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Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

Dilute polymer eects on turbulent bounded ows

Alex Liberzon
Tel Aviv University

November 3, 2010
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence


I ETH Zurich:

I B. Lüthi, M. Guala (UMN), M. Holzner (MPI), U. Reiter(PSI),

W. Kinzelbach
I Turbulence Structure Laboratory (, Tel

I M. Kreizer, D. Ratner, R. Elfassi, A. Tsinober

Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

Outline of the talk

I Background and motivation

I Experiments: methods and facilities

I Results

I Summary and conclusions

Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

2XU´SKLORVRSK\µ² learn from the

Main focus is turbulence


Polymers Forcing



Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

Motivation to study polymers is both basic and practical

I Drag reduction has been studied since

1948  Toms eect

I Body of literature is huge, with the

important contributions of the

The turbulence which occurs in the presence of drag-reducing

additives is dierent from the turbulence which occurs in the
solvent alone. Indeed, in some cases of very dilute polymer
solutions, the anomalous (i.e. less dissipative) turbulence is
probably the only detectable non-Newtonian eect. McComb 1990
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

There is drag reduction, but there is much more

Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

Phenomenology of polymer eects

I Fuctuating and complex strain

eld is necessary to turn the
eect on

I Reaction back changes the eld

of strain, e.g. resistance to large
strain, suppression of strong
events, bursts

I Associations of polymer
molecules have been observed in
dilute solutions

I The ow could be considered

 intermittently rheological
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

Three experiments, optical methods of PTV/PIV

035107-2 Liberzon et al. Phys. Fluids 21, 035107 "2009#

supporting linear motor 120 description of the experimental apparatus and the PIV
frame grid velocity method are!"# given in Ref. 25 and we summarize some basic !$#
(mm/s) 0
parameters only. The glass tank !20# 20# 30 cm3" filled
−120 with water or aqueous dilute poly!ethylene oxide" solutions
125101-3 On turbulent kinetic energy production ±ε
Phys. Fluids 18,0.2 0.4
125101 0.6
!2006" of Polyox WSR 301, MW= 4 # 106 g / mol is fitted with a
vertically oscillating grid !a fine woven screen of circular
Weak meany flowfield means
of viewthat the mean zflow quantities were bars of d = 1 mm, mesh size is M = 4 mm". The motor, op-
much smaller than their fluctuating counterparts. An obser- laser erated in a closed loop with feedback from a linear encoder,
sheet runs at a frequency of f = 6 Hz and a stroke of S = 8 mm.
vational volume was approximately 10" 10" 10 mm3, in
which about 1000 flow tracers "30 #m neutrally x buoyant For the PIV measurements a high-speed camera !Photron
polystyrene particles! were tracked gridin each frame. The obser- Ultima APX" was used with a frame rate of 60 frames/s and
4 mm
vational volume was illuminated by an expanded laser beam an exposure time of 0.005 s. The laser beam of a continuous
from a 20 Watt Ar-Ion laser, and diffracted light was 25 W Ar-ion laser was expanded through a cylindrical lens
200 mm into a planar laser sheet less than 1 mm thick, passing
sampled simultaneously by four CCD cameras "progressive
scan, monochrome, 640" 480 pixels, 8 bit per pixel! at a through the midplane of the tank, as shown schematically in
glass Fig. 1. The field of view of dimensions 200# 100 mm2 ex-
rate of 60 Hz, for a total time of 100 seconds per experiment. high-speed
camera tends over the whole width of the tank. The camera recorded
The rotating disks force the liquid towards a central part
top view
front view the light scattered by neutrally buoyant Polystyrene tracer
of the tank, producing a complex three-dimensional flow,
like in the vector
1. Schematic plot ingrid-stirred
of the oscillating Fig. 2. tank
Because of this
experimental setup. A particles with a diameter of 40 $m. The PIV images were
sample of
complexity of the
flowin "e.g.
time isitshown
does innot
upper any
right fixed
corner. processed with an interrogation windows of 16# 16 pixels,
direction!, the results will be presented as invariant quanti- 50% overlap, yielding approximately 8000 two-component
FIG. 1. Schematic view of the experiment "left!; schematic drawing of the velocity vectors per realization, denoted as u and v in x
disks with baffles "right!. ties. For example, the vectorial or tensorial quantities, such
Figureand1:y !vertical"
Rotating disks front, i.e.,
as fluctuating
scalar Entrainment
Oscillating grid
invariants, e.g.
ve = !vrms, swhere
acrossthethe TNTI
! is the entrainment constant.
ij will be compared by means of
is characterized
rate-of-strain s2 = sijsby the pres- Six
Lid-driven cavity
runs each
at were
directions, view
(a) Schematic
90◦ performed
to the laser
for clear
of the experimental se
and defin
ij. An-
for aqueous dilute poly!ethylene oxide" solutions at two con-
velocity derivatives!, with a particular emphasis on viscous other ence
a thin layer the that is called$“viscous
eigenvalues superlayer” by
k and eigenvectors driven cavity flow. The cavity is cubical, i.e. B = H =
centrations of 25 and 50 wppm. We detect the TNTI by using
dissipation "rate-of-strain! and enstrophy and the production %k "k =Ref.
1 , 2 ,23, in the
analogy to the viscoustensor.sublayer
Capital in wall-bounded

