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5, MAY 2002

Image Segmentation Using Association Rule Features

John A. Rushing, Member, IEEE, Heggere Ranganath, Thomas H. Hinke, and Sara J. Graves

Abstract—A new type of texture feature based on association [1], Gabor filters [6], [7], [13], and random field models [3] are
rules is described in this paper. Association rules have been used described in the literature.
in applications such as market basket analysis to capture relation- Association rules have been used in data mining applications
ships present among items in large data sets. It is shown that asso-
ciation rules can be adapted to capture frequently occurring local to capture relationships present among attributes in large data
structures in images. The frequency of occurrence of these struc- sets. A new type of statistical texture feature based on associa-
tures can be used to characterize texture. Methods for segmenta- tion rules is described. Association rules are used to capture fre-
tion of textured images based on association rule features are de- quently occurring local intensity variation patterns in images.
scribed. Simulation results using images consisting of man made The frequencies of occurrence of these local patterns within
and natural textures show that association rule features perform
well compared to other widely used texture features. Association a region are used as texture features. Methods are developed
rule features are used to detect cumulus cloud fields in GOES satel- for mining association rules from images and automatically se-
lite images and are found to achieve higher accuracy than other lecting subsets of the mined rules which best distinguish a given
statistical texture features for this problem. set of textures. The utility of association rule features for super-
Index Terms—Association rules, data mining, segmentation, tex- vised texture segmentation is illustrated using several test im-
ture. ages. Association rules are used to detect cumulus cloud fields
in GOES satellite images.

T EXTURE is a surface property of an object that is reflected

in a digital image as a local pattern of intensity variation.
When a digital image contains regions of distinctly different
A new type of texture feature based on association rules is
proposed to In order to address the problem of texture based
image segmentation. Association rules capture relationships
texture, it is possible to segment the image into its component
present among attributes in large data sets. They have tradi-
parts based on texture. Sometimes texture is the only property
tionally been used in business applications such as market
that can be used to distinguish a region from its neighbors. The
basket analysis. Association rules can also capture frequently
process of finding region boundaries based on texture properties
occurring local structures in images and thus can be used as
is known as texture based image segmentation. In order to per-
texture features. This section describes some of the issues
form image segmentation efficiently, it is necessary to develop
involved in using association rules as texture features and
compact mathematical measures or rules for texture description
presents methods for resolving them.
or characterization. Features or rules that characterize texture,
the local intensity variations of pixels within a region, are known A. Association Rule Overview
as texture features.
A good texture feature must allow one to determine similari- Association rules capture information about items that
ties and dissimilarities in intensity variation patterns present in are frequently associated with each other. Assume that
different regions. It is well known that texture of regions cannot are distinct items and when items
be characterized by intensity statistics alone [14]. The texture occur together in a transaction, items are
features must also capture structural information present in the likely to occur in the same transaction. This information is
data. Any mathematical measure or rule that captures statistical represented in the form of an association rule as
as well as structural characteristics of the texture can be used as
a feature. Many types of texture features already exist. Texture (1)
features based on gray level co-occurrence statistics [10], [11], where “ ” symbol represents the logical AND operator and the
gray level run length statistics [4], [8], texton gradients [15], “ ” symbol represents implication. In the case of market basket
fractal dimension [2], morphological filters [17], Fourier filters analysis, the items are the things that a customer buys and a
transaction is the set of all items purchased together. The choice
of items and transactions depends on the application.
Manuscript received August 12, 1999; revised October 2, 2001. This work Each association rule has a support value and a confidence
was supported by NASA Headquarters Grant NAGW 4259. The associate editor value associated with it. The support for a rule is defined as
coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was
Prof. Robert J. Schalkoff. the percentage of transactions for which all the items in both
The authors are with the Information Technology and Systems Center the antecedent and the consequent of the rule are present. The
and, Computer Science Department, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL antecedent and consequent of the rule are the sets of items ap-
35899 USA (e-mail:;;; pearing to the left and right of the implication operator, respec-
Publisher Item Identifier S 1057-7149(02)01318-0. tively. In (1), the antecedent is the set and
1057-7149/01$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

