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Survival Strategies
Franke H. Schein
Copyright 2011 ©Franke H. Schein
All Rights Reserved
We are living in some very intense times. There is mass instability around the world that
could affect our lives, and the lives of our families. Each day we are witness to events
that would have seem preposterous just ten years ago. Yet, the news reports are
overburdened with reports of
suicide bombers, terrorist
attacks, terrorist plots, natural
disasters, and an ever growing
crime wave that is slowly
spreading from border to

For many people, these events

are just something that is
happening elsewhere and not
something to be concerned
with; while others view these
events as a predecessor of
what the world will be like in
just a few short years.

We all deal with adversities in our lives in different ways. For most of us, trouble seems
to find us when we least expect it, and other people seem to go out of their way in
attracting the bad stuff that flows around our lives.

No matter how trouble finds you, there are only two ways in which we can deal with

Some of us deal with problems from a perspective of the inner self. That is to say; we
deal with problems in the way that we have always dealt with them before. It comes
about as we live our lives dealing with the experiences of both the good and bad that
come our way. We learn to adjust our input and output senses to the point that we can
either deal the problems that life throws at us, or we teach ourselves to deny them

Others deal with their problems in the manner in which they feel that they should be
dealt with, or in the way that they have always dealt with them before. This is the result
of sensory habit. For example, if you sit on a burning match, you will always remember
that hot matches will burn your ass when you sit down on them. Therefore you quickly
learn to avoid hot matches smoldering on a seat. That is what I call a sensory
experience; we learn this throughout our lives as we grow and mature into adulthood.

Yet there are some problems that are either so complex or so overbearing, that our
minds refuse to comprehend the true significant of what certain problems represent to
us in their overall totalities.
When we look at the world situation, such as the rise of
stealth Jihad in our own country; the problematic issues
involved are so overbearing, that most people tend to
shrug their shoulders and disregard the very implications
presented therein.

They give little concern to the fact that their apathy against
this stealth invasion is what propagates and allows it to
fester and grow in our society. They give their nod of
approval to this issue by virtue of the fact that they don’t do
anything about it, other that perhaps clamoring and
complaining on the internet forums.

But should it affect their own lives in some personal way, and then these same people
will step forward and get active in fighting against this perceived threat to their way of
life. But not until it hits home and affects the way “business as usual” is conducted on
their part.

That is why many of our present issues and problems are reaching the global
proportions that we are seeing today. They have been allowed to fester because too
many people are remaining quiet and apathetic to problems that are within their own
grasp and ability to rectify before they get out of hand.

So what can be done to eliminate this apathy that seems so rampant? We start by
understanding and analyzing the problems that we are facing today…

Let’s examine some of the more central problems that we, and our children, [and
perhaps their children] face or will face in the coming years:

The Global Situation:

Dominating the news lately are the implications of North Korea and Iran. Both of these
countries absolutely hate America and the westernized nations of Europe with an
uncanny passion.

North Korea has been at the forefront of weapons distribution for years. You will not
hear the talking heads of television explain that their raw materials and finished product
are being purchased by the North Korean regime through China and the Soviet Union.
Neither will you hear detailed reports that North Korea is selling those arms and
munitions to other countries that hate America. You see, if the U.S. were to publicize
that little fact, then we would be challenging the biggest trading partner that we have,
and it might somehow offend the mega-retail giants that sell all of those Chinese
product on the streets of America.
Last year it was reported that Thailand seized a Russian cargo plane loaded down with
thirty five tons of arms and munitions. This particular load of hate originated in North
Korea, and was heading by a circuitous route to Tehran, where the weapons would
later be distributed to Iraq and Afghanistan to be used against American forces and
other western nations fighting the good fight over there.

One must consider this little fact when conjuring images of North Korea:
They have nuclear weapons, and I am of the personal opinion that Iran, as well as other
rogue nations, already have WMD courtesy of North Korea.

