem '8"" ch t II! 'D:""'I~e"" A'"~ ,-- fel sch H,I··-·, --. '.::'." ..... ':. 'S···t·,:I1·- ,'I

. ' ,_,_,' __ . ,~I:'" ." .. ', ,,_-,~ :-, .·.·I,p,l.e" S,:..._,_.,a(_e,n, von I, I. Ie '

,- -. - d Kern .'. '"""; b- 'f~- ,ii; .. - - d'- "" klei 'S'" to, ,~.~ k

uno ,:e'rnge',,, ,I. _ ,:s,e"·e' ·re,I.,en. unu m ,_ .. :_,-lerl1lc.,.I'U'C :.e

schneiden, D.'I:II~, Kn o .• ·.·.·b· .. daueh .. zehen schal en ",81·.d.··.'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ , • • • , ,. _ •. • ~, "'_' • , ~._ " __ ~II~ ~ '~' _l • I

.. -'d'- _ii,,", 'k- - - D····'II; A~_ii' 'Ii"']- '!!i '!ii' ·u····--_.-

1 :· -'J I" . . ,I" ,'.'__:] . : .', '_. , .. ', -: "I}, ',"': I' -.' I')' 11-" I" .,"-, :." II-.~·' I', I' .:: i .~" 1-""" '(.' ,'_ ':.'

zemrucsen, .I,e Ap e I ,In emem _.o,p'._ zusammen

-'"'t d - --- -Kn'"7' -- bl 'h d 'I d- l' 11'

I .. '1 . . ... ," -'j -_ -, ", • ['. ,'- .... ", ~,," - - ',:. : . ':" -'1' ''_,'' ", [ ...•. 'I'. .' . ,,"j"--':. ,- '-'11-,-:-' " ", '-;-:-'1', '[', .. ",

,m.I,,,.:.._e,m ~\,IO .. · .. au.c"" .. ··.e.m .... g···we,fu,,_,· .. ~.·, '-' ,ass'e

, . ~

'·W··'··: vasser bei 'm-'~'--~ ';;"t·'l· ierer H·-"III'tz·-·'.···/·,.e,·'_.:' z .. mm Kochen brin aen

- '- ..• ,_,~~, I ,_. ',_ I II., •. I , .'. '.. . . ,. .'1 II • J '.'.".], 1~~1J III _. l '~e" 1 I

. . ' ~'- . - - L. To f'l . d' "~ .. - , .

u,'n,c) I'm Bes,c',~-I, o:s,s,c'oe;n. J 0; . .•.. g:,a,'r I. nnsten, ,I ,as

d . - 15M"" D'''' "'Il duzi

,~, .-:-' -, . ;'I~"!': >1>/" '-I ·,'-I.~· . I •.... ,-- - "-1'/_-_ " 11.--: f.'C'~<~-~J·1' -,_

aued etwa ,. ,_ tmuten.. m,e ,,_Itz,e re UZ, eren

den Top ··,tt'd-' e ···ic-·~'k:· .... el abn ehm en die restlich e n Z··· .. .uta-

"'" '. '.' ,1,1'. ,.·ill .... ,.~.'_., i.'.~:I,_:I_., I, , ... ~. "., .,,, • ,_,~_._.c::. _:::-~I ',_,11.',) __ , '.': ". ,'<',i .'. _ .

.. t -"n hinei .- .. ~~ h ",',"'-," -1-'--' d . '11- ..... 1.::, nter '-'''-'I'~'' ... ~ ttlichi '., ..

· e_". "_,_e,,nru, ,ren U,O', a." es u.n.~er ge',_,eg'enl .,Ie " em

'UI m,rIj'i,h,f,e_:n' 'k.',~c'h·e'~n- 'I a" .. '~,S·~ e.-:-n-'-- . b-I~'l:~ ~ rIF*i'S' d::-·]~',c • .'- 'u"n-Idi. ,r,~'s·.:'t'iJj;r'

_ _ II U _ _ _. . U I, " 1,.10:3 ." " .;:, ~ _ . _ ,_.~ __; _, c_ _. . ~,!"",.. '"" ~

'" .... "d- • ·0·········· To f", .. .... '·H··" .. d'" -- . 'h' _. .-. d'- _ - C···· ":h "

W'l.r_"II' _·,C'",IOIP;· 'voi'm ,-·,e'r,··., ne,:,:m,c':n',i __ .;as ~~.'ut ,

,- ..... ,- - ." 'b'" ,,~'~. h-I .. (-. '. -.-. '.. '. . -. . ,,-' . d' '~'"'' . .. - . '" - '!Ii. .",. ·'b'-' .

,n,ey a,.' I, ·.·····u, ,'" en, , •. ase'en u,:n·.·, ~,.n ,g,'erle!:I' ,(lie,) a, ~··.,g'e',~

- -- G"- 'II~, r-:'·"JO'I·I M' ,II ·S·: 'h " h- tJ 0' d

'troip-_' ,'C:e .••... ',I,~,se:~:' ,_'·U,l_e::n.,~, }<=.'It ~'",c",r,a'u,'ve:rs,c ::,I"U,lJI ,01: .e'r

, ,

d,IO'P-~ p-i'--e~:--' ,p'le'fil'- et,e'm- ,a'nDle:~e'u,c'h,te·l,e'n·J n'ma,c'h,'""

, .' - "ID-" .. ". ---'!!!' ----D· ..... , '-"- '-' --'"'' ." "','" '-'

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ze IID,P" ,a,n. versc,.,_,,_cI.eLlen un, ... ··_ I,m '. ·u" SIC .. , f,a,nl,.· .... ' ~s

Z'UI .2· .•. Wo':c:h-!:.' 'n' ,·8:· ·'u: ,....!fili,1i1'w-~--a- 'h-·· .. rl ,e- .... n-

_ _ . _ _' '_ .' ._ • I 1 1 • '._ .'.IIU ~ _ _. _ ,,_; _. _ ,~._:.I!!!!!

V-·· ·-b··-··, ,··-·'"',·t·· , - . - .' ··;'"··t .. 'i 1- '0":' M" _.' :Ii! - 'I" c'. --'.

o:rl ='!e're . ,u,ngsze~ ,~, ,c_ ' .. ~.' ,-·_IDUI_c',n,

G'9···rz-- .. ,c-';'t··· .. 1-1 S" ""=-'2·/0·','1 ·M·-.-. .. .-: 'l'~n' u'·,c·n:···

_ ~. I _I . . -" _.' II, .~." I__: _. ,_:__ , '.' " . ,_. _. _ ' , __ ·.IL '. '" "

,SOl wir'd"s ge:m"a.cht: Die To'ma.te,-, 'was,che'n .. ,

'k· .. ··r· 'e,-,'u:·~'lIJ'I~~~,e.,: e' :''''!n-. '-'"'.,"'ii!'le.··.·:'o· u,n: dl 1:""0-;-" k:lo.·.IC·-·'· 'e····'n·· 'd,'" ,e·~·m·":-. ·W···"":-···a-.··1'9,S· . .-·.:.e.'··'r-'

_j _ '_ .. . . ~J ~ ~ ~II! ~ I ! L£,. . J' I . . I I I I II I' . . .. oJ J [ J ". j I. J. • t_ • _ ~ .'.


"k "'''''b - -'b _-,il," h _. -. 'D" "~ - -e ,-, - - •.. - . b '~ h - -. - d' de .--.

~ ','u,rz uee oru aen, ," ··I'e j- ,IJ.'U,': ,8 r ·,Zle' .,: ,en uno .•. ~. ,~'_:-:,

Stengele nsatz herausschneiden, Das Frueht-

'0;1- '·,"j .. sch ··"'·· .. ,~,·b--:· -:,-,~!"'~-~,'~- .' 'D"'-=:-,--: O~'~I'I 1"'-· ." "i',-,,~,- . nittel .... ,

netsc gro WU,JIll'e,ID .. ,- _I_·.aS,-I, m emem rm 'Le,I,-

I','· , .. Q ':', ,-, iFJ"":'--:-. of b .. '!- ... /I,t·~'I-I'I. :", ',~ -:-. -,-. " litz :.', . h ·· .. 13···,·· .. " .. ' -rden ' as-

,gr'OI,LJen ,Iop,_"el m"I,~',le,r'er ,_" Ie ,,,el we_:_:_ _, , «,'

.... . " , .--. ,-' d- - ,'" -'. 'Kr"" ',,'.', '.t,..,.-lij~, , ". .. . '. - .. ,-;- ,- -- .' -'.' .~. d--" -!- .' '-h' .' t'I-lb· . , .-,~ ". ' ,-:

sen uno ue ,llleu,z .. ummetsamenoan neuoram

~.- .- .- - - --

b rat e"'ID" '-~il~ie'" '~o·,· '·m- '-,' aten .:,': 'a" 'I" 'u'n:- d' - de I'n" Z·: ·"'..u'· ck e' "" ,,-: . azu-:;' : .. '

.,:_ IJ·'_I, _""'-'" ,'i, .-',,: 1."",- 1""" ,I", ":'~''"''''') -".".r~·'J ,~, .. _.,_,_,I~. '""".'_-:,, .. ,' ,,1:- ",",' ,."'."",-, I,~~_'~':_:""

100e·,··'b·'·'e·' "1'0'-" 'g'~I' .' um 'ru"'t"h're' en d :~"~I ' :_ .itze reduzieren und

,D':-"', 1,:", '-, ,~,: ", . ", ", __ ,._,:."" ,,~_'_,," - _, I!L.£","" ",J,_"" ":' , _,,_ ,___:_:_,iI!I.I,:_:,

d '., T.'~' h '1- 'T. f" S-=- :-M: 10', - .. - .- --

te Iomaten m gesc :-_ols,se'n:ClD Jl,IO'"P: ,-..: .mnten

d ,ilin'· .. sten las sen Da n '0-"-' im offen en Topf IU' nd unter

". '~"~ ...• ,_1, __ j. ~~I,_,_~. _" .~~.",,___:__:,_.,_ I:'_: "_ .. _.Ill~l~_ .. ll~ 'I I_t ", . __ . '._"_'_'_'_

"R<'-u~,~ h" ren '1' 01 wei .ere Minu .. ten ;~/n-··k-':'·ID.~··C,-::-,',h;-·.I.'II.n-:-' lassen .• '

I l._ I 1._ ~ _ __ [I' _. ,_,' _ -._.l_' _I',_.:___ 'W = _ ,_: _"ILl I.~l_ 1_, ~l_ _.l___:", . ....:..:. '_,' ,_,_,~ _. _' _L __ ~ .~ll! 11~1

'H' Ie ';'~I~ 0, '0"-:' rd'- er '-:,"8:"1'11-' servieren

I I. , I . ,I 1_dI -, _:_.' '._- "~l I I I -.1,._". 1 [~!~.I. Y' ,:_ ~I_ ~:_._,!!!!i

P~··~a--:-IO~:I- gu··t· L":jii!i-"- '., "F, :'!'I~·c~'h-·:-··,- Fl 11- ·=-';;;"-:-:"CI'~.'h-'''',-, - md ,G'-; ·,e· .. ·,,·nr 'I"'''' .'-:: ·=--,11'---;' "-',' =-!!!'c·"'~·b--:- ,_,

,II ... "/'-i~1 ;IL,iIL!U,,;;;,. ,I,a" :,," ,eu;~, , U",-, .. ·_- .. ·,I.uB,e"gen:..""

't·- e 'n'~' m "'I:~:I"'~ wenig ' Sauce

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1 B,echer (J 50 g)/ecsler JU;B!hu", (s"e __ "e T~p)~ 1 ~tlsse

B ~l' II 1 11.' K'" k ifJ' Ill" h' f" ". h

.- .. - ", -. '-"-," _', - " . - . - " - . '. .- '. l _. "I " " ... ',' , 1 .. ,'. . .. ' -'. . -j

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_ rei, ,e ... I" . ,U'''''- "'" .AICr;'~le r;e" .. ~ ,senm, , . ,_:)a,z ",Q., . '"

B,,-·,:':IJ .}--:-'/'~I-· ... 1'/, ,"",'---:,: G~,'L,---:- ti, ,II/:. 'TB:-:il' A.·,I:-::-IQt,I':;Oi-','i'Aa'··,. I

IUI;,I1:e,rsCr,ma_% IOu,eIF '.~ ",elf! 74' ,11t;e,_"" ~. "s,·,~'·~·'._I_'U.··.

("TftI." 'dreck)'1 '., l' ree" fi'r:is:chl g-'" "rQ's',nlelt,f!' In'··"w:,~)r ...

I. ,' .. ..:.. _?~.J .. ' C'_'. _~_ ,_. ,_" ..... ",,' .• [I.~ '[}'I!~.:'. I,' '. "I :.,_:",' ,- r·l._, _011~1._ .:...__ I~,~ .. '.' ._.

'-',- '-. - :-.' / .... -:/. ,1---' ~::-:L, S-;-" .-_ •. ~I' :' -. , 6c; ~ ii' .. ' '.,-, .... , .. '1" -- .... '11' '2> ,2' K'-:""':-·~_c~b··" ·~!!i,··!t··,:-_!, :-' iii

WII,rze. ~ ,Slene ". e,.,e':l le'lell,l), ue 'I_ ,'. '='J c_.:" ,an,·"Q,_. _ er

1_, ~j:-! :-,,1 K' '",!- _: •. ,:-: -, --.' . "k' \,-~~, ,-', I' "-,1',.,,. : ..... ,'-. . J. ~~······~·I'---:' A"- . - : "', '-'.-'--- ,-:,.-,-: -:-, ,",'

.. eel'.' ,',-,'. ~euZ.· ... ulm,mt!"''Stli,m,e,, 'I ,_. ",·ee,·~ ·.,.l1lssa,m,e,fl

- ,.

. I'L. 'To' I S·-, fk~-' .,,. IL '7! 1- h-'l' h'

12 :._llef!!',.'en'······(Jmer' i! n ""ee - g::ema,'· ene'l sc'-"war:...

" II_::, .. '~ '_:_ .. _.' '~~."'" ~. . '. __ '!!II ',_::: _' .,' _ .').] l·~. _ ]., ._.'

Z'Dr" Pfi'::;,o, -'II""

I I~'I: " . .'_.'~_: .,[I!'

• Vo,'er,e:: .. u:ngs2Je'i't,::: 10 'Mi'-,'u'_'e'n G'8'rzei't ::: 10 M'i:n,u.'t,e:·n,

S,D 'w'ird""s ge'm,8c,h,t,= Vo,m J·o,o.'h'urt e:'tw,a vorh:a,'nde~,

I _ '_.' ."_" _ ._- [_.1 ~.-: .. _ I , _.-_.'._' I I .. _, !!II ..• '._ ! I II] [ .. '. -'D' '_ .) '_.' __ .... . ~ _[ []l ..

'ne 'Fluss'igkeit. a'b',gieBe:n~ :D'en Joghurt, d:~,e BlI.t'le:,",-'~1

,-,:-'.-:- :~II"-~:: - '" "'·d·' .,'.,- I.'. ": K-"-C·:ill .. , 'Ii"'-' , IIil')I -,:--.---,,'!: ,Fi"-:- ':~"m"'I' "M""'-I':"'x, ','e" "'-r-' g'-, ... 'm' ';;,_,

ml~.C" un 'I.e ,"~,lo,~os,n,UI~m,t '~"" I ,_ '" ,'.', .... ,L, ,1)-

,".1" '~h--'I -;- --:- . <":::-,-, 'V ,~; ",- 'h" ."- .. -,. -",' .. 1... . .- .. ,-": ,-:-. '-::'·-'1 ···h- "1- _., -. d: 'S--']'~ i1L, ·d· " '-. ""..- ' 1",,-··'=-'\-

II,C, I"_,e,,n,~ ~··.,as I'\JI~"'" .Ie·,., ,ere"flIJ,Se,nml .. , un, .. , I, ··._!a,~.z .. :___azulle ... ,

'b - '-1- ;s; - 'h- d' 'b I~ _.', - - .. -, - I - -- - -

' " ' '-'I'-_ '-" ,,' ,- --=-, .. ',,', , '. '" "'-." . ,,-- '-. ",' " '. 1 " "__:', , . I'_) I .. " I" -.'1' I I -

_,e, ",a, I .Iesl m,us,e·, I, le,n u .. n ' ... II. ;el._, Is,le., .. 'en,.,- ,aSI

F',e·"t-"· ""'., .:-' "'~'" -- .:- -I'"'t" - '·1 ." ,~l --;:' B,I"=-:'I-=- ""'ro", '. "-·-:;"'f; e' ·r~'·h·I:!lZ--~c ·.-e'n" 'U' 'In·" ·d·,' -z·" 'U" _, ',,", I,:__ _ _,II· In, 'eIR'em. mi. e" )e,n, ,1,~_)PI, ,'. , l-'" ," ,:., _,-

e', '·'rs-,~··,'t·: 'd·-'~I': ", ,n!il',.I""'X'I'·!d···-'-' ,.,' 'k-'''-'' , ,.-~---', b-,·,·,·--· ""1'" ' .. - .. '" ·d' 'a"'- ,.-, --. d'- -'r~ ·n"I··-'-W·' "e' '.,-'=

-, , ... ··.le ,~aJ,lul~:la ,.urz :ra )eo .. ,,_. I'~ _on .. "e,n .' ·Ii>:__,f"

d·,'i I"'e" K""· - _' -'~·b'la··~t-~'· --I d'.." i!!'" Kr-"'-:-"'" ." , 'k-·,:i"r.i' '-:--;-m··, "e""I-IIi:i'I'B' m"·:··e'···n'I'1 d·,: :Ii!i'e"-" ~,:_ .--,.,ar, i: l;,.,~_I .. er, .··.,Ie , ' .•. , leuz ·~.u.m .. ,:', .~'.' I. ,'-. "';1 .. ' .,:

,An .. ~,, __ '''I=I:~~a., .m-'--·I.',n-:-· . "d-'~I~e~' S'i,.·e·~·'n···~ ft~o·~~···m--'-,'--;-"e~·'r--:::' -u.'n;,'dc, d.··.~ ,I~'n ~e':'~e'-i'r-.-I ,.e~··,[i'n~

" ~~ _"_'_l~'_"_"~_.'. .._ ." ,.1. A. . "__. ,. ._ ,"",_,,_ ,Jrl! .II! . ,. ..' ._._.

'ri.j,hre'n und unter standigem Ruhren (mit einem

- , __ " ." , . _, . ::__', '" I, , , "". , . ','" .. "' '_', . , =.= '

':--H' " '0' rlz .-11·0-~~ ·f'it." iP; '[' )" b-'- ra 't'-e-:' '0'-' bi 'S' d 'I~ e ·S···· e . 'n' fk I" o~';O; rn . e "'r" 'po '. ') a' tz e -

'_ "., .. ' II!. ,I "'" 1_ ~'i '-,-, ,11.',_ ..:- . _",1'-' '_ I, ::-,-::-:,~ _ .. _,,_.~' •• -, ",,- ,~~ .i~'_J:___:_:,:_=--,

U-'II-~,d'- die Gewurze ,---; ldbraun werden "D' ""Ii!l'e" Jo

~:...: 1", ." _ .· ... dlll· .. ~ .< . :'.' - .1'.' •. "I~~ [-. 1·_ .' _", I" :'_._' ._~,' '.-,:,' ·.Il,l .. ··_'~:..._:._:iI] " .'." I' •. ·.! :-_. '.' ]iiiiii

l~ -

h n'- !i; h ~ hti 'h-~' ~, ... 8" d

':. I ... r.;;. __ .. '. -:-._---:.,- ... _ .... -:- .. -- .. , :-. ,' .. I • ! ..... .-.,.~. '", -'. ~-... .', '- .. --:' " ':-1'--' [_. I'~' .~, ,:.~., 'f' I "",:- .... -: .' ',-

,g aur rrmsc . ,n"g VO,fS,I .. C·, _-~.~ unemgretsen U,R' U,,:-

... .a ,iJ~, d- ';0' 'R' ,"',., L,, __ ...... I@i'l-n ... och

ter standi zem r::UI.U,~'n !C'I'-" rna aut soc ~lle'n I at, sen:

da n n !.- ': ei schwa c· "hi- er H" "I'I"I"z> 'Ie· '. 4·": ...... ,5·',,· M- ... '''''n' ;·· ... ute '0'-:-' eir ' ...

'. ., I I l I _·.· ... _ ... I r~~·_]l.··"'· _! ..... r l .' "., , . .1, .... . ':-.',' '_.', ,I , t ..... 1..1" ..... , l r j ...... _\ i

k ch - I

" ..... ' ...•. j .. I" ".,' -'. .. '.-. [.~ I" ,:-,-,

, ,oc en,., .ssen, ..

Pi; ·B·· ~ :.-.,- ,-Iii', ' liiI··· ek .... ch .. t'·· "1 R··· '~ 'F"'I' d:' .. ", - tb ... --.-;-:-. ,.- =-. -'-. ,- md

a, - .. IIL gU,L ZU ~ g'e' ·OIC ,e'm, .eIS,- - ,8-1 enbroten urx ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ \;--:; _. _ .. _. .- '. • _ .,. I, _ !I' ,.... I . _ if ._ ._ ,

,0'" '~i''''': : .'''''!!-,.-=-(, 1'-" . -. !·,·<'h·-,-·,t",- ." ,-. .'.-., hi " .. 'S',: "' .. 1,-- .. " ... ".

"'_iemu,se,g,lc __ ,c_, __ ,e,n. ol,,_,n,'fe,·~,uc:

3- B,·,1.8C'h~'- DiP (.· ... A'5····I'O···~ g .... ! tfeste» Iog ,L''iJ,,'' 1,~:i"Dh'~',Q1 ~f,n I l!!

, .' ., 't:;;: ." ll:;,[11 . '.'1 ,., >',::1:, ~dlllC·iI' ,.}II ,._-1'1," r ,. I' .;;Ui;I~,'~, r" '

I 2 Knobl'auchzellen'· eventuell ~-1 m' ie griille IChiiiscl,'~,e ode, ~epero,n,~.M," Xe:el.-, .. ··ch!'~~-

,-- ,,:,/te Ingwerwurze! (siehe S~'Ii:",,!',6)'~ !If, Teel.

Gelbwurzpulver- l 1tJ1 Teelceemahlener Koriander- J Zwiebel i!l J' .ElJ/~1 geschmocksneutraI les ,fYlanzenol' .. ~ Teiel'~1 ,K,re,lI,zkiJm'm'lels;amif!,n l!!

S:a,'z ~ .l' ,Prisle ,schw,'arz,er ,p.{effe:r

VO'I'Fl-:,i. :'f--=~'I~'l-'u-'" "g_"~ I!~'z,:·e· >;;'1' .. , 1-15~' M' ';;OIU· ',-;:,=-,.-

_ . [IJ I.. ,'I ] .~[ .' 10 l' '~_" ,!Ij, . ~ '_. "II] . __ ' _ ._. I II

_ ! . '.'.,

• 'Ga.:rz'e:i:t,:: , ,S 'M'io'u,1 'e':n

So' . '-W'~'~'I""'rd-' 's~" ge~'m--"-·'a····~···lc·"'h--·t' i!!' v·' ·:"0'",- I'm-' , '. Jo"'··'g·~,·'h-;-·III'IIi'--i' e="wa 'V"O'lrhan,d-:-

'., ',.'., 1_, ",. , ,.' ,;?" -,_._1._ ._:_, .,'_' _ ... , ' .. "::,, . ,~ '''', ','1 ,,_'U,:__ " ". ilL··' :" . .- .- -' '" ,", .. " ,. ' . " ,,' ,'_,-'

-", .. " ==-; ,~"ii' '~'I'-: ,~, ... 'k -"""'1-- n·'b-:- . ..--,:~ ·IB·~····'-·· D'" :- J --;-'h-·;-··- -'rt-·', 1·<--'-· -,,' .... ,~ '- .

D'e ~U:SSI,g,:__,'~.e,._ a:::,gl'C" -!'C,R'i ·e,n. ,_'o,g. U.,,_. cre,m g,

iCc-:h"-~"I'-'e,}-'-:-' 'Y' n-'-"'d:- 'b-lle···:ll~~'le.'I'~·'i~: S'·p-· 'I~'n~, D .•••. ·I~IA. Kn;"_1 ··01'118:U·· ,c'h.'~'

~(,_,_,_,_ _ ·._.[_l,_] '._ ,_[_, _ ' '.-' .. '[ '~'" I~ .' .. ~I ~L_'~' . I'~ ,,[ 1._ _~_

Z'e·· ':'h,-;;pii:n:' ~,c~'h-'-·a?I-I,e.· 'R' 'UI,D!d( d';·u'·· .c"~ d'i,e' 'Kno:bll,8'uch,p' .. treSI1e·

j._ .. , I ~ l ~ _. "1 •. I '.. . _'., ._.! '_ '_.'" I, .. _ - - _. - . - _. - ~ -

'. I 1_' Pi Z'u:m. 'K.oic'hen 'tan.n. m,a~n 'n,U'f

'''~'s-'''l-- 'e'-' n-':- . '0-: g-' :h- -IUlrtl - '-V· ~1~" .... ,I,.iI"e'n': rd"":"; ,p'n:- E'-' 'I-Iw"a v: 0" ,. r' .-, "B'" '0:-' -

,I ~ ,,~. ~ .> .. _ i_.· [ .. :--: .... ·.:'f :, • _'. . .. :. ~',I ·n··· , ,I j'" ,,~_, ,~j ,I ~ ._,', ':' ~ :.':' .. :. ". .' ... , .:".1. _. ll~

·· .. ~Ie:- ,Ie _';~ uIsi,g'_'e:it = idle':_ IOI[~'k,e'~· ,abBi,e'n,~,

I 810'11'1. .. ' Id,etr"og:h'urt ,dun:,; 'n'ij,s,s;i,g s'e:i- 11Ig:i,b·t, :m:8'n ihn zu.m A,b'lro'p'Fen ,~',n le'i,:.· -<' Ole, ~e -;- .... ,

'luc:h IOlde:r lei:ole ,i"J 'u,I:I'wl,n,d,e'l u,:o,d 'h,angt 'i.-~n,

'i,n ei,n IS:ieb,~ ,Ein. mi- Fi,~tlerpa'pi.e'r 'v'lc':rse:'h,e''n'le"r~: '-K~·.-,a,' ·f:'Pie·. ··e·· :~·lt'A:'r"llu."t·.''!I!',:S': ,a'· 'IU' "c--hlll

, j... l , . "'. - ";1 II!I..' . '~I!I, . ~'I ._.._ _ _ ..:._. . . _ I . . -

d~'rii' Icken Bei Verw endu n g" die Ch 'I'~'II'"'I~:C··-··b'''· O.·'II~e··,_-,1 oder

_ ", __ " _" _ __:_. _. I I I'" ti _" -,_, Y""_.l ... " .. ~'. __ ' _' I I :_. 111'" I' I t~ .. ~. . r._ ' .. '. __ " I

Peperone waschen, von Stiel und Kernen befrei ... e:D, und feinbacken, Den, Ingwer, den Knoblauch bei V;-:r¥lend,u,:n'l" ; -i,e: Chi ischote oder Peperone ..

•• ~. - - '...:.' ti 'J r!:

d-8S Gelbwurzpulver und den ariander m.i"t

2- E. -O"-llIlo'~""e>I" - ". '.:-'. ,:a'·:c ~'I~'I--r 'Z~,I· e riner Paste m tisch ·I,··~n-'-·· un 'd."-.

.. 111 .. 1,1,1_ I ~~I.!r.l lLryl _._ ... _'___!' _~ .. ' I [I .• _. _ __ 1 I_ .

'b'ei,I,3ii,'~Je stellen .. .Die Zwi.e:be'l, s,c'h/nl,e:n und feinhael ten, '.' Das 0:1, In einer g,o,(]le:n, Pfa . '. e bei

, I-Il'~ ,,1IIe-:~A'-r~";' 'Ii!~~~, h::;-'e~,'!:B'! werd en lasser und d-I~'IA' .Z//',-w.'-"~'I'iJ,I~"'"

.' __ , ... _JIJ.. IA,'~ , I I I II~W· . __ I ~ . ,. ,. . J.. e ~ ~ •• " _ II II ,. l . _It.'" , _,~, _ ~

bel darin ,~:_:n'r,ols't.leDii Den Kreuzkummelsamen dazugeben und um •. ··lrul""j'h-,I"')e··,n~' dann die Gewurzpaste

_ '.:-:i._ ._,,~, [_ ._._.I, I -_ _ J _ • ~ _ I ~ .•. ' .. ' __ " -.~_- ,,_:_,.' -e __ <_' .. ' ' .. '.' _._ .. _II'I~1 ·.,- __ "a_l, .'

. - ,

hlnzufugen 'lind alles unter standigem Rilh're:n

1- Mlnute braten assen , Die Pfanne V"'_"!'O'-"m' " H;: 'erd

~'_"---'---'._"::'. _," I~I:"_-.:_ .,,,,'DLlii3:.,,";1i ..,.1,1. r',I; ".>,._., u. " • .1.'1':n., d'i,e :Mi,sc:h.'ung a'b,kiihle:n, :1!8Sse:n 'u:n,d, :ZQ,IIs,ammen :m:t S,aiz" ,de:,m, :~e':ffe'r un,d, Id!clm J1oghu:n gut mis!chle:n 'uD,d, 'w:icd.le~£' i,n d:i,e Pfa(i ~n,e~ ,8;leben~,

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:I,assen 'un,d I_'abei sti,n,d:i,g 'mit ei.n,lcm, "',olz,I,titTe,J

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• Vo!'r'berei,tun,gsz:ei,t:, 3,10 'M'in,u:t,len _ Ru,h,elzeit," 30 Minuten

i, } G'arzeit:: 3,101 M,i.n,u.t.e'D

S·' -.' '. r .. " ..... rd I' .'J ,.," '1'-- .-_---,-- ..... -. :'b· .,-" '. '·D······~ " A'·:···· ,-" '·b·· .',' .' . ,lIl" .. , ""I' , . '--." .,,' --:,' - : - __ ,~.

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I und trockentupfen, . ie' Stiele und die Kappe

e "'0; ufe rne m D····· ... e Frnchte ~1!i;'ln'~' ',(,.'1 e '1·.jI''-n--··e--:1 W··','·:··'::u',,,;o ~~I-I schnei-

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1,«;11 ~J,I .. LZ·· ... ··.'1 ! a·. Jl I •. ': ·11·_··" ·L· I •• , ~~ __ : • ..:._., ..:___:__. _ ..• _ ....•. ~,._: •... _. .. I i_··· :._,I .. _._ .... I_, _:_: _ .• _·_l~. __ _.:.

presse druckea Z/"-U'~ sammen mit ·d· -i~i-=-- Inawe "'r.

,'---' """ .. "~ .",-- .... _" .. y.' ,', ,".' "_'!!!!!'!!!i ._., . _.~QdI"'.u.,,.iI!!.~ _ . H '_' __ '~_H_,_J _. -'---le-' ::.' I"

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verru 1~'71.h· ren U' nd h·e'· dseite .stellen .1 'D':"a":::IQ '. "1 '1'"'0'" einem ~'.--:"

y, " :'" "'"', ,_"I, -. "':' 'Ii:J. '.JI, 'I.,' ,~ •.. _11 .. 1 .• , ,.-,<!!I' .... ,_a '.',' ,'" """'II" '.' L_.

