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Current Paediatrics (2003) 13, 520 --528

c 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Understanding and managing acute fluid and

electrolyte disturbances
Birgit Bockenkamp* and H.Vyasw
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Fellow, Queen’s University Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK
Consultant in Intensive Care and Respiratory Medicine, C/O Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital, Queens Medical Centre,
Nottingham, NG72UH, UK

KEYWORDS Summary Fluid and electrolyte balance is important in infants and young children
hypovolaemia; dehydration; because of their high total body water content and basal metabolic rate. Excessive fluid
electrolytes; losses lead to dehydration and hypovolaemia.Inadequate and delayed treatment lead to
hypernatraemia; progressive deterioration in tissue perfusion, vascular collapse and progressive multiple
hyponatraemia; organ failure. However, hasty rehydration may be just as devastating as dehydration in
hyperkalaemia; seriously ill paediatric patients with severe electrolyte imbalance. Rapid correction of
hypokalaemia; sodium imbalance can produce cerebral oedema or osmotic demyelination. As a rule,
hypophosphataemia; sodium correction of 1--2 mmol/l/h is recommended; rates higher than that may lead
hyperphosphataemia to death.Hyperkalaemia is an emergency that requires prompt correction medically or
with dialysis. Hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia and hypophosphataemia are increasingly
recognized as critical, especially in septic patients.Fluid and electrolyte disorders should
be approached by considering the def|cit, the maintenance fluid and continuing losses,
and a rate of replacement which will not produce severe neurological def|cit.

c 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Tumour lysis syndrome will produce hyperphos-

phataemia which may respond to saline infusion
or dialysis
* Hypovolaemia refers to any state in which the ex-
tracellular fluid volume is reduced
* Hypernatraemia due to water loss is dehydration
* The plasma sodium concentration is maintained Fluid and electrolyte balance play a vital role in
within a very narrow range by changes in water in- maintaining homeostasis, helping to regulate and
take, thirst and changes in ADH secretion maintain cellular function, control tissue perfusion and
* Hyponatraemia arises due to volume depletion re- maintain acid--base balance. In normal healthy indivi-
placed with hypotonic fluid duals, intake and output are maintained at a steady
* SIADH is a very important clinical cause of hypo- state, and the main role of the kidneys is the regulation
natraemia of water balance in the body. Osmoregulation is almost
* Hyper- and hyponatraemia both present with neu- completely mediated by osmoreceptors in the hypotha-
rological signs and symptoms lamus, influencing both thirst and the secretion of
* Rapid correction of sodium levels may produce antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Under normal circum-
cerebral oedema or osmotic demyelination stances, the sensitive hypothalamic osmoreceptors
* Hyperkalaemia can be effectively treated by nebu- detect any change in extracellular tonicity, and respond
lized b-2-adrenergic agonists, insulin and glucose by altering secretion of ADH. However, when a child
* Hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia in sepsis becomes ill, the ability to regulate this f|ne balance is
should be corrected aggressively perturbed, leading to either fluid retention or excessive
fluid loss. The resulting hypo-osmolality or hyperos-
molality may produce serious neurological conse-
Correspondence to: HV. E-mail: harish.vyas@mail.qmcuh-tr.trent.nhs. quences due to rapid shifts of water into and out of the
uk brain.


