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Received January 8, 2017, accepted January 31, 2017, date of publication March 7, 2017, date of current version April

24, 2017.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2679135

Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient

Backscatter Communication Systems
1 State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
2 Beijing Key Lab of Transportation Data Analysis and Mining, School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044,
3 Beijing Engineering Research Center of High-speed Railway Broadband Mobile Communications, Beijing 100044, China
4 Guangdong Planning and Designing Institute, Guangzhou, China, 510630

Corresponding author: Y. Liu (

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant U1334202, Grant 61571037, and Grant
61402033 and in part by the ZTE Corporation.

ABSTRACT Ambient backscatter technology has attracted much attention recently, because it enables
battery-free devices, such as tags or sensors, to communicate through wireless energy harvesting and
radio backscattering. Existing studies about ambient backscatter assume that the tags have only two states:
backscatter or non-backscatter. Actually, some references have shown that the tags can readily realize three
states: positive and negative phase backscatter, and non-backscatter. In this paper, we propose a new coding
scheme for these tags with three states to improve the throughput of the ambient backscatter communication
system. We then design a maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector for the reader to extract binary information
from ternary coded signals. We also analyze the detection performance in terms of closed-form bit error
rate (BER) expressions. It is found that the proposed coding scheme can improve the throughput of an
ambient backscatter system, and there exists an error floor for the BER curve. Finally, simulation results are
provided to corroborate our theoretical studies.

INDEX TERMS Ambient backscatter, coding, maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection, bit error rate (BER),
error floor, system throughput.

I. INTRODUCTION performance versus communication distance through exper-

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies are iments. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) backscatter is designed to
extensively used in Internet of Things [1]. One feature of enable the batter-free devices to communicate with off-the-
RFID is that the tag requires special signal source to pro- shelf Wi-Fi devices [5]. The Wi-Fi and ZigBee-compatible
vide power for communication [2]. To avoid special power signals used for backscattering can also be created by Blue-
source, ambient backscatter communication systems is pro- tooth transmissions [6]. Furthermore, Parks et al. [7] intro-
posed in [3] through harvesting the electromagnetic energy duce the multi-antenna cancelation design for backscatter
from the environment. devices and utilize a coding scheme to enlarge communica-
The transmission process of ambient backscatter com- tion range. The signal detection and theoretical performance
munication systems could be divided into two phases [3]: analysis are provided in [4]. Reference [8] presents a novel
first, the battery-free devices such as tags or sensors transmit communication system utilizing full-duplex [9] to enable
0 or 1 signals through backscattering the ambient radio signal high-throughput and long-range communications between
or not; second, the reader separate the two kinds of signals tags and a Wi-Fi access point.
with certain signal processing skills. For example, the tag’s Most existing studies assume that the tags can only
data rate can be set lower than the ambient radio signal so backscatter or not backscatter the surrounding signals. How-
that the reader can obtain sufficient samples for each symbol ever, it has been pointed out in the references [2], [8],
of the tag through averaging [3], [4]. and [10] that the tag can change its antenna impedance to
Ambient backscatter, as a newborn communication tech- implement three operations on the environmental signals:
nology, has attracted much attentions. Liu et al. [3] not reflecting, reflecting in the same phase and reflecting in
first propose and implement a prototype of ambient the opposite phase. That is, the tag can readily obtain three
backscatter system, and investigate its bit error rate (BER) states.

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Y. Liu et al.: Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems

FIGURE 1. A communication system of RF-powered devices that utilizing

ambient backscatter.

Motivated by this, we study the situation where the tag

utilizes three states to transmit ternary information. Based
on this, we propose a new coding scheme and prove its FIGURE 2. Signal constellation and coding scheme.

