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This first set of proofs is very basic. It seems that my original document has simply been fitted to
a narrower format and some ‘first cut’ editing has been performed. No attempt has been made
to restore the original diagrams, table of contents, photographic section, etc. I am assuming this
is still to be undertaken. I offer the following bullet point comments to assist you in making the
necessary changes.

There are several instances where you appear to have applied changes to some parts of the
manuscript but not others. For example, what are your rules on the use of quotation marks? It
seems like you have made changes but not consistently. It is hard for me to know which changes
are the ‘correct’ ones. Presumably, AM editors and sub-editors have a document listing the
grammatical rules that normally apply. I think it would be good if you advised me what the rules
are so I understand when/where rules have been applied. Please send me this document.

I have made the assumption that there was no need to read the manuscript word for word, and
that all changes made to the submitted manuscript are marked.

Specific comments:

 Please note that all references to trans-woman, trans-women, trans-men, trans-people have
been changed back to trans woman, trans women, trans men and trans people without the
hyphen. This is the common usage in the community. The exception to this rule is the use
of the hyphen in non-trans.

 When the phrase ‘trans woman sex workers’ is used, it should consistently be trans woman,
not trans women, as in male, female and trans woman sex workers. I have changed all
references to transwomen sex workers to trans woman sex workers. Note that otherwise, if
it is not followed by the use of the term sex workers, the plural of trans woman is trans

 To avoid undue repetition, trans woman sex workers is sometimes abbreviated to trans sex
workers where it is obvious from the context that they are trans women.

 The type size, style and bolding of the title have been changed to 18 for the main title and 12
for the subtitle without colon. The style is Bookman Old Style, all unbolded. This is the same
font that Austin Macauley uses for its logo. I think it is slightly understated and elegant.

 Sexual services such as “french” and “spanish” should not be capitalised as they are not
describing nationalities… they describe sexual services.

 I have noted inconsistent use of superscript for eg 18 th century; sometimes reads as 18th and
at other times is 18th. Can the superscript be consistently applied? This is an example of why
it would be good for me to have access to your grammatical rules. Then I would know which
usage is the correct one.
 Be careful about incorrect spell-check alterations from ‘cross dressers’ to ‘cross dresses’, or
‘travesti’ to ‘travesty’, for example. (These changes were rejected).

 I have noted that there were many instances where a comma was placed before the word
‘because’. I agree with the following rule, taken from Grammarly: ‘Most of the time, you
should not use a comma before because when it connects two clauses in a
sentence. ‘Because’ is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects a
subordinate clause to an independent clause. Good style dictates that there should be
no comma between these two clauses’. The same occurs with ‘but’ – there should be no
comma if it is an independent clause. Therefore, I have rejected this change whenever
‘because’ was connecting an independent clause, but otherwise left the change intact.

Regarding some of the following comments, please note that my laptop uses Windows 10 but
Office 2010 and your manuscript attachment unavoidably comes up in “compatibility mode”. I
am working on the assumption that everything I am seeing on my version is as it appears on your
version, but it is possible that some of my comments on layout have been affected by changes
resulting from seeing this in compatibility mode. Please let me know where this is the case. I
have used screen shots to clearly indicate what I am seeing in some instances.

I would like to include the caveat that some changes are hard to see or read because all the
markups obscure how the final text will look. Once you take the proof to the next stage, it will
need to be checked again. I presume this is normal. The following bullet points indicate issues
that I am not sure about how to proceed giving feedback or they are formatting issues that you
do not appear to have addressed at this stage:

 Note that after page 24 the page numbers seem to disappear; and then reappear from page
81. Please fix.

 I am not entirely happy with the layout where long passages have been quoted. Why have
you done this? In the manuscript they were indented and in smaller type size to clearly
distinguish them from main text. In your version they are in the same type size and have no
indents. This makes what I have written and quotes difficult to tell apart. As it stands, it
relies entirely on an inverted comma to identify that a quote is being used. The quoted
passages are now indented and italicised to differentiate them from the rest of the text.

