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=== Listify ===

Contributors: Astoundify
Requires at least: WordPress 4.9.0
Tested up to: WordPress 5.2.1
Version: 2.13.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:
Tags: white, two-columns, one-column, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, responsive-
layout, custom-background, custom-header, theme-options, full-width-template,
featured-images, flexible-header, custom-menu, translation-ready

== Copyright ==

Listify Theme, Copyright 2014-2017 Astoundify - Listify is distributed under the

terms of the GNU GPL.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

The Listify theme bundles the following third-party resources:

Bootstrap v3.0.3
Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License v2.0

Slick.js v1.5.7, Copyright 2015 Ken Wheeler

Licenses: MIT/GPL2

salvattore.js Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Rolando Murillo and Giorgio Leveroni

License: MIT/GPL2

Magnific-Popup Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Dmitry Semenov,

Licenses: MIT

Ionicons icon font, Copyright (c) 2014 Drifty (

License: MIT

== Changelog ==

To ensure there is no downtime or incompatibles with your website you should always
install theme updates on a staging server first. This will allow you to make the
necessary adjustments and then migrate them to a production website.

= 2.13.0: April 9, 2020 =

* Update: Updated markup and styling of the package selection page.

* Update: Listing: Map & Contact Details Mobile device enhancement.
* Fix: Listings Page Loading issue.
* Fix: Specific Location filter bug fixes.

= 2.12.1: October 5, 2019 =

* Fix: A Fatal error in the Tertiary menu, only when WooCoomerce was not active.

= 2.12.0: October 1, 2019 =

* Update: Compatibility with the next version of WP Job Manager 1.34.0 (beta).
* Update: Checked Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.0.
* Add: A tooltip on the Review submission form to inform the user when he tries to
submit a zero star rating.
* Add: Option to filter listings by label in the Listings Widget.
* Add: Option to edit the "View more" link and label in the "Page: Recent Posts"
* Add: A new Product style in the WooCommerce Product List widget.
* Add: New options in the Page: Recent Posts widget, to filter posts by post IDs
and category IDs.
* Fix: A better anchor jump for the Reviews and Bookings submission.
* Fix: Add Polylang translation support for widgets options and Customizer options.
* Fix: The bottom arrow for the sub-items in the Tertiary Menu.
* Fix: Avoid adding backslashes to the keyword field, while searching listings.
* Fix: Facet WP Location filter Icon on RTL has a better position.
* Fix: A PHP warning when the Bookings widget was used without the WP Job Manager
Products plugin.
* Fix: A PHP warning, which was appearing when the cached listings filtered by
location was not initialized yet.
* Fix: Remove usage of WooCommerce Social Login instance deprecated in 1.6.0.
* Fix: Remove usage of WooCommerce deprecated function used to fetch terms.

= 2.11.0: May 25, 2019 =

Sorry for the recent lack of updates, we will resume regular updates from now on
and also start introducing up to date features.

* New: WooCommerce 3.6.3 support.

* Fix: Ensure that home page settings meta boxes are compatible with Gutenberg.
* Fix: Ensure that hours of operation time zone drop-down inside of the editor
displays correctly.
* Fix: Update support link inside of Listify setup guide.
* Fix: Correct login button position on sign in / register windows.
* Fix: Removed Social Login from the recommended plugins until plugin is updated.
* Fix: Correct Breadcrumbs PHP Notice warning on some installs.
* Fix: Update content importer as it was crashing due to lack of vendor classes.
* Fix: Update HelpSout beacon JS inside of getting started guide.
* Fix: Update screenshot size inside of getting started guide.
* Fix: Add SVG loading spinner on results pages.
* Fix: Ensure Console Notice Google Maps API Warning is removed.
* Fix: Update related listings widget to that its settings are saved.
* Fix: Ensure map icons aren't cut off on some browser types.

= 2.10.1: January 29, 2019 =

* Fix: More WP Job Manager support.

= 2.10.0: January 23, 2019 =

* New: WP Job Manager 1.32.0 support.

= 2.9.1: November 6, 2018 =

* Fix: Sync version numbers.

= 2.9.0: November 2, 2018 =

* New: WooCommerce 3.5 support.

* Fix: Mapbox on single listing pages.
* Fix: Ensure marker title does not overlap on Mapbox infobubbles.
* Fix: Respect Listing Payments `choose_package` automatic redirect.
* Fix: Do not include current listing in "Related Listings" widget.
* Fix: Attachment linking in "Gallery Slider" widget.
* Fix: Ensure "Related Listings" widget is available when categories are disabled.
* Fix: Ensure all widgetized pages appear when using Polylang.
* Fix: Ensure "Call to Action" widget colors apply.
* Fix: hatom `updated` tag.
* Fix: Enable "Autofit" option for Google Maps and avoid zooming errors.
* Fix: Ensure Listing Types can be saved on the "Listings" widget.

= 2.8.2: August 30, 2018 =

* Fix: Ensure secondary dropdown menus are visible on large devices.

= 2.8.1: August 28, 2018 =

* Fix: Update to Google Maps 3.33 to reduce control size.

* Fix: Zoom controls on single listing map reversed.
* Fix: Ensure the CTA widget spans full width.
* Fix: Tertiary navigation background.

= 2.8.0: August 23, 2018 =

* New: Support FacetWP "Advanced" mode by default.

* New: Better RTL support.
* Fix: Blog post alignment.
* Fix: Margins before/after feature callout widgets.
* Fix: Header, navigation, and search bar improvements in Bootstrap 4.
* Fix: Hidden quantity field in WooCommerce shop.
* Fix: WooCommerce column layouts.

= 2.7.0: August 15, 2018 =

* New: Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.1 grid framework.

* New: Cache geolocation search results.
* New: Add `listify_sort_listings_query_args` filter.
* New: Add `listify_map_service_settings` filter.
* Fix: Use mapbox.js to create clearer Mapbox maps. See to update
* Fix: Update gallery previous/next direction.
* Fix: Do not output "Favorite" link on preview.
* Fix: Ensure Autofit is available when using Mapbox.
* Fix: Allow page-level widgets to appear in Beaver Builder.
* Fix: When using WordPress SEO respect the media redirect setting.
* Fix: Remove minimum count on a few widgets.
* Fix: Ensure Products plugin exists before outputting imported items.
* Fix: Use base language for generating widgetized pages in Polylang.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when Products plugin is not active.
* Fix: Correct "results found" string in FacetWP.
* Fix: Ensure expired listings can still be queried in search results.

= 2.6.0: May 1, 2018 =

* New: WP Job Manager 1.31.0 compatibility.

* New: WooCommerce 3.4.0 compatibility.
* New: Use same package-selection UI when claiming a listing.
* New: Recenter Google Maps when viewing single listing mini map in fullscreen
* New: Output breadcrumbs, sorting options, and stock notes in WooCommerce.
* New: Choose to filter specific Listing Types in the Listing widget.
* Fix: Add an .entry-title class to the single blog post title.
* Fix: Wrap commenet author name in a .vcard class.
* Fix: Update WP Job Manager string overrides.
* Fix: More FacetWP category archive compatibility.

= 2.5.0: April 9, 2018 =

* New: Update cart count when adding an item to the cart.