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the consequent is the set . The sup- rule appear to the number of root pixels at which all items in the
port value of a rule is defined as the number of transactions in antecedent appear. For example, suppose there is a binary image
which both antecedent and consequent appear divided by the consisting of a background of zeroes, with many vertical bars of
total number of transactions. The confidence value for a rule ones. This could be captured by the association rule
is defined as the ratio of the number of transactions in which
consequent and antecedent appear together to the number trans-
actions in which antecedent appears. In other words, the confi-
dence is an estimate of the conditional probability of the items
occurring in a transaction given that
The rule can be interpreted as saying that whenever there is a
the items have occurred in the same transac-
vertical bar of one pixels, the vertical strip of pixels to the right
of that bar are often zero. The support would indicate how often
B. Association Rules for Image Data vertical bars of one pixels occur in the image.
For texture analysis applications, the goal is to capture infor-
mation about how pixels in a given neighborhood are related to C. Mining Images for Association Rules
one another. In order to use association rules to capture this in- The objective of mining a set of images for association rules
formation it is necessary to model the image in terms of items is to identify the rules that satisfy user specified constraints. In
and transactions. An efficient procedure to extract a set of asso- order to avoid generating too many rules, users must provide
ciation rules that capture the desired information from images some constraints. For texture characterization applications, con-
must also be developed. For the sake of clarity, various terms straints include the cardinality of the rules, offsets from the root
used for describing the association rule based approach are de- pixel, the pixel values and minimum support and confidence
fined below: levels. Rules with high support and confidence identified in im-
Root Pixel: The root pixel of an neighborhood is the ages describe frequently occurring local image structures, which
pixel at the center of the neighborhood Therefore, there are can be used for characterizing texture.
root pixels in an image of size . Most algorithms developed for the mining of association rules
Item: Each pixel in the neighborhood of a given root pixel are designed to operate on transaction data that is stored in a
maps to an item. It is specified by a triple ( , , ) where database or in a series of files. These algorithms may be applied
is the column offset, is the row offset and is the intensity to images if the images are first transformed to a set of transac-
of the pixel. The offsets are measured from the root pixel of the tions as described in Section II-B. Since an image in its original
neighborhood. Therefore, the number of distinct items is given matrix form is more compact than its representation as a trans-
by where is the number of possible gray levels. action set, it is desirable to embed the transformation process
Itemset: An itemset is defined as a set of items. The number into the mining algorithm rather than generating the transaction
of items in the itemset is referred to as the cardinality of the data.
itemset. The two-phase association rule mining algorithm of Houtsma
Transaction: A transaction is a set of items associated with a [12] was selected as a basis for the development of an algorithm
root pixel. Exactly one transaction is associated with each root suitable for mining images for association rules. The first phase
pixel. All items in the neighborhood may be allowed to partici- determines all of the frequent itemsets and the number of times
pate in the transaction. Alternately, a subset of items identified each of them appears in the image. A frequent itemset is a set of
explicitly by specifying a set of offsets may be allowed in the items that occurs in transactions with frequency greater than or
transaction, where is referred to as the cardinality of the trans- equal to the user specified minimum support level. The second
action. The same set of offsets is used at all root pixels. Since phase generates the association rules and their support and con-
each pixel can assume one of possible gray levels, there exist fidence values from the frequent itemsets.
distinct transactions. 1) Computation of Frequent Itemsets: Since the number of
Association Rule: An association rule that describes local possible itemsets is very large it is not practical to evaluate every
image structure is of the form (see (2), shown at the bottom of possible combination of items. It is possible to limit the number
the page). of itemsets to be considered by using the minimum support level
The cardinality of an association rule is the number of items specified by the user. It is important to note that an itemset is
in the antecedent plus the number of items in the consequent. frequent only when all its subsets are also frequent [12]. This
The support for a rule is defined as the number of root pixels observation leads to an efficient iterative approach in which all
at which all items in the antecedent appear divided by the total frequent itemsets of cardinality are generated using the fre-
number of root pixels. The confidence of a rule is defined as quent itemsets of cardinality . The algorithm for identi-
the ratio of the number of root pixels at which all items in the fying frequent itemsets is as follows.


