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Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain

Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Education Program
of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University





 Surely there is easy after hardship.

 A miracle is another Name of an Effort.

 The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

 Do not wait for a happy smile. But, smile for happiness.


With gratitude and love, this thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved father, Mochamad Ilyas and my mother Nur Khasanah, who

always has honesty sincerity to grow me up, educate, accompany and pray for

me until getting success and their greatest live and support for me at all until I

can accomplish this thesis.

2. My beloved brother, Jafar Sodiq and my little sister Arofah Putri Agiliana,

thanks for your love, help, support, pray and advice, so I am better than before.

3. My grandmother, Jarotun, and my aunt Siti Khadijah who always love me very

much. Thanks for your love and pray for me.

4. My brother, Juni Hantoro who always has honesty to support and spirit me.

You are the best brother for me.

5. My sister, Iis Fitri Maillina Waty. Thanks for your love and all your motivation

for me.

6. My beloved best friends, Juita, Ria, Lia, Efa. You are the best, thanks for giving

me support, opinion and helping me to finish my thesis and thank you for our


7. All of friends in Muhadi’s boarding house thanks for support and being nice

friends. You are my second family. Love you all.

8. All of friends in class B of English Department of Muhammadiyah University

2013. Thanks for being nice friends.

9. All of teacher and students in SMP N 4 Purworejo. Thanks for their help.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’alamin, is the perfect word the researcher can

expresses his highest gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for blessing, love,

opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis. This thesis was written to

fulfill a requirement for obtaining the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree for the English

Department of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty of

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. On this opportunity, the researcher

appreciates greatly to those who have given valuable suggestion and guidance in

completing this thesis, particularly the researcher would like to thank to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd., as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd., as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Educational Sciences Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

3. Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum as the Head of English Department of Teacher

Training and Educational Sciences Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of


4. Dr. Junaedi Setiyono, M.Pd as first consultant, for his entire worthy supports

and evaluation. The researcher cannot give her anything for all her kindness

unless a promise; the researcher will give the same nice things as what she has

given to me, to my students, someday.

5. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd as second consultant, for her entire worthy supports and

evaluation. The researcher cannot give her anything for all her kindness unless

a promise; the researcher will give the same nice things as what she has given

to me, to my students, someday.

6. All lectures of English Department for their guidance during the completion

ofthis thesis, and all the staffs.

7. The headmaster of SMP N 4 Purworejo (Yosiyanti Wahyuningtyas, M.Pd),

the teacher of eighth grade (Sudarsono, S.Pd.Ing), and the students of eighth

grade B of SMP Negeri 4 Purworejo, for their good cooperation.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the

successful realization of this thesis. Seeing that thesis is far from being perfect, the

researcher invites criticisms and comments for this thesis. However, there is a little

hope that this thesis will be reference to fulfill our library and used for the

improvement of English teaching and learning, especially in English Department

of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

Purworejo, 24 August 2017

The researcher

Nurul Istiqomah


Nurul Istiqomah. The Analysis of Students’ Problem in Translating English

Narrative Text into Indonesian at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 4 Purworejo in
the Academic Year of 2016/2017. S1 Thesis. English Education Program
Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of
Purworejo. 2017

The objective of the research is to describe the problem faced and to find
out dominant problem faced at the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo
in the academic year of 2016/2017.
This research is a qualitative research and used descriptive qualitative
method. The researcher obtained the data from the students’ translation test. The
researcher carried out at SMP N 4 Purworejo on April 2017. To collect the data,
the researcher needed some steps, they are took one of three narrative text from
the textbook, the research choose one narrative text, teaching simple narrative
text and give the translation test. Then, to analyze the data, the researcher
collects data by theory of translation problem, the researcher analyze students’
problem in translating English narrative text into Indonesian, and the researcher
making conclusion.
The result of the analysis shows that are the most frequent problem which
students made is vocabulary. The highest number of students’ problem is
vocabulary (45.87%). The second is not transmitted (22.94%). The third is
incomplete sentence (19.27%). The fourth is addition (9.17%). And the last is
grammar (2.75%). It can be concluded that students have translating some
problems in English narrative text into Indonesian is vocabulary, not
transmitted, incomplete sentences, addition, and grammar. The most dominant
problem faced done by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo in the
academic year of 2016/2017 is vocabulary.

Keywords: Students’ Problem, Translating English into Indonesian, Narrative



Title ............................................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet ............................................................................................... ii
Ratification Sheet .......................................................................................... iii
Mottos ........................................................................................................... iv
Dedications ..................................................................................................... v
Statement ....................................................................................................... vi
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................... vii
Abstract ......................................................................................................... ix
Table of Content ............................................................................................. x
List of Table .................................................................................................. xii
List of Appendices ....................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem ............................................... 3
C. Statement of the Problem ..................................................... 3
D. Objective of the Study .......................................................... 4
E. Limitation of the Problem .................................................... 4
F. Signifinance of the Study ..................................................... 5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 6
A. Theoretical Review .............................................................. 6
1. Translation .................................................................... 6
a. Definition of Translation ........................................ 6
b. Types of Translation .............................................. 8
c. The Principles of Translation ................................ 11
d. Translation Strategy .............................................. 12
e. Translation Process ............................................... 13
f. Methods of Translation ......................................... 14
g. Technique of Translation ...................................... 15
h. Problem in Translation .......................................... 16
i. Evaluating Translation .......................................... 19
2. Genre ............................................................................ 20
a. Definition of Genre ................................................ 20
b. The Genre of Text .................................................. 21
3. Narrative Text .............................................................. 23
a. Definition of Narrative Text .................................. 23
b. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text ............... 24
c. The Language Features of Narrative Text ............. 25
d. Grammatical Features of Narrative Text ............... 25
e. Kinds of Narrative Text ......................................... 27
B. Previous Study .................................................................... 28
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 30
A. Research Design .................................................................. 30
B. Time and Place of the Research .......................................... 31
C. Population and Sample ........................................................ 31

D. Instrument of the Research .................................................. 32
E. Technique of Collecting the Data ....................................... 32
F. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................. 33
G. Technique of Coding Data .................................................. 34
H. Unit of Analysis .................................................................. 35
A. Data Description ................................................................... 36
B. Data Analysis ....................................................................... 49
C. Discussion ............................................................................ 69
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 70
A. Conclusion ............................................................................ 70
B. Suggestion ............................................................................ 71

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Pedagogical Numerical Marking System ................................... 20

Table 4.1. Comparing Translating in Essay ................................................ 37
Table 4.2. Essay Analysis ........................................................................... 50
Table 4.3. The Result of Analysis ............................................................... 67

List of Appendices

Appendix 1. Permission Letter

Appendix 2. Certificate of School

Appendix 3. Decision Letter

Appendix 4. Consultant Log

Appendix 5. Lesson Plan

Appendix 6. Table Comparing Translation in Essay

Appendix 7. Table Essay Analysis

Appendix 8. Answer Sheet of Students Translation Test

Appendix 9. Documentation



In this chapter, the researcher wants to explain about introduction. The

introduction covers six parts. They are background of the study, identification of

the problems, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, limitation of the

study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Language is important in human life because without language, people as

human being will not be able to do anything. Today, in this modern life, to

communicate with other countries, language is needed. In Indonesia, English is

the first foreign language taught from junior high school up to university level.

This is good progress in education development in Indonesia to face the

globalization challenge.

In teaching and learning activities in school, English has four language

skills to learn; those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There are some

language components which may not be neglected in English teaching and

learning process, namely grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation and

translation. Furthermore, there are many languages that need to be translated to

the mother tongue.

Translation typically has been used to transfer written or spoken SL texts

to equivalent written or spoken TL texts. In general, the purpose of translation is


to reproduce various kinds of texts including religious, literary, scientific, and

philosophical texts in another language and thus making them available to wider


Translation is an interesting subject not only to professional and amateur

translator, but also to students. If the students can translate well, they will get

knowledge and improve their capability and also be broad-minded. Then, they

can creatively produce new finding and new ideas. However, translation is

obviously not an easy task for the intellectuals to deal with. Translators faced the

complexity of work in concerned with lexicon study, grammatical structure,

communication situational and cultural. Contexts of the languages, both source

language and target language. Moreover, some students still consider that

English is difficult subject to be learned especially when they translate the

English text into Indonesian.

One of the ways to learning English is by translating a text or a book. On

account fact, one of the most acceptable ways to adept the knowledge is by

translating. By translating there are at least two benefits to get first, the adoption

process can be conducted more cheaply and deeply and that all people are able

to take the advantages by reading the translated works. And by translating

especially English narrative text into Indonesian the students can practice in

making English sentence. There are many texts or story in narrative to students

practice translated.

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it

tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative

text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative

through a process narration.

From the explanation above, the researcher is curious to analysis the

students’ problems in translating English narrative text into Indonesian made by

the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo. The object of this translation

was taken from the students’ translation text in the eighth grade students’ of SMP

N 4 Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are three reasons why the researcher choose the topic:

1. The researcher finds students difficult in translating English narrative text into


2. The researcher finds students difficult in narrative text.

3. The researcher is interested to analyzing students’ problem in translating

English narrative text into Indonesian by eighth grade students of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017.

C. Statements of the Problem

To make the discussion easier to understand, the researcher makes the

statements of the problem as follows:

1. What are the problems faced by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year 2016/2017 in translating English narrative

text into Indonesian?


2. What is the dominant problem faced by the eighth grade students of SMP N

4 Purworejo in the academic year 2016/2017 in translating English narrative

text into Indonesian?

D. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statements of the problems above, the objectives of the

research are written as follows:

1. To describe the problem faced by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year 2016/2017 in translating English narrative

text into Indonesian

2. To find out the dominant problem faced by the eighth grade students of SMP

N 4 Purworejo in the academic year 2016/2017 in translating English

narrative text into Indonesian

E. Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding and clarify the problem, it is necessary to

limit the problem. The subject of this research is the eighth grade students of

SMP N 4 Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017. The researcher intends

to focus on students’ problems in translating English narrative text into

Indonesian. It focused on the result of the text translate by the students.


F. Significance of the Study

From the result of the research, there are some expected advantages that

the researcher can take. The significance of the study as follows:

1. For the teacher

The result of this research hopefully to teacher to know about the

students’ problems in English narrative text into Indonesian translation.

Hopefully, the teacher can convey in the class by using new strategies and

methods to improve the students’ ability.

2. For the students

The result of this research hopefully can give advantages for students.

After knowing the problems they have made in translating English narrative

text into Indonesian well.

3. For future researcher

The result of this research hopefully can give knowledge about translating
English text into Indonesian and conduct any research with similar topic.


In conducting this research, the researcher uses some related theories as the

references which can aid him in analyzing the data. This chapter provides some

aspects that have relationship with the theory of translation, narrative text, problem

in translation and previous study.

A. Theoretical Review

1. Translation

a. Definition of Translation

There are many experts have their own theories in defining the

theories of translation. Translation can be described as a decision making

process. Nababan (2007: 17) states that in the process, a translator, as the

genetic factor, is expected to produce an accurate and natural equivalence.

The researcher presents some definitions theory. Munday (2008: 5) says

that the process of translation between two different written languages

involves the translator changing an original written text in the original

verbal language into a written text in different language.

Hatim and Munday (2004: 14) says that definition of translation:

The first of these two senses relates to translation as a process, the second

to the product. This immediately means that the term translation

encompasses very distinct perspectives. The first sense focuses on the role


of the translator in taking the original or source text (ST) and turning it

into a text in another language. (the target text, TT). The second sense

centres on the concrete translation product produced by the translator.