North Korea has no manufacturing infrastructure that sells to the rest of the world. They
are a nation run by a violent military dictatorship that wants war with America again. It’s
only because China would stand to lose billions in US trade dollars, that North Korea
has not attacked Japan, South Korea, or American interests abroad.

North Korea’s bombing of a South Korean island was, in my opinion, nothing less than a
slight of hand trick. While the world was focusing on the attack that killed four people, I
personally think that North Korea was busy doing what they always do—selling
weapons to Islamic countries…

How better to get away with this, when the world’s attention is focused on one issue,
and North Korea is shipping mini-nukes to third world terror-states that are quickly
rising in their notoriety of Islamic adventurism.

The picture on the left shows a

cargo vessel that was seized by
the Israeli Navy last year. Tons of
weapons, ammunition, explosives,
and IED’s were snatched on their
way to the Gaza strip and
Lebanon. Arms and munitions that
came straight out of Tehran Iran,
and later it was determined that
most of the weapons were
manufactured in North Korea.

This only represents a small

fraction of what flows out of those
two countries at any given time. At least that is what we down here on the streets of
America are allowed to know. The fact remains that we must always question what we
aren’t being told, as opposed to believing what they want us to believe.

Let’s get into this a little deeper…

Syria, India, Bangladesh, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Somalia, Lebanon,
Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Algeria, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Niger,
Oman, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Djibouti, Mali, Senegal, Gambia, Bosnia,
Herzegovina, Chechnya, Kosovo, Northern Cyprus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Maldives; all of these countries have a large Muslim
population, and are controlled by fundamental Islamic governance that enshrines a
form of either covert or overt Sharia Law—a de-facto political/religious ideology that
advocates the destruction of all non-Muslim counties and societies through violent
jihad, as well as stealth jihad.

Now ask yourself how many of these countries receive financial and/or military aid from

All of them!
That’s right, America feeds, clothes, trains, equips, and arms the very people that seek
to annihilate us in the coming years. Our hard earned tax dollars finance the regimes
that North Korea, China, Iran, and the Soviet Union arms. These four countries are the
world’s leaders in exporting arms, ammunition, as well as supplying training to these
Islamic countries. Even today, Iran has Special Forces units operating against
American troops stationed in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Our own media talking
heads have confirmed this a few times in
the past.

Think about this: Ever wonder why all of

these countries use the same weapons
and ammunition?

Because they all get it from the same


Fact Checkpoint:

Every week a flight originates in Tehran, makes a few stops in various mid-eastern
countries, and then flies straight into Venezuela. There are no cargo manifest, no
passenger list, and U.S. intelligence service cannot find out who or what the flight is
carrying. Iran has declared this flight to be a diplomatically protected flight, and thus
we cannot do one single thing about the threat that this flight poses to America in our
own hemisphere.

Does anyone doubt who is arming the drug cartels in Mexico, or the military juntas in
Central and South America?
At the very center stage of this remains one
of Americas oldest allies—Israel. This tiny
country has been fighting against these
forces since its inception in 1948. Israeli
military knows all too well what the threats
from these rogue countries entail, and
where the weapons and munitions are
coming from.

Several times Israel has been savagely

attacked by Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, as well
as having been attacked by proxy forces of
both Iran and Iraq.

Recently we watched as the Israeli Navy

boarded a Turkish vessel at sea, and
underwent a serious public relations debacle because the people on the ship were
caught red-handed attempting to bust through a naval blockade designed to prevent
more weapons from being transported into the West Banks area, where the weapons
would then be used against innocent Israeli civilians by the Palestinian terrorist groups
aligned with other rogue Islamic militant groups.

One simply has to understand the nature of the beast, and where the originating source
of these problems arises from—North Korea and Iran.

These two countries are doing everything in their power to propagate the destruction of
America. That means you and me—not just the administration running it. They would kill
our children, bomb our school, destroy our churches, and execute everyone that is
aware of their evil plans, or opposes it in any way. By the way—that is how they deal
with their own internal oppositional citizens that are tired of living under the leash and
yoke of socialist regimes such as what these two nations convey upon their own people.

