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JAN 01 / 2020



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Pollution is something that humans are doing either intentionally or not. There are
lots of types of pollution happened in this world currently and the worst pollution is
water pollution. This is because water has become part of our lives and has a lot of
functions in our daily life such as using as shower, gardening, sports activities,
running turbines for electrical and others. 

The water pollution nowadays has become worse due to rapid increment of
construction, improper plan sewage system and industrial waste discharge. There are
few types of water pollution such as organic, inorganic, radioactive and so on.
According to Siti A’ishah Sukaimi (2019), Sungai Kim Kim at Johor Bahru caused
few schools had to be closed due to leftovers of radioactive had to be thrown in the
nearest rivers and shockingly students in schools had taken the effect where some of
them are having symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomit and feel weak.
Water pollution need to be cleared and removed with proper way so the next
generation can enjoy and use the water in excited manners. They also need to be
taught in early education either formal way such as in school they need to preserve the
water consumption to avoid waste and or in non-formal, parents need to teach their
kids how to not throw rubbish into the river. 
In this era of globalization, the usage of social media also can be part of teaching our
generations where the impact of media social is extraordinary. For example,
Malaysian artist Maya Karin has encouraged us to take care of our river and sea and
collect any rubbish even though it is not ours. In conclusion, water pollution brings
nothing but disaster to nature and people.
2.2 PART B
GCED stands for Global Citizenship Education. GCED is not new nowadays as it is
can be understood as an understanding of a citizen on global issues with creative and
critical ways of proactive action to settle down all those issues. It is not only on how
to settle the issues, but it is also encourage people to have a common sense and
empathy that create a peaceful state of mind to accept the difference between race and
There are three main conceptual dimensions of GCED that has been developed by
experts around the globe and being identified by UNESCO. First, it is all about
cognitive skills that require learners acquire knowledge, understanding and critical
thinking about global issues and the interconnectedness or interdependency of
countries and different populations.Basically it is an information or knowledge that
need to be understood by the global citizen on global issues such as environmental
pollution that creates a mess biodiversity and harmful for next generation to live and
use the earth’s sources.
Next, it is regarding socio-emotional skills. They are skills like common senses that
most of us have and it is coming from the inside of us. We should not deny the
feelings we have towards something like empathy or solidarity such as war in
Palestine, war in Myanmar and so on. Those are normal and thus we need to change
our mind of rather than sitting and watching to have a willing to help and the
responsibilities to make a change.
Last but not least, It is behavioural skills that we need to develop and this extensive
set of skills are essential for us if we have the willing to make a change and hence,
proactively act responsibly at local and global contexts for a more peaceful and
sustainable world by voicing out our opinions and point of view or making some
amendments on the national acts.

VIDEO 1 Global Citizenship Education (GCED)

Video Link:

There are 3 core keys for conceptual dimensions of Global Citizenship Education
(GCED) which are cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural skills. Firstly, is
Cognitive Dimension, cognitive dimension definition is to acquire knowledge,
understanding and critical thinking about global, regional, national and local issues
the interconnectedness and interdependency of different countries and populations.
For example, in Malaysia, our Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources has
been conducting The Love Our Rivers campaign to increase awareness and to educate
public regarding the importance of rivers and the environment in our lives while
highlighting the critical state of pollution faced on the rivers in Malaysia. Next, Socio-
emotional. Socio-emotional means is to have a sense of belonging to a common
humanity, sharing values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity and respect for
differences and diversity. For example, in Sungai Semenyih, Fomca, FAM and
Wecam has been conducting awareness campaigns for the people staying in the area
of Semenyih River. The campaigns is conducted for three-year consecutive period and
will involve various activities such as gotong-royong, providing talks for the public
in Semenyih, and also giving out consultations on providing alternative waste disposal
for the industrial sector located at Semenyih area. Lastly, behavioural skills,
behavioural skill is to act effectively and responsibly at local, national and global
levels for a more peaceful and sustainable world. For example, Wellington Water, it is
a non-profit organization committed to the protection of the local water resources and
to educating the public about threats of watershed.

1. (

 Video 2 Water Pollution Awareness

Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of a river, ocean, or any
other stretch of water, effects water quality and making it harmful for the environment
and humans.In this video, it is stated that every living thing in this planet Earth
requires clean water resources for animals, plants, single living things including
human to depend and survive with, but throughout the years our clean water turns
from worse to worst each year. Our flora and fauna also is affected by the water
pollution that are made by us, human. For example, around the world we are currently
living in today, our raw sewage and industrial waste is dump and pour into waters
such as rivers, streams and the sea that millions and billions use for everyday life that
includes animals, marine creatures and our plants and trees. For example, according to
Global Environment Centre, over 23,000 tonnes of waste is produced each day in
Malaysia. However, this amount is targeted to rise even more to 30,000 tonnes by the
year of 2020. Nowadays, as you all know mining is one of our core industries to gain
raw materials but due to the poor mining practices which is burning and dumping
toxic metal in our water, our waters becomes polluted too as well.  Our beaches, rivers
and streams are also used as dumpsters for trash. The water sources that we are
currently having now is very unclean for us to consume and even also for the animals.
The run off and leaching of chemicals from fertilizers end up in rivulets, lakes, ponds,
rivers and other water sources. In addition, nitrate fertilizers and phosphates
encourage the rapid growth of algae and vascular plants. Some of the algae and
bacteria produce large amounts of toxins. As a result of this, the lack of oxygen may
cause death of fishes. Some areas of the ocean are made dead zones because of the
decrease in oxygen level. Furthermore, there are also in our water sources where it is
polluted by arsenic and mercury which comes from our poor waste management
system, causing lives of millions. Dumping of toxic metal into our sea which kills
thousands of fish and animals, which also affect the consumer, humans. We have to
stop all of the water pollution before it is too late because it is mostly human fault. 