Why these? because we need a) small scale derivatives of velocity -

3! of rate-of-strain letters "e.g. z direction.
the method based on the out-of-plane vorticity component
terms, !i! jsij and sijs jkski. Then, we proceed with a detailed S! and lower case letters denote the time averaged and turbulent
flows, through which vorticity “diffuses” from the tur-
described in Ref. 25. For the sake of brevity we briefly de-
analysis of the relevant quantities on the scales of fluctuating bulenttoquantities,
the irrotational side. Qualitatively
respectively. Angular brackets the viscosity-related
#·$ indicate
scribe only the main steps: !a" the out-of-plane vorticity
dissipation, stretching, etc. b) optical access and not very fast ows to spatialmechanism
velocity and Reynolds averaged quantities, namely mean ve- was predicted a long time ago, but only recently
averages with the exception of the typical notation of and %Saringer,
locity field U, mean rate-of-strain and enstrophy, Reynolds it became clear that the underlying physical process is the component z is estimated1980;
using theHinch, 1977;two-
two-component, Rallison, 198
#uiu j$ for the Reynolds stresses. dimensional velocity vector fields, as !v / !x − !u / !y, !b" the
stresses #uiu j$, and ultimately we focus on the TKE produc- viscous interaction of vorticity and rate of strain that occurs sults show, polymer molecules in the lid-drive
get PTV well, c) a known energy input, d) high shear somewhere in the
tion P = −#uiu j$Sij. Section IV incorporates a summary and
on the small!est" turbulent scales.24–27 Reference 27 also
shows that
III. RESULTS AND the local entrainment velocity ua across the inter-
face is proportional to the Kolmogorov velocity u". We will
threshold %z! is chosen above the noise level using a semiau-
tion ystudies
at which of
!c" at every
%z!. This
%z &non
x, we infindthe corners.
the lowest
location definesfluids
posi- Similar o
the instanta-
Newtonian in a similar
showwethat extend
et al. (2000). Therefore, due to the complex n
tion the
of the
both, the elsewhere
on the
2 effect of polymers
overall propaga-
This also
neous interface position, i.e., '!x , t" = y !!x , t".

