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Chapter 03 Test Bank: The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. The _______________ prevents the entrance of food into the trachea.

2. Partially digested food in the stomach is also known as _______________.
3. When looking at the organization of the human body, smaller units lead to progressively larger units. For
instance, groups of atoms are called molecules, groups of cells are called _______________, and various
organs that work in coordination are called organ systems.
4. The _______________ system is responsible for transporting fat-soluble nutrients from the digestive

system to the bloodstream.
5. Most nutrients from the digestive tract enter the liver through the _______________ vein.
6. A(n) _______________ is a medication that inhibits the ability of gastric cells to secrete hydrogen ions.

7. A muscular ring that prevents backflow of materials into the previous digestive compartment is called a
8. Most digestive and absorptive activities occur in the _______________.
9. The wall of the small intestine is folded, and within the folds are fingerlike projections called
10. _______________ absorption requires a carrier and energy.
11. The large intestine's main role is to absorb water and _______________.
12. When a nutrient moves from an area of higher concentration into an absorptive cell where the
concentration is lower, this is called _______________.
13. After absorption from the small intestine into the portal vein, amino acids are carried to the
14. The primary components of fecal material are water and _______________.
15. The action of circular and longitudinal muscles that move digestive material along the GI tract is called
16. Messages are transmitted from one neuron to another by the action of
17. ______________________________ are sometimes called the "power plants" or the "powerhouse" of the

Multiple Choice Questions

18. Which of the following act as a code book for synthesizing specific proteins required to perform specific
body tasks?
B. Cells
C. Organs

19. To which body part does blood travel to pick up oxygen and release carbon dioxide?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Liver
D. Kidneys
20. The ___________________________ system is made up of several glands that act in the regulation of
metabolism, reproduction, water balance, and many other functions.
S. A. lymphatic
B. cardiovascular
C. endocrine
D. urinary
21. Bone, cartilage, muscle, and nerves are considered
A. organs.
B. organ systems.
C. tissues.
D. organisms.
22. The ________________________ system shelters humans from threats such as diseases and toxins.
A. lymphatic
B. immune
C. endocrine
D. cardiovascular
23. What structure prevents food from entering the trachea when you swallow?
A. Epiglottis
B. Tongue
C. Tonsils
D. Esophagus
24. Which large blood vessel is the first to receive most recently eaten nutrients, transporting them to the
A. Portal vein
B. Mesenteric vein
C. Subclavian vein
D. Hepatic vein
25. Blood leaving the intestine goes by way of a vein to the
A. kidneys.
B. heart.
C. liver.
D. pancreas.
26. After digestion and absorption, which circulatory system carries fat and fat-soluble vitamins?
A. Portal
B. Enterohepatic
C. Lymphatic
D. Mesentery
27. Which of the following is a feature of the lymphatic system?
A. It is composed of a mucus-like substance.
B. It picks up and transports dietary lipid.
C. It serves to transport fat- and water-soluble vitamins to the heart.
D. It funnels nutrients to the liver via a one-way pump.
28. Which of the following is true about the lymphatic system?

A. The specialized fluid carried by this system is blood.
B. This system never intersects with the bloodstream.
C. It is not involved in the transport of nutrients.
D. It is important for transporting fat-soluble nutrients.
29. Where does digestion begin?
A. Mouth
B. Stomach
S. C. Esophagus
D. Small intestine
30. All of the following are features of the epiglottis except which one?
A. It covers the opening of the trachea.
B. It prevents food from entering the windpipe during swallowing.
C. It guides food down the esophagus.
D. It is the first GI tract sphincter.
31. Most digestion takes place in the
A. stomach.
B. small intestine.
C. pancreas.
D. large intestine.
32. The stomach empties into the small intestine through the
A. pyloric sphincter.
B. esophageal sphincter.
C. Sphincter of Oddi.
D. ileocecal sphincter.
33. What is one function of the pyloric sphincter?
A. Prevents esophageal contents from emptying too quickly into the stomach
B. Prevents stomach contents from backing up into the esophagus
C. Prevents intestinal contents from backing up into the stomach
D. Prevents intestinal contents from emptying too quickly into the colon
34. What sphincter separates the small intestine from the large intestine?
A. Pyloric
B. Esophageal
C. Rectal
D. Ileocecal
35. The ring-like muscles that retard or prevent backflow of partially digested food in the gastrointestinal
tract are called
A. sphincters.
B. passages.
C. openings.
D. gates.
36. Which of the following is a description of chyme?
A. A watery mixture of partially digested food released by the stomach into the intestines
B. The semisolid mass of undigested food that is swallowed
C. The mixture of pancreatic juices containing enzymes for digestion
D. A thick, viscous material synthesized by mucosal cells for protection against digestive juices
37. Which of the following is not a sphincter?
A. Duodenal
B. Esophageal
C. Pyloric
D. Ileocecal