optimality. We also suggest a detection algorithm. In addi-

tion, we derive the closed-form expression of BER perfor-
mance and prove the existence of the error floor of the BER two ternary symbols to three binary symbols. Clearly there
curves. Finally, simulation results are provided to corroborate exists one redundant code for the ternary-symbols-based
our proposed studies. It is shown that the proposed coding codebooks. Corresponding to the different redundant points,
scheme and the corresponding detector can improve the sys- we have nine coding schemes. Next, we investigate the coding
tem throughput. schemes in order to find the one that can minimize the BER.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, Proposition 1: Among all the nine possible coding
we introduce the coding scheme and theoretical model of our schemes, the one without point (0, 0) has the minimum BER.
ambient backscatter communication system. We propose a Proof: Coding theories show that the average
detection algorithm and investigate its BER performance in Euclidean distance can evaluate the BER performance
Section III. The simulation results are provided in Section IV. of different coding schemes [11], [12]. The constel-
Finally, Section V concludes this paper. lation figure of the two ternary-symbols-based coding
scheme is shown in Fig. 2. Owing to the symmetry
of Fig. 2, the nine points can be divided into three
Consider one ambient backscatter communication system sets: A = {(−L, −L), (L, −L), (L, L), (−L, L)}, B =
consisting of one reader and one tag, as shown in Fig. 1. {(0, L), (0, −L), (−L, 0), (L, 0)} and C = {(0, 0)}, where L is
Unlike conventional RFID tags, the tag in Fig. 1 scavenges the unit distance between two adjacent constellation points.
other radio frequency (RF) signals such as radio television When the coding schemes’ redundant points belong to the
signals to communicate with the reader [3]. same set, they have identical average Euclidean distance.
Consequently, we only need to choose one representative
redundant point from each set to calculate the average
Euclidean distance. For the set A, we choose only one
Suppose the RF transmit signal s(n) is an on-off keying mod-
point out and calculate the average Euclidean distance of
ulated signal. The tag will receive the RF source signal and
the remaining eight points: DA ≈ 5.02L. Similarly, we
will transmit its own binary signal B(n) to the reader through
choose point (0, −L) and (0, 0) from set B and C respectively,
positive and negative backscattering the signal s(n), and non-
and obtain the corresponding average Euclidean distances:
backscattering. Specifically, the signal processing inside the
DB ≈ 5.82L and DC ≈ 6.15L. Clearly, DA < DB < DC .
tag could be illustrated as follows:
Thus the coding scheme without point (0, 0) has the minimum
1) If B(n) = 0, the tag changes its antenna impedance so BER.
that little energy of s(n) can be reflected. Our following discussion of this paper is based on the
2) If B(n) = 1, the tag switches the antenna impedance to coding scheme shown in Fig. 2.
scatter the signal without changing the phase.
3) If B(n) = −1, the tag adjusts its antenna impedance to B. MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS OF SYSTEM MODEL
scatter the signal s(n) in the inverse phase. Denote the channel between the RF source and the reader as h,
Note that the tag has three states to represent its binary the channel between the RF source and the tag as f , and the
information. Two ternary symbols can represent nine states, channel between the reader and the tag as g. The channels
while three binary symbols can only reflect eight states. f , g, and h are assumed as slow-fading and remain unchanged
Therefore our main task is to find an optimal mapping from during at least one consecutive interval of B(k). Furthermore,

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Y. Liu et al.: Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems

we assume all these channels are known to the reader through

estimators provided in [13]–[15].
The signal received by the tag can be expressed as [10]
x(n) = fs(n). (1)
Moreover, the signal backscattered by the tag may be written
a(n) = ηB(n)x(n), B(n) ∈ {−1, 0, 1}, (2)
where η is the signal attenuation inside the tag. Note that
the data rate of the signal B(n) is much less than that of the
RF signal x(n), and B(n) will remain unchanged during N
symbols of x(n). That is, B(kN + j) will be the same for
j = 1, 2, · · · , N .
Therefore, the reader will receive the signal
y(n ) = hs(n) + ga(n) + wb (n) FIGURE 3. An example for the pdf Tk , k = −1, 0, 1.
= hs(n) + ηfgB(n)s(n) + wb (n), (3)
where wb (n) is the zero-mean additive white Gaussian noise √
1) If B(k) = 0, Tk is subjected to N( Php, N1 (Ph2 p2 +
(AWGN) term at the reader and its variance is Nwb . Next the Nwb )).
reader aims to recover the tag signals B(n) from the received √
2) If B(k) = 1, Tk is subjected to N( Pµp, N1 (Pµ2 p2 +
signals y(n). Nwb )).
Remark 1: Noting that the original binary bits "1" and "0" √
3) If B(k) = −1, Tk is subjected to N( Pνp, N1 (Pν 2 p2 +
are equiprobable. Let H0 , H1 and H−1 represent B(n) = 0, Nwb )).
B(n) = 1 and B(n) = −1, respectively. Therefore when the
coding scheme in Fig. 2 is adopted, we have Pr(H0 ) = 41 , One example of Tk ’s probability distribution under three
conditions is depicted in Fig. 3. It is shown that our statistic
Pr(H−1 ) = 38 and Pr(H1 ) = 38 , where Pr(Hi ) = Pr(B(n) = i).
Tk may have three probability density functions (PDFs):
N (Tk − Pνp)2