A detailed description of the three-dimensional particle meanssuch

quantities, thatasweenstrophy
measure ! the , rate-of-strain s2 = sijon sij,the
andsmall define a single Deborah number that uniquely
Liberzon et al (2005, 2006, 2009 )
tracking velocimetry "3D-PTV! technique "along with the
thorough error analysis which we also omit here for the sake
and large scales
their respective
we presentWe anbegin
of theterms,
our of
flow. !i! jsij and −sijs jkski. Next,
fluctuatingwith avelocity,
the comparison
Reynolds of ation time.
A. Qualitative results:Our experience
Modified shape shows that Polyox
of shortness! can be found in Lüthi et al.40 and the facility is stress the interface
tensor, shape and will
and anisotropy. Thenthen we test
to the meanthe theoretical
flow of turbulent/nonturbulent
flows generated interface
by rotating smooth or baffled d
described in details in Ref. 34. Here we summarize only the prediction
properties. We complete for thethe spreading
section with of turbulence
a study onfrom a planar
the cor-
main features of both. The experiment was performed in a relationsource
between in time also holdsstresses
the Reynolds for polymer
and the solutions. We are fi-
mean rate-of-
by the Refs.
Following oscillating grid
23 and 29 the TNTIapparatus (Liberzon et
can be represented
in general as a convoluted surface '!x , z , t" or specifically in
glass tank, 120" 120" 140 mm3, in water and in dilute nally interested to measure the
strain, referred to as production of TKE, shown here in ! entrainment constant its. Sec- mean
the case of ashear rates were
two-dimensional also below
representation the onset leve
as a curve
tion II describes the oscillating grid facility and the method
schematically in Figure 2-2a, and pictured in Figure 2-3. In principle, two cameras in the
polymer eects on turbulence
configuration are sufficient in order to determine the three coordinates of a
particle in the space; three or four cameras are used though, due to ambiguities ± particles
overlaps, limited ability to distinguish particles, and more. The flow is illuminated by a
collimated laser beam, or by another source of light. There is no restriction on the light to be
coherent or monochromatic and only its luminance has to be sufficient to illuminate the
observational volume.

(a) (b)

F igure 2-2 ± Basic elements of a P T V system

T he cameras record the illuminated flow-mar kers (flow tracers) at the observation volume; recorded data
is kept in the storage unit. Next the data is processed using the computing system.
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence

2-5PTV algorithm
± P T V processing scheme 5.4. Object space based tracking techniques

W illneff, 2003).



2-6 ± Stereo-matching
The important thing is that we measure directly the full
-matching is based on epipolar geometry (see 2.62.6 below2.6).
gradient tensor along the particle trajectories: ∂ i /∂ j
and its evolution in time.
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Counter-rotating disks w/o baes, quasi-isotropic ow in

the center On turbulent kinetic energy production

Weak mea
much smal
vational v
which abo
vational vo
from a 2
sampled si
scan, mon
rate of 60 H
The ro
of the tan
like the on
Of special interest is a variety of issue
Dilute polymer eects onWe start with presenting results on the most expected
aspect of the influence of the polymers on the small scale the modification of the evolution and stret
Experiments structures of turbulent flow—suppression of the field of elements. Since they are purely Lagrangia
Rotating disks strain. Indeed, it is seen from Fig. 2!a" that even at relatively intimately related to the stretching of poly
low concentrations !20 wppm" the field of strain is reduced by turbulence in which the history of deform
substantially as compared to the flow of pure water. This to play an essential role. Again the expect
Velocity derivatives and
reduction is especially stronghigher
at large strainmoments:
values, where it vorticity,
the strain
stretching of material lines lil jsij and

ωωs −s s s
is up to two orders of magnitude. Strain reduction in the should be reduced in the presence of poly
and their production
presence of polymers isterms, i,
a result of reduction of production
ij ij
deed the case as shown in Fig. 3!a". Note t
jk ki

FIG. 2. PDFs of
of strain produc
enstrophy produc
!solid lines" an
!dashed lines".
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Stretching rates,Turbulence
031707-3 eigenvalues,
in dilute polymeralignments

FIG. 3. !a" Tim

of material lines
mogorov time
PDFs of the eig
the curves are fr
cos!l , Wl,s", Wl,s
different time m
polymer solution
and both are chosen to have the same PDFs initially. They = !!ui / !xk"Bkj along a fluid particle trajectory with the initia
evolve in polymer eects
such a way thatonthe
alignment of material lines l condition Bij!0" = #ij, see, e.g., Ref. 16. Thus the matrix Bij!t
and theExperiments
largest stretching eigenvector "1, and also of material carries all the information on the history of evolution of ma
lines l and disks vector Wl,s
the stretching i = l jsij are weaker at later terial lines from some initial moment till some chosen time
times in the polymer solution, compared to the flow of pure and its properties are expected to be changed in a turbulen
water #Figs. 3!c" and 3!d"$. This effect becomes stronger flow of dilute polymer solution as compared to that of pur
when conditioned on large related quantities
strain. Vorticity makes a consid-- Cauchy-Green
water. tensor
erable contribution to the mutual geometry of material lines The simplest information is contained in the Cauchy
the eigenframe of the rate of strain due to tilting of the Green tensor Wij = BikBkj. The eigenvalues wi of the tenso
material lines,15 though this contribution is not changed sub- Wij reflect the deformation of elementary material volume

FIG. 4. !a" Time evolution of the mean values of the eigenvalues of the Cauchy–Green tensor, ln!wi", and !b" PDF of the second invariant of th
Cauchy–Green tensor Q!W", for different time moments, for water !solid lines" and polymer solution !dashed lines".