Hatim and Munday (2004: 6) define translation as the process of

transferring a written text from source language (SL) to target language

(TL). In this definition they do not explicity express that the object being

transferred is meaning or message. They emphasis on translation as a


Furthermore Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003: 12-16) cite some

definition from other experts, they are:

a. Translation involves referring of a source language (SL) text into the

target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the

two will be approximately similar and (2) the structure of the SL, will

be preserved as closely as possible, but not closely that the TL structure

will be seriously distorted (Meguire, 1980: 2)

b. Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written

message or statement in one language by the some message or statement

to another language (Newmark, 1981: 7)

c. Translation is a transfer process which aims at the translation of a

written SL text into an optimally equivalent text, and which requires the

syntactic, the semantic and the pragmatic understanding and analytical

processing of the SL (Wills in Noss, 1982: 3)


d. Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form

of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phases, clauses,

sentences, paragraphs, etc. Which are spoken or written in translation

the form of the source language is replaced by the receptor (target)

language. (Larson, 1984)

From the definition above, it is important for the students of SMP

N 4 Purworejo to predict language items that will cause difficulties and

problems in translating. The researcher can conclude that translation is a

transfer process of a written source language (SL) text into target language


b. Types of Translation

Kardimin (2013: 38) classifies translation into three types based on

the language involves:

1) Intra-lingual translation

Intra-lingual translation is a replacement of the text, from one text to

another in the same language based on the translators’ interpretation.

2) Inter-lingual translation

Inter-lingual translation is a replacement of the text or idea from one

text to another in the different language.

3) Inter semiotic translation

Inter semiotic translation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means

of sign system.

Zoya (2008: 15-16) says that there are some criteria for classifying


1) The first one is based on who does the translation. These days

translation may be done by a human translator or by computer.

2) Form of speech: according to this criterion, translation as a written

form, sight translation (or translation-at-sight, on-sight translation) as

the oral translation of written test, and interpreting as oral translation of

oral discourse are differentiated. This criterion also involves subtitling,

that is visual translation involving the superimposition of written text

onto the screen, and dubbing, or the replacement of the original speech

by a voice track which attempts to follow as closely as possible the

timing, phrasing and lip movements of the original dialogue.

3) Source text perception: a translator can see or hear the text.

4) Time lapse between the ssource text perception and translation:

consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

5) Number of languages in translation situation: one-way or two-way


6) Direction of translation: direct translation, that is, translation into the

mother-tongue, and inverse translation, or translation into a foreign


7) Methods of interpreting: note-taking interpretation, phrase-by-phrase


8) Functional style and genre of the text: literary works and informative


Product-related strategies, as Jaaskelainen (2005: 15) writes,

involves the basic tasks of choosing the SL text and developing a method

to translate it. However, she maintains that process-related strategies are a

set of (loosely formulated) rules or principles which a translator uses to

reach the goals determined by the translating situation (p.16). Moreover,

Jaaskelainen (2005: 16) divides translation into two types, namely global

strategies and local strategies: global strategies refer to general principles

and modes of action and local strategies refer to specific activities in

relation to the translator’s problem-solving and decision-making.

This research included into interlingual translation because the

students has to replacement the text from English into Indonesian.

c. The Principles of Translation

Sayogie (2009: 12) states some principles that should be

considered by the translator below:

1) A translation must give the words of the original

2) A translation should read like an original work

3) A translation should reflect the style of the original

4) A translation should read as a contemporary of the original

5) A translation may add to or omit from the original

6) A translation of verse should be in verse


7) A translation must give the ideas of the original

8) A translation should read like translation

9) A translation should possess the style of the translation

10) A translation should read as a contemporary of the translation

11) A translation may never add to or omit from the original

12) A translation of verse should be in prose

The principles of translation mentioned above are to differentiate

the translation method used by translator. The first six principles are used

when the translator decides to use literal translation, while the rest are used

when the translator decides to use idiomatic translation.

d. Translation Strategy

According to Darwish (2003: 117), a translation strategy is overall

plan employed by a translator to achieve a specific translation goal and it

consists of techniques, procedures and methods that bear on the translation

product as it develops. Darwish (2003: 118) suggests that the ultimate goal

of any translation strategy is solve the underlying problem of translation

mediated communication and to remove the external and internal

constraints imposed on the translation process in order to unlock potential


Lorscher in Darwish (2003: 118) defines a translation strategy as a

global procedure that consists of a series of minimal problem-solving steps

which the translator employes in making certain considerations about the


text and these steps are combined in specific ways to build up structures

which partly determine and partly delimit the decisions which are to be

made on the hierarchically lower levels, such as syntax and lexis. Viewing

strategies as problem-solving mechanisms, he argues that translation

strategies have their starting point in the realisation of a problem by the

translator who employs these strategies to solve the problem. However, he

suggests that a problem is first identified, then a solution is devised,

implemented, monitored and controlled. Within a framework of decision-

making, Darwish (2003: 118) argues that the starting point of a translation

strategy is in the solution phase since selecting a strategy involves a

decision to choose a solution from among alternatives.

e. Translation Process

The process of translation can be understood as an activity that is

done by the translator when they transfer a meaning from the source

language to the target language. It refers to explain the thought process of

doing translation.

Fahrurrozi (2003: 5) states the diagram of process of translation:

Source Target

Language text Language Text

Analysis Restructing

Source Language Transfering Target Language

Content Content

Picture 2.1 Diagram of Translation Process

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that the

process of translation is actually more than just changing the source

language text into target language text because it comprises a number of

processes and considerations. Seeing that one language differs from other

language in many aspects, there are numerous considerations which should

be taken by the translator in doing translation.

f. Methods of Translation

There are some methods of translating in the process of which the

sounding and orthographical form of the word is conveyed by means of

TL letters as follows:

1) Transcoding is subdivided into transcription and transliteration


Transcription is when the sounding is conveyed by TL letters.

Transliteration is when the graphic form is conveyed by target language

letters. Mixed transcoding is used for rendering terminology. Adapted

transcoding is when the form of the TL word is partly adapted to

phonetic or grammatical structure of the TL (e.g. zoology). Verbal

translating conveys only the denotated meaning of the SL units and

retains neither their orthographic nor sounding form.

2) It can be performed adequately on the word level, not phraseological

units or idioms

Word for word translating presents a consecutive verbal

translation at the level of word groups and sentences. This method of

rendering sense is characteristic to reproducing the constructions of the

original without any changes and especially without essential word

order change.

Interlinear method of translating is a strictly faithful rendering

of a source message sense at the level of some text, which provides a

completely faithful conveying only on the content.

Literary translating is divided into literary proper and literary

artistic. Literary proper translating is the translation of different types

of texts of informative character presenting the unity of form and

content – adequate proper. Literary artistic translating aims at

producing emotional influence.


g. Techniques of Translation

Defining culture-bound terms (CBTs) as the terms which refer to

concepts, institutions and personal which are specific to the SL culture

(p.2), Harvey (2000: 2-6) puts forward the following four major techniques

for translating CBTs:

1) Functional Equivalence: it means using a referent in the TL culture

whose function is similar to that of the source language (SL) referent.

As Harvey (2000: 2) writes, authors are divided over the marits of this

technique: Weston (1991: 23) describes it as the ideal method of

translation, while Sarcevic (1985: 131) asserts that it is misleading and

should be avoided.

2) Formal Equivalence or linguistic equivalence: it means a word-for-

word translation.

3) Transcription or borrowing (i.e. reproducing or, where necessary,

transliterating the original term): it stands at the far end of SL-oriented

strategies. If the term is formally transparent or is expalined in the

context, it may be used alone. In other cases, particularly where no

knowledge of the SL by the reader is presumed, transcription is

accompanied by an explanation or a translator’s note.

4) Descriptive or self-explanatory translation: it uses generib terms (not

CBTs) to convey the meaning. It is appropriate in a wide variety of

contexts where formal equivalence is considered insufficiently clear. In


a text aimed at a specialized reader, it can be helpful to add the original

SL term to avoid ambiguity.

h. Problem in Translation

According to Davies (2004: 34) a translator will face many kinds

of problems. Every language has its own system. One language may have

different system as compared to another language. The difference often

causes difficulties and even may create misunderstanding in translating

text. The translator does not know the system or structure of the source

langugae. Then, the translator will deal many problems of translations,

such as source message, and target text legibility.

1) Source Message

a) Not transmitted

This error happen when the students not transmitted the

message from the source language to the target langugae.

For example:

Source language : but as they were leaving, the ape finally


Wrong translation : tapi mereka meninggalkan, akhirnya

kera tiba

Correct translation : tetapi setelah mereka semua pergi

datanglah si kera siamang


b) Incomplete without hindering message

This error happens when the students omits one of elements

of the correct English sentences.

For example:

Source language : they all said that the baby cow belonged

to the lion

Wrong translation : mereka semua berkata bahwa bayi sapi


Correct translation : mereka semua berkata bahwa anak sapi

betina tersebut adalah milik singa

2) Target text legibility

This error happens by the use of the wrong grammar,

vocabulary, word order, cultural references, conventions of


a) Grammar

Wrong grammar is characterized by the use of wrong form

of the structure.

For example:

Source language : it’s my bull’s baby

Wrong translation : ini bayi sapi jantanmu

Correct translation : ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku

b) Vocabulary

Wrong vocabulary is characterized by the use of wrong word.


For example:

Source language : the hyena took care of the cow and the


Wrong translation : hyena mengawinkan seekor sapi betina

dan sapi jantan

Correct translation : hyena merawat sapi betina dan juga sapi


c) Addition

They are characterized by presence of one or more items

which must not be present in a well-sentence.

For example:

Source language : my cow will soon have a baby

Wrong translation : sapi betinaku akan mempunyai bayi laki-


Correct translation : sapiku akan memiliki anak

i. Evaluating Translation

In this research, the researcher uses narrative text to evaluate

students’ translation ability. In assessing the students’ translation mastery

by Davies (2004: 33-34).

Evaluation is always tricky matter in which subjectivity plays an

important part. There is therefore a need for more research. Classifications

and assessment scales may be artificial, but they help to explore the way

by defining problems and indicating directions to be taken. The

pedagogical assessment can be specified below:

Table 2.1. Pedagogical Numerical Marking System

Problem Marks*
Source Message
a. Not transmitted minus 1 or 2
b. Incomplete without minus 0.25 or 0.5
hindering message
Transfer Skills
Suitable application of Suitable solution : plus 1 or 2
translation problem spotting Unsuitable solution : minus 1
and solving skills; Resourcing
skills; Appropriate
completion of the translation
Target text legibility
Register, coherence, 2 or 3 errors : minus 1
cohesion, syntax, vocabulary,
word order, addition, cultural
reference, etc
*General guidelines depending on the kind of error or on positive

solution. Total: 10

2. Genre

a. Definition of Genre

According to Knapp and Watkins (2005: 21), genre is an organising

concept for cultural practices. Genres are classified according to their

social purposes and identified according to the stages they move through

to attain their purpose.

When genre theorists suggest that all students be taught the genres

used in school, they are not suggesting that these are the only genres

around, nor that these are more valuable than other genres used in the

community. They do recognize, however, that some genres are more

valued than others in the context of schooling. To give all students access

to the valued genres is therefore a matter of equity.

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that

genres means a particular type or style of literature, art, film, or music that

you can recognize because of its special feature.

b. The Genre of Text

In order to differentiate the type of text, the following will explain

the function of each type text. Knapp and Watkins (2005: 97) differentiated

the genre of text as followings:

1) Description

Description enables the categorisation or classification of an

almost infinite range of experiences, observations and interactions into

a system that orders them for immediate and future reference, and

allows us to know them either objectively or subjectively, depending

on the learning area or intent of the writer. The function is to describe a

particular person, place or thing.