In this review, we will examine some of the most com- sive sweating, high fever or high ambient environmental
mon fluid and electrolyte disturbances seen in the criti- temperature are a major concern, especially in hot
cally ill patient. weather.The current fashion of extreme activity and ec-
stasy (3- 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ‘MDMA’)
ingestion in teenagers may lead to a potentially fatal out-
WATER BALANCE come. Burns, hyperventilation and third-space losses
(e.g. multitrauma with crush injury, multiple fractures,
Eighty percent of neonatal body weight is comprised of intestinal obstruction) cause severe hypovolaemia that
water, with the proportion dropping to between 50 and is often diff|cult to treat.
60% in adult women and men, respectively. Sixty percent
of body water is intracellular, and the rest is
extracellular. Water is required to replace losses from Conditions associated with reduced water
urine, sweat, faeces and moist surfaces of the skin and requirement
respiratory tract. Maintenance requirements are not di- This is a relatively uncommon situation, most often ob-
rectly proportional to weight, but to energy expendi- served in hypothermic patients and those with extreme
ture per unit mass. Obligatory urine loss occurs due to inactivity, such as coma or vegetative states. Infants and
the need to remove various solutes from the body. The children nursed in very high humidity may not require a
minimum water required for urine is dependent on the high fluid intake. Patients with renal failure associated
daily solute excretory load and the maximum urinary with oliguria or anuria may have their fluids restricted,
concentration achievable. In infants, decreased concen- as will those with severe fluid retention due to cardiac
trating and diluting capacity of the kidneys can lead to failure.
abnormal water balance, and may explain the rapidity
with which infants dehydrate. The ability maximally to
concentrate urine is achieved between 3 and 6 months Clinical presentation
of age. The history obtained from the parents will indicate the
duration and severity of unusually large fluid losses. Iden-
tif|cation of source of fluid loss, such as diarrhoea, as well
ESTIMATIONOF DEFICIT as documentation of fluid intake will help in clinical man-
agement. Although evaluation of water def|cit is usually
Hypovolaemia and dehydration clinical, elevated serum creatinine and blood urea con-
Hypovolaemia refers to a state in which the extracellular centrations may indicate dehydration. Otherwise,
fluid (ECF) volume contracts. In very severe cases, this laboratory investigations are most useful in the assess-
can lead to poor peripheral tissue perfusion. It can be ment of co-existing electrolyte abnormalities. Physical
caused by salt and water loss alone, as in severe diar- examination can be misleading in the assessment of dehy-
rhoea, vomiting and bleeding, or by water loss alone, as dration of overweight and malnourished infants. Tachy-
in dehydration. Salt and water are primarily lost from cardia may be the only sign of dehydration in obese
ECF. Pure water is lost from total body water, of which infants, whilst dehydration is often overestimated in se-
only 40% is extracellular. It is for this reason that nearly verely emaciated infants. Neurological signs may be the
2.5 times as much fluid needs to be lost to result in the only clinical abnormalities present in hypernatraemic
same degree of ECF depletion as in salt and water loss. dehydration, with skin and circulatory changes being
Patients with water loss and dehydration will always be misleadingly absent.
hypernatraemic, whereas those with salt and water loss
will have a normal or even a reduced plasma sodium con- Symptoms of volume depletion
The presenting symptoms will depend on the degree of
dehydration, the type of predominant fluid loss and the
Causes of volume depletion
associated electrolyte disturbances.
The most common cause of acute severe volume loss is
gastroenteritis, with diarrhoea and vomiting. In very sick
Volume depletion
children, gastric haemorrhage and surgery can cause vo-
lume losses that may not be recognized early, leading to (see Table 1)
catastrophic consequences. Excessive renal losses may The symptoms are due to reduced tissue perfusion. Se-
occur from osmotic diuresis, e.g. diabetes mellitus, poly- vere hypovolaemia will lead to ischaemia of the gut and
uria due to diabetes insipidus and salt-wasting nephropa- cerebral tissue. In addition, reduced blood flow asso-
thies. Iatrogenic volume depletion may be caused by ciated with hyperviscosity may lead to thrombotic
inappropriate use of diuretics. Skin losses due to exces- events, acidosis and multiple organ dysfunction. Delayed


Table 1 Signs and symptoms of hypovolaemia

Mild Moderate Severe
Thirst Very thirsty Too obtunded to drink
Mild oliguria Oliguric Severe oliguria or anuria
Minimal physical Tachycardia Marked, tachycardia, hyperpyrexia,
signs cyanosis
Mild weight loss Sunken eyes/ infants with sunken Loss of skin tone, sunken eyes
o5% fontanelle
5--10% weight loss Abdominal pain, apathy, restless, fatigue,
delirium or comatose
Small heart size on chest X-ray