`i (t ) = Bij (t )`(0), dBij /dt = (∂ ui /∂ xk ) Bkj , Bij (0) = δij ,

Downloaded 18 Apr 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
Wij = Bik Bkj
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Stretching dynamics of innitesimal material lines through a

single tensor
`i (t ) = Bij (t ) `j (0), dBij /dt = (∂ ui /∂ xk ) Bkj Bij (0) = δij

`i `j sij = Bik Bjm sij `k (0)`m (0) ≡ Tkm (t )`k (0)`m (0)
Tkm (t )`(0)`m (0) = `2 (0) Ti cos2 (`(0), τi )
h`i `j sij i = hTi i × hcos2 (`0 , τi )i = h`2 (0)ihT1 + T2 + T3 i

1. trace tr (T ) is positive on average

2. empirically found that one eigenvalue is three orders of
magnitude larger than others
3. it was shown to be strongly reduced in dilute polymers ow
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

031707-4 Liberzon et al.

Strong reduction of the stretching eigenvalue in polymers

ing from
lief is th
be true a
results a
and we
further e
come po
and dire
der Gran
FIG. 5. PDF of the first eigenvalue !1 of the T matrix for water !solid lines"
and polymer solution !dashed lines" for different time moments. 1
B. A. To
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Intermediate summary

I Probing directly the stretching of molecules by following

rate-of-strain tensor evolution along trajectories.

I stretching is aected more than the ow quantities themselves,

along with eigenvalues of the Cauchy-Green tensor because of
the history eect

I the changes are at the smallest scales, as shown by production

terms of vorticity and strain

I the changes are not quantitative but also qualitative - change

of alignments
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Does the way of the energy input matter?

We compare results
125101-4obtained with
Liberzon et al. bues and smooth disks

FIG. 3. PDFs of "

#i# jsij, for the fou
smooth disks, solid
forced by smooth d
forced by baffles; 3
mers, dotted line "¯
mean values extra
figure, in the same
and 5.4 s−2; "b! 18
2.0, 1.5, and 0.4 s−
Kolmogorov time
approximately 0.3–
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

R-Q maps in dilute On turbulent kinetic energy production

FIG. 5. PDF of th
average values are
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

TKE changes in baes/smooth Phys.

disksFluids 18, 125101 !2006"

FIG. 5. PDF of the turbulent kinetic energy, u2, for the four flow cases:
average values are 12, 7.5, 8.6, and 8.8" 10−5 m2 s−2.
Dilute polymer eects onSmoothturbulence
disks Disks with baffles

Experiments water polymer water polymer

! / #S $disks 0.62
2 1/2
0.68 0.63 0.70
!S2 / #S2$1/2 0.097 −0.02 0.04 −0.09
!3S / #S2$1/2 −0.72 −0.66 −0.67 −0.61