* New: Add listify_is_job_manager_archive_tax filter.
* New: Add listify_the_listing_secondary_image_args filter.
* New: Add enhanced dropdown to timezone selector when submitting a listing.
* New: Match FacetWP's result_count text to match default filters.
* New: Allow listify_comment() to be overriden.
* New: RTL support for listing breadcrumbs.
* Fix: Ensure proper results are returned when visiting a listing archive directly
with FacetWP enabled.
* Fix: Tweak block hcard markup.
* Fix: Update styles for noUi-slider.
* Fix: Use localized settings for timepicker.
* Fix: Ensure default map view remains when switching tabs on mobile.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error in outputting star counts.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when an orphaned product is attached to a listing.
* Fix: Remove facetwp_template_use_archive filter override.

= 2.4.7: March 14, 2018 =

* New: Further WooCommere 3.3.0 improvements.

* New: Display more helpful result counts on listing page. 47 Results Found
(Showing 1-25)
* New: Enhanced timezone select for business hours timezone.
* Fix: Only use parallax scrolling on large devices.
* Fix: Update blog author card microdata.
* Fix: Do not show bookable product booking form on listing preview.
* Fix: Update blog author microdata.

= 2.4.6: February 21, 2018 =

* Fix: Use same rounding on listing card and listing page.

* Fix: Always recalculate listing ratings when a new review is added.
* Fix: Company logo RTL support.
* Fix: OpenTable booking iFrame.
* Fix: Add microdata back to listing breadcrumbs.
* Fix: Remove limit on author recent listings widget.
* Fix: Fill all location fields during autolocation.
* Fix: Disable autopan on mobile devices.
* Fix: select2 max-height when no options are available.
* Fix: Do not show irrelevant listings on Related Listings widget.
* Fix: Company logo overflow on Safari.

= 2.4.5: January 22, 2017 =

* New: WooCommerce 3.3.0 compatibility.

* Fix: Ensure marker clustering works with FacetWP.
* Fix: Avoid marker overlaying on each other in Safari.
* Fix: Use the same layout for blog index, archives, and search.
* Fix: More consistent appearance for secondary images on listing page.
* Fix: Ensure Register link shows below WooCommerce login form.
* Fix: Ensure image grid widget can show image for all taxonomy types.

= 2.4.4: December 28, 2017 =

* Fix: Update jQuery deprecated .isResolved() function.

* Fix: Ensure Image Grid widget only picks images from active listings.
* Fix: Logo markup for JSON-LD.
* Fix: Avoid using login popup on irrelevant links.
* Fix: Do not escape HTML in Feature Callout widget.
* Fix: Adjust logic for outputting the seconday image upload on submission form
depending on customizer settings.

= 2.4.3: December 7, 2017 =

* Fix: Allow HTML in Features widget description.

= 2.4.2: December 5, 2017 =

* Fix: WordPress coding standards.

* Fix: Open/Close date calculation edge-cases.
* Fix: Polylang support for homepage search filters.
* Fix: Always bump asset file versions.
* Fix: Ensure timepicker library is enqueued in admin.
* Fix: Automatic ThemeForest updater PHP error.

= 2.4.1: October 30, 2017 =

* Fix: Avoid loading FacetWP assets when not needed.

* Fix: Ensure WooCommerce Social Login appears when needed.
* Fix: Ensure Reset link resets region and sorting.

= 2.4.0: October 25, 2017 =

* New: Choose how many columns to display Listing Cards in. Visit Appearance >
Customize > Search Page.
* New: Choose how many columns to display Listing Cards in individual widgets.
Visit Appearance > Widgets.
* New: Beaver Builder page template. Allow page to be designed with Beaver Builder
modules (does not include any custom modules).
* New: Limit "Listings" widget to a specific region.
* New: Limit "Listings" widget to specific listings.
* New: Embed a listing using oEmbed on oEmebed-consuming websites.
* New: Separate "Autofit" setting to set a default loading center but still show
all active pins.
* New: Private Message support on author archives.
* Fix: Listing gallery navigation on mobile.
* Fix: Properly reset location field when clicking "Reset" on filters.
* Fix: Page header height on blog and shop.
* Fix: Do not ouput gallery widget if there are no images and current user cannot
* Fix: Do not show "Locate Me" option when map is hidden, using Mapbox, or site
does not have SSL.
* Fix: FacetWP 3.x support and optimizations.
* Fix: Do not round ratings to whole numbers.
* Fix: FacetWP + Map Hero homepage appearance.
* Fix: Remove wordbreaks in iOS Safari.
* Fix: Correctly calculate open/close status for next-day business hours.

= 2.3.4: October 3, 2017 =

* Fix: Avoid PHP error in customizer when updating search filters.

* Fix: Listing author avatar size.
* Fix: Outline button style when choosing a package.
* Fix: Ensure "Region" can only be selected as a filter if plugin is still active.

= 2.3.3: September 21, 2017 =

* Fix: Best/Worst rating filter.

* Fix: Show listing as open when set to 24 hours.
* Fix: Secondary image overflow on single listing.
* Fix: Remove display restrictions on the Call to Action widget.
* Fix: Remove invalid ::selection CSS.

= 2.3.2: September 13, 2017 =

* Fix: Check for registration setting when overriding registration URL.

* Fix: Do not rely on javascript to set the default star rating.
* Fix: Force default to numbered pagination on [jobs] shortcode.
* Fix: Sign In button during submission when using "Outline" button style.
* Fix: Widget description output on widgetized pages.
* Fix: Update secondary image display for small/non-square images.

= 2.3.1: September 1, 2017 =

* Fix: Ensure homepage hero content is output.

* Fix: Improve map marker active pin trigger.
* Fix: Do not output an application button if no application method is available.

= 2.3.0: August 31, 2017 =

* New: Use popup login form for all login links.

* New: Private Message popup support for "Contact" button.
* New: Animate marker for listing card on hover.
* New: Show dropdown area on multiselect fields.
* New: Social profiles no longer require WooCommerce.
* Fix: "Search this Location" radius amount.
* Fix: Valid HTML for homepage widget descriptions.
* Fix: Show "No Results Found" with no results in FacetWP.
* Fix: Ensure no HTML is output in "Get Directions" form.
* Fix: "Sign In" link on WPJM sign in form.
* Fix: Lock Google Maps script to version 3.28.

= 2.2.2: August 15, 2017 =

* Fix: Checks for invalid time objects in Business hours.

* Fix: Update rating average when deleting a comment.
* Fix: Ensure "Avatar" is the default secondary image type.
* Fix: Check package ID on pricing template.
* Fix: Avoid outputting "0 Favorites" in OpenGraph tags.

= 2.2.1: August 14, 2017 =

* Fix: Page 2 results when using "Search This Location"

* Fix: Hide "Search This Location" when using Region filter.
* Fix: Listing Paymens 2.2.1 compatibility.
* Fix: Move Reviews widget title to top.
* Fix: Do not output comments widget when no comments exist.
* Fix: Ensure "Reset" and "RSS" links output when enabled.
* Fix: Use `jetpack_is_mobile()` when available.
* Fix: Do not show all favorites on author profile when no favorites exist.

= 2.2.0: August 8, 2017 =

* New: "Search this Location" button when browsing the results map.
* New: Better "No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce" support.
* New: Display rating stars on marker informational popup.
* New: Display open/close status on marker informational popup.
* New: Update initial submission package selection step to match Pricing page
* Fix: Show "Results Found" when using FacetWP.
* Fix: JSON-LD improvements.
* Fix: Ensure autosuggest returns only addresses.
* Fix: Ensure homepage hero map is not hidden on mobile.
* Fix: Allow Social Profiles widget to be added to author archive widget areas.
* Fix: Allow unsetting of default center coordinate in map settings.
* Fix: Reviews for WP Job Manager JSON-LD.
* Fix: Open/Close status when close time is the next day.