or inadequate resuscitation will lead to severe irreversi- When hypernatraemia occurs, cells become dehy-
ble acidosis and death. drated due to water moving extracellularly across the
osmotic gradient, as well as contributing to the total
body water loss. The shrinkage of brain cells, if severe
Type of fluid lost
enough, will produce venous rupture and subarachnoid
When pure water loss predominates, for instance dia- haemorrhage. To prevent this contraction, cells respond
betes mellitus, the patient will demonstrate symptomatic by moving electrolytes across the cell membrane, result-
hypernatraemia rapidly. The symptoms are weakness, ir- ing in the alteration of the resting potential across the
ritability and excessive tiredness, leading to seizures and cell membrane. Later, intracellularly generated organic
coma if untreated. solutes help maintain cell volume and prevent damage.
Rapid correction of hypernatraemia will permit water
to move across this osmotic gradient into the cells, pro-
Allied symptoms
ducing cerebral oedema.
Depending upon the losses, associated electrolyte and
metabolic disturbances such as acidosis and hyperglycae- Major causes of hypernatraemia
mia may be present. Hypokalaemia is usually present, Hypovolaemic hypernatraemia
although deterioration in renal function may produce This occurs when water loss is greater than sodium def|-
dangerous hyperkalaemia. Cardiovascular effects of hy- cit. Normally, a large quantity of fluid is produced by the
pokalaemia include arrhythmias and hypotension in se- gastrointestinal tract; however, only a small quantity is
vere cases. Marked muscle weakness will be present in lost in the stools. Huge quantities of fluid may be lost if
both hypo- and hyperkalaemia. Hypomagnesaemia is the amount of fluid re-absorbed is impaired, as in vomit-
commonly associated with hypokalaemia, further ex- ing, losses from f|stula and secretory diarrhoea. Under
acerbating muscle weakness. normal circumstances, more than 98 --99% of water f|l-
tered across the glomerular membrane is re-absorbed.
Osmotic diuresis from mannitol, high urea and diuretics
will reduce re-absorption. Following relief of renal ob-
SODIUM IMBALANCE struction, massive diuresis can occur and result in severe
volume depletion. Water lost by evaporation from the
skin and respiratory tract can become substantial in a
The kidneys are the main organ maintaining salt home- hot, dry climate, febrile states and if thirst is impaired.
ostasis, adjusting urine concentration to match salt in- When the barrier property of skin is breached by burns
take and loss. Hypernatraemia due to a loss of free or exudative skin lesions, water loss is substantial. Pul-
water is rare in healthy children; any rise in plasma toni- monary losses can occur from losses into the pleural
city stimulates ADH and increases thirst.The increase in space. Decreased thirst, either behavioural or secondary
water intake returns the plasma sodium concentration to damage to the hypothalamic thirst centres, can lead to
to normal levels. This mechanism maintains the sodium dehydration. Any impairment in either ADH secretion
level within a very narrow range, despite a very variable or excessive loss of dilute urine in nephrogenic diabetes
intake of salt and water. However, in the very young and insipidus can lead to a comatose state.
children with developmental delay, thirst is often poorly Hypervolaemic hypernatraemia
recognized by carers and may result in hypernatraemia. This is present when sodium gain is greater than water
It is def|ned as a serum sodium concentration exceeding gain. It is caused iatrogenically when hypertonic saline
145 mmol/l. solutions are used to maintain sodium levels over


