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ALBRECHT, F.: Art. Ephraemi Rescriptus, Codex, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 7, Berlin u.a.

2013, 1025-26.

1025 Ephraemi Rescriptus, Codex 1026

a great number of writings ascribed to Ephraem. of the original MS can be reconstructed. For codico-
Unfortunately, their authenticity is often very un- logical reasons, it is probable that further parts of
clear. the OT were contained therein and conceivable that
Bibliography: Primary: ■ Akinian, N., Meknut!iwn Gorcoc! an apocryphal annex followed Revelation. Pres-
Arak!eloc! (Wien 1921). ■ Conybeare, F. C., “The Commen- ently, the MS contains 208 leaves, since leaf number
tary on Acts,” in The Beginnings of Christianity, vol. 1/3 (ed. 138 disappeared in the 19th century.
F. Jackson/K. Lake; London 1926) 373–453. ■ Deppe, K.,
2. Provenance and History. The provenance is un-
Kohelet in der syrischen Dichtung (Wiesbaden 1975). ■ Lange,
C., Kommentar zum Diatessaron, 2 vols. (Turnhout 2008).
clear. The Codex probably came by way of Janos
■ Leloir, L., Commentaire de l’Évangile Concordant: Version Armé- Lascaris (d. 1534), who made two manuscript jour-
nienne (CSCO.Ar 1; Leuven 1953). ■ Leloir, L., Commentaire neys to Greece and the Near East for Lorenzo de’
de l’Évangile Concordant: Texte syriaque, 2 vols. (Leuven 1990). Medici, into the possession of Cardinal Niccolò Rid-
■ Mekhitarist Fathers, Srboyn Ep!remi Matenagrut!iwnk!, 4
olfi (d. 1550) and then into the collection of Piero
vols. (Venice 1836). ■ Molitor, J., Paulustext (Rome 1938). Strozzi (d. 1558). Until 1560, the library of the lat-
■ Tonneau, R., In Genesim et in Exodum Commentarii
(CSCO.S 71; Leuven 1955).
ter remained in Rome. It was subsequently brought
Secondary: ■ Biesen, K. den, Bibliography of Ephrem (Giove to Paris by Caterina de’ Medici (d. 1589), queen of
2001). ■ Bou Mansour, T., La pensée symbolique (Kaslik France from 1547–1559. Under Henri IV, Caterina’s
1988). ■ Brock, S., The Luminous Eye (Rome 1985). library was assimilated into the royal collection; in
■ Bundy, D., “Exegesis of Isaiah,” StPatr 18 (1990) 234–39.
1602, the codex was newly bound. The librarian
■ Fegháli, P., “Commentaire de l’Exode,” ParOr 12 (1984/85)
Jean Boivin (d. 1726) discovered the scriptio inferior
91–131. ■ Griffith, S., Faith Adoring the Mystery (Milwaukee,
(“underlying text”). After many consultations of the
Wisc. 1997). ■ Halleux, A. de, “Mar Ephrem théologien,”
ParOr 4 (1973) 35–54. ■ Hidal, S., Interpretatio Syriaca (Lund MS, in 1840, Constantin Tischendorf (d. 1874) came
1974). ■ Kruisheer, D., “Ephrem, Jacob of Edessa, and the to Paris and compiled the authoritative edition. In
Monk Severus,” OrChrAn 256 (1998) 599–605. ■ Lange, C., 1958, R. W. Lyon presented a new evaluation of the
The Portrayal of Christ (CSCO.Sub 118; Leuven 2008). ■ Le- NT portion; in 2010, F. Albrecht began a revision
loir, L., Le témoignage d’Ephrem (CSCO.Sub 19; Leuven 1962). of the OT portion. Today, the manuscript is in ex-
■ Mathews, E., “The Armenian Commentary Attributed to
tremely poor condition. The damage observed in
Ephrem,” in The Book of Genesis (ed. J. Frishman/L. van Rom-
pay; Leuven 1997) 143–61. ■ Melki, J., “Un bilan de l’édi- the manuscript has been attributed to the influence
tion critique,” ParOr 11 (1983) 3–88. ■ Murray, R., of chemicals used in the 19th century to increase
“Ephrem Syrus,” TRE 9 (Berlin/New York 1982) 755–62. readability. The use of the so-called Giobert tinc-
■ Vööbus, A., History of the School of Nisibis (CSCO.Sub 26;
ture, especially, caused irreversible damage.
Leuven 1965).
3. Textual characteristics. In the case of the OT,
Christian Lange
C has been underrated in the case of Job, Wis, Sir
See also /Edessa by J. Ziegler, particularly since C often supports
readings of the other uncial MSS. In the case of the
NT, C is to be assigned to category II of the Alands’
Ephraemi Rescriptus, Codex evaluation. In the gospels, C has many unique char-
1. General Description. Codex Ephraemi Syri re- acteristics; after Codex Alexandrinus, C is the most
scriptus (Paris, BnF, gr. 9; siglum “C”), together important textual witness for Revelation. The copy-
with Cod. Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, and Alexandrinus, ist, however, did not work as carefully in this area:
belongs to the four significant uncial codices which there are obvious transpositions within Rev 7 : 14–
contain the OT as well as the NT and are therefore 11 : 12 that indicate an unnoticed change in the leaf
designated as Vollbibeln (entire bibles). The Codex, order of the Vorlage.
a single-column, 40–46 line parchment manuscript
Bibliography. Primary: ■ Tischendorf, C., Codex Ephraemi
measuring 33 × 27 cm in layers of 8 leaves (quater- Syri rescriptus sive fragmenta utriusque Testamenti, 2 vols. (Leip-
nions), originates from the first half of the 5th cen- zig 1843–45).
tury. The OT and the NT were written by different Secondary: ■ Albrecht, F., “Codex Ephraemi Syri rescrip-
scribes. In the 12th/13th century, parts of the man- tus: Neue Lesarten zum Septuagintatext des Kohelet-
uscript were palimpsested and bound together into buches,” ZAW 122 (2010) 272–79. ■ Cavallo, G., Ricerche
a new codex containing 209 leaves (OT 64, NT 145), sulla maiuscola biblica (Florence 1967) 87–93. ■ Fraenkel, D.,
through which the original leaf order was de- Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert, vol. 1/1 of Verzeich-
stroyed. The new codex was overwritten with 38 nis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments von A.
treatises in Greek by Ephraem the Syrian (scriptio Rahlfs (Göttingen 2004). [Esp. 313–15] ■ Lyon, R. W., “A
Re-Examination of Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus,” NTS 5
superior, “overlying text”). The Codex contains frag-
(1959) 260–72. [Summary of Lyon’s unpublished disserta-
ments of the Hexasophion (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesias-
tion (St. Andrews 21994)]
tes, Canticles, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach), Tetrae-
Felix Albrecht
vangelion, Apostolos (Acts, Catholic Epistles),
Pauline Letters, and Revelation. Altogether, 44 qua- See also; /Alexandrinus, Codex; /Codex;
ternions (OT 15, NT 29) and six individual leaves /Sinaiticus, Codex; /Vaticanus, Codex

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