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Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

Power Point Program


Power Point is one of the Microsoft Office Program. This program is used to
design presentations by slides.
This unit will help you to design any topic in easy and interactive way. At the end
you will be able to:
1. Insert new slide.
2. Edit font and colors.
3. Insert picture from file.
4. Format Placeholder in Slides.
5. Apply Slide Design template.
6. Recognize the important of MS power point.

Objectives Steps

1. Insert New Slide in Power 1. Recognizing the list bar component of Power
Point Program. Point Program.
2. Clicking Inset in List bar.
3. Selecting New Slide.

2. Edit font and color. 1. Writing Sentence on the slide.

2. Recognizing the Toolbar.
3. Trying the type of font, size, color and alignment.

3. Insert picture from file. 1. Clicking Inset in List bar.

2. Selecting picture.
3. Choosing from file.
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

Objectives Steps

4. Format Placeholder in 1. Right click by the mouse.

Slides. 2. Selecting Format Placeholder.
3. Recognizing colors and lines.
4. Choosing the colors For the line and fill colors.

2. Pressing "Design" in Toolbar.

5. Apply Slide Design
3. Selecting template from the presenting templates.

6. Justify the using of

1. Writing the features that make Power point
Microsoft PowerPoint for
suitable for presentations.

Information/Resources: Computer, Internet, Tutorials, Website.

Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 First: Objective one "Insert New Slide"

To Insert New Slide Follow the Steps below:

1. Recognizing the list bar component, it has many options.

2. Click Insert and select New Slide:

Activity 1:
Search another way for inserting New Slide.

Activity 2:
1. The name of the bar that used to insert
New Slid is …………

There is another one in

The name of the bar List
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 Second: Objective one "Edit Font and Colors"

To edit the font and color of any word follow the steps:

1. Writing Sentence on the slide.

2. Recognize the Toolbar.

Font Size Bold

Type Alignment For the

Activity 1:
Write "Welcome to Power Point Unit" in the Slide you insert it before.
Then change the size to 16, color to red, make it bold, Font type is Arial.

Activity 2:
3. The name of the bar that used to edit and format font is……

1. First write the "Welcome to Power Point
Unit" by using Keyboard.
2. Highlight it and then go to Toolbar.
3. Select the Size and make it 16.
4. Go to color and chose red.
5. Press “B” in Toolbar to make it bold.
6. Finally go to font type and select Arial.

The name of the bar is
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 Third: Objective Three "Insert picture from file."

To Insert Picture Follow the Steps below:

1. Click Insert and then Select Picture.

2. Chose from file.

Activity1: Activity2:
As you see in the screen shoot, there is another 2. The name of the bar that used
way to insert picture what is it? And how use to insert picture is …………

1. we can bring a picture in power pint program by :

a. File b. Edit c. View d. Insert

You can insert picture from Clip Art by selecting
Clip Art and then write any name, you will see
different pictures.

Feedback2: Feedback3:
The name of the bar d. Insert
is List Bar.
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 Fourth: Objective Four " Format Placeholder "

Follow the steps to format the placeholder:

1. Select the Placeholder on the Slide.

2. Right click in Mouse and select Format holder.
3. You can change the Placeholder line and background.

Activity Four:
Change the color of line to blue and make fill color brown for the
placeholder of "Welcome to Power Point Unit".

1. First highlight the placeholder and then right
click the mouse.
2. Select Format Placeholder, small box will
3. From fill change the color of the background
ton brown and from Line change the color of
line to blue.
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 Fifth: Objective Five "Apply Slide Design template".

To Chang the design template of the Slide follow the steps:

1. Pressing "Design" in Toolbar.

2. It appears for you numbers of different templates:

Activity Five:
Apply the template named proposal
for Slides.

1. Press "Design" in Toolbar.
2. From the templates that appear, Search for
the one that called proposal.
Roqaia Al-Hashmi 68697

 Sixth: Objective six "Important of PowerPoint".

Now you learn the important things about PowerPoint program. To see more
futures of Power Point go to this link:

Activity six:
 Think why we use Power Point program instead
of any program of Microsoft Office Programs?


Because it is helps to organize opinions in easy

way and its more interactive from other
Microsoft office Programs especially in

This unit talks about Power Point Presentation. It includes some objective
with steps to achieve these objectives. It includes some activities that help the
learner to asses himself.

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