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APP 具体动作内容翻译

1.1.30无极桩 Feet apart, toes forward, knees slightly bend (not passing your toes), body
前、侧、后 Wujizhuang (Static work of upright, shoulders sink, elbows hang, arms curve, palms face abdomen,
Infinity) head upright, and eyes forward.
起势-无极桩 Starting Posture: Feet together, knees straight, body upright, arms
Qishi-Wujizhuang (Opening naturally hang, palms face inward, head upright, and eyes forward.
form-Static work of infinity) Movement: Step sideway with your left foot at a little more than a
shoulder width distance, then slowly shift your gravity toward the middle,
then lift your arms up to shoulder level. Press your palms down to
abdomen level, then rotate the palms of your hands to face the abdomen.
Simultaneously bend your knees slightly.
End Posture: Wujizhuang (Stake of Infinity)
无极桩-收势 Starting Posture: Wujizhuang (Stake of Infinity)
Wujizhuang-Shoushi (Static Movement: Cross your hands with palms facing inward, then straighten
work of infinity-Closing your arms. Press the palms down to the sides of your body, and stand up.
form) Slowly shift your gravity from the middle to your right foot, then step back
with the left foot.
End Posture: Feet together, knees straight, body upright, arms naturally
hang, palms face inward, head upright, and eyes forward.
1.1.40 升降桩(下蹲)(年轻 可预先以两脚跟为轴使脚尖外展,两臂做起收势的动作,伴随慢慢下
前、侧 人) 蹲,下蹲时使躯干垂直于地面,确保两膝与脚尖在同一垂线上。上肢
Shengjiangzhuang(Static 在做升降时要注意沉肩坠肘。升伴随着吸气,降伴随着呼气。上肢动
work of up and down) (for 作向波浪一样。
the energetic and flexible) Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
Movement: Lift your arms up to shoulder level, squat slowly and inhale.
Lower your arms down to abdomen level, stand up and exhale.
End Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
1.1.50 升降桩(站立)(老年 注意速度,沉肩坠肘。升伴随着吸气,降伴随着呼气。
前、侧 人)Shengjiangzhuang Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
(Static work of up and Movement: Lift your arms up to shoulder level and inhale. Lower your
down)(for the moderate and arms down to abdomen level and exhale.
meditative) End Posture: Wujizhuang.
1.1.60 开合桩(下蹲)(年轻 下蹲姿势遵照升降桩。上肢开合时动作舒缓,自然,不能停顿。开合
前、侧 人) 需要三个维度。上肢动作像水的波纹一样。
Kaihezhuang (Static work of Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
open and close)(for the Movement: Spread your arms out and up to the shoulder level, squat
energetic and flexible) slowly and inhale. Move your arms back to abdomen level, stand up and
End Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
1.1.70 开合桩(站立)(老年 Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
前、侧 人)Kaihezhuang (Static Movement: Spread your arms out and up to the shoulder level and inhale.
work of open and close)(for Move your arms back to abdomen level and exhale.
the moderate) End Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
1.1.80 绕球桩(年轻 两臂由无极桩做升的动作,举至与肩同高后向下划半圆弧,然后再向
前、侧 人)Raoqiuzhuang (Static 上划半圆弧。
work of drawing ball) (for Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
the energetic and flexible) Movement: Lift your arms up to shoulder level and inhale. Lower your
arms in a circular motion down to abdomen level with palms facing up,
squat slowly and exhale. Raise your arms in circular motion up to shoulder
level with palms facing down, stand up and inhale. Lower your arms down
to abdomen level and exhale.
End Posture: Wujizhuang, toes face slightly outward.
1.1.90 绕球桩(老年 Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
前、侧 人)Raoqiuzhuang (Static Movement: Lift your arms up to shoulder level and inhale. Lower your
work of drawing ball) (for arms in a circular motion down to abdomen level with palms facing up,
the moderate) and exhale. Raise your arms in a circular motion up to shoulder level with
palms facing down, and inhale. Lower your arms down to abdomen level
and exhale.
End Posture: Wujizhuang.
1.1.100 起势、无极桩、升降桩、 不同人群的要求,练习次数的要求,练习时间的要求。
后 45 度 开合桩、绕球桩、收势 As shown, practicing Wujizhuang, Shengjiangzhuang, Kaihezhuang and
Raoqiuzhuang once as a continuous cycle. Beginner starts with practicing 3
Circle and its practice cycles for about 4 to 5 minutes. After two weeks, increase to 6 cycles for
about 8 to 10 minutes. After another two weeks, increase to 10 cycles for
about 15 minutes. As a beginner, you would need to focus on practicing
these basic exercises to experience the different aspects of Taijiquan
movements——slow, focused, circle or curve, cooperative, upright, etc., in
order to build muscle memory with these movements. Although these
basics may seem simple and easy to you, your mind needs to get used to
control your limbs to move, correct, experience, and improve the basic
1.2.10 掌型 从五指伸直并拢,过渡到杨式太极拳的展指、掌弧。
Palm Fingers spread, palm slightly curves.
1.2.20 拳型 从五指伸直并拢,过渡到杨式太极拳。四指自然卷曲,拇指弯曲放于
Fist 食指与中指处。
Four fingers clench, thumb wraps around your first and second knuckle.
Hold your fist loosely, not tightly.
1.2.30 勾型 从五指伸直并拢。
Hook All fingers are naturally together, wrist hooks.
1.2.40 弓步(躯干正对前方,躯 两腿前后站立,前膝弯曲,根据自己的情况决定弯曲的度数,高级是
干呈自然角度) 大腿与地面平行,初学者不必。后退自然弯曲,前后脚不在同一直线
Bow stance 上。膝盖与脚尖在同一条垂线上。躯干呈两种角度,一个是向前,一
Two feet should not be on the same line. Place your front foot slightly
outward, front toes point forward, back toes at 30-40 degree angle. Front
knee bends, high or low depending on your comfort level. Front knee is
above the toes. Back leg is naturally straight. Body and head are upright.
Bow stance has two styles, one is with body facing forward, and the other
at a 45-degree angle.
1.2.50 马步 两脚比无极桩略宽,可以屈膝,保持躯干与地面垂直。初学者马步
Horse riding stance 可以稍微高一些。
Feet apart at a distance of about three or four feet. Toes face forward.
Both knees bend, low or high depending on your comfort level, but keep
the body upright. We are not going to use the regular horse riding stance
in the form, but a similar one called transition horse riding stance. Start
from the bow stance. Back leg slowly bends, naturally shifting gravity back
to the middle and front heel to move back to a vertical position.