2) Explanation

The process of explaining is used to logically sequence the way

that we and our environment physically function, as well as

understanding and interpreting why cultural and intellectual ideas and


concepts prevail. The function is to explain the process involved in the

formation or workings of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

3) Instruction

The genre of instructing is used in a variety of ways in a range

of text types. Instructing involves much more than simple, sequential or

procedural texts. The purpose of instructing is to tell someone what to

do or how to do it, this can be achieved through a range of textual forms.

4) Argumentation

The genre of arguing is a language process central to dealing

with content from across all of the learning areas of the curriculum. In

the initial stages of teaching a topic, however, it is necessary to access

content through the genres of describing and explaining.

5) Narration

The genre of narrating or narrative has a powerful social role

beyond that of being a medium for enterteiment. Narrative is also a

powerful medium for changing social opinions and attitudes.

3. Narrative Text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

According to Knapp and Watkins (2005: 221) states that the genre

of narrating or narrative is one of the most commonly read, though least

understood of all the genres. Because narrative has been and continues to

be such a popular genre, there is a belief that it is a genre that students pick

up and write naturally. Story-writing there fore has been prominent as a

means of naturally inducting students into the intricacies and

idiosyncrasies of the English language.

Knapp and Warkins (2005: 222) explain narrative is also a big or

macro genre in that it can easily accommodate one or more of the other

genres and still remain dominant. Countless books have been written about

narrative and it is outside of the scope of this chapter to deal with anything

more than the types of narrative that primary school-age students are

expected to write. Our aim, therefore, is to provide a sound basis for

teaching the basic techniques of narrative writing so that students may

proceed beyond primary education to develop, and even break out of, some

of the generic boundaries established here.

On the other hand, narrative text is a text about story that can bein

the form of folklore, animal story (fable), legend or short story, novels, etc.

There are some kinds of conflict, social problems amusement in narrative

text. So readers would be amused or tense when reading them. Narrative

has dealing with social problematic events or that has to find solution

besides amusement. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the

readers or listener about the story.

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that

narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense or as a form

of plant in the main target of the doings of the braided and woven into an

event that occurred in a unit time.


b. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

There are generic structure of narrative text, they are as follows:

1) Orientation

It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are

introduced. (person, time, and place)

2) Complication

Where the problems in the story developed.

3) Resolution

Where the problems in the story is solved.

Sometimes (generic structure) narrative text can be contained:

Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution, and Reorientation.

Even though Evaluation and Reorientation it is optional; can be added or

not. Evaluation contains of controlling and evaluating a love adventure or

conflict. Reorientation contains the conclusion of the end story.

c. The Language Features of Narrative Text

The language features of narrative text are as follows:

1) Using noun and pronouns to identify people, animal or things involved.

For example: king, princess, he, she, etc.

2) Specific participant is special characteristics object. For exaple:

Cinderella, Aladdin, etc.

3) Using adjective are useful to shape noun phrase. For example: beautiful

white skinned lady, etc.


4) Using time connective and conjunction to sequence the events. For

example: then, when, suddenly, etc.

5) Using adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time. For

example: here, there, at home, etc.

6) Using action verbs in past form. For example: lived, drunk, etc.

7) Using saying verbs which sign to pronounce something. For example:

said, told, promised, etc.

d. Grammatical Features of Narrating

Knapp and Watkins (2005: 222) defined that grammatical features

of narrating, they are as follow:

1) When sequencing people and events in time and space, narrating

typically uses:

a) Action verbs; for example,

One day the man and his son went collecting fire-wood. They saw a

golden tree. They went slowly over to the tree. When they got closer

to the tree they heard a voice coming from the tree.

b) Temporal connectives; for example,

We then looked at some games and equipment. After lunch we

walked up to the Sydney Morning Herald and saw how they make

papers. After that we caught the train back to Marrickville.

2) Recounts and stories are typically written in the past tense unless

quoting direct speech; for example,


They were poor because their pig ate them out of house and home and

he didn’t share with the other animals. His name was Bob. You should

go on a diet said Clarabelle.

3) In action sequence, mainly action verbs are used, while in

reflection/evaluation, mental verbs predominate; for example,

Bells were ringing, sirens screeching and people were running


Maria didn’t know what to do next. She thought about her mother and

wondered what was in her head.

4) Narratives often use action verbs metaphorically to create effective

images; for example,

It was a terrible argument. Words were flying everywhere.

5) Narratives often use rhythm and repetition to create particular effects;

for example,

Riding. Riding. The boy went riding across the wintery moor, far away

from the strife of his unhappy home.

6) Play with sentence structure is another common feature of narratives.

Often sentences comprising one word or a short phrase are used to

create poignant effects; for example,

Anger, Silence. As the vengeful brother prowls the streets.

Rose slowly opened the old wooden door. Dark. There was nothing but


e. Kinds of Narrative Text

There are several kinds of narrative text. They are as follows:

1) Fable: simple fable is a story about animal which behave like human

2) Myths: stories that are believed by some people but the stories cannot

be true. It was told in an ancient culture to explain a practice, belief, or

natural occurrence

3) Legend: it simple a story which relates to on how a place is formed

4) Fairy tales: story which relate much which magic things

5) Science fiction story: story which explore the science as the background

or plot of the whole story

6) Short stories: story of one or two pages

7) Parables: story that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or

principles. Parable differs from a fable.

8) Novels: long even very long and complex story

9) Horror story: a story with horror contents



B. Previous Study

Some studies of the relationship have been conducted by some

researcher before the researcher did the thesis. The researcher explains two of

those students as the previous study of this research.


The first previous study is a thesis entitled The Analysis of Students’

Problem in Indonesian-English Translation at the Tenth Grade of SMA N 1

Kutowinangun in the Academic Year of 2015/2016 conducted by Redicha

Nitami Putri (2016) from Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. She uses the

descriptive qualitative method. She uses Indonesian-English Translation by the

Tenth Grade of SMA N 1 Kutowinangun in the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

In her research is shown if the students’ have problems in translating Indonesian-

English text. Based on the result, the researcher can concludes that the students’

get difficulties are being lack of vocabularies. Redichas’ research similar to this

research, this research and Redichas’ uses the same method that is qualitative

method. It is the same case that is students’ problems in translating. While,

Redichas’ research have different with this research. This research analyze

students’ problem in translating English narrative text into Indonesian. The

subject of this research is the students of SMP N 4 Purworejo in the Academic

Year of 2016/2017. The instrument used in this researcher were translation test.

The second previous study is a thesis entitled An Analysis of English-

Indonesian Translation Procedure on Twilight Novel by Ulfa Warhamni (2010)

from State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. She uses descriptive

comparative method by comparing the source language text and the target

language. She uses the descriptive qualitative method. Ulfas’ research similar to

this research, that is analyze of English into Indonesian Translation. Instrument

of Ulfas’ research uses herself as the subject of research. The differences to this

research is in Ulfas’ research focused on Twilight Novel while in this research

focused on Narrative Text in analyzing English-Indonesian Translation.



In this chapter, the researcher would like to discuss about the methodology

of the study. Some materials are included as the methodology of the study. Those

discussed materials are stated as the following: research design, time and place of

the research, population and sample, instrument of the research, techniques of

collecting the data, techniques of analyzing the data, techniques of coding the data,

and unit of analysis.

A. Research Design

According to Cresswell (2012: 20) research designs are the specific

procedures involved in the research process: data collection, data analysis, and

report writing. The research design of this research is descriptive qualitative

method. It is descriptive because this research aims to describe the obtain data

in the field and because this data research is collected the form of word. This

research considered qualitative because the human as an instrument to analyze

the written data in translations’ test.

According to Sugiyono (2013: 15) qualitative research method is a

research method based on the post-positivism philosophy, used to examine on

naturalistic object condition while the researcher is the key instrument. Based on

the explanation above, the researcher uses qualitative research because the

researcher would like to identify students’ problems in translating English


narrative text into Indonesian by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo

in the academic year of 2016/2017.

B. Time and Place of the Research

The research was conducted in SMP N 4 Purworejo. It is located on Jl.

Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 62 Purworejo. This research was carried out in April


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population refers to the object of an investigation. Population is a set

(or collection) of all elements processing one or more attributes of interest.

(Arikunto, 2010: 173).

The population in this research is the eighth grade students of SMP N

4 Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017. There are 31 students as

population as the research.

2. Sample

According to Arikunto (2013: 174), sample is partially or

representative population studied. From the population of the research, the

researcher takes one classes as the sample. One classes consist of 31 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

According to Sugiyono (2014: 102), research instrument is a tool that is

used to measure nature phenomenon or social which is observed. In the

qualitative research, the instrument or the tool of research was the researcher

herself. Therefore, the researcher as the human instrument must determine the

research focus on choose the informant as the source of data, and did the

collecting of data. Furthermore, the researcher uses students’ translation test as


E. Techniques of Collecting the Data

Technique of collecting data is the strategic way in the research, because

the main objective from the research is gaining the data. Without knowing the

technique of collecting data, the researcher will not get data that is fulfill the

standard of set in data (Sugiyono, 2014: 224). Based on the way of collecting

data, the collecting of data can be done through observation, interview,

questioner, documentation, and triangulation (Sugiyono, 2014: 225).

The data needed in this research were concerning about the students’

problem made by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo in the

academic year of 2016/2017. The data were collected by analyzing carefully the

students’ problem in translating English narrative text into Indonesian.

The steps of collecting the data were as follow:


1. The researcher takes one of three narrative texts as research instrument

namely students’ translation test from the English teacher of SMP N 4

Purworejo, Sudarsono, S.Pd.Ing.

2. The researcher choose one narrative text as research instrument to translate

and corrected be a good translate to Dr. Junaedi Setiyono, M.Pd.

3. The researcher teaching narrative text and give the English narrative text to

translate into Indonesian.

4. The researcher analyze the students’ problem.

5. The researcher calculates the students’ problem to find the data.

The researcher uses documentation as the technique of collecting data for

doing the research. According to Sugiyono (2014: 240), document is the note of

event in the past. Documents can be written language, picture, or monumental

work from a person. The researcher gives English-Indonesian test to the students.

Then, the researcher collects the students’ worksheet.

F. Techniques of Analyzing the Data

According to Sugiyono (2014: 244), data analysis is a process of finding

and arranging systematically the data found from interviews, field notes, and

documentation. The way of analyzing data was by organized the data into

category, explained it into its parts, did syntheses, arranged it, chose which was

important and would be studied, and made a conclusion.

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive analysis as the technique

of data analysis. The contents of the analysis are as follows:


1. The researcher collects data by theory of translation problems.

2. After finding the students’ problems, the researcher analyze students’

problem in translating English narrative text into Indonesian.

3. After analyzing the data, the researcher can draw conclusion based on the data


G. Techniques of Coding the Data

In this research, the researcher used some techniques of coding the data

to make the analysis simplify. The code are as listed below:

1. →

The researcher use this code in Chapter IV in order to indicate the plot of

analysis. In the table, this code used to give the explanation; column 1 is

source language, column 2 is target language, and column 3 is revision by the


2. ;

The researcher use this code to explained that the meaning signing the change

of analysis

3. >>

The researcher use this code to explain the meaning of the move from student

to Revision.

4. [...]

The researcher use this code to explain the meaning localizing words or

phrases being analyzed.


H. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is students’ problems in translating

English narrative text into Indonesian at the eighth grade of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017.



In this research, the researcher presents the result of the research and the

data analysis, the instrument, which is used when the research did a research. The

researcher uses translation test to find out the students’ problem in translating

English narrative text into Indonesian. The researcher present the result data

collection administrated on March until April 2017 at the eight grade of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017. The data were collected through test

of translating an English narrative text into Indonesian.