All around the world there are terror groups coming out of the woodwork. Plots and
scheme to attack American and European cities are emerging with alarming frequency
every month. Yet, not many people are aware of the looming threat that these events
have on us. It’s like they are sleepwalking or something, and refuse to believe that their
very lives are in jeopardy.

Yet this isn’t all of the threats that we are facing…

What about the situation within our own country that has been slowly developing for the
last twenty years. A situation that I fear is quietly and quickly coming to a rapid
conclusion in a very short time.
The National Situation:
Gun Control
Health Care
Educational Reform
Property Devaluation
Immigration Enforcement
Police Surveillance
Food Prices
Foreign Oil Dependency
Loss of Constitutional Rights
War on Drugs
Devaluation of the U.S. Dollar
Triple Digit Inflation
Rising Gold Prices
Militarization of Police Services
Medical Pandemics and Epidemics
Natural Disasters

Look around you spend some time researching any of these topics, and if you are not
shocked or alarmed, then you are sleepwalking. Anyone with even the slightest
knowledge of how all of this correlates will quickly understand that these events are
currently right in our immediate future, and that they represent nothing short of doom
for all of us.

One of the more prolific situations is the advent of the government’s surveillance
technologies and their use against ordinary citizens. But what exactly is an ordinary

Is it the person that never votes, or votes for the candidate that has the best television
commercials—regardless of the candidate’s ideologies or policies?

Is it the person that that spends most of their non-working days glued to the television
or internet, and rarely ventures out into the real world?

Is it the person that growls and complains on internet forums of the increased loss of
constitutional rights, yet won’t get off their ass to actually do something about it?

Or is it because there are some people that are sick and tired of watching the country
and their way of life being flushed down the toilet by our very own gang of socialists;
and they are getting actively involved in resisting this personal affront to America’s
core foundation and virtues?
No matter what type of person you are, or how you feel about these situations, it
remains that ultimately it all boils down to one single issue…..

Over the last few decades there has arisen a monstrous beast from the depth of our
society. This beast has given birth to a new breed of demons that have plagued America
with their totalitarian agendas, insane legislative polices, and outrageous ideas of what
the rest us should do think, feel, say, and act. These people go through life with a silver
spoon stuck up their ass, and live in a delusional world that has them making all the
decision for us. Even though they have never walked a mile in our shoes, or at least
forgot what it feels like; they seem to think that they have all the answers to the
problems, and all of it makes them feel better when they exert more control over the
rest of the population. In fact, they spend much of their lives trying to find ways to both
further their coffers, while reducing ours.

Money is control! No matter what you

may think—it’s the money that corrupts
these people, as well as the rest of us.
Give them a little moment of fame, a
little cash to spend—and these folks will
spend the rest of their lives trying to get
more—no matter what the cost is to
them or the rest of us out here.

Some of these people are born into

money, and never have to worry about
having enough cash around Christmas
time. They go through life buying
anything that they want, doing whatever
they want, and the last thing on their
mind is how the rest of the world is

Take for example a famous little blonde

whose father owns a chain of hotels
across the world. This skuzzy little
demon thinks that she is dirt poor, never shops at Wal-Mart, and has never stepped
inside of a grocery store to shop for groceries in her life. Her maids and servants take
care of all of that for her, and daddy sends her forty thousand a month in allowances.

Whenever she runs a little low on cash, she leaks some sex tape to the Paparazzi news,
and presto magic, she makes more money. She hasn’t changed her Modus Operandi in
years, and it’s getting to be pretty much predictable these days. I wonder what the next
installment of the Hotel princess will be….?

Then we have politicians that can’t seem to understand basic questions, provide direct
one syllable answers, or look the camera straight in the eye/lens unless their lying
through their fifty thousand dollar smiles. Their polished and manicured fingernails
never get dirty, and their soft skin has never been exposed to the same harsh weather
that the rest of us have to endure day in and day out. Theirs is one of those delusional
worlds that we happen to support with our hard earned tax dollars. Every couple of
years they spend most of what they have, beg for more donations, and make deals with
other fat-cat rich people, so that they can get reelected and continue living their humble
self-serving lifestyles at our expense.