2.1.10 借用 1.1.1 视频和照片,讲 以脊柱、小臂、小腿为轴线转动为缠。
解缠的动作概念 Twisting, turning or pivoting around the limbs, torso or any lengthy part of
Chan the body is called "chan".
2.1.20 前、 Arm's twist and turn 以小臂为轴的内外缠。
侧 Turn or twist the forearm inside or outside.
2.1.30 腿的缠 以小腿(脚跟)为轴,脚尖向内、向外缠
Leg's Twisting and turning Foot pivots around the heel, making the toe rotate inside or outside.
of legs
2.1.40 脊柱的缠: 同上,讲解脊柱的缠。
Spine's twist or turn Head and torso twists around spine left or right.
2.1.50 借用 1.1.1 视频和照片,讲 以肩、肘、腕关节为轴向上向下、向内向外的绕动动作。
解绕的动作概念 Rotating and pivoting around shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ball of the
Rao foot, or any joint or point of the body is called "rao".
2.1.60 腕部绕的动作 腕部的上下绕动,太极拳的很多动作需要坐腕。
前、侧 Wrist rotations Hand rotates around the wrist in all directions.
2.1.70 肘部绕的动作 腕部的绕动。
前、侧 bending of the elbows Forearm rotates around the elbow to bend and straighten.
2.1.80 肩部的绕动动作 肩部的前后、左右、斜上下绕动
前、侧 Shoulder rotations Arm rotates around the shoulder in all directions.
2.1.90 脚的绕动动作 以脚掌为轴的绕
Foot rotations Heel rotates around the ball of the foot to turn right or left.
2.1.100 以腰为轴的躯干绕动 腰的前屈与还原。
Waist rotations Torso rotates around waist to lean forward and back.
2.1.110 三个基本面 阐述水平面、额状面、矢状面。讲解侧缠绕、平缠绕、立缠绕的基本
Three dimensions' plane 要领。
Almost all Taijiquan movements are based on circular swings in three basic
planes: horizontal, vertical, and side.
2.1.120 无极桩站立,两手背贴于 单手练习或练习下肢动作时,非练习手臂或下肢的姿势。
后腰 Legs stand in Wujizhuang position, while hands either put behind the back
Practicing pose or cross in front of the abdomen.
2.2.10 借用 1.1.8 视频绕球桩 侧向缠绕是以绕球桩为基础的各种侧向缠绕。它是以横向绕球桩的变
Side rotation 种。
Side rotation is basically arms swing in the side plane.
向内缠绕 Inside swing is basically right arm swings counterclockwise and the left
Swing inside clockwise.
向外缠绕 Outside swing is basically right arm swings clockwise and the left
Swing outside counterclockwise.
2.2.20 左右单臂向内缠绕 单臂从无极桩开始进行向内缠绕,随即内缠当绕至与肩同高时掌心向
前、后 Single arm swings inside 上,继续向内缠绕,当绕至脸部时,掌心向内,随即进行内缠,当绕
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, place the resting hand behind your back.
Movement: Swing your arm inside and look forward. When you swing to
the shoulder level, turn your palm up and look at the palm. When swing
in front of your face, turn the palm in and look at the palm. When you
swing to the other shoulder, turn the palm down and look forward. When
you swing in front of the abdomen, turn the palm in.
End: This movement is continuous. Repeat the same movement on the
opposite side.
2.2.50 掌心向上的左右单臂做向 单臂从无极桩开始进行向内缠绕,随即内缠当绕至与肩同高时掌心向
前、后 内侧缠绕 上,继续向内缠绕,当绕至脸部时,掌心向内,随即进行内缠,当绕
Swing inside with palm 至与肩同高时,掌心向上,手臂继续内缠至腹部,掌心始终向上。
facing up Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, place the resting hand behind your back.
Movement: Swing your arm inside and look forward. When you swing to
the shoulder level, turn your palm up and look at the palm. When you
swing in front of your face, turn the palm in and look at the palm. When
you swing to the other shoulder, turn the palm down and look forward.
When you swing in front of the abdomen, turn the palm in.
End: This movement is continuous. Repeat the same movement on the
opposite side.
2.2.30 双臂同时向内侧缠绕 从无极桩开始,单臂向内侧缠绕动作掌握之后,双臂同时向内缠绕也
前、后 Both arms swing inside 非常简单,要注意两臂同时旋转,即两臂在绕至外侧与肩同高时,掌
simultaneously. 心向上,在绕至脸部时掌心向内,绕至内侧肩部时掌心向下,绕至腹
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: Swing both arms inside together. When you swing to the
shoulder level, turn your palms up. When you swing in front of your face,
turn the palms in. When you swing to the other shoulder, turn the palms
down. When you swing in front of your abdomen, turn your palms in.
End: This movement is continuous. Repeat the same movement on the
opposite side.
2.2.40 双臂异时向内侧缠绕, 任意单臂从无极桩开始首先向内缠绕半圈,当手臂绕至脸部时,另一
前、后 (搂膝拗步的部分动作) 臂开始向内缠绕。两臂的动作跟单臂向内缠绕一样,只是不同时,当
Both arms swing inside 两臂绕至与肩同高时外侧手掌心向上,内侧手掌心向下;一掌绕至脸
alternatively, partial 部且掌心向内,另一掌一定是在腹前且掌心向下。
movement of Louxi’aobu Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
(Brush knee and push palm) Movement: Swing both arms inside to your right shoulder level with right
palm facing up and left down, and start looking at the right palm. Then
swing your right arm up and left down. When the right hand swing in front
of your face and the left in front of your abdomen, turn both palms in and
look at the right palm. Then swing both arms inside to the left shoulder
level with right palm facing down and left up, and start looking at the left
palm. Then swing your right arm down in front of your abdomen and left
up in front of your face, turn both palms in and look at the left palm.
End: This movement is continuous.
2.2.60 左右单臂向外侧缠绕. 从无极桩开始,向外缠绕,绕至外侧与肩同高时掌心向上,绕至脸部
前、后 Single arm swings outside 时掌心向外,绕至外侧与肩同高时掌心向下,绕至腹前时,掌心向
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, place the resting hand behind your back.
Movement: Swing your arm outside your body. When you swing to the
shoulder level, turn your palm up and look at it. When you swing in front
of your face, turn the palm in and keep looking at it. When you swing to
the other shoulder, turn your palm down and look forward. When you
swing in front of the abdomen, turn the palm in. Look at your palm when it
swings up to the shoulder level and above, and look forward when it
swings below the shoulder level.
End: This movement is continuous. Repeat the same movement on the
opposite side.
