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Decision making support system for car


hossain, farin , 13-24419-2


American International University-Bangladesh

Abstract. Car transport is possibly the most common used form of

transport. Its a great experience for someone to drive on routes.In car
purchasing its very difficult to take decision with the average cost. The
idea and steps of making right choices on car purchasing assure one to
buy a good car within ones budget.In this paper as I am describing about
the decision making process and problem solving technique which is a
major area in computer science field and it has a great effect on this
field. It can make a difference in this field.

1 Introduction
Earlier people could use only horses, bullock cart, elephant for their transporta-
tion but nowadays people can travel in air using planes and spaces using space
shuttle.Todays transportation means cars, buses, scooter, cycle, trains etc. Trans-
portation system is needed in every step in our life. Wherever we go, whenever
we go, it is needed, we need it every day. Cars are one of the most used trans-
portation system. A huge number of people use car in every seconds.

1.1 preferences of customers

Car purchasing can be considered as a decision making problem. Car purchasing
reflects the preferences of customer, their query, their tests, and their interest.
Before shopping a new car someone wants to take finances and options. People
consider purchasing a new car considering their safety. Specification, warranties,
resale value, insurance information and fuel economy also includes as important

2 Literature review
Decision support system is a user interactive system which helps user in deci-
sion making by manipulating large amount of information or data from various
related information and co related systems involved in organizational business
processes, such as management automation system, transaction processing and
storing system, etc. Decision support system (DSS) uses the summary or core
(base) information, trends, patterns, exceptions using the analytical or logical
2.1 related work

Human decision making performance decreasing because of task overload and

the limitation of human decision making is expressed by [14] called that bounded
rationality. Human like intellectual faculties including common sense, reasoning,
perception, and the ability to learn providing computers are known as artificial
intelligence (AI)[15].The use ability of machine capable of reason by which it can
learn new or existing functions normally associated with human intelligence [12]
also known as artificial intelligence (AI).An advisor can recommend something.
Advisor can be either human or software, but first the advisor must know with
what kind of thing it is working [16]. For online shopping RA is extremely inves-
tigated [7].Knowledge based program firstly allows the purchaser to give their
requirements and then it allows the purchaser to interrogate with its knowl-
edge base [3]. To achieve the goal of imitating the human expert, the system
consist has three components actually they are separates but works like related
components [11]. A user interface is like something where the user or purchaser
will directly communicate with the knowledge based expert system or decision
making support system [8].

2.2 works field

Decision making expert systems are now available in many government and busi-
ness areas. Even they are working in very sophisticated areas like medical diag-
noses, weather forecasting. Siri, Google Now, Cortana and other assistants also
use decision making system. Expert system uses disease symptom analysis, loan
application evaluation, and military vehicle application. In this paper decision
making expert system is employed as an advisory system on car purchasing.

2.3 how its works

The acceptable definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was proposed by Alan

Turing what is known as Turing test[7]. Combining human along with computer
intelligence he imagined an idea behind a screen. If we failed to detect which
one is the human than the computer machine passes the test having artificial
intelligence[1].Todays Decision making system or artificial system can be capable
of 1. performing tasks that used to perform by human. 2.Performing tasks faster
than any human .3.Helping human in reasoning on making decision or solving
decision making problem[4].

3 Proposed research methodology

Decision making support or advisory system for car purchasing came out of an
essential need to automatically simulate the sequences of decision making using
decision making technology.
Figure shows the architecture model of decision making system for car purchas-
ing. One important criterion of decision making expert systems is the way they
(actually) make part by part domain specific knowledge from more main or gen-
eral purpose reasoning and corresponding techniques[6]. A UI (user interface),
an explanation system and for a bit time knowledge base editor and inference
engine is provided by the shell[13]. When user give a new problem or search a
new query a shell can easily be find the right sort of support for that problem.
Intelligent Advisor must seek a balance between customer needs and available
resources[9]. Every new request disturbs the current balance[5]. The resources
are products such as car brands The main idea is that in a scenario of purchasing
a car the objective of purchasing would be the product that mostly satisfies their
needs and their preferable one[10].

3.1 Algorithm issue

A list of product is provided by the product catalog [14, 15] and each product is
provided by a number of attributes. By solving multi attribute decision problem
the process of selecting of most accurate product or item from the item catalog
can be formally described T= (A, B, C, D) where A = a1, a2an is a set of
attributes with finite length the product catalog has, B= b1, b2bn indicates
all the spaces of all possible product in the catalog, C= c1, c2cn is a set of
available products of finite length that the product catalog offers and D= d1,
d2dn indicates a set of preference may be identified in any form as required by
the decision methods.

3.2 Error of application

Its very hard to solve this problem. It can make a difference in this field. Because
as decision making support system (DSS) in car purchasing is respectably a new
idea or only a few works had done before. My idea and methodology can open a
door of new decision making process as well as effective car purchasing process
or model.
4 Conclusion
Here in my research I used the knowledge base artificial intelligence.By applying
various criteria such as degree of a user satisfaction the performance of the
system can be evaluated. Nature of work, values, set of need, user preferences
are the criteria that the system considered[17]. The research introduces a novel
approach which could help a user on the right choice of car purchasing.

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