170 mmol/l in the management of signif|cantly raised in- The acid--base balance and potassium may be normal
tracranial pressure in traumatic head injury. Accidental and low plasma uric acid is usually present. The most
or non-accidental sodium poisoning in infants and young common causes of SIADH are listed inTable 2.Treatment
children has been reported. Excessive sodium bicarbo- involves water restriction, although, in severe cases, salt
nate administration and mineralocorticosteroid excess administration with a loop diuretic may be necessary. In
(Cushing’s syndrome) can also lead to this state. CSW, intracranial disorders such as haemorrhage, trau-
Euvolaemic hypernatraemia ma, tumours and infection produce hyponatraemia in a
This reflects water losses accompanied by inadequate setting of volume depletion and natriuresis. Inappropri-
water intake. It is commonly seen when the renal collect- ate atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) secretion has been
ing duct fails to respond to ADH, e.g. in advanced renal postulated as a possible mechanism for CSW. ANP has
disease, hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia, Fanconi syn- been shown to inhibit both renin and angiotensin-II-
drome and sickle cell disease. It also may be seen in cen- mediated aldosterone secretion. It is vital to differentiate
tral diabetes insipidus, head injury, during and following it from SIADH, since the wrong diagnosis and manage-
encephalitis, meningitis or Guillain-Barre! syndrome, ment may be fatal. Aggressive replacement of urinary
especially if thirst is severely impaired. It is occasionally salt and water losses using normal saline or 3% saline, if
seen in the very young due to compulsive water drinking. necessary, is the mainstay of treatment of CSW. Minera-
locorticoids are not always effective.
Hyponatraemia Neurological symptoms of hypernatraemia and hypo-
natraemia are shown inTable 3.
Hyponatraemia is def|ned as serum sodium of less than
135 mmol/l and results from retention of excess water.
When there is excessive loss of free water, the associated Diagnosis and management of sodium
rise in the plasma sodium concentration produces thirst imbalance
to correct the abnormality. Dilution of plasma sup-
presses ADH, allowing dilute urine to be excreted. An Investigations: As a rule, repeat the test if the results are
inability to suppress ADH release results in hyponatrae- abnormal to check its validity
mia. More than one mechanism may play a part in produ- Hypernatraemia
cing hyponatraemia. It is vital to check paired plasma and urine electrolytes
and osmolality. Blood and urinary glucose will identify
diabetes mellitus and ensure that an osmotic diuresis
Major causes of hyponatraemia
has not taken place. Hypernatraemia is almost always as-
The most common cause of hyponatraemia is ADH re-
sociated with high urine osmolarity and reduced urine
lease following circulatory collapse. In severe diarrhoea,
output, and concentrated urine indicates hypotonic fluid
replacement of sodium losses with relatively low-so-
losses. High urine osmolarity is observed in salt overload
dium-containing solution will produce hyponatraemia.
states; however, the urine output may continue to re-
This may also arise in extreme athletes if they replace salt
main high. Diuretic administration and CSW will pro-
and water losses with water only. In cirrhosis and conges-
tive heart failure, although the plasma volume may be
markedly increased, the fall in cardiac output and loss of Table 2 Causes of syndrome of inappropriate anti-
peripheral vascular tone will increase ADH levels. In ne- diuretic hormone secretion
phrotic syndrome, hyponatraemia is of renal origin. Thia-
zide diuretics, as opposed to loop diuretics, may produce * Central nervous system
marked hyponatraemia. Hyponatraemia can occur in pa-
tients with adrenal insuff|ciency and with hypothyroid- --Intracranial bleeding
ism. In advanced renal failure, osmotic diuresis is --Meningitis
produced by increased solute excretion. Dietary causes --Intracranial tumours
include poor nutrition and excessive water intake. Ec-
stasy ingestion associated with excessive water intake * Pulmonary
and inappropriate ADH secretion may produce fatal --Infection, either bacterial or viral (e.g. bronchiolitis)
hyponatraemia. --Asthma
There are two other disorders associated with hypo- --Pneumothorax
natraemia which are syndrome of inappropriate ADH
* Post-abdominal or--thoracic surgery
secretion (SIADH) and cerebral salt wasting (CSW).
These should be considered in any sick patient with hy- * Drugs.Chemotherapeutic drugs, e.g.
ponatraemia. The diagnostic features are hypo-osmolal- cyclophosphamide and vincristine,Hormonal
ity, a urine sodium concentration that is usually above treatment, e.g. desmopressin and vasopressin
40 mmol/l and a urine osmolality above 100 mosmol/kg.


Table 3 Symptoms of hypernatraemia and hyponatrae- Table 4 Urinary sodium losses in hyponatraemia
mia (the predominant symptoms of sodium imbalance are
neurological) Urinary sodium Urinary sodium 420
o20 mmol/l mmol/l
Hypernatraemia Hyponatraemia
Diarrhoea Diuretics including osmotic
* Lethargy * Apathy, nausea and malaise Excess sweating Water intoxication
Third space Salt-wasting nephropathy
* Weakness * Weakness losses
Congestive Proximal renal tubular
* Irritability * Lethargy heart failure acidosis
Nephrotic Adrenal insuff|ciency, e.g.
* Convulsion * Headaches syndrome Addisonian crisis
Cirrhosis Syndrome of
* Twitching * Convulsions and obtundation inappropriate ADH
* Coma * Hyper-reflexia Hypothyroidism
Acute or chronic renal
failure (440 mmol/l)