Of course, the deals that they make with the rich fat-cats always give away some of our
rights, take away more of our cash, or involve something that most Americans would
avoid like the clap—but they use their executive powers and get these bills and laws
pushed through—and once again they get to remain in that world for just a while longer,
while we down here suffer for it and our situations get far worse. It’s an insanity that
at some point must come to an end, or lead us, like it already is, into a deeper hole
than what we are currently experiencing today.

There are 455 people in our country that make all the rules, have all the
answers, and can set everything straight with a simple stroke of
the pen. But they will never get it right, simply because
it’s in their best interest to keep everyone guessing
and wondering.

Why fix a problem like over-taxation. It fuels debate,

it fuels and funds several large government
employers, and it keeps everyone in a state of
confusion. It makes no sense to them to fix the
problem, because if they fixed the country’s
entire problem, then we wouldn’t need them
anymore. Problems equal job security for
these demon leeches that suck the life from
our American constitutional marrow.

The fact that many of our young adults are not cognizant of politics is what got some of
these crooks elected into office. Even the people that have previously voted can be
fooled by these demons. It’s difficult to understand what these people really stand for
when it comes to public polices, and no matter how many journalists try to expose them
for what they represent to our way of life, some people just can’t seem to understand
that giving up one single right, allowing one single new surveillance law, will ultimately
put these type of charlatans into power, thereby propagating the destruction of all that
we hold dear in our lives. It is up to each of us an individual, and as part of a collective
effort to rid ourselves of these self-serving bastards that prey upon our goodwill and
national pride.

No more can we allow these denizens of greed to self-indulge at our expense, and at the
expense of our national sovereignty and national security. These people must be made
to understand that America got rid of three tyrants since its humble beginnings, and
today, more and more people are charging headlong towards an era of open civil
disobedience, if not outright rebellion.

But where does it all start, and how can mainstream America return to the methodology
of our founding principles?

It begins At the Local Level….!

Some of these cynical wrecks that we call politicians began their careers at the local
level. They sought election in school boards, state legislative bodies, and eventually
rose through the ranks into their own state’s political parties. It’s in those state
positions that their quest for control, power, and money became even more urgent. It’s
there that they learned and perfected the craft of double speak, innuendoes, outright
lies, and how to manipulated the press and their constituents.

It’s there that they must be stopped!

One of the best methods to detect these candidates before they come into the national
spotlight is to look back at their journey through the lower political arena. It will be there
that their true colors are to be found.

If they stand against gun control, or advocate increased gun control, it’s at the local
level their agenda will be visible.

Their views on abortion, immigration, labor unions, taxes, and a wide plethora of
ideologies will emerge within the first five years of being elected or appointed to office
at the local level.

You see, every problem in this country can be directly attributed to America’s politics.
Every problem that we have ever faced, or will ever face in the future, can be
interconnected to some political body, political initiative, or political party. It’s the
politics that get this country into war, and it’s the politics that create the conditions that
arouse both the anger of America’s people, and the problems that we all face. All of the
problems, there are no exceptions…
If our politicians wanted to close the southern borders, they could do it faster than it’s
taken me to write this article. But they won’t, because the political parties each think
that they know what is best for the rest of us—never mind what the rest of us want.
Majority doesn’t count with these demons. It’s what they want that counts.

Our problems with taxation are anything new. That has been going on for years, long
before each of us was born. But the problem exists because our politicians want it to
exist. The IRS is the single largest employer in the federal government, the military
notwithstanding. If America were to get rid of the millions of tax codes and opt instead
for a flat rate tax, then the IRS and other government agencies would have to start
getting rid of their employees. Yet we find that these politicians that told us that they
were against increased taxation and smaller government, clearly voted to increase the
IRS tax Inspector pool by 18,000 a year for the next five years. That means the public
treasure will have to support another 90,000 new IRS employers until their retirement
age, and our social security will pay them after that.