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Step 1) All possible itemsets of cardinality one are formed stances of a texture pattern that appear similar seldom are iden-
by combining the candidate pixel offsets with the tical. Usually, there exist small variations in the structure and in-
legal pixel values. These itemsets form the basis for tensity values of the corresponding pixels. These variations pro-
all the itemsets generated in the subsequent steps. duce transactions with different items. In other words, visually
Step 2) Support is computed for all the itemsets and all item- similar texture patterns produce only a few frequent itemsets,
sets that do not meet the minimum support level are the rest being discarded because they do not satisfy the support
discarded. criterion. Therefore the common structure present in images will
Step 3) All frequent itemsets of cardinality are formed not be recognized by the mining algorithm because transactions
from the frequent itemsets of cardinality . Fre- of root pixels that belong to a given texture region do not have
quent itemsets and of cardinality are com- many common items.
bined to obtain candidate itemset of cardinality Texture of a region is determined by the relative positions
if and only if matches with in all but one item. and relative intensities of pixels. The local image structures ap-
The new candidate itemset is the union of and pearing in different instances of the same texture are not ex-
. Each pair of frequent itemsets of pected to vary significantly. As a result each of these structures
cardinality is considered. may be captured by a small number of association rules. The ab-
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until all itemsets of interest are solute intensity levels depend on illumination and do not provide
generated. The maximum rule cardinality specified by the user any textural information. Since most textures are not perfectly
determines the maximum length of itemsets to be generated. The uniform, there can be minor intensity variations in different in-
procedure will also halt if no more candidate itemsets can be stances of the same texture even when the illumination is uni-
generated due to support criteria. form. It is therefore necessary to transform the image so that
2) Computation of Association Rules From Frequent Item- the structure is preserved and the small variations in intensity
sets: The procedure described in Section II-C1 generates a list are ignored.
of all itemsets that satisfy the minimum support requirement and Similar problems exist in other association rule mining ap-
provides the frequency of occurrence for each frequent itemset. plications. Some databases contain noncategorical data, or at-
Using this information it is possible to generate a set of asso- tributes such as age, temperature or pressure that can assume a
ciation rules of the form . Consider an itemset . Let range of values. One way to deal with this data is to allow the
and be any two subsets of such that . The specification of ranges of values in the body of the association
association rule is valid provided the confidence of the rule [16]. Another approach is to quantize the data to a few levels
rule, which is the ratio support ( )/support( ), is greater than before mining. The quantization-based approach was chosen for
or equal to the minimum confidence value specified by the user. texture characterization applications for the following reasons:
Note that an itemset of cardinality generates 2 candi-
1) Allowing items to have a range of values adds significant
date association rules. If the form of the rule is not restricted
complexity to the data mining algorithm, while quantiza-
the number of rules generated becomes very large and many of
tion requires no changes.
those rules contain redundant and often irrelevant information
2) Since the texture of a region is defined by the relative in-
[20]. The number of rules is greatly reduced by constraining the
tensities of the pixels in the region, there is no need to
number of items in the consequent, rule cardinality and the na-
pay attention to the actual intensity values. Texture fea-
ture of items. For the sake of simplicity, in the texture analysis
tures should depend on only the local structure and not
applications, the consequent has been constrained to have only
on the actual gray levels.
one item. This reduces the number of candidate rules from 2
3) Other researchers have used quantization with statistical
to for a frequent itemset of cardinality . The association
texture features such as gray level co-occurrence matrix
rule generation algorithm is given below:
(GLCM) and gray level run length (GLRL) features and
Step 1) Rules of cardinality consisting of items found that it improves classification accuracy [18].
in the antecedent and 1 item in the consequent are
formed from frequent itemsets of cardinality . In this context, quantization refers to the process of reducing
For each frequent itemset of cardinality , each the number of gray levels. For example, an input image with
subset of cardinality is used to create 256 gray levels may be quantized to produce an output image
a candidate rule of the form . If with only four gray levels. There are many algorithms for image
the confidence for this rule, defined as support quantization. Most of them are based on local image statistics
( )/support( ), is greater than the minimum confi- or intensity histograms. The two quantization algorithms used
dence specified by the user then the rule is accepted. are briefly described below:
Step 2) Step 1 is repeated to generate rules of desired car- Algorithm 1: At each root pixel, the histogram of local
dinalities. The user may specify both the upper and neighborhood of appropriate size (32 32) centered about
lower bounds for the rule cardinality. the root pixel is computed. Based on the histogram an inten-
sity-mapping rule that would yield approximately the same
number of pixels in each level is determined. This mapping is
D. Using Association Rules With Gray Level Images
then used to determine the value of the root pixel. If an level
Capturing local image structures in gray level images using image is desired, the pixels in the neighborhood about the root
association rules poses some challenging problems. Two in- pixel are sorted into equal groups based on intensity. The

