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Nama : Mia Solihati

NIM : 19.124

Kelas : 1C

Activity 1

1. Alat ini digunakan untuk memotong

This instrument is used for cutting
2. Apa nama alat yang digunakan untuk mencabut jahitan?
What is the name of the instrument that used to pull cut stitches?
3. Saya perlu alat untuk membantu pasien yang lumpuh kakinya untuk bangun dari tempat
I need a tool for helping patient who are paralized leg to get up from the bed
4. Dalam proses endoskopi, kita perlu suatu alat untuk membuat mulut pasien tetap terbuka
In endoscopy process, we need an instrument to make mouth of patient to keep open
5. Bisa minta tolong untuk mengambilkan sebuah termometer digital untuk saya?
Could I get a help for bringing me a digital thermometer?
6. Alat ini berfungsi untuk menyerap cairan darah ketika proses operasi
This instrument have a function for absorbing liquids or bloods when operation
7. Untuk mengangkat korban kecelakaan, kita menggunakan stretcher
To carry injured person, we used stretcher
8. Untuk mengukur tekanan darah kita bisa menggunakan aneroid manometer atau
To measure blood pressure, we can used aneroif manometer or sphygnomanometer
9. Maukah anda menjelaskan fungsi dari sling?
Would you mind to explain sling's and function?
10. Apa nama alat yang digunakan unyuk menimbang dalam bahasa inggris?
What is the name of instrument that used to weight in english?

Activity 5

Task 1
Point at one picture available above, then ask your friend using the following question

Example :

Nurse 1 : What is this? ( pointing at a gallipot )

Nurse 2 : It is a gallipot

1. A : What is this?
B : it is a scissors

2. A : What is this?
B : it is a digital thermometer

3. A : What is this?
B : it is a aneroid monometer

Task 2

Ask your partner about the following

Use this expression : “ what do you call … used for …? “

Example :

Nurse 1 : What do you call a chair used for an invalid to sit and move around?

Nurse 2 : It is a wheel chair

1. A : What do you call a tool used for cutting something?

B : It is a scissors
2. A : What do you call a tool used for handle sterile instruments?
B : It is a cheatle's forceps
3. A : What do you call a tube use for removing liquid from the body or site of operation?
B : It is a drains
4. A : What do you call a thin glass tube used for taking and measure samples of liquids?
B : It is a pipette
5. A : What do you call a tube used for put instrument handling forceps?
B : It is a cylinder

Task 3

Explain the function of 5 medical instruments

Example :

Nurse 1 : What is a gag used for?

Nurse 2 : it is used for stopping a patient closing his mouth

1. A : What is suture scissors used for?

B : It is used for removing stitches
2. A : What is thermometer used for?
B : It is used for measuring temperature
3. A : What is bandage used for?
B : it is used for warping a wound or injured limb
4. A : What is scale used for?
B : it is used for knowing weight a patient during the initial patient assesment
5. A : What is pipette used for?
B : it is used for taking and measure samples of liquids

Task 4

Cut the pictures in the supplementary material

Explain its name and function in front of the class ( video )

Task 5

Find a complete description of the diagnostic tools listed below

Explain each function ( find a copy of each picture )

1. Helicat CT. Scan

is a non-invasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical
conditions, CT scans of internal organs (such as the liver, pancreas, lungs and kidney),
bone, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater clarity and reveal more details than
routine x-ray exams.

2. MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging )

is type of diagnostic imaging. Unlike x-rays or computed tomography (CT or CAT)
scans, an MRI does not use x-rays. It uses a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency
pulses to produce very exact images of your internal organs, muscles, and bones. It is a
valuable diagnostic tool.

3. Bronchoscopy

is used to view airways and for check any abnormalities

4. Endoscopy

is a nonsurgical procedure used to examine a person's digestive tract. Using an endoscope, a

flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it and can a view picture on a color TV

5. USG
It is used to help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body's internal
organs and to examine a baby in pregnant women and the brain and hips in infants

6. Angiography

 is a medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels
and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins, and the heart
7. Laparoscopy

is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen. It’s a
low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions.

8. Lithotripsy
Lithotripsy is a medical procedure used to treat certain types of kidney stones and stones
in other organs, such as your gallbladder or liver.

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