= 2.1.1: July 20, 2017 =

* Fix: Default center location on map.

* Fix: Remove sort by rating when using Reviews. Will be added when Reviews 2.0 is
* Fix: Use Chosen dropdown on category filter.
* Fix: Margin on location/region filter when multiple categories are enabled.
* Fix: Open/Close status when using 24 hour format.

= 2.1.0: July 19, 2017 =

* New: Listify now requires PHP version 5.3 or above. Please contact your web host
if you need to upgrade.
* New: The "Business Hours" widget now shows if the business is closed or open.
* New: Additional settings for the "Page: Listings" widget.
* New: Add sorting options for results. Sort by date, rating, and more.
* New: Remove business names from location autocomplete suggestions.
* New: Add listify_get_google_maps_api_key() function for filterable API key
* New: Add Listify version number to page source.
* New: Allow Listing Labels to be used in the Image Grid widget.
* New: Attempt to validate the default center coordinate for map settings.
* New: More stable Content Importer.
* Fix: Favorite and review icon colors when no featured image is set on a single
* Fix: Only display rating on map marker popup if enabled.
* Fix: Output social login buttons on all login forms.
* Fix: Gallery comments background color.
* Fix: Potential issue parsing video shortcode for the homepage.
* Fix: Ensure blog with no sidebar displays 3 columns of posts.
* Fix: Always show review count on single listing hero.
* Fix: Respect the default mobile view for the search page.
* Fix: "Filter by Region" dropdown arrow. Update to Regions 1.14.0
* Fix: Mega menu toggle on mobile devices.

= 2.0.5: June 30, 2017 =

* Fix: Ensure multiple "Recent Listing" widgets can be used on the same page.
* Fix: Add filter to JSON+LD data.
* Fix: Missing closing HTML tag on single blog posts.
* Fix: Minimum canvas height for listing map.
* Fix: Update address format for Brasil.
* Fix: Respect "Open in new window/tab" for listings.

= 2.0.4: June 29, 2017 =

* Fix: Ensure reviews do not try to divide by 0.

* Fix: Restore legacy WooCommerce filter for address formats.
* Fix: Ensure comments have an anchor for the page jump.
* Fix: Restore avatar functionality for WP User Avatar plugin.
* Fix: Ensure Reviews can be output on a single listing.
* Fix: Fix widget names (regression in 2.0.3)
* Fix: Resizing issues when viewing the map with a fixed header.

= 2.0.3: June 28, 2017 =

* Fix: Restrictions on "Page" widgets -- can appear on any page.

* Fix: Ensure Gravatar URL properly locates avatar.
* Fix: New "Parent ID" allows a setting of 0 to show only top level terms in Image
Grid widget.
* Fix: Ensure FacetWP sorting options are output.
* Fix: Ensure map bounds are properly reset when updating search filters so all
pins are visible.
* Fix: Ensure all listings are returned in proper proximity order under all
* Fix: Avoid PHP error in listing card avatar.
* Fix: Recent listings widget can now be randomized to avoid having ot use the
[jobs] shortcode.
* Fix: String updates for WP Job Manager 1.26+
* Fix: Ensure Listing Label icons can be set in the customizer.
* Fix: Ensure "Recent Listings" widget on author profile only includes current
* Fix: Ensure category dropdown on homepage uses "Chosen" dropdown when available.
* Fix: Avoid polluting the global query when using the Related Listings widget.
* Fix: Send short country format to address formatting function.
* Fix: Allow set categories to be chosen in the "Recent Listings" widget.

= 2.0.2: June 27, 2017 =

* Fix: Ensure "Locate Me" always appears on the homepage.

* Fix: Do not restrict "Listing Search" to homepage only.
* Fix: Ensure selected categories properly save in "Category Tabs" widget.
* Fix: Ensure "Category Tabs" widget is populated with all relevant listings.
* Fix: Ensure listing stars appear properly when no cover image is availble.
* Fix: Remove unneeded WooCommerce dependency for address formats.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error with JSON+LD data for items that are not listings.
* Fix: Do not automatically output Listing Labels in the listing description.
* Fix: Avoid division by 0 error for ratings.
* Fix: Ensure cover image filter is always run when searching for a featured image.

= 2.0.1: June 21, 2017 =

* Fix: Ensure "Author: Social" widget can appear during a submission preivew.
* Fix: Fallback to WP Job Manager Google Maps API key if available.

= 2.0.0: June 21, 2017 =

Version 2.0.0 marks **breaking** changes in the Listify codebase. Make a full site
backup, update all of your plugins to the latest version, and review update best
before upgrading.

* New: Major code optimization, performance enhancements, and security updates.

* New: Support for Astoundify Favorites.
* New: Support for Listing Labels for WP Job Manager.
* New: Support for Listing Payments for WP Job Manager.
* New: Support Yoast SEO's "Primary Category".
* New: Use JSON-LD to manage context of content in Listify.
* New: Rewritten mapping for better performance.
* New: Use javascript-based templating for listing results.
* New: Option to use Mapbox instead of Google Maps to plot results.
* New: Rewrite built in listing ratings.
* New: Show a message when a widget is added to the incorrect location.
* New: Show login form when clicking "Add Photos" as a guest.
* New: Parallax style option for homepage hero.
* Fix: Private Messages style updates.
* Fix: Update list of available Google Fonts.
* Fix: RTL support for single listing hero gallery.
* Fix: Do not round ratings to nearest half until visual output.
* Deprecated: WP Job Manager Paid Listings support.
* Removed: WP Job Manager Tags support. Use
* Removed: WP Job Manager Bookmarks support. Use -- replace shortcode with [astoundify-
* Template: Removed `content-job_listing.php`. See:

= 1.14.0: May 10, 2017 =

* New: Fix Google structured data and SERP errors for ratings and images.
* New: Tell Google to ignore listing gallery pages to avoid potential duplicate
* Fix: Use two items per row in the blog grid when a sidebar is enabled.
* Fix: Ensure user's biography can be saved when editing their account.
* Fix: Ensure homepage cover elements appear over standard listing cards.
* Fix: Ensure mobile mega menu dropdown redirects to correct term archive page.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error using WP Job Manager - Bookmarks.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when editing a comment.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when disabling rating integration.
* Fix: Ensure numeric restaurant table ID works with Open Table.

= 1.13.0: April 17, 2017 =

* Fix: WooCommerce Bookings + WooCommerce Product Addons + WooCommerce 3.0.x

* Fix: Do not use deprecated methods from WP Job Manager - Reviews.
* Fix: WP Job Manager - Claim Listing 3.2.x support.
* Fix: WP Job Manager - Reviews 1.9.x support.
* Fix: WooCommerce 3.0.x support for Pricing Table widget.

= 1.12.0: April 12, 2017 =

* New: WooCommerce 3.0.2+ support.

= 1.11.0: April 12, 2017 =

* New: WooCommerce 3.0 support.

