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1) Bronkoektasis  target organnya apa? Bronkiolus Respiratorius

2) …
3) …
4) Protease-Antiprotease
5) Neutrofil
6) Ventilasi
7) ASMA  Eosinofil
8) Type 2 Alveolar Cell
9) Inferior Vena Cava
10) Immunocompromised
11) ORang berobat ke dokter 2 minggu trs putus obat 1 minggu  masih kasus baru 
12) Primary pneumothorax  Ruptur dari Bleb
13) Sesak nafas, frothy sputum, kencing jd baikan (lung edema)  Furosemide
14) CO2 : 82, orgnya gak sadar apa yg buat gak sadar? CO2 narcosis
15) Apa yang terjadi pada org narcosis? Naik residual volume
16) Org hemoptisis  Tredelenberg
17) Sudah ada multiple nodule di liver  tumor grade IV
18) Hilus
19) Basophil
20) Beta agonist dipakai kelamaan jadi Down regulation
21) Anak kecil alergi  Anti histamine
22) Obat PPOK  Anticholinergic
23) Pemakaian corticosteroid  Inhibit production of proinflammatory cytokine
24) Efusi left sided pleura
25) Bedain asma dan non asma : metacoline test
26) Clubbing finger, progressive exertion  BE  CT SCAN
27) Pleuritic chest pain, hyperresonance, trachea deviation  pneumothorax
28) 25 tahun dyspnea jatuh ke lantai  needle insertion
29) Bronkoskopi reveal tumor paru, mau liat staging pakai ? CT SCAN
30) Ratio FEV1/FVC 95%  Restrictive
31) Backward
32) Silikosis
33) Streptokokus
34) TB  granuloma
35) Asbestos  mesotelioma
36) Pneumococcal Pneumonia
37) Pan acinar  alpha 1 deficiency
38) Tension pneumothorax, tusuk dimana? Above the upper border of …..
39) Lower Lobe
40) Diafragma  phrenic nerve
Tambahan nyomot2 soal yg seinget gue keluar juga kmrn:

41) 67. A 30 year old man. High fever, breathless, cyanotic, CD4 very low, ESR
40mm/hour. Pada BAL thick wall cyst diameter 5-7 micron.
a. amphotericin B

b. voriconazole

c. sulfatemetroxazole-trimethoprim
d. itraconazole
e. metronidazole

21. A 15 year old teenager has sudden shortness of breath. 48 kg, 175 cm. No prior lung
problems. SaO2 = 89 %. What is the most possible pathophysiology?

a. allergic reaction

b. rupture of the bleb

c. bronchus hyperactivity

d. emotional stress

e. vascular impairment

15. A 23 year old female is a pulmonary TB patient who underwent TB treatment for 2
weeks. During that period, she did not take her medication for 1 week. Now she has to
continue her treatment again. What regimen ?

a. 2RHZE / 4RH

b. 2 RHZES / 4 RHE

c. 2 RHZE / 4 RHE

d. 2 EZS / 4 R3

e. 2 HEZ / 4 R3

35. Crackles on the 7th linea paravertebralis dextra. Perform X-ray. What is the location
should pay attention ?

a. apex

b. hilus
c. aorta

d. costophrenicus

e. cardiophrenicus

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