A. Data Description

Before analyzing the data, the researcher gives some explanation. In

conducting this research. In this research, the researcher took one classes as

sample of this research. One classes consist of 31 students. The research is

done in SMP N 4 Purworejo. To know the students’ problem in translating

English narrative text into Indonesian, the researcher analyzes the error made

by the students. In this researcher, the researcher analyze English narrative

text consist of four paragraph. In this research, the researcher only analyze

two paragraph of the text. The researcher presents the findings of the research

as follows:


Table 4.1 Comparing Translation in Essay

1. Student 1

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa itu sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care jadi hyena sehingga hyena
of the cow and the mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi betina
bull. sapi betina dan sapi dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata kepada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa “sapi betinaku betinaku akan
baby.” akan segera memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi”
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina melahirkan betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. singa ingin pergi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanmu” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Lalu ketua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan pendapat
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
bijaksana untuk yang tua dan

to decide who owned memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk

the baby cow. yang berhak memutuskan milik
mempunyai bayi sapi siapakah bayi
betina itu. tersebut.
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata itu bayi berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. betina memihak sapi betina tersebut
dengan singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape pergi kera akhirnya mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk,” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. katanya kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.

2. Student 2

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
of the cow and the perhatian sapi betina merawat sapi betina
bull. dan sapi jantan. dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa, berkata, “Sapi
“sapi betinaku akan

cow will soon have a segera memiliki betinaku akan

baby.” bayi.” memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina lahir singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi melihatnya. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanku!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada Hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Kemudian dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. sahabat itu memiliki sahabat itu memiliki
ketidaksamaan perbedaan pendapat
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua tetua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned binatang bijaksana yang tua dan
the baby cow. untuk memutuskan bijaksana untuk
siapa orang tua bayi memutuskan milik
sapi itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.

But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah

leaving, the ape meninggalkan, mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya kera datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. berkata pada singa. kera siamang kepada

3. Student 3

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Sang singa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk sebagai seekor menjadi raja,
the hyena took care raja, jadi hyena sehingga hyena
of the cow and the mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi betina
bull. sapi betina dan dan juga sapi jantan.
seekor sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” mempunyai bayi memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina dilahirkan, betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. sang raja ingin pergi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanku!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada Hyena.

jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Lalu kedua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
yang berhak memutuskan milik
memiliki bayi sapi. siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. memihak dengan sapi betina tersebut
singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape ingin pergi, kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. berkata kepada singa. kera siamang kepada

4. Student 4

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sedang sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk.......... , maka menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena mencari sehingga hyena
of the cow and the seekor sapi jantan. merawat sapi betina
bull. dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata kepada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa, “sapiku betinaku akan
baby.” mempunyai seekor memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Kapan bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi untuk melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my sapimu, ini anak sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the jantanmu!” singa ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. berkata kepada jantanku!” kata
hyena. singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Kemudian dua teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu punya saran. sahabat itu memiliki
perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua binatang tua binatang-binatang
to decide who owned dan muda untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. menentukan bayi bijaksana untuk
sapi itu milik siapa. memutuskan milik

siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siaman. kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
But as they were Mereka semua setuju Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape akhirnya kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. siamang datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. ia berkata kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.

5. Student 5

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa merasa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, sibuk sebagai Raja, jadi menjadi raja,
so the hyena took hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
care of the cow and kepedulian kepada sapi merawat sapi
the bull. betina dan sapi jantan. betina dan juga sapi
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata kepada singa. berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
have a baby.” segera melahirkan” memiliki anak.”

When the baby cow Kapan sang bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa pun betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihat hal itu. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapimu, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi sapi jantan. Kata sapi betinamu
bull’s baby!” said singa kepada hyena. tetapi ini adalah
the lion to the bayi sapi
hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two Keduanya pun saling Kemudian dua
friends had berargumen sahabat itu
disagreement. memiliki perbedaan
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua usia untuk binatang-binatang
animals to decide memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
who owned the orang tua bayi sapi itu. bijaksana untuk
baby cow. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
ape. kera siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
the baby cow bahwa bayi sapi......... berkata bahwa
belonged to the anak sapi betina
lion. tersebut adalah
milik singa.

But as they were ....................................... Tetapi setelah

leaving, the ape mereka semua
finally arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
“I was busy” he ....................................... “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. kera siamang
kepada singa.

6. Student 6

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Saat menjadi raja singa Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, sangat sibuk, sehingga menjadi raja,
so the hyena took hyena dapat sehingga hyena
care of the cow and mengawinkan sapi merawat sapi betina
the bull. dengan kerbau. dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berbincang kepada berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon singa, “minggu depan betinaku akan
have a baby.” sapiku akan punya memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Dimana bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir, singa mencari betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. dan melihat bayi sapi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi kerbauku” sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said kata singa ke hyena. ini adalah bayi sapi
the lion to the jantanku!” kata
hyena. singa kepada hyena.

Then the two Pada akhirnya dua Kemudian dua

friends had teman itu bertengkar. sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. yang memiliki anak memutuskan milik
sapi itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera siama. datang kecuali si
ape. kera siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
the baby cow bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the dimiliki singa. sapi betina tersebut
lion. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Mereka semua telah Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. datang dan berkata datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he “Aku sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. katanya kepada singa. kera siamang kepada

7. Student 7

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, saat menjadi raja, menjadi raja, sehingga

so the hyena took jadi hyena hyena merawat sapi

care of the cow and mengawinkan sapi betina dan juga sapi
the bull. betina dan sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata dengan berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon singa, “Sapi saya betinaku akan
have a baby.” akan segera memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my kamu, itu bayi sapi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said jantan saya!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
the lion to the singa kepada hyena. jantanku!” kata singa
hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two Membuat dua teman Kemudian dua
friends had tidak sependapat. sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. yang punya bayi sapi. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si kera
ape. siamang.

They all said that Mereka semua Mereka semua

the baby cow berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the memihak dengan sapi betina tersebut
lion. singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera semua pergi datanglah
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he “Saya sedang sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. sibuk” dia berkata kera siamang kepada
kepada singa. singa.

8. Student 8

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja, sehingga
so the hyena took Hyena mengambil hyena merawat sapi
care of the cow and perhatian sapi betina betina dan juga sapi
the bull. dan sapi jantan. jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata kepada singa, berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
have a baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihatnya. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu ini adalah sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said bayi sapi jantanku.” ini adalah bayi sapi

the lion to the Kata singa kepada jantanku!” kata singa

hyena. Hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two Lalu dua sahabat itu Kemudian dua
friends had memiliki sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. ketidaksamaan perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. orang tua bayi sapi memutuskan milik
itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si kera
ape. siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua Mereka semua
the baby cow berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the sapi itu milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
lion. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, semua pergi datanglah
finally arrives. akhirnya kera tiba. si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he “Aku sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. berkata kepada singa. kera siamang kepada

9. Student 9

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat
being a king, so the ketika menjadi raja, sibuk menjadi
hyena took care of the lalu raja, sehingga
cow and the bull. hyena............................ hyena merawat
..... sapi betina dan
juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi telah Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion went ......, singapun pergi betina lahir, singa
to look at it. mencarinya. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu ini bayi sapi bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to jantanku.” Kata singa betinamu tetapi
the hyena. pada Hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Then the two friends Kemudian 2 teman itu Kemudian dua
had disagreement. punya saran. sahabat itu

They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka

and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the muda untuk binatang-
baby cow. menentukan bayi sapi binatang yang tua
itu milik siapa. dan bijaksana
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
All the animals came Semua binatang datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera siama. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to ..... berkata bahwa
the lion. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
But as they were Siama baru datang Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape finally mereka semua
arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sangat sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata
the lion. berkata kepada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.

10. Student 10

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the saat menjadi raja, menjadi raja,

hyena took care of the jadi hyena sehingga hyena

cow and the bull. mengawinkan merawat sapi
seekor sapi betina betina dan juga
dengan seekor sapi sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena said Di suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
will soon have a baby.” “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
segera punya bayi.” memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion went mau lahir singa betina lahir, singa
to look at it. pergi untuk melihat melihatnya.
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan anak sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu tetapi itu bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi jantanku” betinamu tetapi
the hyena. kata singa pada ini adalah bayi
hyena. sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Then the two friends Menjadikan 2 teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu tidak sahabat itu
bersependapat. memiliki
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua memanggil
decide who owned the dan bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
bijaksana untuk

yang punya anak memutuskan

sapi itu. milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa
the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape finally ingin pergi kera mereka semua
arrives. akhirnya datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
“I was busy” he said to Ia berkata pada “Aku sibuk” kata
the lion. singa “Aku sibuk” si kera siamang
kepada singa.

The table 4.1. constituted the beginning part of student’s test

translation in English text into Indonesian. The researcher then compared the

two translations (done by student and by Revision). In order to have a more

representative description of improvements the table below was taken from

the ending part of the student’s test translation and improvements done by

Native speaker.

B. Data Analysis

From the table above, the researcher use the theory in course book. There

are some parts of course book which could be categorized into poor, fair, and

good. The parts of course book which could be categorized poor were: layout,

suitability of font type (letter and figure numbers), suitability of font size (letter

and figure numbers size), cover design, synchronization between visual and

verbal descriptions, clarity of summary, accuracy of summary as repetition

materials, and usefulness of summary as enrichment materials.

The parts of course book which could be categorized fair were: clarity of

learning directions, clarity of competency formulation, ease of learning

preparation, accuracy of learning strategy application, ease in applying the

course book, ease in interacting with the course book, and up-to-dated and

contextual materials.

The parts of course book which could be categorized good were:

relatedness to the other course book, completeness of introductory components,

ease in finding the course book pages, clarity and suitability of language used,

availability of examples to clarify the material comprehension, clarity of

exercise and test directions, coherence of questions available, difficulty level of

the question or test, proportionality between the exercises or tests and materials,

and possibility the learners performing self-assessment.

The researcher use theory in course book to analyze student’s test

translation in English narrative text into Indonesian. Here are the analysis

student’s test translation are shown below:


Table 4.2 Essay Analysis

1. Student 1

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa itu sangat Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the sibuk menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
hyena took care of the jadi hyena sehingga hyena
cow and the bull. mengawinkan merawat sapi betina
seekor sapi betina dan juga sapi
dan sapi jantan. jantan.
Problem: Vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena said Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow will hyena berkata berkata, “Sapi
soon have a baby.” kepada singa “sapi betinaku akan
betinaku akan memiliki anak.”
segera mempunyai
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi >> anak] different meaning in animals
When the baby cow was Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
born, the lion went to betina melahirkan betina lahir, singa
look at it. singa ingin pergi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Setelah >> ketika];
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s sapi betinamu, ini sapi betinamu tetapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi ini adalah bayi sapi
the hyena. jantanmu” kata

singa kepada jantanku!” kata

hyena. singa kepada hyena.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [ini bayi sapi jantanmu >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends had Lalu ketua sahabat Kemudian dua
disagreement. itupun saling sahabat itu memiliki
berbeda pendapat. perbedaan
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [ketua sahabat >> dua sahabat]
They called all the old Mereka Mereka memanggil
and wise animals to memanggil semua binatang-binatang
decide who owned the hewan tua dan yang tua dan
baby cow. bijaksana untuk bijaksana untuk
memutuskan siapa memutuskan milik
yang berhak siapakah bayi
mempunyai bayi tersebut.
sapi betina itu.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang berhak mempunyai bayi sapi betina itu >>
milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua hewan Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali datang kecuali si
kera. kera siamang.
No correction found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to the berkata itu bayi berkata bahwa anak
lion. betina memihak sapi betina tersebut
dengan singa. adalah milik singa.

