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My Dear Students , Parents , Principal, Teachers and staff …

It is my pleasure to stand here because its not that every day I get to address
the parents of so many lovely children. There has been ( or will be ) so many
beautiful moments today as these budding children perform before us. What
can be more happy than to see our own tiny tots display , their confidence,
their talents , their effort and their coordination …..

( more points on the show based on what you see, and about the school etc )

I stand before you today , not as a doctor but as parents of two children and I
take this opportunity to bring home some my thoughts.

All of us are here are in different professions, have different talents, pursue
different paths. So can any one us claim , that we are all the same and that
each one of us have achieved the best in the world ??.. ( pause here for the
question to sink in ) . Won’t it be absurd if society demands that all of us
should be CEOs, or PrimeMinsters, or World famous sports people or
artists….Would not that make the world a very uncomfortable place to stay….(
pause ) ..Each of us our unique and have complete freedom to select our life

Then why as parents are we demanding that our children always do the best ,
why do we always compare them with children who come first ?....Why is that
all the children are expected to reach a certain level of academic excellence at
certain ages….when we as adults cannot achive this , how can children.

First , that is against nature – each human being comes into the world , with
different strengths and weaknesses, different talents, different attitudes and
of course a different atmosphere at home…..and as parents and teachers our
main role is to only guide them , show them the different paths of Dharma and
Adharma, plant seeds of good characters and healthy growth in their young
mind, shaping ethics and inclusiveness of other children in their minds….and
most important , please , please …allow them to grow…
These days I am noticing that , the competitive world, the challaning education
system is only cripping the growth the of the children. Some I would say 10 t0
20 % shine out , for various reasons and the rest are being pulled back.
Education and child hood is about Each and every child evolving from state it

This is my humble request to all gathered here…never compare your child with
others…and I would like to touch upon another important point. There are
many children , who put their efforts but are not able to perform academically.
Understand its not their fault..Especially skills like reading writing and maths.

Now, these are skills in specific parts of the brain and it is not the same for all.
So naturally some kids struggle. IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT…please don’t make
them victims…for example, one parent might see a child struggling to wrote or
form words or sentences. .. and the immediate thought is.. “ why can’t they
just write ‘.. and get angry. Understand the child is not able to . It is not that
the child does not want to…..its the same as asking you to get a golden medal
in the Olympics swimming , when you don’t know how to swim…may be you
can if you are actually taught. Same is the case with the children…they don’t
realize except that are being shouted at….victimized. Understand their need
and get professional help if required. Its just that some skills have to be
explicitly taught.

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