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de - "':-"1:-.,·, .. -. ,-, ", .. '"1 -', A::·····,· b ,.-",,- ~ ·· .. ':0···· ',- 'I;'1II:nl'iilJ"'I- .-:_-:-.' ,····'n·-·~'·····'-··· '.: .. , .~.~ ... '

e,n, ,_assen" ~··Ie ;,.en,W'IU,I-,le_, .p·Ollo,nswel,s,e

d·• ', ... __ !!iI. ~ ,'--:C'. -~-'b-I-.-- .. --, "1"'-··-··-··· 'b-' .,'~.-. =.~ ' .. ,'- ,'-- ··'·I-·d·· b" ','.. " . .., .. , 'd'" .. "..... 'O·'_-··' ."

.:_,an.n, an~r,a,jt~n., .-,',IS S,I'C 8Q,,',· .. ···,ra,u,n we,r·· 'Ieo .. " ·,8,O.D

mll~t··- e·- "['!'n-'IiA!'m~I-'----'-- S,:'~'h--, I~um-I "I~o~~'"~'1 a·:'·'~,Ij"" ,d:-e··: . I T;O" "p'" ·'r~· b· ',e--,"_'ra'>'us·'-: '._'

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Di,l!' 'E'I!si··' .. ,OeW-ilrz;,-,'Misc'bung·'/ i r Ida!1 '8' ~atfett Q'e-'

.J _. I __ ._ 1.--= .. _ .. __ I It 1·_' •...• l ••. ~· ' .. _c.l I II '. 1 .. __ ._ I .. - l •• _._ ..• - iai'

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_ ,.<c_'---'····.I,U::..~:.c._~_-,~,,_, ,.:._ann, we,n,lcn", ··I,S SI,e gu_, mi._c' .,er

Gewurzmis,ch'u,ng 'Q'berzo,g;'e'n .s'in,d;o ,De:'n, Zu,ckle:r

"hOI '~b h I ,~iIi h d" d-- ~

-,~lne:I.:n,!gle~'e:n"" Do!e,,:~ 'm,a ,s u'mru., :_,'r,e'o, u,'n, , .-~ lie

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lo'e,~"&".ac Ilt"e· "m" - a·· ··g·~,"jf#j;,'&:e";:u. c-:'hl-'·e-,'Iie~im-·'-'--'- 'E' ':-'I~'n--'--'m" ' .. a"·I.c--,.·.:.hz- •.. ~'I-I-"D""""p-":h-' "a: 0'1'

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U- - 'n',,· ,.d.·. 'G-"I-'mr-.----· u_l'!i,~ '~,e'; .'

• [. ~'I. rj3 .

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'E:in t,Y'PI'i,slc,h,es, B'e:is'pie:I'fur d'ie i'D, d·e'r' indisc'hein 'K:u,cJ'~e !t>' 'be '~eb·te'n, 'Chu:tne':ys is,t das, e"rfri,sc:'h1e'n,d,e Pfcfferminz ... ,c,hut:ne::y, ,d,a,s, ,selm zu Pas·tet,e:n" :Hah.:n!ch,e:nke'u,~en od,er

,;-~I .ade'obr,oten ,ge,reichl w'i:rd'i Reze~p't. Seite: 34';0

~.~,;,' two 2100, '. 'I ,,, Frisch J~;:'.'~]D· ~i'

~ •• !!!' M _ _ _ : _" _:"_i ( __ .. ~ -,,_'J l .. ' ,I I I.'.. lL 'I,KU~ L ,!!!!

S· rfi':-' 1-' Z ~ 2' ,.1 'ilTF '~II..

Q';' vontZurone ~ .. [I' FIO!rzuIU,··m'l.lli,·',.,,' ,i·

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• Zub <r'ei ungszeit: 1. ,S - ,20 .. '. .inuten

R'Ui'h··IDZ···QI'I'~I·1 ,ii 6··/:·, ..... '7~' Stunden lo···· .. ide 'f'" u"'"'lb"·,;ii!!i"·· N"< acht

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s··~,uo··,· 'w···,· .r -ird '~~ ge:-"m-:- :a:IC" .. ht 'i' D,e- '0 .. ··:- Zitron ··e· .. msaft du .rehsie ....

..... < .. .,',.'.',".' ti3' ~ .' '_ . . '_ _ _ ,_.' ,. .', .... ' . _.', ',', ....... ... ', r t ..' ••. , " ~. • "I, Ill. __ '.. '_ '._. c_. c_,' .1.iIi, ~

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::'er ,:., nze ,au,,~loc,,_,.e,n .. ,Rss'e'D".II'O :::,8, .::, S,),le antsteigt,

de. n TO',,,,, pf v '10· rm H,· erd '0' e .... h ·m· · e··· .. ·,'DI, 'un-··· ·d·' !d' ~'n~ J'-!O-II(:-··h·· 'I .rt-' is······O·· ." ",",

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w,I.,e 1 I.e, ,m ,ro,_,_,e,nS'i8, I~, ,ml ... elR.le,m, .,OI£,_DII'C_ ~I",

'. ~~'L,,- .. ',' •. ~ Id:,b····__._,:i, '['" __"::-" '-:- .. :-"". :,:,;~' "~h'" I' d·· ,'~,., .. , ·M:···· .... ·····I'k.,..'·-··, ':-,.-:-' .. -. ... , ... -:-' d'I-'- .,_.,' ....... -

ru,Jj,lren, ,. ,8, .e,,1 ,reD .. n. _, ,SlIlIC I, ,Ie ,.' oe, von ~ ,e,m

Q- (:-1 I· " , I'· "1-' _- IQ .... ·-····r'-,·.·, ~'k-'·' . _. "-,, ,·d .. ·· 'd""~· ", 'M· .. :· .. ' "ke ".-'" '.'.'." 'e':;;;'-- 'I: '-·0· .. ···-

u,ar .. ,~ '. .e,nuar". U.I1',._ ,ie ... 01, .. ~e 1,,_,,_, 1~ln,~r ..

S·- e'C" S····' 1;~b' " " c· .... ·'h- u~'~'t··'I;·e·· 1".- d:1 a' ,Ci' 'U'II'~ b' 'e~'''''r'' ,e'· ""'O"lc";'r' S'··· .. ·C··· h':- ,_;;;~ c.s·:e·''':I- 'La~~:o;'n' g .. :1"'"

I.", ::-~ ',.. JI..I~ ", I," I., '~"', _ . ....:....: , __ ._.':_. J it' "l .... '. '.~ ,I .. ", .1 .... '.~ 'J ' .• '_ "I ,,', . ',,' I <_ ',_!!!!l ._: _i ~ .:.: .. ~. II, I I.' '! •

,- '-, .... ·d·" : · .. ·'~·t·· 2- M"" ,'~'- !Ii' '" 'd' '·'1'" .... ',' ,'.': ........ ')1 ~I" .iIl :::'';- , ·'I·'n·· Q'" ··,····"ua" rk'·

un;,. ml ~,UI, w),n,le n, 13,u,sge, ,egt, I,S_,,~, ,/>, ,,'i.:< ,-.~

a"b···'lt'r\o··'··'p:···l::ec:··'n·~· 'Iuin'·-"d' 'a····'b .... ·k· u~~ 'h"le""lo'l 'I a""'s· '~'e'''''' '·D···I:I~';Q. ·:·'n· .. ··d· .. ·en···· d···,e·· 'f'

. " _ III 1 ....... " _'. 'II ~.~ . .~'_,._,,_I •.. ~._ •• ~' __ • _,_,I : _._ I It .•... .:.... , , :.. _".~ I~l,.-=-- !II! I ::" ~_ ~ _. ,' __ .... _::__ ••. ~:- II I -," _'",'.- l!!!!!

'~I 1'0' ...... ,--:--" .. ~ ... ,-.,+ .. 'K', 'n···· ... ,"".] , ·· ... t:· z .. ·,·" :,""b-I l"··'[· ... · ""-'d"~" '-,,-b,·····.,,· ',- .. , ......

~ · .. ····ewu,rz~,e ,_:·~.a __ ,01,1 e_ n, mL ..... WU!. e n, un .. ·· , . ,Il,,',s,en erg:e ... ,

O· .. h .~-.. h d '" £: 'h b '"' "8 '""I

.' . '-'f~-'" J , • ",1'1 I.· ... ','1' -'j I I 1.··.·.: "'-!"''':'', 'I "f _'!" :-:.- .[--.-,,-'.1 ii," 'J ,1,.-;" .. _ !:-I-

_ cn e,lne , . le_ '-,_,Iie" "e, u nl~, ,eln_ ac,_ ZU,ZU • ·e,re.t,1 ~ n.:e ,.lel,l,a,ge

ZU. Fislch Iu,'nd, Ge'f1la8:e'~ ,a,'b., Die:se:s Gc'riic'ht 'w'i'rd, vo,:n Ve'-

'.,Dit··a··"-~'(-·' ,_ .. -. ,'- ·d: '~I"O""n" N,·:····'· .. ' ..... h'· if" '. '"·t· .:,', .""': .... '. ,:III. ,'i' .... ·h--:·· ... · ~.-.-:-:- ~-:- 'B"'I"-"'I~' ,..:., .... ,

D'"'"-~.,nem, un·, V 11_,,_ ,J UC __ I ... ve,IJ,lel,a,nem 8,lIe~'CI' ,CfD1,a,: e,n ,ae,~

sch atzt", '-':Jle'zc'pt Seite 41,~

M' )"1 '"' d I S"': d a ~I ,.. '"'

_ ~;UL_ wmuem zusammenrassen uno ane ,r,_ ,_~.S!S,I,g,"'"'

keit a 'U' s d·, e m IQ"'IU'3/: rk b e rauspressen ···',···II'''',e·····, o .. ilke

.. ' "_" .:1., I "'. ~ ,I··.j ' .. :'_J":'~-:, " .... :.~.:/ .~ . ...::.J. ~ ... ~~ I:~:"I -a :_: __ ~ ··I.I~~ '.:.~ r • lii -",/[ J'~. J', .. , [ 1 •• ,1. 1\.,1.,- ..

. ,

.. r: .... t 'ifh' . ieb ." ~. ·D·,·t .-. ,'C'- ,>I, , ...... ::- IF·:··,· .;"'(,. ch kase '-.-'.-:- .~. 'C'", '~I'e' . d .~[ .,'!!i'·i

au-,,_,,_.e 'en.!!, ,_'Ie I,el,n,e '_ ·ns'~J'H_.a,s,e',m,aS,SI~" ... Ie Wle,

R,"',"- L,,·-.· ,:~' .' '-,-,'-:- sieht ii, .... ·d···"", ..... 'T' .,",~ .. ' "Ih"" '., .~. .. .. ···d·'-:: ... ', .,l .'"'.: ..... h .' ...

_. _U,I,~,_ CI, a,_: ,5S"I,e ,I.", In . ,en, " U'C~ I'ern o! er ZWlsc_=,en,

dop ..... nelt ge .. fal e ter d ''''I.'C ... ::IL..:'~:r'' .(.... fri iergeeign 1.,I:-f·I::"'. F; 'O""! ... ,

,,_ __. : r·~lI I :." .' . Il~. I .. ' ,"', ~ J •• __ l_: '._ ,&~,_: .. ". ,I. L ~,~. " .~l~,_~. 'r- _ ~ .. _J~' ... I '._

I'"' ,.. ft·, 'h P k . f d'

" . -"1 ' .. ('1 ._ .. ,.,. ... '-",' ~.-. " ';-'1""'" ::- .. C"",' - ... :.,... '.' C"'''' , .......... " .. - ..... """',.::' ..... :~. I ,-', ','. .' '.,

_,Ie, ,Z,U leln,em, u _a,e,_,_len '-' aket -"IQ,r,Dle·D'11 '~ ,a,s H', ,8"n "n

"b"'I''::::'I'~'''d'-I''::- 'E--'-" id 'e'li'Il lo··,rl'"a,,· b .. ' I'· e'- '~I='b'i 'Ie, ':n·· '~i.·".il' ,-. .. ' ,10 d-' ~~ C,- 1111,

.:: el e"n ,"" ,. :,IJ,11l .. 1 ,I ~'" ' .. 1' '. '.., ,I BSS! e,D, m,U,I.JI, I .. Iam.t

di - ',I-·I'k· "1::-' a' I'b- "I,n··· ·,'~.-·,n'/c- .. -.::- k -:; .. -:- '-I' - Z··.'·'-=:· .'~'I- ~, '1 .. ,:- •. ' .. '. .,"",... "'-;:,·0' ".'. '.

_ ,I.,e ,,_,.o. _·.e" , ,; _, I _,e,I".)lcn, ,.:,a,,, ,D'i' , '., WI,se, " ,e, '" ,:lwe, I g,ro,_~e

H- -': .. , ck b .. ··,· .. ,~··;f,(· .. ' -', II 'i· ..... !,·:·'T ,-.-, .... :~,II·' ,-:;-.:~".-, . .,-- ..... G"', \ ." .,:~' ch "l" '. I ... · .. ~.

, a.c", ". ". fiel.,_ .. ef_.e'lcn., mi .. · Clne"m ..... eWI,c I. von

,5,~ 7' kg besch weren (Konservendose ',: ,) '. md ..... ei

Zim m;:- ." .. ert -.... "., at .. "1'· '':::' ·6·~ .. · '7" ·S-:-··ti 'I - dr: ode 'I"~ be ,'-1

, .. ,'I "I. e ,,r,a_·ur_-, I.· ,u.o,e'D o,·"c,r u,e,[

'N·'I';h-· .... , ,- .. -::- he ,,--. IF .. ·1", ... ·· "-." 'D-:,···· ,-.' c,. ·"rt·_·'·:~'''··I·' "1 'F·}:······· '~I'.::- ":-'N,"':-~'-:-I""I- '1'

,.·· .. ,ac , .' ru"",e" assen,,,,, ·er ,I,e ... ,~.g,e "r,l,S,C "",A,e, S,O ..

sch nittfest S'· e ·'I'~"n"··-·'. De ,n° '~' ,a~:\~:e··.·· in I kl e .. sin ·e ... ·· ,·W·.,·· .... I··./·Uh, _.,;'·::.'11

liLIi .. , ' , . 1111, ~IL -:. ',_.1 I I II! • ,'1 I I~ ••• LJ· .. 1 , '" Jl ' •• _ • _!~, • •• __ 1

h- iI'd'" d' ,.. K ii' h 1- h-i nk 'bill 4- To

sc netc en una im ,:ll,1 SC, Ira',' -1l:S, ZU '~. ~1,a,g,len.

,_ '8'" 'IU,n..., ,e' ··:·b·,I8I'n· I

' .. ,' ,. J1.IIrI ~. I ii'

'pia~:'·B,,·,!,t·r' D'u't·· Z .. /U· III '~ 8····[ ',~'n' ··b··"fiO·· t·· zu···:' '·m .. ···' 'F··"RJ·II':'"h" I'S·.····u~~',c···~·' ". Ii I~r-'" '·"·,.'Ii!ir_'t.~"

" ,'. , '~ ...',' ;0;, .' ,!!!!;". ,-' ,_ .. " _,'...... ". '.' , . . " I , .". H ''' .. .'. :"'.'. '. '.'1 ~,_ . " ',' .

d ,a'" .... 'n" g" 'Ie·:-· '·:'·.",3·' ": -.. , 'n' d .. " 'm' 'I'"' t··.' f'~:n·:!i' 'S:"iC:: ·,h·· Igi"IC- ,hi. ,'a~ ··.~'Lf~e·~ ·m-··:- ,-:- .. -, l"'ln-;~' a: I D' . ,-

I .. ' " ' .. ' ' .. '1 ~_I -J'. ,_I .~I_,~'.~! ,~l_,,~,l_,~} ~,,',~ ", •. _ .. 1 Ie]" . _~_,~~I'I"~"_ , . .....,: .=' U J I. ;. 1

Ide'rgrun odc'r ·1.:inz'b'litl,lche,n 'u'n,d Tom,at:e:-' Sle:r~'


I Ii I • . --

Illp :D'er selbJ,sltg'e,m,ac,hrl:c Fris,ch, ..

'k·,giSC· WI "~'r"d'- a:- 'uc"h- ';'0'-' d·· .. -C·-·'f·-' ,I:e'-I~"-e'- '0'- '.1""" -"m-' e'- '~' o· .

, ::·.,pr·,· .: .... 1 .~: .• :, ~·I .. _:_:_ ~.~_.! '_I ~ ._~:_ Ill. :i_, (:.: .· .... _.I: - ,I,~'.,,' .. ,,: 1< .J[': I L. ...; I ... · .-:,_,I: _I,_,


Ko··,····'o··· "5""1>0;'5,,··,'11'-'0' ':-Z·/' ;,.;- '1'" .... '1,.::.. ~"n'l d"-~'(~c"~'b'l, e' -n'" 'K .... · .. · l~·'!!c,·,·:h-· e 'iIl!!!!,:

, _.! .... _" ,' ... _:~. ,IL,,"",, __ ,~ 11", _ I",..:: ,f I, , " I,SI, .:, .' ,.,'. ' "".1IlJ,..,.. I".: '_ '""",[ , -

'W-"-"'e' '0-- d" .'" a't· '~r-- h-' ·e····ll'!'If}'t·, d"-a' 'n' "0" ·)'!i!.C·· .. ·· bl. e'" on' ," a-··'hL'(· nde"r;

, ..... 1 .. , . /::. ,'~'.:.~' .1::; __ . _"~ 'LJI c I' ., J' . '~"_ .• ,<, I .'0 .. ,',: u ..... I,

C- 'h- -'. - d' ii"h at

\',~. 'a· '.' n- . 8"1 « a·" ,". 'V"·I~'rw·'· '·e,.:..:'n·' ., , e·~ "'I-i '11 . n'i ,-:- !Cl ,- ,- '.'!i!!Iiit" IZ··· .. 'U· ,-

" '. I'. '_"_!!!I l 1 _.' I___: 11_' ._ "'-' _,,_ •••... _. ~ •.. _.I_I·" lIt 1 • 1 ! I. '1_ .. ·lii3·' _I --.:._ La .. 1 (_.~___:- ... I _i

'0' "~." ",: ' .. 'I~O~·I."" ,( '.1. "11 III '·~'·;hl't· ~'·I 'I' 'Id" '.-;-1' I' ,c· .. ,·'h ... · '·f""'''' ,-~ .S--'· .. iIi;o; iO~", ,.,'~'-

< .e,mus1e,llnc ._cn u,n~ a,u:., ". , U"f~U,LJ\~I,pe,l,

~,e· 'n° ';il~1 ·8: 'n~lr..a·:·I·'·,e:·.'n·,··,·d··.: Ie"· .'. '·M·······I '!o'····'~rk:l~ "lall'II'S"t." ,s,·,"I",~:h·· ··'···um-!-

I~ -, I'~ " '. _\i;.iJi I._._:,~" .I,t . ...:._l_~·. ,_" •. ~') .. ' ,': •. ···1 .. : '.~ 1"1. .:) l ~ l •.... ,l

- - -

Ge""'rn-:-'-'u~'~ Je·e=: 'k-"/Io' ··c· .. _'h·· ,e"'n 'v~,:e""rw" ·'·,e··o .... d': e'o· .. · o:-,··d':-'e.::..r-- D·,a·:----·'n!!!7 e.::...'lillin· .. ·, ... ,

'_.' '_~ .. L_'~, ~-,_j.~ I:· . .:__~1 J"'_~ .. "~'l .:.~ . •. ·.1 '_' . ." I, , .. I._.~ ~ D'.~·_)II.,1uiL .~-, [ 1 -

'f""- 'c·,·· .. ·,h!·- :t·"'-·-·~'··"" 'I-I .. e'" ,'.

,,3,.1,1 _cn,nll :. ,dil

,I I

.', '-, .. -11-1-

_1_.',',-'.1 ~. rllC_ KB:se,"

I =: •. ie F:ri.slch ... 'la,,~e'wO:rfe~, 'w,i.e 'b,esc~h;~,~lebe:-, h,e~rlt,e~I,:I,en, .. ,

,2, Tee I o:rfe 1 ,Z'i,tro:n,I-',n;s,3'ft, ~ '17elel,offiel'G'elb'wu,:~:~, 'p,u.:I:v·C'f, ~', lele:I.!off.e'l. :Rols,e:n.:_,:-: ,p ,~I,kapulver' odl-:_-

I,hilip'ul· er' :S,QI'W-i .. ' :S·_I.z, 'vetl,lli,sic:h:en'!i' 'Di,e ~~,I,e'~ 'Wi,rfeI. in, d,e:r' G',ewu,,c:h.u,'n,g, 'uD,d, d,an:n in, :Ki:~ ,che-rer.b!s:enm,le~'hJ w',il~z,len u,:nd :in 'h"eri"l)le:m F'_tt fri ... , tier,e'n,~, ' Toma.tenc:'hutn'e'y od,er pfeffe:I~,i.ilinz~

C'h' u- ,- 't··· n·· e:y"" .. ' 'h' e' .. ,,'.! ~' s.='e···· :'FI\/';,~r'le~ :n·· -

_ .' •• 1 1 "_'., ' '. JI.~ '.' ,,_.,,111 '_. Il~' ,,!II

Es :' lib,t, in Indien eine '-_:~,nseWIOlhn:-,:ic'-, viel li~'le egetarisch,e- uche, die sieh aufgrundreligioser Tradition entwickelte, : la, das Land i -,ei,e'h, an Ge-

" ,'lii"' .. - '-. ,;0, st ., ' ., -'nt-"e'" eine '-v'e""'g" i' ·t'a"n~'~c-'-"~",,::-,,, "/'u'~'·c'-:·'h-'·e·'" ( ""--:-":li'

' .. " U'~i ,n II, - I ...•• n' .. ', I~' '~'.'''' .. ,'." ".1. . -,.~_ "",~I~;, ~,:...:' ~ , . .', .. ' :':_ .. _,,-'_: ....

_It ." ,i!:J.!" .. ~J~ , , -. -,1 .. '_ I I _.' ._. . .-~ . . - l '

stehen, die durch verschiedene Zubereitungss r'1'- ,- sehm g"c~'kh-I··:-·a',';'t·", md lelcbt verdanlich ist, .AJSI

" 1 __ 1 SI .. , I Jl!' I ~"_ '. j _.. '! j'_ J [~l' -[ j' _=l.!!!!!!!!rll!J ,,_. J __ •• I _- _. - --

.~, ila ~:'e :Z,~' ) .:e:i:s sollten die Q'e:'m:u's C',' . .:ric,-;,'te'

S,C ,ijc::e;r II,ewii'rzt werden, zum ':.'" -;o',:=,:h:e'r' mile Ie -_-,:n,d, '~ei,c:b-"'i Besonders '-· .. eliebt :5-1:n,'" die Linsen (D'h(II), die zu den ,alt,es't:e:-, . Feldfruchten gehdren, , ...•... '-'ut ,Ie:wiifzt schmecken sie '-:. ervot .. - ';-;,e'o, L

I .


C'U,'rI"'Y' ... ,Q.··. :~e.··:· .'n· ich .11

Atl!ilJ' . ," ,'[' j' II)

Vro- rbereitu ,- 'g. :\~i,,:!Ia.:'''·.,:, .' 5···.··· (,:'-'I!: nu .. uen

-,_,,- _ l~l l. . __ . ',' '_' . ..1 ~~~ ,_ '!ll I I _' • ' __ ••• • • '. f

[ - . Garzeit: ,20 _.'_',~'·n'u·t!cn.

So 'wi ~Id."'~:-_I ~i ~ ,a,le" 1:=-_.,1.: Di e ~,', .nanas schalen, in.

I'S··.·C·.::' .. ' eib .··.·e,~ n"'-' ·S··~··'·C. ::Ih' , r :- eiden ',U,' nd den Stru ~I,n-":' k ,a· msstech -'·:0' -

_ ' ,~___ ' " , ._ _,_,.}~I_ ~" _,'_ ,_, . _'"",' , 1,_.' __ '" ', __ . , ~~IL~~_. ~ _I!!'

..... I·S:'; 'F'· ','C' 'I hi .' nl e 'I'~ .8·' IC~-:L., 'WUlll~' ~". lin' un d :Ii!! '0-' einer Sch u'·~ ss ···,e···· ,:'-

(_ ' __ . If .. '_ '.1_,." ,." 1,1 "_"_" I-[lill'_"11 '" __ = . _ ',' '[. __ J "':'."'_ •••• J _. __ •• _. J

'. ", it dem Koriaader; dem Rosenpaprikapulver und bei Verwendung dem I' hilipulver gut mi-

S·, "e":-" ·D·····'I~e·· Z······ .... zie 'b-"A I"C"'," ar .. 'III·e·n·,· md ';;0"'"':"'1' . IQ! ·S·········C--::: ei-

'". l .. ··_.~-: ll!i! ." ..•.. "',_,' ~ .', '-' •• : 111]0, __ .,1 /~ I " .. ".! ~ .!~l·'· , . . I _ ~l' .", I, '_l I !~ _.:..... I, .... I .

be 0" sch 'In' eide 'In-- 1=1 D:'~I,~~', -)!~ :I~"-, IP!J:""'n'=- e 1--;-- ITo,p:,'f~" -~"ii!iii;:;,

... ~. _I; ~~ __ A" a , ',~;I·_ ,'_,- ,~ . ,"~. ~ I I ~ J [ ,_,I J I I I~._ .. :-: I .. ",lI.

mittlerer Hitze heiB werden lassen u,:nd dle Z:w'i"e-

·b-,ff/IIj' I.d~ ::'n'·'·ol' ',a'''·I~'''I"'.·· ·b·"r'a~' e--'nl ..• 'r;;IA! ·S::I,~·n,-,~I,p.o'i!~"m-le:-.r-' 'Z:-IU' Q"le'··.'b-~n-·:-·

.__:' ~,_ ._l .. __ , '_'___ . __ -~.I I.' . J .' .I..l. __ " ,'_ . :.__.:..._.I!I!1 ,_,' I.~ _- .·~._,_I. A,·._ - _'_ " __ ' '_ - ---ID'--' ~,I_'

'un,d",1 ,s!o'ba.'ld, ,s:ie pl"a,l,e'~, Id,~,le~:',-n,as ',;.j't,-I Ta"I:<,e

Waslsle:~-' zufu'l}en,,~, D,a~s Ga:nz,e 8'u'fk,oc'J.e:o 'lassen

und sobald die '~'';ei_~, au ~li,esJogle', Ist, die

,--, -. - ·I·)'i' ch .' - z· .. ·.' -, ',-" . ,if, .. _. ,. n" 'rru' Ii'~ - r'-."n' n- ,?'~ Geric ~'h-" ,·t-' bei

:reSI1·_I'CI ' .ie:nl ,JJ,alle'R u,,_,-- ,,_, _:_"'_ ,,_~,_,,_~ , '.' ~ . _~, " " ....

schwac .... ·h··- er itze 1'" 5, 'M.··, Ii!! '0' nne ·'n.!. z .. iehen lass 'len, bis

a _ ,_ _ . . __ , _ ' '_ ~ _ _ ,_I~ _"", . IlL _ , .." _ _ _ . _ " _ _

die S,:;-I._,1ce '·,'.:I,at~. wird,


, . I

." -_ -~./

, .··.··.i,'es,e~:,' S,C':' nelle Gemusegericht a,u,··. , .. I,en·,I:ale:o wird, wie es 'fur diese Gegend typisch ist , ·m,,'!!':. :S·.':nfo,ID znbereitet,

I-, Vorbereitungszeit: '1.0 Minnten arzeit: 1, 2 '~,'-"i ,. ten

S ..... :-: -.-,-:,'"'. 'd' ",~,,: ' .. ,...'" ,.-.-,:-:' > ch ·t·'· ,!!! "V·, ·,,·'0'··,. .'. - 'W': ,·'",:'·e-'~ 0: - . ohl dle :14 'U- IfI!e" ·r~'n·

~Ol WI,[~ s, ,I,c,m _- .~" '_"'i', .. ' I, ' ' ..... ". IJ', ' ,1,,1, '_' ..... ,Q _: .U!_ ,"'" '

HI' 'a'~::'"-'i'·'e·· ··'r' entfern "~n'" Den ','!c. _-t'I;o'It:l\k-':·IQ,·.,'L:I- '--V··7:I~e." -"'·','e:,'I( .. un ,~'

l ," ~ .• I .•... " II' ,III , .. ~~~_~ . .' ~\.....:_ ._ _.I_"UI :. ·I·._:..·I.:II I '.. ._ J. l .. _ .. ,lli I I . _. '._

d - - - 'So ,'- '11..- b - .. :- ..... b _.- .".,~ d . ' ... ', . 'D'" ',..'" "" . w-'~·~ - to, ,0 .... ,.--_-, 'h' ~··I - .,-'"'!"1 .'. ,-

,;0 !' ,n .. a I_JSIC, , .n,el.,e'D,;o, . .e,n,' e:mN'~~,O, ,11 I~,ro,n;-·

lich .. wa isehen und fein '~IO--'-' ~: '0'-. D.··'''I~',e~··· 1- hilisc .:··o.·'ill-'·

~lll~[ I I ". !i:J. II j _ I ._~ d, ". I 1'1. ,,_:__ III.. ~I 1_,_iIi] . _'_. '._ I_l I,ll., ,g,_ I I I'. ' _.

od .,. 'p ... ~'.p .. ' .. ~'. 'o--;"n~' waschen ":~'D"""'-" S·······.I,t·,,' .. ···1 '1'1' rd Kern .. '-:-·e····'n

I ',." ._:, ,~ .. ,I~II_1 , :_:,>,_,_~ .. ~l '~. l l~l I "~'I " I .. ~:) , [ .. ", _! '_' ~Il ~"''':'''':'''_' ._j.__: .. _"., '" I' ..

b ·'··"f·;"'·-·'··~'·· .,'_ ..... -I-····d·-I r,·,'" ·'h-t.- '-'--'k"" • ·D····a'··'''· O .. ~II'~J--:- einem b .. srei

_e "re~en Din, I eln .. , .. ~ ,cen",,·· "~~iSI'" 1.0:...: .' '",:",,;, , . '. ,11w :-

te .. _'·ln-· TO •. ·· ip .•.. fl'-' -e· .. ·'I'"" , :. it 'I' erer 'I I itze h,eiB werden lassen

._. , ,I ! _ ·1 ' '. . ' u _ .. ' '~-' ~ _, -' - - '- '-'" ._. - . . '- . '_.' , . - - '-

und die Senfkorner ~,o .. '···w· :.' ."lftil-··e,·,_'·: Id··.· '~,e·: ' '1 -!b-'--e~:e~~'r-;b--'--'Iart':' er ein-

.:..._:._' ... .:... ~ ".~u_.IL,'_., I I"~ ~ •. "" ' •• : ' •. ,'.. ~.'[' .". ", . 11., .'" __ '_.l_l. '" '_.1 l

ruhren, SiO; sald die Senfl .. ~!omlet dun ,'. 'Iller werden

-U-I'A·'··d··.:' alles im versch Iossenen Topf 5·:" 'M···'.··'I Inuten

'", ,I, ",' I _i •• " I •• , •• ,-, ,_. .' •• l~l l 1 .•.. _ " 1 • • •• ,' .•••

schmoren lassen, Die Hitze ausschalten und die

_ L. '",,,; ; ",." •. _' •. -~. ,..,. '.,._ • • • •• ,~".. [ ., . I". "'.

