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Trecutul continuu în limba engleză

The Past Continous Tense (numit și Continuous Preterite[necesită citare]) este un timp verbal

în limba engleză. În limba română poartă numele de trecutul continuu.
Acest timp exprimă:

 o acțiune sau o stare în trecut

 o acțiune sau o stare desfășurată în mod continuu într-un interval bine definit din trecut
 Trecutul continuu înlocuiește în vorbirea indirectă prezentul continuu: he said were
having visitors - a spus că au musafiri[1].
Acest timp se traduce prin imperfectul din limba română.
Forma afirmativă[modificare | modificare sursă]
I (he, she,it) was playing
Subiect Auxiliarul to be la trecutParticipiul prezent
Eu (el, ea) mă jucam.
We (you, they) were playing
Subiect Auxiliarul to be la trecutParticipiul prezent
Noi ne jucam.

Exemple de conjugări[modificare | modificare sursă]

I was playing.
You were playing.
He (she, it) was playing.
We were playing.
You were playing.
They were playing.

Forma interogativă și negativă[modificare | modificare sursă]

Forma interogativă
Was I playing?
Were you playing?
Was he (she, it) playing?
Were we playing?
Were you playing?
Were they playing?

Forma negativă
I was not playing.
You were not playing.
He (she, it) was not playing.
We were not playing.
You were not playing.
They were not playing.
Exemplu cu verbul to learn la Trecutul continuu (Past Continuous)
Forma interogativ-
Forma afirmativă Forma negativă Forma interogativă
I was learning I was not learning Was I learning? Was I not learning?
You were not (weren't)
You were learning Were you learning? Were you not learning?
He/she/it was He/She/It was not (wasn't) Was he/she/it
Was he/she/it not learning?
learning learning learning?
We were not (weren't)
We were learning. Were we learning? Were we not learning?
You were not (weren't)
You were learning. Were you learning? Were you not learning?
They were not (weren't)
They were learning. Were they learning? Were they not learning?

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