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5/7/2020 Raven's™ Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus) | PSI Online

Raven's™ Standard
Progressive Matrices Plus
(SPM Plus)
An assessment of non-verbal reasoning

Assessments Raven’s™ Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus)

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Raven’s™ SPM Plus is an assessment of non-verbal reasoning. It is comprised of 60 multiple

choice items and can be completed in approximately 45 minutes. The Raven’s SPM Plus
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provides information about an individual’s capacity for analysing and solving problems,
abstract reasoning, and ability to learn.

While both the Ravens SPM and SPM Plus are suitable for use for entry-level management
and mid-level individual contributor positions, the SPM Plus is a somewhat more dif cult
assessment and provides better differentiation for higher level positions.

What the Raven’s SPM Plus Measures

Non-Verbal Reasoning

The report provides the candidate’s raw score and norm-based percentile score. This is
supplemented with a brief narrative report.

By publisher policy, this assessment is only to be administered in a proctored setting. The test
administrator will take necessary steps to ensure the test is always administered in a
proctored and secure environment.

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