2.2.70 双臂同时向外侧缠绕 双臂从无极桩开始同时向外侧缠绕动作掌握之后,双臂同时向外缠绕
前、后 Both arms swing outside 也非常简单,要注意两臂同时缠绕,即两臂在绕至外侧与肩同高时,
simultaneously. 掌心向下,在绕至脸部时掌心向外,绕至外侧肩部时掌心向上,绕至
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: Swing both arms outside. When you swing to the shoulder
level, turn your palms up. When you swing in front of your face, turn the
palms in. When you swing to the other shoulder, turn your palms down.
When you swing in front of your abdomen, turn the palms in.
End: This movement is continuous.
2.2.80 双臂异时向外侧缠绕(云 始于无极桩,任意单臂开始向外缠绕,绕至脸部时,另一臂开始向外
前、后 手的上肢动作) 缠绕。两臂的动作跟单臂向外缠绕一样,只是不同时,当两臂绕至与
Both arms swing outside at 肩同高时外侧手掌心向下,外侧手掌心向上;一掌绕至脸部且掌心向
the different time, arms’ 外,另一掌一定是在腹前且掌心也向外。
movement of Yunshou Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
(Waving hands like clouds) Movement: Swing both arms outside your body alternatively to your right
shoulder level with right palm facing in and left up, and start looking at the
left palm. Then swing your right arm down and left up, when the right
swing in front of your abdomen and the left in front of your face, turn both
palms in and keep looking at the left palm. Then swing both arms outside
to the left shoulder with right palm facing up and left down, and start
looking at your right palm. Then move your right arm up in front of your
face and left down in front of your abdomen, turn both palms in and look
at the right palm.
End: This movement is continuous.
2.2.90 两臂分别向内向外侧向缠 (左臂向外,右臂向内,即两臂逆时针缠绕)两臂自然伸直置于身体左
前、后 绕(揽雀尾的部分动作) 侧,掌与肩同高,左掌向下,右掌线上,然后左臂向外缠绕,右臂向
One swings inside, the other 内侧缠绕,即两臂同时做逆时针缠绕至身体右侧,两掌与肩同高,右
outside, half circle, partial 掌向上,左掌向内。
movement of Lanquewei (左臂向内,右臂向外,即两臂顺时针缠绕)两臂自然伸直置于身体
(Grasping peacock’s tail) 右侧,掌与肩同高,左掌向上,右掌线下,然后左臂向内缠绕,右臂
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Both arms are on your
right side and up to shoulder level. Right palm facing up and left up. Look
at the left palm.
Movement: Swing your right arm inside and left outside. When you swing
to the abdomen level, turn your left palm in, keep the right palm up, and
turn your head to the right. When you swing to the right shoulder, keep
the left palm in and right up, keep turning your head to the right, look at
the right palm.
End Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Both arms are on your
right side, right palm facing up and left in. Look at your right palm.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.2.100 前、 左右抱球(野马分鬃和揽 两臂始于无极桩,任意一臂向内缠绕,另一臂向外缠绕,两臂呈抱球
后 雀尾的部分动作) 状。
Left and right holding ball. Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Partial movements of Movement: Shift your gravity from the middle to your right foot. Swing
Yemafenzong(Parting wild right arm inside up to right shoulder level with palm facing down. Swing
horse’s mane) and left arm outside down to abdomen level with palm facing up. Repeat the
Lanquewei (Grasping same movement on the opposite side.
peacock’s tail) End Posture: Gravity on one foot, the same-side arm is up to shoulder
level with palm facing down, the other arm is down to abdomen level with
palm facing up. This movement is continuous.
2.3.10 平缠绕 开合桩是平缠绕的基础,各种平缠绕都是开合桩的变种。
Horizontal Rotation Horizontal Rotation is basically arms swinging in horizontal plane.
2.3.20单臂腰腹外缠绕 右臂腰腹缠绕:右脚在前脚尖向前,左脚在后脚尖向左,右掌置于腰
前、侧、后 Single arm swings outside 左外侧且掌心向下,以腰为轴,带动肩、肘、腕绕动,掌心始终向
around abdomen 下,沿腰腹向外绕动,绕至腰右侧,掌心向下,坐腕。
Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, right toes turn to the right, and left
toes slightly turns inside. Your body turns to the right at a 45-degree angle.
Right arm is in front of your abdomen, and left arm behind your back.
Right palm facing down. Look right.
Movement: No requirements for legs, move freely in unison with your
arms. Body turns right to face forward. Swing your arm outside and
around your abdomen.
End Posture: Body facing forward. Right palm is on your right side and
down to abdomen level, palm facing down.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.30单臂胸腹外缠绕,手心向 右臂胸腹缠绕:右脚在前脚尖向前,左脚在后脚尖向左,右掌始于腰
前、侧、后 上 腹左侧,掌心向上,身体与头面向右前 45 度;开始绕动,使右掌绕
Single arm swings around 至右肩前侧且与肩同高,掌心向上,同时眼看右掌。
abdomen and chest with Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, right toes turn to the right, and left
palm up toes slightly turns inside. Your body turns to the right at a 45-degree angle.
Right arm is in front of your abdomen, and left arm behind your back.
Right palm facing down. Look right.
Movement: No requirements for legs, move freely in unison with your
arms. Body turns slightly to the right. Swing your arm outside and around
your abdomen and chest.
End Posture: Body facing right at a 60-degree angle. Right palm is on your
right side and down to the shoulder level, with palm facing up. Repeat the
same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.31单臂胸腹外缠绕,手心向 右臂胸腹缠绕:右掌始于腰腹左侧,掌心向内,身体与头面向右前 45
前、侧、后 内 度;开始绕动,使右掌绕至右肩前侧且与肩同高,掌心向内,同时眼
Single arm swings around 看右掌。
abdomen and chest with Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, right toes turn to the right, and left
palm in toes slightly turns inside. Your body turns to the right at a 45-degree angle.
Right arm is in front of your abdomen, and left arm behind your back.
Right palm facing down. Look right.
Movement: No requirements for legs, move freely in unison with your
arms. Body turns slightly to the right. Swing your arm outside and around
your abdomen and chest.
End Posture: Body facing right at a 60-degree angle. Right palm is on your
right side and down to the shoulder level, with palm facing up. Repeat the
same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.40单推掌 腿部姿势:无极桩
前、侧、后 Push palm 右推掌:右臂始于身体右侧,右掌与肩同高,掌心向上,眼看右掌,
身体右转 30-40 度;旋腰转脊带动肩,屈臂,掌心冲头,然后坐腕前
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Body faces forward.