Kokosnufsraspel gut unter den WeiB,ko:hJ mi .. schen,

'p' Dt· it "i 'A"'I' id - .. ibrc .. t"· ..... ,,·"1" B"· ''"''1,,···,,······, od ..... , .. Is .. ,a,LJ~, J~ ,ZU, ~ , anennroten ars rseuage 0 era,

'_F:,U,·,~II'u,"n'· a Z··',·U,· kl ieinen fri '·'t'·'I''''e~-:,rt'~n' Fl ad enb ro .• ··ten

t" ',' .Il . . e '_ ~ ... .......:...~",. I:"""'" ,_: ~. . " I.", j", ".'~ , I ••• ' I.. 1 I. [ I

~ •... - ... - ... ~-~--


C·· h',·;;;"I· .. sche ··t···, '.',' ," ··:b·,· " :.' , .... ~ .. ··1···,···· ind isch .'-".:' '0"'-""'" rich ·t-·· ",' ... iiI ""e'" ..... c_. ,liSCO en g,een v]',e, en, I, ,:IS, aen rertcr .. ,en, eln,:

.. ~ .. 'S" "h ii,i, J

wu,rzlge > rea,£ll'e.


· • ..! 01:1.1 ... ··It

In nd Er1sen

Zutoten jUr' 4 - 6' Personen .. ~

6 mitt'el;grojJe ,gekoch.te Pe,llkaTtoffein .. 2 ,mi,''I'elc grofJ:e Ztfliebe.ln I JtJO g ,Q'u;sgehii,/s,t:e,j'u,ng,e ,grUn'e'ell' ~ 3' E;fJl .. g'esch'mtl',cb:neu,trales .F1i'a,n,z'el1li/ ~ J2 Teel. s,chwQ,rze ode, bra'u:ne ,Se'njkiim,er'" /t2 Tee:I,~ G:elb'wu,rzpulw'er'· M TeeJ., rot;es Ch.ilipul"er '(),der' ,Rosenpaprikapulver· 2' Teel. g'ema,hlen'er .Koriander '.. ,1 Tele,'I, gemahlener K ,euzku~mm,el' ~

Sa-l'" '. 14 71e·'·'· e····l:: G" ···a··~,:I!!!a,····--'m;·'·:-· ·m--:a'sala'·~· (·····G/··:--;'e·WUr-zmi"C"c,-h:~ ''J~ng··:

_ ._-:_.I_~' 72 ~'I· ' .... ','_ ':: ,'1 .... 1 -,'1. I:", ._< '"1_,, ... _ ..•... '._._: ...•. ,._ 1_.~I .. 1 _,'I"'. ".".:-.

sieh,e Se,ite 6)

- Vorbereitungszeit: 1.10 Minuten • Garzeit: 1. 5 Minuten

S .' -. '" ,'.'. d' .' . ,-' .. h -'. " i' D--:-' .... 'P'" 'II' k rt ' ... C&' 'I --, h ~ .. , I . .

- 0 Wl.f . ,s g,e,m,ac_ ,_t, .. -=-Ie ,.e, sa ,O'I,le, n sc unen

und 'in Wurfel schneiden, Die Zwiebeln schalen

d i S· .. .e - ... - D"" E-b

unr 'In, Streiten schneiden .. _c__',le '-'r ssen wa ....

schei • 0···,:,· .. ·,·0".,-1), .. "",·'· .... ,_ .... T'· .. f'bei .,. ittlerer Hitze

SC, ,eni'" -··as / ,10, einem I,O.P'~, ··.el, mnt erer ,--".1 ze

h,e:_'-'I·B·~:, 'w·· .. ··' e rd len las ... s-e·· .. m u n d d····· .. ;e:, Sen .. ··(k,: ",o7~'m" .. ··e·'·'r-~' d arin

~ 'J _". ", ~'" .:_. '", ~ .. ~ ,~. _," "", ·"t·· .-_: ',' J",.:_ .. :_.'~.~ ._ .. _ hl '. _. 1'1 •... _ '. ,_ .. _'_',', _,_l

b bissienl .-- .' ,~, · b ') d b

oraten, bis ste p atzen, Ole Zwiebe .. :0, I, azugeben

und hellbraun anbraten .. Die Kartcffeln und dle

'c,'b' , ..'''"" der ,', G .. ·· :"',,,··I"b· '.' "1' (. - . '1"" .',. - d'" IC"':" ""h'~I"" '1',-

~,r:"sle,n ml.~" "em .... 'i e, ,.'.1 •. wu.rzpu.~ v'e:[,.,e,m .'. ,', u '.1, IIp,U,,, .... ,

vcr Older Rosenpaprikapulver, dem Koriander,

... ... - ,.' , ,. ''', -", .. " ., " ,.. ". , ..... ,'

dem Kr~'·· 'e'·uz··:k-,··u' .. ·,·m' .... ': m· · el und S-'a·· .. slz d .. Iaz .. ,_.·,ug·Je .. ·_.b .. ··e·n u-'n' 'd'''-' gut

..... , " '" . I,,' ," I __ _~......:.:.. _ . '.__: l I'. I, '.:' . .' I. :. I ••• __ .' '.' : ' .. :" .•••...... " ~. " .• '. ,ILl, .",,, _. [ - .. J' . .'" I

. . . ..'

umruhren, Den Topf'verschliefsen und das Ge-

muse bei schwacher Hitze '10-'1'- 5- ·M-·.··.'I~.·n.· uten

. . _ . .... ~ .... ,. '. ~ , . , ~, , ._' . . _._

schmoren lassen, Die Garam-rnasala-Gewurz ... mischune daruberstreuen und :Dut untermischen ..

. ][ .. , - ,._ .. , 0 . -_._- .. _ .. ..] .. .._ ._". _. e'··· ._., '_ ._., , '. -_.' '_'_. ,_,~~

'PaBt. gut zu '~: Reis oder zu Fladenbroten, die mit

- ~"'. ' .• ' •. _ .' ._.'. '_ . '.. . .• , '.' . ,_.,. __ ' ...• I._. [' ._. '._'_.' __ '_'_' ..

Fleisehg ... erichten aufgetrag ... ·:e'D werden

~-' '.. .'

IG·····,-.·····~·····W·· ... '

• • 1 • •

...... .... :"" ....


Diese traditionelle Beilage Zig fritierten Fladen ....

b ;0; b ' 'ii 'I' 'V'·" ' .. ' I:", ,",

oroten gt .• ''t les In vieren Variationen, von teung-

seh "8< In. ';' bis Z:U--, s··.·,'ut~,B ... sc harf-s . sa ·'·'U' er, M··.····.···. .ein Rezep t

.. l [ . \ ".' . ,. , ' •• ' '.. ~. .' • ,11, .... II! , .. .. .. rill _' , _ .' _

b iii, ... "'Jd ¥ '.. d k M: , i!!i

, 'n'- m gt.-: ,"'" e' in' ,--:e:· m .. 'l" .•. ',e·' ·.·A'rs·,'IO,-·'R UO·'I·'·.I ':. a·:··nn·· 'I '. V", '0'''' Dr' : ........•.. 'U' 'ti,; g..',e···,:o··

I ,',,, ',[' .1 .. ···:.·.lI·, ' ,.I,_ :._ I ~ : I •. ' 1.11 . .'.' I" ': " ,." .. ~'_'., .! ' "':. 1.:: , '

, ". -'

, . ,t·'~'Ii .. 'I':~ h .. ·,· ·m·· rlt '·m··· e'h-'''- :'-, ·C··,····, h '''I~' nd 1'0' DW" "e' ""r'_- s· ·c·,·:h··J;;, ....... e·- .. r'".,u n,a,u.r, Ie . ""I, _ .",',r·l, I u,n _ '" e.", .:L. :'" ,a,I',IL" £j,-

b' e re ·I~"t·e"'f.- W' 'erde n Am -:.:-:-. b e sten sch meek .. e '0 die

'; _""'1.,:, '1_;, ,'. , '. _ I, c ,I ,I ~I. ~ .', ,,' , ' ',- ,~ ".':,

Kichererbsen wenn sie frisch g' tekocht werden

... , "." .. , .... ,', -' . ' " , .. ,.. . .' ..... '. ,.,. . ,. , . " , ., . " ,._.

'8 '" "D' II· 'V"" d i!!i

.. ".' '.' '.- .::- ... ::- .. , ,-.:-",.--,.- .. -:;- .. ' .:- .... , .. '.... "'- .. : .' " " .',. ,'.' . '.', ",-_- " .. , ...... , :_'" ;-. ... , .. ,_ ... '. - I :. .... ..:.

,Ct ,'-' osenware SIO, te m,an sle vO.r ... ' erwe,n ... ,u.ngl In

.. :!,- ·e'· .. ·m .. H:',,'''aa···(rs:·.--Iio''·-··b: . ·'t···_···, ·fl; i-O···'A'n····d·-· ·e· "'m"· WQ's··'·s·····e··'lf· 'a··'b·,·· .... ,

e,ID, . , ',',' ,.- . _, '_ "Ie -' u,ner "_,,,",, '-', II. ':> ',,_ g.", '. ' ... ' .

- ,

'b' ", '" - ". " d .. ' , '. ," .. t·" .''"'., 8' ,.' ,.'. 'h"".' .', .' ··'k:-- h' "'b": ' .. '

. • ... r,a,us'en" ·.'··ll S,I,e sons: , elDen ,"'e'lges1c' ,·,ma,e .', . a ·.)en,,,,,

2'00· .. -.-·· .. ·· .-_ K'''-I..-·· - b'" .. .J/. ,~ ..... ,' }l.r '''''., 6"""fi:'~' -,.L...:, g ,,' ICr,'ere"·sen '" 74 .I.:ee"'1 J.y,atron ,~ ",~ ',"S,erl'e

~' 2' . In Z ~",,"" , 2: . K" b~' h'

~omatenii' .......•. grQJ~e ,'/-WJ'even '.'< _""o,I,aUC""j~

,' .... h .. ·,····,-,;, 9 4······~ E~~,nt· ,·:C .. ·"". ""'h' I,',: ",." , ..... ,_._, .. ', , .. ··'I .. ·,·_-'· ,.1:'" '., DIJ· .. ' •.. ··e·'·'n-- o"'~'/:' •

,z,e ··,en -'. ·dJ··. gescmacft.Jneu_,r,a,es .,J,,,anz···.,,'.<., .

}' E·-:"R/',· .. ' "".':' .. , 'h""· '- '-. K'-':-"""i ".~ .. ,;". ·d··"···· 14 ~'::l" : hl··;·-

, ,fP" ,t ,gem,a~ ,.ener ··:,OTl,an·.··,er· 7:l ~,ee· .. ge,ma·,e

K k'l'i 1- 1/" ~ I ' C-~L ''"t"" I' d' neT', reuz,u'm',me, ·74 ~ee_, .. ro-tes: ... ",.lpu've,' a-·Ilr

R· .,." .. ,--.,.--, -, '~1ca'" .-, .' .,-,.. J~' '1('" .-.' . 'l~ G'" ······'b, '," ,',' "/:""'" -

O~le.·'n."."pa,":p' .• ·'''I···········P·.·U ,pe" ,Ih .... ··e.·, e·,,;, ·,e',i···.···wurzp.·.· .. ,U·.i1'f!:,r'I'

, d .: ..._ .. ...:_ [ .' .. "_' .. _l_ •• '." _. • '~.'" • _ •.• _ •... __ ., •

" , . ,

~ Teet fi···r.isch g:i. 'er:Q'sp.·,elt.e Ing····· werwurz,el ,/siehe'

" " • '. .. . ,,~, •• ' [-....... 1 1 ..•.•• : • _., [ . ..,.... . '.' ,:.__ _. • (. '.1 .' '_.' .. ' _ '. . _ l • ~ l~ . . . .. . _ ....


S' .~ .' 6< ~ j" To'· . I I"J1 . . . .. .. ~ 'd' -' . . .. - .. -. -, -, ( ., - T . . -- ,.......... ..

eite '~ .. '1 .. , .~'.I ~Iee:. i ,JJ:Q,ma,rllJ_;,e'n,mus .··aus .1Qma,n,nUle

,-. .. ... d' k-'~ h- S" i oJ' J' . .". "[-

oder Taman 'n··' bn·· extras t sle .. , 'e - seite 10· .~ .... .,' ,.'

I :.I_:~.' ~'~'·I:· .. :- I. 1[;./. ~I~., '[ !I;~ ,"_. '_':"_ '_._'j I "'_' !. ", _:..:._/ :' .i.t "' . ._,' ~

, U1' ~- 11 I G" J ('6"'-' ;;,ii ·i

Zitronensatt ... . .. : ~'.' ·e,e>.=Q'rQ.'m. masa,;Q' ,ewurznt' .....

_ jI,." I .... ~·"'I; ..... ", ...... . I. • •. _' @I '. _' "_."_ • I, I [ "_ .•. _ •.•. _" • "_ •. _" • _ '_._ •

sdu ·'·:Mia si 0h .. ·· - '11"'-:::, -S····· ···.D:~'t· te .... 6'·: II

~:. _ ,,.-, [..-Ilf II:~, 1ilI1,: L-l.' _: -. ,_':.. ~ II; ," ". . /

Z -'m·-· a:,,·-·,Ia·· ',lii'!'M ieren .' Tom . a" .' .. ten - vie ' .. tel K·'·,o···· 'n-~, ~a'"'' ·n r ' d .. '-. e ... t;£O".J,;' H'

_ u. '_ .. _:I..' ,1.1 ._ ~fl' ,~, ,~(,_,. '_' .. _ . '~" I it'1I,· .. ' .. ~:. '!Ii .,.... .., .. '1. .....if ,0;'11' iNlfl

d 1.1- J...J '''~ h-

0' er J'I';i,inz;u.',Q'ttc_,en

• -. ·E· '.:ii'O··- ·W"·· .. eichzeit: l' 2.~- S··.··.···;t.':.UII- n .d e .. ··-··n·- ,0"· id e r u'~-~ ber N' '.,.' a c,;'h:.· ·.t .. ,

-- a· . .~. . .. ~ ... ·IU· .. I _,!IIl I '~.' I' ."_ I J •• '. I I .. J • J , __ ._' _ ' '~ •

• Vorbereitungszeit: 1.S Minuten

•. ' 0- arz zeit .. ,·· .. etw va 3~··. Stunden

a, _:_ "el._-.,., '. ".- ' " _ ,,' ,

So 'wird's ge:m.ach't ,~, ·D.···.·;,.e·.~1 Kich ere .. .rbse n w·,F1' r 'a 's:-ic···:.h· en . ' .......• ··d··· " ·';n·'--~·· '-1·" 'll ~III' 'w" ·'a-I-,s-~"'e,· r:I-~ m·., ... JJt•· I~e'e"'" :'(" 'N' ·'a't-· ·r-,o·· . 'DII ···e,·11'~"'W"·e,il.-,

u.n_ .. II_~. _;t4 Ii,·: ,:.:c.~': .. _... . 78, I. t-·.-: .. ii, .' . ,,' . .., ... ' ·.1LILI.. '~.11.

,-' I DIi' Ki 'b-I 'b- d h ~ H"

chen .~.:assen!! • I.l'e .,'I.C,.le:re:rsen '_ urcr em t saar-

'~:''' ... -.,cb-'~ . bs s, 0-····-'1· ..... ·····=:-,:~,'h-( ', .... -". U' DI·d·- in 1" lIl'l frische m':'-'"

S,le:. a ..• ,g,l.e.en" w,aSIC .. en, _:" .. ·.·1 . .' 74"1,, ' .. S.· _ ..

Wasser mit dem restlichen Natron zum Kochen brinaen - Die Ki •• .ich .ere ·:r·-'b-.·s·.'···,:e:· n t l,,_ '2.·' Stunden

.' , " 'e1 _,', ,,~, •• [ ,', •• -, •• '._,.,",.. •• ,1~l, - - ,_. _ .. " .. ,~, " .

'k.· och .. ···e·: ,·'I·'n· lassen ,i ·d': a nn 8:,' I.b·:·. tropfen '1I.a .• tssen - I. In" ~Z""~~W"~"-:I~'"

,._Y··._/II'_'[ I llll_:' .. _ .. ~_.' .. ' __ .llltll _ . .',,_,._ .... ,:--IJ~_.l ll,. __ ~ .. __ ,~ ,Jl_~ __ ""_'_'

SC.····•·· e.·'··'n-:' d ie rowro .. ·.·,·.·m·· iate ·n·:·· w-.· .. :·,a··.·.· schen .. kreuzweise einrit ...

_ . , ,~. . , . :l._. ,I, ",_, , . _ ._. _ ,., . -e- . __ .~ . _ " ,._., , _ _ ._,oiL.; . .' ._. . _". ._. , ,_, "~

~. ,,' .. - .. - md ,'~ -' k~ ' .. h ..... {:. d-I"C:-' . ·'·I.r,,~ '.' .. ' .- ki ""., t~ b erb ·I;O;··h-"· .. CC',·'zen uno m xoer enc em wasser curz uoeroru ren,

··D······,'~ ." ·'H .. ·· .-, ... ut ... '. bzi "'h" ..... " ... - - rd d'- .... " S:·t-·:~·'··I(· ,- a",,·tz"'· ·cc··· '-"'''1'''-

, .. Ie ... au.~ ,a:,ZI.e",e·o. un.:_ · •. ···,en .-,'_Ie ans,~,_,_: auss.e-,

c.hen. Die' To:ma.ten entk'e'rn.e·o ·u.n.d. im Mixer pii·fl'·'e··'ren·· ·D·····I~e··:· Z····'··w-:I~e··b· e'ln" 's-' 'c····,h·· :-ri'I-le" n "u"n"'d' JC!e···:··I~·n"···- 'a' c·Le .. · .. o···

,,-, ,." . '-"':-:-,1 t :. til , .'.,[ ."-~ "' .. : : ". '-, .~·: .. I< .,1,', ::. :J ~._.,, __ .d.,~: '- .. ', '_ _,,~ ','~,:", _' ,I,I:.- .. _,·_~::~.~,' :,,< &:, >',:: It

'D'!' .... Knl , .. ' ". ,'·b·I··- -.--- ... ··h ... -=-:, .. ··h·-· .... : .:. ,;-:'. -"h'" a"""11· -.' .', -'. ·d· .. · ·d··'··· "rc"""h-" d': ·to!! e'"

_ .. ' Ie·, . ' I o· .' .. ! ,a, IU· .IC·· z····,e· .. -! !e·n s·.··c··. I , .. 11 e····· n u·ll.n - .. I.U., !.' 1-

, ", _. ,", I', . • ~.. ',' .. ' '" . , • '. _ _" • __ • . . • • '. _, ,. .' _ ' _ _' . __ .

'----Kn··-::-:··· ." bJ',.---· ······h:·· '.- .' .. ' .... ,;-::.:-: ".' d' '--:-~:"'I" ··k··'·-,--·,-- • ,·D· .. ·'·,··:·,·:, 'O'~"I- "~'., ." .... ,- . .--.--

,. .0 . 1l8U,C .. presse · .' .' e.o.,., '.' as In el.n'e.m.

groBe:n. TOlplf' 'bei. m'ittle~r,e'r H"::.tze: h.eiB werd.e·n m,as-

d d',· Z 0Ii 'b )- '.' d 'Kn 'b" 111 h-

se:n ·un. _ "_le':/:Wle~le'_:o SOW'I,e i. en .. _.~_O_Jllau,c,_·. ·u.·ft, ....

t- .. -', R< ~'~"'h-' ' .. ' .. '. Id"-b-" - . .. b-'-' - t', .. -. D'"Ii' .... ·H··---Cliio,tz·· - .. ' -'d'"'' " , .. '"' .. -

e'r .. 'U .. ,re'D g,o'·.-;:rau.:n.1ralle:n .• ____o·.le ~~~II'::e relUZle~ 1

'fen uod d,e'n Koriande'r. den ·Kre'uzkiimme·I .. das,

. " . . ". . .. . . .. .... '_." . -' . ,.. ." .. '. - ...... ..- - . - _'- -' .. , '. '. .'

Ch·· "'l~I'I'" - ,0····· d····' e'---~r- R"'o···--:··s.e~-·n-··c:-·p·gp·····n'~11~·aX p"':ul"'v'l~r' 'll"n"-'d"l d····! a······~: O.··e··,·lb· ...

l ~ l. '~'.:__', .. ~.; _' ,., .... ~.::....:..~.I., ... ~:....:. ... ,iL& :....:', .. _.,.& _ ./....:..,1 ._-~',_, ",:",:_,. _ _:_ .. .:__, __ ." ", ". )_._:_

·w"u'rz·-···_p····u· I-v· .. ··e·:·r-· .. Id·. I·~_"'~·u-'-g,· · .. 'e·-··'b,-·" e: :-n-:" 'U' n .. ·d···.- 'U- .n·: 'l-'e::-r-'" R··· ·u~'~:"'I'hl.'r·-,'e ·nl- 'k'/U!fZ

....... ',". '. _.: 1, ...• ,u.£ __ .. " ."._ ._.' .. ,.... . "'_.' _." .. _ '~._'."" ".,. ,,' .

, , .' '.'

ml·,·tb'~a·· t·e···-n·'···- ·D.···a····· S·' To'· .. ···.m·- : ·s·······t-"e·· ·n· ·p-I"--·utl!'''r--'e.:\~ u"n--'d:: Id·: •.• ·e.=--:-o-i 1'0-- O'w-'-"e-)['

' .... ' .... 1. ! . ._. '" _ .. ', ,~, .. ' .... ::. .1, ~.::.: .. ,I "I.:. -- _. '._. '- . ,::." -' -" -' '. _..... ._: -" '--' -' '._ -" '- -' _.' .~ .. -. ,--,._ -'e ._. '.' . .-,.

··1. I Ip Kiche:rerbse:n au! neuer Em"t-"'e"-' 'h-'~'a"b- "'e- 'n- I'e' ·,;jo·· . e" '. K-;'~,o"":Ci-;hz'- . ·)e"·:I!·t··_· V···:·I·O·-···IO-:C:-· 1'1" ~··l_"·~·'2·' :S····:t· U·n,l, ....

~.' J .__:J~ ., ' . . .......• r , .. '.' .' " ' . ' )""2-.' I· .. ·.·.iIl.'

d.e·.n.; ,altere kO'on .. e:n b·'i:s ,Z'U 3 S:I.IJ,:nd.e:n benoti,ge'.n., 'b'i,s, s.i.e w'eic'h siri.ld~ La.s:se·n s'j,ch d'ie Kic.h.1e:r'e:rbs·en, ,z,wisc:hen. d,e.n .Fing,e:ro ,zef'-'

d"ru'~~'~:k·"~'-nl - ,s··I;o;n···!d····! ~'I"e-~ aa:r··-· ' ..... :s-:)!,Q, ·s·-·~'o,·c:-··lle·--·'n··· J:··I~d·"-· o-:-!c.-·:'h:1

._ '-"' -~I" l~ .. , • Il]]'J' ~Il]·. e"~'-~__: . , ~ I' .•• , __ •••. ~. • ,I~"'_l ,:","".,.,

. I ~biB:fest, 'w'ie Rie'is s,ein .. ~,


lIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"-ii" iii"=Iiiiii_"_- _--- lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil)

zufugen und weiterruhren, bis die' Mischung braun wird .. Die Kichererbsen untermischen ·u.od.

1 Tas se Wasser u nterruhren D.·:·I'a: '-8', Tam arinde "'Inr ' ....

, I~~. . .... , ... ~ .'. ," ... '~ '."' .,I,IIi ~I_'_'_ ... '_"~I!!J .... -,' I.I~ .. :\ l,. l . _, ".1",

m-- ·U .. ·s·····! d .'u·IFjc~:h-- sie ··b .. /e.·.~·n·-·. ·U ... rrd m,'" .,(lIItl dem Z···· .. ··.·.'I;o;t··-':r·-o··.·.· .. n .. e' .. D·: ·s· .. ···a·~: l'I1"t: u .• '0'1.-

_ _ _ . _ _ _ ",I, I .. .__'~ .' ,. . . '. '_ . _ '_' ~ ' __ ' '_. '_' _ _" '_" , I ., 'J ,. • •• ") ... _, I I.

ter die Kichererbsen ruhren, Den Topf verschlieBen und das Gericht bei schwacher Hitze

1.0 Minuten koeheln .. assen, Die Garam .. masala ... Gewilrzmischung auf die Kichererbsen streuen, umruhren und alles no •. '·c···.· .• h l' .. Minute im .. offen .e~n:·

.' ' __ '_' .. 1,1 "."1 ' ...• I _I •..• 1 •.. 1 II ."," J , I ",' ,,~~" ~'_.' '~' =~' . 1,1Ii .. l~·. l

Topf kocheln lassen ... Die Sauce, wenn sie noch zu dunn ist, etwas Ianger einkoehenlassen ..• Das Gericht in eine Sehnssel geben und mit den To ... ma tenvierte iln u nd d .• lem K' oriandergrnn o •. oder

". __ IL.,_,.I. I' J •••• '] ",' ,.. • _." _" ._'.'_"_' __ ., ._1 .... "

[. -.

Minzblattchen servieren.

II.. To

I -


. .

II '-_i , . ..l : . .

.. ,e ele



Z:- t''''Q'-' t:o:"'fi"u-~"""" 6"', Do -·\:·o··-··_,"-' ' .. - .• , ._Uj ~.' "~"i, .. ' .•...... ',. ,c~rs,.i.,flen~

·75······-0' "'fi<""" ·--i-l: 71, -:.~ 't· ,.,'.- - }'''. '000, : ,-:''- ',' .;' .'." .,· ··.c· B)'· ··- .. t·~ .

l" g _ eS .. ,e relJ e ~ o,m,(J ell "'. I.:.g ,ro~ e :_:_ ',e ,e •

3 ER/., g··.'·:e.···,p~,Llm;-····.a·;r'''"·,~n·~nu·· .. t,:ra/ 'lesDIJa'nze,··no·~:~l··,'· J: ·Q-:is· "e'"

,:;; .' fJJ +,. "d"""'·. I"'!L-,~:, ~..,. 1_· '/":'c' ,I" J It '''___'_. ',_' _ ... . . .rT'-, I .'

ge:'-'m'" ·a"·· h"~ I~Dn"e A/ ;""a>t'DO-~~'I"~d"" ' .... -. ("T- .•. j!: "#Od··: '.,' ·k'r~.. l~ ~e"··e·"·l·

~:. ' - '. ,~", '..' ./.d.~ ,""I' .,Q. ~ I~.J eQ; "ec:/ ,J!: c.:- ' ...

K'·,,· , k'-' .'~'I!i .. , ·t·:· . .. ', " 'hoi' "1" J' .. ·t·· ,IJI"'_" .. '-, .'--.' ·t··

. _ T;euz~ ~u,m.m~eSr&I,men '.' eVeHlly1e'l· .. ' .ge_rOCftJI'ele ro.e

C-,,-, '"1-'';;;' ,,L. I-'~ I G"-:- l'I'L I' S" .. - 1-'

_ rl.ll",;,~o'l'e ,~, -."ee .. ··:e,uwu:rzpuver ,~, .·.·.·,a_.z

• 'Vor'b,eredtllng;szeil: 2'0 Minu'len

• 'G,a:rze·,~,t:::· ,el'wa 1 Stu,nd.e

S,O 'w'ird"s ge'mach'l;o 'Die' 'Tbma't,en 'wasche'n

1···'···· ···.··1·1·,-·] ~.I .. __ ' 't,"-··_.· _~,~ ~ .. 't=:.'~ ., .. _:,:___:=." .. _ : : . .:.::.l._ _._.,___:"........:,

'ke to., 'I!'. d·' k h d-I 'W""

..•. ··'e·u,·. Z" 'w··:, .. ·'e···.·1Iis:··e···· ,e:-J11o:"n" ·~e·~·n'-· un":' l'n"1 I>O···;C··- :,·e,'·'·"n:·· ','" e·.:m·:·· ···,-····:· .. a::: ~£!Ie~'r'"

," _' "':',.\ . ", . ·_1 .. '_",,,,:, ..:...~ ~L :.,· ~L£I -.__: . '. '_', .... (J ," . '·'1 _" ... ' II '_' I _. ;'._/ " _ .,: .... _!!JI!li:II! .... >,

·k···u·· rrJ!'~ ·u~ .. :-r,e,·r·b'Jru··I,h'-:~lc·c;nc .... D',ii,~ H'··a·e, ·Iut· ·a···b· .. ··z···'I~e·.·-h· ·'·e·.·'n-·"--· U' ·"'·d.'·,- ·d. -'~e,--'

I ... _:IJ~ .-,·1)"'1 ',--',]._ l'" , ..• ~ . ~~ . _'.- ·._'_.···1·[ .. _:_.' I ·":.'II·j .. _,II.L.··..:.... __ · .. , . .:.._.,I!, ....

Ste:ngela·,tze al),ss:tec·h,eo .. Das Fruc·h:tfic'i.:sc·,h

k):e····I'·,n- .. ·-wu··'··:"'''·Je:''')-n· . ..-. 'U' 'o'd"--' ]'""nl e:"I'""n'- e·" S·-,c·-::h··· u~"~'cs'-"e'::IJ' g··:',·e .... :,b· e" 0··' D····I .. ;e··:~·

.... ...., '," ._-' ,,1',1 '. "-", " .'_'. :J. , ..... 1," []III] . . ].' '._ .. ," '. l ',_', ~'" I." .'. ~ .' .' > .. " ." . I .' 'til .'. iii, .. >

I . • •

'I·" .. ··t· 1"-' 'H" ···t, ,,' -::-,.,. ,.-- .. ·······.'h-:· "" . .-.' -. "",,' ··.:h: '. ~":~'I'" . '., '1'- ' .. d',' kJ" '.- ,oji' ··i" '.' 'IFI .•. _-t. ·'1 .. ' I

.ro-e . ·e _.e wasc_._.en" ,Ie, ,a. ,en un.: ... ,.el,n,wu,r.e .n~ •

D··:··,··.,.. O'~"8;'11 II; """ , -.' T "'f':- b'" ".'-: ."': ,'~t' ·t,)-· .. ·-:·_· .. ,'-, "H" ":~I" .", h' ~ ·:Ii,B······,

, ·.·as·_.I. ,In. el.n.e·m .lOP .el. ml. -.- e.rer ... ltze· ' __ el ' . .1

'W'·· e"·.:-·r,d!-Ie' :'.In· l,a·:"'ls> s.····e- '0- Die-' As·,· .. ·a·:··C.o· .. 't·'I·lIid·,-·· a·,:··· 'h·' "'I~'n-':" e":· ·.·I~n·-··g~",ri!ifii;b-~ ,e"·c·n··~· '1lJln'" ,d-I

."" " .. , ...... , I. .... _I_'..._ .. __ .. ' . ," .I ... I~, .1.' .'- .. .1,.1.:..:."" _. ".:_'--' ' ... _'='C·._

e- in--' pia-"a,"'r"-:' S-·e··l1l.~"u· 'ndc'n S-)p'--: a"''''I·t··e=:·r d-Ie:·o··:· Kr---:·-'·,·~;e·';u·-z····'iIL ... du'iIi~I!i'm-I·· m-I:··,-··"e· .. ···lls··a- ...