In this section, we introduce our proposed detection algorithm  exp − 2(Pν 2 p2 + N )

 r 
according to the ternary-symbol-based coding scheme shown
 1 2 2 wb
2π N (Pν p + Nwb

in Fig. 2, and analyze its BER performance. We derive the

closed-form BER expression and prove the existence of the

 i = −1, !

 √
error floor. Php)2

 1 N (Tk −

 exp −
2(Ph2 p2 + Nwb )
= 1 2 p2 + N

Let us rewrite (3) as 

 i = 0,
√ 
 √ !
N (Tk − Pµp)2

√Phs(n) + wb (n), case H0 : B(k) = 0, 1
 

 exp − 2(Pµ2 p2 + N )


y(n) =
Pµs(n) + wb (n), case H1 : B(k) = 1, 
 1 wb
√ 2
2π N (Pµ p + Nwb2
 

Pνs(n) + wb (n), case H−1 : B(k) = −1,

i = 1.
where P is the transmitting power of the RF source, µ , h +
ηfg and ν , h − ηfg denote the combined channel.
The statistic for detecting B(k) is chosen as Furthermore, we can derive the posteriori probability as
1 Pr(Tk |Hi ) Pr(Hi )
Tk = y(n), 1 ≤ k ≤ K. (5) Pr(Hi |Tk ) = (7)
N Pr(Tk )
n=(k−1)N +1
In order to obtain the minimum error probability, we
Assume h, µ and ν are known to the reader, and s(n)
choose an maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector [4]. Let H b
is subjected to equiprobable
P binary distribution. When N is denote the detection result, and H̄i denote that the detection
large enough, the sum kN n=(k−1)N +1 s(n) is approximate to result is not Hi . The MAP decision rule is that, decide H
b =
the normal distribution N(Np, Np2 ), where p is the probability Hi , if
that s(n) = 1, i.e., p = 21 . Therefore, we can obtain the
following results: Pr(Tk |Hi ) Pr(Hi ) > Pr(Tk |Hl ) Pr(Hl ), ∀i 6 = l. (8)

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Y. Liu et al.: Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems

To find the threshold, we should find suitable Tk s that sat- 2) In the case of fg < 0,
isfy the following two unary quadric equations respectively 
H−1 , if Tk > ξ1 ,

Pr(T−1 |H−1 ) Pr(H−1 ) = Pr(T0 |H0 ) Pr(H0 ), (9) H = H0 ,
b if ξ2 < Tk < ξ1 , (16)
Pr(T1 |H1 ) Pr(H1 ) = Pr(T0 |H0 ) Pr(H0 ). (10) 

H1 , if Tk < ξ2 .
The solutions of (9) is derived as (11), shown at the bottom
of this page, where B. BER PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
The error probability of our detector (15) and (16) is given
H = Ph2 p2 + Nwb , by
V = Pν 2 p2 + Nwb ,
Pe = Pr(H0 ) Pr(H̄0 |H0 ) + Pr(H1 ) Pr(H̄1 |H1 )
κV = Vh − H ν.
+ Pr(H−1 ) Pr(H̄−1 |H−1 ), (17)
Owing to the relationship of h, µ and ν, the PDF curve of
Tk under H0 is always in the middle of the three curves in where
Fig. 3. Therefore we choose one solution in (11) nearer the  √ 
expectation of Tk under H0 . The threshold based on (9) is set ξ1 − Pνp
Pr (H̄−1 |H−1 ) = Q  q (18)
as 1 2 2
( √ √ + Nwb )
N (Pν p
ζ1,a , if |ζ1,a − Php| < |ζ1,b − Php|, √
ξ1 =
 
