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Análisis de sistemas de potencia Trabajo 1 Mayo 5 de 2020

Los estudiantes cuya cédula termine en número impar resuelven y presentan el ejercicio 1 en el informe. Los
estudiantes que termina su documento en número par resuelven y presenta en el informe el ejercicio 2.
Todos los cálculos deben estar soportados con fórmulas y/o procedimientos. Además deben contener 4 cı́fras
Determinar el diagrama equivalente en por unidad para el siguiente sistema de potencia.

1. Consider the power system diagram presented in Fig. 1 with following parameters.

1 T1
3 T2

125 MVA Y−∆ 100 MVA

22.4 kV
5 66 kV
X = 10 % XM = 8 %

Figura 1: Power system for exercise 1

Line: Nominal voltage 500 kV with series impedance of 100 + j250 Ω.

T1: Three-winding transformer.
• Primary: Y-connected, 22.4 kV, 125 MVA (node 1)
• Secondary: Y-connected, 500 kV, 100 MVA (node 2)
• Tertiary: ∆-connected, 33 kV, 25 MVA (node 5)
After making transformer proofs, following data were obtained:
• Zps = 6 %, 50 MVA and 22.4 kV base (proof made at primary side).
• Zpt = 10 %, 100 MVA and 500 kV base (proof made at secondary side).
• Zst = 4 %, 50 MVA and 66 kV base (proof made at tertiary side).
T2: Three-phase transformer 112.5 MVA, 480/66 kV and XT 2 = 12 %.
Load 1: This load consumes 25 MVA with lagging power factor of 0.707.

Obtain its single-phase diagram representation considering as 100 MVA and 22.4 kV as power bases at the
zone of Generator.
2. Consider the power system diagram presented in Fig. 2 with following parameters.

1 T1
3 T2

250 MVA Y−∆ 150 MVA

14.4 kV
5 37.5 kV
X = 12 % XM = 10 %

Figura 2: Power system for exercise 2

Line: Nominal voltage 220 kV with series impedance of 50 + j125 Ω. Capacitive effect at each extreme
of the line is about 1,55µF (consider that the line operates at 50 Hz.)

Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Análisis de sistemas de potencia Trabajo 1 Mayo 5 de 2020

T2: Three-winding transformer.

• Primary: ∆-connected, 220 kV, 200 MVA (node 3)
• Secondary: ∆-connected, 37.5 kV, 150 MVA (node 4)
• Tertiary: Y-connected, 13.8 kV, 50 MVA (node 5)
After making transformer proofs, following data were obtained:
• Zps = 8 %, 200 MVA and 220 kV base (proof made at primary side).
• Zpt = 10 %, 150 MVA and 32.5 kV base (proof made at secondary side).
• Zst = 6 %, 100 MVA and 13.8 kV base (proof made at tertiary side).
T1: Three-phase transformer rated as 225 MVA, 13.2/220 kV and XT 2 = 11 %.
Load 1: This load consumes 50 + j25 MVA.

Obtain its single-phase diagram representation considering as 200 MVA and 13.8 kV as power bases at the
zone of the node 5.

Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Bogotá D.C., Colombia

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