TKE production and terms

diate, second eigenvalue, !S2. Irrespective of the type of forc-

2 is shifted
ing, the intermediate eigenvalue !Phys. from
Fluids 18, positive
125101 !2006"
to negative values. This is presumably another invariant and
rate-of-strain objective indication of the modified structure of turbulent
ed in the four flow in the bulk, and this indication is independent of the
way the large scales were produced !either by smooth or very
rough disks". This is less noteworthy by itself, but it is inter-
h baffles
esting in conjunction with the following results on the pro-
polymer duction of turbulent kinetic energy.
D. Turbulent kinetic energy production
and its eigencontributions
The focus in this section is on the effect of a dilute
polymer on the production of turbulent kinetic energy,
P = −#uiu j$Sij, in the bulk. We present first the PDF of the
production term, P, in Fig. 9. The plot allows for the com-
ype of forc- parison between the various flow cases of the dimensional
om positive quantity P and the nondimensional quantity P̂, normalized
variant and by the average values of the mean turbulent kinetic energy,
of turbulent #u2$ and rms of the mean rate-of-strain tensor, %#S2$. The
dent of the results clearly indicate that polymers reduce the production FIG. 9. PDFs of the turbulent kinetic energy production, P !top, average
ooth or very of TKE in the case of smooth disks, and seemingly also in values 11.5, 1.9, 9.8, and 8.6% 10−6 m2 s−3" and nondimensional P, normal-
t it is inter- the case of disks with baffles. One may argue that the com- ized by #u2$ and #S2$1/2 !average values 0.15, 0.07, 0.17, and 0.17".
on the pro- parison is “unfair” and we must compare the flow in a nor-
malized, nondimensional way. Therefore, we normalize the
TKE production term P = −#uiu j$Sij with the rms of velocity
ciated with the eigenvalues of the mean rate-of-strain tensor.
fluctuations !square root of #u2$ values given in Fig. 5" and
The eigencontributions are defined as follows:49
rms of S !square root of #S2$ given in Fig. 8". In the case of
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

cos (hu u iSi j ij ) - dimensionless quantity, related to the

structure of turbulence
125101-9 On turbulent kinetic energy production

in t
to t
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Rotating disks

Intermediate summary

I reduction of viscous dissipation and TKE production in the

bulk is separated from boundary layer eects

I changes are structural: angles of alignments, correlations, R-Q


I Reynolds stress tensor and the mean rate-of-strain tensor

misalignment - turbulence is dierent.
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

Oscillating grid apparatus - shearless turbulence + interface

035107-2 Liberzon et al.
+ entrainment

supporting linear motor 120 description of the

frame grid velocity method are given
(mm/s) 0
parameters only. T
−120 with water or aque
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
±ε t(s) of Polyox WSR 3
vertically oscillatin
y field of view z bars of d = 1 mm,
laser erated in a closed
sheet runs at a frequency
x For the PIV me
grid Ultima APX" was
4 mm
an exposure time o
25 W Ar-ion laser
200 mm into a planar lase
through the midpla
glass Fig. 1. The field o
camera tends over the who
front view top view the light scattered
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

Most signicant change - the interface shape

107-3 On turbulent entrainment and dissipation Phys. Fluids 21, 035107

a) b) (s -1 )
x 2

y (mm)
y 0
ζ (x, t ) −2
αw 100
0 100 200
(s -1 )
y (mm)

0 100 200

2. !Color online" !a" Schematic description and definitions of the frame of reference and notations and !inset" typical shape of the interface for d
s of vrms / ua, according to Ref. 29. !b" Interface shape of the turbulent front propagating under an oscillating grid. The upper panel is clear water
r one dilute polymer solution, respectively. Contours and colors represent instantaneous distributions of the out-of-plane component of vorticity
ence 29 obtained the following relation, which describes the lent front in water and dilute polymer solutions. The first
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
angle " formed by re-entrant zones of interfacial wedges, result in Fig. 3 shows the evolution in time of the depth of
sketched in Fig. 2!a": the turbulent layer H!t". Three curves are plotted represent-

# $
Oscillating grid ing water, a 25 wppm and a 50 wppm polymer solution,
ua respectively. Each curve is an average over six experimental
" = sin−1 . !2"
2vrms + ua runs, the error bars in the left !linear scale" panel or scatter
Front propagation
From this relation and
it is clear that the entrainment
smaller the ratio !log-log scale" in the right panel represent the variance. In
each run small spurious vertical velocity values due to the
something is dierent in this turbulence
ua / vrms—the deeper the wedges and the higher their aspect
ratio. Visual comparison for the shape of TNTI between wa- secondary flow typical for the rectangular tanks of small vol-
ter and polymer flow, shown in Fig. 2!b", qualitatively dem- ume were subtracted before the analysis.
onstrates that the aspect ratio of large scale interfacial Reference 28 analyzed the propagation of a turbulent
wedges is increased by polymers. Unfortunately, the spatial flow, driven by the planar energy source !e.g., vertically os-

K (mm2 s−1 )

6 100 t1/2

0 20 40
H (cm)

H (cm)
C (ppmw) water
50 ppm
25 ppm

water 50 ppm 25 ppm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10
t (s) t (s)

FIG. 3. !Color online" Depth of the turbulent layer, H!t", in water and dilute polymer solutions of 25 and 50 ppm, shown as symbols in linear !left" and log-log
!right" scales. The curves represent the best fit of the form H = %Kt. Inset: the values of K as a function of concentration.