Problem: not transmitted

Corrections: [bayi betina memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were leaving, Tetapi mereka Tetapi setelah
the ape finally arrives. ingin pergi kera mereka semua pergi
akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah mereka semua
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
the lion. sibuk,” katanya kera siamang
kepada singa. kepada singa.
No correction found

2. Student 2

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
hyena took care of the hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
cow and the bull. perhatian sapi merawat sapi betina
betina dan sapi dan juga sapi
jantan. jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil perhatian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena said Suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow will berkata pada singa, berkata, “Sapi
soon have a baby.” “sapi betinaku betinaku akan
memiliki anak.”

akan segera
memiliki bayi.”
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi >> anak] it is different meaning in animals
When the baby cow was Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
born, the lion went to betina lahir singa betina lahir, singa
look at it. pergi melihatnya. melihatnya.
No corrections found
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s sapi betinamu, ini sapi betinamu
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi tetapi ini adalah
the hyena. jantanku!” kata bayi sapi
singa kepada jantanku!” kata
Hyena. singa kepada hyena.
No corrections found
Then the two friends had Kemudian dua Kemudian dua
disagreement. sahabat itu sahabat itu
memiliki memiliki perbedaan
ketidaksamaan pendapat
No corrections found
They called all the old Mereka Mereka memanggil
and wise animals to memanggil semua binatang-binatang
decide who owned the tetua dan binatang yang tua dan
baby cow. bijaksana untuk bijaksana untuk
memutuskan siapa memutuskan milik
orang tua bayi sapi siapakah bayi
itu. tersebut.
Problem: incomplete sentence

Corrections: [semua tetua dan binatang bijaksana >> binatang-

binatang yang tua dan bijaksana]; [siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >>
milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali datang kecuali si
kera. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to the bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa
lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> anak sapi betina]
But as they were leaving, Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah
the ape finally arrives. meninggalkan, mereka semua pergi
akhirnya kera datanglah si kera
datang. siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tapi mereka meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
the lion. berkata pada singa. kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found

3. Student 3

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Sang singa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the sibuk sebagai menjadi raja,
hyena took care of the seekor raja, jadi sehingga hyena
cow and the bull. hyena merawat sapi betina
mengawinkan dan juga sapi
seekor sapi betina jantan.
dan seekor sapi
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena said Suatu hari, Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow will berkata kepada berkata, “Sapi
soon have a baby.” singa “sapi betinaku akan
betinaku akan memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi
Problem: addition
Corrections: [sapi betinaku akan mempunyai bayi laki-laki >> sapi
betinaku akan memiliki anak]
When the baby cow was Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
born, the lion went to betina dilahirkan, betina lahir, singa
look at it. sang raja ingin melihatnya.
pergi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Setelah >> ketika]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s sapi betinamu, ini sapi betinamu tetapi

baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi ini adalah bayi sapi
the hyena. jantanku!” kata jantanku!” kata
singa kepada singa kepada hyena.
No corrections found
Then the two friends had Lalu kedua sahabat Kemudian dua
disagreement. itupun saling sahabat itu memiliki
berbeda pendapat. perbedaan
No corrections found
They called all the old Mereka Mereka memanggil
and wise animals to memanggil semua binatang-binatang
decide who owned the hewan tua dan yang tua dan
baby cow. bijaksana untuk bijaksana untuk
memutuskan siapa memutuskan milik
yang berhak siapakah bayi
memiliki bayi sapi. tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang berhak memiliki bayi sapi >> milik siapakah
bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali datang kecuali si
kera. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to the berkata itu bayi berkata bahwa anak
lion. sapi memihak sapi betina tersebut
dengan singa. adalah milik singa.
Problem: not transmitted

Corrections: [bayi sapi memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were leaving, Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
the ape finally arrives. ingin pergi, kera mereka semua pergi
akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi saat mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
the lion. berkata kepada kera siamang
singa. kepada singa.
No corrections found

4. Student 4

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sedang Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the sangat sibuk.......... menjadi raja,
hyena took care of the , maka hyena sehingga hyena
cow and the bull. mencari seekor merawat sapi betina
sapi jantan. dan juga sapi
Problem: incomplete sentence and vocabulary
Corrections: [Singa sedang sangat sibuk.......... >> singa sangat sibuk
menjadi raja]; [mencari seekor sapi jantan >> merawat sapi betina]
One day, the hyena said Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow will hyena berkata berkata, “Sapi
soon have a baby.” kepada singa, betinaku akan
“sapiku memiliki anak.”

mempunyai seekor
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [sapiku mempunyai seekor bayi >> sapi betinaku akan
memiliki anak]
When the baby cow was Kapan bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
born, the lion went to dilahirkan, singa betina lahir, singa
look at it. pergi untuk melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Kapan >> ketika]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s sapimu, ini anak sapi betinamu
baby!” said the lion to jantanmu!” singa tetapi ini adalah
the hyena. berkata kepada bayi sapi
hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [ini anak jantanmu! >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku!]
Then the two friends had Kemudian dua Kemudian dua
disagreement. teman itu punya sahabat itu
saran. memiliki perbedaan
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [punya saran >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the old Mereka Mereka memanggil
and wise animals to memanggil semua binatang-binatang
decide who owned the binatang tua dan yang tua dan
baby cow. muda untuk bijaksana untuk
memutuskan milik

menentukan bayi siapakah bayi

sapi itu milik siapa. tersebut.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [muda >> bijaksana]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siaman. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to the berkata anak sapi berkata bahwa
lion. itu milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were leaving, Mereka semua Tetapi setelah
the ape finally arrives. setuju akhirnya mereka semua pergi
kera siamang datanglah si kera
datang. siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Mereka semua setuju >> tetapi setelah mereka semua
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
the lion. sibuk” ia berkata kera siamang
kepada singa. kepada singa.
No corrections found

5. Student 5

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa merasa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, sibuk sebagai Raja, jadi menjadi raja,
so the hyena took hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
care of the cow and kepedulian kepada sapi merawat sapi
the bull. betina dan sapi jantan. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil kepedulian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa. berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
a baby.” segera melahirkan” memiliki anak.”
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Sapi betinaku akan segera melahirkan >> sapi betinaku
akan memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Kapan sang bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa pun betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihat hal itu. melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Kapan >> ketika]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapimu, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi sapi jantan. sapi betinamu
bull’s baby!” said Kata singa kepada tetapi ini adalah
the lion to the hyena. hyena. bayi sapi
jantanku!” kata
singa kepada

Problem: incomplete sentence

Corrections: [bayi sapi jantan >> bayi sapi betinamu]; [it’s my bull
baby >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends ....... Keduanya pun Kemudian dua
had disagreement. saling berargumen sahabat itu
Problem: incomplete sentence and not transmitted
Corrections: [....... >> kemudian]; [berargumen >> memiliki perbedaan
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua usia untuk binatang-binatang
animals to decide memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
who owned the baby orang tua bayi sapi itu. bijaksana untuk
cow. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [semua usia >> binatang-binatang tua dan bijaksana];
[siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged bahwa bayi sapi ......... berkata bahwa
to the lion. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.

Problem: incomplete sentence

Corrections: [......... >> anak sapi betina tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were ....................................... Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape mereka semua
finally arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: incomplete sentences
Corrections: [............. >> tetapi setelah mereka semua pergi datanglah
si kera siamang]
“I was busy” he said ....................................... “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. kera siamang
kepada singa.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [........... >> “Aku sibuk” kata si kera siamang kepada

6. Student 6

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Saat menjadi raja singa Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sangat sibuk, sehingga menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena dapat sehingga hyena
of the cow and the mengawinkan sapi merawat sapi betina
bull. dengan kerbau. dan juga sapi
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]; [kerbau >> sapi jantan]
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berbincang kepada berkata, “Sapi
singa, “minggu depan

cow will soon have a sapiku akan punya betinaku akan

baby.” bayi.” memiliki anak.”
Problem: vocabulary and addition
Corrections: [hyena berbincang >> hyena berkata]; [minggu depan
sapiku akan punya bayi >> sapi betinaku akan memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Dimana bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir, singa mencari betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. dan melihat bayi sapi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary and addition
Corrections: [Dimana >> ketika]; [singa mencari dan melihat bayi sapi
itu >> singa melihatnya]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi kerbauku” sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the kata singa ke hyena. ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Ini bukan bayi sapi >> ini bukan bayi sapi betinamu]; [ini
bayi kerbauku >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends Pada akhirnya dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. teman itu bertengkar. sahabat itu
memiliki perbedaan
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Pada akhirnya >> kemudian]
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk

yang memiliki anak memutuskan milik

sapi itu. siapakah bayi
No corrections found
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera siama. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa
to the lion. dimiliki singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [bayi sapi itu dimiliki singa >> anak sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa]
But as they were Mereka semua telah Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. datang dan berkata datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Mereka semua telah meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah
mereka semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Aku sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. katanya kepada singa. kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found

7. Student 7

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk saat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena mengawinkan sehingga hyena
of the cow and the sapi betina dan sapi merawat sapi betina
bull. jantan. dan juga sapi
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata dengan singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “Sapi saya akan segera betinaku akan
baby.” mempunyai bayi.” memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [the baby cow was born >> bayi sapi betina lahir]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my kamu, itu bayi sapi sapi betinamu
bull’s baby!” said the jantan saya!” kata tetapi ini adalah
lion to the hyena. singa kepada hyena. bayi sapi
jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
No corrections found

Then the two friends ..... membuat dua Kemudian dua

had disagreement. teman tidak sahabat itu
sependapat. memiliki perbedaan
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [..... >> kemudian]; [tidak sependapat >> perbedaan
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
yang punya bayi sapi. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang punya bayi sapi >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged itu bayi sapi memihak berkata bahwa
to the lion. dengan singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi sapi memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]

But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah

leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi mereka ingin meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah
mereka semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sedang sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. sibuk” dia berkata kera siamang
kepada singa. kepada singa.
Problem: addition
Corrections: [Saya sedang sangat sibuk >> Aku sibuk]

8. Student 8

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care Hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
of the cow and the perhatian sapi betina merawat sapi betina
bull. dan sapi jantan. dan juga sapi
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil perhatian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
No corrections found

When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi lahir, Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion singa pergi untuk betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihatnya. melihatnya.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> bayi sapi betina]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu ini adalah sapi betinamu
bull’s baby!” said the bayi sapi jantanku.” tetapi ini adalah
lion to the hyena. Kata singa kepada bayi sapi
Hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
No correction found
Then the two friends Lalu dua sahabat itu Kemudian dua
had disagreement. memiliki sahabat itu
ketidaksamaan memiliki perbedaan
pendapat. pendapat.
No corrections found
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
orang tua bayi sapi itu. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
Problem: addition
Corrections: [siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.

