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1) Based on the book, make a speech for someone who hasn't read it.

If you have too

seen the movie, compare this to the book. Why do you think the movie
was so
Máximo Décimo Meridio, a loyal Hispanic
general in the army of the Roman Empire
who is betrayed by Commodus, the
ambitious son of Emperor Marcus
Aurelius, who has murdered his father
and taken the throne. Forced to become
a slave, Maximo triumphs as a gladiator
as he yearns to avenge the death of his
family and that of the emperor.
Maximus Tenth Meridio leads the
Roman army to a major victory over
the Germanic tribes, ending a long
war of the Roman empire. He thus
earns the esteem of the old and sick
Emperor Marcus Aurelius, decides
that upon his death it is the general
who holds the temporal power until
the senate of Rome finally assumes
the government of the empire. When
his father informs him of his decision,
Commodus murders his father in a fit
of rage and seizes power. At that
moment the general is betrayed by his
friend, Quintus, who reluctantly
instructs the Praetorians to execute
him and his family in Hispania.
Maximo manages to get rid of his
executioners and begins to return
home at full speed, but he does not
arrive in time to save his wife and son.
Maximo is unconscious from
exhaustion and falls into the hands of
slavers who move him to Zucchabar,
in North Africa. There he is bought by
the lanista Proximo and forced to fight
as a gladiator in the arena.
In Rome, How to do is crowned
emperor and orders, which start
several months of games and
gladiatorial fights in the Roman
Colosseum. He is taken to fight in the
imposing Colosseum in Rome, hiding
his face with a helmet, Máximo led by
his comrades in combat and he
obtains an unexpected victory with
which he wins an audience that begs
for their lives. Impressed, How To
Decipher In The Arena To Meet The
Fighters And Order The Chief
Gladiator To Reveal His Identity. He
turns around, revealing his face, and
says: «My name is Máximo Décimo
Meridio, commander of the Armies of
the North, general of the Felix
Legions, loyal servant of the true
emperor Marco Aurelio, father of a
murdered son, husband of a woman
murdered, and achieve my revenge in
this life or in the other ».
Later, Maximo, adored by the public,
fights against the undefeated gladiator
Tigris of Gaul, whom he manages to
overcome but respects life, against
the wish of Commodus. The populace
baptizes him for that reason "Maximus
the compassionate". However, How
To Suspect The Tradition He Is
Warping Against His Own Sister And
Threatens To Kill Her Son If He
Doesn't Reveal The Whole
Conspiracy To Her. Máximo manages
to reach the city walls through
tunnels. There he discovers that he
has fallen into a trap: Cicero is
assassinated and he is captured.

How to prepare a combat in the

Colosseum against the popular
gladiator. Maximo manages to disarm
the emperor, who desperately asks
Quintus, chief of his guard, for a
sword and ends his life.
Its popularity is due to the fact that this
film has a solid plot line that transports
us to the times of ancient Rome.
2) What part of the story did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed more the part in which Maximo

becomes the most praised by the public, where
he demonstrates the loyal and good human
being that he is. the film is very loosely based
on historical facts, which transports you to
those times
Which character would you like

Maximo, is a brave soldier, who despite all the

damage they did to his family, does not lose his
head and honor. Maximo is a fighting man,
Most like to know, and why? What is your opinion about him / her?
What is your role? in the book?

Maximo triumphs as a gladiator as he

yearns to avenge the death of his family
and that of the emperor.
3) You must show yourself creatively in the video (I'm not saying put yourself
costumes). It means that you can do a monologue, a TV show, etc.
4) Create a YouTube account and upload the video there, then you ONLY need to submit
I link to the video. It will take time to load, so I really recommend doing it with
enough time. After the hour I will not accept activities.

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