H = Kt , K - eective grid action
Downloaded 03 Sep 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

velocity and length scales

035107-4 Liberzon et al. Phys. Fluids 21, 035107 !2009"

10 1
u [mm/s]

v [mm/s]

L [mm]
0 10
25 ppm
50 ppm
t−1/2 0
0 1 10 0 1 0 1
10 t [s] 10 10 10 10 t [s] 10
t [s]

FIG. 4. #Color online! Horizontal #left!, vertical #center!, and length #right! scales estimate, measured at the TNTI. Solid lines indicate slopes t!1/2.

cillating grid! in time and predicted H = "Kt. Reference 25 turbulence. For water, 25 and 50 ppm data we obtain $w
recently verified this prediction for clear water in our appa- = 0.77, $25 = 0.68, and $50 = 0.70! 0.07, respectively.
ratus. In the present study we extend this analysis to dilute We note that the reduced entrainment rate in oscillation
polymer solutions. From regression analysis using H#t! grid flow of drag-reducing fluids reminds of other free shear
= K1/2tn or ln#H! = 1 / 2 ln#K! + n ln#t! #Ref. 25! we obtained flows, for example, jets, mixing layers, and wakes. With
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

Analytical exercise to explain the modied shape and

entrainment coecient
using Phillips 1972 method and multi-fractal description of the interface geometry
energy ux ε ∝ vrms
3 /L, energy dissipation ε = 2νhs s i,
ν ij ij viscous
dissipation εv = δε, polymer dissipation εp = (1 − δ)ε
1/4 −1/4
ve AL = uη Aη , uη = ν 1/4 ε1/4 ≈ C 1/4 vrms L ,

η 2−d L1/3 ε1/2 1/4 −1/12 −1/4
Aη ≈ AL L ≈ AL ν 1/4 ≈ AL L C 1/3 1/ 12 vrms L ν
ve = β vrms , C = δ C∗ , β ≈ δ C∗1 / 3

β - entrainment constant: water - βw ≈ 0.8 polymers - βp ≈ 0.7

⇒δ ≈ 0.72
70% of energy input is dissipated by viscous eddies
30% of energy input is dissipated by polymers
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

The ratio of viscous dissipation to energy injection δ as a

function of Deborah number
ment and dissipation De = τ /τη
Phys. Fluids 21, 035107 !2009"

L . "4#
lowing relation based on frac-


1/12 1/4 −1/12 −1/4

vrmsL " . "5#
"5# into Eq. "3# and invoking
determine % via the measured
w % = 1 by definition and with
6. Therefore, with $ p = 0.7 we
72% of the energy input is
while 28% is dissipated by the
stent with our estimates of %
mber range, obtained using an-
tating disks.10,18
FIG. 5. "Color online# Dependence of % = #" / #i on the Deborah number. '
he most important dimension- marks the numerical results "Ref. 6#, a triangle marks the result of Ouellette
the effects of polymers in tur- et al. "Ref. 34; see also Ref. 9#, + is for Ref. 18, and the circle denotes the
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Oscillating grid

Oscillating grid summary

I propagation of turbulent front changed due to the shape of the

front that changed substantially

I polymer reduced entrainment constant, β

I we can estimate that polymers dissipate about 30% of the
energy (in respect to u 3 /L).
I to be continued with jets: polymer in polymer, polymer in
water, etc.
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Lid driven cavity ow

 

Figure 1: (a) Schematic view of the experimental setup. The camera imaging axis is
aligned at 90◦ to the laser sheet. (b) Schematic definition of the flow regions in the lid-
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Mean ow doesn't know much about polymers

 
  

 

   
  

       

Figure 2: Mean flow field, arrows denote the two-dimensional velocity field U, V and
background color emphasizes the velocity magnitude, normalized with the belt speed, Ub .
(color on line)
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Turbulent intensity, autocorrelation and spectrum: weaker

turbulence, larger scales, reduced small scales

  

 


  

Figure 3: (a) PDF of turbulent intensity , !u2 + v 2 "0.5 /!U 2 + V 2 "0.5 (b) velocity autocorre-
lation function, ρ(r) = !u(x) u(x + r)"/!u2 " and (c) spectrum of the fluctuating velocity,
E(k) of water (circles) and polymers (squares).