No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa
to the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya kera tiba. datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tapi mereka meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Aku sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. berkata kepada singa. kera siamang
kepada singa.
No correction found

9. Student 9

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so ketika menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care lalu sehingga hyena
of the cow and the hyena........................ merawat sapi betina
bull. ......... dan juga sapi jantan.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [........>> merawat sapi betina dan juga sapi jantan]

One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata pada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa “sapi betinaku betinaku akan
baby.” akan segera memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi telah Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion ......, singapun pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. mencarinya. melihatnya.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [...... >> bayi sapi betina lahir]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanku.” Kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa pada Hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
No corrections found
Then the two friends Kemudian 2 teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu punya saran. sahabat itu memiliki
perbedaan pendapat.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [punya saran >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned muda untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. menentukan bayi bijaksana untuk
sapi itu milik siapa. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
Problem: vocabulary

Corrections: [muda >> bijaksana]

All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siama. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata ..... berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [..... >> bahwa anak sapi betina tersebut adalah milik
But as they were ...... Siama baru Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape dating mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. datanglah si kera
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [...... >> tetapi setelah mereka semua pergi datanglah si
kera siamang]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. dia berkata kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.
No corrections found

10. Student 10

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so saat menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care jadi hyena sehingga hyena

of the cow and the mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi betina

bull. sapi betina dengan dan juga sapi jantan.
seekor sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Di suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera punya bayi.” memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir singa pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> bayi sapi betina]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan anak sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu tetapi itu sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the bayi sapi jantanku” ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. kata singa pada jantanku!” kata
hyena. singa kepada hyena.
No corrections found
Then the two friends Menjadikan 2 teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu tidak sahabat itu memiliki
bersependapat. perbedaan pendapat.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [tidak bersependapat >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk

yang punya anak memutuskan milik

sapi itu. siapakah bayi
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang punya anak sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape ingin pergi kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi saat mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah semua
“I was busy” he said Ia berkata pada singa “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. “Aku sibuk” kera siamang kepada
No corrections found

From the table above, it shows that almost the students faced

problems in translating English narrative text into Indonesian. Most of

students make the error in translating from the text. The highest students’

problems in translating English into Indonesian ones is vocabulary

especially in unfamiliar word. The second most problem done by the

students is not transmitted, most of students’ not transmitted the message

from the source language to the target language. The third problem is

incomplete sentence, the students’ omits one of elements of the correct

English sentences. The fourth problem is addition, the students’ presence

one or more item which must not be presence in a well-formed sentence.

And the last problem is grammar, the student’s use of wrong form of the

stucture of the sentence in translating English into Indonesian.

Table 4.3. The result of analysis

Not Incomplete
No Name Grammar Vocabulary Addition
transmitted sentence
1 S.1 2 0 1 4 0
2 S.2 1 1 0 3 0
3 S.3 3 0 0 2 1
4 S.4 1 1 1 4 0
5 S.5 3 4 0 2 0
6 S.6 1 0 1 5 2
7 S.7 3 0 0 2 1
8 S.8 2 0 0 1 1
9 S.9 0 5 0 1 1
10 S.10 2 0 1 2 0
11 S.11 1 0 0 2 0
12 S.12 2 0 1 2 1
13 S.13 3 0 0 2 0
14 S.14 1 3 0 3 0

15 S.15 1 3 1 2 1
16 S.16 3 0 0 4 1
17 S.17 1 0 0 5 1
18 S.18 2 1 0 4 1
19 S.19 2 0 0 4 0
20 S.20 1 2 0 4 2
21 S.21 1 0 0 7 1
22 S.22 1 3 0 2 0
23 S.23 1 0 0 2 1
24 S.24 1 2 0 5 0
25 S.25 2 3 0 5 0
26 S.26 1 0 0 7 2
27 S.27 1 2 0 6 2
28 S.28 2 3 0 2 1
29 S.29 2 4 0 3 0
30 S.30 2 1 0 0 0
31 S.31 1 4 0 3 0
Total 50 42 6 100 20
Percentage 22.94% 19.27% 2.75% 45.87% 9.17%

From the table above, the most frequent problem which students

made is vocabulary. The highest number of students’ problems is

vocabulary (45.87%). The second most problem done by the students is

not transmitted (22.94%). The third problem is incomplete sentence

(19.27%). The fourth is addition (9.17%). And the last is grammar


C. Discussion

The researcher analyzes the error using classification of translation

problems. Davies divided translation problem into six; grammar, vocabulary,

incomplete sentence, word order, addition, and not transmiited the message.

After analyzing the data of students’ error, the researcher finds that the most

frequent problem which students made is vocabulary. The highest number of

students’ problems is vocabulary (45.87%). The second most problem done by

the students is not transmitted (22.94%). The third problem is incomplete

sentence (19.27%). The fourth is addition (9.17%). And the last is grammar


According to the explanation above, students have faced some

problems in English-Indonesian translation such as vocabulary, not

transmitted, incomplete sentences, addition, and grammar. The most dominant

problems done by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo in the

academic year of 2016/2017 is vocabulary.



In this chapter, the researcher gives conclusion and suggestion of this

thesis for all whom related to this study.

A. Conclusion

The researcher would like to draw some conclusions to answer the

statement of the problem of this research as stated in the previous chapter. The

researcher has two research questions. The first is “What are the problems faced

by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Purworejo in the academic year

2016/2017 in translating English narrative text into Indonesian?”, and the second

one is “What is the dominant problem faced by the eighth grade students of SMP

N 4 Purworejo in the academic year 2016/2017 in translating English narrative

text into Indonesian?”. The researcher knows through the data that there are

some translation errors in this research.

Based on reasearch finding and discussion, the researcher concludes this


1. The classified of students’ translation problems faced by the students they

are; first is vocabulary, second is not transmitted, third is incomplete

sentence, fourth is addition, and the last is grammar.

2. The dominant problem faced by the eighth grade students of SMP N 4

Purworejo in the academic year of 2016/2017 in translating English


3. narrative text into Indonesian, especially the students frequently made errors

in vocabulary. The students make this error because the lack of vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

Based on the mentioned above, the researcher make some suggestion to

the teachers, the students, and to the other researchers. They are as follows:

1. For English Teachers

a. The teachers should be aware of the problems that students may face in

learning English into Indonesian translation.

b. The teachers should give more practice in English into Indonesian

translation and give more explanation about narrative text and

vocabulary rules to their students.

2. For Students

a. The students should realize that learning translation is important.

b. The students should try harder to overcome their problems in learning


c. In this case, it is better for the students to do more practice, to ask to the

teacher, and discuss with their friends.

d. For other Researcher

It needs other researchers related to the topic. The researcher is

sure that the result of the research will be different if it is conducted in

different subject of the research. Hopefully, to other researcher, the result

will be more useful for teaching learning process.


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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 4 Purworejo

Kelas/Semester : VIII/2 (Dua)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok : Narrative Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi
5. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar
B. Kompetensi Dasar
11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima
yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
 Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative
 Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative
 Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative
 Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative
 Mengerti dan menemukan kosa kata baru
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa mampu membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks
 Siswa mampu mengerti dan menemukan kosa kata baru
E. Materi Ajar
1. Teks sederhana berbentuk Narrative Text
2. Definition of Narrative Text
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it
tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. Narrative text can be
defined that any report of connected events, presented in a sequence of written
or spoken words, and/or in a sequence of (moving) pictures.
3. The Social Function of Narrative Text
 To entertain or to amuse the readers.
4. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text
 Orientation (beginning or introduction) : introduces main characters,
setting, and time
 Complication (middle) : the problem among the characters
 Resolution (ending) : the problem is resolved
 Re-orientation
5. Kinds of Narrative Text
 Fable
 Fairy tale
 Legend
 Historical narraives
 Romance
 Balada
 etc
6. Language Features
 Past tense (came)
 Adverb of time (A long time ago, one day)
 Time conjunction (When, then)
 Etc
F. Metode Pembelajaran
 Ceramah
 Diskusi
 Retell the story
G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Jenis Kegiatan Langkah-langkah
 Menyiapkan siswa secara fisik dan psikis
 Mengucapkan salam 10
 Menanyakan kabar siswa menit
 Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Kegiatan Awal  Guru mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan 10
kepada siswa yang berkaitan dengan materi menit
yang akan di pelajari
 Guru menyampaikan judul materi yang akan
 Guru memperkenalkan teks narrative
 Guru memberikan ice breaking sederhana
Kegiatan Inti  Siswa menyebutkan berbagai aspek teks 45
narrative seperti definisi, tujuan, generic menit
structure dan ciri-ciri kebahasaan narrative text
 Siswa mencari vocab baru pada lembaran
berisi narrative teks “The Lion and The
Hyena” yang diberikan
 Siswa menerjemahkan narrative teks “The
Lion and The Hyena” dan memahami teks
Kegiatan  Guru memberikan review tentang narrative text 15
Penutup  Guru memberikan feedback kepada siswa menit
 guru memberi motivasi kepada siswa agar
selalu semangat belajar
 guru mengucapkan salam penutup
H. Sumber Belajar
 Bahan Ajar INTENS (Interesting English Supplement) SMP Kelas VIII
Semester 2
 Internet

I. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Tes tulis (menerjemahkan)
b. Bentuk : Tulisan
c. Soal/Instrumen : Materi dari The Lion and The Hyena (Terlampir)

Purworejo, April 2017

Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Penelitian

Sudarsono, S.Pd.Ing Nurul Istiqomah

NIP.: 19580222 197903 1 004 NIM 132120232

Kepala SMPN 4 Purworejo

Yosiyanti Wahyuningtyas, M.Pd.

NIP.: 19650527 198703 2 007
Translate the English paragraphs printed in bold into Indonesian!
The Lion and The Hyena
A long time ago, the lion was the king of animals. He and the hyena were
friends. They often when out to look for food together. One day, they found a cow
and a bull. The lion said to the hyena, “You can have the cow. I want the bull
because it is powerful like me.” The hyena was afraid of the lion, so, he said yes.
The lion was very busy being a king, so the hyena took care of the cow
and the bull. One day, the hyena said to the lion,” My cow will soon have a
baby.” When the baby cow was born, the lion went to look at it. “This isn’t
your cow’s baby, it’s my bull’s baby!” said the lion to the hyena. Then the two
friends had disagreement.
They called all the old and wise animals to decide who owned the baby
cow. All the animals came except the ape. They all said that the baby cow
belonged to the lion. But as they were leaving, the ape finally arrives. “I was
busy” he said to the lion.
The lion shouted “I’m the king of animals, but I’m here! Why were you too
busy to come?” “I was sewing the earth, and the sky together,” the ape explained.
Then, the lion asked “How is it possible to sew the earth and the sky together?”
“First, tell me, how is it possible for a bull to have a baby?” the ape asked.
Name : ..................................
Class : ..................................
No : ..................................
Answer Sheet
Singa dan Hyena
Pada zaman dahulu, singa adalah raja dari hewan-hewan. Singa dan Hyena
adalah teman. Mereka sering pergi keluar untuk mencari makan bersama. Pada
suatu hari, mereka menemukan seekor sapi betina dan seekor sapi jantan. Singa
berkata kepada Hyena, “Kamu boleh memiliki sapi betinanya aku menginginkan
sapi jantan karena itu kuat sepertiku.” Hyena takut kepada singa, maka dia pun
Singa berteriak, ”Aku adalah raja di hutan ini dan aku ada disini! Mengapa
kamu terlalu sibuk untuk datang?” “Aku sedang menjahit bumi dan langit menjadi
satu, kera siama menjelaskan. Kemudian, singa bertanya, “Bagaimana mungkin
untuk menjahit bumi dan langit menjadi satu?” “Pertama-tama, jelaskan terlebih
dahulu kepadaku, bagaimana mungkin seekor sapi jantan bisa memiliki bayi sapi?”
kera siama bertanya.
Translation Test Done by Students
Table 2. Comparing Translation in Essay
11. Student 1

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Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa itu sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care jadi hyena sehingga hyena
of the cow and the mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi betina
bull. sapi betina dan sapi dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata kepada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa “sapi betinaku betinaku akan
baby.” akan segera memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi”
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina melahirkan betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. singa ingin pergi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanmu” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Lalu ketua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan pendapat
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
yang berhak memutuskan milik
mempunyai bayi sapi siapakah bayi
betina itu. tersebut.
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata itu bayi berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. betina memihak sapi betina tersebut
dengan singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape pergi kera akhirnya mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk,” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. katanya kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.

