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Application Note

On the Working Principle of Torsional Vibration Meter

Type 2523
by N. A. Halliwell, S. J. Rothberg and T. J. Miles, Loughborough University of Technology, P. G. Eastwood, Acoustic
Technology Limited (ATL) Conditioning Monitoring Division, C. J. D. Pickering, University of Southampton and
K. Gatzwiller, Brüel & Kjær

With the advent of the Torsional Vibra-
tion Meter Type 2523, a new, advanced
laser-based technique for fast, easy and
accurate measurement of torsional vi-
brations was introduced to the market.
Some of the astonishing features offered
by this new (later patented) technique
included: No sensitivity to translational
vibrations of the rotating specimen and/
or the laser transducer part of the in-
strument and no sensitivity to the cross-
sectional geometry of the shaft. In this
Application Note, the basic optical de-
sign of the instrument is introduced
along with a derived mathematical ex-
planation of some of the important fea-
tures offered by the technique and
implemented in the Torsional Vibration
Meter Type 2523. Furthermore, to verify
the performance of the instrument, re-
sults from comparison measurements
are presented and evaluated.
The concept of the Torsional Vibra-
tion Meter Type 2523 was originally
conceived by a team led by N.A. Halli-
well at the University of Southampton
(Institute of Sound and Vibration Re-
search) and subsequently described in
a “Letter to the Editor”* that first ap- Two Torsional Vibration Meters Type 2523 being prepared for a marine application. The
peared in a technical publication. A operating principle ensures that the instrument can be employed even in severe environ-
part of this Application Note is based ments with maintained confidence in the results
on this “Letter to the Editor” and ap-
pears by courtesy of Academic Press
Incorporated Ltd., London, England. for traditional contacting transduc- amongst other things, be seen that
ers. For many on-site situations their the instrument can be operated while
use requires extensive machinery hand-held and that it allows the en-
“down-time” and special arrange- gineer to simply “point” the laser
* The original title of this “Letter to the ments for fitting and calibration, etc. beams at the surface of interest. It
Editor” is: “The Laser Torsional Vibrome- However, with the laser based Tor- will also be seen how the unique op-
ter: A New Instrument”. It appeared in sional Vibration Meter Type 2523, an tical design employed in the instru-
Journal of Sound & Vibration (1984),
93(4), 588-592. advanced non-contact means of meas- ment means that the instrument is
uring torsional vibrations has become for all practical purposes insensitive
commercially available — allowing to operator body movement and will
the vibration engineer to accurately respond only to torsional vibrations.
Introduction measure torsional vibrations on any Further to this, it will be examined
visible part of a rotating specimen. how the instrument can operate suc-
The following sections provide a cessfully on rotating components of
The measurement of torsional vibra- thorough explanation of the basic op- arbitrary cross-section and as such
tions of rotating machinery compo- erating principle of the instrument. should prove to be of particular value
nents in general provides problems As previously indicated, it will, in studies of gear vibration.

Brüel & Kjær B K

One of the main considerations in Photod
etector End View
the implementation of the dual-beam
laser technique into an instrument Apertu
was to ensure that the optical design Rotating Shaft
could withstand the often harsh en- Laser V1 (arbritrary
Beam Spl cross section)
vironments met in industrial applica- itter
tions. It is therefore worthwhile to A
notice that in addition to the lack of
need for on-site focusing and on-site R1
calibration, the Torsional Vibration d V
Meter Type 2523 is compact, robust
and easy to set-up.
Mirror R2
More information on the features z
and benefits of the Torsional Vibra- Incident B γ
tion Meter Type 2523 can be found Laser Beam Backscattered i
in references [1] and [2]. These refer- Light
ences contain pertinent specifications Side View s
as well, including, of course, environ-
mental specifications.
90°– α

The Dual Laser Beam Fig.1 Optical geometry of the Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523