* New: Alert user of a page's widget support when editing the content.
* New: Allow a list of defined listings in the "Recent Listings" widget.
* New: Hide image title on singular image views in the gallery.
* Fix: Update text domains and strings.
* Fix: Remove unused widget caching.
* Fix: Avoid error on Recent Listings widget when no title is set.
* Fix: Plans & Pricing redirect to listing submission page improvements.
* Fix: Display hero gallery slider dots on mobile devices.
* Fix: Disable input zooming on iOS.
* Fix: Don't output map/contact widget if no data exists.
* Fix: Search icon hidden on mobile when toggled off.
* Fix: Author page widgets not respecting settings.

= 1.10.0: March 6, 2017 =

* New: Favorites support. Releasing soon. Follow us
* New: Listing Tags support. Releasing soon.
* New: WC Advanced Paid Listing support. Releasing soon.
* New: WooCommerce 2.7 compatibility.
* Fix: Always show the biography on "Edit Profile" page.
* Fix: FacetWP header search facet choice.
* Fix: Display half stars when a rating requires it.
* Fix: Respect blog sidebar position (or none) on category archives.

= 1.9.1: February 2, 2017 =

* Fix: FacetWP filters not appearing on the homepage.

* Fix: New WP Job Manager "search results" string available for translation.
* Fix: Default menu dropdown color on "Classic" color scheme.
* Fix: Product "Sale" tag overflow on listing pages.
* Fix: Add-ons page generating PHP errors.

= 1.9.0: January 25, 2017 =

* New: More integrated support with WordPress 4.7's "Visible Shortcut" buttons in
the Customizer.
Visit Appearance ▸ Customize and easily see which elements of your site can
be updated visually.
* New: Update translations. Pull up-to-date translations from
Contact us at to become a translator
* New: Choose how the listing owner's name is displayed in the Author widget.
* New: Separate color control for submenu link colors.
* New: Enable High Accuracy option in the HTML5 geolocation implementation.
* Fix: Ensure better hero video performance by utilizing techniques introduced in
WordPress 4.7.
* Fix: Submenu items in secondary and tertiary menu now flyout to the right to
avoid opening off-screen.
* Fix: Use WordPress "Custom Logo" functionality for the logo instead of the Header
Image control.
* Fix: Add missing textdomain to search page title string.
* Fix: WP Job Manager - Field Editor compatibility.
* Fix: Default color scheme color tweaks.
* Fix: Ensure TimePicker options load in WordPress admin when selecting Business
* Fix: Ensure Blog title is not displayed when viewing a listing's gallery image.
* Fix: Open listings in a new window if option is checked when clicking in the
marker infobubble.

= 1.8.2: December 12, 2016 =

* Fix: Better checking if WooCommerce is active or not. The plugin should always be
active but the theme should not error if it is not.
* Fix: Only output aggregate rating data when ratings have been made.
* Fix: Remove whitespace at start of file to avoid an error with some server
* Fix: Default to output all information in the "Map + Contact" widget.
* Fix: Ensure stars for WP Job Manager - Reviews properly output in moderation
* Fix: select2 styling tweaks.
* Fix: Remove unneeded margins on certain search filter configurations.
* Fix: Avoid extra HTTP requests on non-Setup Guide pages.

= 1.8.1: November 17, 2016 =

* Fix: Ensure all listing results default to grid style when no alternative is set.
* Fix: Ensure custom shortcode attributes are respected on custom listing results
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when WooCommerce is inactivte.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error when WooCommerce Social Login is inactive.

= 1.8.0: November 16, 2016 =

* New: "Rentals" site content pack. Automatically set up your site for taking
online bookings (with WooCommerce Bookings enabled).
* New: Allow default search filters to be reordered or removed. Visit Customize ▸
Listings ▸ Search Filters.
* New: Add option to change the color of the Cart menu item count. Visit Customize
▸ Colors ▸ Header/Navigation.
* New: Add option to disable "Update Results" button on listing results. Visit
Customize ▸ Listings ▸ Search Filters.
* New: Add option to disable ratings and enable normal comments on listings. Visit
Customize ▸ Listings ▸ Labels & Behavior.
* New: Add option to change the color of the Ratings icon on listings. Visit
Customize ▸ Colors ▸ Listing.
* New: Add option to change the color of the Bookmark icon on listings. Visit
Customize ▸ Colors ▸ Listing.
* New: Add option to toggle off all listing card information. Visit Customize ▸
Listings ▸ Listing Card.
* New: Add option to change address format. Visit Customize ▸ Listings ▸ Labels &
* New: Add option to set full width menus. Visit Customize ▸ Menus ▸ Settings.
* New: Simplify single blog post layout to avoid duplicate hero areas.
* New: Updated Listing Author widget UI with clearer action buttons.
* New: Update UI integration for WP User Avatar.
* Fix: WooCommerce Social Login 2.0 support.
* Fix: WooCommerce Simple Registration 1.3.0 support.
* Fix: Hide listing packages from WooCommerce Recent Products widget.
* Fix: Ensure stars are output when submitting a rating for a guest listing.
* Template: Actions in `content-job_listing.php` template added. Please update your
child theme.
* Deprecated: Soft disable "List" display view. Enable via
`add_filter( "listify_listings_display_style_switcher", "__return_true" );`.

= 1.7.1: September 28, 2016 =

* Fix: Bump asset version numbers to help caches move on.

* Fix: Revert "sticky footer" implementation due to issues with Internet Explorer.
* Fix: Avoid conflicts with Google PageSpeed and custom header images.
* Fix: Restore rotation CSS for loading icons.
* Fix: Invalid `box-shadow` CSS syntax on primary header.

= 1.7.0: September 12, 2016 =

* New: Add live-reload for style and typography changes.

* New: Updated design for the Login and Register pages/modals.
* New: Updated design for the Bookmarks count in grid results.
* New: Updated design for WooCommerce Bookings widget.
* New: Widgetized Author profile pages. Manage widgets in Appearance > Widgets
* New: Recent Blog posts by author on profile pages.
* New: Add WP Job Manager - Stats to content importer.
* New: Add WP Job Manager - Claim Listing to content importer.
* New: Initial suggestions when adding a color or icon to a category in the
* New: Allow limitations based on location or category to the "Related Listings"
* New: Option to open the Call to Action link in a popup.
* New: Sticky footer on short screens.
* New: Option to disable location autocomplete on search filters.
* New: Use FacetWP search field when searching in the site header.
* New: Display full address instead of coordinates when requesting directions.
* Fix: Center map on FacetWP location with no results.
* Fix: FacetWP mega menu sorting.
* Fix: WooCommerce redirect to shop page on certain author profiles.
* Fix: German translation on account-signin.php template.
* Fix: Update input heights to be consistent across all types.

= 1.6.3: September 7, 2016 =

* Fix: Force version 3 of the Google Maps API. Allow arguments to be filtered.

= 1.6.2: August 19, 2016 =

* Fix: Add hardening to gallery file uploads to prevent unexpected file types.
Previously, other WP-allowed types were sometimes accepted.

= 1.6.1: August 11, 2016 =

* Fix: Potentially disappearing map on homepage or mobile device sizes.