duce isotonic urine osmolality. Hypotonic urine, polyuria

and serum sodium levels of over 170 mmol/l will conf|rm
diabetes insipidus. Water deprivation is only performed * Speedy onset of hyponatraemia with sodium concen-
once the patient has normal sodium and osmolarity. It is trations below 120 mmol/l generally results in more
a complex test which needs to be carried out with great severe symptoms and poorer outcome.
care and detail.Neuro-imaging is suggested in all patients * A rate of correction of1--2 mmol/l/h is recommended.
with severe hypernatraemia to rule out any central Higher rates may lead to fatal cerebral oedema or an
cause. osmotic demyelination syndrome.The presentation of
Hyponatraemia this syndrome may be delayed for a few days and may
Rule out factitious factors producing hyponatraemia be irreversible and even lead to death.
such as high proteins, hypertriglyceridaemia and high
blood sugar.Urinary sodium levels will depend on the un-
derlying cause of hyponatraemia (see Table 4). Cortisol POTASSIUM IMBALANCE
levels and thyroid function tests need to be performed,
and neuro-imaging may be necessary for initial diagnosis Potassium is the most abundant intracellular cation and
as well as for prognostication. is necessary for maintaining the normal charge differ-
ence between intra- and extracellular compartments.
Management Ninety-eight percent of total body potassium is found
Resuscitation within cells at a concentration of 150 mmol/l, a situation
In the presence of circulatory failure, infusion of fluids is that is maintained by membrane-bound Na+-K+-ATPase.
essential to prevent tissue dysfunction and organ failure. Potassium transport towards the intracellular space may
The current practice is to use normal saline, 20 ml/kg, as be decreased during hypoxia and induced hypoglycaemia.
a rapid infusion; greater volumes are administered if tis- Acidosis decreases the renal excretion of potassium and
sue perfusion remains poor. Ventilatory support may be potentiating arrhythmogenicity of hyperkalaemia.
required if there is a poor response and larger volumes Ninety percent of potassium is excreted in urine, with
are required. As a rule, ventilate patients when replace- stool and sweat losses contributing the rest. Almost all
ment fluid during initial resuscitation is over 50% of circu- the f|ltered potassium in the kidney is re-absorbed pas-
lating volume. sively in the proximal tubule and loop of Henle. Most ur-
inary potassium is derived from potassium secretion in
General rules on rate ofcorrection of sodium the distal nephron in the cortical collecting tubule. This
process is primarily influenced by aldosterone which pro-
* Rapid correction is potentially dangerous in both hy- motes sodium absorption and promotes potassium ex-
pernatraemia and hyponatraemia. cretion. When hypokalaemia is present, the kidney
* Mortality in patients with sodium levels exceeding lowers potassium excretion by decreasing the secretion
160 mmol/l is very high.This may be due to the under- and increasing the active potassium re-absorption via
lying cause, but can be aggravated by rapid correction H+-K+-ATPase pumps in the luminal membrane of the
of hypernatraemia. cortical collecting tubule.


Hypokalaemia Assessment and monitoring

Monitoring of vital signs, including continuous cardiac
Hypokalaemia is caused by losses from gastrointestinal
monitoring, is essential in all hypokalaemic patients. Re-
and urinary tracts or due to increased translocation into
spiratory rate and pattern should be monitored and early
cells. Diarrhoea is the most common cause of hypokalae-
respiratory support may be necessary if hypoventilation
mia in children worldwide. Loss of secretions from the
is present. Meticulous fluid balance is indispensable.
lower gastrointestinal tract is usually associated with bi-
carbonate loss and acidosis; however, decreased potas-
sium intake and hypovolaemia-induced hyperaldostero- Management
nism will increase urinary potassium excretion leading Treatment depends on the severity and aetiology.
to hypokalaemia.The urinary potassium wasting seen in Asymptomatic hypokalaemia, e.g. due to gastroenteritis,
this setting is only present for a few days. Subsequently, usually resolves spontaneously. In other patients, emer-
the bicarbonate re-absorptive capacity increases sub- gency treatment needs to be initiated even before per-
stantially, thus reducing urinary sodium and potassium forming an ECG. A variety of oral and intravenous
losses.Vomiting and loss of gastric acid leads to alkalosis potassium preparations are available, and potassium
with increased urinary potassium secretion. Laxative chloride is the most commonly used. This raises the ser-
abuse is an uncommon but important cause of hypoka- um potassium concentration more rapidly than potas-
laemia in children. sium bicarbonate, and can also correct an underlying
Diuretics increase distal delivery of potassium, leading chloride depletion that is often observed in metabolic al-
to increased urinary losses. Volume depletion activates kalosis. Potassium phosphate could be of benef|t in the
the renin--angiotensin--aldosterone system, thus increas- treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and severe hy-
ing urinary potassium losses. Mineralocorticoid excess, pophosphataemia seen in severe sepsis. Potassium bicar-
e.g. Cushing’s syndrome, is characterized by urinary po- bonate is the preferred salt in renal tubular acidosis.
tassium wasting. These patients are often hypertensive Enteral replacement is preferable if feasible, except in
and may be on diuretics which would further exacerbate life-threatening abnormalities such as ventricular ar-
hypokalaemia.Renal disease with elevated secretion of re- rhythmias, digitalis intoxication or paralysis. It is impor-
nin leads to hyperaldosteronism. In many clinical settings tant to note that the total def|cit might be signif|cantly
(high-dose penicillin, glue sniff|ng), large quantities of so- higher than expected from the measured serum potas-
dium are re-absorbed in exchange for potassium, leading sium concentration (e.g. DKA). It is crucial to correct as-
to high potassium loss, a condition worsened by volume sociated fluid and electrolyte disorders; for instance, if
depletion. In metabolic acidosis (e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis), hypomagnesaemia is not recognized and treated, hypo-
hypovolaemia-induced hyperaldosteronism and excessive kalaemia will remain refractory to replacement therapy.
non-reabsorbable anions lead to potassium losses. The Also, correction of acid--base disorders will alter the ser-
process is often countered by potassium leakage out of um potassium concentration.
cells due to acidosis. Hypomagnesaemia leads to hypoka-
laemia. Hypokalaemia is produced by amphotericin ad- Hyperkalaemia
ministration, polyuria and salt-losing nephropathies.
The origin is often multifactorial although renal failure,
Increased potassium translocation into cell is pro-
drugs and acidosis are among the main causes in hospita-
duced by alkalosis, increased insulin and elevated b-adre- lized patients. Hyperkalaemia is a life-threatening medi-
nergic activity. Other causes include an increase in blood
cal emergency. The main mechanism of hyperkalaemia is
cell production, hyperthermia, and drugs such as theo-
increased potassium release from cells. In metabolic
phylline and in chloroquine toxicity. Table 5 shows a com-
acidosis, potassium exits cells to maintain electroneu-
plete list of other causes of hypokalaemia.
trality, and in addition, there is impairment of the potas-
sium-reducing effects of insulin and b-adrenergic
Investigations agonists. Insulin def|ciency and hyperglycaemia prevent
Clinical evaluation should include blood pressure and potassium movement into cells. Hyperosmolality, for ex-
12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Serum and urinary ample in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and administra-
electrolytes, osmolality, and glucose and renal function tion of mannitol, will produce osmotic water movement
tests are a prerequisite. Blood gas analysis and magne- out of the cells followed by passive potassium movement
sium are essential if a metabolic condition is suspected. through potassium channels and via solvent drag through
Renin, cortisone and 17-ketosteroids should be per- water pores. Increased tissue breakdown (e.g. large mus-
formed if endocrine dysfunction is suspected. Drug cle mass injury, cytotoxic drugs, radiation therapy) will
screening may be appropriate in persistent hypokalaemia. produce marked potassium release, often producing
life-threatening arrhythmias. b-Adrenergic blockers in-
Signs and symptoms terfere with b2-adrenergic facilitation of potassium up-
(seeTable 6) take. Succinylcholine in patients with burns, extensive