The optical geometry for the Torsion- →

V 1 – V 2 = 2πN ⋅ ( R 1 – R 2 ) × z
al Vibration Meter Type 2523 is
2µU →
shown schematically in Fig.1. With f = -----------
(1) = 2πNBA × z
reference to this figure, the theory
will be developed for the system op- = 2πNs→ BA sin α (7)
erating on the side of a shaft of arbi- where U is the instantaneous velocity
trary cross-sectional area which is in the direction of the incident laser

rotating about an axis defined by the

beam, λ is the laser wavelength, and where s is a unit vector perpendic-
unit vector z which is assumed to µ is the refractive index of the medi- ular to BA and z, and α is the in-
be perpendicular to the plane of the um (µ = 1 for air). Accordingly, light cluded angle between the latter.
cross section. The shaft itself is al- backscattered from the points A and Substituting in equation (4) gives
lowed to vibrate as a rigid body with B undergoes Doppler shifts fa and fb →→
f d =  ---------- N BA sin α i s
an instantaneous velocity vector V. given by  λ 
The laser beam is divided into two
2µ →
equal intensity parallel beams of sep- f a =  ------ i ⋅ ( V + V 1 )
aration d, which impinge on the shaft λ (2) and finally
surface at points A and B in a direc-

f d =  ---------- N BA sin α cos γ
tion defined by the unit vector i . → 4µπ
f b =  ------ i

⋅ ( V + V2 )  λ  (8)
The instantaneous shaft surface ve-  λ (3)
locities, with respect to the axis of

rotation, at these points are V1 and where γ is the angle between i and

V2, respectively. The laser is a low respectively. When this backscattered s. If the instrument is held so that
powered (2mW) solid state diode* light is mixed onto the surface of a the plane of the incident laser beams
which produces invisible light at a photodetector, heterodyning takes is parallel to the shaft cross-section,
wavelength λ of 780nm. The essen- place and the output current from the then α = π/2 and BA cosγ = d and
tially single frequency light from this detector is modulated at the differ- hence
laser undergoes a Doppler shift f ence or “beat” frequency fd, given by:
f d =  ---------- Nd
when scattered by the moving surface 4µπ
→ (9)
 λ 
f d = f a – f b =  ------ i
and the light collected in direct back- 2µ
⋅ ( V1 – V2 ) (4)
scatter is shifted by an amount given  λ
by [5]
Considering the vector V1 — V2, one In interpreting equation (8), it is
can write helpful to consider this position as a
reference and note that a lateral tilt

V 1 = 2πN ⋅ ( R 1 × z ) (5) of the laser beam plane with respect
to BA produces in general a value
* For safety reasons, a laser radiating low pow-
→ of BA cosγ other than d, whilst a
er was chosen instead of a high power output V 2 = 2πN ⋅ ( R 2 × z ) (6) rotation of this plane produces a non-
laser. This, however, implies that a piece of
retro-reflective tape must always be attached zero value of α. For hand-held use,
around the measurement object to ensure suf-
ficient light back-scattered into the laser
where N is the shaft revolutions per clearly the latter is more crucial as a
transducer. Special retro-reflective paint is second. Thus large error is produced for a small
available as well. change in this angle. It should be re-

membered, however, that human
body movement will produce errone- Side of Shaft End of Shaft
Measurements Measurements
ous results only below a frequency of
30 Hz and therefore for most practi- Plane normal to
axis of shaft rotation
cal purposes the instrument (or more
Shaft Shaft
correctly: the laser transducer part of
the instrument) can be operated
Axis of
hand-held. shaft rotation
Note that with this optical geome- 90° – α
try the beat frequency is insensitive Las

to radial and axial shaft (or operator)


On er

Laser On

movement and for constant values of


the angles α and γ will only respond 90° – α 90° – α
MM 0071
to variations in shaft speed, i.e. tor-
sional vibrations.
The instrument will also perform MM 0071
successfully if the laser beams are
simply pointed at the end of a rotat-
ing shaft. Many practical measure- Side of Shaft Measurements beam separation distance
d= measured perpendicular to
ment situations have shown this to the axis of shaft rotation
be a crucial advantage. The theory d B
MM 0071
Torsional Vibration Transducer