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group that the root pixel falls in is the value assigned to the than the first method. Since the number of rules selected is a
root pixel. quadratic function of the number of classes, this method re-
Algorithm 2: At each root pixel , the mean and standard quires significant computation when is large. A new rule
deviation of intensity values in a local region of appropriate selection method is developed to combine the desirable char-
size centered about the root pixel are computed. The value of acteristics of the above two methods. The number of rules in
the root pixel is mapped from to as the set obtained using the new method is usually significantly
less than . However, the set yields classification
accuracy similar to that of the second method. This is accom-
plished by selecting those rules which are able to discriminate
value of root pixel (4)
as many pairs of classes as possible. The approach being incre-
mental begins with an empty set of rules and then adds one rule
where is a positive constant in the range [0.1, 0.5]. at a time. Note that the selected set of rules must be capable of
separating pairs of classes. At each stage, the rule
that can separate the largest number of texture pairs which are
E. Association Rule Selection
not discriminated by the current set of rules is added to the set
Selection of features is an important step in any classification as follows.
problem. Rule mining algorithms identify all of the rules that 1) The set of rules is initialized to an empty set.
meet the user-defined criteria, including some rules that may 2) For each candidate association rule and each pair of tex-
not provide discriminatory information for textures of interest, ture classes, it is determined whether the rule can dis-
or may provide information that is redundant with that of an- tinguish the classes. An association rule can distinguish
other rule. It is desirable to use only a few rules that are able two classes if either the support or the confidence for the
to distinguish the texture classes of interest. Feature selection rule varies significantly between the two classes. For a
techniques such as discriminant analysis reduce the dimension- given rule, let and be the class density
ality of the feature space by constructing a linear mapping of the functions for the support and confidence derived from
original features [5]. For example, a ten-dimensional measure- sample textures of class . Let the mean and standard de-
ment vector may be transformed into a four-dimensional pat- viation for be represented by and , re-
tern vector where each of the pattern vector’s components is a spectively. Similarly, let the mean and standard deviation
function of all ten components of the measurement vector. This for be represented by and , respectively.
means that all of the original attributes must be computed in Two classes and are assumed to be separable by the
order to derive the feature values used by the classifier. Since association rule if either of the following conditions hold:
the number of rules identified in the first stage may be quite
large (typically in the thousands), such an approach is inappro-
priate for the selection of association rules. (5)
For a multiclass texture segmentation problem, it is necessary
to select a small set of association rules that can be used to dis- (6)
tinguish the texture classes of interest. There are many ways to
select the set of association rules, all of which begin with a set of The term in (5) and (6) above is a threshold that
candidate rules. The set of candidate rules consists of all rules varies as the selection process runs. The value of should
that meet the user specified constraints on structure and meet initially be quite large so that only rules that provide ex-
support and confidence values for at least one of the texture cellent separation are chosen first. The value of is grad-
classes. For a given texture class, the support and confidence ually reduced as necessary. (During simulation is ini-
of an association rule may be taken as random variables. Using tialized to 8. In other words the means of the feature
texture samples of the desired class the probability density func- values for the classes of interest are separated by at least
tions for support and confidence can be estimated. The ability 8 ).
of each rule to distinguish each pair of classes can be estimated 3) Association rules are added to the rule set. The rule to be
using the class density functions. Based on this information, the added is the one that can separate the largest number of
following two rule selection approaches widely used in the area texture class pairs that are not already separated by the
of pattern recognition may be used. rules in the current set. Rules are added until all class
1) Select one rule for each texture class that best separates pairs are covered by the selected rules or no new rules
the class from the remaining ( ) classes. This ap- can be selected. If the rule set covers all class pairs, the
proach yields rules, one for each class. selection process is successful and therefore terminated.
2) Select one rule for each pair of texture classes that best If all pairs are not covered by the rule set then the value of
separates the classes from one another. The selected set T is reduced. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until all texture
of rules would contain rules for an class class pairs are covered.
problem. Note that the algorithm can select at most
The first method yields a small number of rules, but the clas- rules. Usually, the number of rules selected is much smaller than
sification accuracy obtained by this method is often unsatis- . The rule selection process also ensures that rules
factory. The second method, in general, yields better results with redundant information are not selected.

