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Public Table List

AK_FOREIGN_KEYS Foreign keys for an object

AK_FOREIGN_KEY_COLUMNS Links an attribute to a foreign key
AK_OBJECTS Defines an object and the application id of the owner of the object
AK_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Links an attribute to an object
AK_UNIQUE_KEYS Unique keys for an object
AK_UNIQUE_KEY_COLUMNS Links an attribute to a unique key
BOM_INVENTORY_COMPONENTS Bill of material components
FND_APPLICATION Applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS Concurrent requests information
FND_CURRENCIES Currencies enabled for use at your site
FND_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCES Document sequences registered with Oracle Application Object Library
FND_DOC_SEQUENCE_ASSIGNMENTS Assigns a sequence to a document
FND_LANGUAGES National dialects
FND_LOOKUP_VALUES QuickCode values
FND_USER Application users
GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES Foreign currency daily conversion rate types
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Organization unit definitions.
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION Additional attributes of an organization, dependent on class
or organization information type.
MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES Assign cross references to items
MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES Define cross reference types
MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS Customer item Information
MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEM_XREFS Relationships between customer items and inventory items
MTL_LOT_NUMBERS Lot number definitions
MTL_RELATED_ITEMS Item relationships
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Inventory item definitions
MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL Unit of measure definitions
OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order actions (holds,
booking etc.) open interface.
OE_ACTION_PRE_REQS A temporary table used during the WF upgrade into R11i.
OE_ADJ_ATTRIB_EBS_LOG Log table for the Euro conversion of
OE_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS. This table is used only by the
Euro Customer Conversion concurrent program.
OE_AGREEMENTS_B OE_AGREEMENTS_B stores all information about pricing agreements.
OE_AGREEMENTS_TL OE_AGREEMENTS_TL stores the translatable column, i.e.
name of the agreement, in each of the available languages in the database.
OE_AK_OBJECTS_EXT Extension tables to AK_OBJECTS which is used to store additional data
OE_AK_OBJ_ATTR_EXT Extension table to AK Object Attributes that is used to store additional data
OE_ATTACHMENT_RULES OE_ATTACHMENT_RULES stores the entity to which an
attachment rule should be applied.
attributes and attribute values that make up the attachment rule.
OE_AUDIT_ATTR_HISTORY Audit Trail History Table
OE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order/line credits open interface.
OE_CREDIT_BALANCES_ALL Stores the current credit exposure data for each individual
customer and site with credit limits. Each customer(or site)’s credit limit (including default limits) will have one row
each valid credit rule in the system. This tablewill be populated by the automatic creditcheck concurrent program.
OE_CREDIT_CHECK_RULES This table stores information about the credit check rules.
OE_CUST_ITEM_SETTINGS OE_CUST_ITEM_SETTINGS stores the shipment and return
tolerances for customer–item, item–site and item combinations
OE_CUST_TOTAL_AMTS_ALL Stores the accumulated order value for a customer over three periods.
OE_DEF_ATTR_CONDNS Associates the defaulting condtion, defined at the entity level , to a specific attribute.
OE_DEF_ATTR_DEF_RULES Defaulting rules for an attribute for a defaulting condition.
OE_DEF_CONDITIONS This table stores defaulting conditions for an entity
OE_DEF_CONDITIONS_TL OE_DEF_CONDITIONS_TL stores the translated columns
for defaulting conditions.
OE_DEF_CONDN_ELEMS This table stores elements (columns and column values) that
makeup the defaulting condition identified by condition_id.
module for audit purposes when the sequences used to generate the order numbers are created.
OE_DROP_SHIP_SOURCES This table stores relationship between order lines in
oe_order_lines_all table and associated oracle purchasing requisitions in PO_REQUISITIONS_ALL and Oracle
purchasing purchase orders in PO_LINES_ALL.
OE_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES This table stores order header and line attributes thattrigger
repricing, when modified, at various pricing events.
OE_HEADERS_EBS_LOG Log table for the Euro conversion of
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL. This table is used only by the Euro Customer Conversion concurrent program.
OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order headers open interface.
OE_HEADER_ACKS This tables stores information about the acknowledgements for Order Headers.
OE_HOLD_AUTHORIZATIONS Stores information about who has the authority to apply
and release holds.– Retrofitted
OE_HOLD_DEFINITIONS This table stores information about hold name and its validity period.
OE_HOLD_RELEASES This tables stores information about all the holds that has been released.
OE_HOLD_SOURCES_ALL This table stores information of the hold source criteria.
OE_INVOICE_NUMBERS This table is used for generating invoice numbers based on the delivery name.
OE_ITEM_CUST_VOLS_ALL This table stores accumulated order quantity and value for
an item of a customer over three periods.
OE_LINES_EBS_LOG Log table for the Euro conversion of
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL. This table is used only by the Euro Customer Conversion concurrent program.
OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order lines open interface.
OE_LINE_ACKS This table stores information about the acknowledgements for Order Lines.
OE_LINE_SETS This table stores information about Sets.
OE_LOTSERIALS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for return line lot serials open interface.
OE_LOTSERIAL_ACKS This table stores information about the acknowledgements
for lot and serial numbers for return lines.
OE_LOT_SERIAL_NUMBERS This table stores customer reported lot serial numbers for lot
and / or serial number controlled return lines.
OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL stores header information for
orders in Order Management.
OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL_EFC Archive for Euro Project
OE_ORDER_HEADER_HISTORY Stores history of attribute change for Order Headers
OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL This table stores information of all the orders and lines that
