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Different number of people attended the wedding reception of five different couples.

The people who attended the reception are either invited or uninvited. The
people who are invited are from bride side or from groom side. The pie chart given below shows the distribution of the number of uninvited people who attended
the wedding reception of these couples.
The bar graph given below shows the distribution of the number of invited peoplefrom the bride side who attended
the reception, and the percentage of number of invited peoplefrom the groom side who attended the reception out
of the total number of people (invited + uninvited) who attended the wedding reception of each couple.

What is the ratio of the total number of people who attended

wedding reception of couple C to the total number of people
who attended wedding reception of couple E?

युगल C के शादी समारोह में शाममल होने वाले व्यक्तिओं की

कुल संख्या और युगल E के समारोह में शाममल होने वाले
व्यक्तिओं की कुल संख्या का अनपु ाि ककिना है ?

A -7:8
B -11:12
C -13:16
D -17:20
E -None of these
Different number of people attended the wedding reception of five different couples. The people who attended the reception are either invited or uninvited. The
people who are invited are from bride side or from groom side. The pie chart given below shows the distribution of the number of uninvited people who attended
the wedding reception of these couples.
The bar graph given below shows the distribution of the number of invited peoplefrom the bride side who attended
the reception, and the percentage of number of invited peoplefrom the groom side who attended the reception out
of the total number of people (invited + uninvited) who attended the wedding reception of each couple.

The average number of invited people by groom side who attended the
wedding ceremony of couples A, C and D is

ु ल A, C और D के शादी समारोह में वर पक्ष से आमंत्रिि लोगों की
औसि संख्या ककिनी है ?

A -52 less than the number of people who attended the wedding
reception of couple A but are not invited.
B -56 more than the number of people who attended the wedding
reception of couple B but are not invited.
C -16 less than the number of people who attended the wedding
reception of couple C but are not invited.
D -20 less than the number of people who attended the wedding
reception of couple D but are not invited.
E -32 more than the number of people who attended the wedding
reception of couple E but are not invited.
Different number of people attended the wedding reception of five different couples. The people who attended the reception are either invited or uninvited. The
people who are invited are from bride side or from groom side. The pie chart given below shows the distribution of the number of uninvited people who attended
the wedding reception of these couples.
The bar graph given below shows the distribution of the number of invited peoplefrom the bride side who attended
the reception, and the percentage of number of invited peoplefrom the groom side who attended the reception out
of the total number of people (invited + uninvited) who attended the wedding reception of each couple.

Total number of people who attended wedding reception of

couple D are how much percent less/more than the total number
of people who attended wedding reception of couple A?

युगल D के शादी समारोह में शाममल होने वाले व्यक्तिओं की कुल

संख्या यग
ु ल A के शादी समारोह में शाममल होने वाले व्यक्तिओं
की कुल संख्या से ककिना प्रतिशि कम/अधिक है ?

A -32%
B -36%
C -40%
D -44%
E -None of these
Different number of people attended the wedding reception of five different couples. The people who attended the reception are either invited or uninvited. The
people who are invited are from bride side or from groom side. The pie chart given below shows the distribution of the number of uninvited people who attended
the wedding reception of these couples.
The bar graph given below shows the distribution of the number of invited peoplefrom the bride side who attended
the reception, and the percentage of number of invited peoplefrom the groom side who attended the reception out
of the total number of people (invited + uninvited) who attended the wedding reception of each couple.

If the number of people who are not invited, invited from bride
side and invited from groom side in wedding reception of
couple D drink 750 ml, 500 ml and 250 ml of orange juice,
respectively, then find the total quantity of orange juice served
in the wedding reception of couple D.

यदद युगल D की शादी समारोह में विू पक्ष से त्रिन िुलाए लोग,
आमंत्रिि लोग और वर पक्ष से आमंत्रिि लोग क्रमशः 750 ml,
500 ml और 250 ml orange juice पीिे हैं िो युगल D के शादी
समारोह में परोसा गया orange juice की कुल मािा ककिनी है ?

A -248 litres
B -255 litres
C -284 litres
D -272 litres
E -None of these
Different number of people attended the wedding reception of five different couples. The people who attended the reception are either invited or uninvited. The
people who are invited are from bride side or from groom side. The pie chart given below shows the distribution of the number of uninvited people who attended
the wedding reception of these couples.
The bar graph given below shows the distribution of the number of invited peoplefrom the bride side who attended
the reception, and the percentage of number of invited peoplefrom the groom side who attended the reception out
of the total number of people (invited + uninvited) who attended the wedding reception of each couple.

If the number of people who are invited from groom side and
from bride side gifted Rs. 251 and Rs. 501 each, respectively to
couple B, then find the total amount collected by couple B as
gifts from the invited people?

यदद युगल B की शादी समारोह में वर पक्ष और विू पक्ष से

आमंत्रिि लोग में से प्रत्येक क्रमशः Rs 251 और Rs 501 दे िे हैं
िो आमंत्रिि लोगों से युगल B द्वारा उपहार के रूप में एकत्रिि
ककया गया कुल रामश ककिना है ?