_ , .' ,.'. 1 ,a.., '., , .' .. _,.,. : : . ~.' .. :,', ' .. '. 'J t"J •• '. ' •• _ •• ·_l~I.'."" ','" I, '." .. _ '.' r.:

. . ,

m.en 'uD,d. b,ei Ve'rwe'nd,u.n.g ,die .g,a,nze' Chili,s,c:h.ote



"4,: I

hinzufugen. Alles umruhren, kurz mitbraten und dann das Gelbwurzpu ver untermischen .. Die To ... rnaten zuftlgen und alles bei verschlossenem Topf 5 Minuten 'd,ii:n,:st:e'n lassen, Die rote Bete und Salz un u erruhr en und d"'--,,B',IS-; Gericht aufkochen

._: • '._ 1 _". _ '. J • I I • _ ' J V I' ~'.'_ __.1 _. _", __ • _. _ , .• 1_11_]' _ ,. ' j _" " I

lassen Den TO""",p:- 'f-' versch lielsen und d: as IG"",'C':,:":e".- ':,n~c"·-'h!'t-i'

___ '1.:.', "._~', ., •........ .:_\ I lit·.:.· . .1'[, '_: .. ·.r.'_I····_<.>_ lll·~'·. ~-_,~_,_ '_ II . .:_' ~ ,.~ ... _~.I '."_ .•. _':_·.'t ..... I J ..

bei schwaeher Hitze etwa 1 Stunde dtlnsten iassen,

°8,-8:,':'(.' gut ~Z'U,', ~ -Hi ',a~~'I'lh: nchen ... o .. de r Pleisch aerich .. ten

:1"""' i.", '~";V ,',' ',' ''', ' ," ,,', ,'-', " - '_,'_ " '_-' ,', " .I ... " ",-'" 'e' ",' '--"'- '

mir wenig Sauce, zu Ftadenb roten oder Rei'S

I" _' "'_'" '. "',< 1 ,',,, _ "_'" ~,,_, __ '_,_ , __ ' '_,'_, '_' _",_, _,_, "" __ ."_"'_ "',_, ,I",

25·' ,0""'" i'" c:' J'L,"". ' ": ",'.',.-~ ': ,-" .. ',,,' ',"i"'. - S<> Iz iii 1·' I;f_ ~""'" ," ". / .. ~--:L,'-, .-1··.·-:- ..

, ,g~ nampsgnons '"_" Z .-~' rz I. ee, ~, ,ge,m!Ur,,'f!ller

schwarzer Pfeffer ii' I' E_~nli 'ris'ch, gehacktes oder

'_'l. " ~"_/ ,,*_'.~. _: 'l, ~> . ':,;JJ , .' t"'_ ,dJ'_·!iI J' _ ':. I·.~i~. '~i , .. :- ... ~ ... 1.,:. . ',,!_, . __ -.:.:_. <: _', .. : .. _.

-~ Tee 'I' g' tetrocknetes B' ';nril' 'ikum , I S······,nl.:Ii"", 'I'''O':-;:M

74 J!'I~~ '-, . :~:I~i :. _-.::', : ..... ·_:'I""-I~_It"'II':;'I':': ...... ~- ".' ·u~.j-ii:. :: .r ", ·-~M·_.'·,· "1 i!!i .. · ..... I~J' III r" :',. :Iir:~

I Zitro ne» 1',: Zwieb el ii' 2'~~: Knobla uchzehen ii, 2-:': E?'fll'

........ " ~'!". :'1:...', .'. _.' ··-IJ'r,Il/, [<"', ... '.:., i\f.J·.·:··.··: ,1<·1~ ..... _.j.~ ••• ..:_.,., ••• ,.' ... ':'!lJ I!IJI

geschmacksneutrales Pfl'~anz'elnol~, 1 Messersmtze

•. " - __ .I, ._ ..• ' .. ,._ . ......:..[ ) .• _ .' ) ,' .I,._ ._' ._'_'."" '_ ,;, ' .. '-' . ·r· .. 1 ••

rotes Chilipulver oder Rosenpaprikapulver ~

-" hi K d-

1 Teel. geman ener rcaraamom

• Vorbereitungszeit: 10 Minuten

• Garzeit: 10'-,1.5 Minuten

SOl w'ird,'s gema,ch'l'~ 'D'ie,~'~ C'ha'm'p':'jO"no'ns! 'w'as:c'h,e'n,

...... ~ .. ',". _ . " ._ "_"-- '_'-- _ '. [ . '.' '_. )[ [],_ 'D, ]. ,] .... __ ., .. _., , ,._. "1

'","', '12-"" ;,' ',',,' "b"l ",""",t- :" '-:: 1 ,', h--~ '-,-:-' ':-"'~'d'-I ,,- ,_,--; d'" '~'" ,,'~ '-:1'- S·I-:-; h~"';;''''1 " '-',,'1

p,ue,n"1 ":,,,, ,n." ,sc,_,,_nel,:~ ,e,n unl_, I~n e" n,e·,c_,_usse

", ,·,"b""'''''' ',' M--:·iO't'· S'--=I]-") l' 'T, ,,:-' ,Ai~C' '1- 'or"rr.:,_ 'd"~- ,- B"'-'" "C'" ':~'·I'''' gieen, .. _lB_.Z", U lee_V,I, )J,e ' r,lIJleJ"lier,~~_,e'm, --=-:&SI . .I~

'k ,II, ,,- E-' (3' 'iliil tr' I Z.'jI!, ,-. inC, '!II -'h

,·,u,m SOWle, "1 '~I, O:I:I,e:_, ,~-I,t'r'o:ne'n,s)a"JJ,'t g:u:t m ,sc,,--,'e:D

-,- 'in:,' 'd"1 b •. · ... e.:':I~s-_:,e:''''I'lt,ie ... ·~ ·s.-!"t',e~) )Ie-'''n('-- D'~'e-~ Zw'"!_.e··~··b- ,,..,'11 '-u~-n---;-d' ,dl e",n:-" 'Kn-'-·· .o·b-,"'"""

"~ " ,,', " ,"~ ", ," .' "" ,'" ," ," , ,I' _' , ,., '" _' ,_:_ """,I ,_" ,,' , "" " " " "

'Ia·:"-' 'c':<h' ',-:"C' ,--h· ·a~~II1'e"'n:" u'n'·~'d~- ·s)'e-'h> 'r-' ee'-,"I-"n-"- 'L'a" C,:II~ ;:-'0" '" 'D·"a'·",s··· .O>'~'II ''"11'0'"

.' _' .'U' ,,"_,~, " :St,:", ,,->,11 ' '''', .,,', ,,- 'L ,'_ ,I ~"-, _,_I._' ,Il,I, _' _" _' I\C "I_Iii' ' ,",' _', .' ~" ',_'" '" .

I'e-I~"n"'e'''''''',ml··· "k~.'I,e""'liIlne' 'n:' ~_, 'o-:"'p""r·~· 'b' 'e"':I'"' 'm-I-'~I'"'t"'t-' ,-'r-~'Ic',::-"'''r::. H" ... i!!',·tz···· ,·e.-"J ',h"'e'-I· 'B······ 'W': ,,',"e'-'[",_,

.'.' '_ • ],,] (. '. l l ]'] ..•... "':":' " .• ".' ...... ~l _l~'~= • .l '=i~_: .~~. :..__ '_. _ '._ '_: .. _., ' '. ~ , ], " .. , .. ',_ ..... '

de",·:'.'n-'" I a'·' s······s,' .. "e'·n: , U' 'o-',d"o' d···· ';;'e·~~ Z"'W": '~I"e::b-:o,11 u-'n' ',d"" d'" e,""n' Kn'::,' ····0'" b· "'11· la'UI,c"'-'h'

.,.~~. ",' .":'., .... : ,I, . t, .... " ... 1 •....• _.,. '. '_'''' .. .' _, •......• ..:....:. ·~I _:: .__:, j".':'_' 1 •.. _ .. ~_~ "[' .•.•. ' ..• ",.', ~'.' _l" ':.__~

d.a··. :n::·D' ", g'l-~'Ia,· ',-S- .... ",,'I'"',g,, 'b-/["'a:I'lc:"n" i. D· ..•... 'I~'~ C-'h',a,,"":m- •. 'p .. lilig·,'D' 0.·····0. So,,"~ 'I:""U', .'I'Z.... m-it· ... ,

• ., , • . _. .' l' . '_.' _ .. _ '. ..' '_ __ ~ . _ ,]. l 1 • 1 • • I ~.

. . , ./ ~, ~ .. '

b- '''I'' .,' '-'d' "')-1- ,- ,'. -- d'-', - ','- , Z~), "'t'-'t"'-" -, "h,lli~,- I • ,fi·· .... - -_. D····~·

:r,a,,~e:n unl,~, a, .e an,:"eren-,UI-,a, en, •. ,I,D,ZU,.ug,lc'n,., . - ,I,e

C:hamp."-iigc:'n1ons u,nter' geleg'e'ntlichem 'We'n,d.c'D

"._ -- ~,',' '-' ,-',." - '-' '_ , , " " " , I' "", ' " " - , " ! '_' " , , , - ' ~" ,

.- _

d-,~-~,,·-·,·,·tl--··-··-·· 1- """, ". '" -', b· .,i!!' , '··1 . -~'-:h' 1'- "E·-Ifl'l-';;~i,t:r.'-.:-'I FJl' I-'·~'~:C .':''"'"''

I un,s,,·.en. aSSlen" ... ·I,S n,u,r n,QC '" , ··~.L)_'OI,II,e,c ,_,- .. USS.lg;-'

k 'i -,- b- ~ ,-' ,-' ~'b

ell, 'D,'ng, b,l,ef_t,.,

Pa,"D~···t·· g~r-,t· 1"'r'U!ii' 'F-I·"~,c'c::·h-·'-"'" 'G'''' '''''e--'n~-Iuu oe-"I' .... ''--'-I'n: ,'d:'" 'F-'I!e:·~'Il!i's·-c'--:h"g""ie, 'n"ic'-':',h' "'"'"

, ',' "c~U'-liiE.o"'I,"" "i3' ,,,', ", ','" ,,':.',1:','.,' u,." ".' , ,,', :":""""",:','" ,',_"',

ten :so'wile 'veg!~e'tan- -i!'s-'ic--:'h-~ e=- n G· .. ······.~.·· '.-.richte'D

. . . ,. .. ].. ~". . .. ... _. . . ~[ ". .. ]

I Rol.,

" Zutaten JU'r' ,4',- 6 Personen ~t.

,2,5'O,r Masur dhal (rote Linsen)- 2' milde ,g:riin'e Chilischoten oder Peperoni ~ ~,Te,e:/'i' Gelbwurz ... ,

I'i pulver ~ Sa .. ',: Iz /' ~ I~ z-.~:-w', "I~~,b-' gl·~.. j:~1 Knobla .. ,';c····· :LZ", 'e··,,-h-- ·e':n····· ~

.. '. ~[.,r~. ' .. ". _ .. '.1.' , ' .. "., .. ~!. "'"~"" .'" ti I ,'.' ,.·,111. ]14". rl· r ' ._ F ,_.".'

j Gewiirznelken ~ ,2 Kardamomkapseln ~,

I Zim tsta ...... · nge 'Ii 1- ';12/',:_ Butterschm Q":; Iz oder ,G/';"',"h'·· ee

_ .E_ , .'liI... _ ,_I ! "> '." . '. "DJrI' .. !I! .' _ . i .. 1 ~. iF ,ILJ. Lr,'1 . .' 1 .. )1 It, '" ' "'.' _. 1_,11P-1', .

oder ,g:eschmac#CSne,IlITta,l'es Pjltl'n,zenol'

SOl wird's ge'malc','ht" Die Linsen verlesen in ein

.s, _:... '._. . I,] '._ • .:._ __J' .. '. , __ ,~,! .';_1,"""':' ~ '-.' .... .' 'I , 1·' .. ·.'.· ~ " .. ' ] ] .... ) '.'.: :'1 .. _;~ ._.',:,_",_,_,

;:1 '-0" "B'::";-"-"'s" s..:~- b od '.-'':-1' - _,~' -, 'D'" rch ". chl "I"" ebe ,,--, md

grr - es Sier ooer eir en ,I .. urc rsc ag geoen uno

- fl' Ii, Itl d- 'k I W' , h 'i'

unter '_'i:elJe:n~_:,em, .'8 tenwasser W'8S,C ',~ en, bis das

1 hi C'" ." _ - !iii - hi _'.. b

i at daufende Wasser klar b'l e'i bit - Die' C::'--J' rse .. ~. Dilen

I . '.' ",_" - . '.' ,I • . - ':'_ - '. .. ' .. - -' - " ~ _:_ - ,. -' - ,_,-' II' :ii' ',_- ..' . '-_-'~"~~' .. --- -' ':._-,. ~ ....

, '0' "'·d' 'er' Peperoni wasch e m v on S':t'lIIPI un I,d .... , K::' ern ne D'"

'" ,,", '" ,J ,- ",,: _ "",'_, .Ii ',j' e _"_,'. --" "':-::.1",, " .. 1_, ,:_, -: .. , "II.'1IIiii!' , , ";_,=,_:.,"'" ""::__~'_" ,_,,": '

bef ""","' ... ,,- und '1::=, """h-"'-b,iiI'".-, ',,-', "-"D~'··L-"'!IO·-·,··, ···· .. "1

ee reien uno tangs ~,a,_ .. ·.il,e,rle,n"" .1 _:__:_··I,e ,--.lDSe'n, mu

I %, 'I Wasser in einen grolsen Topf geben, Das

~ ,0· ielb -·",_w,,,,,"~''-U'- rzpulver d··': i;IQil C·,··:LlliI'I"I""S'"c=~',h" oten od er p ....• p :···e···'r--o',·"','n" :I~

".. ~"" ," _'" . ," .,II,!I!i..; JI,I" . "." '. ". ....,. '~,_:' ...

." -,,- 'd- :S·.'- '1-' - -.' ,c- - ,r..u"'~· , .. ,". . I" d d '"' ,", u -:- I' ,::;-' "'-"'I-"C', '" .. ;-, - ",1- '- " ' "" it

unc xa Z zurugen uno 1: __ te Lmsen un er geregent-

lichem Rnhren 'b,e,j grolser Hitze aufkochen 181-'

D di Hi d ill d'- d' T f'l

1 :s,en. ,a:n,'D, .. ~ .. Il,e .,' utze 're"~ U.zler'e'n un_'~, .•••• ~!Ie:n, ,I,Q'P I'

ha 1- b 'z'", 'U' d-' le-'c,~,'·'k- < e,-:'n"-' D···.···. I'i!i' Ie' " L- ,·1~ r'IiIl s.-"'e, .' b'" ·e· ,,(iii ~S'·,\C", ·,:,h-:~ "W, ,', '::',·a-:c'~·b' , e::_,"'r~ H'--- '--:I'~ t~~

I ' .. \ '" .. I .. _ - _I .' ~ '. . ... _:'....:: .' ' •. _. _ "~ _.... '_ • _ '.] [I] II :_ I·.. . ... ' '. .' [', .'.. ,,,,' _ . _. '. __ . _ " . " ."" • I~,""'l

1 3"1'0"-'" 'M" "I"~ ... t'" ,- k li'~' ··-L....-.'I,--, ]- '1 ,,' • 'I' .. _ d- -'1-- Z-~' ",~'", :h' I . - .

, ,~: _>01 J.Du .. e',n ,_,:..oc'rrt::_,n ,as's,e,Di' '. "n 1'_e,r',WI,SC, ·.,eo-

:-, ::-::i!it' d"'-'-',:"' """', Z"'_' ",,"':, 'b" ,'I' .':"'h-I--X)-,,' ',-:', " "-'d'-'- :'""'::-- IS~,;t-"re·· '"!'£"e""'D' ~c·-'~'[I-, ..... a'I'"'-

,z,el_,:I,e ." WI'e<e, . .sc,_. ,,is, en, u,n, I,n, -'J~_ .:1.1.1_-" ~-;IHU,II..,., I,-

d D"'~ 'Ko" ': I h- 'h d' 'd"oi"~ - _ d---iil"k--

I ' le'nilile -"-I 10- ,a'c,_:~-ze, ··'e'D I.'~ ,u'rc:_ .• ~. :Ie: ,r,l-,~sse, ~ruL~,·

1: 'k' '(' -, .. -:', 'D'-"~ ':c, 'G>' "',"-' '" .'~, -'. --,',' ",)'k-'-:c, ,,,,-:,' d'~ ,'i:~, K"·:' ,:' "d I ·'--"_k'-."-'--"p·-:-c:'lIl·,n-"

I _,.,_:._Ien.,~,,, ··.Ie .<_:_:.Icwu,rzne, '. en" .. Ie "air -,amo~,--,~,a,,l[. __

d d Z'''' '. iii! lL •• 'II!iJ '~! 'b 'F! te'

'u,n, __ ,~_Ien, >"i,'m,l, , 'n e:'I,ner' a.lI,e,_nen, Fla'n,,-e o~~_nele.-J,

W:'_"-_'o·· ~iS" 's'-' c·' 'L,,-, 'e,,'I'I· ue':h"t'e""'" 's'~o~11

co_:, 1,,-"-,1 '!Jll, .'., ''''1''''' :_,: ,~ ..... '--""

k - - _ -,-- "-, d'·~ . G""'-' "- ,,,-,, ",~, --"-I-'IL,.~n-" d-te ':-K··-:-,g'rda

,~a:n:n, m"a'n '~e:,ewurzn,e .. ~:'i ,,~),I,"~: ,\u __ ,~<_'f!!!I

, ,- -',' - - 'k-' "-,- ,- -, ,.-;-'1', ,'I"~ '," -~"d' 'd":' ,.' . i Z .. """oil-1m, '" ,t"s~"C,'a:- ·n··loe· :a-=-I'uc"":'hl m,om,_c,~:a,pse, n un:._ .' ,Ie~. ",' .'~ -,,' Ol-~-~<:_-'

,- 'ii, 'k - d-'iii' ",. -'h"-'

,ga:nz,sen,~ ,~ S,:ie':oD.n.'e'D, •. '- ,;I,eses, '_:_: .· .. :n,c .• t

,a··· .u"c'-' .~. 'm:"""I'!'l-" 'h·~r'ko~:'mmliche'n, 'Li'n,slen ,ausp--'ro-

.~.l I. __ .:~ ,] [ ] ._ ~ _' L!!!"___,i • • ._. •• ~

'b'Ij;'e~--'re-'-< 'n-:' - D·liie",,' ,G·······, 'arze'i't bet.racW d,a;n'D etwa

. '. _" I ]l ]!II! ,I. . _. (J I . ~ . - - _ DI,--"

1 S;tu,'nd,'e~ Di,e L'i,ns.e'n ,soll,e:n g/a-~, a,her

k,na,c:k.i,g se'in~


b I.. i'tt1 -H=1i 3-' 4 Mi - 'k

et mrttlerer Httze '~I" .:>_ muten trocken an-

I.'~ I bk_j<iI"L,111 - - '111 - .. - "-. nd dann ,~. - _ ·_'t·· .

rosten, al]_:_UII,IUen ,)las·'sien U'D,:_, oann ,ICI.n zersto-

11 --- I. 1"-':" .... :~ -: '.'-"" --:- ---: .,--.:-::. B~"" ,-- - To" of d"~' -'--:-, 'F"" ··tt·-·- -' bei ,-.- .. :- ittle

,e:,n.~-' .J.D emem g,(OI, en ropr aas " e,_ _C,I, m re-

-- - - H"""- _.. "b .'''' fl ". d 1-=-- --~-.-- " .. - ,,---, d .-. d I,'''· z-/··· .,~'. -b' ·,11 rer '--- 1 nze ,_I,"e'I,Ll w,e'r,_- ,e'D ·as,s'e'D, um .me e: wieoer

und den Knoblauch d arin hellbraun anbraten,

._~l I I' J ". ~ ... It I ",~. l __ .. _. • __ ' ._,_l, II _. II J • I ... _ J.. - -.- .. ----

'Die' zersto"Be:ne:D, Gewtlrze d azugeb en, und -.- Mi-

'.' te unte ~ ·R"·'~lh'·'· .:. 'b-"·- ·'· .. te .. · '1'-:"""""=-:"0-- 'D··-~e·- "L' insen nU,I-,e u,n' ccr . ; U,- ,f,eo_c:lra -,en ,as,se,,_.~.~, _/,~. -:-t '-~-- '~;

.. -. -. - . 'R' -' •• - -'~ ·-t-I - '.' ,,'!,. , .-. - -,'~- ···h't,,·'1! - ., . ,·d·· '-'''---' 'Z-·C .. " ,:"" .. ··:Ib-···· '·1 la-:· .

samt .1 ,u,sslgeJ.t, V'O'[sI.C. 11.8 .. ZU, uer ,/-,WI,e, se - .. e-

, ,'"':," 'M'" Isch .,-,:-,- - ... '. '13:,"'--' -". 'I' '--. d·'" , - '_-.': -'. _._110.' hn "", 'D-·'· 'I'~I -'. L' .'!., .~.

wurz-_:l1scu,n"g, gie sen uno umru ren, ,I.e Lm-

d k· 1'-'10 "M' "iii te - 1- - -- nd ah

.-. -, _-- ·-:-l.'_ .... ', .. ;" r'l :" '1'···· '. ,", .... " '1"'1.' '1""'1 '-I '-',',:. ,"1",-,':' 'I' ',. (,.' ....

se:D zu,l,e eckt " ..... .c. "I,n,u. _:0 garen ' &ssen un, . ,a, ""'

- -·h·-1. .- .. -. ken

:SiC .~: mec cen.

D····-···, -",---:,D:t·-- dazi ,~ .. du .. msteter D-'i!,-~, Fladenbro .. te

,,'as~ plaL1I~ .. az,u'iil ,ge-- - ,nS,le"er ~eIIS,,. ,r',.~. ~ ,, __ -r,,' -~l

IC'-'h-: ·0· tney 'S-· u md ind Ische PiI .. ickles

. __ '_" ._ ..... _,I __ •• ",_ " ~l ~ ' __ ' l.. ~. ,r"

2- 00'- .' U' -, drJi' I' ( . Li OJ, )- 1 Z·"· '" b I'

I' '. " .. 1 .. ~. ,,:' .. """'-. I·~. - , I·' :" ... ~ I ~'; .. ~ 'Ii ":, ,-' -:'] '. ':-.) ,'. I,J.:: ,I~' r. '.:. /. ) " .Ii! .. . .. < ..... t' :':' 'I' .:._ '., " ',:. ,I iii

, : ~.g , (lsu,r_ ,a roteL IIsleH; .. · ···-W,le~· e -

1 K:'-::-' -, ';-.6' :., -., --:-11' -. ;- .. "... 1', 7]~--'-; "-1" G"'- ',' --:-l'b' ,-. -- ,-, - - -- .. - ,'.'- -',.- -

.... '. \ ,~IJ:. " 1"""'1.1 ~'II! i :?-O,' .... ':"'. '.' : :D_'D_: 'ill I._'.;:~~·'. "l"I1 .. iJ ~"7'l1~;I!'1i,J,:Qr" ,ii,

, ,,11',1:" __ ._. "_"l~'_ ~'~I .. ~ ,,~'L'. _ ~l .. P.·~lIJl~r-" .lrL

,1 Tee;l,., ,trisch~ ,geraspIll"e .lng-werwurzel (s'iehe'

S ,~- 6-'-~" 1 7]--" I' R---::'" '~ka' I S-" l

1<··-;:· .. ···.>· . iI" iii :.< ~ .. ~..,' :". -· .. ~,.I.'; .. ,:.:"' _ ~-' .. ~ I .. > -,~~·.- :.- ,,) ~·I.~<.. '. _ .. , ~:; ........•

_ ,erIe:, "ee_... ..100enpapn __ ,!pUi,p,er ,arz

,jl(X)'o;firiscli,er Sp-':.~i1Jia·t ,ode, ,3100 :p tie,i"oe'*ro'reH',er au"1:

.. .. Ib, _ _, ."_ . _. , .... :, .1. -" . _' _"_" _., !."_ . lei ,I. ·:I'bl -[~" " ... ',-' - .. "_ "--"-".!I~

gA't-ntti'.'..tI!. B·····'n't· 't-"~nl~'n·-·n"'., ,14 'T.'sl·· O'D; ..... a!-h;',-,~Q:".:., , l(;,g"';I~if ""y: ~r' I ' ... ,; - .72'" t;.,'I:,i., iii .0 ~,riflll '.' .'1 ,1;1:;.;1,111;.11

X'QFt-dalmom' ~ 2 ,~~l'~,fieste, ,Jo!'!h'urt'gi:ehe Tt" Se'i-

rI~l I. 0' ~ ~ ,r

- :~'C)' ' .

.Ie J')I.

VOfr1bere'itungszeit:: 101 'Minutle'D

• Garzeit:: ,501 Min.ul'e!o

So 'win:l."s se'ma.cht.::, 'Das Mas:u,:r ,dhaI verlelse:n,

"W" ''-a·:·'s---·ic-'-:h· e'n'-- :b··,"",-s d"I'8-' s····· ,Ila'--::s·-·'·se·'r' 1!~la':-"r' a-lb"la~~I--'-~t, un· d'i '3" 'b-··.-t·'-"r-o'··'-p:···

..... _j':",.' :" _- ,> 1,_ .. :_:, 'n-'- __ ~:l;-' __ I:_' 1\.,' --"._-_-, :--U,J.'I_-, ,-.'--_;,-", __ ---,:c'-_--: ... ,

'fen' ·Bsse:D, .. 'Die~ ,Zwi,ebeI u,D,d ,d,e:n. Kn.ob'~.a'uch s,c,hilen. D,nd. b'ei,dcs ,srob·bac:k.en~ 'Das M:,3Sur d,h,ai

.'~], --' '- .-'!!! -':. I" '-"1''-'' .'-,.' :-- "--'-"'B~:I' ." T,I"-f:- -', ·-··b-~·" -' ". -:." 'Ik..-- -.- '-"" . '. -. -,.- .---:' '.-'-- :-' .'1''-1_'' 1:'1," .. .'- .. ' - ..

1 .. 0,,n. ,gro'cC,,]e,n. ,IO,P.c· g,e:en, :D,a,pp ml" y"ass'cr

be"-d: lie·-c··.'II-re, "8 UI'n- ·,·d-· d~' le--" Z/W'" ·,'·tli·e·;b-·,··e·-",I- I'd~'-e':" n I:l""_·o·'-'-'b--··'I-:a<· , ·c- h" . :-~ ,d::-'

.. ' ' .. , .l&..-" ._,1,..1.. .'.1.' ... '_" ,,>' ,. '__. In..I_''' ,I __ } I,_.D,.·, un,:

rd"- "'1'" '0' >. -- 'Ib-- 'i' .. ,!' I - .. --~.'---- 1'1-' .. ,-- - ·d-I.·· =-:--,- - 'b:-' .-' -:- 'D- -,- .... , --.-, M-'" _.- '--::--1'--'-'] ,-- .--. d' '-I'L"-=-I

.. ··as,e' ,wurzpu, .v1e.r .' 'laz,uge"~ e:D,.. .as .1.: .. as,U.r, 11,8_

';;'Imi- h-- a·_- 'I-L] ·b··e·' d···· le"'c':'k- -'·'·e-·--··n- ~o"" IP:" "f-:-; b'- "'Ie~'t ~,t"'!!:I'r- '11~e' r-'-' H."'lIIl~itz~-,, .. '3I'U,_-fk--:--..._,,·O-,:-'·-,

,ill ... 1, .' .. "ID :_'._' -_', "111.~- .. lll_:,~, _._:-:.I. ~._IQ.! Ii",_ .c.___;._: _ . ~-1!1;;;0 ( __ ,,_, __ ,_::,,_.

,.-~Ih-· ":::-", ,,---. 'I .. ' c:.<'_.,',-.,.' i!! ·d- ',-- -'" '-.,' d--·· - '.-'. ""Ir: - '. - ---:- l":....1-. __ l~=-II- .- .. 'by --:- ... '-:- h-'- -,-- "--_' , --:

c,_, 1,le,n ,_,assie,n,~, I ann .. ,:en. J[,O,p'.IUec.I\JC,._ ,a'cc'D.e,,,.

'lim-' --""ru-";~"'h'~ 'rAn-' d····-D··· 'I·O'O'W;'·_@';r'·d'-,as·'-"--:1 R- ·····o·--··s::::@o-,:-·P----:-·,.--- -'---:"n- !1'!!O'·a='p-'-··'-u-·I-·v" 'e~:r---

'.-" = .. , -"I'~·" ," .' _lii.;!', ,., \Ib' '. ~:!t.I '~.'- "__:_' '-'< '. _::_~-' " :'- -,:;-' ".L__,:- t·' " -' .


I und Salz unterrahren und ,dJBS Masur dhal im geschlossenen TO:····p: ···r: auf seh ·'·W·"', raeher H ·:I~·tz--~-· e etwa

I ~·',_,,_,_.C__'.~1~'1!ilI' .. 1--, ''''""''--'--- ,1'- __ ':'-.':_"'_" ,i,'lI" ,_' __ - - __ -" __ ,_.~,___', ,c____:. , .c._'._ .' ' .. ,.' .::.:

, ,40'·" 'M····-: inuten kochen lassen bis sich ,d:-'I~A 'IL·· .. insen 1"10-

... _" _':_.l _1,11._ " ,,_-',,_, 1 __ ,_': .. _:_. _. __ .,_.1 I II: .. L~l~_.ll.,,), .. _ ....• ...:_ .. ...::_.,:__._ ... :_.:_ '_:_'_:._~I ,_',_:.__:~~..:.:..__ _,~,,:._. _

einer breiahnlichen Sauce auflosen, • In der

I Zwischenzeit den Spi nat waschen putzen und

.i ~t.einschDeide~. J?en Spinat in d":: kochel.nde Linsensauce einruhren und gar d'U'n:s,ten'~1 Das dauert etwa ,8, Minuten, Den Kardamom und den Joghurt hineinruhren und das Gericht noch

2- ']- 'M'I'I'i'DIU':t",e"'t"!Iil k-"'Io'''-~,-c-'·''-hle''-'In:' las ise ·0'" • 'H- ',e-·:tIIB~I', se rvie re n

I l"'/ ,",_', "I II ",' ",_.'_ ,ILl; l" .. ": '-, '.~", ',.'~ , " I_ t , -.1: --<-,",' J, "iii, /'.3. _ .. :, ~ __ Y,' ., -:. iI!'

I-p S-·-'i' .. k .,ii.;j; " dies - 'R'I ~ t

I_I' -,:I,e, ~'··,o!nDen, .. ···lese's ,_,>ez,ep'

h ' .. - d 'I.... ') d '~"'bl- II! b L'i'

a'uc··· mlt'e::o, merzu an_ .. e 'lIJ\,.cI:C::I:cn . ~:Ins,e'n

zubereiten doch erhalten Sie dann ein et-

d G" :- i!!! 'hi '-\l' , d 'S" Iii, -. ~.

W8--: ., -,~I'I -, ... ~ :-" 1_:'- ' .. '---- :- I,' '- . '_,i ---. ~:.',- -, ': .. -:- _ .. ::', < i'l " .

asan eres ·,e,n,CI, t .. ,. erwen ren _-Ie 250 g.