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It may be possible to simplify the association rule approach region surrounding the root pixel. The pattern vector is
by using only the frequent itemsets and not generating associ- classified using the classifier learned in step 3 and the
ation rules. This is equivalent to using only the support portion class label is assigned to the root pixel.
of the rules. Since the confidence is simply the ratio of the sup- 5) Texture is a property of a region rather than individual
port for two itemsets, the confidence feature will only be useful pixels. Since the algorithm classifies each pixel individ-
if the ratio provides more distinguishing power than the indi- ually, some of interior pixels of regions are assigned in-
vidual support values. correct labels. The probability of mislabeling pixels near
region boundaries is higher than the probability of misla-
III. USING ASSOCIATION RULES FOR TEXTURE BASED beling other pixels. For this reason, post-processing of the
SEGMENTATION image is necessary to clean up the boundaries and stray
mislabeled interior pixels. This is accomplished by as-
One important application of texture features is texture based
signing each pixel to the class to which the majority of
image segmentation. For supervised segmentation problems,
its neighbors belong (5 5 neighborhood).
sample images are available in advance for each texture class
of interest. These samples are used to learn the characteristics B. Image Segmentation Results
of the texture classes. The goal of supervised texture based
The segmentation procedure outlined in the previous section
image segmentation is to identify and group contiguous pixels
is demonstrated using sample images with multiple texture re-
that belong to the same texture region. One commonly used
gions. Large digital images containing texture regions are used
method for accomplishing this task is to assign each pixel
to create training samples and test images. The gray level source
in the image to one of the texture classes and then identify
images are cropped so that they contain only a single type of tex-
groups of connected pixels with the same class membership.
ture and normalized so that they have a mean pixel intensity of
Thus the segmentation problem can be viewed as a series of
128 and standard deviation of 40. For each type of texture, 32
classification problems followed by some post-processing.
training samples of size 32 32 are extracted. These samples
are used to select association rule features and train a classifier.
A. Supervised Segmentation Procedure
Test images are created using sample texture regions indepen-
In order to accurately classify textures, the features used for dent of those used in the training. Images consisting of regions
classification must have significantly different values for the of different shapes and sizes are used since the segmentation
different classes. Since association rules capture structural as accuracy depends on the complexity of boundaries between re-
well as statistical information, features derived from them are gions.
expected to perform well. The support and confidence values For each test image, features based on association rules,
indicate the frequency of occurrence of local image structures Gabor filters and gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM)
and are found to have significantly different values for different are used to segment the image. Association rule features are
classes. Therefore, feature vectors consisting of support and based on a minimum support of 0.05, minimum confidence
confidence values of association rules can be used for texture of 0.6, minimum rule cardinality of 4 and maximum rule
classification as described below: cardinality of 6. These parameters are set empirically, but
1) Texture samples from input images are used to identify sensible values are generally easy to determine. If the support
a small set of association rules that can distinguish the and confidence thresholds are too high, very few rules (or no
texture classes of interest. This is accomplished using the rules) will be generated. If this happens, the support and/or
rule mining and rule selection methods described in Sec- confidence thresholds should be lowered. Also, the support
tion II. threshold must be large enough so that the itemsets can be
2) Each texture sample of a given class is represented by a detected reliably in a reasonable sample area. Suppose for
pattern vector. The dimensionality of the pattern vector is example that a 10 10 window is used to compute features.
two times the number of association rules selected in step If a support threshold of 0.05 is used, then one would expect
1. The support and confidence values of each rule become the frequent itemsets to appear in around 5 of the 100 pixels
components of the pattern vector. in the window. If a support threshold of 0.005 is used, one
3) Using the labeled sample patterns obtained in step would expect that the frequent itemsets to appear in 0 or 1 of
2, a classifier is constructed or trained to distinguish the 100 pixels. If the minimum rule cardinality is set too high,
various texture classes. Any of the proven classification very few rules (or no rules) will be generated. If it is set too
approaches such as minimum distance classifiers, max- low then potentially useful rules will be missed. In general, the
imum likelihood classifiers, neural networks and decision parameters should be set as high as possible while still yielding
trees may be used. Maximum likelihood classifiers are valid rules in the textures of interest.
used in all experiments described in the remainder of this GLCM features are based on positional operators at (0,1),
paper. (1,0) and (1,1). Features used include: entropy, uniformity, vari-
4) Support and confidence values for a subimage centered ance, maximum probability, element difference moments (2,3)
about each root pixel are computed for each association and inverse element difference moments (2,3). Implementation
rule selected in step 1. The support and confidence values is based on [11] and [9].
of all rules together form the pattern vector for the root A Gabor filter is a center surround spatial filter based on a
pixel. This pattern vector characterizes the texture in the Gabor function. A Gabor function is an exponential multiplied