Are you seeing the CONTROL factor in that omission alone?

This is where America is heading. Into an abyss where the people that have everything
already, take what little is left from us. I say this in terms of both our cash, and of our
freedoms. They won’t be happy until they have taken it all from us, and control every
facet of our lives. It’s already starting to feel that way to me, and as I glance around the
country and its political agendas, I see nothing but doom creeping over the horizon. A
dark doom that will return America into the state that exists during the pre-colonial
periods, when the aristocracy rules everything, owned everything, and made the laws
to suit their own perverted needs as they saw fit.

Let’s look at another way:

Right now there are initiatives being considered that would allow a bank or mortgage
company to withhold their federally funded payments directly from your paycheck,
before you even get your check.

There are programs on the books in most states that automatically deduct child support
payments from your earnings, even if both parents agree that they don’t want to do that.
The state and Feds make a few million each year having this law on the books.

Travel within the continental USA is becoming increasingly difficult, and it won’t be long
until each American citizen will be stopped, searched, detained, and forced to present
evidence of their right to travel or leave the state. Sounds familiar—try getting a flight
into New York City these days or even better—book a flight to Europe for your next
The government is also implementing a new form of ID Card. These new biometric
identification cards will contain every scrap of personal information about you, that you
can imagine, and then some.

Consider how small town police departments are being armed by the federal
government. Is it really necessary for a village of 300 residents that are being served by
twelve officers, to have heavy anti-tank weapons, armored personnel carriers, and
attack helicopters? Of course not, but it’s a trend that has been quietly increasing over
the years, fueling the defense contractors that manufacture and distribute these
weapons all across America from sea to shining sea.

Throughout the last two decades, the political parties have

attempted to get rid of our religious ideologies. They have
embarked upon this agenda that tries to depict the average
Christian as belonging to some sub-culture that has no
place in Americas societal infrastructure. That is because
those of us at believe in God are cognizant of what these
troubled times will bring into our very near futures. It’s
something that they fear—another loss of control over us…
When all else fails, this country will be
plunged into a dark time where lives
mean nothing, civil liberties are all but
vanished, and the will to resist this
enslavement will be left to a few daring
individuals and groups. Nazi Germany
and present day third world countries
are prime examples of what America
will endure if these closet dictators
have their way with us.

The question is; what will it take to piss you off enough to do something….?

Will the collapse of Americana occur quietly in the darkness of the night, or will you
arouse yourself from the national slumber and start kicking people in the ass until they
wake up and see for themselves what is happening to all of us.

The survival of America is at stake, and the grand prize for the demons is your liberties,
and the lives of your children and grandchildren.

The things that you do, or not do today—will

affect how and where his country ends up
in the later years. Your minor kids today are
growing up on the edge of a war zone, and
if the rules aren’t changed, if the powers
aren’t challenged right now—the war zone
will expand until they become indentured
slaves in their own country. Make no
mistake about that, for that is what is
coming, and that is what is at stake right
this moment.

America was founded on a single premise that all men are created with inalienable
rights, and that all men have the right to live free of persecution—no matter what. But
the sad reality is that even though that was the intention years ago, it has morphed into
a dismal conveyance that has been slaughtered time after time by the same people that
are supposed to convey these rights—our own government.

Take the case of our Supreme Court system. What is supposed to be the highest and
most powerful court in the country, has been turned into a two ring circus and pony
show by both the government and the press corps. What we have in our midst are
Supreme Court justices that are picked for their political views, instead of their
constitutional views. The same supreme court that decided that a human fetus wasn’t
human, but gave birth to the corporation by giving corporate financiers human rights
and privileges. The same court that stated that burning the American flag isn’t a crime
against the people that gave their lives or shed blood for it, and the same court that tells
us that violent hate speech is protected under the US Constitution—yet denies citizen
groups the same free speech that they give others.

Is there anything supreme in that court? Power rules supreme it appears, and the
power of being politically correct rules even higher—instead of common sense laws
based on the precept of fair play, honesty, and holding the moral high ground.