12. Student 2

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Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
of the cow and the perhatian sapi betina merawat sapi betina
bull. dan sapi jantan. dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera memiliki memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina lahir singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi melihatnya. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanku!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada Hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Kemudian dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. sahabat itu memiliki sahabat itu memiliki
ketidaksamaan perbedaan pendapat
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua tetua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned binatang bijaksana yang tua dan
the baby cow. untuk memutuskan bijaksana untuk
siapa orang tua bayi memutuskan milik
sapi itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya kera datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. berkata pada singa. kera siamang kepada

13. Student 3

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Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Sang singa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk sebagai seekor menjadi raja,
the hyena took care raja, jadi hyena sehingga hyena
of the cow and the mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi betina
bull. sapi betina dan dan juga sapi jantan.
seekor sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” mempunyai bayi memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina dilahirkan, betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. sang raja ingin pergi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu, ini bayi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the sapi jantanku!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. singa kepada Hyena.
jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Lalu kedua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
to decide who owned bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
yang berhak memutuskan milik
memiliki bayi sapi. siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. memihak dengan sapi betina tersebut
singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape ingin pergi, kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. berkata kepada singa. kera siamang kepada
14. Student 4

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sedang sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk.......... , maka menjadi raja,
the hyena took care hyena mencari sehingga hyena
of the cow and the seekor sapi jantan. merawat sapi betina
bull. dan juga sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata kepada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa, “sapiku betinaku akan
baby.” mempunyai seekor memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Kapan bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi untuk melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my sapimu, ini anak sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said the jantanmu!” singa ini adalah bayi sapi
lion to the hyena. berkata kepada jantanku!” kata
hyena. singa kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Kemudian dua teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu punya saran. sahabat itu memiliki
perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise animals semua binatang tua binatang-binatang
to decide who owned dan muda untuk yang tua dan
the baby cow. menentukan bayi bijaksana untuk
sapi itu milik siapa. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siaman. kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa anak
to the lion. milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
But as they were Mereka semua setuju Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape akhirnya kera mereka semua pergi
finally arrives. siamang datang. datanglah si kera
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
to the lion. ia berkata kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.

15. Student 5

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa merasa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, sibuk sebagai Raja, jadi menjadi raja,
so the hyena took hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
care of the cow and kepedulian kepada sapi merawat sapi
the bull. betina dan sapi jantan. betina dan juga sapi
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata kepada singa. berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
have a baby.” segera melahirkan” memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Kapan sang bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa pun betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihat hal itu. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapimu, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi sapi jantan. Kata sapi betinamu
bull’s baby!” said singa kepada hyena. tetapi ini adalah
the lion to the bayi sapi
hyena. jantanku!” kata
singa kepada hyena.
Then the two Keduanya pun saling Kemudian dua
friends had berargumen sahabat itu
disagreement. memiliki perbedaan
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua usia untuk binatang-binatang
animals to decide memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
who owned the orang tua bayi sapi itu. bijaksana untuk
baby cow. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
ape. kera siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua berkata Mereka semua
the baby cow bahwa bayi sapi......... berkata bahwa
belonged to the anak sapi betina
lion. tersebut adalah
milik singa.
But as they were ....................................... Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape mereka semua
finally arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
“I was busy” he ....................................... “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. kera siamang
kepada singa.

16. Student 6

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Saat menjadi raja Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, singa sangat sibuk, menjadi raja, sehingga
so the hyena took sehingga hyena dapat hyena merawat sapi
care of the cow and mengawinkan sapi betina dan juga sapi
the bull. dengan kerbau. jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, hyena berbincang berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon kepada singa, betinaku akan
have a baby.” “minggu depan memiliki anak.”
sapiku akan punya
When the baby cow Dimana bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion lahir, singa mencari lahir, singa
went to look at it. dan melihat bayi sapi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi, “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my ini bayi kerbauku” sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said kata singa ke hyena. ini adalah bayi sapi
the lion to the jantanku!” kata singa
hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two Pada akhirnya dua Kemudian dua
friends had teman itu bertengkar. sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. yang memiliki anak memutuskan milik
sapi itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera siama. datang kecuali si kera
ape. siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua Mereka semua
the baby cow berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the sapi itu dimiliki sapi betina tersebut
lion. singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Mereka semua telah Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera semua pergi datanglah
finally arrives. datang dan berkata si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he “Aku sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. katanya kepada kera siamang kepada
singa. singa.
17. Student 7

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, saat menjadi raja, menjadi raja, sehingga
so the hyena took jadi hyena hyena merawat sapi
care of the cow and mengawinkan sapi betina dan juga sapi
the bull. betina dan sapi jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata dengan berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon singa, “Sapi saya betinaku akan
have a baby.” akan segera memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my kamu, itu bayi sapi sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said jantan saya!” kata ini adalah bayi sapi
the lion to the singa kepada hyena. jantanku!” kata singa
hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two Membuat dua teman Kemudian dua
friends had tidak sependapat. sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. yang punya bayi sapi. memutuskan milik
siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si kera
ape. siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua Mereka semua
the baby cow berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the memihak dengan sapi betina tersebut
lion. singa. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera semua pergi datanglah
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he “Saya sedang sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. sibuk” dia berkata kera siamang kepada
kepada singa. singa.

18. Student 8

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja, sehingga
so the hyena took Hyena mengambil hyena merawat sapi
care of the cow and perhatian sapi betina betina dan juga sapi
the bull. dan sapi jantan. jantan.
One day, the hyena Suatu hari Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, berkata kepada singa, berkata, “Sapi
”My cow will soon sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
have a baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihatnya. melihatnya.
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah bayi
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu ini adalah sapi betinamu tetapi
bull’s baby!” said bayi sapi jantanku.” ini adalah bayi sapi
the lion to the Kata singa kepada jantanku!” kata singa
hyena. Hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two Lalu dua sahabat itu Kemudian dua
friends had memiliki sahabat itu memiliki
disagreement. ketidaksamaan perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the Mereka memanggil Mereka memanggil
old and wise semua hewan tua dan binatang-binatang
animals to decide bijaksana untuk yang tua dan
who owned the memutuskan siapa bijaksana untuk
baby cow. orang tua bayi sapi memutuskan milik
itu. siapakah bayi
All the animals Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
came except the kecuali kera. datang kecuali si kera
ape. siamang.
They all said that Mereka semua Mereka semua
the baby cow berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa anak
belonged to the sapi itu milik singa. sapi betina tersebut
lion. adalah milik singa.
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, semua pergi datanglah
finally arrives. akhirnya kera tiba. si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he “Aku sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata si
said to the lion. berkata kepada singa. kera siamang kepada

19. Student 9

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the sibuk ketika menjadi raja, sehingga
hyena took care of the menjadi raja, lalu hyena merawat sapi
cow and the bull. hyena................... betina dan juga sapi
.............. jantan.
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My hyena berkata berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a pada singa “sapi betinaku akan
baby.” betinaku akan memiliki anak.”
mempunyai bayi.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi betina
was born, the lion went telah ......, lahir, singa
to look at it. singapun pergi melihatnya.
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s sapi betinamu ini sapi betinamu tetapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi ini adalah bayi sapi
the hyena. jantanku.” Kata jantanku!” kata singa
singa pada Hyena. kepada hyena.
Then the two friends Kemudian 2 Kemudian dua
had disagreement. teman itu punya sahabat itu memiliki
saran. perbedaan pendapat.
They called all the old Mereka Mereka memanggil
and wise animals to memanggil semua binatang-binatang
decide who owned the hewan tua dan yang tua dan
baby cow. muda untuk bijaksana untuk
menentukan bayi memutuskan milik
sapi itu milik siapakah bayi
siapa. tersebut.
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali datang kecuali si kera
kera siama. siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata ..... berkata bahwa anak
the lion. sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa.
But as they were Siama baru datang Tetapi setelah mereka
leaving, the ape finally semua pergi datanglah
arrives. si kera siamang.
“I was busy” he said to “Saya sangat “Aku sibuk” kata si
the lion. sibuk” dia berkata kera siamang kepada
kepada singa. singa.

20. Student 10

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very busy Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
being a king, so the saat menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
hyena took care of the jadi hyena sehingga hyena
cow and the bull. mengawinkan merawat sapi
seekor sapi betina betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
dengan seekor sapi
One day, the hyena said Di suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
to the lion, ”My cow berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
will soon have a baby.” “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
segera punya bayi.” memiliki anak.”
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion went mau lahir singa betina lahir, singa
to look at it. pergi untuk melihat melihatnya.
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan anak sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu tetapi itu bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi jantanku” betinamu tetapi
the hyena. kata singa pada ini adalah bayi
hyena. sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Then the two friends Menjadikan 2 teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu tidak sahabat itu
bersependapat. memiliki
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua memanggil
decide who owned the dan bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
yang punya anak bijaksana untuk
sapi itu. memutuskan
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa
the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape finally ingin pergi kera mereka semua
arrives. akhirnya datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
“I was busy” he said to Ia berkata pada “Aku sibuk” kata
the lion. singa “Aku sibuk” si kera siamang
kepada singa.

Table 3. Essay in Analysis

1. Student 1

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa itu sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of hyena mengawinkan sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. seekor sapi betina dan merawat sapi
sapi jantan. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: Vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi >> anak] it is different meaning in animals
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina melahirkan betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. singa ingin pergi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Setelah >> ketika]; [singa ingin pergi melihatnya >>
singa melihatnya]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu, ini bayi bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to sapi jantanmu” kata betinamu tetapi
the hyena. singa kepada hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [ini bayi sapi jantanmu >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends Lalu ketua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu
pendapat. memiliki
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [ketua sahabat >> dua sahabat]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
yang berhak bijaksana untuk
mempunyai bayi sapi memutuskan
betina itu. milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang berhak mempunyai bayi sapi betina itu >>
milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No correction found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata itu bayi betina berkata bahwa
the lion. memihak dengan anak sapi betina
singa. tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi betina memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape pergi kera akhirnya mereka semua
finally arrives. datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk,” “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. katanya kepada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No correction found

2. Student 2

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. perhatian sapi betina merawat sapi
dan sapi jantan. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil perhatian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera memiliki memiliki anak.”
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi >> anak] it is different meaning in animals
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina lahir singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi melihatnya. melihatnya.
No corrections found
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu, ini bayi bayi sapi
betinamu tetapi
baby!” said the lion to sapi jantanku!” kata ini adalah bayi
the hyena. singa kepada Hyena. sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No corrections found
Then the two friends Kemudian dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. sahabat itu memiliki sahabat itu
ketidaksamaan memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan
No corrections found
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua tetua dan memanggil
decide who owned the binatang bijaksana binatang-binatang
baby cow. untuk memutuskan yang tua dan
siapa orang tua bayi bijaksana untuk
sapi itu. memutuskan
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [semua tetua dan binatang bijaksana >> binatang-
binatang yang tua dan bijaksana]; [siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >>
milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka berkata Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to bahwa bayi sapi itu berkata bahwa
the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> anak sapi betina]
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, mereka semua
finally arrives. akhirnya kera datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tapi mereka meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. berkata pada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found