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association rules is comparable to that achieved using Gabor

filters and superior to that achieved using gray level co-occur-
rence features. When association rule and Gabor features are
used, the majority of the segmentation errors occur at or near
region boundaries. When the GLCM features are used several
interior pixels are also mislabeled. This may be explained by
the fact both Gabor filter and association rule based features
achieve nearly perfect classification on the training samples,
while GLCM based feature failed to fully distinguish some of
the textures. For a more detailed comparison of association rule
features to other texture features see [19].


Texture features have commonly been used in remote sensing
applications such as land classification and detection of atmo-
spheric phenomena. Recently, atmospheric scientists have be-
come interested in the effects of land use changes such as ur-
banization and deforestation on climate. The study of the for-
mation of cloud fields is an important problem in this research
area. The GOES satellites are geosynchronous satellites used for
monitoring and predicting weather. These satellites are ideal for
the study of the formation of clouds because of their relatively
fine spatial resolution, frequent sampling rate and constant pres-
ence. The GOES instrument produces an image every 15 min.
Each image consists of five channels. Each pixel of the visible
channel covers an area of 1 km by 1 km. The spatial resolution
of the remaining four infrared channels is 4 km by 4 km.
Fig. 1. Sample segmentation results (a) input images, (b) segmentation using
association rules, (c) segmentation using Gabor filter, and (d) segmentation Cloud fields often begin as boundary layer cumulus fields
using GLCM. consisting of many small scattered clouds. Cloud detection algo-
rithms based on spectral properties of the data often miss these
TABLE I clouds. This is due to the fact that such clouds can have a diam-
SEGMENTATION ACCURACY (IN PERCENT) FOR IMAGES IN FIG. 1 eter of 1 km or less, which is significantly less than the size of a
single infrared pixel. In order to detect boundary layer cumulus
clouds, the higher resolution visible channel must be used. Iden-
tification of cumulus cloud fields cannot be based on a single
pixel value, since the intensity of the pixels in the field varies
dramatically. Area properties such as texture are therefore ideal
for identifying cumulus cloud fields.
Because of the large volume of data, an automated procedure
for the identification and classification of clouds is necessary.
Current spectral methods are sufficient for distinguishing most
by a sinusoid. Because of the exponential component, the mag- classes of clouds, but they must be augmented with a procedure
nitude of the Gabor function is significant only in a limited re- capable of detecting cumulus clouds. The required procedure
gion about the filter center. Gabor filters can be tuned to respond must label each pixel in the GOES image as belonging to one of
to bright areas of various size, shape and orientation. In tex- three classes: background, cumulus cloud field, or other cloud
ture segmentation applications a series of Gabor filters are ap- field. The problem is complicated by the fact that the boundaries
plied to the source image and the energies of the filter responses between cloud fields are irregular and the fields themselves are
are used as features. The implementation and feature values are often small. In addition, cloud fields sometimes overlap, so a
taken from [7]. Gabor features are based on filters with , single region may contain multiple types of clouds which com-
, and for a total of 24 fil- pletely or partially obscure one another.
ters. Filter sizes of 3, 5, 7, and 9 were evaluated, with size 5 The image segmentation algorithm based on association rules
performing best for man made and mixed textures and size 3 is used to detect cloud fields in GOES images. In order to re-
performing best for natural textures. move the effects of the light reflected from the earth’s surface, a
Results of the segmentation are shown for five test images in visible reference background image is constructed for each time
Fig. 1. The segmentation accuracy (given as the percentage of of the day (15 min interval). The intensity of each pixel of the
correctly labeled pixels) for each of the five test images is pre- reference image is taken as the minimum of pixel values for the
sented in Table I. The segmentation accuracy achieved using previous seven days. The intensities of the reference image are

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Fig. 2. GOES Scene 1. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using Fig. 4. GOES Scene 3. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using
association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned
by expert 2. by expert 2.