are on hold and the link to hold sources and hold releases.
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL stores information for all order
lines in Oracle Order Management.
OE_ORDER_LINES_HISTORY Stores history of attribute change for Order Lines.
OE_ORDER_PRICE_ATTRIBS This table stores pricing attributes and asked for
promotions, deals, and coupon number entered by the user.
OE_ORDER_SOURCES Feeder System Names that create orders in Order Management tables.
OE_PC_ASSIGNMENTS This table stores the responsibilities that are constrained by
the constraint identified by constraint_id.
OE_PC_CONDITIONS This table stores the conditions associated with the
constraints identified by constraint_id.
OE_PC_CONDITIONS_TL This table stores the translated conditions associated with
the constraints identified by constraint_id.
OE_PC_CONSTRAINTS This table stores the constraints that prevent
create/update/delete of order entities.
OE_PC_EXCLUSIONS This table stores the responsibilities that are not constrained
by a particular constraint.
OE_PC_RSETS This table store the constraint record sets and the constraint
conditions can be built to validate against any or all the
records in this record set.
OE_PC_RSETS_TL OE_PC_RSETS_TL stores the translated columns for record sets for constraints.
OE_PC_RSET_SEL_COLS This table stores columns to be matched for a constraint record set.
OE_PC_VALIDATION_PKGS This table stores the names of the dynamically generated
constraints validation packages.
OE_PC_VTMPLTS This table stores the constraint validation templates that are
used in constraint conditions.
OE_PC_VTMPLTS_TL OE_PC_VTMPLTS_TL stores the translated columns for
validation templates for constraints.
OE_PC_VTMPLT_COLS This table stores the attribute validation pairs for validation
templates that are based on column values.
OE_PRICE_ADJS_HISTORY Stores history of attribute changes of Entity Price
OE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org open interface table for sales order/line price adjustments.
OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS This table is used to store price adjustments that have been
applied to an order or a line. It is also used to store the
freight and special charges, Tax on order line, and Shipping Costs captured at ship confirmation.
For Tax recordsthe list line type will be TAX and for cost records it will be ”COST”.
OE_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS This table stores the association between order lines and
price adjustments and also between price adjustments
OE_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS This table stores information on qualifiers and pricing
attributes, which to that corresponding price adjustment line qualified for.
OE_PRICE_ADJ_EBS_LOG Log table for the Euro conversion of
OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS. This table is used only by the Euro Customer Conversion concurrent program.
OE_PRICE_ATTRIB_EBS_LOG Log table for the Euro conversion of
OE_ORDER_PRICE_ATTRIBS. This table is used only by the Euro Customer Conversion concurrent program.
OE_PRICE_ATTS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org Interface table to populate
OE_PROCESSING_MSGS This table stores the context information of the processing
messages that will be generated during Order Entry concurrent program execution or UI process.
OE_PROCESSING_MSGS_TL This table stores the processing messages which will be
generated during Order Entry concurrent program execution or UI process. This is a multi–lingual table.
OE_PURGE_ORDERS OE_PURGE_ORDERS stores the order details for orders included in a purge set.
OE_PURGE_SETS OE_PURGE_SETS stores purge set information.
OE_RESERVTNS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for inventory reservations open interface.
OE_SALES_CREDITS This table stores information about sales credits.
OE_SALES_CREDIT_HISTORY Stores history of attribute changes of Entity Sales Credits
OE_SALES_CREDIT_TYPES This table stores information about sales credit types.
OE_SETS OE_SETS stores information on line sets.
OE_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL This table is used for storing all system parameter information.
OE_SYSTEM_PARAMS_UPG OE_SYSTEM_PARAMS_UPG is an intermediate table used during upgrade to 11
OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_ALL This table stores information about the order and line transaction types
OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL This is a mult–lingual table for
OE_UI_QUERIES_TL This table stores the user defined queries that can be administered in the Sales Order UI.
OE_UI_QUERY_COLUMNS This table stores the column values for the user defined
queries that are stored in OE_UI_QUERIES_TL table.
OE_WORKFLOW_ASSIGNMENTS This table associates assignments to order types and line types.
information grouped by customer, item, territory, and sales person for three different time periods, last week, last 30
days, and last 90 days
values of the failing record while building the
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Purchase order distributions
PO_HEADERS_ALL Document headers (for purchase orders, purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs)
PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS Requisition import interface errors
PO_LINES_ALL Purchase document lines (for purchase orders, purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs)
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL Document shipment schedules (for purchase orders,
purchase agreements, quotations, RFQs)
PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL Requisition Import interface table
PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Requisition distributions
QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all
lists. List types can be, for example, Price Lists, Discount Lists or Promotions.
QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL stores the translatable columns,
name and description of the list, in each of the available languages in the database.
QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in
RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL Sources of invoice, credit memo and commitments
RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo and commitment lines
RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL Transaction type for invoices, commitments and credit memos
RA_RULES Invoicing and accounting rules
RA_TERMS_B Payment Term information
RA_TERMS_TL Multi–lingual support (MLS) for Payment Terms
RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES Receiving shipment line information
WF_ITEM_TYPES Item type definition

