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JUNE 2015

1. Management of 25 yr old gentleman with acute retention of urine.

Etiopathogenesis of urethal strictures 5+5
2. Enumerate the causes of bilateral hydronephrosis. Investigations and
treatment options for unilateral hydronephrosis 2+4+4
3. Staging and management of ca penis in 35 yr old. 5+5
4. Minimally invasive techniques for treatment of BPH. 10

June 2014

5. Classify congenital anomalies of kidney and ureter. What are the clinical
features of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease? Enumerate the principles of
managing this condition.   Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease   3+4+3
6. Briefly describe the physiology of normal urinary bladder function (storage
and voiding of urine). Enumerate with indications various treatment options
for a patient suffering from benign prostate enlargement.   BPH    5+5
7. Discuss the various investigations you will do in a case of stricture urethra.
How will you treat a case of stricture of posterior urethra.  stricture urethra 
8. Briefly describe etiology and clinical staging of carcinoma penis. Discuss in
brief the management of inguinal lymph nodes in such a case.  carcinoma
penis   (2+4)+4
9. Describe the embryology of testis and epididymis. What are the
consequences of undescended testis?    undescended testis   5+5
10. Describe the etiopathology of renal calculi. Enumerate the indications,
contraindications and complications of ESWL. Renal calculi  4+(2+2+2)

June 2013

11. a. Embryology of ectopic and undescended testis.     5+5

b. Management of a 6 year old boy having bilateral undescended testis.
12. Rupture of membranous urethra.    10  
13. Renal hypertension   10
14. Pathogenesis, classification and investigation of hydronephrosis.   10

Dec 2013

15. . What is embryological basis of unascended kidney? How will you

diagnose a Horse shoe kidney? Discuss its management. 4+2+4    Horse
shoe kidney
16. Enumerate the causes of stricture urethra. Discuss the treatment options
available for this.  3+7     stricture urethra
17. What are the clinical features of bladder exstrophy? How will you manage
such a case?   3+7  bladder exstrophy
18. What is LUTS? What is the role of urodynamics in this?  3+7 LUTS
19. How will you diagnose a case of torsion testis? How will you treat such a
case?  4+6   torsiontestis

20. What are the types of urinary stones? What options are available for
treatment of a renal stone? 3+7   urinarystones
21. How will you construct an ileal conduit? What are its complications and
how will you prevent them? 3+(4+3)  ilealconduit

22. Enumerate causes of varicocele. How will you treat such a case? 
3+7  varicocele

JUNE 2012

23. What is Non-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)? How is it different from

convensional vasectomy? Enumerate the complications. 1+3+6  NSV
24.  How will you manage a case of rupture urethra? 10  rupture urethra
25. How does testis descend? Outline the management of a case of
undescended testis. 4+6 undescended testis
26. Name the various urinary diversions. What are the metabolic changes in an
ileal conduit? 3+7 urinary diversions
27.  Classify Renal Tumors. Discuss the clinical features, staging and
management of Renal Cell Carcinoma. 2+3+1+4  Renal Cell Carcinoma

DEC 2012

28. How will you grade renal injuries? Discuss the investigations and treatment
of blunt renal injuries.  2+(3+5)     renal injuries
29. Define Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) and enumerate its various
causes. Describe the principles of medical management of benign prostatic
hyperplasia. (2+2)+6  BPH
30. Classify testicular tumors and give their staging. Discuss the principles of
treatment of seminoma of testis.  (2+2)+6       testicular tumors
31. Compare the clinical presentation of “Wilm’s tumor and retroperitoneal
neuroblastoma” in a child. Describe the relevant investigations and
principles of treatment of Wilm’s tumor. 3+(2+5)        Wilm’s tumor

JUNE 2011

32. .    a)    Enumerate causes of kidney lump. 2   Causes of kidney lump

 b)    Write the clinical features. 
c)    Write the clinical features of renal cell carcinoma.  C/F of renal cell
33. .    a)    Classify germ cell tumors of testis. 5  Testis Tumour
       b)    Management of non-seminomatous germ cell tumours. 5
34. )    What are the indications of renal transplantation? 3  Transplantation
b)    Discuss graft rejection. 3
     c)    Immunotherapy postoperatively after renal transplantation. 4

DEC 2011

35. Enumerate the causes of painless haematuria. How would you manage a 30
years old man with haematuria and a past history of taking treatment for
pulmonary tuberculosis? haematuria
36. What is non-scalpel vasectomy? Briefly describe the complications of
vasectomy.   NSV
37. What are the complications of urethral injuries? How would you manage a
16 years old boy with suspected urethral injuries? Urethral injuries
38. Classify umbilical fistula. Discuss in brief the investigations and treatment
of urachus.  3+7     Urachus
39.What are the metabolic complications of acute renal failure? How would
you manage a patient with calculus anuria? 4+6            

JUNE 2010

40. Management of 40yrs old man with staghorn calculus of left

kidney.  Staghorn calculus Lt kidney
41. Pre-operative work up of a 30 years old man with hard testicular mass.
Testicular Mass
42. Management of 30 years old man with hematuria following blunt trauma to
flanks. Blunt Trauma Kidney
43. Non surgical management of a 60 years old man with enlarged prostate.
44. Pathophysiology and management of TURP syndrome. TURP syndrome

DEC 2010

45. What is PSA? Discuss the precaution in its estimation, indications and its
role in prostatic diseases. PSA
46. How will you diagnose and treat a case of ureterocoele?ureterocele
JUNE 2009

47. Clinical features and management of Torsion Testes. Torsion Testis

48. Indications of Renal Transplantation. Describe various types of Graft
rejection. Renal Transplantation
49. Clinical features, staging and treatment outline of Carcinoma penis. Ca
50. Differentiate between Perinephric abscess and pyonephrosis. Perinephric
abscess and pyonephrosis
51. Differentiate between DTPA & DMSA Scan. DTPA/DMSA
52. Pathophysiological changes due to obstructive hydronephrosis.

DEC 2009

53. Management of rupture of posterior urethra. Posterior Urethra

54. Management of a 15 years old child with hydronephrosis due to UPJ
obstruction.  UPJ obstruction
55. Role of ESWL in the management of renal stones.  ESWL

JUNE 2008

56. Clinical presentation and management of "Wilms tumor". Wilm's tumor

57. Management of a 45yrs man with stag horn calculus in left kidney.
Staghorn calculus
58. Fournier's gangrene. Fournier's gangrene
DEC 2008

59. How will you diagnose and treat a case of torsion testis. Torsion testis
60. How will you manage a case of Testicular tumor? Testicular tumour
61. Discuss the treatment of carcinoma Prostate. Ca Prostate
62. Discuss in brief treatment options in renal stones. Renal stones

JUNE 2007

63. Enumerate the indications of surgery in BHP. Briefly outline the

management of TURP syndrome.  TURP syndrome
64. Briefly discuss the causes and management of unilateral hydronephrosis.

DEC 2007

65. Management of advance carcinoma of prostate. Ca prostate

66. Briefly discuss classification, investigation, treatment and follow up of
germ cell tumour of testes.  Tumor testes
67. Urethral injuries in relation to fracture pelvis.  Urethral injuries

DEC 2006

68. Enumerate the complications of TURP. Briefly  dscribe the

pathophysiology and treatment of TURP syndrome. TURP syndrome
69. How would you manage a 50 years old man with stag horn calculus in left
kidney? Stag Horn Calculus
70. Etiopathogenesis of urinary tract calculi. Urinary calculi

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