One of the more sinister times in

America’s history occurred when
the radical jihadists blew up the
marine barracks in Lebanon.
Americans poured into the
streets demanding retaliation; yet
the government sat on their
hands and tried to appease angry
Americans that had lost loved
one in the duty of their country.

The supreme court soon ruled

that Americans were conducting
hate campaigns against other
nations, and eventually resulted
in the enactment of the hate Crimes Bill that has plagued America ever since. Yet no
one single chief justice ever went public with the grief experienced by the surviving
family members of the slain marines. That was politically incorrect and would have
shamed America in the eyes of the world.

In 1995 when Timothy McVeigh detonated a van full of home-made explosives, the
administration immediately sought out the right wing militias. For years they had
watched as militia units grew like seeds scattered to the winds. It made them afraid,
very afraid. For they quickly realized that the clock was ticking and their time in office
was fasting coming to an end. Pissed off Americans were joining the militia in record
numbers, and it scared the hell out of them. Continued unchecked, this trend would
spell the end of their domineering ways, and undermine the control and power that they
had worked so hard to establish over us.

Within days, if not hours, then president Clinton called the militias “cowardly” and
vowed to bring them down. Irrespective of the allegations that he and his wife were
running drugs and guns to Central America, and later exposed for playing a key role in
the demise of the US credit unions under the Whitewater scandal that rocked the nation
and the globe.

In the ensuing years we watched as the

administration spent millions of our tax
dollars on surveillance technologies. The
Department of Homeland Security was
created after the 9-1-1 attacks on America—
a job that before the attacks, came under
the jurisdiction of the FBI.

Some people claim, and thoroughly believes

that it was the rogue elements within our
own government that orchestrated these
attacks—just so that they could continue to increase the pressure on the rest of
America, and the rest of the world. It all quickly became one great big testing ground to
see how far they could push these control measures.

Now what we are seeing is the emergence of the militia, and a patriot movement that
has grown into numbers that stagger the imagination. Millions of pissed off angry
people that are quietly behind the scenes preparing for the eventual showdown with the
sinister forces called “The Opposition”…

Nearly every state has a militia unit, and some states have several different units.
Across the patriot movement there are scores of individuals that are actively preparing
for that fatal day—choosing to remain under the radar until such a time as the first shot
is fired.

But the question is--who will fire that first angry shot?
I can tell you that it damned sure shouldn’t be the militia units. That would be a form of
constitutional suicide, and result in the immediate suspension of the constitution, as
well as outright war against the dissenter society that exists within our borders. That is
all the excuse that they need to clamp even further down on us with our own military
forces that are loyalists to their cause.

The unknown factor is how many active duty military personnel will refuse to wage war
on their own countrymen, unless of course—they have been lied to as is usually the
The lies continue even today. We watch in horror as the Narco-Drug Cartels blatantly
gobble up lives and land along our southern borders. The government does little or
nothing to stop the growing violence, yet it grows in proportion each day.
Presently there are several militia unit actively patrolling these areas, doing the job that
the deferral government won’t do—even though they are constitutionally mandated to
protect our borders.

The only news coming out of those areas, are little news snippets of the racist groups
operating in the desert, and absolutely no broadcasts of constitutional militias doing the
same thing.

It’s a set up, plain and simple!

If the general public were told that Americas borders were being patrolled by ordinary
citizen, the furor would reach all the way to the Whitehouse in a rapid exchange of
finger pointing.
Instead, the news media have been instructed to clamp down on any news coming out
of those areas, except the little snippets about the racist groups. This works right into
their plans in their evil effort to quell the rising tide of anti-government fervor across the

The fact is very simple: if one single American is killed down in those desert areas in a
violent confrontation with the Mexican drug cartels—then that will be the foundation for
extreme anti-militia laws that will quickly sweep across the nation. They will make it
appear that militia units started this war, and it will eventually result in sweeping new
measures that will make it illegal for militia units to meet, train, or prepare against
anything. They will try to legislate the militia away into obscurity, and violently stamp
out those units that refuse to obey them.

