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Short Title Usage Information Swapping Images


FS-img1 FS-img2 FS-img3

LaTeX Beamer Theme following aiming to

incorporate the best of LATEX

Detlev C. Mielczarek1
1 Your Institution Here

May 17, 2020

DCM (UL) Beamer Theme 1/5

Short Title Usage Information Swapping Images

Optional Table of Contents Slide

Long Title

Frame With an Empty Title - Usage Information

Swapping Images

DCM (UL) Beamer Theme 2/5

Short Title Usage Information Swapping Images

Example Frame - About this Theme

I A LaTeX template designed originally during my PhD

for use at the University of Leeds
(It is NOT officially endorsed in any way)
I This is a sample presentation & manual
I Other colour choices are allowed in the preamble
I University logo not supplied (copyright issues) - use your own
File must be named “LogoTop.png” or “LogoTop.jpg”
I The images are copyrighted - a licence is herewith granted to use
the supplied low resolution version on a royalty free basis in
connection with this theme
(If required, a format change from .png to jpg is allowed.)

DCM (UL) Beamer Theme 3/5

Short Title Usage Information Swapping Images

I to reduce font warnings, the use of \usepackage{lmodern} is

I frame titles can be included by inserting them in a second set of
braces, e.g.:
I frame titles can be omitted by excluding the second set of braces,
I please refer to the Beamer documentation for Beamer options

DCM (UL) Beamer Theme 4/5

Short Title Usage Information Swapping Images

Swapping Images

I with release 1.02 the images on the first slide are exchangeable
I images must be named FS-img1, FS-img2, FS-img3
“First Slide image”
I a file ending is not defined, png and jpg were tested (in MikTeX)
I the aspect ratio of an individual image is 3:2
(standard SLR aspect ratio)
I images will be scaled & transformed automatically where necessary

DCM (UL) Beamer Theme 5/5

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