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Manejo del peso:

At this time we are taking a very complex subject as is Weight Management and the main objective of this
Special Report at our Following The Root Area is to share some of the research and findings we have for the
past year or so.

We might all be very familiar with the SP6 Complete on SP6 position on the Left and GLUTATHIONE on
SP6 position on the Right protocol and according to our experience, it does only work for some but not for

So, here is a “Flow” we propose for anyone who might be interested to run it.

However, before we start talking about the options we may have, it would be helpful to understand where
we are currently:

1- BMI (Body Mass Index)

Calculating BMI is a very simple process:

Metric formula:

Weight (kg) / Height (m) x Height (m)


Weight (lbs) / Height (in) x 704.5

Males and females are gauged differently

  Male BMI Female BMI

Underweight <20 <18.7
Normal 20-25 18.7 – 23.8
Overweight 25 – 30 23.8 – 28.6
Obese 30-40 28.6 – 36
Morbidly Greater than 40 Greater than 36

These are the factors that we might know or at least we can relate to:

2- Causes Of Having Weight Issues

 Genetic Factors
 Social, Environmental, Psychological Factors
 Endocrine, Hypothalamus, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes
 Overeating and Over-drinking
 Lack of exercise

3- The Overweight Mechanism According To TCM

General speaking, an increase in weight more often occurs in the later years of life, for example after
childbirth, during menopause or with a change of lifestyle. The metabolic rate seems to slow down and
enters into a vicious cycle. Any kind of treatment or “Approach” to it seems to work for short periods, but
the weight and the old ways of eating and lifestyle seem to return.

In TCM, accumulation of fat or being overweight is nothing other than accumulation of Phlegm, Dampness
and Turbidity.

In short and straightly speaking, fat is formed due to non-transformation of fluids, which accumulates and
produce fat.

I’ve Never Heart It Before, What Is Turbidity?

Turbidity is a pretty interesting concept by TCM. The Spleen and the Stomach are the two main organs
controlling digestion. The Stomach controls the “Rotting and Ripening” of food and drink, then from this
“Mash”, a “Clear” part is transported upwards by the Spleen to the Lungs to be transformed into Chi and to
the Heart to be transformed into Blood.

The Stomach therefore, transports downward the “Turbid” part of this Mash to the Intestines and Bladder for
eventual discharge from the body as feces and urine. In other words, Turbidity is the most “Mushy” or solid
part of what we consume.

The important part of all these is that according to TCM, the Stomach Chi, which empowers the Stomach’s
function, comes from the Spleen and ANY accumulation of Turbidity is considered to be due to a Spleen

This then, will cover accumulation of Turbidity


In TCM, Dampness is referred to water fluids which haven’t been transformed and for some reason have
stopped or ceased to move and because the Spleen Chi governs and empowers the movement and
transformation of water fluids, ANY obstruction to the function of the Spleen Chi may result in
accumulation of Dampness.

Please take note that in Chinese Medicine, dampness is considered to be the cause of many illnesses such as
high cholesterol, cancer, metabolic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies and
environmental illness, etc, etc…

This then, will cover accumulation of Dampness


In TCM, Phlegm is fluid retention or more specifically Congealed Dampness and under the “Accumulation
of Fat” context, Phlegm is mainly the fluid that accumulates in a cavity of the body.

This then, will cover accumulation of Phlegm

We could therefore say that there is some element of Spleen Dysfunction in all cases of Overweight and

What Causes Spleen Dysfunction Then?

 According to TCM, here we list the possible causes:

 Insufficient Exercise
 Excessive thinking and worry
 Excessive fatigue
 Aging
 Over or inappropriate use of certain type of medicines
 Unregulated eating and drinking
 Excessive consumption of sugar and or sweets
 Excessive consumption raw/uncooked and chilled foods

Other Organs Involved in Overweight and Obesity

The Lungs and the Kidneys also play and important role and together with the Spleen, are the 3 organs
which completely govern water fluids in the body. Because each is located in one of the three Warmers:
Lungs at the Upper, Spleen at the Middle and Kidneys at the Lower, it is usually said that the Triple Warmer
governs the Water Passageways.

What Is The ROOT Of The Issue Then?

Let’s look at it step by step:

1- If the Spleen Chi fails to empower the Stomach, it might fail to transport downwards Turbidity and
Turbidity may then accumulate.

2- While this Turbidity remains within the Stomach, it is now creating another issue: Food Stagnation.

3- This Food Stagnation may damage the Spleen leading to even more Spleen Issues.