3. Student 3

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Sang singa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk sebagai seekor menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of raja, jadi hyena sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. mengawinkan seekor merawat sapi
sapi betina dan seekor betina dan juga
sapi jantan. sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa berkata, “Sapi
“sapi betinaku akan
cow will soon have a mempunyai bayi laki- betinaku akan
baby.” laki.” memiliki anak.”
Problem: addition
Corrections: [my cow will soon have a baby >> sapi betinaku akan
memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Setelah bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion betina dilahirkan, betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. sang raja ingin pergi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Setelah >> ketika]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu, ini bayi bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to sapi jantanku!” kata betinamu tetapi
the hyena. singa kepada Hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No corrections found
Then the two friends Lalu kedua sahabat Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itupun saling berbeda sahabat itu
pendapat. memiliki
No corrections found
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
bijaksana untuk
yang berhak memiliki memutuskan
bayi sapi. milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang berhak memiliki bayi sapi >> milik siapakah
bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa
the lion. memihak dengan anak sapi betina
singa. tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi sapi memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape ingin pergi, kera mereka semua
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi saat mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. berkata kepada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found
4. Student 4

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sedang sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk.......... , maka menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of hyena mencari seekor sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. sapi jantan. merawat sapi
betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: incomplete sentence and vocabulary
Corrections: [Singa sedang sangat sibuk.......... >> singa sangat sibuk
menjadi raja]; [mencari seekor sapi jantan >> merawat sapi betina]
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapiku mempunyai betinaku akan
baby.” seekor bayi.” memiliki anak.”
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [sapiku mempunyai seekor bayi >> sapi betinaku akan
memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Kapan bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. pergi untuk melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Kapan >> ketika]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s sapimu, ini anak bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to jantanmu!” singa betinamu tetapi
the hyena. berkata kepada hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [ini anak jantanmu! >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku!]
Then the two friends Kemudian dua teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu punya saran. sahabat itu
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [punya saran >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua binatang tua memanggil
decide who owned the dan muda untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. menentukan bayi sapi yang tua dan
itu milik siapa. bijaksana untuk
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [muda >> bijaksana]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siaman. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa
the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were Mereka semua setuju Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape akhirnya kera mereka semua
finally arrives. siamang datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Mereka semua setuju >> tetapi setelah mereka semua
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. ia berkata kepada si kera siamang
singa. kepada singa.
No corrections found

5. Student 5

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa merasa sangat Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so sibuk sebagai Raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of jadi hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. kepedulian kepada merawat sapi
sapi betina dan sapi betina dan juga
jantan. sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil kepedulian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa. berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera melahirkan” memiliki anak.”
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Sapi betinaku akan segera melahirkan >> sapi betinaku
akan memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Kapan sang bayi sapi Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion dilahirkan, singa pun betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihat hal itu. melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Kapan >> ketika]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s sapimu, ini bayi sapi bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to jantan. Kata singa betinamu tetapi
the hyena. kepada hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [bayi sapi jantan >> bayi sapi betinamu]; [it’s my bull
baby >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends ....... Keduanya pun Kemudian dua
had disagreement. saling berargumen sahabat itu
Problem: incomplete sentence and not transmitted
Corrections: [....... >> kemudian]; [berargumen >> memiliki
perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua usia untuk memanggil
decide who owned the memutuskan siapa binatang-binatang
baby cow. orang tua bayi sapi yang tua dan
itu. bijaksana untuk
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [semua usia >> binatang-binatang tua dan bijaksana];
[siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi tersebut]
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa
the lion. sapi ......... anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [......... >> anak sapi betina tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were ................................... Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape .... mereka semua
finally arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: incomplete sentences
Corrections: [............. >> tetapi setelah mereka semua pergi
datanglah si kera siamang]
“I was busy” he said ................................... “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. .... si kera siamang
kepada singa.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [........... >> “Aku sibuk” kata si kera siamang kepada
6. Student 6

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Saat menjadi raja Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so singa sangat sibuk, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of sehingga hyena dapat sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. mengawinkan sapi merawat sapi
dengan kerbau. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]; [kerbau >> sapi jantan]
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berbincang kepada berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a singa, “minggu depan betinaku akan
baby.” sapiku akan punya memiliki anak.”
Problem: vocabulary and addition
Corrections: [hyena berbincang >> hyena berkata]; [minggu depan
sapiku akan punya bayi >> sapi betinaku akan memiliki anak]
When the baby cow Dimana bayi sapi itu Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir, singa mencari betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. dan melihat bayi sapi melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary and addition
Corrections: [Dimana >> ketika]; [singa mencari dan melihat bayi
sapi itu >> singa melihatnya]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi, “Ini bukanlah bayi
baby, it’s my bull’s ini bayi kerbauku” sapi betinamu
baby!” said the lion to kata singa ke hyena. tetapi ini adalah
the hyena. bayi sapi
jantanku!” kata
singa kepada
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Ini bukan bayi sapi >> ini bukan bayi sapi betinamu];
[ini bayi kerbauku >> ini adalah bayi sapi jantanku]
Then the two friends Pada akhirnya dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. teman itu bertengkar. sahabat itu
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [Pada akhirnya >> kemudian]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
yang memiliki anak bijaksana untuk
sapi itu. memutuskan
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
No corrections found
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera siama. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa
the lion. sapi itu dimiliki singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [bayi sapi itu dimiliki singa >> anak sapi betina tersebut
adalah milik singa]
But as they were Mereka semua telah Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera mereka semua
finally arrives. datang dan berkata pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Mereka semua telah meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah
mereka semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Aku sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. katanya kepada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found

7. Student 7

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so saat menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of hyena mengawinkan sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. sapi betina dan sapi merawat sapi
jantan. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata dengan singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “Sapi saya akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir, singa pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [the baby cow was born >> bayi sapi betina lahir]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s kamu, itu bayi sapi bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to jantan saya!” kata betinamu tetapi
the hyena. singa kepada hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No corrections found
Then the two friends ..... membuat dua Kemudian dua
had disagreement. teman tidak sahabat itu
sependapat. memiliki
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [..... >> kemudian]; [tidak sependapat >> perbedaan
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
decide who owned the memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
baby cow. yang punya bayi sapi. bijaksana untuk
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang punya bayi sapi >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata itu bayi sapi berkata bahwa
the lion. memihak dengan anak sapi betina
singa. tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi sapi memihak dengan singa >> anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah milik singa]
But as they were Tetapi mereka ingin Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, kera mereka semua
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi mereka ingin meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah
mereka semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sedang sangat “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. sibuk” dia berkata si kera siamang
kepada singa. kepada singa.
Problem: addition
Corrections: [Saya sedang sangat sibuk >> Aku sibuk]

8. Student 8

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of Hyena mengambil sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. perhatian sapi betina merawat sapi
dan sapi jantan. betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengambil perhatian >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Suatu hari Hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata kepada singa, berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi lahir, Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion singa pergi untuk betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. melihatnya. melihatnya.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> bayi sapi betina]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu ini adalah bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi jantanku.” betinamu tetapi
the hyena. Kata singa kepada ini adalah bayi
Hyena. sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No correction found
Then the two friends Lalu dua sahabat itu Kemudian dua
had disagreement. memiliki sahabat itu
ketidaksamaan memiliki
pendapat. perbedaan
No corrections found
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
orang tua bayi sapi bijaksana untuk
itu. memutuskan
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: addition
Corrections: [siapa orang tua bayi sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua hewan datang Semua binatang
except the ape. kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata bahwa bayi berkata bahwa
the lion. sapi itu milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were Tapi mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape meninggalkan, mereka semua
finally arrives. akhirnya kera tiba. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tapi mereka meninggalkan >> tetapi setelah mereka
semua pergi]
“I was busy” he said “Aku sibuk” dia “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. berkata kepada singa. si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No correction found

9. Student 9

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so ketika menjadi raja, menjadi raja,
the hyena took care of lalu sehingga hyena
the cow and the bull. hyena.......................... merawat sapi
....... betina dan juga
sapi jantan.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [........>> merawat sapi betina dan juga sapi jantan]
One day, the hyena Pada suatu hari, hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera mempunyai memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi telah Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion ......, singapun pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. mencarinya. melihatnya.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [...... >> bayi sapi betina lahir]
“This isn’t your “Ini bukan bayi sapi “Ini bukanlah
cow’s baby, it’s my betinamu ini bayi sapi bayi sapi
bull’s baby!” said the jantanku.” Kata singa betinamu tetapi
lion to the hyena. pada Hyena. ini adalah bayi
sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No corrections found
Then the two friends Kemudian 2 teman itu Kemudian dua
had disagreement. punya saran. sahabat itu
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [punya saran >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned muda untuk binatang-binatang
the baby cow. menentukan bayi sapi yang tua dan
itu milik siapa. bijaksana untuk
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [muda >> bijaksana]
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera datang kecuali si
siama. kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata ..... berkata bahwa
the lion. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [..... >> bahwa anak sapi betina tersebut adalah milik
But as they were ...... Siama baru Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape datang mereka semua
finally arrives. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: incomplete sentence
Corrections: [...... >> tetapi setelah mereka semua pergi datanglah si
kera siamang]
“I was busy” he said “Saya sangat sibuk” “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. dia berkata kepada si kera siamang
singa. kepada singa.
No corrections found

10. Student 10

→ → →
Student’s Billingual Essay Revision
The lion was very Singa sangat sibuk Singa sangat sibuk
busy being a king, so saat menjadi raja, jadi menjadi raja,
hyena mengawinkan sehingga hyena
the hyena took care of seekor sapi betina merawat sapi
the cow and the bull. dengan seekor sapi betina dan juga
jantan. sapi jantan.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [mengawinkan >> merawat]
One day, the hyena Di suatu hari hyena Suatu hari, hyena
said to the lion, ”My berkata pada singa berkata, “Sapi
cow will soon have a “Sapi betinaku akan betinaku akan
baby.” segera punya bayi.” memiliki anak.”
No corrections found
When the baby cow Ketika bayi sapi mau Ketika bayi sapi
was born, the lion lahir singa pergi betina lahir, singa
went to look at it. untuk melihat itu. melihatnya.
Problem: vocabulary
Corrections: [bayi sapi >> bayi sapi betina]
“This isn’t your cow’s “Ini bukan anak sapi “Ini bukanlah
baby, it’s my bull’s betinamu tetapi itu bayi sapi
baby!” said the lion to bayi sapi jantanku” betinamu tetapi
the hyena. kata singa pada ini adalah bayi
hyena. sapi jantanku!”
kata singa kepada
No corrections found
Then the two friends Menjadikan 2 teman Kemudian dua
had disagreement. itu tidak sahabat itu
bersependapat. memiliki
Problem: grammar
Corrections: [tidak bersependapat >> memiliki perbedaan pendapat]
They called all the old Mereka memanggil Mereka
and wise animals to semua hewan tua dan memanggil
decide who owned the bijaksana untuk binatang-binatang
baby cow. memutuskan siapa yang tua dan
yang punya anak sapi bijaksana untuk
itu. memutuskan
milik siapakah
bayi tersebut.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [siapa yang punya anak sapi itu >> milik siapakah bayi
All the animals came Semua binatang Semua binatang
except the ape. datang kecuali kera. datang kecuali si
kera siamang.
No corrections found
They all said that the Mereka semua Mereka semua
baby cow belonged to berkata anak sapi itu berkata bahwa
the lion. milik singa. anak sapi betina
tersebut adalah
milik singa.
No corrections found
But as they were Tetapi saat mereka Tetapi setelah
leaving, the ape ingin pergi kera mereka semua
finally arrives. akhirnya datang. pergi datanglah si
kera siamang.
Problem: not transmitted
Corrections: [Tetapi saat mereka ingin pergi >> tetapi setelah semua
“I was busy” he said Ia berkata pada singa “Aku sibuk” kata
to the lion. “Aku sibuk” si kera siamang
kepada singa.
No corrections found

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