 Could you please explicitly advise me what rules you are applying for inverted commas and
quotation marks? It is far from clear what they are. I may be mistaken but it appears that
they have been inconsistently applied. Some questions that arise are:
o Inconsistent use of single and double inverted commas. eg p 120 lines 34 to 35 In
this case, a double quote was missing which would indicate the end of the words
spoken by that particular person.
o Quotes versus conversation? We have tried to differentiate quotes of people who
are narrating their story with the dialogues that are present within those. Single
quotes have been used for narrations and the conversations that occur within that
narration are double quoted.
o Shouldn’t there be an inverted comma at the beginning of each new para if the
quote continues? For example, P135 lines 1 to 24 (3 paragraphs); and P143 lines 14
to 19.

 Can you please clarify the look of dashes used in the text (see screen print). They appear to
have no spaces on either side and are very long. I think this may have something to do with
the compatibility mode (eg p 29 line 18/19), as per the previous bullet point.

 As a general comment, quite a lot of formatting seems to have been thrown out. In
particular could you please address the following:

 The table of contents is very hard to read compared to the original manuscript.
 See P81, the scene at the beginning of Transitioning rites: the layout is incorrect. In the
version we can see, the ticks make no sense; the double justified margins don’t work etc.
Refer back to original manuscript.

 Figure 1 formatting and caption on p 111 is not correct

 The photographs and captions on pages 163 to 168 are not correct. Refer back to original

 Note the distortion of the photos in the screenshot below and captions appear to be written
the same font, font size and font style as ordinary text. This looks terrible! It is essential that
the photographic section is printed separately on quality photographic paper. Please restore
the look to the original.
 P171 The italicised scene opening the chapter (from The Crying Game) would be much
better if it fitted onto one page than going over onto a second page. It’s been my experience
that page layouts can be subtly adjusted to enable this. Could you please change?

 Figure 2 formatting and caption on p 235 is scrambled. Please restore to the layout originally

 Chapter 8 has dropped out of the table of contents! Please restore.

 The sub-headings and sub-sub-headings in Chapter 7 need to be modified as follows:

o Sub-heads to be: Times new roman, bold, font size 16 (eg, ‘Phyical bodies’ P 240)
o Sub-sub-heads to be: Times new roman, bold, font size 11 (eg, ‘Exposed and
concealed genitals as indicators of sexual interest’ P 240)

 Caption for Table 1 on p 254 is not sitting under the table, but is sitting on another page! All
table captions have no formatting relevant to the Table. Please restore.

 P266 Note paragraph space before and after quote though this has not been done
elsewhere. Although I think it makes it easier to read. P267 para space before quote and not
after it.

 Caption for Table 2 on p 271 is not sitting under the table etc.

 Figure 3 and caption p 295 not correct.

 Figure 4 caption on p 304

 Terms and definitions: All formatting lost. Please restore, so it presents in the same way as
the original. Do not capitalize those terms which were not capitalised in the manuscript.
Similarly terms in the bibliography of sexual services. There are too many formatting issues
to comment on. Please restore the layout.

Text to be added at front of book

About the author

Over the past 25 years, James has undertaken in-depth doctoral and post-doctoral study of trans
women and their clients. He has worked with various Gender organisations in the United States and
Australia, and has immersed himself in the lives of the people who appear in this book. He has
interviewed gender luminaries such as Carmen Rupe and Georgina Beyer and, equally, has
interviewed many people who remain unknown. James has a deep interest in wanting a better world
and this passion is expressed in different ways. After helping establish the Deep and Meaningful
Conversation Meetup Group in the United States to stimulate engagement on issues of social
significance, he established new groups in Australia and New Zealand. James now lives with his wife
in New Zealand and the United States.

To those who accept people who are different


So many people have contributed to the research, writing and completion of this book that I do not
wish to single them out for fear of excluding others that may, inadvertently, have been missed. To all
the people who have assisted in a myriad of ways – providing helpful information, revealing sensitive
personal details, giving practical assistance, editing manuscripts, encouraging and mentoring me – I
thank you. Without your support, this work would not have happened.

But there are two people who have encouraged and mentored me more than any other: Frank
Lewins who, for 10 years, was my Masters and PhD supervisor and a very good friend. After moving
to be closer to my children, my wife Wendy took over this role. Thank you both for your warmth and
intellectual guidance.

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