Public View List

EDW_OE_SCHN_SCHN_LCV This is ISC facts source view .
EDW_SALES_CHANNEL_FKV This is ISC facts source view .
FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS View of QuickCodes provided for backward compatibility
ISC_EDW_BOOKINGS_F_FCV ISC comman dimension source view.
OE_ACCRUALS_V This view shows accrued price adjustments in Order Management System.
OE_AR_LOOKUPS_V This view is based on ar_lookups
OE_ATTACHMENT_RULES_V This view stores the attachment rules.
OE_ATTACHMENT_RULE_ELEMENTS_V This view stores the elements of the attachment rules.
OE_CHARGE_LINES_V Used for Freight and Special Charges.
OE_CONTACTS_V This is view is based on ra_contacts
OE_CRM_ORDER_HEADERS_V Compatible view provoded for CRM usage only. The view
is based on oe_order_headers_all table.
OE_CRM_ORDER_LINES_V Compatible view provoded for CRM usage only. The view
is based on oe_order_lines_all table.
OE_CRM_SALES_CREDITS_V Compatible view provoded for CRM usage only. The view
is based on oe_sales_credits and ra_salesreps.
OE_DEF_ATTR_CONDNS_V This view stores the attribute level defaulting conditions.
OE_DEF_ATTR_DEF_RULES_V This view stores the defaulting rules.
OE_DEF_CONDN_ELEMS_V This view stores the elements of the defaulting conditions.
OE_DELIVERY_LINES_V This view is for interfacing the lines to shipping, for departure planning.
OE_DELIVER_TO_ORGS_V Deliver to Organizations.
OE_DEMAND_CLASSES_V This is view is used for the Demand Class LOV in Sales Orders form.
OE_DROP_SHIP_LINKS_V This view is used for Dropship Tab in the additional line
information of the Sales Orders form.
OE_FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS_V This view is based on fnd_common_lookups.
OE_FND_CURRENCIES_V This view is based on fnd_currencies.
OE_FRGHT_TERMS_ACTIVE_V This view is used for freight terms.
OE_GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES_V This view is used to validate the conversion type code.
OE_HEADERS_INTERFACE Open interface table to import order headers.
OE_HEADER_ACKS_V Sales Order Header information for EDI outbound
transactions POAO (855) and POCAO (865)
OE_ITEMS_V This view is union of inventory items, customer items and generic items.
OE_LINE_ACKS_V Sales Order Line information for EDI outbound transactions
POAO (855) and POCAO (865)
OE_LINE_TYPES_V This is a view to show line transaction types types for a
specific organization and language.
OE_LOOKUPS Order Management QuickCodes values.
OE_LOTSERIAL_ACKS_V View based on the oe_lotserial_acks table, striped on organization.
OE_MRP_OPEN_DEMANDS_V This vew is used by MRP for their Scheduler’s Workbench.
OE_ORDER_HEADERS Captures the sales orders.
OE_ORDER_LINES_HIST_V This view is to show quantity change history and is used by UI.
OE_ORDER_TYPES_V This is a view to show order transaction types for a specific organization and language.
OE_PC_RSETS_V This view stores the processing constraints record sets.
OE_PC_RSET_SEL_COLS_V This view stores the columns to be matched for the record set.
OE_PC_VTMPLTS_V This view stores the processing constraint validation templates.
OE_PC_VTMPLT_COLS_V This view stores columns for the validation templates.
OE_PO_ENTER_RECEIPTS_V This view provides RMA information to Receiving(PO).
OE_PRICE_ADJS_INTERFACE Open interface table to import price adjustments.
OE_RA_ADDRESSES_V This view is used for validation of addresses.
OE_RA_CONTACTS_V This view is used for validation of contact idnetification.
OE_RA_CONTACT_ROLES_V This View is used for validation of contact roles.
OE_RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_V Invoice/Credit memo information
OE_RA_RULES_V Invoicing and Accounting rules.
OE_RA_TERMS_V This view is used for validation of Payment terms.
OE_SHIP_FROM_ORGS_V Ship From Organizations.
OE_SHIP_METHODS_V This is a view for ship methods.
OE_SHIP_TO_ORGS_V Ship To Organizations.
OE_SOLD_TO_ORGS_V List of customers.
OE_WF_LINE_ASSIGN_V View to show workflow assignments for a line transaction type and is used by UI.
OE_WF_ORDER_ASSIGN_V View to show workflow assignments for a order transaction type and is used by UI.

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