4- The Spleen-Stomach Chi is directly responsible for the Appetite and very often, due to what we are
describing above, the Stomach Chi may “Heat” up and the appetite increases, the Stomach therefore, may
become Hot and this hyper-function of the Stomach creates a rapid “Emptying” feeling, rapid “Hungering”
and excessive appetite.

5- A “Hot” Stomach may lead to Overeating even if the Spleen is not able to separate the Clear from the
Turbid, therefore, Phlegm, Dampness and Turbidity increases and the person gains weight.

The whole system goes our of balance.

Let’s Not Forget The Liver!

The Liver has a very close relationship with both the Spleen and Stomach and it typically does play a major
role in the creation of Phlegm, Dampness and Turbidity and in being overweight. The actual reason is that,
the Liver is responsible of the mechanism which maintains the free flow of Chi throughout the entire body
and if for any reason, the Liver Chi becomes depressed and or bound, the Chi will fail to move water fluids,
contributing directly to the creation of Phlegm, Dampness and Turbidity.

What is often said in TCM: “If the Liver is diseased, first treat the Spleen”.
And we tend to believe that this might be one of the original “Line of Thoughts” by using SP6 Complete at
SP6 position.

If you really think about it, SP6 Complete at SP6 position does work for many people in controlling their
appetite, that is a fact. However, due to what we are describing here, the actual “Conditions” for many of us
are not really favourable to use SP6 Complete at SP6 position and it seems like it doesn’t work, where in
reality, the imbalances and blockages are the root cause of the issue.

Now, the BIG question is: What Can We Do Then?.

Here we include a list of concepts that are helping us to have better “Ideas” and base many of our own
formulations when it comes to Weight Management Issues.

STEP 1: The Importance Of Understanding The “Shapes”

One usually is overweight at one area of the body. The interesting thing is that by looking at the shape of the
body, we could have a very good idea of how to start a protocol.

On the image above, A type represents a weight distribution towards the upper region, which in TCM
correspond to the Upper Warmer, B type represents a weight distribution towards the Middle region, which
in TCM correspond to the Middle Warmer and lastly, C type represents a weight distribution towards the
Lower region, which in TCM correspond to the Lower Warmer.

All three types above are considered to be cases of “Empty” Warmers and it could be useful to start by
tonifying the Yin and Yang aspects of the Channel and clear any stagnation or blockage.


Points To Tonify Upper Warmer

Day 1:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV14



Day 2:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV14



Points To Tonify Middle Warmer

Day 1:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV12



Day 2:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV12



Points To Tonify Lower Warmer

Day 1:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV3



Day 2:

Y-Age Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV3




Running any of the options above in 2 consecutive days is considered 1 Cycle.

Start patching preferably in the morning and run the protocol according to your case for 2 consecutive cycles
(4 days), then continue with Step 2.

Test by keeping all the placements throughout the night until the following day. If it does disturb your sleep,
just remove the ENERGY ENHANCER patches.

Use a new set of patches starting a new day.

STEP 2 - Water Metabolism Protocol

A very simple protocol to address Water Metabolism in general.

First Day (To Open The Channels):

ENERGY ENHANCER on LU7 - WRTL (To disperse the Chi)

ENERGY ENHANCER on SP9 - WRTL (To address dampness)

ENERGY ENHANCER on K5 - WRTL (“water spring” point helping with water retention)

Second and Subsequent Days:





Run Step 1 above according to your case. Then, run this protocol for 5 consecutive days (start patching
preferably in the morning) and pay special attention how your appetite is and also your usual cravings.

One more suggestion: at day #4 & #5, introduce a SP6 Complete at SP6 position (L Side) to this protocol.
That will give you a better idea how you react to it.

Test by keeping all the placements throughout the night until the following day. If it does disturb your sleep,
just remove the ENERGY ENHANCER patches.

Use a new set of patches starting a new day.

The objective here is to create the right conditions for your body to react positively to the use of SP6
Complete patches. Then, you could continue any SP6 Complete program you’d like.

Sweet Cravings

Triple Stack of SP6 Complete + GLUTATHIONE + AEON all stacked together on CV12

You can test this quick protocol at any time, however, if you have really strong Sweet Cravings, we strongly
suggest that you run the above Step 1 first according to your own case and the Water Metabolism protocol
as well, please remember that imbalances and blockages are the root cause of weight management issue,
including all the cravings…

Test this protocol in any other type of cravings as well.