Left arm behind your back. Right arm is up on your right shoulder level
with palm facing up. Look at your right palm
Movement: Bend your arm. Palm moves toward your face, and turn your
body left. Palm turns forward after passing your head, keep turning your
body. Keep looking at your right palm
End Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Right arm pushes forward
and up to the shoulder level. Palm facing out. Look at your right palm.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
Combinations of horizontal swing and side swing
2.3.50单推掌连贯动作,两臂同 始于无极桩,右臂侧绕至与肩同高掌心向上,同时左臂上台至与肩同
前、侧、后 时(倒卷肱完整上肢动 掌心向上;然后开始右掌曲臂掌心冲头,同时收回左掌(即左臂做掌
作) 心向上的侧缠绕动作),两掌相遇与胸腹前左掌心向上有掌心缠绕至
Push palm alternatively. 斜前方,然后继续做推右掌,手左掌的动作,右掌推至右肩前侧,左
Upper movement of 掌绕至腰左外侧。第二遍动作(推左掌,收右掌),右掌外旋至手心
Daojuanhong(Whirl arms on 向上,同时左掌掌心向上绕至与左肩同高。
both side), a combination of Starting Posture: Wujizhuang
push palm and inside side Movement for one side: Lift both arms up to the shoulder level, with left
swing. arm forward and right arm on your right side, both palms facing up. Then
push the right arm forward, and pull back the left arm (Note: left arm
actually does an inside quarter swing with palm facing up). Look at your
right palm.
End posture for one side: Right palm pushes forward up to shoulder level
with palm facing out. Left palm on your left side and down to abdomen
level with palm facing up. Keep looking at your right palm
Movement for the other side: Turn your right palm up, and lift your left
arm on your left side up to shoulder level. Then push your left arm forward
and pull back your right arm. Look at your left palm.
End posture for the other side: Left palm pushes forward up to shoulder
level with palm facing out. Right palm on your right side and down to
abdomen level with palm facing up. Keep looking at your left palm.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side. This movement is
2.3.60 前、 推掌和腰腹外缠绕的组合 推右掌与绕左掌:左脚在前脚尖向前,右脚在后脚尖向右,右臂自然
侧、后 (搂膝拗步部分动作) 伸直置于右肩外且与肩同高掌心向上,左掌置于腰右外侧掌心向下;
A combination of push palm 左臂腰腹外缠绕止于身体左侧,坐腕,掌心向下,右臂推掌,两臂须
and swing outside around 同时完成。
abdomen, partial movement Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, left toes face left side, out to the and
of Louxi’aobu (Brush knee right toes face slightly inside. Your body turns left at a 45-degree angle.
and push palm). Left arm is in front of your abdomen with palm facing down, and right arm
is on your right and up to the right shoulder level with palm facing up.
Look at your right palm.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Push you right arm, and simultaneously swing left arm
outside and around abdomen. Keep looking at your right palm.
End Posture: Body facing left. Right arm is pushed in front of your body
with palm facing out. Left arm is on you left and down to abdomen level.
Look forward. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.70 前、 推掌与掌心向内的胸腹外 (以推右掌开左掌为例)右臂自然伸直右肩外且与肩同高掌心向上,
侧、后 缠绕(揽雀尾部分动作) 左掌置于腰右外缠掌心向向内,右臂开始做推掌的动作,左臂开始做
A combination of push palm 开的动作但速度要慢,至两臂十字交叉于胸前,继续做右推左开的动
and single arm swings 作,绕至两臂呈自然弧形姿势。
outside around abdomen Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, left toes turn left side, and right toes
and chest with palm in, turn slightly inside. Your body turns left at a 45-degree angle. Both arms
partial movement of are on your right side. Right palm facing up, and left in. Look at the right
Lanquewei (Grasping palm.
peacock’s tail). Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Push your right arm, and simultaneously swing left arm
outside around your chest. Cross palms in front of your chest, with right
palm facing out and left in. Keep looking at your right palm.
End Posture: Body facing left at a 60-degree angle. Palms are crossed in
front of your chest with right palm facing out and left in. Look forward.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.71 前、 内侧缠绕与掌心向内的胸 以抱球姿势为起势(以右臂在上掌心向下,左臂在下掌心向上为例,
侧、后 腹外缠绕(揽雀尾的部分 脊柱右转 45 度角为例,即右抱球),右臂做内侧缠绕,同时左臂做
动作) 高开合桩中开的动作,右臂绕至腰右外侧掌心向下,左臂绕至左肩前
A combination of swing 侧,掌心向内。(不连续做,分开做,也就是说起势就是从绕球开
inside and single arm swings 始。)
outside around abdomen Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, left toes turn left, and right toes turn
and chest with palm in, slightly inside. Your body turns left at a 45-degree angle. Both arms are on
partial movement of your right side. Right arm is up to shoulder level with palm facing down;
Lanquewei (Grasping left arm is down to abdomen level with palm facing up. Look forward.
peacock’s tail). Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Swing your right arm inside (a quarter) and down to
abdomen level with palm facing down. Swing your left arm outside around
your abdomen and chest with palm facing in. Keep looking forward.
End Posture: Body faces left at a 60-degree angle. Right palm is on your
right side down to abdomen level, with the palm facing down. Left palm is
on your right side down to shoulder level, with the palm facing in. Look
forward. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.3.80 前、 内侧缠绕与掌心向上的胸 以抱球姿势为起势(以右臂在上掌心向下,左臂在下掌心向上为例,
侧、后 腹外缠绕(野马分鬃的部 脊柱右转 45 度角为例,即右抱球),右臂做内侧缠绕,同时左臂做
分动作) 高平缠绕,右臂绕至腰右外侧掌心向下,左臂绕至左肩前侧,掌心向
A combination of swing 上。
inside and single arm swings Starting Posture: From Wujizhuang, left toes turns left, and right toes turn
outside around abdomen slightly inside. Your body turns left at a 45-degree angle. Both arms are on
and chest with palm up, your right side. Right arm is at shoulder level with the palm facing
partial movement of downward. Left arm is at abdomen level with the palm facing upward.
Yemafenzong(Parting wild Look forward.
horse’s mane). Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Swing your right arm inside (a quarter) and down to
abdomen level, with palm facing down. Swing your left arm outside
around your abdomen and chest, with palm facing up. Keep look forward.
End Posture: Body facing left at a 60-degree angle. The right palm is on
your right side down to abdomen level with the palm facing down. The feft
palm is on your right side at shoulder level with the palm facing up. Look
forward. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.4.10 立缠绕 所有立缠绕动作都以升降桩为基础
Vertical Rotation Vertical rotation is basically arms swinging in vertical plane.