Video of water pollution

Source : 

***Essay Reference :

2.3 PART C

The three conceptual dimensions which are cognitive, socio-emotional and

behavioural can effectively bring benefits to the society to resolve the water pollution
issue. Firstly, cognitive can help the society by improving the knowledge on water
pollution including the cause of the pollution and how to tackle it. By other means,
the society will absorb the fact that water pollution issue is a serious threat hence, they
will eagerly find information on water pollution in order to gain knowledge from
sources such as news and papers.
Secondly, the socio-emotional of conceptual dimension of GCED can help the
society to unite and become one community together to resolve the water pollution
issue. Exactly that the society will feel the right to voice out and do something to
resolve the issue since it threatens the community peaceful life and harmony.
Lastly, behavioural will brings benefits to society by making the society
cooperating with each other to resolve the water pollution issue locally and globally.
It means that the society will be strong enough and together as a community tackling
the water pollution issue such as urge the government to take actions against
irresponsible industries that discharge harmful substances directly into water and take
actions to illegal parties that throw harmful chemicals into drain. They might also do
enforcement of the local legislation to ensure the water pollution issue being
decreased to a certain level of non-pollution to the environement.
Globally we are facing at an alarming rate of the most critical environmental
issue in human history, which is mainly water pollution. Various implementable steps
can be done to minimize and limit the pollution of our water resources. Since there is
no any single short step to stop water pollution, there are few things we can contribute
in our daily life to reduce the water pollution. Firstly by implementing the practice of
3R, which is reduce, reuse and recycle. By practising recycling habits in our daily life
is one of the most effective way to lessen landfill waste, to conserve natural resources
and reduce water pollution. Always remember to know your trash bags are recycled or
biodegradable and also to cut up the plastic rings from packs of food. This is to
prevent any wildlife from getting caught. Next to always remember, that any items
that we use and throw away can potentially spend centuries in a sea or ocean.

Furthermore, always practice the habit of using reusable cup or water bottle and the
use of reusable food containers instead of using sandwich bags and plastic wraps. By
practising this, it will reduce the amount of waste to be dump into sea or rivers.
Dumping toxic chemicals and raw sewage directly into water without any proper
sewage treatment and management treatments should be taken into serious
consideration. Local water authorities should play a vital role to combat this by
enforcing strict rules and regulations to the relate party especially from the industrial
usage. Moreover, practice the habit of reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and
fertilisers by doing organic farming. This is because excessive use of this harmful and
toxic chemicals will leads to serious water pollution as the chemicals in the products
will often find the way into the water system through the surface runoff which can
penetrate into the ground and pollutes the water supplies. We can also support the
green-oriented companies who take creative initiatives to reduce the water pollution.
For example, some of the cleaning product companies make packaging material by
using recycling plastics which collected from the oceans. Even, some sewage
treatment firms now clean waste water without the use of harmful chemicals. By
practicing and supporting this services of such companies, it can greatly helps to
reduce water pollution. Lastly, we can also actively participate in water pollution
prevention by joining the water conservation organizations. This can actively sensitize
our peers and community on how to prevent water pollution and also to give a
positive impact on those who are fighting to keep our water supply healthy and safe.

***Essay Reference :


First of all, there are three main key conceptual dimensions in Global Citizenship
Education (GCED) which is Cognitive, Socio-emotional and Behavioural. In this
reflective essay, I would like to explain why I study the 3 key conceptual dimensions
of GCED that benefits the society to resolve the environmental issue?. Firstly, is to
understand more about what is cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural conceptual
dimensions of GCED by UNESCO. Next, to raise awareness regarding the
environmental issues and help to solve the problem by providing solution using the
three conceptual dimensions. Furthermore, to have the ability to understand why the
three conceptual dimensions of GCED is important to be implemented in order to
resolve the environmental issues that are currently happening now.
In addition, what do I get from the three key conceptual dimensions of GCED
that brings benefit to the society to resolve the environmental issue? .The benefits of
the three key conceptual dimensions of GCED helps me to gain more knowledge
regarding environmental issues arising viewing them on a cognitive, socio-emotional
and behavioural based. It also helps me to nurture myself to see other ways of
perception regarding environmental issues and how to help to solve them from
spreading. Enable to provide more ideas to be generated in order to help preserve our
environment for a better future in general.
Lastly, is how do I implement the three key conceptual dimensions of GCED
that brings   benefit to the society to resolve the environmental issue?. These three key
conceptual dimensions can be implemented in life such as raising funds for to help
solving environmental issues. It also helps to spread awareness to the community
about environmental issues that occurs around the world. Participation or conducting
campaigns to help make the world a cleaner and better environment for future

1.“Global Citizenship Education (GCED) infographic” (2015),. Retrieved from

2.“Solid Waste In Malaysia” (2002), Retrieved from

3.Madaan,S. (2019), 25 Amazing Ways to Prevent Water Pollution, Retrieved from

4.“Brainstorming Ways to Solve Environmental Problems? 5 Simple Ways You Can

Retrieved from

5. Muniz, F. (2016, September 27) A Usable Guide To Cognitive Dimensions.

Retrieved from

6.“Love Our River Campaign-How To Get Involved”,(2017, January 9) Retrieved


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