Table 5 Major causes of hypokalaemia and hyperkalae- Table 6 Signs and symptoms of hypokalaemia and hy-
mia perkalaemia
Hypokalaemia Hyperkalaemia Hypokalaemia Hyperkalaemia
Gastrointestinallosses Potassium release from
cells * Numbness of * Drowsiness
* Diarrhoea and vomiting * Metabolic acidosis
* Decreased bowel * Decreased cardiac output
* Surgical drains * Insulin def|ciency sounds

* Hyperglycaemia * Ileus * Apathy, confusion

Urinary losses Catabolic states * Nausea and vomiting * Bradycardia

* Diuretics * Large muscle mass * Flabby muscles * Depression of STsegment

* Paraesthesia * Prolonged PR interval
* Steroids * Cytotoxic drugs
* Digoxin toxicity * Flattening and widening of
* Hypomagnesaemia * Tumour lysis the P wave
* STsegment depression * Tall, peaked, tented
* Drugs, e.g. amphotericin B T waves

* Salt-losing nephropathies * Flattened T waves * Abdominal cramping,

and polyuria nausea and diarrhoea

Other causes Other causes * U waves * Muscle flaccidity

* Plasmapheresis * Acute or chronic

renal disease are best avoided in hyperkalaemic states. It is important
to rule out factitious hyperkalaemia due to lysis of cells,
* Elevated -adrenergic * Acidosis e.g. leucocytosis and hereditary spherocytosis or throm-
activity, e.g. b-agonist bocytosis.Table 5 lists other causes.