* Fix: Javascript error in Theme Customizer on Map Appearance control.
* Fix: Remove background color on filters when using "Boxless" display style.
= 1.6.0: August 1, 2016 =

* New: Automatic content importer: quickly and easily install demo menus, pages,
widgets, settings, and more. Get up in running in minutes.
* New: Child theme creator: create a child theme while maintaining any customized
* New: Automatic updates: one-click automatic theme updates directly from
* New: Transparent fixed header for the Homepage hero area in Customize ▸ Content ▸
* New: Choose the size of a page's title area from the Edit Page screen.
* New: Allow listing map to appear on the right side of the screen in Customize ▸
Listings ▸ Search Page
* New: Allow default mobile view to be changed in Customize ▸ Listings ▸ Search
* New: Allow listing filter content box style to be set in Customize ▸ Listings ▸
Search Filters
* New: Allow listing filter meta information to be toggled in Customize ▸ Listings
▸ Search Filters
* Fix: WooCommerce 2.6.4 compatibility.
* Fix: PHP7 compatibility.
* Fix: Do not scroll map on mobile until focused.
* Fix: Button colors when using the Outline button style.
* Fix: Avoid extra clusters when using FacetWP.
* Fix: Customizer javascript error in Safari.
* Fix: Ensure cover image can be removed from Edit Listing page.
* Fix: Image aspect ratios on Single Listing Hero Gallery.
* Fix: Don't output Autocomplete and Locate Me functions with no Google Maps API
* Fix: Don't output single listing map with no Google Maps API key.
* Fix: Remove nested <h2> tag in Homepage Hero area.
* Fix: Full width pricing table on mobile.
* Fix: Let the Google Maps API server key be set separately.
* Fix: Respect "Disable Comments" customizer option in galleries.
* Fix: Disable Jetpack Mobile Theme module.
* Fix: Disable Jetpack Photon module.
* Fix: Exclude company logo from gallery images.

= 1.5.4: July 6, 2016 =

* Fix: Update support for WP User Avatar plugin.

* Fix: Update PHP Interface to match class method usage.
* Fix: Pass arguments to mega menu dropdown.
* Fix: Only force WooCommerce tertiary nav menu items when logged out.
* Fix: Pass current site language to any term query.
* Fix: Switch tag icons to term ID instead of slug to avoid inconsistencies.
* Fix: Respect gallery comments customizer option on gallery images.
* Fix: Update map zoom control description to match labels.
* Fix: Allow default center point to always show as this coordinate is returned
when no results are found.
* Fix: Use correct class name when checking for the Contact Listing plugin.
* Fix: Don't redirect to the submit page from Plans & Pricing if there is an error
on the page.

= 1.5.3: June 27, 2016 =

Google has updated their Google Maps API requirements. All websites *must* enter a
valid API key.
For more information on setting up your key please visit:

* Fix: Alert if no Google Maps API key is set.

* Fix: Ensure the Claimed badge is always shown on the listing grid.
* Fix: Default Author widget icon output.
* Fix: Comment rating display logic.
* Fix: Load terms based on current language in mega menu.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error in Tags widget.
* Fix: FacetWP fSelect facet type UI updates.

= 1.5.2: June 22, 2016 =

* Fix: Register Google Maps script earlier to help avoid potential plugin
* Fix: Revert secondary menu output deftault to true.
* Fix: Avoid PHP notice when no facets are set on the homepage.
* Fix: FacetWP dropdown style in Firefox.
* Fix: Tags should not be wider than the containing widget.
* Fix: Only load load homepage facets when using the Home template.
* Fix: Restore `listify_control_group_{group-id}` filters.
* Fix: Avoid PHP error in Polylang term shim.

= 1.5.1: June 22, 2016 =

* Fix: Do not output Featured badge on single listing page.

* Fix: Respect Call to Action widget color settings.
* Fix: Respect As Seen On background color setting.
* Fix: Bump asset version numbers to help caches.
* Fix: Ensure the Listify-specific select2 scripts and styles are always used in
the Customizer.
* Fix: Ensure the blog sidebar shows on a fresh install.
* Fix: Ensure the customizer can be closed.

= 1.5.0: June 22, 2016 =

* New: Improved FacetWP integration.

- Update FacetWP filter styles. Homepage facets now appear on a single line.
- Results page now appear more visually appealing.
- Support for new fSelect facet type.
- Facet display can now easily be managed in "Customize > Listings >
- Display extra filters under a "More Filters" area.
- Register default facets and templates for seamless activation.

For more information please review:

* New: Improved Map Marker Color and Icon Selection. Greatly improve Customizer

For more information please review:
* New: Convert "Call to Action" to widgetized area.

For more information please review:

* New: New featured listing style options.

For more information please review:

* New: Alternate blog layout options

For more information please review:

* New: Option to output contact email in Map Widget.

For more information please review:

* New: Choose Listing and Homepage hero overlay styles.

For more information please review:

* New: "Classic" style kit to match

* New: WC Social Login 1.8+ compatibility.
* New: WooCommerce 2.6.1 compatibility.
* New: Improved customizer experience.
* New: Selective Refresh for Customizer widgets.
* New: Allow contact author icon to be disabled in the Author widget.
* New: Change style and position of "Claimed" listing icon.
* Fix: Listing by Category widget respect category selections.
* Fix: WP_Widget compatibility for WordPress 4.6.
* Fix: Properly hash listify_cover() transient when using multiple object IDs.
* Fix: Enable/Disable Map Marker autopan.
* Fix: Audit and improve Google structured data.
* Fix: Locally hosted videos appearing 100% width.
* Fix: Remove "Apply" references left over from WP Job Manager.
* Fix: Listing owners cannot review their own listings.
* Fix: Chosen dropdown color in Ultra Dark color scheme.
* Fix: RTL support for Listing Gallery slider.
* Fix: HTML validation errors.
* Fix: Hide autolocation on Chrome and non-SSL websites.
* Fix: Only load Google Map scripts when needed.

= 1.4.3: June 10, 2016 =

* Fix: WooCommerce 2.6+ compatibility.

The new My Account tabs will be shown automatically on the My Account page
if no tertiary menu is set.

Tertiary menus containing a URL to the My Account page will not be modified
and menu items
should be managed manually.

= 1.4.2: May 26, 2016 =

* Fix: Only show selected categories in Category Tabs widget.
* Fix: Avoid PHP notice when Company Image is enabled.
* Fix: Avoid PHP notice when no term is set for the listing.
* Fix: Call get_avatar() for Company Images so plugins can still filter it.
* Fix: Remove default Tag widget in sidebar.
* Fix: Remove any empty term items that may be returned.
* Fix: Update submission form strings.

= 1.4.1: May 25, 2016 =

* Fix: Various speed and performance improvements.

* Fix: Avoid 404 error when loading map cluster images.
* Fix: Extra arrow on region drop down in submission form.

= 1.4.0: May 24, 2016 =

* New: Various speed and performance improvements.

* New: Company Logo field. Listings can have a separate company logo image uploaded
to be displayed on the listing card.
* New: Listing Card image customizer option. Display the Company Logo or Listing
Author avatar.
* New: Single Listing Hero Styles: Standard (featured image) or Gallery Slider.
* New: Recent Posts widget for the homepage.
* New: Option to disable infobubble autopan on map.
* New: Automatically move to the next submission step coming from the Pricing page.
* New: Listing grid design tweaks: move "Favorite" heart to the top right of the
* Fix: Tab and term list widgets.
* Fix: Comment sorting.
* Fix: When a location is cleared from search on the homepage do not use radius
search when redirected.
* Fix: Only pull images from the current listing on the map popup.
* Fix: Only show "Listing Owner" on comments if the listing is not posted by a
* Fix: Allow icons to be deselected in the customizer.
* Fix: Allow magnific popup library to be translated.
* Fix: Setup Guide redirection on initial activation.
* Fix: Calculate map offset dynamically to avoid a gap in certain instances.
* Fix: Remove link from listing package tags.
* Fix: Center radio bullets.
* Fix: Update TGMPA library.
* Fix: Turn off POI for the Mapbox color scheme.