Figure 3b and (c), respectively (bold symbols denote two component vec-
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

POD (proper orthogonal decomposition) strengthens the

small scale depletion hypothesis
Part I. Distribution of energy among the scales/basis functions

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  
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

POD modes
Part II. Depletion of small scales, transfer of energy upscale, organization of patterns
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Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Reynolds stress - not only the amplitude, but also the

distribution important

 

 


 

 



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           

Figure 6: Reynolds stress distributions for water (a) and dilute polymer solution (b) flows,
respectively. Color level is of the Reynolds stress magnitude, −"u v#, [mm/s]2 . The arrows
  
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence  
Lid driven cavity
           

Figure 6: Reynolds stress distributions for water (a) and dilute polymer solution (b) flows,
PDF respectively.
of the Reynolds stresses and TKE production show
Color level is of the Reynolds stress magnitude, −"u v#, [mm/s]2 . The arrows
show the direction of the lid velocity, from right to left.
usual decrease

 
  



 
     

Figure 7: Probability density functions of (a) Reynolds stresses, −"uv#, (b) turbulent
kinetic energy production term, −"uv#Suv . Both quantities are normalized in respect to
the lid velocity, Ub .
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Joint PDF of turbulent velocity components show

decorrelation of velocity components

   

 

 
     

   

Figure 8: Joint PDF of the horizontal (u) and the vertical (v) components of turbulent
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Joint statistics of Reynolds stress and mean strain show

dierent behaviour


  

Figure 9: Scatter plots and the regression lines of the Reynolds stresses, −"uv# versus the
mean strain field, Suv . Each quantity is normalized with the respective r.m.s., emphasizing
the distribution and the correlation of water (circles), fresh polymer solution (squares).
Respective correlation values are 0.12, -0.02, respectively.
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Mixed type quantities transfer information up-scale

∂huv i/∂ y − 
2 ∂/∂ x v − u
2 2 =

hω × uix =
hωy w i − hωz v i
top panel (a,b):
hωz v i
bottom panel (c,d):
∂huv i/∂ y
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence
Lid driven cavity

Lid-driven cavity results summary

I the eects in the order of increasing spatial scales: the

mixed-type relations that represent correlations between small
scales (velocity derivatives) and large scales (velocity), such
as< w × v > are modied considerably.
I Similar to those of strongly reduced derivatives of the Reynold
stresses, ∂ <uv >/∂ y and also to decreased Reynolds stresses

I Moreover, strongly reduced correlation between =<uv > and Suv

I Modication of the turbulent kinetic energy production,
=<uv >Suv
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence


I Polymers need Lagrangian approach and small scale derivatives

I Material lines are most sensitive sensors - history eect is

important in polymers (Cauchy-Green tensor dynamics)

I Flow changes are complex: alignments, intermittent

rheological eects, etc. Probably cannot be explained using
simple parameters. Maybe can predict gross drag reduction.

I Turbulent entrainment is changed by reducing the curvature of

the interface. Not clear how, but linked to the strong gradients
at the interface and probably alignments of molecules. one can
estimate the amount of dissipation by polymers at 30%
Dilute polymer eects on turbulence


Although the smallest scale of the polymer action is not clear yet,
the chain of action appears as: production of velocity derivatives
due to misalignments with the eigenframe of strain eld, velocity
derivatives, mixed-type quantities ω × u , ∂huv i/∂ y , decorrelation
of velocity components, reduction of momentum transfer,
misalignment with the mean-rate-of-strain, Suv , hinted turbulent
kinetic energy production and consequent drag reduction (less
energy is spent on turbulence production).

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