* Sodium depletion
Signs and symptoms
(seeTable 6)
* Low cardiac output Investigations
states Serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine, glucose,
blood gas analysis and ECG are essential, although
* b-blockers ECG is not a sensitive method for detection of hyper-
* Factitious in
leukaemia with very Management
high count Treatment depends upon the cause and severity. In mild
cases, it might be suff|cient to enhance excretion,
whereas in severe cases, administration of intravenous
calcium is urgently required. It is generally agreed, that a
trauma or neuromuscular disease produces potentially plasma potassium concentration above 7.0 mmol/l, se-
lethal hyperkalaemia. Reduced urinary potassium excre- vere muscle weakness or marked ECG changes are po-
tion is a major cause of hyperkalaemia. In the oliguric tentially life threatening, and immediate treatment
state, a high potassium diet, increased tissue breakdown should be initiated.
and hypoaldosteronism combine to produce severe
hyperkalaemia. Hypoaldosteronism, congenital adrenal Treatment consists ofthree major components
hyperplasia, Addison’s disease and low cardiac output Stabilization of electrically excitable membranes
states can all reduce potassium excretion.Certain drugs, Calcium directly antagonizes the membrane effects of
such as potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors, hyperkalaemia. Although 10% calcium chloride contains


about three times more elemental calcium than an equal f|ciency is observed in dark skinned populations due to
volume of calcium 10% gluconate, it is more damaging to reduced sun exposure. Malabsorption, as in coeliac dis-
tissue if extravasated. It is therefore important to infuse ease and cystic f|brosis, produces vitamin D def|ciency.
it through a central vein. The onset of effect of both Hypocalcaemia, hypoparathyroidism, and bone disease
preparations is rapid (within 1--3 min) and lasts for up to occur in patients with end-stage renal disease. Resistance
1h. A continuous infusion may be required. to PTH in hypomagnesaemia leads to hypocalcaemia.
Shift from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment
* Insulin increases the activity of the Na+-K+-ATPase Signs and symptoms
pump, facilitating potassium transport into the cell. Jitteriness and convulsions are observed in the newborn.
The dose-related effect begins within 15 min and There may be numbness and tingling of f|ngers and lips.
peaks at 30 -- 60 min, lasting for 4 -- 6 h. Stiffness of joints and clumsiness may be noted early. Mus-
* Sodium bicarbonate raises the systemic pH, and the cle spasms, cramps, tetany and myalgia are very disabling
resulting hydrogen ion release from the cells will be and painful. Laryngeal spasm is rare and frightening. Hy-
exchanged for potassium. It works synergistically peractive reflexes, Trousseau’s sign and prolonged QT in-
with insulin and glucose.The effect begins within 30 -- terval are noted. Steatorrhoea can be a cause of, as well
60 min and lasts for several hours. as an effect of, hypocalcaemia. Symptoms reflect not only
* In children with renal failure, nebulized salbutamol is the degree of hypocalcaemia, but also the acuteness of
effective in lowering hyperkalaemia, although there is the fall in serum calcium concentration. Children with
a possibility of a secondary rise of the serum potas- chronic hypocalcaemia may show few symptoms.
sium concentration after an initial response.
Removal from body
* Diuretics such as frusemide will produce kaluresis; The treatment of hypocalcaemia depends on the
however, in the presence of oliguria, it may not be ef- underlying cause and varies with its severity. Intravenous
fective. calcium alone may only be useful in conditions such
* The cation exchange resin binds potassium and re- as sepsis, and may be transiently effective. The calcium
leases sodium in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be solution should be diluted, not mixed with phosphate
given orally or as an enema. Due to its slow onset, or bicarbonate, and administered into a large central
variable eff|cacy and rare but serious toxicity, the ca- vein. In mild asymptomatic hypocalcaemia, diet alone
tion exchange resin with sorbitol is not the f|rst choice may be suff|cient or vitamin D may be required. Oral
for severe hyperkalaemia. phosphate binder to lower serum phosphate concentra-
* Dialysis or haemof|ltration are the most eff|cient tions is the treatment of choice in renal failure. In chil-
ways of treating refractory and symptomatic hyper- dren with renal failure, calcium can be added to the
kalaemia. dialysis fluid.


Calcium homeostasis in the body is maintained by close This is a rare situation in paediatrics. Conditions such as
interaction between parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vi- hypervitaminosis D or excessive intake of calcium are in-
tamin D. frequently observed. Malignancy induced hypercalcaemia
is rarely seen. The symptoms include lethargy, nausea,
Hypocalcaemia polyuria, confusion, paraesthesias and coma. Shortening
of the QT interval is seen on ECG. Management requires
The mechanisms that produce hypocalcaemia are de- treatment of the underlying cause. Normal saline infu-
creased PTH or low vitamin D. In neonates, the main sion may be necessary to reduce levels by dilution.
causes are birth asphyxia, low-birthweight pre-term ba-
bies and those delivered to diabetic mothers.Conditions
such as DiGeorge’s syndrome will have typical facies,
congenital cardiac anomaly and immunodef|ciency hypo- PHOSPHATE IMBALANCE
calcaemia.The majority of cases will have microdeletions
involving chromosome 22. Late hypocalcaemia may be
found in certain mitochondrial cytopathies. In sick patients with sepsis, hypophosphataemia is com-
In older children, the causes include autosomal hypo- mon and is due to intracellular shift following inotropic
parathyroidism and auto-immune type. Hypoparathyr- use. It occurs in DKA, following severe burns and due
oidism is an increasingly recognized complication to diuretic use. Decreased serum phosphates are
of sepsis. Hypocalcaemia associated with vitamin D de- observed in patients with malnutrition, vomiting and