= 1.3.2: February 4, 2016 =

* Fix: Output correct colors for map markers.

* Fix: Remove limit on mega menu dropdown.
* Fix: Add back default marker color and icons.

= 1.3.1: February 1, 2016 =

* Fix: Skip fallback check for old set icons. Sites with hundreds of categories
could slow down.
* Fix: Cache terms where possible for sites with many categories.
* Fix: Make sure FacetWP controls are still available in the customizer.
* Fix: Proper filter for parsing shortcodes in listing descriptions.
* Fix: WPJM 1.24.0 compatibility.
* Fix: Listing Packages not displaying without Claim Listing plugin active.
= 1.3.0: January 30, 2016 =

* New: "Style Kits" visit "Appearance > Customize > Style Kits" and make your
Listify website unique to you!
* New: "Font Packs" visit "Appearance > Customize > Typography" and adjust the
typography of your website.
* New: "Color Schemes" visit "Appearance > Customize > Colors" to see the newly
available color schemes.
* New: "Content" options visit "Appearance > Customize > Content" to adjust content
layout and display options.
* New: "Listings" options visit "Appearance > Customize > Listings" to adjust new
listing options.
* New: "Tags" widget design updates. Visit "Appearance > Customize > Listings >
Listing Tags" to set icons for assigned tags.
* New: Show gallery image descriptions if available.
* New: Browse Astoundify WP Job Manager add-ons in "Listings > Add-ons".
* New: Dynamically register FacetWP template.
* New: More helpful placeholders for inputs.
* New: Setup Guide improvements.
* Fix: Date internationalization for Business Hours widget.
* Fix: FacetWP internationalization options.
* Fix: Revert to standard `the_content()` call so shortcodes are parsed.
* Fix: Social Login on checkout causing toggle issues on login form.
* Fix: Use `https` to request geolocation information when using an API key.

= 1.2.1: January 19, 2016 =

* Fix: WooCommerce 2.5 compatibility.

= 1.2.0: November 27, 2015 =

* New: "Image Grid" widget can now use square boxes instead of random tiles.
* New: Support for tag archives.
* New: Full support for Chosen RTL.
* Fix: WooCommerce Terms of Service checkbox position.
* Fix: More checks for plotting on the map with FacetWP.
* Fix: FacetWP address formatting.
* Fix: Claim Listing plugin compatibility.
* Fix: Make sure the WordPress Image API files are loaded before uploading images.

= 1.1.2: November 23, 2015 =

* Fix: Indexing FacetWP proximity facet.

* Fix: Map controls at the top right of the map.
* Fix: Page settings not saving Hero style.

= 1.1.1: November 18, 2015 =

* Fix: Show the correct featured image on pages.

= 1.1.0: November 18, 2015 =

* Fix: Google Maps not displaying.

* Fix: "Not Found" message when using FacetWP.
* Fix: Can hide Search icon in the Primary Menu when using FacetWP.
* Fix: Order mega menu and filters the same.
* Fix: Properly reflect radius default value when set via URL.
* Fix: Only show Tags widget when the Tag plugin is active.
* Fix: Tag count tooltip.
* Fix: Expland gallery images to fill the widget.
* Fix: Show the author's first name if available.
* Fix: Cache rating counts.
* Fix: Don't fatal error when WooCommerce is not activated.
* Fix: Hide expired content.
* Fix: More specific loop inclusions to avoid title rewriting.
* Fix: Allow locations to be properly cleared.
* Fix: Polylang tweaks.
* Fix: Remove built in Proximity filter.
* Fix: Pad counts on mobile mega menu selector.
* Fix: Update Resurva. Now only requires the Resurva URL.

= 1.0.7: September 15, 2015

* New: Display category dropdown when searching from the homepage. Canonical
category archives still do not allow switching (intentional).
* New: Parse shortcodes on Feature Callout widget.
* New: Added future support for core FacetWP proximity facet.
* Fix: String updates.
* Fix: FacetWP tweaks to match plugin defaults.
* Fix: Only show categories when enabled.
* Fix: Display "Locate Me" icon after 1.0.6 update.
* Fix: Only output address schema markup if necessary.
* Fix: Encode translated slugs.

= 1.0.6: August 20, 2015 =

* New: Extra support for Polylang. See:

* New: Max Zoom Out option for Google Maps
* Fix: If you are using WP Job Manager - Regions, please update:
* Fix: Undefined variable check for selected package.
* Fix: Only limit login form width in popup if registration or social login is
* Fix: Update to PHP5 style constructor.
* Fix: Page gallery styles.
* Fix: WooCommerce template version numbers.
* Fix: Use a standard form for searching from the homepage. Improves performance.
* Fix: Show correct location on map widget with Extended Location disabled.
* Fix: "Get Started" on Plans & Pricing always links to Submit Listing.
* Fix: Remove types from RSS feed URL if not in use.
* Fix: Disable header search if FacetWP is enabled.
* Fix: FacetWP timing to avoid empty maps.
* Fix: FacetWP megamenu mobile links.

= 1.0.5: July 1, 2015 =

* New: Add tertiary navigation menu label on mobile.

* New: "Business Hours" in its own meta box in the admin.
* New: Link address to directions in the Map widget on a single listing.
* Fix: Ensure Points of Interest are hidden on the default map scheme.
* Fix: WooCommerce product search.
* Fix: Add WooCommerce error output on VC Homepage.
* Fix: Allow the /listing/ and /listings/ slugs to be hardcoded in a translation
file for Polylang.
* Fix: Add listify-child admin-texts configuration to wpml-config.xml for the
default child theme.
* Fix: Carry over the selected package when coming from the Plans and Pricing page.
* Fix: Prepend http:// to social links if missing.
* Fix: Make sure the biography is always editable in the profile.
* Fix: Change h1 to h3 on default widgets.
* Fix: Only show comments on published listings.
* Fix: Update WCPL Strings for 2.5.4+
* Fix: When searching a second time for a previously searched location make sure
results are updated again.
* Fix: Remove "Mark Filled" and "Mark Unfilled" by default.
* Fix: Allow gallery images to be fully removed when editing a listing.

= 1.0.4: May 27, 2015 =

* New: Add comments to inline gallery viewer.

* Fix: Stars appearance in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
* Fix: Respect slider gallery limit widget settings.
* Fix: Gallery next/previous arrow colors on focus.
* Fix: Instagram social icon hover color and spacing.
* Fix: Only show map on contact widget when location data exists.
* Fix: Only show top level taxonomy terms on the mobile navigation select.
* Fix: Click once and enter once to submit search on the homepage.
* Fix: Show "0 Results" before switching to found number.
* Fix: Social links open in a new window/tab.
* Fix: Remove WPJM widgets that do not apply to the theme.
* Fix: Comment sorting by rating.
* Fix: Allow custom map color schemes to always be loaded.
* Fix: Long category overflow on homepage search box.
* Fix: Avoid error when gallery slider is set with no images.
* Fix: Alert icon priority.
* Fix: Improve check for calculating the span on the last row for the image grid.
* Fix: Tertiary navigation z-index on the homepage.
* Fix: Display styles for more than 3 pricing options.
* Fix: Google Address Structured Data.
* Fix: Pass language to get_terms for Polylang
* Fix: Simplify wpml-config.xml
* Fix: If radius is manually shown on FacetWP have the select refresh the results.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.