. Linsen und garen Sie diese in ~,I Wass;e,r' etwa 1'- Stun .. ide '11'ao--'O' Die "L' insen ~'o"""IIAn:"

~1 .', ".. • s. ,1. __ '._ . Jt, • ~,~ ,I.I__:_ __ ~ ._.<_. _ ' .. ~., .-!, I '~' .. '.~_., II[ J ". ::1_, I~ ....

ni ch 't·· ,':- , --.~ ch -;C-' ,.,--,-- I·d·--- .. --,-.- --:- --, och kn ' cki '.. '-, .'"',---:-

,"-,-J,e -. w,ele,,_, son,I~_.ern, ,n,oe.,'. '_-" 8}C,.· 'Ig S,e.lD""

1'1 --:- ,·'· ... '·:b·,1 -''',- -- ':'. :. _-.- !, - :'. :---:., - __ -i- - ·d·:, , .. =_'.----:-- -S'?"',~ Id··· ,~ -, -'1'1.." -'-, z_ ..... , 1'- ... ,

~m. u, .. ' ,n.,g,en verwe"n, __ .e,.n, __ I,e _ .leSe!1uen, ~~u-

ta'le==:n w-"'-"I" e'-, :~u~'~' f' d- -I";,e, : r- 'O-::il",e·-,·- ···D'-,::- L-- ';I~ 'n--l s'·'·e·· )'n:

___ ~ _~ _ I r. l "_" I 1 '_ II _ ,_,~ _. '_.' __ ' ,,_,_~

: !

1 -I' .: ml

B,i"l:d-' '2'--'- UI --. -'b- - '1- - -- \-. ··"'t' '. , /,1 ,Ill _!. /'''i' .' m s,c .11, .:a,gsel,I-,er

Di:!ese'r Sa_,at wie ,a.u!c:b ,a,n,d,ler,e J'ogh,u,rtsa,),atc: od,e'r Jo,o'h'lI,rt. w'e'mien in 'klelnerD,hen ;alsi n-e'·", ·-·l'_ra ....

_ ----,D ,-_ . -- ",_. - _- , .. , "_,,, -_ - - ... -. ---. __ , - ~ '-' _ .. -D, - '_-'

1I1·'s:'~le- dr-·-e·-···o·- d- e·'_-' S· .. ·:!p·,·;e·-':II~iS:,·--,e;n··1 '~w.''':'I~s·.,-I:c'':'hle,:n''- ,O·.····.··'-:ol'n··· D'e,~-'nl m···I·t"',-" ·wu,'~'··rz- .. :I:·"'"

I ,II, -,:I[ __ .,.~. ,1_-. - ., .. __ - ,L, ... _ ,-_- .. ",_----" __ '. _ u,-'C__'e"-'-'-' ,.' ,.c _ ._,,_',_".",

.. .. 'G" --- - ~ .. "hi .- ... . . ..~; 'h' t·

1-:: I ", .'. :'1' , ., ,. . I "'1 .' .,' .!" ... -' .:, .

,gen, <c_' e,.nc. I" .ten, g,erellc, ... '"

1- S· . 'Ii - ,_r.. S--I: 1 Z' .. b I l' fi f/i-' .'-,

G,ar-.Urlte '*, ,-Qf,Z .' '""',,ee,'" ,"este rel:e

I.:', .... ' .. 'I'~OI ... ,.: ..... ' _. _ .. l.. " ·1.·.·: ~ ..... :.... . ~ ...... : .. :.,1 ", I '~"",_.>:~'

''''Ji1''.''' .-'.: •. '-. ·t,,·· , • 2···· B-'," __ ;.L : .•• ' ,f. I. '~' , 1'·j~'O·', ·)·'14"::: i-·_:t>,'··~-' ,r ",11-, "-., .. -:, I·.·~ :

,;,oma:,e, -- ,.)lec"erl(,zuJe, : ..... -: g, .. ,l!s,.er.,o.g.·,U,Il. II,s"e-

hi.,' -~~',--- S····· .~Ii".nl 3'5'~ ~ "-. E7!,IlJ '~'~II "L '.. -L .' ·k'--·,'-'·'·:- '-',,1 K' '-'.-:'-'- .. :,," '~'. ,",

,e ,~JP I,' el:~ ... ),--.'.1 ~I _ 4~"IJ'ruCn g,enQC_,_es . ,····,on1an,-

_';" . , - - - , - _i ~- -~ d' -' .. -, I n - ", -, - ''"'l: ~ - ,I:L '7"!' -, -I" .',' '.' '. 1..,.. I····

ulerglU,n ,o,~,:er lIe,er:S"~il~~' 72 ,6.e:e._:'!I' ge,mat:'.len,e"

Kreuzkiim~m,e:/' ,~; 12' T:e,e:l~i .R.os,enpaprlhpu,'JJ,'er'


Zubereitungszeit: 10 M:in.'ute.n.

'U "U"~I h lzeit '=' t- 'S:-','I-(-U- n ide

~ _-_. ~ ,I_.LI,._., I " .. ~:!IIl I, ! .. : ._. ' .~_ ],_ ,_. . __ !, '.

SID, wird's gema!c.'h·t = Ie G'- -r"-I~e' schalen und der

'", . "." .. . .... I I", '." . J J. "' .. I I .~ IWl l" . " " I'J l <, .... I ,,_,' !~._.L~ ~ / 0_1 " .~£ . ,I " I. [

'I ,N'D'D'le' naeh halbieren und die Samen ausseha-

~~ Jl~" ., ,' •. J ~ I, I • _ j', " __ "'_'ll ',_/l_,_, . __ j', _' ,,_ll' . _ .. '_ .. ~'. " ". " .. ". _.I ." _'" I

ben, Die Gurkenhalften in. k .eine 'Wurfe:1 schneiden, in eine Sch,Qs,s,e~:I, geben, mi, Salz bestreuen,

5- 'M:-':""'-'I'~n' "U' ten ste ···h··· .'0· .. ·· I' a·····I~II~I~!n-· und ,d"'~"- '0'" d '1l'~'IA\' FI:' "u,",!iI'~C:I'iilO, ... ,

I I" ,': I '.! . .".">! ,~dlL') I_ ~I 1 L~ ·.~~.,I_I~I "-=-_JIII,"., .~.R._::_L_'_' "·._·_,I_ ~ ,_: _" '~_]~laj-e,

k ,... b llil 0 'D'~ ·Z ~ bel ""')- d"1 .'-.' ,I' 'h"'

. r .. :11' a·- '~',g.lilie···· sen ·'I·e-:/:,·-" .'1·: ;S'~C~I" ': ~'nr·. 'II,il'DI- . 'A'I-IO"I'I-I, ,' ... ,

·~lI11" I " 1'" ..•• " _,'il, .' ~ [ !i! I . "_ I .. ' I l~" ~ fl "" .. _I I. _ ~I I_ !!IIiiI11_1_, 'I_~. '. • l'_' ,

. , -,. - h d'i ,- S'- ," -

L',Qij,O---:- e-': TO-'~; 'm-'~ 8> {-i'e···~ W',' . 'a' !E'C.·- , .• ' ~'n" 'ill'iliin-- "'-; 1-: A---::- I,ct'~i-~ De.'·, ansatz

,1\.1!IIi;,;;l. ,~, _ .' ,I I,.. "I, ' , " : '~" "~'" IU< ""'~'" _'~" '~_' " ,,' r , I~I

1-::-' ";'-'-:-':'1' eh .. -., ,-, "D":~' -, --. ':," -~I'I'I'· kJ':" .-., .. '~', ,-".' ,~~I,J!.,- .. ,- - .. '-1'-1"-' d , . '--:-""""1'·

,B,U.SSi cc_:_en,~" ··.Ie, .0" a,l.e, ,'. ,ell" WU£I,e, ,n, u,n, .. · , m~_-,

d G k d Zwiebel d S '12

I er t "U'--·Ift .. ner ','w'le _~I-< un 1".1;'0: vermenaen.

_'"-._ '_,' __ !!I!!!I_- _.,~ - I_ ._.'_" __ I"._ .. "._ .. _ ""_. I . _ ." _ ", .. _ II 1._. ie _.1 _.

"'0':- 'm;- l-' IO-::-·.I:<h,-·rt-l- e W',. vorhan e I e '~'i DSS'i'I··i teit abaie-

''¥'I._,. __ J,_. _.·._ .. · .... 'r-._'"-'._" ."_ -,'"_ " __ ) _ .". "._' '" l~ll!. I. I "._.' I '. '1111,_:' ._. 1_ '_'_'<'-·:8·-"'-·

. '-

D ','.:.11" - "D','e:: "'n': -Jo,--;-.'LI, .. , -- I'-:-',"''=_-' I I',· ~-::-I:-' G: ,-"-'~e-···. -Tom iate '0"" ....

_ en" .. ,I "., ''-' , _JUIU, ,. un ,e,r. ,as,. ur /1 I, ,1,11_ .. t ,,_ •. _ '

Gem '1'" ~:C'-I~~' '" ru r h ren D- .•• ··a··· · 'IIC G "a··:'ln-I-Ili~"e·~ a Ib-~Ic.-:'- - mec I, ~.' .. 'U]- old':

~'I' II iIi:Ii"".'-. l _ 'I II ~1_(....1~1 .' _:._lQ". " .. ~~ .~." 1."":.' .. ~J" I 1 h '"".'".1 > .~. iiI I ." I

'1 "S···,lt- , de ,!iI, ':-K';'-'~ hls .... :-h" -,. 1-- 'k-'::c' zieh 1':- 11 •. -:-~,.j-, .. " I. '"

" I ",i un,'le 1m ,.u,' ,. SIC, r,a.n, _~, zl,e._, e,n .,as,slen~, ·.ar

d S" 'III d 'K-'- ,,," d'-' .. ~, d'- Pe~' '!Ii'

e 'Im:;I' Servseren "':~ as <.,o'-n-:,:D: ergrun oaer ......•. tersr-

• II I "_ .. _.'1 I _ ",_ ""_ I I ._ . _-_.' .' 1:!!!J __ ._~, __ ._ '_ D- ". ' _ .... __ . _ . . .... I I I

'I-:~'- -:-- - 'Kr"'--', .. , "k-' .'.'~', ,-. -., ',. "'1- ,-,-. - .. d'" das 'R' ,: .. "-=-,'-::-"'- ~"--""-:C-'" ." -'~"L·,.-,-,.

_lle~, .. ···en.l,el_z .... __ "m,m.lc_, U __ ,,', I~' ,as .~~Io,s'e,n,papn .. a.'-

P~'u"~lv'~:'r' -s:':',e·,-·'·'m-I ~o'~""nn' · .. ··I~g·", ID·····.d'~e·-···r· k,·,··r'e;I~·I'~A,;rm-r·····' .. I,Q' 'u·,;Jbi'.,e~·'r-=. :d:--e·~·D'-··

, . ' - 1,'. \i;i' . __ '" ·1, ',:_',., , " H .~__ :":" _·_L. --L ,_'_' ... _.'----' ... ,llu - ='- ",D _. ,,'. '.. __ ' .. ,.

J' .. c:: '.1 :-.-., • '11'-' .... ,. I· ··t·· . 'I'·, -' 'I'· " '" .

OD u· I ,~~I ,8,:· . S,·"'; :re.·· ue,;n,~

D ". 1 a~l" I ._". _ •• _. _ 1 II l~

II I-il

Ci, ,- G'- .. '~- h'-

uny' ". -I '. '-'le' 'nr .'

__ "!!!!!!!J ',. - •.. .:__.'. "'I!!!!!!ll I~" I"

I" .' - ._.

'D •• ·-ii~'s:~~e··:~i ·V·.·,·· "D-in-~ ""e'~ 1::'I .. t.-::-'n'~'e-;1 -- D'n'--' d':~' 'N" i':I~'C··.·h- ~ I'I'--V'i__::__:g' ,·et' ','a, ··'n'~e.'.'m·-; '.

,__::__,I,',"" __ . --i:J "._," - 'W'!",I ,,:"" .... \, '.', I _ ''','_' u ... - .. --'-:."- ..... ':.:.-',,:1' .... , _, ,I ...... ,

gl.ei,c'h,e'rm.'aBe:n g;lescL ,i.tzil.e O'cri,lch'l: ,iSI, ,mit et'w',BS .'Z·""':e-ita'--':,,- D' f:wa,·"I.'n" d~i tjl'lc_,:'r---'-u., -:,' ~:n-I" -. 'a~' r·····e'~----= le·:··~·s:: 1-0' --~(- ,'iCll:~,C:-'h- ,- ····:S':I

I _ .. _ .'. _ . _. I _ _ _". ," .' ' •. "" ,'~" ". ~ "" I~ II, I. " • I. _"". _, J !13. ". l 'I , • _' .'

Ic,l.n:m:al Bo;SZU,P -I,ii,le'~~n,~ ,~'.'an,lc'~,·m,al. 'werd.en ,d,~',e:

F-nilO,s-' 'c·,-~'h-I-,k:".,a~'ls',~le·.:w' ',""u'~~ '~a:I-' '-U'- -~--: Ig,e-,b----:-,'r;-'-:,-'.n'·-:- ~)Ii ,d·'~ e, "r~ '~c':-: e'_~t,n_.-_·

-,,--', '-'-"'- .' ." '.. I~I.'~ , '_' ",0 / "'i. .I,.. '. ,jjLIU, ._ ,_, 1.11_

'S'a·· ··ru'-.ce':~~ "'Ie~ ·De~···b~g'n-

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I ",o.l!'W;,i_,_, .,~. ~.W"lr6;,.,""i.J!:_n"_,,_ dil_ ·_I.~ >', .. ,~. u::/" ··u_\~, .

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7':4 .. J,'rJ!'!uf;n.,e· ,.II:. ··,U, ,I~,,' r"'I~'~ . H~ ,>:__ '>n,~, __ ,

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Toma ':·'11" ... · ·O··,I.·d,;':.., .1'- Dose- ~OO·,'.··/ 1:1' e.··· .. ',','~,I'iII;,O,·.·'~'dl'~: .. g":."~.i .. ,,d

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, 8'~laz.:,·."-UI ber .. Il'" 'I' '.' I' "01 '0' = 4·'/ .. 5-1 . ',;,--,u' "~!n'-I-:-,

aa~ . ~\ " .'1 ._.I .. _ ] IDl ~ I'. I,ll. I .' !

Ru- 'L'le,'~Y --::-;;;:'1' 'rf~'~" -' den I 111"' 'J-i ~I -."~ 6'···"1iiiiiiii' ·8::" S-,-;Icu, 'In'" d e .~··n- .

,._ .,1,1, .~~II~~l" ~ JI III. II UC;:, "_' ~~aL I!I' ...... ~.'_:_ "._.'"_:_II _' " __ • _

o . od le "'-r'- 'uJi~"'b' oer 'N-··· ;', c--'h"- t-·

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-S,··~··O;'I wird's gem '8' "c':h-I-'II"~ 'D· •• ··.·e-,-' '1- ;il~C-~h·· '/,:r,;i~le···' '., l·a::lc·~:lhl ~liii!II\ ....

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feinhacken - D·.'I!'e.·:, Knoblau chzehen s·.··,c',-.-~'Lla'~·len 'Dod

111~.. 11 "" .".. "".1 I 1,.1 "._.' _1'. __ • _. __ l.. ._ '_L_~ ]~I, "_ ...• ,1] Ii .. ~ '_.'. " __ '] _._

du rch d-' 1,1i;1~ Knob .. ·,·I· a 1 c-::~'h·" presse d rneken I. 'D··'a":I~. 'i'11e··'·'U·' ':

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,_'L£,-~ ,_, ,,,",, ,N __ "lii;i.l.,~ ,J.~_ __, __ ,_" , _, '_,_, , 1_ /... ao. 'n'1LI

"e,-·,·I,·d· 'a:,,'-:n-'~'n' 1 v·'·:··,o··'nl 'a~:'I'lle-n- ·S'e'~····I~I'llil!' '. g:"·'o····,,ld",b-·, ··a'UI·'o'-·· b'-!"I'r"a-jt'--',e~ln~' ·d-a:'·,iio'

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DI~ e····: ,i:"e' :'n- ''':" o'!~b'-·· 'r--',a' 'il'- ~'ne-:n-::- '~I'n,-I~ ,s,~· 'c'--_--~;h-'~' k~N"S' 'e- W··· '·:or' '~e·' .. :'-I a·,'" 'u-I':f' I ,c· ·'I·'n~·n· .

,. 1,1- . c,lle ,ei"""';",; '_:_'" ,1IIiiio'1!1,. ,';' -:,,' _-- " "'_"'_--" '._, ,.rl, 'I. ,. _ ~ _., . ",_,_,"",_,-.

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., d' '-8 e b-' d- h-L '111- '1'- 'b- ,

i:n.~,as ,;,:r,ati.-e·tl ge'~e,-,- lin· , ,~ie,lIl se,lIJI-:rajtlecn" .. ,e'n

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.te;. ,Wle,l~se· I ..... 3z;u"lc, ~ ... en,,. '.:__ la./el, "I.a\ .. ,'. ,1-':, U,.D1L".IU, _' .. ,0. .1,0, .. ,

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al iC',~ bei S·· :'1' ·3" rker 'H~' '~I'·tz: ··.::·· .. e a····u· fk ... I '. '0'" ch en ':·3' •. ssen - Dan n

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die' Sauce bei sehwacher Hitze unter gelegentli-

. .h .... , ',". ·:'···"i~'·'h··'·'··· l' O' " 'M' ······I'·-~· te '-1' k r- '·""'·,>.'h·,"'-'I'·:,' '11':" ',.,.-,'.' ',: .-" DI";"

c,em, ,·0", ,ren, ~,' .. ' J~ln,u,~ell '. ,IDe,e: n ,I,asse,n,,, " ··.Ie

Erbsen und bei -V .... ···i· .. erw .. '::i_."·en' dun ig den Zucker hinein-

,I .. I ! _. ""[!i3 _,"~.' I]. l ,,', •..... j __ ", _,_ . '_' '..' '._' ••...• :',' .'. .,' •• _ \! :.'.' ._.:__._,~. . ..... c. ,~.__:,'. ,~ ,,_" __ "_,'.'. :___"-' ,

ru n h' . 'r-Ie- '0:-:-' "U' nd absch .. m .. iecken ach '2:.1-3,11 'M, inuten die

, , '. :._, ,',', ., .. __ l II_ • _ _ '. __ • ". ..::. . ., I [I'. ..,.'. . I,I'I!I!!!I' __ . ' .. _' _I ,_. ..' I lIJ, _ . .,IL~, I'] • . ~ _.'

F· .=,' -'~' ~' hkasewu ,-E" .. '1 und "11 E' :,l)'l,~,~il K< ,.(-~ andere -'~T - .

'-' n.slc_. __ aseWU"I,-,le", un ' ,c_ _~,LJ,_.U,I,I!ellJ "OMan,· ergrun

oder Petersilie vorsichtig in die Sa' ce leaen, den

_ ." I ._.1 I . I ~. ,". 11 [i:Jlil . . ..... ....._:, . .1. ~ ... _. ' .. _~. ,Ii I . 'I .. ..l I. .' '. '!~I l I I, . i'

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,lOP, v'ersCJl.I_,I.e,·e,n D, ,', ... _ .. :. 1·· .. ··· .. ·.·.' .'._' ,., : = .. ' ," .... 1 .... -

'it"-, .~ b ei schw rach e r 'H' Iitze ziehen lassen .1 'D"'gC 'G'-'- ,"'e-:-"-,

ll.:e"n .. ,e,l, I" '-. '.,' " .... ':'." . ".IIL£: ':_:::'_".' :_._,.'. ", "_: .. ' '-' .. "," '."" .. '. ~I.· . '.'

.. ,- ,..~, 'III -- SC h '-';0 1- h '"'" d

richt m eme vorgewarmte Schusse sc ::u'tte'D uno

. ""t· den ':.' -":""l'~~'·,'h-"'-'" -. K'-' " ,,"" .~' .. :,~., -: d·'·- , '. ' .. ' .•. ~ " . .-' :·d·',--: .. , .p ...• et ,~ .. " silie

ml I." e·m rle· .. ·,s:· I,e·:" e.· ·n, .. ··0.··.· na· ,no ·,e··.rg·ru .. ··,n o.··· .. ·.·-··e···.r e·· I erSI . .I I.e .

.. ' . .! ! ' ]'.' '_' .• _. " •• , I, [II I . ..'.:.' I l . ,.. ~ . . .


"D" ' .. ' ,--., .. fl!i·t, d'~ , .. ' " . ,ii! aekoch ter 'R-' .- :~-i odr ::. 'F1-~' ade "'b-" - .'. ·,·t'·'···

,asp'8,lJ!.;,azu ~, g,le: 'oc".'er ,.leIS O:Jcr , .. a, ~.en,_]ro ,.e


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InUllllli ch

'B'"'ld .. -'b' _... . h' . -.- d'-

. : '. .'.. " . " . _. ,. c ''' .. '. . , .. '1' '.-.

,···:.I,.'~. ,D',e .. e.n,·.

I • Vor'b,erleitungszeit.: 1.10 'Mi,nut,en

i , O,8'rzeil,:: ,)10 Mi .. _'ute'n.

s· .. ·· ., "'. 'd' . ... hI'· 'D"'" .. A:" b' - "\ _'i'. - .... , ".,-'. "-'h'-'

·0 W'lrl.~ :5 gema,c.,, ,jj,.J.e'::uler,g;ln,e:n, W,3!S,C_.'_.en.,

'l'r,ocl('e:nt'u,'p:,fe'D, d,"'e S,tie·l.e 'undo d.j,e Qrii.-nb'ra,'un,e'

. -.. . _ I , .' .. '" ' , .. - . . _ . .. - - - -, ,c,.. _ .. - . - '.' - - .

K<'.---:-~···:-:·,-,~,t,,~-' -,-,-'~'''-d-; ·d-' ,II'i' ". F:'_I" ',.'il···c::h·:I'-· ,"', .-:-' [5':::;' ~ .. , .. ' .... - ,d'!" ,.'-"

__ 8,ppe en'l,le,m,en, u,n., I ,I.e ,ru,c_,_._e 111. ' .. ' .mm ru,n~.e

d·'}u"'~'i'-'n" O-:-"'e-'" 'S<~'c'h~'-:-~tb'-~· e'-"'o' ·s··'r:h-··'n·'- 'e'- ,']·'d····_cle-·'·o· D"""I!IJ,e-" A·,"· u'b"p'r'(J'IIi"n" e~ 'n'~"-

.:_. :' .. 1 ", __ ,__:~ ,__:,< " ... :~!. ~ ,:___ _ ~ til ..... '-.' lJ. '_' '. './~I . ,,,._..:- .... ' , ':_' : .. ,~. ,', ,_. ~ ,___:_.~. ,_," :--.. .~. '~" I _'" ...... '~ . I~f '_ . :". ' __ ~]

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s,c .. ,e'l·c'n I.n el.n.e~n, gro, . 'en. ,.c ,a.e, ,e'D, '_ e,_,_e:,r egc'D.

,= d,' -'-t'" -- ~'t'''' d' -., ... G" lib I. '.- - -,-.- 1- ' .. - ,-,- -. d" ·S· .. · '. . ~'-

un,I.·~. ,glu, " ml_~,_ .e'm .... ~. ell !_Wu"r:z,pu., ver u'n:·.· ... :,a,I,:Z e~,n ...

. - O'-Ii!

""~ ,.-,.' •. :'.:1': ..•...• -I ,t'.. .~, ....•.. '._' ',' '-.1<1: ,~::,' "-,.: " .• : .. ~,'lii:,:!i"i, ...

rei ben. Da.s .. ', I. ,~n, e.loe.r ,gro,Ben Pfann,e bel mitt

'I '-H'---:'~'tz h ;0;.(\." d 'I d' d'"'Ii A""b '01

,-" -'-r ~. ':. I': ,/" ".' ,'.'.I~ ...• ':' " .' . ".---:. '!---- ,---- 'I :-:', "'. '. ...

e._ e,_ ,~, .-,.C "et wer·. en ' assen D,n, _,Icoerg

- -"h- - '··b f""b ""d': 'S" - j't ._.. d" _!Ii!._ 'b-'- -- - t - -'b-

I ,'_ .' "1' .. ':'. ~' ': .! • ..... .' _ "1- '. I~'.: I.' l . I. . . ." .... - '. . ..•.. I'. . ... : ..... " ,'. - '. I" - "," . .. " .. -. " . . • .. " .... j" :" I .• -' j' '.. ". . '.' , " .

nen.slc,_ .e~en au, .Cl en"el.,e,n.:_,an.n~ra"e"n", a ,er

nicht brau .. m wer den lassen ~' d,,8:IO. '.01'1, a ruf Kuch en .....

] . I, '._ . _.' __ ' ._ _. ... _' _ _.._. _ _. _. l []. _ 'I _ _ . _ . l]' . . .., I

k 'b ~ 'I D' 'Ii! Z' 'Ii! b- I' 'h-' X'I

_.~·re·pp' ae ropten assen, .te,·Wlec.e sc ': .,G, en

- , , - d .,.- .'h- - - /:'., .>i!_.. 'Ih- .... k . '. -. '·D· . 'Kn-'" .. " .. ' b 'I ",' .. hz h ... ., . ':-h' .",,~.

u,n,·, ,se,.··r ,I,eln, . "ac· .• ·e'D,I, .•. l.e,······ .r O'.;'I .: a,uc·.,ze, esc" ,8.-

le .. ·:0.·.·. 'U" nd durch die Knobla u'· .. ·,c·· •. h· .. ,p .: ·r-~:s·:~.e.···.··. dru .. tcke .. ·.dn·.· 8,e.···.···I""

I. ....w .. . =-- .. 1 •. -"",.13 ... , .... ' i!Ji .

Verwendung die Chilischoten oder Peperoni wa-

"'h' .. . . ·S-·<·- ii' 'I' _ .. d,' K..'·' -"'- b Il':.. ~ _. - - - d 'I 'ii'~' -- - -

S'C .. ' en, von, ·tl,e 'U:O·I, ,_.c:_.e:m'e:n nerreten uno tangs

'h' 'I"b- '! - - - -t . F - tt·· . II! "", b "" l' ~:-' 'f: '. b 'i!I'

." · ... 1· ('".1 ('~" ,'~:".' (. I'. . .)., " - • I _ . '1' " .. ~' "J.": .·1( ... ·· I .. 'I· •. ·' .· .. )·.1, J .. r, ~ ! .

_,_"a_I:c,.Ieren,!!, - ,_as _ el~ In le.l.oe,m ... ·.,rell·e,n op el,

rn tittle rer H' itze 'L~;; If? -:-w:~,,::,,~'[-d': en lassen 'll· "0- d die Zwie-

Il I I 1._ ._,1I~1 I ~[ I __ 'L£~ I-I,~,ILLJ ,,~, _' "._ "' ... _._ ,_.1Ui . '~~;_'I_I "_._."_"_" _ ~. _". _ •••• _ ,_" .. '

bAI- ,-, nd den Knobla '~U' ch darin hellaelb braten

'~ U,' .. .' '_- ,". 1.1.11."' ' .. ,:"n, ,., .", D:.,I, .·ra .. e,n"1i

Die' Ingwerwurzel und b,ei Verwendung den Chili oder Peperoni einruhren U,- rd kurz mitbra-

... - -1-- -'. d bei . ''''"'h'' - D:-:"···'·'- "1("'" k - (3 .... ilch

. ",~.' -. I'~'·. ·I~::·]t·,_. I:'> "1' ~ . ~l : :.- IIC:~ :'.' ~ ..:" .' : .. ' '<~I: -. .... ~l . ~> .'":':. :': ...... : .:'" .... _. .. "" I. ~ ':.1 .. ;"1' ":.'. -.'

ten ,_.assen" . _B .... el, u,mru,. re.n.,~ ~.Ie ,.O,OSlnu .. ,ml .C .

dazuaeben umrnhren und bis [3,8' .. ',<['''' zum Sied e-

- -----0 _, ,.. ,- .--- .. --. ---. .

k k h 'I' '0' '0; b f1-' '-"b 'II'

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n,e:n,sc :. e'l, ~:Ie::n v'IO,rs:I.CJ.tlg In ,'._ :Ie~ '>iauce . e,g'e"n" un'"

'b-'· "'e" ·· .. I~' ,ee:" ·'h-· 'W' ,g,c'h· .. · e::C"r H:: ""·'·tz·· ·· .. ·e~· 'b---. .. ··e· I~ 'h:" a··' I 'lb··' v-·'·:e---:- ·~·c··· 'h'-"'lo--: IS"·"·5· ·:e·':n- e' 'm~--'

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I.O'P', 'I-'Ole ·-:-e n 8Sse'n- :lS! .e~a'uce ,e'ln·· lie: 'l·!. 'n

. .. c· . , ',. '. :c . _ ".. ,,,_, _ _ _' '. ,I .' . _'" '.' • ,- '''. __ . _ " .. .,,'. _ ~ '_ '_.' .

d-·· " z···· I', -:,! ---:-,' ."h-L -:- - ,--"Iii I" d":-,-I' ~ Z-/.'i,t"'-"'-- '"'- ,e'-'~, - .-. 'S'-:"-:-:h'" .''';b··' .

_ ,e,r , W,I,SC,~,~icnze:I'_,I,IC .. _ .... ·1, ,ron,e In. I.,e~n,e' ···· •. c,. ,el' . en,

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~op.··'f 'yom 'H'e'r'd 'n,ehm.'e:n~, das Geri,c:'h't ,a'bschmc~kc,-,

. ~ ~

ke"'n 'u'n"d:i 'V' o~'I~c"h···t··'~'g' .'~'n- e~'n"e'" 'V'O" 'rg" 'e"'w""a~~'rm--' t··-:e···· S·~·:lc·h· '''~'' :·e·· .. ··I-

':::. i . • . " ,' .. I. '-01 ,',' I,,' 1..",. :,11 .. , '~ '\._i,-.'.::'. i. ,_". ,._:_ '. ~_~, "u,ss. "

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gieBc'n'4! ,D',~e ,Zit.rone'n.s,cheiben, :separ,at dazu rei ...


,_"_,: ~' .. ':-'~- ~

'6a·ID"I' 8IU-'-'" z--:-:'U" F:_:I·C··''-·I''"'·s'·'·c'''''h· F:··~~s"··c··-h'··· 'u'n'-d'_-'- "v'e:"g' 'e-··;t·a:-:-·'n'·'s··c,-':h:'-··e·'Ii1I1

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Ktlhlzeit: ,30 Minuten

-S,-:I,O,'" wird "~ ge ern acht ~ Den Spinat wasehen 'v-'r-il' ~~

_'._ '_ It', 0 '-bl _ I '. - .j I .. 1jII I ~I I ". _' I • - . '. ~,~ , , • I '1 _~. '! ~

,-:"", "'-'-" ,-,- id d'-'~:I"";'" -, ,s,~:,t"-' - '~ .- '~II ,.'-'" rt .1:'.-"" - -, ,,-, ,-- 'D<' ,---" Kn~ ''''-'-', ,b' -, ') '--c-' ,- ,-. "h--'

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kea I ,Ii' D, ,'e:-DII, 'IS'·"·,,I;p.',·II'''D'B,'·''-t', 'iOI' 1 einem kl einen ... - .opf ohne Zu ......

•• I !l J " I' !l J I., II ','! J I~l' '.. '. ,.... .• _" ' __ ' _.. _' _

- -

gabe von Wasser zugedeekt bei mittlerer Hitze 'in, etwa 8 Minuten gar' d,'u;ns'le,n., Den Spinat abtropfen lassen un ···d~ arcb h iacken I. ""0:_ m ,JI osh ..• ··UI,'n·-:'- even ....

:It '~'" ._I;;J _., _.... 'DI..' _ .' , .. .i&:. . II ., i '" .. 'ID ,., '.. ' . .. V,_ ,

t,: - "' .. II "'1'"'' -h"" , .. :"" d " ': :".'" 'q "'~'" "".,'i!i' ,':"k', eit 71'b---:" ~ ···!ii-B·"J .:::.::,-- '0-'·''''-'-'-'-' J·i·'-:-' .....

