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Shane Taylor

World History

Ms. Terry


Investigation 9: To What Extent Has the Modern Revolution Been a Positive Or Negative Force?

The modern revolution was the most recent threshold. During this threshold, society has

developed itself to fit in with a more modern time. We have innovated the whole world,

inventing things such as transportation, typewriters, cameras, dynamite and so many other

awesome inventions. Without transportation we would not have an easy life. Having the ability

to travel across the United States in only 4 days was never even thought of before cars, planes

and trains were invented.

Urbanization has had a dramatic affect on our world and society. In the 1800’s only 3%

of people lived in urban areas. About 200 years later more than half the world's population lives

in urban areas. Experts say that by 2050 more than 70% of everyone in the world will live in an

urban area. Without urbanization we would not have the big cities we all know and love. For

example before Las Angeles was one of the biggest cities in the world it was a thriving farmland

and was almost all wetlands.

Modern medicine is another example of a luxury we’ve become accustomed to,

the medical field hasn’t always been even near as good as it is now. In 1796 the first

vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner and it changed/saved the world. It was against

smallpox, a disease that killed millions and is now completely absent in our lives.

Diseases such as polio, smallpox, diphtheria, etc. have all at one time or another been a

very deadly threat to this world’s population, but thanks to the modern revolution the

threat they once served has completely been wiped out.

Without Literacy and education I would not be writing this right now. In 1850 only

120 million or 10% of people could read and write. Today more than 80% or 5 billion

people in the whole world can read and write. With a rising population the number of

people that are illiterate has been increasing. To this day there are about 1.28 billion

people without literacy skills. About 100 million children were not enrolled in primary

school in 2002. To this day there are about 1.28 billion people without literacy skills.

55% percent of those childrens are girls. The majority of adults that are illiterate live in

three regions south and southwest Asia and the Pacific.

In conclusion, i think the modern revolution had a good impact on our world. We

have developed cities and housing all around the world. Without the modern revolution

our world would not have become nearly as advanced as it is now, we would not be

coming up with these inventions to make our lives easier.

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