1. Issue.

Step 3 - The “WOODEN HAMMER” Protocol (Based on a Tested Study)

We first came across an article titled, “A Short Discussion of the Acupuncture-moxibustion

Treatment of 20 Cases of Simple Obesity.” around a year ago. Then, we’ve formulated The
WOODEN HAMMER protocol for ourselves, some of our close friends and relatives.

Here you can read the original article.

The interesting part is that this article describes an actual Study done by Dr. Sun Li:

Of the 20 patients enrolled in this study, only one was a male. The oldest patient was 52 and the
youngest was 11 years old. Seven cases were grade I overweight (meaning a BMI equal to or more
than 25 but less than 30). Twelve patients were grade II overweight (meaning a BMI equal to or
more than 30 and less than 35), and one patient was grade III overweight (meaning a BMI equal to
or more than 35 but less than 40). All patients in this study met WHO diagnostic criteria for being
overweight. Patients whose obesity was secondary to disease were excluded from this study.

Treatment method:

Body acupuncture consisted of the following main points:

Tian Shu (St 25)

Xia Wan (CV 10)

Shi Men (CV 5)

Da Ju (St 27)

Study outcomes:

Cure was defined as achievement of a BMI after treatment of less than 25. Marked effect was defined
as a weight loss of more than 5kg. Some effect was defined as a weight loss of 2kg or more, and no
effect meant that there was no improvement in weight. Based on these criteria, three cases (15%)
were judged cured, 11 cases (55%) got a marked effect, and six cases (30%) got some effect. Thus
the total effectiveness rate was 100%.


According to Dr. Sun, in Chinese medicine, fat is categorized as a species of “heavy phlegm,
turbidity, and dampness.” It is formed due to non-transformation of righteous fluids and humors.
These collect and accumulate and produce fat. For instance, if the three burners’ qi transformation
does not diffuse due to the lungs, spleen, and/or kidneys’ regulation, movement, conduction,
transportation, streaming, and transforming losing their duty, there will be yang vacuity and yin
exuberance. Water rheum and phlegm turbidity collect internally, and this leads to the creation of
fat. Thus we can see that obesity is closely associated with loss of regulation of the lungs, spleen,
kidneys, and three burners, and, of these, it is most closely associated with the spleen. Therefore,
within the above protocol, the main points are all located on the foot yang ming stomach channel,
the foot tai yin spleen channel, and the conception vessel. These points are able to fortify the spleen
and boost the stomach, transform phlegm and eliminate dampness. Massage on the abdominal
region can course and free the flow of the spleen-stomach channel and network vessel qi and blood,
disperse food and abduct stagnation, and stimulate the metabolism. A large amount of scientific
research has made it clear that the combination of body acupuncture and ear acupuncture can
increase and strengthen the body’s hypophysal-pituitary-adrenal cortex and sympathetic-adrenal
system functions, thus promoting the body’s metabolism of fat as well as controlling appetite.
Therefore, Dr. Sun believes that the combination of body and ear acupuncture for the treatment of
simple obesity is quite good. In addition, it is without side effects.

Copyright © Blue Poppy Press, 2005. All rights reserved.

Here we included our version of Dr. Sun Li Acupuncture Protocol:




SP6 Complete on CV10

and we’ve added AEON on CV8

Plus CARNOSINE on CV12 to complete the “Wooden Hammer”.

Here you can check a full image of it.

Notes & Final Suggestions:

o Run the Wooden Hammer protocol after going through Steps 1 & 2 described above.
o Start patching preferably in the morning and run it for at least 5 consecutive days (preferably
10 Days with a break of 1~2 days in between).
o Test by keeping all the placements throughout the night until the following day. If it does
disturb your sleep, just remove the ENERGY ENHANCER patches and keep oll the others
in position.
o Use a new set of patches starting a new day.
o We have not tested any Ear placement.

LASTLY, Dr. Sun’s study includes some Auxiliary points:

Zu San Li (St 36)

San Yin Jiao (Sp 6)

Feng Long (St 40)

Qu Chi (LI 11)

Nei Guan (Per 6)

He Gu (LI 4)

We can see that most of the points above (Except for ST40 & LI11 positions) are part of the 5 Days
Detox so, you could test by running that protocol concurrently and adding those 2 points as well…

It took us a considerable amount of time to research, test and complete this compendium of concepts
and ideas shared here to all our Full Members for the first time. You may use all this information for
yourself, clients and those who may need your assistance as well as use it as a base information for
you to formulate your own protocols. However, PLEASE:

If possible, let us know your outcome.

If possible, TRY not to share the whole report in chat groups, via emails etc, but rather encourage
others to get it from the source. We believe that our Full Membership fees are accessible to most

Lastly, If possible, give us your personal point of view at the comment box below in regards to any
of the topics included at this report or even about this last portion.