7/6-'89 K

Brüel & Kjær

1.2 mW, 780 nm

presented is general and it is only MM 0071

necessary to note that end of shaft β = 0°
Axis of
use immediately produces a finite Side view shaft rotation
End view
value of α in equation (8) which in
this case corresponds to the angle be- d' cos β = d
MM 0071

Torsional Vibration Transducer

tween the plane defined by the shaft


B7/6-'89 K 1.2 mW, 780 nm

Brüel & Kjær

end and the incident laser beam MM 0071

β ≠ 0°
plane. Further to this, provided that 941225e

the end of the shaft is perpendicular Fig.2 Tilting and/or pivoting the laser transducer enables the operator to choose an
to the axis of rotation, the sensitivity optimum direction of measurement for the job at hand. It also provides for high shaft
to rotation of the incident laser beam speed measurements and measurements on shafts with small diameters
plane is removed as in this case the
sinα term in equation (8) is unity. an important point which provides transducer part of the Torsional Vi-
The output current from the pho- measurement versatility in that a bration Meter as described above,
todetector is modulated at the beat large range of shaft diameters and measuring on shaft diameters down
frequency, given by equation (8), and rotational speeds can be accommo- to approximately 8mm is possible.
is then analysed by a suitable Dop- dated by tilting or pivoting the laser When tilting and/or pivoting, the la-
pler signal processor which is essen- transducer [2]. The standard operat- ser transducer, RPM values up to ap-
tially a frequency-to-voltage convert- ing ranges of the Torsional Vibration proximately 35000 can be measured.
er. A time-resolved voltage analogue Meter are as follows: Detectable ro- The dynamic range of the instrument
of the beat frequency variations (i.e. tational speed range from 30 RPM to will obviously be limited in a situa-
torsional vibrations) is produced and 7200 RPM and angular displacement tion where the laser transducer is ei-
is “available”, after suitable amplifi- dynamic range from 0.01°(RMS) to ther tilted or pivoted. Fig.2. shows
cation and filtration, at the AC out- 12°(RMS) [1, 2]. These specifications the principles of tilting and pivoting
put connector on the rear panel of the are valid for shaft diameters up to of the laser transducer. Note that d
Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523. 500mm*. When tilting the laser is the beam separation distance
This latter point emphasises a fur- measured perpendicular to the axis
ther advantage of the optical geome- * Measuring on shafts of a larger diameter can of shaft rotation — and therefore the
try in that immediate control of the still be accomplished; however, the signal-to- distance used in the formulas (1) to
noise ratio will decrease. Measurements on
mean value of the beat frequency is shafts with different diameters have indicated (9). The distance d’ is equal to the
provided. For side or end of shaft use, that the signal-to-noise ratio will decrease by (constant) distance between the two
suitable adjustment of the angles α 3 dB for every doubling of the diameter so laser beams.
that, for instance, a diameter of 1000mm will
and β provides this control. This is raise the noise floor 3dB.

Results and Comparison with Traditional Techniques

The accuracy and consistency of the From equation (9) it can easily be other things, adjustment of the par-
Torsional Vibration Meter is obvious- found that the accuracy of the instru- allelism of the two laser beams to
ly of paramount importance for ob- ment is directly depending upon the within 1/60 of a degree. The wave-
taining reliable measurements. One parallelism between the two laser length consistency of the radiated la-
of the key factors in this respect can beams and the stability of the wave- ser light is an inherent property of a
be found when looking closer at the length of the laser light. Hence, one laser source. The Doppler Signal
previously derived mathematical of the first steps in the factory cali- Processor is subsequently calibrated
equations. bration procedure, includes, amongst by aiming the laser transducer at a

shaft rotating with a smooth and con-
stant RPM, while monitoring the 0
RPM output on the rear panel of the
Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523. = Standard Cross-Beam Vibrometer
The output is then calibrated to give = Torsional Vibration Meter 2523
1V per 1000 RPM. The constant (4µπ/
λ)d is hereby defined and thereby is