= 1.0.3: May 8, 2015 =

* New: Map color schemes. Read about creating your own:
* New: Inline gallery widget for the listing page.
* New: Developers - Distance for each listing is passed to the WP_Query instance
when searching by location.
* New: Add Instagram to default social profile fields.
* New: Support for WP Job Manager - Alerts
* New: Update FacetWP Proximity facet to allow for miles/kilometers to be used.
* New: Add autolocation to FacetWP Proximity facet.
* Fix: Pressing Enter on the header search now submits the form.
* Fix: Avoid endless "searching" on map when no results around found.
* Fix: Move map templates (pin and popup) to actual template files.
* Fix: Use WordPress' Underscore.js template interpolation to avoid problems with
* Fix: Refresh FacetWP when a location is chosen from the autosuggestions.
* Fix: Wrap address directly with schema data to avoid errors with Google.
* Fix: Social Login positioning on certain pages.
* Fix: Don't show gallery widget when previewing.
* Fix: Remove VC page template by default. `add_filter( 'listify_use_vc',
'__return_true' );` to turn it back on.
* Fix: Rename page templates to provide better organization to select box.
* Fix: List style overflow on certain pages.
* Fix: Make sure lat/lng is properly cleared when clearing an autosuggested
* Fix: More accurate filling of last row in the image grid.
* Fix: Icon display in submenu items.
* Fix: Dark color scheme tertiary navigation menu item color.
* Fix: Remove extra whitespace when "None" is set to the Reviews widget icon.
* Fix: Don't output non-formatted location in unnecessary places.
* Fix: Order listing packages in ascending menu order.
* Fix: Use "Listings" dynamically on author profile page.
* Fix: Update Ionicons source.

= April 21, 2015 =

* Fix: Update TGM Plugin Actiation class (again).

* Fix: esc_url_raw() update.

= April 21, 2015 =

* Fix: Update TGM Plugin Activation class.

* Fix: Escape a few instances of add_query_arg().

= April 17, 2015 =

* Fix: Check for WC Paid Listings existence with constant instead of class name.

= April 7, 2015 =

* Fix: Avoid error on cover when no featured image is set but gallery images are.
Use gallery as featured image.
* Fix: Only modify the subscription Add to Cart URL on the Plans & Pricing +
* Fix: Only adjust the post class on the frontend.
* Fix: Reset homepage query after displaying Facets to avoid stopping the video
* Fix: Avoid endless spinning if autolocation cannot retrieve the address.
* Fix: FacetWP responsive styling on homepage.
* Fix: If the comment author is not registered then do not try to link to their

= March 31, 2015 =

* Fix: Continue returning proper results for the image grid images.
* Fix: String updates for WP Job Manager.

= March 30, 2015 (Unreleased) =

* New: Link the map widget directly to Google Maps on small devices.
* New: Refresh facets on the homepage instead of directing straight to the results
* New: Exclude listing packages from the shop archive by default.
* New: Use a gallery image on the map popup if no featured image is set.
* Fix: Make sure Social Login shows on standard pages.
* Fix: Standard searching should only return blog posts.
* Fix: Make sure pressing enter submits the homepage search form.
* Fix: Don't override WP Job Manager's category field type on the submission form.
* Fix: Fix cover regression introduced in causing errors in some instances.
* Fix: Remove #more- link on "Continue Reading" links in the blog.
* Fix: Don't error when 0 images are uploaded to the gallery.
* Fix: Minimum width for gallery images in the gallery overview.

= March 23, 2015 =

* New: Filterable zoom level for single listing map widget.

* Fix: Escape all data passed to map to avoid encoding errors.
* Fix: Turn off "Points of Interest" on map.
* Fix: Use "click" trigger for mobile devices (based on screen size).
* Fix: String update for "unlimited" job listings.
* Fix: Avoid PHP errors on unset variables for covers.
* Fix: When "Contact Listing" has a previously assigned "Claim Listing" form and is
deactivated while
"Claim Listing" is active, do not error.

= March 19, 2015 =

* New: Add "None" option for icons on widgets.

* Fix: Style conflict with WP Job Manager - Reviews. Please update WP Job Manager -
* Fix: Pass the full state to WooCommerce when formatting a location.
* Fix: Default to 5 stars if no interaction with the stars when submitting a
* Fix: When no featured image is set fall back to a gallery image.
* Fix: Use WPJM upload core functions to upload images.
* Fix: Don't append an extra Social Login output to the body when using the popup.
* Fix: When previewing a listing ensure the proper coordinates are loaded for the

= March 17, 2015 =

* New: Pass the language to the geolocation request. If your site is Italian a
"Rome" address will return "Roma".
* Fix: Don't remove types from the query when using the map on the homepage.
* Fix: Don't let WP Job Manager ever override the FacetWP results.
* Fix: GB instead of UK country code for miles vs kilometers.
* Fix: Don't resize the homepage map incorrectly.
* Fix: Make sure the homepage map search returns relevant results (not malformed by
other widgets).
* Fix: Regions dropdown not appearing on mobile devices. Requires WP Job Manager -
Regions v1.7.2

= March 16, 2015 =

* Fix: The UK uses miles on the map.

* Fix: Don't restrict Jetpacks output of sharing, but remove it from the listing
* Fix: Don't apply radius when viewing a region archive.
* Fix: Homepage map filter width should match the container on large devices.
* Fix: Always refresh the FacetWP template when the facets change.

= March 13, 2015 =

* Fix: Don't pass the Google Maps API key to the geocode endpoint unless it exists.
* Fix: Display the social profiles in the admin when associated with a listing.
* Fix: Make sure stars are always selectable and the selection is properly
= March 11, 2015 =

* Fix: WCPL String Updates.

* Fix: Link formatted location using geocoded coordinates.
* Fix: Avoid PHP notice when saving a Claim.
* Fix: Send Google Maps API key when geocoding via WP Job Manager.
* Fix: 3 Column WooCommerce shop archive.
* Fix: Display an error when no images are selected for uploading.
* Fix: Time format display when using French.

= 1.0.2: March 10, 2015 =

* New: Mapping improvements: searching based on location, miles/kilometers, speed,

accuracy, extensibility.
* New: Support for updated Extended Locations and Claim Listing plugins.
* New: Update Ionicon library to the latest version.
* New: Allow a sidebarless shop and product page.
* New: Add star base count class to HTML output.
* New: Support for select2 (WooCommerce).
* New: Add Tumblr icon support for Social menu.
* New: Add a "None" option to the region bias.
* New: Social fields can be associated with a listing (and output on the submission
form) instead of a user.
* Fix: More consistency with the single listing map widget.
* Fix: Don't link the tags/ammenities in the widget output.
* Fix: Optimize translation loading.
* Fix: Output accurate results found count when map is turned off.
* Fix: Respect all FacetWP link settings (including on homepage).
* Fix: Pass current language to Google Maps.
* Fix: More dynamic map height to avoid cutting off canvas.
* Fix: Do not adjust position of the social login items on the My Account page.
* Fix: Remove "Completed" text on setup items that do not require it.
* Fix: Ratings default to 5 stars with a required minimum of 1.
* Fix: Show pending comment to author but do not count it in average.
* Fix: Don't allow WooCommerce to override tertiary navigation link titles.
* Fix: Address format updates (Spain, Ireland, Ireland, Dutch
* Fix: Street Address can not be positioned in formats.
* Fix: Remove conflict with plugins using a CSS @import.
* Fix: Firefox text selection background color.
* Fix: Many stability and user experience improvements.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.