It will require the following:

1. They must first establish that a militia unit

was preparing to attack targets within America.

2. The unit should be heavily armed, and

constantly training for war.

3. The government must make examples of this

militia unit, either by demonizing it, or killing
some of its members in a violent firefight.

4. Of course, there must also be collateral

damage, or at least, a perceived collateral
damage. It would be in their best interest if
some of their people were killed, or innocent
civilians were killed. That would further fuel
their public relations corps—allowing the tide of negativity to infuriate ordinary citizens.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it….?

Say Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma Bombing, and Hutaree to yourself a few times….

You see, it’s already happened, and now they just need the final act in this long awaited
play for the curtain to drop….

If there was ever a time in America’s history that all men should come to the aid of their
country—that time is right now!

We are being slowly herded into a corner and stamped with their cattle brand. Our
children are being taught in their schools that it’s alright to snitch on parents and
friends, and that being part of the crowd is much better than being a rugged individual
with his or her own views.

Our employers are being forced to provide the government with all of our earnings and
personal information, and other organizations such as our doctors, banks, grocery
stores, and internet providers are being forced to divulge everything that we do.
Everyday these sinister forces gain just a little more control over the masses that make
up America. Every day, more and more people are forced into submission by the people
that swore an oath to protect and defend them. The insanity must at some point be
stopped and America must at some point return to a more normal posture that doesn’t
pit “Us against them”, as it has in the past.

Anything less will lead to the annihilation of all that we hold dear and sacred in our lives
and within our country. A country that will echo the systematic destruction of life and
liberty as we witness in other countries around the world.

Each day brings us closer to the eventual showdown that is just across the horizon.
Each moment that real Americans allow the subjugation and submergence of our rights
to occur, makes it that much easier for these demons to remain in power over us.

Little problems quickly become big problems—that is how the thought process works in
the mechanical world. In the real world, it’s no different. The little things that we allow
to slip by, will eventually grow into big problems that spell nothing short of disaster.
If we as citizen of the greatest nation on the face of the globe continue to allow these
core issues to slip by us, or if we allow our apathy to continue on its present course—
the nation and our people will long suffer its consequences for many generations to

So what can you personally do, that might change the outcome of this inevitable
showdown between the socialists and the rest of society….?

Stop Sleepwalking & Get Others Involved In This Struggle!

If enough people stand together against these grievous injustices, then other people
will have no choice but to get involved, it’s simply human nature to change your lot in
life—especially when that change derives something good, and something that is

The Boston Tea party changed the British outlook on the New World colonies. Thomas
Payne changed the outlook of so many people, that the Colonial revolution resulted in a
war against the British, and lead to the establishment of this country. All of these
changes were initiated at the grass roots level of society, and invoked a response from
the people that were being victimized by the totalitarian powers of that time. Is our time
so much different now, in that we are seeing the rise of a political party that seeks to
once again oppress the citizen of this great country?

Absolutely not!
The only difference is that today we have more citizen, larger cities, and the powers in
control hold all the trump cards in both technology and perceived power over us. But—
that is their one weakness; their one Achilles heel that will bring them down. They think
that they have all of us fooled—when in fact they don’t.

The second weakness is that they always do the same things the same old ways, time
after time; another exploitable weakness that puts the rest of us in a better position. We
will always hold the moral higher ground, because at the root level of Americana, we
the people always hold the trump card, and it’s written in plain English inside of the US

That brings us to the final equation in this national issue; the citizen’s militias that are
scattered across this country from border to border…

As I see things, the militias serve as a stark reminder to the opposition that we are
aware of their activities, and that when the time comes, some of us out here will never
bend our knee again. We will never accept the yoke and shackles. No matter how sever
the whip. Ours is a world where freedom and liberty is paramount to our lives, and that
is non-negotiable under any circumstance.

