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Feb 19, 2009 Tammy Andrew

Rules are not always a negative part of a classroom environment. Some expectations create
positive environments that encourage students to learn.

Positive learning environments support the developmental needs of students not only
academically but also socially and personally. These are places, such as classrooms, where
children feel comfortable with themselves, safe amongst their peers and motivated to learn.

Since students are unique individuals and come from a variety of backgrounds and experience, a
positive environment may not occur naturally but require careful nurturing from the teacher or
adult in charge. Rules and expectations that promote positive learning environments in the
classroom are a way to help create an environment of respect and learning.

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Rules and expectations stated with positive language are a first step to creating a positive
environment for learning. These rules should be applied fairly to all and be achievable for the
age group. An expectation that students will ³raise a hand if in need of assistance´ is positive
when compared to informing students that they ³do not call out answers.´

Using rules and expectations to promote a positive learning environment means making sure all
students are aware of these rules. In some situations, students in the class might be involved in
creating the rules, thus providing a sense of ownership in the classroom environment. Other
situations might call for the rules to be stated clearly and then an activity or game used to make
sure each child understands them.


Rebecca Schauffele emphasizes that the source of a positive learning environment is the teacher
or adult at the center of the learning. Students know that they should follow classroom rules, but
will also quickly adapt to the teacher¶s enforcement of those rules as much as the teacher¶s
personality and behavior.


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May 1, 2010 Linda McFadden

Diversity in the classroom should be both respected and celebrated. Learn ways to increase
diversity awareness and tolerance.

It is important for young children to recognize their own uniqueness as well as to become
conscious of the cultural, physical, spiritual and mental diversity that exists. It is equally
important for children to understand that their individuality should be embraced and celebrated
by them. Additionally, children need to develop tolerance and respect for the differences of

There are many ways that schools can assist in the development of children¶s attitudes both
about their own identity and the identity of others who are different in some way. Through the
actions of teachers and the atmosphere created in the classroom, schools can play a predominant
role in teaching tolerance and respect.

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It is the role of the teacher to set a tone of respect for diversity in the classroom. Teachers must
begin by recognizing their own biases and consequently developing ways of interacting with all
of their students, which demonstrates respect for each student¶s individuality.

There are several important ways of interacting with students that can help to create a classroom
where diversity awareness and respect have a place of predominance.

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rp Address all of the students in the same manner. It is vital to show the same respect and
consideration to each student.
rp Listen attentively to all of the students in the class. Value the opinions and ideas of each
rp àncourage all of the students to participate in group discussions and activities.
rp Recognize the individuality of students and strive to address their different needs and
rp Maintain the same expectations and confidence in all of the students.
rp Oversee student interactions in an effort to be sure that students treat each other with
respect. It is crucial to intervene when a lack of tolerance is displayed.


Another important way for a teacher to create a classroom that recognizes and respects diversity
is by including classroom materials that reflect the multiplicity of the students within the class. It
is important that there are books readily available that are representative of a wide range of
cultural and racial identities. Seeing books that contain pictures that look similar to them as well
as pictures that are clearly different will help children feel more positively about differences
between themselves and others.

Additionally, a teacher can have an area of the classroom where he/she displays pictures of all of
the students in the class. The pictures can serve as a means of helping to develop the self-esteem
of the children. The pictures can also serve as a reminder of the diversity of the class, which
should be positively acknowledged by the teacher and the students.

In order to encourage students to learn about all of the other students in the class, the teacher
should periodically rearrange the seating. This will allow students to become acquainted with
other children with whom they might not ordinarily socialize. Providing the students with an
opportunity to interact with others who may be different than them is a positive way to combat
any intolerance that may exist. Frequently, prejudice results from a lack of knowledge and
acquaintance with those who are different.

Assigning group work within the class can further facilitate interaction between students. The
teacher can assign diverse groups of students to work with one another. By having to work
collaboratively, students will learn to interact with a wide range of people. Group work serves
the added benefit of teaching children how to compromise, how to listen to others ideas, and to
recognize that there is often more than one way to accomplish a determined goal.

Both within small work groups and within the entire class, a teacher needs to convey clear
guidelines about demonstrating respect for each other. The teacher should encourage each of the
students to voice differing viewpoints in a respectful manner and to listen to what others have to
say. Whenever respect and tolerance for one of the students is not displayed, it is imperative for
the teacher to intervene appropriately.


Involving students in activities that will introduce them to a wide range of people is an effective
way to create respect for cultural and racial diversity. It will provide the children with the
opportunity to become better acquainted and more comfortable with the differences of those
from different backgrounds. There are many ways to accomplish an increased appreciation of
diversity. The following are a few easy ways to incorporate diversity into the classroom.

rp £ave parents or other members in the community join the class as a guest speaker. This
will expose the children to a variety of people.
rp Take field trips that will involve learning about the culture of different groups of people.
rp Do a unit in the classroom involving the traditional clothing, music, dance and food that
represent the various ethnic groups within the classroom.
rp £ave students interview each other as a means to learn more about one another and their


It is important for teachers to recognize the need to help children to be comfortable with whom
they are. By treating each child with respect and by acknowledging the value of each child, a
teacher can help the students to develop or continue the development of healthy self-esteem. It
becomes much easier to like and respect others when a person has a positive self-image. àvery
teacher is in the position to encourage the celebration of the diversity that exists both in his or her

Read more at Suite101: Recognizing and Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom

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