2.4.30 双臂依次立缠绕(金鸡独 (以先绕动右臂为例)两臂始于无极桩,右臂沿矢状面向上绕动掌心
前、侧 立的上肢动作) 向下,同时左掌沿矢状面下按,当右掌绕至与肩同高且手掌向上绕动
Lift arms alternatively, upper 至掌心向前时,左掌下按至腰左外侧,掌心向下。另一边动作:右掌
movement of Jinjiduli 沿矢状面下按(跟收势的上肢动作一样),同时左掌沿矢状面向上绕
(Golden cock standing on 动,当绕至与肩同高且手掌向上绕动至掌心向上时,右掌收回至腰右
one leg) 外侧,掌心向下。
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Body turns left at a 45-degree angle. Lift your right arm
up to shoulder level, and turn right palm out. Swing left arm outside
around abdomen to left, with palm facing down. Then turn your body
right, drop your right arm, and lift your left. (Note: Actually two arms are
swinging vertically one quarter of a circle.)
End Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Body is turned right at a
45-degree angle. Right arm is on your right and down to abdomen level.
Left arm is up to shoulder level. Right palm faces down and left faces out.
Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
2.4.50 双推掌(揽雀尾的部分动 两臂始于无极桩,沿矢状面向上绕动(跟起势动作一样),上绕至与
前、侧 作) 肩同高时,两臂回收,(想象胸腹前有一气球,两臂沿着气球边缘划
Double push palm, partial 弧)当两臂收至胸前时,然后下按至腹部并沿弧线向前推出。
movement of Lanquewei Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
(Grasping peacock’s tail) Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Lift both arms up to shoulder level with palms facing
down. Pull both arms back toward your chest with palms facing down,
press down to abdomen level, then lift them up to shoulder level. During
the whole course, imagine moving both arms round a ball along its
End Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang. Body facing forward. Both
palms are pushed out and up to shoulder level. Palms facing out.
3.1.30搂膝拗步的上肢动作, (先推右掌,左掌低平缠绕)双臂始于无极桩,双臂异时内侧缠绕,
前、侧、后 (完整上肢动作) 只内侧缠绕 1/4 圈,两臂绕至与肩同高且右掌心向上左掌心向上,然
Upper movement of 后左掌顺势低平缠绕和推右掌的动作。(另一边)两臂异时内侧缠绕
Louxi’aobu (Brush knee and 1/4 圈,绕至与肩同高左掌心向上,右掌心向下,然后右掌顺势做低
push palm) 平缠绕和推左掌的动作。(脚步简单配合上肢动作,确保上肢动作流
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Turn your body left. Swing arms inside alternatively to
your right shoulder (right arms does a quarter, while left 3 quarters). Right
palm facing up, left down. Look at right palm. Then turn your left foot
outside, turn your body left, push your right palm, swing left palm outside
around your abdomen, and turn your head forward.
End Posture: Left toes face forward, right toes turn slightly inside. Body
faces the left side. The right arm is pushed in front of your body with palm
facing out. The left arm is on your left down to abdomen level. Look
forward. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
3.1.50野马分鬃上肢完整动作 (先做右抱球)两臂始于无极桩,右臂内侧缠绕,左臂外侧缠绕至右
前、侧、后 Upper movement of 抱球,两掌心相对,然后右臂做内侧缠绕,左臂高平缠绕,两掌绕至
Yemafenzong(Parting wild 右掌腰右外侧掌心向下,左掌左肩前侧掌心向上。
horse’s mane) Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Shift your gravity from the center to your right foot.
Swing right arm inside up to right shoulder level with palm facing down.
Swing left arm slightly outside down to abdomen level with palm facing
up. Swing your right arm inside (a quarter) and down to abdomen level
with palm facing down. Swing your left arm outside around your abdomen
and chest with palm facing up. Turn your head left.
End Posture: Body faces left at a 60-degree angle. Right palm is on your
right side down to abdomen level with the palm facing down. The left
palm is on your left side up to shoulder level with the palm facing up. Look
forward. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
3.1.80分腿的上肢动作 两臂始于无极桩,同时两臂向外侧缠绕,绕 3/4 圈至两臂与肩同高且
前、侧、后 Upper movement of Parting 掌心向外。(另一边)两臂向外侧缠绕,绕 1 圈至两臂与肩同高且掌
legs 心向外。
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Turn your body left at a 45-degree angle. Swing both
arms outside 3 quarters of a circle to shoulder level, turn your palms out
and look at your right palm. Pause for 1 or 2 seconds, then swing your
arms outside one whole circle to shoulder level. Turn your palms out. Turn
your body right at a 90-degree angle. Look at your left palm.
End Posture: Body facing right at a 45-degree angle. Right arm is on the
right side and up to the shoulder level. Left arm is in front left and up to
the shoulder level. Both palms facing out. Look at left palm.
3.1.90揽雀尾的上肢动作 (先做左抱球)左抱球,左臂在上掌心向下,右臂在下掌心向上;左
前、侧、后 Upper movement of 臂侧缠绕,右臂做开的在,两掌绕至左掌在腰左外侧,右掌开至右胸
Lanquewei (Grasping 前,然后右掌内缠至掌心向下,同时左臂前伸左掌外缠至掌心向上;
peacock’s tail) 然后做右臂外侧缠绕半圈,左臂内缠缠绕半圈,绕至两臂分别向内外
Starting Posture: Wujizhuang.
Movement: No requirements for your legs, move freely in unison with
upper movement. Shift your gravity from the center to your right foot.
Swing your right arm inside up to right shoulder level with palm facing
down. Swing the left arm slightly outside down to abdomen level with
palm facing up. Then swing your right arm inside (a quarter) and down to
abdomen level with palm facing down. Swing your left arm outside around
your abdomen and chest with palm facing in. Turn your head left, look
forward. Then move your right arm forward in front of your abdomen with
palm facing up, left palm turns down. Swing your right arm outside and left
inside half circle to the right shoulder level, with right palm facing up and
left in, look at your right palm. Then push your right arm and
simultaneously swing left arm outside around your chest. Cross palms in
front of your chest, with right palm facing out and left in. Keep looking at
your right palm. Then cross your hands with palms facing down and pull
both arms back toward your chest with palms facing down. Then press
them down to abdomen level. Then lift them up to shoulder level.
End Posture: Left foot is in front of the right. Body facing forward. Both
palms are pushed out and up to shoulder level. Palms facing out. Turn your
body right, face forward. Horizontally spread your arms. Then repeat the
same movement on the opposite side.