It will really mean a lot to the healthy growth of this project.

Thank You!

The Patching Protocol Team

UPDATE (November 29, 2014):

We have received several questions and comment related to some areas of this Weight Management
Special Report and one member in particular had most of the questions so, we are including this
short update for everyone to take notes:

Question: When you say "Triple Stack: CARNOSINE + GLUTATHIONE + AEON\", it it in that
order with Aeon on top or does it not matter?
Answer: Usually we follow that order. We keep testing everything and that is the order that we've
been using for all these while.

Q: The same with the other triple stacking option \"Triple Stack of SP6 Complete +
A: Yes, same as above.

Q: When you say "Test by keeping all the placements throughout the night until the following
day. If it does disturb your sleep, just remove the ENERGY ENHANCER patches." What are you
testing for? You say the same in another place.
A: Good question. I've found that in many cases wearing EE patches during the night might disturb
the sleep so, the objective will be to test if having the full protocol in place throughout the night does
not disturb your sleep, if it does, just remove all the EE patches and leave all the others. On the other
hand, if it doesn't disturb your sleep, then just leave all the patches in place till following morning.

Q: Finally when you refer to "LASTLY, Dr. Sun’s study includes some Auxiliary points: do you
mean I should use a set of EE on the two points not included in the 5 elements protocol in the
detox protocol?
A: Another good question. If you look closely at the Wooden Hammer protocol, all positions are
located at the abdomen and it includes all Y-Age patches. Then, by looking at the list of Auxiliary
points suggested by Dr. Sun, you might also see that most points are part of the 5 Days Detox, So,
what we suggest is that, it could be a good option to run concurrently both protocols, however, you
might want to just add one EE pair per day following the 5 Days Detox procedure and also add the 2
extra points: LI11 & ST40 as well... Perhaps by adding EE on LI11 (WRTL) on Day one and EE on
ST40 (WRTL) on Day two and repeat it again or just wait for the next cycle.

It is all about testing those points as well because all those Auxiliary points have been tested
specifically for Weight Management Issues at Dr’ Sun’s study and it would be a matter of checking
which set of points works for each individual.

El estancamiento de Qi (energía vital) provoca la acumulación de flema turbia.

En quienes están emocionalmente perturbados, la experiencia de trauma, tener problemas de menstruación

o ser de edad avanzada, se puede alterar el flujo de Qi del el hígado lo que a su vez afecta a la digestión y el
fujo sanguíneo.

Como consecuencia el qi lento que afecta el flujo de sangre tienden a bloquear los meridianos.

Por lo tanto, en estas personas, es probable que la humedad permanezca en el cuerpo. Con el tiempo, esto se
va a solidificar en flema cuyo resultado es la obesidad.

deficiencia de yang del bazo y el riñón

En el caso de la deficiencia de yang de bazo y riñón, no hay suficiente qi para transformar o fundir la flema. La gente
en esta categoría a menudo se siente cansada o fatigada. pueden sufrir de debilidad en la zona lumbar y en las
rodillas, falta de aliento, impotencia o disminución de la libido. El pulso es profundo y fino , la lengua es pálida y sin
ningún tipo de saburra. Los factores genéticos puedendesempeñar un papel en esta condición. También puede ser
el resultado de otras enfermedades, el estrés o un estilo de vida poco saludable.El tratamiento consiste en fortalecer
el bazo y tratar la deficiencia renal.

el estancamiento del hígado

el estancamiento del hígado causada por emociones fuertes prolongadas o depresion, conduce a la falta de
armonía entre el bazo y el hígado y da lugar a la retención de líquidos.

Debido a que el hígado está deprimido, la vesícula biliar también está deprimida y agotada ; el flujo y reflujo de
éstos órganos se desequilibran, y el mecanismo de qi no fluye libremente. De ahí que es dificil transformar la
turbidez de grasa y con el tiempo conduce a la obesidad.

La gente en esta categoría tienden a tener exceso de material graso depositado en el abdomen. El cuerpo está
hinchado y los individuos se sienten sin fuerzas. Las personas también pueden experimentar el exceso de secreción
de esputo, mareos, vértigo, náuseas, sequedad en la boca, falta de deseo por la comida o la bebida y el malestar en
el pecho y el abdomen. Una capa brillante o grasa blanca por lo general cubre sus lenguas. El pulso está rodando.El
tratamiento consiste en mejorar el funcionamiento del hígado, la vesícula biliar y desbloquear el estancamiento

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