A -Rs. 93,132
B -Rs. 96,222
C -Rs. 99,312
D -Rs. 102,402
E -None of these
Number of people invited by
Couple Number of uninvited people Total number of people
groom side
A 0.15 × 1200 = 180 (180 + 300)/0.64 = 750 0.36 × 750 = 270
B 0.24 × 1200 = 288 (288 + 84)/0.62 = 600 0.38 × 600 = 228
C 0.18 × 1200 = 216 (216 + 70)/0.55 = 520 0.45 × 520 = 234
D 0.21 × 1200 = 252 (252 + 36)/0.60 = 480 0.40 × 480 = 192
E 264 (264 + 152)/0.65 = 640 0.35 × 640 = 224
Five friends invested different amounts in two different schemes: A and B. The table given below shows the distribution of the total
amounts invested, interest earned after nine months, and the amount received after six months by each of the five friends.
Note: Scheme A offers 40% p.a. compound interest compounded quarterly whereas scheme B offers 36% simple interest p.a.

Total amount Interest Amount

invested in earned after received after
Total amount invested by Diksha is how much percent
schemes A and B nine months six months less/more than the total amount invested by Dinesh?
together (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Diksha द्वारा तनवेश की गई कुल रामश Dinesh द्वारा तनवेश की
Deepak 27,000 8,205 -
गई कुल रामश से ककिना प्रतिशि कम/अधिक है ?
Dinesh - 7,090 28,620
Darpan 20,000 - 23,750 A -30%
Diksha - 9,846 38,772 B -32%
Deepti 18,000 5,531 - C -35%
D -38%
E -None of these
Five friends invested different amounts in two different schemes: A and B. The table given below shows the distribution of the total
amounts invested, interest earned after nine months, and the amount received after six months by each of the five friends.
Note: Scheme A offers 40% p.a. compound interest compounded quarterly whereas scheme B offers 36% simple interest p.a.

Total amount Interest Amount

invested in earned after received after The average amount invested in scheme A by Dinesh, Deepak
schemes A and B nine months six months and Deepti is equal to the
together (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Deepak 27,000 8,205 - Dinesh, Deepak और Deepti द्वारा scheme A में तनवेश की गई
रामश का औसि ज्ञाि करें |
Dinesh - 7,090 28,620
Darpan 20,000 - 23,750 A -amount invested by Deepak in scheme B.
Diksha - 9,846 38,772 B -amount invested by Dinesh in scheme B.
Deepti 18,000 5,531 - C -amount invested by Darpan in scheme B.
D -amount invested by Diksha in scheme B.
E -amount invested by Deepti in scheme B.
Five friends invested different amounts in two different schemes: A and B. The table given below shows the distribution of the total
amounts invested, interest earned after nine months, and the amount received after six months by each of the five friends.
Note: Scheme A offers 40% p.a. compound interest compounded quarterly whereas scheme B offers 36% simple interest p.a.

Total amount Interest Amount What is the difference between the total amount received by
invested in earned after received after Deepak after six months and the total amount received by
schemes A and B nine months six months Diksha after nine months?
together (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Deepak 27,000 8,205 - छह महीने िाद Deepak द्वारा प्राप्ि कुल रामश और नौ महीने
Dinesh - 7,090 28,620 िाद Diksha द्वारा प्राप्ि कुल रामश के िीच का अंिर ज्ञाि करें |
Darpan 20,000 - 23,750
A -Rs. 9,396
Diksha - 9,846 38,772
B -Rs. 9,693
Deepti 18,000 5,531 - C -Rs. 9,936
D -Rs. 10,369
E -None of these
Five friends invested different amounts in two different schemes: A and B. The table given below shows the distribution of the total
amounts invested, interest earned after nine months, and the amount received after six months by each of the five friends.
Note: Scheme A offers 40% p.a. compound interest compounded quarterly whereas scheme B offers 36% simple interest p.a.

Total amount Interest Amount

invested in earned after received after What is the ratio of the amount invested by Deepak in scheme
schemes A and B nine months six months B to the amount invested by Diksha in scheme B?
together (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Deepak 27,000 8,205 -
Scheme B में Deepak और Diksha द्वारा तनवेश की गई रामश का
अनुपाि ककिना है ?
Dinesh - 7,090 28,620
Darpan 20,000 - 23,750 A -2:3
Diksha - 9,846 38,772 B -5:6
Deepti 18,000 5,531 - C -8:9
D -11:12
E -None of these
Five friends invested different amounts in two different schemes: A and B. The table given below shows the distribution of the total
amounts invested, interest earned after nine months, and the amount received after six months by each of the five friends.
Note: Scheme A offers 40% p.a. compound interest compounded quarterly whereas scheme B offers 36% simple interest p.a.

Total amount Interest Amount If the amounts invested by Darpan in scheme A and scheme B
invested in earned after received after are interchanged, then find the change in the interest earned
schemes A and B nine months six months by him after nine months.
together (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Deepak 27,000 8,205 - यदद Darpan द्वारा scheme A और scheme B में तनवेश की गई
Dinesh - 7,090 28,620 रामश आपस में िदल जािी है िो नौ महीने िाद उसके द्वारा
Darpan 20,000 - 23,750 प्राप्ि ब्याज में िदलाव ज्ञाि करें |
Diksha - 9,846 38,772
A -Rs. 575
Deepti 18,000 5,531 - B -Rs. 610
C -Rs. 645
D -Rs. 680
E -None of these
Total Interest earned Amount Amount Amount
amount after nine received after invested in invested in
invested months (Rs.) six months (Rs.) scheme A (Rs.) scheme B (Rs.)

Deepak 27,000 8,205 32,310 15,000 12,000

Dinesh 24,000 7,090 28,620 10,000 14,000

Darpan 20,000 5,705 23,750 5,000 15,000

Diksha 32,400 9,846 38,772 18,000 14,400

Deepti 18,000 5,531 21,570 11,000 7,000

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