Fig. 3. GOES Scene 2. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using Fig. 5. GOES Scene 4. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using
association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned
by expert 2. by expert 2.

attributed to the light reflected by the ground in the absence of A training phase is required for the selection of texture fea-
cloud cover. The reference image is subtracted from the visible tures and for training the classifiers. A total of one hundred
image before it is segmented. sample images of size 13 13 are extracted. Fifty images are

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Fig. 6. GOES Scene 5. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using Fig. 7. GOES Scene 6. (a) Visible image, (b) segmentation achieved using
association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned association rule features, (c) labels assigned by expert 1, and (d) labels assigned
by expert 2. by expert 2.

used for training the classifier and the remaining images are
used for testing. Of the 50 training samples, ten represent the
background class, 20 represent the cumulus cloud class and 20
represent the other cloud class. The test samples are chosen in
the same way. The training and test samples are drawn from
different images. The training samples are used to select tex-
ture features and train classifiers as described in Section III. The
test samples are used to verify the performance of the classi-
fiers learned during training. Features based on Gabor filters,
GLRL, GLCM, and association rules are used. The association
rule, Gabor filter and GLRL based features all achieve a clas-
sification accuracy of 98% on the test images (49 of 50 right),
while GLCM based features achieve a classification accuracy of
92% (46 of 50 right).
Segmentation accuracy is measured using images labeled or
segmented by atmospheric science experts. Six scenes of size
512 512 pixels are labeled by two independent experts. Due
to the difficulties described previously, some pixels are labeled
differently by different experts. Only those pixels that receive
consistent labeling are considered in the accuracy computation.
These scenes are segmented using association rule, Gabor
filter, GLCM and GLRL based features. Association rule
features yield an average accuracy of 89.11% on the six scenes,
compared to 72.98% for GLCM features, 88.26% for GLRL Fig. 8. GOES Scene 1. (a) Segmentation with association rule features, (b)
features and 86.35% for Gabor features. As expected, the segmentation with Gabor features, (c) segmentation with GLCM features, and
(d) segmentation with GLRL features.
segmentation accuracy is significantly lower than the classifi-
cation accuracy in all cases. (The classifications are performed
using image patches consisting of only one texture, while the errors are made at the boundaries between textures.) Figs. 2–7
segmentation is performed using the whole image. Since there illustrate the results achieved using association rule features on
are many pixels on or near texture boundaries and since texture all six scenes. Fig. 8 shows the segmentation achieved using all
computations consider a region rather than a single pixel, many four features for one scene.

