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The Hallmarks of Scientific Research summary

Hallmark mean the distinguishing characteristics of scientific

research. There are 8 Hallmarks of scientific research as follows
5 which we will study in light of an example:
1. Purposiveness 5. Precision
2. Rigor 6. Objectivity
3. Testability 7. Generalizability
4. Replicability 8. Parsimony
Example:A manager wants to increase employee commitment to

15 We must start the research with a definite aim or purpose so that
activities of research revolved around this purpose. Here objective is
to increase in employee commitment by translating into less turnover,
less absenteeism, and increased performance levels.

20 2. Rigor:
A good theoretical base and a sound methodological design would
add rigor to a purposive study. Research must have a good
underpinning theory and good method.Rigor means carefulness, and
the degree of exactitude in research investigations.If the manager
25 asks 10 of its employees to indicate what would increase their level of
commitment to the organization then investigation would be
unscientific. Sample size matters alot.

3. Testability:
30 Scientific research tends itself to testing logically developed
hypotheses to see whether or not the data support the hypotheses.
After taking random selection of employees of the
organization, the researcher develops certain hypotheses on
how employee commitment can be enhanced. These hypotheses can
35 be tested by applying certain statistical tests. Not all hypothesis are
testable such as religious beliefs.

4. Replicability:
The results of the tests of hypotheses should be supported again and
40 again when the same type of research is repeated in other
organization. Replication will bring confidence in research.

5. Precision:
Precision refers to the closeness of the findings to reality based on
5 a sample. Precision reflects the degree of accuracy of the results on
the basis of the sample design the research in a manner that ensures
that our findings are as close to reality as possible problems
are bound to introduce an error in our research.

10 6. Objectivity:
The conclusions should be based on the facts of the findings derived
from actual data, and not on our own subjective opinions or
emotional values. The more objective the data, the more scientific the
7. Generalizability:
Generalizability refers to the scope of applicability of the research
findings in one organizational setting to other settings.The wider the
range of applicability of the solutions, more useful the research is to
20 the users.

8. Parsimony:
Parsimony refers to simplicity in explaining the phenomena or
problems that occur, and in generating solutions for the problems. A
25 good conceptual theoretical model can be realized through
interviews with the concerned people. If two variables describe 50%
of managers research while 6 variables explain 55% research ,then
he will take two variables for simplicity.


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