Angular Dispalcement (dB re. 1° peak)

– 10
also the amplitude of the measured
torsional vibrations defined. Finally,
the calibration procedure includes a
linearity check. Known values of “ar-
tificial” torsional vibration are gener- – 20
ated by a frequency modulated HF
generator and fed into the instru- Typical range
of displacements
ment part of the Torsional Vibration found in practice
Meter Type 2523. Relating the known
inputs to the measured outputs, a – 30
measure of the linearity is produced.
However, from a user’s point of
view it might be more interesting to
validate the performance of the Tor- 40 60 80 100 120
sional Vibration Meter Type 2523 by Frequency (Hz) 941226e
comparison with traditional torsional
vibration transducers or, alternative- Fig.3 Comparison of results obtained by using the Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523
ly by a known “checking” method. and the Standard Cross-Beam Vibrometer
During the development phase, a
number of different comparison
measurements and calibrations were
– 20
carried out to serve the purpose of = Rolls Royce Torsiograph
validation. In the following, three = Torsional Vibration Meter 2523
Angular Displacement (dB re. 1° peak)

representative cases from these

measurements are used to elaborate
on the performance of the Torsional – 25
Vibration Meter Type 2523.
In the first case, a small, brush-
less DC motor, driven by a sinusoidal
voltage, produced known values of
– 30
torsional vibrations. When the driv-
ing frequency was varied, it was pos-
sible to achieve a dynamic range of Typical noise floor of the
80 dB for torsional displacements, Torsional Vibration Meter
Type 2523
which encompasses the range which – 35
is typically found in practice. The
standard cross-beam laser vibrome-
ter [3] was used to calibrate the dis- 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
Engine speed (rev./min. x 103)
placements produced. A comparison 941227e

of the results between the two vi- Fig.4 Measurements of the sixth rotation order angular displacements of the crankshaft
brometers is shown in Fig.3. Agree- of a six-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine
ment to within 0.5 dB was
demonstrated for the range tested.
In the second case, tests were
conducted by measuring the torsional then demonstrated to provide tor- tional to angular displacement. This
displacements of the crankshaft of a sional vibration data. is achieved simply by operating the
six-cylinder turbocharged diesel en- Outputs from both systems were instrument in the Angular Displace-
gine. The tripod-mounted instrument processed with a Dual-Channel FFT ment Mode (the Torsional Vibration
was arranged so that the crankshaft Analyzer and the spectra displayed Meter Type 2523 features a built-in
velocity was measured on its side sur- on an X-Y plotter. Measurements integrator to provide for two modes
face. For comparison, an alternative were taken at intervals of 100 RPM of operation*: Angular Velocity Mode
measuring system, a Rolls-Royce Tor- in the range 1200 to 2100 RPM at and Angular Displacement Mode).
siograph, was fitted to the engine. both no-load and full-load conditions. Fig.4. shows an examination of the
This device consisted of a slotted disc, It is usual to measure torsional vi- variation of the sixth order of rota-
fixed to the end of the crankshaft, brations in degrees peak (i.e. dis- tion versus engine speed under a full-
which rotated in sympathy with the placement) and consequently the
latter. A transducer monitored the output from the Torsional Vibration * The desired mode of operation is selected by
slot passing frequency from the disc Meter Type 2523 was converted to two push buttons on the front panel of the
instrument part of the Torsional Vibration
and variations in this frequency were give an output signal that is propor- Meter Type 2523.

load condition. Not surprisingly, dis-
crepancies can be noted at certain Torsional Vibration
Meter 2523
RPM values. Many traditional tor-
sional vibration transducers are
Hoke's Joint
known for their sensitivity to rigid
body motion of the transducer hous- ω(t)
ing and sensitivity to translational Driving
motion of the shaft onto which the Shaft φ Inclination Laser

r On

transducer is mounted.