√ √ (12) ξ − Php
ζ1,b , if |ζ1,b − Php| ≤ |ζ1,a − Php|. Pr (H̄0 |H0 ) = 1 − Q  q
1 
1 2 2
Similarly, the other threshold can be obtained from the N (Ph p + Nwb )
solutions of (10), as (13), shown at the bottom of this page, √ !
ξ2 − Php
where +Q 1 , (19)
2 2
N (Ph p + Nwb )
U = Pµ2 p2 + Nwb ,  √ 
ξ2 − Pµp
κU = Uh − H µ. Pr (H̄1 |H1 ) = 1 − Q  q , (20)
1 2 p2 + N )
N (Pµ wb
And the threshold according to (10) is chosen as
( √ √ where Q(·) denotes the Gaussian Q-function [16] and is given
ζ2,a , if |ζ2,a − Php| < |ζ1,b − Php|,
ξ2 = √ √ (14) as
ζ2,b , if |ζ2,b − Php| ≤ |ζ1,a − Php|. Z ∞
1 t2
Finally the related detection rule can be summarized as Q(x) = √ e− 2 dt. (21)
follows 2π x
1) In the case of fg > 0, Define γ = NPwb as the transmit SNR. Next we inves-
 tigate the asymptotic error probability performance when
H−1 , if Tk < ξ1 ,

γ → ∞, i.e., lim Pe . For the simplicity of our discus-
H = H0 ,
b if ξ1 < Tk < ξ2 , (15) γ →∞
sion, we only consider the situation when ξ1 = ζ1,a and
H1 , if Tk > ξ2 .

ξ2 = ζ2,a .

 r h i
κ κ 2 − (v2 − h2 ) PN p2 (h2 − v2 ) + VH
ln 3H

 V + V wb N 2V

 1,a
 = √
r P(v2 − h2 )p (11)
h i
κV − κV2 − (v2 − h2 ) PNwb p2 (h2 − v2 ) + VH
ln 3H

N 2V

ζ1,b =

 √
P(v2 − h2 )p
 r h i
κ κ 2 − (u2 − h2 ) PN p2 (h2 − u2 ) + UH
ln 3H

 U + U wb N 2U
ζ2,a =

 √
P(u2 − h2 )p

r h i (13)
κU − κU2 − (u2 − h2 ) PNwb p2 (h2 − u2 ) + UH 3H

 N ln 2U
ζ2,b =

 √
P(u2 − h2 )p

4950 VOLUME 5, 2017

Y. Liu et al.: Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems

Theorem 1: The BER (17) has an error floor in high SNR

region, and the error floor is given by
√  !
5 3 ν N h
lim Pe = + Q + G(ν) − 1
γ →∞ 8 8 |ν| h + ν
√  !
1 h N ν
− Q + G(ν) − 1
4 |h| h + ν
√  !
1 h N µ
+ Q + G(µ) − 1
4 |h| h + µ
√  !
3 µ N h
− Q + G(µ) − 1 , (22)
8 |µ| h + µ
where G(x) is defined as
|xh| (x − h)2 − (x 2 − h2 ) ln 2x 2 FIGURE 4. Error of probability for the reader with different N.
G(x) = 2 2
. (23)
x(x − h )
Proof: Since Pe is a sum of several separate parts, we
can obatin
lim Pe = Pr(H0 ) lim Pr(H̄0 |H0 )
γ →∞ γ →∞
+ Pr(H1 ) lim Pr(H̄1 |H1 ) + Pr(H−1 ) lim Pr(H̄−1 |H−1 ).
γ →∞ γ →∞
For the first item of (24), we find
 √ 
ξ1 − Pνp
lim Pr(H̄−1 |H−1 ) = lim Q  q 
γ →∞ γ →∞ 1 2 2
N (Pν p + Nwb )
 √ 
ξ1 − Pνp
= Q  lim q 
γ →∞ 1 2 2
N (Pν p + Nwb )
 
√ − νp FIGURE 5. Error of probability for the reader with different SNRs.
= Q  lim q 
γ →∞
Nν p
1 2 2