, .. ue, .. vo,r, , 8n .. ,en,e ,r,I.US,S,11 'Jel,1 la·· s",e -e,n. -·en, .·0

~ .

!D'hu,rt den Knoblauch und Salz unter den Sp ... '!'oat

,D ., _ ... ,', _ "',' . ".. '_ ,.. - ,.,. '" .,,',.,.,., '." , .

__ ,:i!!~_. her .' 01' 1--:. 10''''''"'1 ,~,,-:, '-""~"I .",,-' klein "1:' '0&;'.:,: ",',,".,', ':', r-~

mJ,sc. __ ,e,n,~· " .,as ::/. 10 CI.ner .' .. ,eI.Den r,I.-Bnn.e ,au,

,;0; 'H;I h-I 1108'-' d' 'I d' di 'S'" f'~'

mItt erer ,:_ ltze : . el,~_ were en iassen une dte Sent-

L..,i d >ii, b . . bi '~I D KJl

,,,,DDler darin braten, 1;,',:81 :8;11'- platzen. ,L·en.,:.:',c'uz-;

k- uAi"'mm' .'" ." . 'e' 'I'-'S",·"amt·, ': ,', e' "-:01 den lD"e- 'm--'--'a~- hlen 'e'-"n-~ Kreuzknmmel

.. ', ,I ,'. ,'-C.: 'i'~ - . I " c, . , , ".:,1..1. ,0' _'._ ,I"", "' .. ,_: '~'_" ':' ':._:__:__'_: "", •... ' _", '.

und ·d··":'"· 1'0-:,-',' .. '~1'!', .5 "1 slker daa '1',- eben 'I' '-"'d:-,·[-I'I- """I"~.' '1'- b ,~'""",

un.'::. '_ I:e,~ ewurzn:e ,,'en .... ,,8ZII,ge, .. : en, un,_. a __ ,e,s .:, I,S,

2' 'M->I .:'",-=- ute ,0-' ,-,- n-It, er -' R,':'.U'iOiI hi - ren weiterbraten, • Die

_ , __ . _. D._. '_" _.. D, ... __ . '_ ' _,a w. . w .~. . _ GlII.~ _ _ __

,~ M··· ... 'Alb .. 're-' , .~. H', .. ,- 'I' ," , ;"';. ·t· "~ ;"'.;"-;-' 'D""""--'-" 'C'" ~ 'e''''I1' " d· ,,111,,_, d'" ,'-.' ,-,-, '1- -'"i-:'h- "Ii I -1',.'''', - ,~ - .=._/ U, ,~n-,~ ~ia_.v,a, 1,5 ~ elo ,eS5J:_ "_1~.,a~ JC' em _eI!C,_:, __ lel-I n.""

:-u~ ·0, 'I,d!' 'be', ".e,o •• ;0; ,d···.·. ·e,~, ~"~'n' .d···.·· ··e-'im~ ··.IU'-':t~: ""'~.h'- "ml~~c: -;1'1: - iC'~' ~1-"'n'~'ld:' ,-,t-'g-u'~'h-"I'

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[~'1,~'._' l .:.' ~:,_ ...... - ,J,:__'_,!!!!I

PaS'l; gu' t·· '71ltl'I' veaetarischen Gerichten Fladen-

:,1 _'_'_:"':,'i."I .. ,iiI:.i!Uli" "":_"'Di~"-""".' ,'., ,,_., ,.'_:'"~".'"",~',,,I,_.,,' __ ' .. ' ,', ""', "_.1,,,

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1 Tasse .I'iI""!Ol,~t:'''''''ln!flt·''~I~M~~'~: '"",'~',~~m---:"'·.-~DI 10,.,:,.' t ,~~ l ..I'~~J.,_. '''~o'~·_.''I~YJ'~l ,C-', 1-.~H'!I.~l'I~~~I'_I_".~'h~!·~ ~ UM4 l., [741

U' "')' ,.I. 2""E'--n'-'-'I'~ z" '"'t·· -_ - - -ii'" - - .-~iIi-l'2:"'j··· ,1"-

F onugsml',Cr", ~ .. , ,~_,~, ._. . .1~:r:fI,,,,e,"saj II; ,&'Olwze .': ,;:- .'.' ,g 1.1'0-'

o,I.,;'u:-.I.' ~li.'LD R' '-.6Z·· ,.a nit' S'ID':, ... 81 ,:l;,nl.~ ,iii 4'_-'·-'00' .. ' ./"" a B·" "'n'''''~nlin'~ .n:. Ii!

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1 "';f1., ,.--,-' . ",", ' K..: .',..', .. -,,1.1.----:. '·-'---'-b·'-'---" ," mmehl Ii; S'<'n'I%". I I' ee:

,I. asse " ",Jc,,·erelP1,se.n '. I,_,~rl! ~ '. ._2-~... .... " .. ;f#!" OJ

R- ,., l ,r;:',Q'I C-'·1.. '"'... 1 E-'-"" III

OS'lnfen ji" ~.;.,,~,ilaS:"'ew:,,!us&'e ~ ,c:,IWetw Iii

~'Z-/I" ,.;~' .. b "'1': ',' _'. I. l' E/J",-I"il' fi"~ '.~, ~PI1... D·' .. asnelte .I'Mg'::·"U"D~NJI;""'Bl:

• / ··~wre" £_,rI ,:..' '~ __ '~_/ l1S,~rl " ~'~~r'~I:!,~, .If •.. nr~!' 1",,_, ,.~;

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tstene ",ell_·e :_"J" ,~ 'LfJ~'>ii,-N erscnma Z oaer smee

, "'".,J,,'''''- '_"..- :. ',-.1;': ,pL,m·,IQ···-C·, .... - .... ,,doj jlt~· rales Ptl nlJ" ""."Dn' lo7~11' _. '!Ii j···~OO······ < .. 1 I. ,,"'n-" '"':",

ouer ges~"·: .'_,1 ··.,~,r;l!~", :,,riM .~iJ!i "',J,'Ui',~~._, :..... -/ '/ Ie",._.'_-'

" , ad "D -,lC I G" !JJ'

, - 1··,-· :.: ;." '.- .. -:- ~-- ' i ~·I ' ~ ·.·~I; ····1. .:. '- ~,~, - .. :;:-.'.: .; .. ,,' .~, ' .. I. ~( '.~

SC e 7:01m a ten, »der.IL OSf!' 1· ee,,~,e_K'lIT:Z

' r - "'I" :~ .. -.---,: .. , }" E:'rfl,l fi···-=~'·~·'c'''''·h·:" B':DLIA'C": 'Ie: ,',',;O;C'I Koriande ··.,IV,uH;

, pu ~ I 'rI,e_-,r " " :~.', ,ns" · ,e ~,,,,,~ < '~iJ' ,-: 'I' I!JU, > - ,U ,., .0 " -"

oder Petersilie

! 1 Vorbereitungszeir e"i.:nsch:lieO:I.ic'h,

Kasezubereitung: ,5:01 Minuten

, I Garzeit ~ 3"",',5'·:., 'M'" In '0', uen

_ .. ·~_,."LI .. _ I ~ !II! ._ •.. :. , ._. I· ~. l~. _. .._ '_

S- 0····. w";;:·,:-I~'r,-,'d- ;'s" g,e:-.·;m--·'-'a--,ch:'[-'Ii' D.:e~n-~ Fris.'ch'kAse' na,ch 'Rezept

1_ .. .:._ _ [.1 .. J •• : , •.• ~ [ .• , ' ••• _ • ..........:.. i!!!!!: ':__l :___:, :__::__l._ .. _·:__.l_J_ .~ ._'._. J~ •• ~ •• 'J J ••• _ •••. ~. _ ..•. _.

, "b' . ,--~"t -. - .' D",,-,·-- '8' .. ' It .. , .~.. .. .', r·' '2~""OO"""'-:-"OI ,,' '" h- -',' ' ..

zu .>e'l}e],ll.en~ - ._ ·e'n ' ···,a'c .. olle'o, au~, ,/ .. 1 .... ·....... V'O[J, 'eI I.

zen~ I.' 'Den U:),attspi ~·,i,'n!at PI :.·"u1zeo. w'llIScbeD 'un,!d, f:ein ... ,·

;_: l_ ~

h' . , ': .' ,-, '0' ,_'_-, " " 'B' 'I,' '''0'''' , ,'" I~., I -'I" . -,rit·,· d:- -",,' 'F, ",U .' "- 'h"Idis: - . ',- ", ' .. I ~

ai~' •. Ie, '0'" 1- .' e." .n' .... ' .• ,a' , '.1 S"·' p/1DI8.· .'. - 'Ij'l"I't I, .'.' ·e, .. ,-r .' n's··~··.C,·~ : .... >~e,mas··. :-~~

I ~ .• I. [!!!! _ ,._. . J .~. '.~ .• _. • I l '~. 1L.~1~. 1 • _ ~ _ ~- • _ _ _ . ~

d'-, - ... , 'Kl' '" . 'h' .. "-'rb"'- , , " , -, -,,- 'h- '1- ,-' d" I !S~' '_,1,_ ' ", .... ',,\!.·hl., ....

se" le:m .... , ... ': C I,erre: J,;sen.mc_, ,~, u'nl~l. 1,:__:i.'IJ..Z venu ",ren"

m~it dem H:,an,driihrg"edt Zig e,'~ oler- patten, Mi-

.. S,' 'c:h·· ··'IU"I'n' 'g - .. 'lla:··,aC'·:D,'" uo· ,d~- '1-'o."",U' 'iI""'7, 's-",~:'h--',e.-n-'-- .11~!!~s·~,'e=-~,n···. '.' Di·_:Ji!',e~·

" ,! ,> .. _ ,_.1. ",0"-' . , .. ,Ii.. <I.~ i)L'IW, ." '.' .. ,lIJ.A.a_ '. -'.' .

I ,Roslnen. in. 'w,arm.em Was;s:c1r' waschen~1 Die Ca.-,

S,h'~e-'w-~·-\n-(U~r·s~',~,,, '~e,:,' .'I'~,nl'b·~ ace '~'Ik,'-·e···."n" D,H' ~.'~:, ,E:i.W'C •• ·iBI '~,'~, Schnl~e.····:

'._ .• II _ " ' .. ~~ ,I,ll. ,It ••• ~ • ~_~ _ __. • • . iiiLi"- _ ~

'h-' 'I'· . 1" z,· ~ 'b-I . ·1- ., h-I ,K'II .. ., .- d-' ,e:- oj;. ,- 'h -, " -'ilL ... , - ,-, 'D"'" ,,., -

SC,_"I·_:agen .. , ... i·····wle ... ,le':_, :sc .·Al.en, u:n·_, ,1I'teID ·.·ac,._eO,ii " ·'.·Ie,

- ,- '.. d 'E'" riO" d

' •..... , .. -: 1·' .. ·· ... :!._ ... .l!i!; . :.~I··, .. l'" I ...., .. - [- ... ~ .-:-:- [:-.:- -:: .. , ·1 .: .. __ .,-.. .~ .. (-.,: ..... -. . -··h~- -. i .. [ I~~.I-'J.·_·· . I.. : .. .' .. -' .. .=

Casb1ew,n,u.!njJe, ,zg,Slam.m.e,o, mlt I ,e"m ,:,I,Wel., · .. er

Z···,,-:,'! ~·b-···::._'_'I-' I,d·: "'1- )'--·::·w"':','e-':-=: UI'I'iO'-,d- '--""'D'-' -R···c'·o-'-'·s--";;'n-"e', 'n-· !I']!!"u-'-' 'dr· ~m--'-"

wle . e .- em . 0:[1'.( .·r . I. ,!~. 1 .11.., ,. ~ .. , w t ..

_ -',,' , "-' , _"" " " ,. ,-~ '-'-"-'I~ '-" " '" , , ,.,' .. _._- . __ , ,. ,


, ,

, .. '

"S~""-- .'~'.--. ,'-, 'K/"'!'!:", ... ". G:' "1' :. ,~, sch I',· ""-"'b-:"-'-:-- nd roch einm ral

!",p'l,natOi!', "ase..,'. e,IDlS,C I) I, ,g,e. e,n o,n,,_, ,n,o"-,, el,n " .' , .. Il

'.: ... ' '-'t' .. ' dsche j- • 'E' line Au f1il auffo .. ·.'lnn.· r .m, ·.·:'Iii.·t-.' 1'. 'E': o_o:-,~:~e'l

gu _c, nnl,c,en,~ '" , .. ' . =, .=. Ill.'_, '.'" ,_. _ '. ,l~, UI"l~_,

F·.--··,t·'I' .~ I sstreichen ·D'··· .. :-·" Misch ~~'n'" .'-:- .. hin eingebe n''''

e __ au.s,s_ r,el,C, "en,~, ,Ie ,_c' C_' _CS _,_--,u, - _I ,_,_, ,~ .. i., --I '~"- ~ ""

glatt streichen und aufder mitrleren Sch iene

2- '0: M: .•...•... 'I~"n---;-,u-'-I'~e·-: n im ~" Ba cko fen -:-'. b .····81,!c,· .. ·,k:, en . '.' In det Zwi-

. ". ':.' .... _.l, ... "''-'_' ~ _ ' __ . ,,-~ .1,1,_ '_' _ _ ._ ' ._ Ii , " .._ ' . ,

schenzeit die restliehen Zwiebeln seh il 'C:D, und

&". '" h' k '0'" T - h kre ".

remnac ten, '-/18! Iomaten wasc aen xreuzwetse

.. I., .. ',' ''',tt' .. -., ' nd k ,', . ,-' -. , .. ~'·t· k .'. '. ··:'h·· ',-" d .r ",', . 1:"11'1" . ' '"'~b" :-''','

emri zen U,O:. ,I curz ,m,lt ,'IO'C, ren I em,'er uoer-

b .... ... 'h- - . .-". 'D'" ". "" .. 'H' "-'., . . t" . . b '.'"'' h .. ". 'I - d d- iii' .' - ·S": ti ~ '1- . -0 tze

rRl,~:, ,ien'l~' . :I,e' , I., ,au. a'Z],e ':'cn, u,n'~,_,',le' :~ ~l!e,_c,ansa,I,,~e !

aussteeb ',':- "D-':'"' - T,:,.';:- at , .... :- entkem -- e""D und im ,D,u,s,s,e;', 'en,tII, ,-Ie J,io,m,3 ,eD~, H I ,'~ .. I~" ,1,,1,,1' ,111."

"M··.-] ixer ·p,ui"':n:~ie·.:r'~n_- oder du rch .. · ein Sieb streichen •

I .t_" I ,~, " _t, I. '~l J, ,'_", ,[ • I •• I I' • I ,_., a" _" ."' •. [~_A,I! .. ~ ..... , , ,I.

2 E=\Blo~~~ff~'1 Fett in einem mitt elgrofsen Top .f'· od er

_ .-_ . .' _ _:_ '_ ,_", 1!Ii;,ii,,-, ,'-, .'_" L, ' .--,,_,_ ",-,-,_,",,__:,_,~ __:'_'_""',', ' ,ll" ,', ' ,~ .I,t,l. ~" I. ' .. _'.' ._ .. '.'

einer sehweren P£anne bei mittlerer Hitze :h,eiB werden I a sse .. en und die Z······<w-~I'~I' .. ebeln darin glasig bra ...

._ '_ ,_,' ,.. _",,' - . ~ .,' _' ' .. _ . '_ _ _' .. __ ' . • ." ',," .._. I J II J '. _. ~ I I I ,'." ..... ""'.:", • ., ,. •

ten Das Tomatenptiree das Gelbwurzpnlver

'''.'' ,ojio, ,'" --', '''-'''''',--' ".' "" -'_._'. ' .. .-.--- :.,"'" ,,'

und das Koriandergrun Older Petersilie zg,fiO,g:,cn,

- d' 1- 'illl -. ~.. ifk', .-. - h .-. )I'~' - ~--- D" '.'~' - ·S'·· - - -.- b - i!iI

'UR;· anes IB,' .,1,. ·oo,_, en rassen, ,_··'Ie eauce .el

schwacher H,' ';'tz··'··:·,,·_'ie"~' 'k:-·o'"~'.·c:'··h: •... ,- Ias .. se n, 'F-'-'a~I' "1':5·:' die Sauce

~ .. 11J .. ·._ .. ~_.~r·l .. l._ •. ' ,", ." _ •..• _. __:_,-_ ,",_," _ < .. _.~ ..... ,"[.... .. I ._" , I _/ _,' I, __ l,_",_,

zu dick wird, eventnell .' Tasse warmes 'Wasse;r

• ", J • • -e- I ._ ~'! -_,' '_" -,_, -___: .. _I.,' "w', t"1 ..... ,_,_,._ _ "-, __ co 1'_1 __ -,_ [_. '_'. 1_ ... _:_:.i_:_. _.,:___

h .. '· ',. , .J'!:~:.' ", .,.. .... .' '."'1J'-I:'h-··· ·--·-·'·-·d··;-d-·· ·.1,·.'.- .. '····-- d·':' ,'~ .... A:··· "-'-'·0:"1;, , ,~--:-,-- .:.

"IDZ,ulugen ... -' "aLreD,',·~,'essen tole ,~u_:"aU,1l10rm

d D· "k ~~' h d' 'b 'k'

.-:" .' ... ~ ..... :. : ..•. -:-:-. "<.' .<"[ 'I"~: .j' .' ',"'-.": " .• ' J'.' .','" .... '. I'·':· .. ' .:.._ ..... ; .. ( '-'f _"':"~,' ~

aus, em ._·,aco"en, ne,,1lm'cO,, .'~ en, H,e-,ac,1 ,e,nen,

S "', t··, VR .' 'W,,· . ":,,,,.'._c' ') h iO'd ("c,-,II- d-" M'"il

_ p',mD!a_-',~sJe In, "~·.'U\I~I'e, sc· ·:n:e'-ml,~.en · ... 'liil'.U"si.l'e :,1.1-

sc>h' ·u-:-'Io:··g····· __ .. b,····~c···:k-··· __ e~'I·.-t:- 'm'-':')'''',I 2·~.·' 'E;B::,,'il'o"'~i-"e"'lln" k"I-IP:I'!o'-' e'·-=---:: 'Kl·'-"·' ,o"~,q .. -

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au'" S'-"···Is:~t,je·· ',C"'"'h· ,e···:o·)1 U' '. nd···'j-I d·· ,je··· ···s··:·e··' .'"'0''' d·····';'I~le'·' S····-'a,···'u' CC"':_-"',:' le"-g'~"'~'n'" D·······e····;I]··

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To . odc·.·-:r di,e, ·~a,·',c- 'nl :-In~·.e:;, 'v~·"!e.,-:t4's:lc··:.~,h' '.I~;e:tJ"e···:.;n .• ' uD,:-.d: d' e~'nl' 'S:~pl.I'"':'-

'1 - . - ••• rl~... I ,. • •• _ .It!. '_" 1.1, ... ld .. 1 .1, ••• , l 'I.'

oa""I", 11'",;:.;:ee-- " "I' ,tir M',,' ',il.- ,-, I 'f·'--,,' 'b"" i'~ ,'. ,·-,·'h'· . ,.1",' ... '. ';h: .. ' '''r'' 'H;' '~"fi""'" .. 'I!! '. ·d·,- .... '."',

. ,_,,_,I_.~~I' _c,,.;} .. ' ··lD,U,IJ"en , e·,1 se ;w,ac~"J_e, ,', I,LLe I,n I. ···e'r

S·,.'·,'·~·a::·"u,C··;~:·e·: ""::I'~'e,~-:h'··e,in'· 'l,g,,~lls·,'·.-e~nr· .! 'F:'a,I'I-s~ d"·; .'I~e~· '0"-:- 'o'---;'Ic-=<h-:- ·W'_'·:"8:lrDl--- '--·':·,e· A·.·······,·u,· f.'''''

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lauffo'nn »)'iis,ch'fein,« se.'in so'('m'l,e Idas G,e'ri,c'ht

,.1 .. "., " .. '.'"." ''''.''.[''.',.'-. " .. ',',",, " ..... ,1 .. ,1,1,,-" ... ,: " .. ,. _'''.'._'_. '. "."_'., '!".:

da··'·'n'~'n" S':' e', ·'rv'·'=·I'!'e~r- -0--'--:'

I' l .. ' ,". ".: " , ....• 1"'1_, i!!!i

M'··.'j-C',a>n,· "g"'.'I,Q.,,·c-'lhiIU· ~.I'lt'Ln·: ··e.··.·····y··· ... "w.·,--/'I~~'...:i ~n: u·~. 'Ir ·ac .. ' ,'U:S;I 'o'ln' 'r,~e~··I"'"e.e: 'Oil' 'P.·':ru'ii,c··."ht-':e'::D

". '- .. ,,, ',_:_,.-,'. , .. - -" _" _',_.: ,'" I,IU , __ . .. . .. , .. " .. I~ .. ,." .' =,_. -

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,e,rgi1ese,-, .. lI! ,,-Ie, ,man, . le,l'Z!D :an,lf: DI,C . I,·e",om

'm"· ID.'D'II 'k·· .•. '9lD· "0"' .. A,··.u.'~ re·,·"··' ,I01I.1'r;e·'·,···'D' F'·-'·ru·~'IC<,h--·t'e~.ini lal·~·I~t'·· ,s:I~'~'h·-'· ·d,.,'-,'a~'g·"·'e-·~g:_.-,e·.:'n

, I ,~"" la"~ ,.". I _ ~ . '_' I'I _ ' " , " ,_ " .' I, l"J! . ,~ . , .. ... ... '" . ,'.. .'

dieser' 'torstli,ch:e S,alat zu'b!e:reiten,. E,in,e' 'M,a'n,gol'" 'f"~"ru'- ~'h···t-:' v'.-O·,,····'O'·· 2 ...•. 101 c-:m' 'r:e··'ii~'h,··t, 'f'-"-'u\~~'r' 2 Pe·,~~o·~·n,~'n A'u~,a,e··:'-

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:r,eifte :Prii:ch,t,e' 'w'e': .-Id,en auch, als: N'a,chsp-:-eiJse s'e:r--

, ,


• Zubereitungszeit: 2,10 Mimnen Kuhlzeit: 3,10 Minuten

'S' . '" '~. d' ..... ch.'--'·- 'D' iii 'M" .', .' ' .. ' --,,-.- .. h ... - , .. d

·,·,10'···· W",',·,.I'r·-·-1 's' g,c':m--"a:! .. ' "Itl-~' ···Ie·· , ..... :.' la······n' g'. I ,'0" W·LQIC!~~im'n· unc

I 1·-.· .. ··,.: ,'. ,I~,,· ... ': I .. '_-. , .!,~"J._/,''' •. ·:l.i ... , .... ,._: .. ,: .... ).1'.".· .. · l''':[~1!Ii.t 'j')"'" , . ..:_.1,,1 ....

, ,

Ian gs in 3,:, Teile schneiden. 'Di'9lIS~-' Fruchtfleiseh aus

.. . ".' _. • , . ". " . _. ....'.. _ ., iii . ~_ . "'. . 1 . 1 • J..." . '.' ri:J

der S"C,/, •.. ale u md 'Yom Stein '1Io~"s--e~'n- klein "WU':"i·i~e·.:I.n·.· .

." _. . ... _ ... '_ . '_ I .... .=_" ... ,1Il',I..'~. _

. '.' td ,'!!i', .. 'Ii -"'.,-, S~"l·-h'· sel b "e" . iii. eite ,'t'· '-)'1-""'- 'Di'~ 'C/:h,~,',<j'

U,O, ,In einer IC. ,~_I issereeisene ste ten. I <Ie', ,:_I.lIl,I,~

sch ,0'" ten O'~ ·d') ler Peperon '[I"" -w, '-(a-:;-' sehen e m .. stie .···I-,e' n ent-

~_, __ ".:__._.,_~_._, __ , "". __ ' .'_' ''--'.' "". ,.,,Ii,.'.,-,. . '_ .. '.1 .. , ,!!IiI.; "" ',C' ~,,',"_, , . .-"" .~,, __ ,II!.

kern en "-U· n - feinhacken Die R-D·-'--·····s'''I~'n-:· e '0-'·· mit heifsem

----,;;;,,',.,..,__:, ~' .1 ' .. '-- '. "_"_'- , .1 '1 .. _·' . I. _ :.' ,.'---,1, " .. ', ' .• ' ",. . .'_.', ~., . ', .... !.~ .. :"-' . .- __ . .-_.-' ' .. ' __: .. J_ .- ":_:'_:''- . .- . ,,' " -"W,, ... '.- ,,-, "

W:';-:''--' "'. ,I" '-:"., .'. "·h· ·'1·· • E-:-'I''''·.· '1k:'·I·····'~I,-: .. " 'pf:" "~',' .. ,-' '-;-:-.-'" b .~;:iil mittle

, . Hsser was,c", ,e,n". '.' ~~·In,e, ,>_ e1,D,e _ __:, ann,e "~ .. el m.ll IC-

",~ b' '·'0 d d" d" h

'r'e:r', ,:mtze ,1"I,e'l.I.'i w'er··')ern ,."assen un,'~., .··.~,an:n O,c'h,e

Fettzugabe zu'o;a,lc:h;st dj,e S,en,'fk,o,rn'cir 'kurz an-ro,-

I st.en 'u,nid, hera,u.s,neh~men, ,; Ida'on, die Chi'iiscbot'en,

d P·· ,iii l' 2' M~' .~... ·~iO' d- d"- 'Ii'

o _ ,e:r' L_'. ,le:p,e'roDl ,_,,". · .. _,l,I"D.'u't.en, a,'b,ros't,en 'U,:D,:,· .•.... .'Ie'

'~a'·· .. 'n· :,·o':-',e····· 'v·"::·o-.':m'-:-' He···~··r,d·.·· o:"e'h' ··"m,e····'··:'DI- .1 DI'I~',e,' S'-:e,' n""'(k'I"lxlrn-" 'A:[" I""'m' ' .. '

r I.-~_ \ . l. .' .••• " • l ••• .- J·..I '.',. 1'1 ·_.·'.!IIl . .,...... ' .. ' .. ' _"__:,_, > "U 'J I·~. I~ [' t .

M······.·· IXrs·":~.e·c· r,'- z·~·_'r-e"rs:,·t'·'!O·· .IB,I:e~-n'l 'uo·ld,·, ·z:_,:u··s,·a,'m.··'m···I'e'~.·n'-:-·· '·m .. ··' .',;!Iot- ·d.'· .. e·,.·,o-(-:-' C<"h-:':I~' .'Jii'_

__ U·, ,. " '. ". Jl '1 ' .. ) .•.... ' . /'. Jl .1 ".. I'. '_. _.~ '.'." ".' I •• ,. . " .. ' "_'~ ' .. '., I ' J

S,c'··'h:'i·"O··lt-~e·,~'n""···u' n·.-··d···· d··i-ile~·'n':· 'rl~s·:C't':~II~'C·'· ih~',e·,···n,'''' Z···.-' .. ',u'·-,t··"'a,·'t···'e···~ in· .. · z·.u· ''-n'':- K,c·,-,·h·-:'""s>'t·-· 'u~'nl-

"_'~""-:"'.' ,~,:,,_. ".__:", . '.' l'.'., 1'1 ,'~. RlI,.,' ·,.·,·._· ','Jl' __::._-_,_ : •.. _ .. _,,:._______:_ •. I:_, __ d·· .,~_~ .. j ••• ·.,~Il

tAr-:::' d'-II''''e'-· K'.o:~":k-·iO·'-:"s·<,n: -- U' . B'· "f' -a'" IS,·····p·',·e· ·:.1 '1IIIn····ldl d',,' an:" n'-,-' 'un.-····t·"e1i d,!';le:'

_.~J, .• ".:" .• ' '.'_'. :__:.........:.:.. ...•• _-..:. ......• 'J' .•. 1.'1 '.>: '~ ,.J 1,1. IUJI" .,._ .. ' _ ,,:.. .. ..__:. ' .. : .. ::_..:....... .....• ' '.' '1.1, .'

'M,'" l,a"Jn-,p'o--'-wu-~,\ .. ;a;IJe,~'11 'm'," 1;i;~C-"h' e'·':o· - D: ,as' '.,0 ,O·-I··a·'ln'''Ji'e·· .. ·'' gu,",.-- ,·t'·' d.·':-Iu' ·'r·:tc··,:·'h":_,

" '-- -'- el' . .. . ,111., , . 1ii,'J. .' ,.' - . . . . _.l.,~.., ,_.' '.., .... "

k- ,t' 'h-:' '1' 1 -.' '-. '1-:·)'" ·'s· .' - ", .

,_~U, "" e,n "as,~,e,n" ..

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II-'~I ;S:ta'Jlt, M,an,oo,~'s,· 'k-'···.'a-~n' 'n- 'man rri~

. _._ e ... I J._ ... I" , ••• , .,'

,s:·.c.·:he.·,- .An~~··-,'ac~"'n',a,>s-~it'·D"f"I·C:~k-,·:-e·'." g':'I~'r-a:':s'p",e'·.'_"I"te'- '0' ~'IU. "r' ·k.···· .. e·~,:/n;· .

•• ' •• -~'.' I'. ~ •. l ,! , •..• .:_ II:] _ .. _ ..... , I'·. ,"1 .. _::l~" .. I. ' .• '1 •... '. . . ',.' •... ' .!,

'M< ,'o~·J·,hre:-"n ,o.~····d'" e'r 'kl,e.'ing-':·e·:s'-"""c'···'-·'h->nit···'te·-.'o'· 'e·': ne:)-'I'-k- /."!:!Ii.:r--i!!!!!!'

,,' ''' __ ' .• _ .. _ " .• _ __:, .... _ ... "_ ' '. . .. '.:.: •• ' .1. •.. ",. __ • >, ' ..... j"'. ,r'! 1 ,,' > 'J~ ,

'1-" ·-·,rJ:."·-'I' .- __ ,-'.~. ,' d"'-'

JO,Il.I.e,~,n verw'e.'D,I', e:o ...

• I

£:'10' , ~ .. i_

, di h .'-.~ B' .;ii' denni h 'I "N-"" 'h'

Indisc ae :S,UL'iSpe'I,S,en, weroen me st nu ,3JIS, rxacn-

tisch ,- 's .. , ,,~ .... _."IIl<··,:rt~··, ·~·'·Ol· ndern :al' ch (" '1" '-I"--:-b-"·/!B~·· V~,,", 'ie lie' .. - ie ..... , _I,se, s'ervle '" SJ~,-,~~~_, ~,r,-,~ I_ U,~, , , a, S ,m_1 /"" ',: ,: 11" . ,_,-

S"I'~'''_B'' '~- ~- 'k"',j' ~.- ~.- _ ,,- -- H""'- -, .. '-. zub .. ~- ~·t·, .. t· '" ,.~. ~

ser ~'-U sspetsen sonnen ZB, ',' ause zur ereuet we' '~

den 'iii' z e ·'.!'t'a'·· ui - fwen d ieere w, "·"'e·· "r;d'-' e en V 0';-:-' D'- den pro fe s ....