= February 10, 2015 =

* New: Ability to set specific terms on the Image Grid widget.

* Fix: Respect FacetWP settings better.
* Fix: Gallery loading properly with translated 'gallery' slug.
* Fix: Link comment author to author's public profile on the website.
* Fix: Add title of product over booking widget.
* Fix: Make sure grid image heights are always equal.
* Fix: Add a full clickbox hit area to the image grid.
* Fix: Don't try to save fields that have been disabled.
* Fix: Make sure the first category of the mobile megamenu is clickable.
* Fix: FacetWP layout and style tweaks.
* Fix: Don't stretch gallery images that are smaller than the recommended width.
* Fix: Make sure the link to the gallery URL has a separator.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.

= January 21, 2015 =

* New: Add a default search radius value to the customizer.
* New: Page Template: Page with sidebar on the left.
* New: Add Envato WordPress Toolkit to recommended plugins.
* New: If WC Paid Listing package selection is set to "before" have the pricing
table link to the submission page.
* New: If FacetWP is active the mega menu will respect the archive links.
* Fix: Secondary and Tertiary submenus should open to the right.
* Fix: Dark color scheme tertiary submenu link color.
* Fix: Always show the "Map & Contact" widget even if no map data exists.
* Fix: Don't show the "Add Photos" link when previewing a listing.
* Fix: Update Listing > Add New input title string.
* Fix: When sorting by location make sure WP Job Manager does not interfere with
distance sorting.
* Fix: Load Google Maps JS slightly earlier to avoid being overwritten by other
* Fix: Only show approved comments/reviews.
* Fix: Plans & Pricing responsive tweaks.
* Fix: Maximum height and overflow on mega menu to avoid the loss of scrolling.
* Fix: Clean up what is shown in the preview listing so the remaining is more

= January 19, 2015 =

* Fix: Only call upgrade routine when available.

= January 19, 2015 =

* New: Add the ability to set the region bias in the theme customizer.
* Fix: Use a standard uploader for adding images to listings.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.
* Fix: Undefined variable in Homepage Image Grid
* Fix: Styling improvements for various WooCommerce parts.
* Fix: Check for translations stored in the WPLANG directory.
* Fix: Allow the Listing page template to override the [jobs] shortcode.
* Fix: Make sure unformatted addresses are properly wrapped.
* Fix: Add a filter around the default [jobs] shortcode.

= January 8, 2015 =

* Fix: Improve auto-formatted locations. Properly formatted based on country now

(using WooCommerce).
* Fix: Don't show the social profile widget if no methods have been added.
* Fix: Allow the images in the "Image Grid" widget to be manipulated via the
listify_cover_image filter.
* Fix: Allow "%s Results Found" string to be properly translated.
* Fix: Allow "%s Review/s" string to be properly translated.
* Fix: Add a filter around the comment_form() call.
* Fix: Business Hours widget/input respects WordPress' day of week setting.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.

= January 7, 2015 =

* Fix: PHP 5.2 compatibility for Homepage Features widget.

* Fix: Add a filter to control the output attributes of the mega menu.
* Fix: Only output the "Claim Listing" link when a form is assigned.
* Fix: ACF compatibility fixes for gallery management.
* Fix: Add a filter to control who can add photos to the current listing.
* Fix: Make sure pins can still be plotted with formatted addresses turned off.
* Fix: Don't duplicate the address with formatted addresses turned off.
* Fix: Add basic schema data around unformatted addresses.
* Fix: Open a listing's associated website URL in a new window.
* Fix: Make the header searchform strings translatable.
* Fix: Allow the translation of the "Filter by tag:" string.
* Fix: Continued translation and i18n improvements.

= January 5, 2015 =

* Fix: Properly load translations only from Listify. You only need to translate
listify.pot (and your language may
already be included). Make sure you have the latest version of the files
* Fix: Don't show category multi select on home or other widgetized pages.
* Fix: Hide WP Job Manager Add-ons from the menu.
* Fix: Offset listing filters on page when using [jobs] shortcode.
* Fix: Don't show the tags widget if no tags were assigned to the listing.
* Fix: Completely hide the title/description when blank to avoid scrolling on

= December 22, 2014 =

* Fix: Make the widgetized page resembles standard pages, not homepage.

= 1.0.1: December 22, 2014 =

* New: Any page can be assigned a "Widgetized" page template that will have its
unique widgetized area.
* New: Homepage (Slider) Page template to load a slider at the top of the homepage
instead of default functionality.
* New: Radius searching is now on by default.
* New: Show a "Book Now" button in the hero when a bookable product is attached.
* New: If multiple categories are assigned and the same level, output them all.
* New: Autocomplete searching accepts the same region bias as geocoding.
* Fix: Make the widget caching unique to the current listing.
* Fix: Improve Jetpack Subscribe widget styling.
* Fix: Make "Appearance > Header" reflect reality better.
* Fix: Don't count replies as ratings.
* Fix: Output the correct star count on listings.
* Tweak: WP Job Manager strings mapped to Listify to avoid translation confusion.

= December 9, 2014 =

* Fix: Don't output the header search form path.

= December 9, 2014 =

* New: Add the ability to hide the "Claim Listing" link by marking as claimed.
* New: Formatted addresses link to Google Maps.
* New: "Listing" string support for WP Job Manager - Alerts.
* Fix: Properly check if a day's hours are set to Closed.
* Fix: Header search form searches listings instead of posts/pages.
* Fix: Make sure no PHP notices appear when adding new listings with no hours.

= December 4, 2014 =

* New: Option to disable secondary navigation mega menu.

* Fix: Update tertiary navigation background color for Dark color scheme.
* Fix: Print WooCommerce notices on all pages.
* Fix: Update default widgets to better match our demo.
* Fix: Properly update the amount of listings found.
* Fix: Update/Search button label based on context.
* Fix: Use set noun for listing tags slug.
* Fix: Fix pagination styles for listings when using numbers.
* Fix: Address widget alignment in IE11.
* Fix: Login/Register popup submission error handling.

= December 1, 2014 =

* New: Add animated .gif images to setup page.

* New: Location-based searches can now be keyword based (radius is optional).
* New: Use the "Primary" menu label to label the mobile menu.
* New: Link {{account}} avatar to author's public profile page.
* Fix: PHP 5.2 compatibility with round().
* Fix: Make sure taxonomy is passed to tag field on submission form.
* Fix: Round the top corners of blog images
* Fix: Account for larger headers and navigation items when laying out the page.
* Tweak: Only redirect to setup guide on brand new installs.

= November 28, 2014 =

* Fix: Make sure page templates load the full size cover image.

= November 25, 2014 =

* Fix: Properly set close (x) button on search overlay in the header.
* Fix: WP Job Manager - Regions is not a required plugin.
* Fix: "Features" widget import data type.
* Fix: On author archives make sure only correct cover images are shown.

= 1.0.0: November 24, 2014 =

First release!

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