3.2.10弓步变马步变弓步,伴随 (先做左弓步)两腿始于无极桩,重心右移至右脚,左脚一小步脚
前、侧、后 脊柱旋转至正前方。(搂 尖冲前,然后移重心,同时左旋脊柱使躯干面向前方,以右前脚掌
膝拗步的步法) 为轴心蹬脚后跟,形成左弓步。(另一边)后退弯曲伴随着重心后
Bow stance to horse riding 移,移至使小腿与地面垂直,然后以小腿为轴内扣左脚 90 度,移动
stance to bow stance 右脚使其脚尖向前,然后移重心,同时右旋脊柱使躯干面向前方,
(ending up with body facing 以前脚掌为轴心蹬脚后跟,形成右弓步。
forward), lower movement Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements for
of Louxi’aobu (Brush knee the arms, which rest against your abdomen.
and push palm) Movement: Shift the gravity to your right foot, then turn your left toes
left. Shift your gravity forward, rotate on the ball of your right foot, bend
your left knee, turn your body forward, and look forward.
End Posture: Left bow stance, body face forward.
Shift your gravity back until your left lower leg is vertical with the ground.
Then turn your body to the right, and rotate on your left heel to turn your
toes inside. Then turn your right toes towards the right, shift your gravity
forward, rotate on the ball of your left foot, bend your left knee, turn
your body forward, and look forward.
3.2.20弓步变马步变弓步,伴随 (先做左弓步)两腿始于无极桩,重心右移至右脚,左脚一小步脚尖
前、侧、后 脊柱旋转自然角度(45 冲前,然后移重心,同时微微左旋脊柱使躯干面向斜前方 45 度,以
度)。(野马分鬃的步 前脚掌为轴心蹬脚后跟,形成左弓步。(另一边)后退弯曲伴随着重
法) 心后移,移至使小腿与地面垂直,然后以小腿为轴内扣左脚 90 度,
Bow stance to horse riding 移动右脚使其脚尖向前,然后移重心,同时微微右旋脊柱使躯干面向
stance to bow stance 斜前方 45 度,以前脚掌为轴心蹬脚后跟,形成右弓步。
(ending up with body facing Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements for
outside of 45-degree angle), your arms, which rest against your abdomen.
lower movement of Movement: Shift your gravity to your right foot. Then turn your left toes
Yemafenzong (Parting wild left, shift your gravity forward, rotate on the ball of right foot, bend your
horse’s mane) left knee, turn your body left at a 45-degree angle, and look forward.
End Posture: Left bow stance, body facing forward.
Shift your gravity back until your left lower leg is vertical with the ground.
Then turn your body toward the right, and rotate on your left heel to turn
your toes inside. Then turn your right toes right, shift your gravity forward,
rotate on the ball of your left foot, bend your left knee, turn your body
right at a 45-degree angle, and look forward.
3.2.30 侧向移步(镜头适当跟着 两腿始于无极桩,重心左移至左脚,并右脚,分左脚,重心左移至左
前、后 表演者移位) 脚,(另一边)然后重心右移至右脚,并左脚,分右脚,重心移至右
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements for
your arms, which rest against your abdomen.
Movement: Shift your gravity to left foot, move your right foot left, flush
with your left foot. Then move your left foot apart from your right, shift
your gravity from right foot to left. Then shift your gravity from left foot to
right, move your left foot right, flush with your right foot. Then move your
right foot apart from your left, shift your gravity from left foot to right.
End Posture: Feet apart, gravity is on your right foot.
3.2.40 提膝 (先提右膝)两腿始于无极桩,重心左移停左脚,提右膝,脚踝放松
前、侧、后 使脚自然悬垂,挺二秒。(另一边)缓慢把放下右腿,重心移至右
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements on
your arms, which rest against your abdomen.
Movement: Shift your gravity to the left foot, lift your right knee forward,
pause for 2 seconds, and then drop it. Shift your gravity from the left foot
to the right foot, lift your left knee forward, pause for 2 seconds, and then
drop it. Then shift your gravity back to the center.
End Posture: Wujizhuang, arms rest against your abdomen.
3.2.50 分腿,侧向 45 度 (先分左腿)两腿始于无极桩,重心移至左脚,提右膝,然后使右腿
前、侧、后 自然伸直,停二秒。(另一边)缓慢放下右腿,重心移至右脚,提左
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements on
your arms, which rest against your abdomen.
Movement: Shift your gravity to the left foot, lift your right knee outside at
a 45-degree angle, turn your body left, part your right foot, pause for 2
seconds, and then drop right foot. Shift your gravity from left foot to right,
lift your left knee outside at a 45-degree angle, turn your body right, part
your left foot, pause for 2 seconds, then drop left foot. Shift your gravity to
End Posture: Wujizhuang, arms rest against your abdomen.
3.2.60弓步变半马步来回移中心 (先做左弓步)两腿始于无极桩,重心右移至右脚,左脚一小步脚尖
前、侧、后 (揽雀尾步法)每一边形 冲前,然后移重心,同时微微左旋脊柱使躯干面向斜前方 45 度,以
成三次弓步。 前脚掌为轴心蹬脚后跟,形成左弓步。然后右腿弯曲伴随重心后移至
Switching bow stance triple 右脚,然后重心继续前移,躯干依然向斜前方 45 度,做第二次弓
transitions3 times, lower 步,右腿弯曲伴随重心后移至右脚,然后做第三次弓步伴随脊柱旋转
movement of Lanquewei 至躯干面向正前方。(另一边)后退弯曲伴随着重心后移,移至使小
(Grasping peacock’s tail) 腿与地面垂直,然后以小腿为轴内扣左脚 90 度,移动右脚使其脚尖
向前,然后移重心,同时微微右旋脊柱使躯干面向斜前方 45 度,以
左脚,然后重心继续前移,躯干依然向斜前方 45 度,做第二次弓
Starting Posture: Legs are the same as Wujizhuang, no requirements on
your arms, which rest against your abdomen
Movement: Shift your gravity to you right foot. Then turn your left toes
left, shift your gravity forward, rotate on the ball of your right foot, bend
your left knee, turn your body forward, look forward, make left bow stance
for the first time. Shift your gravity back on your right foot, and switch to
left bow stance for the second time. Shift your gravity back on your right
foot again, and switch to left bow stance for the third time with body
facing forward.
End Posture: Left bow stance with body facing forward.
Shift your gravity back on your right foot, rotate on your left heel to turn
left toes inside, turn your right toes to the right, and then repeat the same
movement on the opposite side.
3.3.10 Starting Posture: Feet are together, knees are naturally straight, body is
前、侧、后 upright, arms naturally hang, palms face inside, head is upright, and eyes
look forward.