_ ._.' _i_, , . ~.,_' ._.' .... ~' .. , ',," ' .... L,_}.._.",,;,e; . ,I, '. ". '.':'__',Il, 't. . ~ .. c,1 ,I, ',','., _" ":'__': .~ '_j_ :__.:.," .. ,_. I! ~",'

-::!,-::--- .. u ... ' ,Z/- ~~'k' rerb ~""lc~I~:,.,-:c.r'~"~- ', ..... h .-., .... , est ··'llt~· M,' 'TI'~I~IL, ist

S'-cO!DIClI,l,en, »),UC ,Iera,c_e,rn<:( "erg,es ,e __ ,~ " . , ,lJlC'Jl,I, IS,

. _ .... ,,. . 't·, '." .. d'·I'·'·· '. ' :.: cht ''''. '. te G""" ". '.- ,,-" d 'I' .'. .: 'e" "0·':' e';; " el .. , .,. :'"'''''' "-" .. '

m,lets'_e:D,S ... ,I,e' WI,C_'~lg'S,_:,e_ru,n:: I, ,a,g'· ~,,~, _1."1l re,1 l,g10sen

Anlassen werden oft, :S'u,B:i,g'iceiten verteilt,


lie' ·.,-1

", . I .

. '_ .. ". "" I

Vo'rb eire itungszeit :, 10 Minuten

I O. ' •• '" ~ rze it '':' 5,;0:1 'M'<"I:·' nuten .

"._" .' I 1~ltl~L.....:. '_l ._-'~ '~. .._. ,Ill.ll'_' ~I'll J


'S:·'·"'" "O'~'i w··'",~"_'·I;;;"r" ·d·····"s~J ge.··~m:···'·a .. · ich rt: Die M< ···.·lli'ilc'h· , U'O'" d···' d en Z>'UIC':' ·;k·· e r '1'·'0:'"

_" .•. : ". I ..• ' :' 1"_,1 .'_ .-'1'" I' , _ .• '" ,.~.l. . .•.... ",', ,I·· ._l ..• ..:...: •. .:..:_ .. -' __ " . l . _:'.',":, .'. _" l',

IQI,'I'!!II"nl~ en 'g·_ro i.. · 1~le~ln--, soh "w. ' r 'A:iIi-iA!nl I~O •.• ip,f( g" '"e··.·:b·~. ·,·e.····:-nl U'· 'n· .. ·d·:'. "b_,e···· . ..:'ii 's' ·t.'~'a~: 'Ir·,·,

~ _ I'~ I ] :' ..• 11 " .. ,tL;J. __ " ." ,', .. ' '-d.,~, I I,ll . : .. _., .. "., ".'~.__! ." _. .~.. . ,I. .. _->

'It 'e' ·r· '. '1'·'*'~'~ ·z· . urn, .... ~. 'Vo'··~· .. c·····'hl 'e" "0'" b' ':n,'!!"n" g'_""'e' "n; 'D·····e-"n···· "'Iro··p···"r·· 'v',~'·'·o··m'I··,

" ; ,:" " ,!I~I,"", .~ .. ,:. " ,I'\;;,;.j .. :.__"., ", '.' I, .,. ,', "~.i'·"""";!;' , .•.... ' .. ' .. =~., I,~'., _. ,I ". ,.',

H d 'h' d' il 'M"~ 1 h iiiii' 'h~l d-I R-" '!!i'

e'rl,·., ne :"m,e'n, ...•... ,Ie .1::' 1 'CI,~I, u'm'mL,ren" I-as ,'el;S'-

," '. "~'h"'~';1 "'~'d"~ ·d-~~· 'U':"-d" .. c··"'·: .... , .... ,~.~. 'h",~I"_",-",:"",,,- ~-;;;~"h~"~'re"""~" "-·,,· .. ·d·~· d.'."~[

me,., u,nl."~ ." e,n, ~a~·.Ja,mom ",-,mn,e,IIi.1IU,I,·:.__D, un,'le

M"I~ 'I' c·-'--;:h~ ~ I b~:-: 'e'-'I! ·m .. ·" 'I~ 'tt'-,·' 'I~' ,O'r~!r-- H:-"I~ *'.ie~ ", 'U o'~' ,t' 'e- 'r~' 'h'l H, -u- fi;l~ O'Q'm:' 'R····· 'u"':i, 'h' 'r' l'~!nl"

___ ._,!,\.' '_' .-' .. " ",_ j.l, :'l~"~" " lllL£:.," .. ' :..._ _,_~:D..:__· ""C~I .. :1, """]..]1', _~''':'_'

,.-----.=' -...-"~==~~~--~---~~---~-=_ ~,~, ,~-~,-=-;.. .. ~: \

~'II .... 'ic's,e:r Pu,dldiog :Sle'tzt, 'w8,h'.r'le·'·'n.·.I,d~' d .. ··· e·····'rl-' Z-~:'--b·.·.~'re::···I;·'tll'u· 'Oi',a u~'m' i:'~' a-ml~' '~o··'·p'tb·:·,:·.;··o···.·. iiii

II __ l._ I"." "._. I I. __ I._·.-~ ]' .' . .1_ ] I' I~ ~~ I "~ I , .. '_". ", ./1_ " " ....

de:n, ,a:o .. Bcson,ders, 'prob:~,emlos, ':ist. dahle:r

dQ~; K"',o'~'c···~ "h'~i:e'~"nl .... - w· ... :,:·/·eo·n.·· '0:-:- ':m-~' .,a"ln· I'"'''h''', '·nl' ''''I~' m~: -w" ·····:···a'~·· ~!~e·· ··.rb::a·::,·· .d· ....

tg!jJ!l, '.' .. , , ' ... , , ,'''' .. =, __ ._. ,'_ '_' __ ',~ ~ _"~,, ',_" , ,. '" "'-',, i;.lI~ .,.... .

zube:reite't. 'M,a'n, oibt d,an,n d::~e k,o,c'hen,d,e


M1oi< ·c·;·;·:h-·· 1;!I!'nl' :e···:I+'O·'··· .e·'· nl 11 ..... '~e,i,'n,:e, ··r1e··,o·· ~O" "'IP' ":f-::'- ·d'- :e,~~r'- ·:s:·'e:-.·~I,., 'n'~'C-I',~~""

,-'" , " .... ' . ',' " ,.fi..), I." ·.,,1' j,il I ""',' . -c, . ' ..... ' '"'_'_ . _

~e·'·,I;O't~~·S), 'iin' e."· "I"n: e·'m,'''· 'm""· 'l""t~I', 'k:o.·.··c(~-h. ! e····n,d·. e~'m Was,~,sue···~,r· .'! g-:-j',e··-:-·' ....

~." _. :~ ,I '] .. ~ .. '"!'" I '_ ..._. l . .l .. ,.!!""'!.l _' _ _ __ • , '"'.' _ ' i I."

"" :.'

'fallle'n ,gr'oBe',n ',I,op,f'.bingt~l Es, gib'l ,rtlr die,·,

'i se:n KOiC~h'v"o':r,ga'n,g ,au:c'b S:pezialto"pfe a,u,C

d'e-'m"~'--::I Mr> a: I 'f,,'k··,·"t,

" , ,~", . ~ , ",,', ' . !I,


k_~ IX .', ' .-,.'~In":· I~ a···l~eOln-" bis ~11'~e·'· 'n··la· ~ c~ 'h'~ e" ~"l'~ ''1'J1J'a~'~ ,40 .... 11 - Min 'U'- 't· "e"- ·n· .. ·~· a-' n"'- ~

__ ,u·". .' 1, ... " -} .. ~~V····, ". :'. ll~ ~II"'~ I' 1'.'/ .. ·.>: .': .... '_'.' _-".:..' _' ..:. ,I.,,_!,_ ... :_: .. _.""' .. ~_,,_:, [....:.._I._:,.

I:aoln-m, 'B·' ,I a.:~':s'··c"h· en Z··'UI werfen und die .. ,k~:' und c .. ··r~'A:m~::·:Il,..,O'

I.;_-_._ -'8'111.'11 _ . ..I._' __ ', _ ' __ "': _,-, _ ._'_' .. ~ .... _:,_I.~, __ _' __ ,_,I, .. .:..:. '.~, '_'._.' ~ ._-.' 1,._"", , .. ! "~"_'_"-"'__~

wird .• · •. ~ '.' D·· •• e~on-- Topf v· .. -:.o.·:m-:- . Herd neh 'I'm""!~' le·'··:n'-·· und d ;(iiIln~'~

_ ".' _ ___:, ", __ -~, ,._. _' ._"j ,I, ~ _ ,_.j-' ,j '.' _. _ '-' '-' ,,__' '-- ._, ,I .. _ ~, '_"_' '_" '_' _ , __ " ",_," '._ ~-" , " _ ~ -~ ~-,~. __ '

Pudding darin abkuhlen lassen, Kleine Sehalchen mit 1, 'E,Blolffel, Rosenwasser bet' j,u:fel.D" den fast abgeknhken Pudding hineingiefsen, mit den Pistazien und den Mandeln garnieren und bis zum Servieren min, de stens 1 Stunde in, den Kuhlschrank stellen .. Den Pudding vor dem Ser-

viere n mir 1 EB:I,o'ffel Rosenwasser betraufeln ..



D····'~·'··: ,,", haltb .... ,~'., 'K'····'·, .', .~ .. 1:: .. k .. ·:t· '.' .. ' '., d"~',· "1 'W-·-;-···~'·····~"t·"ldi'· ·'·;i;'···_·'I~'_··

,./,I,es,es, ,~_a,~,_,=;,a\re-,,!OD.,:e,_c,~, VOID oer wes ,_,'Si Ie

I d:~Iii! 'I; d' festli h An I'li b "".' .. '

mmens wire zu test tcnen An ,ass'en, zuberenet

"1':' d erf ~t=~ rt sich b .. ····,.'· ~. "K:':'~,·, d', , ,- .. ~ .. , ,'- 10. ,'.,::: 8-":')'" 'I'~" :'b· ·I,·t·~ heit

uno errreut SI,e, ,-"em, ,'~~ nr ern grouer ,lie, Ie)"" err.

2-'5"·,' O',I,~ R'· .. ,,1..':':"" ck ' r« :7'.- 'i' 4·'· E' '(11',,- Bu tiers; h:~"· 111':', ,~~,:.

_ ~ I ,g .~JJ,Rrz,uJc,:,er .' .' fI~' ,~ " .'" ,tt,sc: , tluer

Gh' 2·50···· 'iiI."" ,~ lin b' fi' '",' ,,L

I ~',ee' ~, ... us ~re,lzeng:rt,~JJ'j, am besten friscn

(, .... ,'.' .. " >LI;r- ,- il ::) E'~"nl' P···:'-'''·'··,· .... "LI.· .•. " d ,""': "', 2 .. ··· E' ····~"l·,' . '. ,'. ':.~.::~ ~.'.:.~. ""_'Ie'l :-,0',:6

I gemarl,Ien ,J .. ' "~1" 'fij ,~n&IC"e ,Ol~<jer '~'~""~"~ ge"roc~,,~ ~

Ko··:-:·II .... .."...,I~I:n'l;j Brasoe ./" (s iie "L,DI S:·" eite 7rll• 1" E' :~,"'t' " ·'a': H'd"-:Q'

_ __ ~ft,.U"'J'.r'!l:i dJ_"1Il' '''!Jr'''' ~',i ,1" ~ 'I~,~, >~, " I' .. .r :fIJ! ill, J1t'J!' L ,.' ~,I:'-

.' """"l':''''~'t~e''',:' iiJ l Teel eemahlener Kardamom- 1·" ,~nl··

,sp "IJI;, ·,T· .. ,.I ,It'c"~ + ,0' I,. 1p..r"c;l'l, . . :' ' .. ,.1' IU!I.IM','il, < .. :... . ~,J'!!i

fe:;rJ!gehackte'JI ungesalzene Pistazien

• Zu,bereitun,gs,zlci,t:, c1.'OI Mionten

.- Q;> '~a') ~e' ~:'~;t":~ 3T'O:1 'M, ,:" 1'1';0; n~'IIUI 'Ii Ie'·" ,:.'n· .' ..

. . . ". '."~ ,tt. • I.. . " '_'.' _ ..

So'~! W" "::'Ili;;r' ,dc~'tc. ge-:m":--:-·a:·.:',c.Lt~i'~ 'D··,·,e.··:·····n-ii Z~······ ... ~~u':'·c.-;t ... '!e~,:.r~~ -u=in~'-:-d:1 1" TOJ~'~·e~:

." '".' ._."~. '_'_' " .' ~ -"'~ _:" J' ••. ]:',1, ,~. ,'_. ..," II', I' ' •. _. ..L _.:____ _ .'~"_:_ _ J , ,Il ~!~

I . .

w.- _ ':~,· .. ·,,'·::·i' lif. -. (-~,~,- ,,=-.,~.~(~. kJ~I:'::' '-~"I~' I"· ,.: ~~ "1 'f~' 'b'L.,A:! 'm~' ."iiJil":tt;· 11· '.' ,i ' H" "':!:'''\~,e''''

asser I,D eJl,n,e,m, .-.:_··.,el"n,en ,1,'Op~1 " " 1,_JJcre.r ,~IL£_'" ._.'

! "n-&::' ·,-jt'~'·~~,,-.- 'l'~;- d"~ '~.~.-.- 2'10":" 'M'\'~ ""-, -;-·-t·, ~II ' I ·t:'··:-·,,·~.:::, ·R.·')~~lh,· ,:~--';~ ~I ~_"o!!!',_

I a,Ul.sezen u,n.,.~, lD ~,~ _' ",nu_ en 1_ n _,cr ,_.;u" '" ,ren ZU, e,1

,·"1 'i.·'~ d--- '1'"'1" ,>11: .''"'!ill,· •. ~ .• ,:I', ..... , ... '_'~:. 'S:-I:",~~ '-'I':~'''''''~ ··k···'(c. "'::"hr-:-! .. :·~I. .' 'III~ -1:~'ln, ·fe·' ml .

ne,m .... ·,g,nn , ,usslg,cn, I_')'ru,p eID.! ·.oc" en~, . ,n ~'" . ". '

b, . ·'"'t"'-- Tc .. -'r':,' l' "E' 'O'll~"',t."¥"':, "'1- F'" ·t'.,. b' ·i 'I" ··,:'"'tt:'· ,)., .. ' ~.:~. ·H"· ·'''I~'·~e·' irel en, IIOIP J . ~~,UIO'lIJ,,1[ IC, '_,Ie I., .el, ml,_~,~ ,erer ' ,-,,,~'."

hl~.I·111J 'we·~··lr- 'd' .ie·~··n·-;· 1~~·s~'~le···:'n-r· 'uln',d~· ,d'·· I e···~,n! We':'iz:e:ng: ··rieO ,d,arin

~ U _j _ ,'I!'!!'!!i ""_._ _~,_, ._~ __ '1_]' _, _.II I _ . ."_~. l I _ "".' J." __ • ... J

,.-lId·~ ~', " I'b'·· , : .' .~~~, t~' '. 'DI" .' s:·!' , , , d .. " K ~kosnuB-

gO,II, "g,e, ... ' a,nros,~e,n,~ , .. 1e,n ····.lru P',I_! ,I,e ,0', ...,·c I, .. :' ."

_ I" d'"' M' d 'I lilli' d d' fi 'hi

[,as'p' ··~e' " .. ' •. 'Ie . '·'1 ani, Ie' ~s;p' .'II'tte'r' un' .< e'n Dema' enen

, . '. ", ',' " .' _'" . ",'. " .. [ ,. ,,'. ." , " .. '-' - , '.'. . I, . ,,,_' '_" . ~.' ~. , , I~' . _ '" , ,. '" , ,- . _

'Ka···.·. ftd.··.·~la'mo: 'm e:,~inrDhr!en ,., dann alles, bei 'Sc'h,wa,c:ber

'_' ' .. ~. . _" ",. ",..., - ., " '.' , ," . , , , , , -' '" . . ,- .

'H' ;0, d' ~I R~~'h~ 'k h 'bill d'"

.' Itze,; u,n···'t ... ·',e.···~:'r~,-' s···.·t~,au.n······.·····.·I,I-.g····:'e··.·.··m·'~ .'Jii "r1e"n'oc- e'n, rlS I,~le

'_"_'" __ ._ '.' _~" __ " 1_._ " ", ,.~.~_..,.". ..IU_~.,. ' , , .. - _ ... '1

M··,,· ,.' , ,f:!'. ",'. t~' '~I' ,t, D':'I'" " . ~ '.' '''I~ 'II.~, ·h·- ';F·'··· ··t· t··, .'~··"B····I~·a,"'- ,11--,~ -'''I~ ee'

iaS,Sie ,Jl.'es, IS. .as reSI,llC ,I ,e ' ,e 'e, "l)!l,l,feJ1We,I,!3

~··.,'!I·-"·"·"'Ih'~.'-·" 'b~-···Iil,~. '~':~e·h'-·· d"'''liig, H'-'8··"V'·'-·' '. "'~"'m'" 'To'·"'··'p,fb·.'· ·o··d·~··e···n-I

e,lom,, ,r,en", ~_S lSI ::"'.,!~ "," .' a vo ' " It ,I ",-~" ...•.. ,~

'U' I'n.···,d_'~ v-'--:··?o-'nl ,d:~,a!n~, 11'1 D,-·,pe~',e·:···I~t-,e, _-·o-.- 'loi~I~,t. • 'D--..i"~ HaIva ,au,r ei-

. _. __ ,._ .. ' .. __ ._ .,,", .... _ .. _ ._.I1.b" I l" ". _ '_ .•. iIi3! _I~J ," Il~ "" '". . _ -- _._

~. .' '. o· '. To I'll, '" "'10 - ,_ '" -,-- d- ,- . ~ ;jj;'t·, - .... - .... , ... , .-. SI. -alc"'~'h' ·t"e-)I n,le:n ,g~ol,.~en .lel,llJ'e,[ g,l:eLJen, u,n,···. ml; e'l,n,e,m ..... )p,'~~' ··,··~I,



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E· .. ' b 'II 'D - ~.... F' d' d' .,., 11 .,

_ :I.n. scnne . CSI . '\essen .I:ur . " reunc e~_ ervo twert-

k'r:~lc';',he- EslaBtl-- sich als sattigender Nachtiseh mit

.,iU _ " ,,__: .. _ -.J. . _.:._.-, ..• _ . ""_ ., . _ '_ I '_ _ _ . " " . _ _ _ '. . _ _.' . , l . . . . I III , ,

.. ti' -. ../-'. '1-" ' eht .' E' . ",.:,.- .. -,/. - .. ' .1<- ' mb .. ~' --.:~ .. -. '--.'-'.' -. od '. - ,'. 'I' ". ·U· -' I

BI.n.'emel.'C: l.Je·o .. _,-sse.D .. _~Io.m:lm.eren. o:,er a.s .Jnr..:()!.ni~

-- - --- -------

~" kt ' , ':. 'h· ,- ~·t'-tl' . : :'-,'.) -;-.:-. --: ". 'T.-:- .. - d···'I::::"·I-- '-Ka'::~ .,::-. Cf"'-"'" -' 'I:~'" ch .' .. --.

,Ie_~._, n,a,c, ,_.m.l __ c:8,gS zu.m IO .. ~,er . : _ .I.,lee rel.c __ en~

]2'·"5- g.'., B·C' 'utterschmaiz oder Ghee oder uneesalzene

," -, ..... ('._ .",' '[ .•.• 1,. ~: •. ,_: •• _,.- ... l:" __ '_"_, __ /, __ ._ ._,_. _ .. [_.l_'.~ . ....:_ .. ' .', I_ .. I_· '. :_'-':r~' .-'.' .)_ '1.":'.'1 .. '._.

B':lL't· ter I' . E:'·D;I'·· unsesalzene 1:J:'~·t···'a··· ·z· iienkem ·.R 'iii'

~ '''1_ I :~l_' (I' .. ~\ )!!I 'I4r·1161~t;JIl~. ~'~f·.!f;r. IC'''- JI. ·:_.::_:_~!f~LI·. A~,::.)~ .

l' E:'71l1:,.' C·····~'_i(l~le······Wt·.:fti'~~·.p.~,~ 1:': E~~·nl,·i;_ .~nn:· delsoltuer <i'

-, ._. :u~-, ...... I~,', .. ,',IHd\d!E> .,' fI~' '!!'. J";.I'Ml .. )A~iL)~"f .. '.

}' "'11-.,., v arda ': ... O· .... "C': '~m"',,-: ."::-} .:-: _. I·,' .r::,al,' R' losinen 'I! ._ ,.I ,ee _;j A 'U,' ,Ui:1 ..",". ·",rl'Sll: "_,e,,, - .. .~'~., .,' di II;'-'!!L.i- '!II .

371 g.:-, ung resiebtes J"olllk'om'weiizenmiehil ~ 16J.2· E·IJI~

'_ .. _.' .'.' ~ \~:~.i " :._.. ' .. '.' .,. __ .. - _ - _._=. __ ._ .'.' .". .' I., v"'\·

R-· ohrzueker ,~ ~~ l .'~'e.J'·~·D··~I·'~~c~L

. . "TI~. ~ ,_ n..e .' .74. " .. : ~\~ .jl'-1.I_ Itn

I. Yorbereitungszeit ::. 1. I) M .. inuten Garzeit: '1,S; Mimnen

's::-~" ' .. '.,:!:. 'd'--"- ",.-. -- ach .. ·t' '!I!' 'D'" , .... -. ·F·J·,t, •. i,_ .. -~. - -- . , .'. 'B"C'" .

,!>'O wlr ..•. s' ,I)emac: '. ,~ . as '. ,e't,I, 1ft. emem gro sen,

schweren Topf'be .. ··.I@i 'm' .;: ittlerer Hitze schmelzen la .1""-

._"_" __ . ' .. _rw, __ ~~ .... I .. ' .-"" = '.~ ,. I .. , '~_ .,' •.• ~_~~= 1_

"c_" ' •. -'-;-' I. E'J';~'-'-;- -.-:- tiefer T.-,I!'I',·-·· --' -~,.'" ... iee··-··rl··1ie··-···n- I und beis eite Is,en~. '.. . ~I.nen .. I.el.en 1, aOSJ,I, I .. ·_,II··· _'._ ._: ._'. ._. .~.·lsel e

- - -- _

stellen, Die Pistazienkerne und Cashewnnsse

- ~ - -- - -- - - - _. _ _ - _ _. _. - _

.'. robh .. - ·L.-; - 'D···· '~' .. ·-K::··7· d - -. i" ..•• ". '- .. I' .. '. ,··;-,·--··.-··b--: .. -.-,

groonacxen, ,·.·I,eiar:., ,amoms,a,m.len g·);OI zer-·

d __ !lFIIi' "k- . --. ·D'·· '0· - ,~"" ..... ,- '~·t" .-- .. ' ,. ----- - . '-';,''1.7'-·- -.- ,.'

__ :ru.'C -·'e,D,ii> . ····I'e' Ir'\.:OS,I,n.en .ml_ WSI.II].em.n,asser WB-'

"-"'h'·-·,,-, ·D·'··'·· M··:·-.,······d···--·····I· · .. ·I'~"l··'t-·····-' '. -··d···1 d':'I'+-" ··hl. ····'·,·k··t·· ." Sc,~en!i' .·I.'e: "- "an,.·:,c:, sp.,I,_cr un'···I,;_lle Ie, I, ·ale ". ,en

··N······· ·,."'~ ...• c.-, .:;i .. _ ,d,cc'r-"I ·F·-en· .. "." I···,··o····'·ld .. b"I'r'a' I n- ... ··I 'b,···r .. ·a'·lt'···.:::..····· 'D"'l:tie" R:'o"'s"i! _

_ .' u,sse· In :.··,em, < __' .~_. ,_ ,0 .. , ,"',' .·en~ " ,~_~ I.

D,en hinzu,fiige:D, un,ld- k.u:rz u:m:riJhren .. 'Di,le Kar,dllmomsamen, 'u'o,d, ,das, VOlllk.o:mw·cizc:D,meh·1 zufii.-

'.' .. ' .: .. -.'-. - 'd~- .. 0" t·· .... - .... - ( .. ,t!i~ '.' ·d· .~ ..... " R····.--'!!i~ b'" r-"e: "'0'" b--··· -a" ".: .. "'~"".

,g,c'.n u.n.·· U,.I, .ller san.1 Igem _U. __ ._.: .. c...'.c.c .. r,~,_.un anro-'

"','1')'" ..... o······ .. :·-=-· Z· .... ··,· c··-··;t-·· .. ·-··, " .",; 't·· ' .. -" .. -.:~, I··--:·:b·,·· .. ····:·· D··,···'I'e···· ':b"C"'I;!If)e':'" M· .:~Ic·--··h:··'

s,e·n", . ··,e.n.'~u··.,:er u.n. ,errnlSC ).e.n~ .1· . _c • .'~_.LJ'i,. II· .. I

. . -

'h-:; I~in- e···~· i~;n':'''g' ... 1:,e-~B-·: "e"~:;n-'''' '-g. -n'I' d- - ,d;'I'\e~~ ·.·.····';a~ i's,··';~s·"le· _" .'a··~ "U' I'fki' '-o>c·~'h- .. :e·· ·n:· 1·,·as··.,'5: ·e········n·-·.

.... 1'J( ',' .• ,1. '._.:.JIj, .... ~'.'. _', J ~\~, '.~' _ '\~'.~ r·"· ...• '-.'. ..1 •• " ' •. '. ',,, ,". .... ,_~ .'" .", .• __ ['I

Idab-~e-"i 2·7-3-'·· MI •. ··I'I·'n'u .. ~t··;e·:n ~~,·ft-"·lii',O 'Ui' ml-I'riih.:"':D- .' 'Drie Ha-~

_.' _' .. ' .. _' . ." '. " .'.'. _"_ ' ' Q e1' I, I ~ ~I • I~, I!I! , ". ,. \,

'. i . :.~ . '_-::-I . "f: ·d-' '[.., '.' -- .~l··tt· _c': ··:t·, . tT' ,11- e"'" -:_i ,'.- ,.'~.c '-'. B" '. "- .' - " ' .. Id- ". ) . :'JC" , .. rt

va a.u, , '. ,e,g glel.e - -e,len. ,I. ell, !':7r ,gle,.'e,n, u,n.)·. ,1,01.0, _.

1- 'OJ. h 'S d ~ d

g·_.ait.tltre'l.e "i :en.~ .' I -<,e=Je.r 'warm senrleren IQ,-_.Jer

·k·al.t'., 'u·'o-·d-c fes:twe:-:rde=n" a<~~s-' e,-:n ~ Ida'nn 'k'le~ine 'Recht~,

'---". _. ! __ ._.'_"_ ." •.•..• _._ '. , .. _a _1 ..•. __ 1, .~, l ~f. '.1 I I .• I ' ll, .. '

eeke oder : ombe -I-'. darans 5 c .. hneiden und sie im 'K'lU"''''lh' schranl ..... zuaedeckt bis zu ,4'1 Tagen au '~Q~

-' .. - ' .. '~'-' "- - _: _.1Ii ,__:_, -·a,· '_;:-'" .,_:_ .. -,-:.~. ~ -' --' I L_ .. ':." .), .' .,1, IU'I;'

w-'a....-· h .- fl' -e' '0' .

I",. . • ..

__ 1.:.I.!iI!!!!':'___~ ""-1 '!"!II!

HiEd Seite 48

- -- -- - - - ,_ - . __ .

! D"" b 1-- iii b S- - 0-' .ii; . ., 1:11 iii I dol' b Ii· ~

•• ·!li·e··se : •. ···e ie ::· •• t·· .. e~·:ui"'. S-·'P· oeise w·,····\tlrl .. 'i in .' ·ni,'·~le·.······"n:.·· -"'e~II' I·~S·:. t· '._

.' II,. . _ . _. . '._ " '.', I... ~.'., •• • .' ...••• l I~ ~ .• ,.I.l. '. _ '" .". '_'~~" '! '.' '. . l~ l ~I •• '

1·,I~;·C-:·bl-1 en Anlassen I nu·---..-ii't.··':· ve .. .rsilberten, e/:B'b,.arle .. ·<n'~ ':~'I-,'''',t-,'",

, ,'. . , '_'" "a.a~.. 1 I.: . . _, a I , . oi" •.•• '-., , • _. _ '_ " • la ..


tern serviert,

z· - - 'to '#'Ii '''',;,7HI I:':;':~I 16·~·· ' ...... ~ ~e.~o·, ~\M . .QMi !Iii. lit ... ·,I'~ 11',1; J' ,"11' ..... (]I.r '.~,II!',~ ... f'I:·~.f,li 'i'

.1'(JO(J,g· M. '," I en' iii 601,g Suluminen ~ 6 F;JJi~ Butter-' hmalz oder IG>-he"_Dt"':~D':~ lI"g;~estl!/zene Butter '.

_. I._,_' __ ._. __ U'_ .. _ .. _ ,_,_,,,~ UU:~" '_.' -":'_c."-'-'-'-- .. _,_,_ .. _ .. _ ,_,_,_~,_

1'2"':'0' ,a .Inl'~~e'--;,J~,n,l·'-,~'fi":.r~·~ iii 1'J T~Ql' _ iO'iD,m: .;-:a/-~h·~· Iener

'- ._:C ... ,0 .JrJ!:I"',,;UI.~" .,'\~.. . ..t'I..'!Lo""" le,~"-' . -,''1;,;''- _ ~.'

Kardamom '. JS Teel. Maca' '!I 4 .IVJ'. jliissi;gerl

H···· ...... ' iii 1,:-I.I{'c'····-h': 'II 1:2:·j·:··g··.'·· R,·:···O·· ... ,>·--···;,~·~,·~, . on!lg . '_' J',.;;I .. ··II". ,.' ',: .~,_·n,;r

Vorbereitungszea: '1 5, Minuten '.1 Garzeit: etwa 1..~ Standen

So ·wird.'·sJ g,em"acht ,: Die 'Mlo.bren. wasehen, putzen U·· '0'.' .d: g uobr asp .... eln "-". 'D .. i"I~;e····· Su Itan iinen in wa rm em

l~ .•.• __ .",.I.:;--., ...• _' ._ .. ' '._, !Ii •. l' _ '_. ,. __ ,,_<., '_ .. ' __ . __ ' ." .. II ,

... ' l

Wasser waschen, '.' Das .. · einem grol.Ben., tie-

fe :0' TO".!p·~,fl' bei mittlerer Hi itze ,., 'S:.IC··-:bm, . melz .~ ... ·e·~.'n' I II assen .