diarrhoea.Oral antacids in a sick patient may precipitate Treatment

hypophosphataemia. In severe acute hyperphosphataemia, as seen following
tumour lysis, phosphate excretion can be increased by
Signs and symptoms saline infusion; however, dialysis may be indicated if other
In an acute severe state, it produces confusion, seizures electrolyte abnormalities are present. In chronic hyper-
and may lead to coma. Numbness and tingling of f|ngers phosphataemia, treatment includes phosphate binders
and lips are seen in mild cases. Decreased muscle and reduced phosphate in the diet.
strength is common, and myocardial dysfunction is well
recognized in sepsis.
Phosphate supplementation, either orally or intrave- 1. Adrogue HJ, Madias NE. Hypernatraemia. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:
nously, may be necessary. Rapid infusion may precipitate
2. Agarwal R, Afzalpukar R, Fordtran JS. Pathophysiology of potassium
tetany due to a rapid drop in calcium. absorption and secretion by the human intestine. Gastroenterology
1994; 107: 548--571.
Hyperphosphataemia 3. Ayus JC, Varon J, Arieff AI. Hyponatraemia, cerebral edema, and
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema in marathon runners. Ann Intern
The kidneys are highly eff|cient at maintaining phosphate Med 2000; 132: 711--714.
balance; any increase in phosphate levels reduces proxi- 4. Gennari FJ. Hypokalaemia. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 451--458.
mal tubular phosphate re-absorption, and PTH also pos- 5. Holland PC, Thompson D, Hancock S, Hodge D. Calciphylaxis,
proteases, and purpura: an alternative hypothesis for the severe
sibly contributes to this. shock, rash, and hypocalcaemia associated with meningococcal
There are three general conditions in which this septicemia. Crit Care Med 2002; 30: 2757--2761.
occurs: 6. Lee JH, Arcinue E, Ross BD. Brief report: Organic osmolytes in
the brain of an infant with hypernatraemia. N Engl J Med 1994; 331:
* Renal failure will initially diminish phosphate f|ltration 439--442.
and excretion, with PTH helping to decrease proxi- 7. Mange K, Matsuura D, Cizman B et al. Language guiding therapy:
mal re-absorption. However, with further deteriora- the case of dehydration versus volume depletion. Ann Intern Med
1997; 127: 848--853.
tion in renal function, phosphate intake will exceed
8. McClure RJ, Prasad VK, Brocklebank JT. Treatment of hyperka-
the kidneys, ability to excrete phosphate. laemia using intravenous and nebulised salbutamol. Arch Child Dis
* Massive acute phosphate load, e.g. tumour lysis fol- 1994; 70: 126--128.
lowing chemotherapy, rhabdomyolysis, lactic and 9. McManus ML, Churchwell KB, Strange K. Mechanisms of disease:
ketoacidosis, and hypervitaminosis D. regulation of cell volume regulation in health and disease. N Engl J
Med 1995; 333: 1260--1266.
* Hypoparathyroidism with reduced PTH secretion or
10. Sakarcan A, Quigley R. Hyperphosphataemia in tumor lysis
renal resistance to PTH results in increased phos- syndrome: the role of hemodialysis and continuous veno-venous
phate re-absorption. hemofiltration. Pediatr Nephrol 1994; 8: 351--353.
11. Vega RM, Avner JR. A prospective study of the usefulness of
Signs and symptoms clinical and laboratory parameters for predicting percentage
of dehydration in children. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997; 13:
Tachycardia may be an early sign, followed by muscle 179--182.
weakness, hyper-reflexia and tetany. Anorexia, nausea 12. Wiederkehr MR, Moe OW. Factitious hyperkalaemia Am J Kidney
and vomiting are not unusual. Dis 2000; 36: 1049--1053.

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