起势:借用 1.1.30 视频的前
Movement: Step your left foot sideway at a distance a little wider than
your shoulders, and then shift your gravity to the center, and lift your arms
up to shoulder level. Press your palms down to abdomen level.
End Posture: Wujizhuang, but your palms are facing down instead of facing
3.3.20 倒卷红:借用 2.3.50 视频, 先推右掌,收左掌;(另一边)再推左掌、收右掌。两腿无极桩站
前、侧、后 动作完全一样 立。(结束姿势:右掌至于腰有外侧,掌心向上,左推掌,掌心向
Daojuanhong(Whirl arms on 前。)
both side) Starting Posture: Wujizhuang, but your palms are facing down instead of
facing in.
Movement for one side: Lift both arms up to shoulder level, with the left
arm forward and right arm on your right; both palms face up. Then push
your right arm, and pull back the left arm (Note: left arm actually does an
inside quarter swing with palm facing up). Look at your right palm.
End posture for one side: The right palm pushes forward up to shoulder
level with palm facing out. The left palm on your left and down to
abdomen level with palm facing up. Keep looking at your right palm.
Movement for the other side: Turn your right palm up, and lift your left
arm on your left side to shoulder level. Then push the left arm and pull
back your right arm. Look at your left palm.
End posture for the other side: The left palm pushes forward up to
shoulder level with palm facing out. The right palm on your right and down
to abdomen level with palm facing up. Keep looking at your left palm.
3.3.30搂膝拗步:上肢和脊柱做 顺势做两臂异时内侧缠绕 1/4 圈至与肩同高右掌心向上、左掌心向
前、侧、后 3.1.30 的动作,下肢做 下,同时重心移至右脚;右推掌,左臂低平缠绕,腿开始形成左弓
0 3.2.10 的动作 步,脊柱旋转使躯干面向前方。(另一边)右腿弯曲重心后移,至左
Louxi’aobu (Brush knee and 小腿与地面垂直,以左小腿为轴,左脚尖内扣 90 度,同时两臂异时
push palm) 内侧缠绕至 1/4 圈,至两掌与肩同高且左掌心向上,右掌心下,左推
Starting Posture: The left palm pushes forward up to shoulder level with
the palm facing out. The right palm on your right and down to abdomen
level with palm facing up. Keep looking at your left palm.
Movement for one side: Shift your gravity to you right foot. Swing arms
inside alternatively (right arms does a quarter, while left 3 quarters) to
right shoulder level. Right palm faces up, left down, look at right palm.
Then turn your left toes to the left side, shift your gravity forward, rotate
on the ball of your right foot, bend your left knee, turn your body forward.
Push your right palm, swing your left palm outside around your abdomen,
and turn your head forward.
End posture for one side: Legs do left bow stance and body facing
forward. Right arm is pushed in front of your body with palm facing out.
Left arm is on your left and down to abdomen level. Look forward.
Movement for the other side: Shift your gravity back until your left lower
leg is vertical with the ground, and rotate on your left heel to turn your
toes inside. Swing your arms inside alternatively with quarter circle to
your left shoulder level. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
End posture for the other side: Legs do right bow stance and body facing
forward. Left arm is pushed in front of your body with palm facing out.
Right arm is on your right down to abdomen level. Look forward.
3.3.40野马分鬃:上肢动作 弯曲左腿重心后移至右小腿与地面垂直,以右小腿为轴,右脚尖内扣
前、侧、后 3.1.50,下肢做 3.2.20 90 度同时两臂侧缠绕至右抱球;右臂做内侧缠绕,左臂做高平(胸
Yemafenzong(Parting wild 腹)缠绕,两掌绕至右掌腰右外侧掌心向下,左掌左肩前侧掌心向
horse’s mane) 上,腿开始形成左弓步。(另一边)弯曲右腿重心后移至左小腿与地
面垂直,以左小腿为轴,左脚尖内扣 90 度同时两臂侧缠绕至左抱
Starting Posture: Legs do right bow stance and body facing forward. Left
arm is pushed in front of your body with palm facing out. Right arm is on
your right and down to abdomen level. Look forward.
Movement for one side: Shift your gravity back until your right lower leg is
vertical with the ground, and rotate on your right heel to turn toes inside,
and then shift your gravity back on your right foot, turn your left toes left.
Swing your right arm inside up to right shoulder level with palm facing
down. Swing left arm slightly outside down to abdomen level with palm
facing up. Turn your head with your body. Shift your gravity forward, rotate
on the ball of your right foot, bend your left knee, turn your body left at a
45-degree angle; swing your right arm inside (a quarter) and down to
abdomen level with palm facing down. Swing your left arm outside around
your abdomen and chest with palm facing up. Turn your head left.
End posture for one side: Legs do left bow stance. Body facing left at a 60-
degree angle. Right palm is on your right side and down to abdomen level
with the palm facing down. Left palm is on your right side down to
shoulder level with the palm facing up. Look forward.
Movement for the other side: Shift your gravity back until your left lower
leg is vertical with the ground. Then turn your body right. Both arms swing
inside. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
End posture for the other side: Legs do right bow stance. Body facing left
at a 60-degree angle. Left palm is on your left side down to abdomen level
with the palm facing down. Right palm is on your right side up to shoulder
level with the palm facing up. Look forward.
3.3.50 云手:上肢和脊柱做 右臂内缠至掌心向下,左臂外缠至掌心向上,右臂向下左臂向上开始
前、后 3.1.60,下肢做 3.2.30 做异时外侧缠绕动作,同时以右脚跟为轴,右脚尖内扣 90 度,重心
Yunshou (Waving hands like 移至左脚,并右脚此时两臂在身体左侧,左掌心向下,右掌心向上;
clouds) 两臂继续外缠,左腿外分,重心依然留在右腿,此时两臂在身体右
Starting Posture: Legs do right bow stance. Body facing left at a 60-degree
angle. Left palm is on your left side down to abdomen level with the palm
facing down. Right palm is on your right side up to shoulder level with the
palm facing up. Look forward.
Movement: Shift your gravity back until your right lower leg is vertical
with the ground, and rotate on your right heel to turn your toes inside,
rotate on your left heel to turn left toes outside. Turn your right palm
down and left palm up, swing both arms outside alternatively, look at
your left palm. Then shift your gravity to your left foot, move your right
foot in, both arms swing outside to your left shoulder level, look at left
palm. Then move your left foot out, swing the arms outside to your right
shoulder level, look at your right palm. Then shift your gravity to left foot,
swing arms outside to your left shoulder level, look at left palm. Then shift
your gravity back to your right foot, swing your arms outside to your right
shoulder level; look at your right palm. Then move your left foot in, swing
arms outside to left shoulder level, look at left palm. Then move your
right foot out, shift your gravity to your right foot, swing your arms
outside to your right shoulder level, look at your right palm.