38. What is the function of mucus in the stomach?
A. Emulsifies fats
B. Neutralizes stomach acid
C. Digests food
D. Protects stomach cells from gastric juices
39. Which of the following is a function of sphincter muscles?
A. Breaks apart food particles
S. B. Controls passage of food through the GI tract
C. Controls peristalsis
D. Releases enzymes and hormones into the GI tract
40. Which of the following meals would leave the stomach last?
A. Bagel, orange juice, and banana
B. Non-fat yogurt, banana, and skim milk
C. Raisin Bran, skim milk, English muffin, and coffee
D. Sausage, egg, cheese, biscuit, and coffee
41. What substance helps suspend fat in a watery digestive mixture, making fat more available to digestive
A. Bicarbonate
B. Mucus
C. Bile
D. Pancreatic juices
42. Where are most digestive enzymes produced?
A. Pancreas and small intestine
B. Liver and large intestine
C. Pancreas and large intestine
D. Liver and pancreas
43. Which of the following, upon digestion, is not normally released directly into the bloodstream?
A. Minerals
B. Fats
C. Carbohydrates
D. Proteins
44. Which of the following body organs produces bile?
A. Stomach
B. Salivary glands
C. Pancreas
D. Liver
45. Peristalsis refers to
A. chewing and swallowing.
B. the opening and closing of sphincters.
C. the action of bile on dietary fat.
D. muscular movement of materials through the GI tract.
46. The muscular contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
A. regurgitation.
B. peristalsis.
C. propulsion.
D. compression.
47. Which of the following is not considered part of the GI tract?

A. Anus
B. Lungs
C. Colon
D. Esophagus
48. The study of how food impacts health through its interaction with our genes and its subsequent effect on
gene expression is called
A. epidemiology.
S. B. molecular biology.
C. nutrigenomics.
D. genetic engineering.
49. The study of how genes determine our nutritional requirements is called
A. nutrigenomics.
B. food biotechnology.
C. nutritional biochemistry.
D. genetic engineering.
50. What percentage of a meal has been absorbed by the time it leaves the small intestine?
A. 25%
B. 55%
C. 80%
D. 95%
51. All of the following can weaken esophageal sphincter tension and promote heartburn except
A. root beer.
B. coffee.
C. alcohol.
D. nicotine.
52. These protein-based substances enhance digestion by making chemical reactions more likely to
A. Bile
B. Emulsifiers
C. Enzymes
D. Hormones
53. Which of the following is true about digestive enzymes?
A. One enzyme can speed many types of chemical processes.
B. Enzymes are not sensitive to temperature.
C Enzymes that work in the acidic environment of the stomach cannot work in the basic or alkaline
. environment of the small intestine and vice versa.
D. Enzymes typically work independently of vitamins or minerals.
54. Excessive acid production in the stomach or upper small intestine could result in
A. poor iron, calcium, and folate absorption.
B. excessive intestinal bacterial growth.
C. an ulcer.
D. decreased fiber digestion and absorption.
55. Absorption of nutrients by intestinal cells occurs by all the following mechanisms except
A. sustained absorption.
B. passive absorption.
C. active absorption.
D. facilitated absorption.

56. Which pH best describes the environment of the stomach when stimulated?
A. Neutral
B. Both acidic and basic
C. Acidic
D. Basic
57. The function of thick mucus in the stomach is to
A. promote fat digestion.
S. B. activate stomach enzymes.
C. protect stomach cells from acid and enzymes.
D. keep the stomach bacteria-free.
58. A hormone responds to food entering the small intestine and stimulates the pancreas to release
A. bicarbonate.
B. acid.
C. bile.
D. mucus.
59. Partially digested food that enters the small intestine from the stomach is called
A. bolus.
B. mass.
C. chyme.
D. bile.
60. Which of the following substances is primarily involved in the absorption of fat to facilitate its digestion?