ξ1 ambient backscatter system utilizing existing coding scheme

− νp
 
lim √
γ →∞ P and detector [4] is also provided for comparison. To examine
= Q q . (25) the proposed scheme, each experiment performs 105 Monte
Nν p
1 2 2
Carlo trials. Here we set η = 0.7 and Pr(s(n) = 0) =
And it can be readily checked that Pr(s(n) = 1) = 0.5.
q Since the normal approximation accuracy depends on the
1 − ν+h
|νh||ν−h| 3h 2
ξ1 h+ ν(ν−h) ν−h ln 2ν 2 size of sample number N , we first investigate the influence
lim √ = νp · . (26) of N on BER Pe under different SNR scenarios in Fig. 4 . It
γ →∞ P ν+h
is shown that in all SNR scenarios, the BER performance is
Substituting (26) into (25) we can write the first item of (24) improved with increasing N , especially in low SNR. It can
as (27) provided on the top of the next page. Similarly, the also been found in Fig. 4 that the condition N ≥ 60 in the
other items in (24) can be given by (28) and (29) in the SNR region greater than 5dB, or the condition N ≥ 120
following page. in low SNR region is required to guarantee reliable perfor-
Finally, we can obtain (22) through substituting (27), (28) mance.
and (29), shown at the top of the next page, into (24), which The BER performance of the reader versus SNR is depicted
is irrelevant to the SNR γ . in Fig. 5, where the sample number N is set as 100. It is shown
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS that our theoretical BER results (17) well agree with the sim-
In this section, we illustrate the proposed detection algorithm ulation results. It can be also found that there exists an error
and theoretical BER performance analysis through Monte floor in high SNR region, which verify our derivation (22)
Carlo simulations. The uplink throughput performance of the in Section III.

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Y. Liu et al.: Coding and Detection Schemes for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems

 √  q 
|νh| 3h 2
ν N  h(ν − h) + ν (ν − h)2 − (ν 2 − h2 ) ln 2ν 2
lim Pr(H̄−1 |H−1 ) = Q  − 1 (27)
γ →∞ |ν| ν 2 − h2

 √  q 
|νh| 3h2
h N ν(ν − h) + ν (ν − h)2 − (ν 2 − h2 ) ln 2ν 2
lim Pr(H̄0 |H0 ) = 1 − Q   − 1
γ →∞ |h| ν 2 − h2
 √  q
h N µ(µ − h) + |µh|
µ (µ − h)2 − (µ2 − h2 ) ln 2µ 2
+Q  − 1 (28)
|h| µ2 − h2
 √  q
2 − (µ2 − h2 ) ln 3h2
µ N h(µ − h) + |µh|
µ (µ − h) 2µ 2
lim Pr(H̄1 |H1 ) = 1 − Q   − 1 (29)
γ →∞ |µ| µ2 − h2

Ambient backscatter is a newborn technology that has many
open problems. This paper focused on the coding and detec-
tion of the uplink ambient backscatter systems where the
tag has three states. We proposed a new coding scheme
and designed the corresponding detector. The closed-form
expression of detection BER was obtained, and its error floor
was also proved and derived. It was shown that the throughput
was improved with our new coding scheme. Finally, sim-
ulation results were provided to corroborate our theoretical

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YANG LIU received the B.E. degree from the School of Electronic
and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China,
in 2011, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the State ZHANGDUI ZHONG received the B.E. and M.S. degrees from Beijing
Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety. His current research Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 1983 and 1988, respectively. He
interests are in the field of detection theory, spectrum-sensing algorithm and is currently a Professor and an Advisor of Ph.D. candidates with Beijing
performance analysis for cognitive radio networks, and ambient backscatter Jiaotong University, where he is also a Director of the School of Computer
communication systems. and Information Technology, and a Chief Scientist with the State Key
Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety. He is also a Director of
the Innovative Research Team, Ministry of Education, Beijing, and a Chief
Scientist of the Ministry of Railways, Beijing. His interests include wireless
communications for railways, control theory and techniques for railways, and
GSM-R systems. His research has been widely used in railway engineering,
GONGPU WANG received the B.Eng. degree in communication engi- such as Qinghai-Xizang railway, Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy Haul railway,
neering from Anhui University, Hefei, China, in 2001, and the M.Sc. and many high-speed railway lines in China. He is an Executive Council
degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Member of the Radio Association of China, Beijing, and a Deputy Director
China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta, of the Radio Association, Beijing.
Edmonton, Canada, in 2011. From 2004 to 2007, he was an Assistant He holds five invention patents, and has authored or co-authored seven
Professor with the School of Network Education, BUPT. He has since joined books, and more than 200 scientific research papers in his research area.
the School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong Uni- He received the MaoYiSheng Scientific Award of China, the ZhanTianYou
versity, China, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research Railway Honorary Award of China, and the Top 10 Science/Technology
interests include Internet of Things, wireless communication theories, and Achievements Award of Chinese Universities.
signal processing technologies.

VOLUME 5, 2017 4953

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