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Test 9 Gramatyka Wynik/30


Przymiotniki; konstrukcje so, such, too, enough

1 Uzupełnij zdania, używając przymiotników w nawiasach 3 Znajdź i popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach. Przepisz
w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym. całe zdania poprawnie.
0 It’s the saddest (sad) story I’ve ever read. 0 She’s more interesting girl I’ve talked to today.
1 Nick lives 200 meters ____________________ (far) away from She’s the most interesting girl I’ve talked to today.
the school than I do. 1 I’m much more busy today than yesterday.
2 Of all the children, Mark is ____________________ (bad). He  .
causes so many problems. 2 I’m afraid your qualifications are not enough good to
3 I agree, your boyfriend is intelligent and caring. But mine get this job.
is definitely ____________________ (handsome) than yours.  .
4 You look much ____________________ (thin) than you did 3 You’re certainly more modest than he.
when we last met.  .
5 Oh, come on! That’s ____________________ (weak) argument 4 How a stupid thing to do! I thought he was smarter than
I’ve ever heard. that.
6 That’s ____________________ (creative) idea so far.  .
7 I have to leave a bit ____________________ (early) today, I’m in 5 They are so reliable people – you can always depend on
a hurry. them.
8 Who is ____________________ (tall) person in your family?  .
6 Our younger daughter is much tidier as her older
2 Używając wyrazów podanych w nawiasach, przekształć /  .
dokończ zdania, tak aby ich znaczenie pozostało takie
samo. /6
0 Mark is too intelligent to compete with. (ENOUGH) 4 Uzupełnij dialog jednym wyrazem w każdej luce.
I am not intelligent enough to compete with Mark.
Linda: 0
what a lovely day! It’s 1 ________________ warm that
1 Peter is more intelligent than David. (AS)
we could have our lunch in the garden.
David is 
Mark: Well, it’s a bit 2 ________________ windy, I think.
Linda: Oh, come on, Mark. It’s definitely not as windy
2 This dress was cheaper than all the others I tried on. (OF) 3
________________ yesterday. Let’s give it a try. We can
This dress was 
always finish the meal at home.
Mark: Ok, ok. Let’s do it then. I didn’t know I have
3 I didn’t know your grandparents were so young. (SUCH) 4
________________ a persuasive girlfriend.
I didn’t know you had 
Linda: ________________ persuasive than Barbara?

Mark: Here you go again! Barbara is just a friend.
4 The dress was not long enough to cover bruises on my
Linda: And 6 ________________ most attractive of your
friends …
The dress was 
Mark: I admit she is pretty. But 7 ________________ as pretty as
you are! Shall we stop talking about her and start
5 It was rude they didn’t thank you. (OF)
getting our lunch ready?
Linda: 8 ________________ a good idea!
Mark: Is the meat ready?
6 Mr Brown and his wife are both very careful about their
Linda: Try it. Do you think it’s tender 9 ________________ ?
Mark: No, it could do with ten more minutes in the oven.
Mr Brown is 
Linda: Ok. I hope it will turn out better 10 ________________ last
time. It was a complete disaster!

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