End Posture: Feet are apart, gravity is on your right foot, arms are on your
right up to the shoulder level, right palm facing down and left up.
3.3.60金鸡独立:上肢和脊柱做 重心左移至左脚,同时两臂继续向外缠绕,左臂缠绕至上方时沿矢状
前、侧、后 3.1.70,下肢做 3.2.40 面下按做立缠绕,右臂缠绕至下方时沿矢状面向上做立缠绕,同时提
Jinjiduli (Golden cock 右膝,停两秒;缓慢方右腿和下按右臂,同时提左膝,抬左臂,(结
standing on one leg) 束姿势)提左膝,右掌置于腰有外侧掌心向下,左掌自然甚至于身
Starting Posture: Feet apart, gravity on your right foot, arms on your right
up to shoulder level, right palm facing down and left up.
Movement: Shift your gravity to your left foot, lift your right knee
forward. Turn your body left at a 45-degree angle. Lift your right arm up to
the shoulder level, and turn right palm out. Swing your left arm outside
around abdomen to left, with palm facing down. Pause for 2 seconds.
Drop your right leg, shift your gravity from left to right foot, lift your left
knee forward. Drop your right arm, and lift your left (Note: actually two
arms are swinging vertically one quarter of a circle.). Pause for 2 seconds.
End Posture: Left knee lifted forward. Body turned right at a 45-degree
angle. Right arm on your right and down to abdomen level, and left arm
up to shoulder level. Left palm facing out and right palm facing down.
3.3.70蹬脚:3.1.80,3.2.50 缓慢放下左腿和左臂,两臂开始向外侧缠绕,同时提右膝至右前方
前、侧、后 Dengjiao (Kicking foot) 45 度,右腿伸直,两臂外缠绕 3/4 圈至与两肩同高掌心向外,右臂与
右腿都指向右前方 45 度。(另一边)缓慢放下右腿同时两臂继续向
外缠绕,做前方 45 度提膝,然后左腿伸直,(结束姿势)两臂外缠
绕一圈至与肩同高,两掌心向外,左臂与左腿都指向左前方 45 度。
Starting Posture: Left knee lifted forward. Body turned right at a 45-degree
angle. Right arm on your right and down to abdomen level, and left arm up
to shoulder level. Left palm facing out and right palm facing down.
Movement: Slowly set down right leg, shift your gravity to your left foot,
lift your right knee outside at a 45-degree angle, turn your body left, part
your right foot. Swing both arms outside 3 quarters of a circle to the
shoulder level, palms facing out, look at right palm. Pause for 2 seconds.
Slowly set down your right foot. Shift your gravity from left foot to right,
lift your left knee outside at a 45-degree angle, turn your body right, part
your left foot. Swing your arms outside one whole circle to the shoulder
level, palms facing out. Turn your body right at a 90-degree angle, look at
left palm.
End Posture: Left foot parted at a 45-degree angle. Body facing right at a
45-degree angle. Right arm on right and up to the shoulder level, left arm
in front left and up to the shoulder level. Both palms facing out. Look at
your left palm.
3.3.80揽雀尾 3.1.90,3.2.60 缓慢放下左腿,重心移至左脚同时两臂呈左抱球,右腿向右侧上步,
前、侧、后 Lanquewei (Grasping 形成右弓步,躯干面向斜前方 45 度,左臂缠绕掌心向下,右臂开,
peacock’s tail) 掌心向内;右掌内旋至掌心向下,左掌外旋移至腹前,左臂内侧缠
45 度;两臂交叉手心向下,开始做双推掌,伴随着重心后移,然后
至右小腿与地面从垂直,以右小腿为轴内扣右脚尖 90 度,左臂胸前
斜前方 45 度,右臂缠绕掌心向下,左臂开,掌心向内;左掌内旋至
胸前,形成第二次左弓步,躯干面向斜前方 45 度;两臂交叉手心向
Starting Posture: Left foot parted at a 45-degree angle. Body faces right at
a 45-degree angle. Right arm on right and up to the shoulder level, left
arm on left and up to the shoulder level. Both palms facing out. Look at
your left palm.
Movement: Drop your left leg, shift your gravity to your left foot, swing
left arm inside up to left shoulder level with palm facing down, swing right
arm slightly outside down to abdomen level with palm facing up. Then
turn your right toes to the right, shift your gravity forward, rotate on the
ball of your left foot, bend your right knee, turn your body forward, look
forward, forming a right bow stance for the first time. Swing your left arm
inside (a quarter) and down to abdomen level with palm facing down.
Swing your right arm outside around your abdomen and chest with palm
facing in. Turn your head to the right, look forward. Then shift your gravity
back on your left foot, swing your right arm outside and left inside half a a
circle to right shoulder level, right palm facing up and left in. Then switch
back to right bow stance for the second time. Push your left arm, and
simultaneously swing right arm outside around your chest. Cross palms in
front of your chest, with right palm facing out and left in, look forward.
Then shift your gravity again, cross your hands with palms facing down
and move both arms back toward your chest with palms facing down,
look forward. Then switch back to right bow stance for the third time.
Press your arms down to abdomen level, and then lift them up to
shoulder level. Shift your gravity back until your right lower leg is vertical
with the ground, rotate on your right heel to turn your right toes inside,
spread your arms horizontally. Repeat the same movement on the
opposite side.
End Posture: Left bow stance with body facing forward. Arms are pushed
out in front of your chest up to your shoulder level. Look forward.
3.3.90 收势:借用 1.1.20 视频的 弯曲右腿重心移至左小腿与地面垂直,内扣左脚尖 90 度,同时平缠
前、侧、后 后一段 绕右臂,然后两臂交叉,重心向内,两臂自然伸直,掌心向下,此时
Shoushi 掌心右移至左脚,移动右脚调整两脚的距离,至与肩同款,或比肩略
Starting Posture: Left bow stance with body facing forward. Arms are
pushed out in front of your chest up to your shoulder level. Look forward.
Movement: Shift your gravity back until your right lower leg is vertical
with the ground, rotate on your right heel to turn your right toes inside,
spread your arms horizontally. Then adjust your feet to a distance of a
little wider than your shoulders. Cross your hands with palms facing in,
and then naturally straighten your arms. Press the palms down to side of
your body, and stand up. Shift your gravity from the center to your right
foot, and then step back with your left foot.
End Posture: Feet are together, knees are straight, body is upright, arms
naturally hang, palms face inside, head is upright, and eyes look forward.

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