Il~ -e I ,I,~, " . ~"'" _ ,a,I,I ... _ ~'. I , ._ I "._. __ .' __ .. ' I'.. ~.. _!It


Die ... ·:-M···/ la ·n-;.d.·.~ •. elsplitte .~I U· nd die Su ·.I-it.-·-.a·:'ln:-,·'I!nl-:I~D·-". daz zu !'De:-

, ..•... ".:-', ,- '.~ ~ 1. '" .~L-~ , . ,- '. . ,II~ I ••• ' • ,_. _ <-- _~ ••.. ".. '._. ',101 _

ben u .. md 2':'··- M.·· dnute .. 'DI-' "r)o·~:It!!,t'le··.·n!· - Den Karda mom u nd

• ,,~, __ .~_ I' •• • __ .•.. , II 1.'1 .. "'. '. !ll!l •• '._, ~... " •• 11 _ .,' __ .'

den Macis unterru ~. ren, Den Honig znfugen und nach 1" M' ,::: "-1=':0' tu te d 'I"'.' ·-M·······: IO'ti.ii,h· ··'''e·· "'0-1' .untermischen .. · Den

' I .. " .\ I , ,_I _.::__, _.= . ...:..:._ .... ' .. ; ~_ ,y . _. ..:_:. ... _I _a~ I ~ .. _l~ _: ... :.' _ _...::__.I--i "',~, ',:___:. ,&r';Jk... .'. -:'., II' iii .. ' ~I

T::o····p,···-·r .. · v· '~··e·~jc-···b-'-I·I!a'B·'Dn'· 'ill 'III o· ··d·-· ·d'i ~e"" M····· x'h--;-~n-' 'd"=-' u··'~'·'n,-,~:t·e·-·!n:·· 'b"'l~£!l

I, ._:.:_,~. _,_ . ::_:'Ii.~::_ "_:_:_._:'~, :...: 'Ii!;f......! 'u, I._...__ .-_'.:"" .' , .. 'U .... 1Ii, "",', I, _1_ ' . ~ _ -: ~,_" " ~ .. ~._.'~'

; I !d,j,'e flii:ss,i,l,k,eit v·e:rdam,.pft i,s·t.~. Du, da.u,lc:11 je · 'Peu,.chtig' ;(,e,~'ts,g!e'hjaJt ,d,ler' M,o,'h,ren '1'0- 20 Mi-n·u.ten :;i Ida·:bei. gcl.cgentlic;h. 'u'mriihre~n 'u.Dd 'e've:n.tu.lclJ. di,e:

I TI······ '-1· 'Ti'" ... ' .... ', H' ".. I

I _l1_p MaiD kan·n. d:le Moh·ren.- ... ,,8 .~

,- -.-. '-- .. ·ih-·· -- - ·~·t-' k'--')- .. - ~'.-.- .. - '''-''h' -'.-:-C '''-''k- "1"'-"'-- I ' .-- - ' --; .. : I" ., .- - .

va, ,' m.I.I_- ._ .... le·lD,le'· 1.'c_IKC . · •.. i,eOt u,ngesa zen.e.n

'0:; ,.. . .. d'[ .)-. ,j,~. d:' . 'hl

,r,lstazllcn" .1. an_ 'e:. ,stlit,e:n, U,t:I'cc . Bern,a .•.. ,en"em,

var:'·I'l·d .• · a··.·'m·'·o···· •. ····ml' ·D.a·.nn,·I,'~ere···::n-:

.~.-. '. ., '.-. 'e-'-· .'" . '-" . ' .. !!II

-- -- -_. /,' .

51 - ,*

. 'II-IP- \8'11-"----

:_'- .. ;_.1. -'.i_:_

Hitze rednzieren .. , • :D:i:e' Mil,c,b Zll'Qj,eOe:n und alles


unter Rtlhren bei mittlerer Hitze aufkoehen las-

sen, Den Rohrsnckerzufugen und die Misehung un er gelegentliehem Ruhren :ZUf' H',i'lftc einkochen lassen, Sie :80111 den Koehle ffel d:iek, g,b"erzie-' h "e'''n-' Die 'H'~_I'i'- e reduzieren und die Halva 'M-'··-I'l'·

::- :';"~l~_jl!i ... :.:~I>. '~"~~ :.'.~- :""·~:·'~.l' .. _:W,~l l~~ll I [_:_. t' ":." , ':. I :.~ .. ' .~.~; .. ,''.'_.'-:~J: .. -l-'.~'.'". -.

sc hu n ,0' unte :r-'-' Ruhre '0' koch en '1Ia" sse '0--' 'b-i-");;IIC IS;!'e-' QO-"

g,: __ , ,'-'_ "D ,-: I, ,_::.c .... , 1,-->, ,~',' I~.:I" tli -, ,!.3- Ii. _ ~I_

dick ist, d,aB sie sich 'Yom Rand nnd Boden des 'Iopfes '(,list und zu einer festen Masse ZUS8'm-' menzieht, • Den 'Iopfvom Herd nehmen D'D,d, die: Halva gleiehmallig auf einer gro.B·C'D Platte verteilen .. Die Oberflache glattstreiehen und die Halvaentweder 'w".-,-:·.' .. a>··rDI-. " od ,e"'r-' ,:a-I,UI:r'~'Z··'··,,·'--"'I~:m' . mertem '-"pe~'.'.' -.'fl-:-a'--:- .... ,

__ _ __ • _. t _ • _. ' __ •• " _ • • • • • • _.'. •••• II ".. • . .. ' I I J 1 • , ' •• , ." ",1 .... ~" " _ ..

tur abgeknhlt servieren, Oder _, nach der traditionellen :M:e:th,'OLd,e _' die Halva abknhlen lassen und in Rhom.ben schneiden, K:ii -::1 aufbewahren.

D .. ·· , erfri " .. -, ehei d . I I· ,·i·'·.- ht 'b'-"'-'--'k-~!O'" ',- aliche 'S·~··,iIj-IoB·l:··.· ._- .... ';;o.,. <

I.e e,',,1 ,n,s'c,. ,![en-,'e~. c,me, . LC_.:.'om,.m_I'C._, ,Ie, ~"U~· sp ..... else.

u !il ['

ist iiberall in Indien sehr beliebt,

'. Zubereitungszelt: ]10 Minuten

Ruhezeit: at··--w-- '(;:I 4-1 Stund en od A-- "'b- --,---' N~-" 1'- cht

J_,J_~,~~)I _ '!! ~I ,~_,"g,:_, -~~I_I~~, __ , __ .~ " . ~-~_-~ru.:_:e'r' .J. a,c •. : :

Kuhlzeh: '1, Stunde

,SIOI 'wird.~'s sema,ch't :: Den Joghurt auf eine Mu 1- windel geben, Die Windel 's .. ut, ZU,'S,8'mme"D: .·.'b-_-I-:ol: ,d,~ ·e~·n·.· '.

- :-' I - - - - - - [. _.. . . ._. . _ ~ - \ I __ "_' _' ," , ". I I J I ',' I

_- ..

"0' Old: e·':t·w-'·: '8 4··_-- S,··:t·'-':-'·o··'d·,,·'e"o-'-· o,,··d: ~ "b--'-"i:~'b'"'''''' N:-······I' ·····h't-' ~ 1"- .

_ ,,' .'>, '.' ,:, ", __ -U,',:.: ':-.', ,,_,- ' I-esiscr Uierl'-la,c,:" ,zum

A- b-' t- --- -'~'--'- - 01'1--'----801; d '" I' S';;' "b '"''"''b ,~

.. ' I" .' ,,", 'f' I" ," '.r, 'I.~· l ...... -. II _ .... ", "", -',[ ... ', ' ... " ," \". .. -., . .. ," t _. -.:' ."", .. - ,:-'1 :', .. ' ,- .·1··... . - ... ' . _.

, ..... rop en, a,u ," ·•· .. ,ng,en. o!:- ,er 10 elD .··,lIC,.1 D, : e,r ,elnen

0·--, B~"e-""n- I TO" "',: --'f'/ ')-1"-'1 - "~',- --. .- .. '[)t ~.-.". d'; I,'!!i .... k:·'··, J-'.-, ..... " 'h,:-,-,rt·-·,·- .. -:c. -.,' ,- .. -- .. -' ··:!!'t·

',.1 ""-'1 I,! .. ·P.·" ,e,,·g,-AI~oa,nl __ ·. - e·::.,IIC·-:, '·e-·' D.-g. g,. l,m~Ilit!ls.·~mlll

_. __ _ '_'_'~'. ,'_ '_ . . ~'_" _ I ",., •. '. ~"'.' I ." . _ ... ' • '. _,,, " .. ,_ ... ~ . ~J I . '] ~. ',."

I I ._ .' , •• "

iein'-~'-:"~" b-··", -",-,~·t-'··,--·-··· '-M-',-:,e-- '"' .... ,-,~' ·'1 ·S:'·-~hl ,i:,:,··-.' ,·tr·[" / _>t;',C':-,-

·._.·.,.e,m .. ···,rem -cn, '.1 esser I.D. el,ne "C,,,,B,sse, s .. el.len"i'

D ~ S Ii fI'- d ,. ;iJ '1 ... :11 Iii 'Il:I&: h

I.' _i : rile: :/':la_~ran'_-'~-~I,,_Je::n 'in e1lnler '~Ilel'n.'e'n :rla:nn.e 10, ··.De

FeU bel :seh,w,8,ch,I'!rr 'H'i,tze' troct,e,n an.rO.SI'te'ft u:nd,

d-·'a·~'n--::-···n-I 'Im--,-::-·::-·)'!,t Id::-Ie"',r' 'R····./u·~,c~:--'~~"""'e·.;I~'t,-, e:;n' 'I""~~, '~' .~~~::I-s--- z~·Al!'!;d;; tjI'ic-:'k','e-.·"n·-

_ _ • 1 .1', l' _ • __ • .".~. ,_,... '. ~".. L,,,-, .. ,IL ... \Jl~ lLAJ.I.,I.~, .' ,_~.I. ' .. _ .I. LIL .. , _' _", . II'_

'D"- ji; "M,'i11 h h !iii,. ~~.. d '1- ,- -

-,I,e' ,,'. ,:IJlC~, . unzurugen uno "auw',arm, werden :1,85-

sen Das ~a-:"n-'n--"c'-~ 1 e n vom Herd 'ne':h- m' te - md ·d· ,~!.

~~' __ ' __ !!l _. __ > ,r,l,itI,! __ _.II, ..', ,'"" .. " "II, , ,.: I.c-:,.,. '~',_ .c__,I,c-::D, UD! -,'~_~.Ie

'S- 'a'I~---'---I:--' M······:~'II- .;=::'''- -. abktl h-'-·'I·-'· ',.-.' I·' .---.--).---- .'-"'-.:--- D--···,-;-'·---- ,-'-. da ' .. ·D-. -,-:_- -

1-_"I~,_I"ran.'~,J,'-'I_C, .',i/g, e;n , assen,;, ,,~Ian.n.-'~ as, ,~Ot9Ien ... ,

'wasser einrnhren, • :D~',e·---- Mand e .• ·I .. ln und .• ' d ie Pist a ...

_ _ _ _ .___ .!P _ I J._" J I . 1_ ._. _."__ __,_._"_. " __ •. ' l' @_. __ .

zienkerne feinhacken, .' Den Puderzucker eO:), .~ r, felweise mit de:m Joghurt vermengen, 1.1 Dei •..

- - - _._ . - - .. ~~. __ . - _ '._. lll_.~_ .. l _!I!!!I ._. n,

. - .

'Ka"-"c,-, d" -c.' - .' ',-" d ,"' .. 'M' .- I'·· -. dl "'1- " .. td d z. s- -. f"" .. ' "R"-' - _-

aroamom, uie ',.· r ···an,~_,eLn, unc ure aa ran ... ·~,ose'n-

,w" asser M"-",'I·"I'C:,hl d Q"'I geb '-":.-' ""-, d···· ,',·1')'1-"''-'' 1':'1-'" 'U'-·':··--""iI!h-·-';-··-- ,--

,-_ ~.'.'-" '-,"', ",.1-, .. , '_' ,-~u,_:__:'-,-}e,n uo' a. ,e:s ,I ra.:; _-ru="Jreo.,

M' .. ·- d 'Pi·-" ,. b - d knhl servi

i.'l' : ...• ,en : .... stazien bestreuen 0,0:'-. lLU," JI servieren,




!4 Teel. Safra,nfaden ~ 141 Milch' ~ 1 Teel. Kordamomsamen oder Anissamen ~ ,2001" 'VolllmnJ'-

'w·· rOI'''Z: ,QM'm~··· __ D'"L!I~·:' ,Iii 6_-;'-_ 0'; .O' Weizenmeh -" .... "Tl"'fnP ·4/" ',0 C',~ (~E' , :: Q .' ". ",J'

I. _ ~L_ '-~f';_,:__, __ ~II_, - .:..:.' __;_/ b I"" b'~'~if"_)' __ :""_i__ ,.I,}'Y'W' -, ' ... ,J .. .' ,~,,:~

toehu .. t·- ,ii' .. ~ ~,4-- ··~·~l'-, .. ~o'··~"~I:17 R:··.·,I"II·L~lf.;P''.~~r' oder a.s..

J I. 0 I. _,' I ~ . ,~I,- i!I! ,n, i. '1, ,e ~lI' '_" uH,.~ ,"""AC:_ ...",,;11;.,_ e,!(i;;~'

trockneter IDn'l-m'--I.D:H"il'"n',./'ji - 4····· r'n,'- utte .. e~;Lm- - _n1'Z -,~/s .•

1_ f~,R.-r;I~,'~ .. ,r:g,,_,_' "~i.I~"J'I!I 'Ii -".' '~_"~ M"~"~r~;..,;n':""I~: 1IU~,,p'

Ghee oder ungesalzene B'lIt, ,_ .

• Vorbereitungszeit: 10 Mimnen

I. Ruhezeit ': :2 Stunden oder iibe'r' Nacht

•--, '.': G'8·' rzeit .. c'M",-: In UI' t-ie: n .

. ·:-jl~"·-.· .'1. IJ tl!!!1_ .. ! , .


So! wiro,\ts, g~ma"c,ht: Die Safranfaden in ei:nem 'Prin:nch,e:n bei schwaeher Hitze ohne Fenzugabe

anrosten und 2"" B····:il~"e·.·-=-.l-I M>< Ileh ~'III,g:--"b-: •. en D .....•. as

, "'~' ' ... '" .. ' '_' _ _ !I. ul.l,' . ' . . .:.. lUi ' .. ' 'I.;iI . !IIii;oil,., , . ~

Pfannchen v'om Herd nehmen und beiseite stet, ... ,

IA'n-- • Die Ka :rd" amomsam i"IA!n~ im M-······ ·o~·ir:s--,:Ie·ir--' zersto .

'- ~. __ ,_,,~, '- _.> _,,_;. ".' __:___'_ _' .,__'__-'G-. ,1._,,:. __ J~ "_" I "1,!!W;,,,;i!' I, '" ___!'.' '----'" ._c -,1- . I __'_', ~,J,Q'-. - .'

B'e:~Q. oder den Anissamen ohne Fettzugabe kurz anrosten und ,d,BD'D zerstolsen. '. Allie: ,Zu,ta'ltc':n 8:U:'!!' Ber dem Fett in, cine Schussel gebco und mit dem Schneebesen oder Handrnhrgerat zu !cio'nem rrels schlagen, Den, Teig beiseite stellen und zngedeekt 'mit einem Kuehentuch mindestens ,2 Stun,die'D, od,e':r' O.ber 'N,a.'c,bt. 'bei. Zi~mmcrtlem,pe'ratur' rD'-' .h,en, lasse:n, ... 1 'D'en, Ba,ck,ofen, a,u,r ,50,0 vo'rbeilze1n~, I.

1, ES:I,otTel Felt i-n 'ei,n,!er gr-o,I},e'n scbw'efen, :Pfano1e erh'i,tzlen,., 1.1 Den ~eig 'nolc~, einma'i gut scbl,ag;e'n, 'uD:d prol ,pfan:n, ku, c:h,e,n, 1 EO,I(;'ffe'l ~eig; ,in die' 'PCan'ne ge:be'n Den 'Te1ig 810£0'rt mit ,einer' Ke'-le ~on'der<Mitt~·a~glattlllld dOnn 'en

£,]" I ;JI. -.'

'~- .. , '.' ""k'" "., ... ,'iI!-oo.,' ',-- ··-'te' .. ~:-,-- . 'M······ ";0; :-., I=t· .. ···-, 'I' -:::-I'"g -'. r·a·' '(-'-0" b "ili!'~ die r.l,a,nn",U.CIII,en e"w,a, r~ IOU, 'e .,a~I,_1 '.~ , ,_, ~_" ,', .... , ,Q .'. l~,

Rander leicht ~,---., b .:.,.,;,:, '1"- -'-,----- beein 'n' ',iD'--" danr der

,In,j2,n, ,1,el,C_!, ._ ZU_: ,.a,u,nen ;_ '~'Il, , , ~ , " '," _,a,n,n ' ,e.n

Pfann kucl en i'm~'-"I~I'I' ein em Sp achte ,'). w·,·-,,·e="n-·-,·d'-- en un d

.___:. _,gr I I_"'"~ 1',_," ',' I I ,_~".I W, __ ,,_. __ ' I I. _", I, _' ' ... _" '. J •• (I '_ ',.,l_ _ ~_J' I , _ Ll"_l .

d-I' .. , - '. '.'. d . s.! -', ':S' -,''"'t'-',;::.:: "-'b- ." :-:-"nl '~a-;II-1j. l' cM,"""" :~'-:'-----"'---'-':I'-~ 'b- raten "·'e' "'n:- '_'n"~' _,lie an ,ere I',',,_.e e _:, e, ""I!!, JlS .c__ ,~,,_],nIU, _"~r'D. ,II .. "i. "I, I,

d· ,-:-.,.:., IV:-:-,-, '1,;- 'I C" "h-'-' .,.:- __ " (- '.",' 'Id"'~ 'b' j'--:- '1"-'- ----- ,'!' st -Iii 'n'" d die 1D ,G'n,d'" e- ir_ ,e r'l,a", ~' ,::_" ,len, ,g:o, . ' .. _rau,n, ,lS, U" I, , ',' ,',,',- n.a.lIUIJ_".c_

'I~" ·~"'I' ·_'--::-·I-'i',. ! ,.--,« I ld":·· '. "~. ,:iil ~ '1'1' i - --, ,~··rt·:~, .. ' " .... ' .. ' ;', '~-:-I- ,-I~- --

... D,U,S, ..•.. _j -'i ~.. W er~- ,e '" 1.81 er I, ,e ,'. :Ig'ii' ". "e,n 1'""1 ann .... U'~,

'C::-:'h"-,A.--- '-.;--- f 'K:',/"u~~ c r- enkrepp a Ib __ ,·t···rlo-::"p~i~-'-n-:- . I: ssen 'u~'n-- id auf

_ ,_,,_,~,n, .,u, _. , '_ '.! , '. ,.III-IIJII.J I!!!!o;.. ,." ---, .. , , __ "' _. , . '. _ , , .. ' .1, II ".' "_' ~, __ .' ii;3 "'""_' ,_ " ., ,'. . _ " ,

ein 'm',·" ,.':_- aehen _ eller '''I-:'m-I Backofen rw~~·a'·'rm---' ha "',~'n-' ,~

, .J__:.:...._.,_.I •• :. ,-,_I I I J ,'. 1~1[ J !~I _ 1~[_111"'~'- I" I Il I '! ," . . ~ •• ···.·,ll..,.._I_ . -. ',~ _ J,I_ I ";,'~ i lL"-'t. I II!

Di:""!II;,,.·1 ,'Ui' '; _: '!!",: .',' . 'QI:;':.,_ .. -', I' '., I--:__.:.'h-'I'- '--::-1 herst :J-'Ie"-.----- '-,'- ·n:· .. d:.~·1 bis ~1'iI,'-m~ I"

,~e u,n,sen C'1"a.I1.D ,U,C ,_.e.n ..... e,n _,c,_, ,n _. .,.,,~ ;L'U. '--'

~S~'Ar'1I,Jr'~ e ~ 'Ir' - '0-- ';1'0-:-' den Backofe n stell en

'~_~,II, 'If !,~-I I, I" ',," I" 11,,1 _: ",::" ,,' ,'"0,,=...::.,,1'1:,,--,,,_. ~ -,1,-.,,' ,'_,_lii'

I' '1 Vo rbereitunsszeit: '1- ·O,···c:····· Minu ten

- -"', . ,", '-' 1I!!ii!!'_,J, - -'D9\ ,~, '. ",' '-""", ,~ .. ",

Garzeit: :25-:30 Minuten

S~iO··- wird ."~ ge 'm-- acht: 'Dj''"',C-' '8 .. ":'3'. '.- .. an en ~1!c~:'h:a~'~II.e-,~,n·-· 'U, "0-' : .•

_ " " ''P' , " , ii:J1 ,~" ," I , }g!~._._11l. i!!!', " '_' '_' '_' __ ''-'' ,_" I _ , ;i!JI., "', ,111,,_ "._. "_,_,, .' __

'1 'a'·~'!"'I·-·'··(·~ \,.' i ,- ,~'.' 'I' .... i"" ;:-', --~'-I- 'n:', ,1""'-"1 'B.::··' 1'-:--' :-'-"8' "n···e·· 'n:'" 'h··la'Ii~'lIl'A· I.~ ''!II._ 1-'''' ,- . A'I ,C"'__

v_--n"gs ' ,lalUI ,,_,ren.'!!!, ._ "e, ~1:a.n._: __ ,_,·~,,_1 ,' __ lIl,IIL:cn, "D, Cln,e ,~: ,-,.UI,';",

I 'a~"-u~ '~nllnn" - 'la:I'·"iIl!!!i:n ,.1 D-:,.:o':- '8·. ··.·a·;-'·.c·.·~k.-ID'e, ~'nl '8"' 'Ii 'III 'r·· : '2: ·00'·-0 'v, 101:." ·e~·I~!"'"

I" ,,,,_:' -"II,'v,· ,~.,_":~ '!!i' ," 'ti;iIc_!'_' ,1, __ ,_.'----'_, _,I,!,_" " ,Y", ',',' ",' '_', "N,

, ." "':- 1.1 'DI'~' ,- C"'" "", ,', . 'h-'- ,.- ':- .' '-,:- .-i·~'·I-:-:.'--::_ '::-'-1'- ,---- ··d· .. ·1 ·d···~·I'~!!\' ,-,'!!I,.,'.,.- ....• '. I" ,,'·:h .. ·"·

,Z,e,g"i ", .'.,Ie 'as" ,Iew,o.usse un,~ , ". ,I,e ",!hL,.'],e·, I, Sle, . ,r

,I:".'I!!' h"" · .. ··k'· ,. .... 'D' .,.' .... "!' .. 'K""-:-' _ .. ,'.,p .. :- -_'-,'-', ,~., 0, .... "' - ','. -')1 d· __ · .',' Z·····.',· .,-----.'.-, -'.,'-,

let ,n, ac:en ... , ,,/Ie ,~,~lo, .. osn,U,I,Jr,as, ~Ie ~! ··en,L:'U,C_'i.ler

d· .' '1'-'" . ' .. ,' .:' ...... :, '·h·'I· ", .. I '.' - K'-': ~- 'i- ·d--'---;:-·--'-- .' .. -,:-,' d-- ,;;;;., '. ·C'··,-"', .. ,' - 'hi" ':'- .. : .-' , .. '.'Ii' , . .-1." -',

,.:I,n g .. e· ·:m, . ..'~I .. e·· ,o'e .. n .:' ··,,·8.r ... am,Qlm,,,, ! .... le ·· .. ·· .. ,as, ewnu:s,~,e .. ·

~ I' ;-' _' [ j ~'l I I' • J I " •• ~. ,' __ ' .,' .~. }l. -7 _. _' _' . - J _' [ •••• iI:J ..

, . '

d d'"' 'Pi~1 ,., 'Ii! h- d'" '1- ,II; 'h a 0'" Iii f'

u:n ,'~,Ie ,~'-,stazl,e'll m.:I:s;c'''-----.en, u'n~ ~·,~e:_:,c,:'",m,a.,'I.'O, 8,U,'_·

- - lD-~

d', 'I B':'-:-"'~ '-_'-'I- "'-1 ::-,'_:::__'I1-,',,_:::__,i'il":::':',"'-' 'D"I"~"'-=:-'i K'---,'k"-""-"'-=;:"'--':' '-'-·B~I.,-- '~'I'-----~·- d· '--I' ,

I ,cn,an,mn,en Vlee.J._,e,n~ ,_,~.c' -"i~o,_~,o's,nu"ml ,c· . I ,ar~

'r'lb"·.-' _\,:iiJ,-(;'I_) - D'ril ~ A·····.···'I ' in~- ··'·I( ~--I--"" '-,'r',;' 'd=' ,I!!!!"'j :,~'~··''"'·':'-'I··' I"~

U .' e,r,gl::,LJe,R .. , " ·.·Ie ~ ,_,u_ ,!3,U.I.,I.,orm a,g, , '. ,Ie mi ..... ere

1_1'1,_ .- ". '·W"I·'I-nn'l 'k'I~':lIlil'n--'e,--- 'K~··.··"D:·<k-·"'·'D·--·I~I·n" 'u'-lSJlm-'-I'II'.I~'h-· .:

_ . __ ' ~ I .. ~. ~ ~,_:~"_,,, [ I' -'._:_ • ' I·'.':"':'/I~I I l._ llL.J . _EIi.I~, _

lode'r' '(ris,chIC ,K.o' __ los,nu,B:ras,p~J. v"o,r'ba'-,, de,n, I'e'i,n so['le, :ko'n.n,'t,e, 1 Bc,ch,er (1,51011.)

SU .. IIi'II?_. S:~'a··: h'D,a ''I'l'~;r'I'i'"e-o-'n-::-"d''' ·je··' .. ·'n-'-';I' d'i ac~ 0-:-10'-'-" I'a~-::Ib-I--:-.,e=--'r-:--' 17,',¢ 01

I,"' ~,LJ~ _'",!,: _ ,_,,_,~ '¥~. '.,1 t _' 'I' ". _ . _,". I j' 'J" ',' _., ,! ,I , I - _', ... ,1 l , ", J ,D

·--_;'-_;t·':"ro'-',···IC: ··:kn-l~,,- a""A K' -'~·o· .. ···!· 'o~·Ciinl·'-·'UI'Q'-\a-::-·s·--:-·p--.:@,1IJ v'··:-e· ·'rw· '_.' '··e'··'n: ··d·:· e···:··o'::

," ··.·1...:...~1 ... _ ..... ~ .. ~~~ .~;I~~ . ":", ..... , -'j," .• a~_:. "_·"Yl; __ ._. ,', .1 .. , ·~JII .. _:_),', .. : ·.~>l· I - . .'"_ '," : ~


Sehie me de es Bael .... ofen -----£' eeben und e"·'t'IL"8'--: 3X'O:--:'" M-',-I''"'O····U'i-

I .~)~ .. '~"}l ,,'_, .• _I~ ... , 1 _____:_ .. I~·_ .~~ .. I.~ .. ,I·~_J_.~, _l ~·.-.'U··~) "'~ " l' I' ~ , • .. ~.-'I'" ._" l ._:_) ,.'~" t' '._" • I • ..:. _I

ten ba .• cken, Die Bananenspeise vor d em Servie-

,_~, __ '_.' __ .. _ .. ~~_Il,~ _ ,_~ .... 1 I ... ~I_~_~ . _ ~ _I. I . _l. _,~,_ _.'~ L__~

, ',-.' . · __ ,;~"t··, d r"·;· Z·····/:'~'t'~" ,~, .---_-"I' ,:-" "--"J' :-. :,:,,'.-:- ft'~,' b ", -=-: ._.t·_~Ii~ c 1- '&!;~I' -

flen, m~, ' .... ,e,m, .~, "ron,e,ns,. _,~e_rau.e,_.n",

- - . - _.


J-' 1"1';"11".6rm·:-:-10 ne Ii; 1-"~,.'.o~'MB' Honiamelone iii,

r-"-U~I~~ _.' I .t.· _',~ ,~ " If!LI.'l~lll~'·II;I~ n'!~~,r""IIIO~·'·I!II;I~,[_.ILI'l_J·I_;I!I; _

I B(J'naIJ,e ,i 4 S ',e'iben' ,A:n:Q'nas '!II; I' EjJI~,fris'ch!

geraspette 1-':~liIO'I.jLI'D~"',''-,II'··. rzel 1("S:,jl~:~"~I.-~1 S···-----::,QI~,I:· ',di I-';,~ ,,,,

~ ,ill YoilIr~' "Ii,"-;' , '''iI!!',OI"'''~'' In''. _of ,""" ~'- ., '- ~n_, !I;O '- - I!I,;.. .'1

,2 E: - .. Rohrzucker I' ,1 E;jjt~, K'okosnufl,rpsp,r/' no'

,1 Efll.iJeingehackl'e Cashewniisse oder Manddn " einig« Min,zIJ'- ... ttchen.

,So' 'w·i .. ,d,t", ,Bee' .~ ,- B:c,bt.: :1: rj,e Wa's,SJerl-l:l,el,o(:~',e halbieren, ,3··"··,'-U,' :!fJ' dem 'F' -ru'-I',c-·,h-·-----·it'-:-_'_-,e,-:.:_'~:,s,·,:J:c···-:·:·h-:~·' m '''''I~;'l: ein em .. ' ussteeh er

... a ' .. '. . __ .'. ' . .1 I '. _ .. ' I_ " .~.' '._ Ii ~ 1 I ._.~~._ .. _., I l~

oder Teeloffel kleine Kugeln aussteehen und in

eine !D'r~'D,-_._i1}i~e- Schussel seben - D'··I~,e···' H· "0"0:' '~I'IOlm' elone

, . '.'" rit:l!!-'···· .I:~.. . .... - .. ,~ ~l~I~ .. _ .. _ ,~i~"-" '. __ ,._!!!II ,. __ .' ,_,"._ ' "':'___:_"._I_I_JID11_t- ._. l .:_. . .

halbieren und a us dem Fruchtfleisch Kugeln ausstechen '0"0' ,d;' ebenfal '8',',-" in d ie Sc . ussel geben

__ I .. ll~~. _ "_" _.' !!!!!l_I··._. _l_ •. __ 1_ll_1 _. ._.I. _.' ._ .. '[ 1 III! .1 JI . I···· I ..... '[ It i I' .. 1 .'.... . ,."" .... .... ll!!!!l

'·D· .••• ie 8'8:,-'1,'" ane 1,~iC'.,'··, a,oo;li"I-e',;n-'I' un ,·d··.·. kl einschneide a, Die

, .Ill ._. I ". . '. ~ .. , ..•..• I _J l Ii.' . ~ a .... I '. I' I. ==_ =. I .'

Ananasseheib .•. :n, kleinwnrfeln, I .. AJ:I!e,s v'lo~,-,~J:i,ch,t'i,g unter I'II;~',,~, '-,,_,~e:l,ioln,e"n mengen und ': ···.ij,'hl-;t-ll,e'n~ •. ~.: In,

· .. ··,Ie:r Z,wi ~c'h,e:nze'i.t. ei.'n.,e Id.ein,e: :·,_:B'n'n.e' j,e'. :m.:~.'tC'ler'c'r :H.itz'e' he:i,B w'ierld,e:n las,slern u,'nlid, oh:n,e :F,c,_tzu,(C;abe d,a,ri,n ,d,en :I::ngw'e!r' a'n'rost'e:n, d,e:n, R!o,h,'rz,u"cker' 'u:nld

d::e' 'Ko'kosn,u"Birss,:p,el zu'fii,gen u,~,: d, da,ra'us, 'Kro,~, 'ta:n.t: r,o:st,enil Di,e 'Pfan,:n,ie yom 'Hle'rld, 'ne,h'm,en D,n,d,

de' ""'n :-n· Ih'~ ·a--=-- "'a"lb-;'k.-·,· u··~·h-··'·e·. "'n' '~ia<I,s····s<e-'n-;- I. 'V···'·.-·'-'·o-r--' Id:.: ·'im··· .... ',S·~,e::·IF'I"'li ~'r-ile' ···'n-I

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d,'e,n Kro:k.3,n't 'u,n.ld, di.le 'N'u:5se ,auf d.'en :S,a'la't. s't!r'e'u,'_, " n,d, ,-;"il Mi:nib·'lc'h,e::n ,ga'mi,'e':[len .. ,

De''-'r' _S··C-:.118, - '?!r.l· 'k,'a:' ·ni 'n'" ·a, u .. c,-_,'h· ~ n···· !~ ·e··-'o-·

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