There are militias that are nothing more than paper units that thrive on the internet, and
then there are some militias that will never do what they claim that they will do. I know
this is fact, because I have talked to some of the
guys in these units, and in some cases, I know the
unit commanders personally…

You see, for the most part, a certain number of

militia members are just going through the
motions. They like to think that they will stand
shoulder to shoulder with the rest of their team,
but the fact is that when the threats become real,
when the Swat Team is stacking up on the
sidewalk, and when the army trucks start rolling,
some of these guys are going to slink away
making their excuses.

What they forget is that being part of a militia unit

carries a lot of responsibility, and it’s not
something that can be accomplished on their days
off work. This is something that requires a lifelong
commitment from everyone, and it demands the utmost loyalty from its unit members.
After all; other people in the unit are counting on these guys to carry their own weight.

It is expected that the attrition rate will range anywhere from 30 to 50 percent when
things go south. Imagine half of the militia members will quietly fade away when the
hammer is dropped, and the crapola hits the fan. That’s a lot of attrition…

Most patriots forget that belonging to a militia unit carries real life consequences.
Consequences that could potentially lead to their imprisonment, loss of their jobs, and
possibly loss of their life. This isn’t something that can be done on the internet, or on the
weekends. This is something that requires a lot of training and a lot of strategizing.

But the primary problem stems for the mere fact that most militias refuse to
communicate with each other, and fail to stand together under one single banner. Many
militia commanders fear the loss of their command, or perhaps are a little jealous of
how other units operate or equip themselves. Sometimes it’s hard for them to
understand that seeing beyond their own horizon opens their eyes to events beyond
their five senses. Perhaps they really don’t want to arouse confrontation with the
opposition in the first place, and maybe that is the end result of them being already
conditioned to fearing authority. We will never know their true reasons, but one could
make a great case for this hypothesis based on what I see going on out in the
patriot/militia movement. I would suggest that these type of militia units either quickly
change their ways, or stand back and let the real militias take over—for they have
already given victories to the opposition because they are afraid to stand up for what
they claim to believe in. You can’t hide behind the mask of anonymous and be a militia
commander to. It requires that you speak your mind, recruit new members, and speak
out loudly against further intrusion into the American way of life and liberty. There
cannot be any other way for a militia unit to stand against the oppositional forces.

Those militia units that hide are not really militia units in a broad sense of the word. I
would suggest that they are more or less resistance cells. If these units cannot assume
a public role, at least their leadership structure, then calling themselves a militia unit is
actually a waste of time, as it targets them for elimination at some later date and time.

This country needs more people joining the militia in their respective states. The more
people that volunteer, the more other people in their areas become aware that there
seems to be a problem, and the more difficult it becomes for the media corps to
demonize the entire patriot community. The fact is that there are more people involved
in the patriot movement, then the combined strength of all of America’s armed forces.

True patriotism relies on patriotic duties above one’s self fears and self pride. It
requires that a man lay down his shovel and take up the banner of liberty and justice for
all. It demands that patriots muster the courage and resolve to secure the rights of
those that cannot defend themselves. It demands that every able bodied man and
woman bear these burdens equally and with utter malice when so affronted that a show
of force is necessary and required. But it also dictates that both patience and virtuous
reason preclude any hasty action that accelerates the crisis, or dictates a first strike
strategy, for that is not the way of any constitutional militia unit.

In these coming times, under the looming threat of the total eradication of our civil
rights, and the lands that our forefathers gave their lives to build, I urge each of you to
consider the consequences of both your actions, and inactions; for they both play a
critical central role in the future of America and it’s people.

But always remember this; clamor not for war and battle, nor lay siege to the vestige of
what remains in America, for the price that is required will be a debt paid in blood. A
blood debt that will send America’s sons and daughters into a time of sorrow and grief.
The time is ripe for a sharpening of the knives, a gathering of likeminded rugged
individuals, and the time to train, equip, and communicate is upon us all. For now, our
only recourse is to vote these demons out of office, and install those candidates that
have arisen from within our own rank and file. Let us not be the reason for war,; lets us
in fact become the defenders of this nation, instead of the oppressors that seek to
subjugate and change democracy through a force of arms and violent insurrection.

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