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Run times were measured for each of the features on a system [13] A. K. Jain and K. Karu, “Learning texture discrimination masks,” IEEE
with an 850 MHz Pentium III processor. For each feature, two Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 18, pp. 195–205, Feb. 1996.
[14] B. Julesz, E. N. Gilbert, and J. D. Victor, “Visual discrimination of tex-
times are of interest: the time required to select features and train tures with identical third-order statistics,” Biol. Cybern., vol. 31, pp.
the classifier and the time required to segment each image. Since 137–140, 1978.
the classifier is trained once and then reused on many images, [15] B. Julesz, “Texton gradients: The Texton theory revisited,” Biol. Cy-
bern., vol. 54, pp. 247–251, 1986.
the training time is not nearly as important as the image segmen- [16] B. Lent, A. Swami, and J. Widom, “Clustering association rules,” in
tation time. It took 7 min and 33 s to identify, evaluate and se- Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Data Engineering, 1997.
lect the association rules. It took only a few seconds to train and [17] W. Li, V. Haese-Coat, and J. Ronsin, “Robust morphological filters for
texture classification,” in Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Image Processing, 1996,
evaluate each of the classifiers due largely to the small size of pp. 173–176.
the samples. Average segmentation times for 512 512 images [18] T. Lonnestad, “A new set of texture features based on the haar trans-
are as follows: 83.25 s for Gabor filter features, 86.46 s for as- form,” in Proc. 11th IAPR Int. Conf. Pattern. Recognition, vol. III, 1992,
pp. 676–679.
sociation rule features, 113.82 s for GLCM features and 129.92 [19] J. Rushing, H. Ranganath, T. Hinke, and S. Graves, “Using association
s for GLRL features. Note that these times depend heavily on rules as texture features,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol.
the number of features used in each case. 23, pp. 845–858, Aug. 2001.
[20] R. Srikant, Q. Vu, and R. Agrawal, “Mining association rules with item
constraints,” in Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining, Aug. 1997, pp. 67–73.
A new texture feature based on association rules is devel-
oped and thoroughly evaluated. Association rules are shown to
John A. Rushing (M’98) received the B.S. degree in
be capable of capturing frequently occurring local image struc- computer and systems engineering from Rensselaer
tures, which are vital for texture characterization and classifi- Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1988 and the M.S.
cation. Association rule features perform well for supervised and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Uni-
versity of Alabama, Huntsville, in 1995 and 1999, re-
segmentation problems. Simulation results using images with spectively.
texture regions of various shapes and sizes indicate that associ- He was a Research Scientist with the Information
ation rule features achieve segmentation accuracy comparable Technology and Systems Center, University of
Alabama. He is currently a Senior CAD Engineer
to that achieved using Gabor filter based features and superior with the Intel Corporation. His research interests
to that achieved using GLCM features. The utility of associ- include pattern recognition, image processing, and
ation rules as texture features is demonstrated using a remote data mining.
sensing application. Association rule features are used to detect
cumulus clouds in GOES satellite images. The segmentation ac-
curacy achieved using association rule features is higher than Heggere Ranganath was born in Tumkur, India, in
that achieved using Gabor filter, GLCM and GLRL based fea- 1951. He received the B.S. degree from Bangalore
University, India, in 1972, the M.S. degree from the
tures for this application. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, in 1978, and
the Ph.D. degree from Auburn University, Auburn,
AL, in 1980, all in electrical engineering.
REFERENCES He is currently an Associate Professor of computer
[1] R. Azencott, J. Wang, and L. Younes, “Texture classification using win- science at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. His
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mension,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 17, pp. 72–77, has received ten research grants from defense and space organizations. He has
Jan. 1995. graduated five Ph.D. students and published more than 50 technical papers
[3] R. Chellappa and S. Chatterjee, “Classification of textures using in his fields. He is known for the development of self partitioning neural
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415–420, 1990.
[5] R. O. Duda and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Anal-
ysis. New York: Wiley, 1973. Thomas H. Hinke received the B.S. degree in elec-
[6] D. Dunn and W. Higgins, “Optimal Gabor filters for texture segmenta- trical engineering from the University of California
tion,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 4, pp. 947–964, July 1995. at Berkeley in 1967, the M.S. degree in business ad-
[7] I. Fogel and D. Sagi, “Gabor filters as texture discriminator,” Biol. Cy- ministration from Oklahoma City University in 1971,
bern., vol. 61, pp. 103–113, 1989. the M.S. degree in computer science from University
[8] M. M. Galloway, “Texture analysis using gray level run lengths,” of California, Los Angeles in 1975, and the Ph.D.
Comput. Graph. Image Process., vol. 4, pp. 172–179, 1975. degree in computer science from the University of
[9] R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing. Reading, Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1991.
MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992. He was Associate Professor of computer science
[10] C. C. Gotlieb and H. E. Kreysig, “Texture descriptors based on co-oc- at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. He is cur-
currence matrices,” Comput. Vis., Graph., Image Process., vol. 51, pp. rently a Senior Scientist at the NASA Ames Research
70–86, 1990. Center, developing a data mining system to operate on NASA’s Information
[11] R. M. Haralick, “Statistical and structural approaches to texture,” Proc. Power grid. In 1999, he was one of the co-organizers of the NASA Workshop
IEEE, vol. 67, pp. 786–804, May 1979. on Issues in the Application of Data Mining to Scientific Data. His primary re-
[12] M. Houtsma and A. Swami, “Set-Oriented mining for association rules search interests center around knowledge extraction from data. This includes
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Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1995, pp. 25–33. work in developing security-oriented inference-detection systems for databases.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on November 29, 2008 at 09:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Sara J. Graves received the B.S. degree in mathe-

matics and the M.A. degree in institutional analysis
from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, in 1967
and 1971, respectively, and the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
grees in computer science from the University of Al-
abama, Huntsville, in 1981 and 1984, respectively.
She is currently the Director of the Information
Technology and Systems Center and Professor of
Computer Science at the University of Alabama,
Huntsville. She is the Principle Investigator of
several NASA projects involving data mining and
an organizer of the NASA Workshop on the Applications of Data Mining
to Scientific Data. She performs research and development in large-scale
distributed information systems, data mining and knowledge environments,
and high-performance networking. She has been a reviewer for the IEEE, NSF,
NASA, and NOAA and chairs the NASA Headquarters Earth Science Data and
Information Systems and Services Advisory Committee.

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