Electric Motor Rotational ω(t) MM 0071
The last case to be presented here Speed (no
— and probably the most interesting Torsional Measurement Position
of the three cases — is connected to Flywheel Vibrations) with Retro-reflective Tape
the use of a well-known checking* Speed with Driven Shaft
method: The Hoke’s Joint. The prin- Superimposed
Torsional Vibrations
ciple of this method is that of a driven
shaft and a driving shaft, connected
by a Hoke’s Joint. Fig.5. shows the Fig.5 Principle of the Hoke’s Joint checking method for torsional vibration transducers
set-up schematically. Torsional vibra-
tions will be generated in the driven
shaft due to the time-variant torque 4.5
transmission characteristics of the 700 rpm
Hoke’s Joint — the amplitude of the 4
1000 rpm
generated torsional vibrations will
1300 rpm
depend upon the angle φ. The gener- 3.5
Vibration Amplitude (Degrees peak)

ated second order and fourth order of

torsional vibrations can easily be cal- 3
culated [6] and therefore, when meas-
uring the torsional vibrations of the 2.5
driven shaft, a comparison can be
carried out in a easy and straightfor-
ward manner. The result of such a
comparison is shown in Fig.6. where
the X-axis represents negative and 1.5

positive inclination angles φ and the

Y-axis represents angular displace- 1
ment in degrees peak. The solid line
shows the theoretical curve with cal- 0.5
culated values of the generated tor-
sional vibration, whereas the three 0
dotted lines shows the measured val- – 30 – 20 – 10 0 10 20 30
ues of second order torsional vibra- Inclination Angle (Degrees) 941229e

tion at three different rotational Fig.6 A comparison between the measured values of 2nd order torsional vibration (at
speeds. Note that the three dotted different RPM values) and the corresponding theoretical curve for 2nd order torsional
lines are overlaying. vibrations. Note that the measured values are independent on the shaft speed (the curves
The curves explicitly demonstrate are overlaying)
the accuracy and consistency of the
* The term “checking” is deliberately used in Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523. ured result. This demonstrates the
stead of the term “calibration” to indicate that
the Hoke’s Joint method is not based on a Note especially that the theoretical capability of the Torsional Vibration
traceable calibration device that has been cal- curve is independent of the rotational Meter Type 2523 to precisely meas-
ibrated by absolute means. However, in the speed and that the arbitrarily chosen ure the torsional vibration, superim-
technical absence of an ideal calibration meth-
od, the Hoke’s Joint provides a sufficiently
rotational speeds, in accordance with posed onto any rotational speed.
accurate means of producing known values of this, all provide the exact same meas-
torsional vibration.


Extensive laboratory and field tests cal geometry, it has been shown that how the instrument offers the advan-
have shown the Torsional Vibration the Torsional Vibration Meter Type tages of insensitivity to operator or
Meter Type 2523 to be an accurate 2523 provides the vibration engineer shaft translational movement, versa-
and reliable instrument for easy non- with an instrument that simply can tility of use, and operation irrespec-
contact measurements of torsional vi- be “pointed” at the rotating surface tive of the component cross-section.
bration. By examination of the opti- of interest. Also, it has been shown


[1] Brüel & Kjær Product Data: Torsional Vibration Meter — Type 2523, BP 0958.

[2] Brüel & Kjær Instruction Manual: The Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523, BE 1111.

[3] N.A. Halliwell, H.L. Pullen and J. Baker, 1983 Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers, paper 931321:
Diesel Engine Health: Laser Diagnostics.

[4] N.A. Halliwell, 1979 Journal of Sound & Vibration 62, 312-315, Laser Doppler Measurement of Vibrating Surface:
A Portable Instrument.

[5] J.B. Abbiss, T.W. Chubb and E.R. Pike, 1974, Optics and Lasers Technology 6, 249- 261: Laser Doppler Anemometry.

[6] B.I.C.E.R.A: A Handbook on Torsional Vibration, compiled by E.J. Nestorides of the B.I.C.E.R.A. Research Laboratory,
Cambridge, At the University Press, 1958.

Brüel & Kjær B K

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