A. Bicarbonate
B. Pancreatic juices
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Bile
61. Which of the following is true regarding bile?
A. It is secreted in response to the presence of carbohydrates in the small intestine.
B. It stimulates the release of pancreatic juices.
C. It is produced by the liver.
D. It is a hormone.
62. The most active area for the absorption of nutrients into the body is the
A. stomach.
B. small intestine.
C. large intestine.
D. liver.
63. The villi of the small intestine
A. provide an enormous surface area that facilitates absorption.
B. store fat-soluble vitamins.
C. continuously move food through the small intestine to the colon.
D. inactivate enzymes consumed with food.
64. In passive absorption, nutrients enter the cell
A. with a carrier.
B. with the expenditure of energy.
C. from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
D. from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration.
65. A recurrent and more serious form of heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is called

A. gastroesophageal reflux disease.
B. cardiovascular reflux disease.
C. esophageal ulceritis.
D. gastric distress.
66. A function of the large intestine is to absorb
A. fats and proteins.
B. vitamins and minerals.
S. C. water and minerals.
D. proteins and carbohydrates.
67. Which of the following therapies is appropriate for ulcer treatment?
A. Aspirin
B. Antacids
C. Orange juice
D. Milk and cream
68. All of the following are characteristics of heartburn except which one?
A. It is a gnawing pain in the upper chest.
B. It is caused by a backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.
C. It can damage the esophagus because it has no mucus lining to protect the esophagus.
D. It subsides when a person relaxes and lies down after a meal.
69. Constipation can best be prevented by
A. eating dietary fiber.
B. restricting fluids.
C. restricting physical exercise.
D. using laxatives.
70. Which of the following is an important dietary recommendation for avoiding heartburn?
A. Eat smaller meals that are lower in fat.
B. Eat large meals.
C. Eat meals low in carbohydrate.
D. Avoid fluids.
71. Antibiotic treatment of infection with the bacteria ______________ heals some stomach ulcers and
prevents their recurrence.
A. Salmonella
B. Helicobacter pylori
C. E. coli
D. Clostridium botulinum

Matching Questions

72. Match the following with the descriptions below
1. Heartbu Collections of cells adapted to perform a specific function _
rn __
2. Enzyme A group of tissues designed to perform a specific function _
3. Organ A collection of organs that work together to perform an _
system overall function __
4. Umami The site of hereditary information in cells _
5. Esop The process whereby food is broken into forms that can be _
hageal absorbed across the wall of the GI tract __
sphincter _
6. Bile A brothy, meaty, savory flavor in some foods; monosodium _
glutamate enhances this flavor __

7. Ulcer A compound that speeds the rate of chemical processes but is _
not altered by the process __
8. Active A substance released into the small intestine to aid fat _
absorption absorption __
9. Digestio A muscular valve that controls the flow of foodstuffs into the _
S. n

10. Tissue
stomach __

A pain emanating from the esophagus caused by stomach acid _


backing up and irritating its tissue __

11. Chyme A mixture of stomach secretions and partially digested food _
12. Urea Tissue lining erosion in the stomach or upper small intestine _
13. DNA Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that participate in _
digestion and absorption of foodstuffs __
14. Organ Movement of nutrients from an area of higher concentration _
to an area of lower concentration; from the intestinal lumen into__
absorptive cells _
15. Villi Movement of nutrients into absorptive cells using a carrier _
and expending energy __
16. P Nitrogen-containing waste product found in urine _
assive __
absorption _
Chapter 03 Test Bank: The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective Key

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. The _______________ prevents the entrance of food into the trachea.

Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.12
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #53
2. Partially digested food in the stomach is also known as _______________.
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles

played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #55
3. When looking at the organization of the human body, smaller units lead to progressively larger units.
For instance, groups of atoms are called molecules, groups of cells are called _______________, and
various organs that work in coordination are called organ systems.
tissues or
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.01
Learning Outcome: 3.02 Define tissue, organ, and organ system
Section: 3.01
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #56
4. The _______________ system is responsible for transporting fat-soluble nutrients from the digestive
system to the bloodstream.
lymphatic or
Figure: 3.05
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.04
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #57
5. Most nutrients from the digestive tract enter the liver through the _______________ vein.
Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.04
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #58
6. A(n) _______________ is a medication that inhibits the ability of gastric cells to secrete hydrogen
proton pump inhibitor or
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #59
7. A muscular ring that prevents backflow of materials into the previous digestive compartment is called
a _______________.
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #60
8. Most digestive and absorptive activities occur in the _______________.
small intestine or
small intestines
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #61
9. The wall of the small intestine is folded, and within the folds are fingerlike projections called

Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.16
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #62
10. _______________ absorption requires a carrier and energy.
S. Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.17
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #63
11. The large intestine's main role is to absorb water and _______________.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.10
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #64
12. When a nutrient moves from an area of higher concentration into an absorptive cell where the
concentration is lower, this is called _______________.
passive absorption or
passive diffusion
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.17
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #65
13. After absorption from the small intestine into the portal vein, amino acids are carried to the
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #66
14. The primary components of fecal material are water and _______________.
fiber or
undigested fiber or
indigestible fiber
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #67
15. The action of circular and longitudinal muscles that move digestive material along the GI tract is
called _______________.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.13
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #68
16. Messages are transmitted from one neuron to another by the action of

neurotransmitters or
Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.06
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.05
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03
17. ______________________________ are sometimes called the "power plants" or the "powerhouse" of
the cell.
Mitochondria or
Figure: 3.02
Learning Outcome: 3.01 Identify the functions of the common cellular components
Section: 3.02
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03

Multiple Choice Questions

18. Which of the following act as a code book for synthesizing specific proteins required to perform
specific body tasks?
B. Cells
C. Organs
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.01 Identify the functions of the common cellular components
Section: 3.02
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #2
19. To which body part does blood travel to pick up oxygen and release carbon dioxide?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Liver
D. Kidneys
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.03
Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.04
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #3
20. The ___________________________ system is made up of several glands that act in the regulation of
metabolism, reproduction, water balance, and many other functions.
A. lymphatic
B. cardiovascular
C. endocrine
D. urinary
Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 3.07
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.06
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03
21. Bone, cartilage, muscle, and nerves are considered
A. organs.
B. organ systems.
C. tissues.
D. organisms.
S. Bloom's Level: Remember
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.01
Figure: 3.07
Learning Outcome: 3.02 Define tissue, organ, and organ system
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.03
Section: 3.06
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #1
22. The ________________________ system shelters humans from threats such as diseases and toxins.

A. lymphatic
B. immune
C. endocrine
D. cardiovascular
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.08
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Section: 3.07
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03
23. What structure prevents food from entering the trachea when you swallow?
A. Epiglottis
B. Tongue
C. Tonsils
D. Esophagus
Figure: 3.12
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #4
24. Which large blood vessel is the first to receive most recently eaten nutrients, transporting them to the
A. Portal vein
B. Mesenteric vein
C. Subclavian vein
D. Hepatic vein
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #5
25. Blood leaving the intestine goes by way of a vein to the
A. kidneys.
B. heart.
C. liver.
D. pancreas.
Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #6
26. After digestion and absorption, which circulatory system carries fat and fat-soluble vitamins?
A. Portal
B. Enterohepatic
C. Lymphatic
S. D. Mesentery
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #7
27. Which of the following is a feature of the lymphatic system?
A. It is composed of a mucus-like substance.
B. It picks up and transports dietary lipid.
C. It serves to transport fat- and water-soluble vitamins to the heart.
D. It funnels nutrients to the liver via a one-way pump.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.04
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.04
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #8
28. Which of the following is true about the lymphatic system?
A. The specialized fluid carried by this system is blood.
B. This system never intersects with the bloodstream.
C. It is not involved in the transport of nutrients.
D. It is important for transporting fat-soluble nutrients.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.04
Figure: 3.24
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #9
29. Where does digestion begin?
A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Esophagus
D. Small intestine
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.10
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #10
30. All of the following are features of the epiglottis except which one?
A. It covers the opening of the trachea.
B. It prevents food from entering the windpipe during swallowing.
C. It guides food down the esophagus.
D. It is the first GI tract sphincter.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.12
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles

played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #11
31. Most digestion takes place in the
A. stomach.
B. small intestine.
C. pancreas.
D. large intestine.
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.10
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #12
32. The stomach empties into the small intestine through the
A. pyloric sphincter.
B. esophageal sphincter.
C. Sphincter of Oddi.
D. ileocecal sphincter.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.14
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #13
33. What is one function of the pyloric sphincter?
A. Prevents esophageal contents from emptying too quickly into the stomach
B. Prevents stomach contents from backing up into the esophagus
C. Prevents intestinal contents from backing up into the stomach
D. Prevents intestinal contents from emptying too quickly into the colon
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.14
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #14
34. What sphincter separates the small intestine from the large intestine?
A. Pyloric
B. Esophageal
C. Rectal
D. Ileocecal
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.15
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #15
35. The ring-like muscles that retard or prevent backflow of partially digested food in the gastrointestinal
tract are called
A. sphincters.
B. passages.
C. openings.
D. gates.
Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #16
36. Which of the following is a description of chyme?
A. A watery mixture of partially digested food released by the stomach into the intestines
B. The semisolid mass of undigested food that is swallowed
C. The mixture of pancreatic juices containing enzymes for digestion
D. A thick, viscous material synthesized by mucosal cells for protection against digestive juices
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #17
37. Which of the following is not a sphincter?
A. Duodenal
B. Esophageal
C. Pyloric
D. Ileocecal
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.14
Figure: 3.15
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #18
38. What is the function of mucus in the stomach?
A. Emulsifies fats
B. Neutralizes stomach acid
C. Digests food
D. Protects stomach cells from gastric juices
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.14
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #19
39. Which of the following is a function of sphincter muscles?
A. Breaks apart food particles
B. Controls passage of food through the GI tract
C. Controls peristalsis
D. Releases enzymes and hormones into the GI tract
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #20
40. Which of the following meals would leave the stomach last?
A. Bagel, orange juice, and banana
B. Non-fat yogurt, banana, and skim milk
C. Raisin Bran, skim milk, English muffin, and coffee
D. Sausage, egg, cheese, biscuit, and coffee
Bloom's Level: Apply
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08

Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #21
41. What substance helps suspend fat in a watery digestive mixture, making fat more available to
digestive enzymes?
A. Bicarbonate
B. Mucus
C. Bile
D. Pancreatic juices
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.20
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #22
42. Where are most digestive enzymes produced?
A. Pancreas and small intestine
B. Liver and large intestine
C. Pancreas and large intestine
D. Liver and pancreas
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.20
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #23
43. Which of the following, upon digestion, is not normally released directly into the bloodstream?
A. Minerals
B. Fats
C. Carbohydrates
D. Proteins
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #24
44. Which of the following body organs produces bile?
A. Stomach
B. Salivary glands
C. Pancreas
D. Liver
Figure: 3.10
Figure: 3.20
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #25
45. Peristalsis refers to
A. chewing and swallowing.
B. the opening and closing of sphincters.
C. the action of bile on dietary fat.
D. muscular movement of materials through the GI tract.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.13
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles

played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #27
46. The muscular contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
A. regurgitation.
B. peristalsis.
C. propulsion.
D. compression.
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.13
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #28
47. Which of the following is not considered part of the GI tract?
A. Anus
B. Lungs
C. Colon
D. Esophagus
Bloom's Level: Remember
Figure: 3.10
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #29
48. The study of how food impacts health through its interaction with our genes and its subsequent effect
on gene expression is called
A. epidemiology.
B. molecular biology.
C. nutrigenomics.
D. genetic engineering.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.05 Understand the role of genetic background in development of nutrition-related diseases
Section: 3.11
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #26
49. The study of how genes determine our nutritional requirements is called
A. nutrigenomics.
B. food biotechnology.
C. nutritional biochemistry.
D. genetic engineering.
Learning Outcome: 3.05 Understand the role of genetic background in development of nutrition-related diseases
Section: 3.11
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #30
50. What percentage of a meal has been absorbed by the time it leaves the small intestine?
A. 25%
B. 55%
C. 80%
D. 95%
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #31

51. All of the following can weaken esophageal sphincter tension and promote heartburn except
A. root beer.
B. coffee.
C. alcohol.
D. nicotine.
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
52. These protein-based substances enhance digestion by making chemical reactions more likely to
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #32

A. Bile
B. Emulsifiers
C. Enzymes
D. Hormones
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.11
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #33
53. Which of the following is true about digestive enzymes?
A. One enzyme can speed many types of chemical processes.
B. Enzymes are not sensitive to temperature.
C Enzymes that work in the acidic environment of the stomach cannot work in the basic or alkaline
. environment of the small intestine and vice versa.
D. Enzymes typically work independently of vitamins or minerals.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #34
54. Excessive acid production in the stomach or upper small intestine could result in
A. poor iron, calcium, and folate absorption.
B. excessive intestinal bacterial growth.
C. an ulcer.
D. decreased fiber digestion and absorption.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #35
55. Absorption of nutrients by intestinal cells occurs by all the following mechanisms except
A. sustained absorption.
B. passive absorption.
C. active absorption.
D. facilitated absorption.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.17
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08

Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #36
56. Which pH best describes the environment of the stomach when stimulated?
A. Neutral
B. Both acidic and basic
C. Acidic
D. Basic
Bloom's Level: Understand
S.Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #37
57. The function of thick mucus in the stomach is to
A. promote fat digestion.
B. activate stomach enzymes.
C. protect stomach cells from acid and enzymes.
D. keep the stomach bacteria-free.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.14
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #38
58. A hormone responds to food entering the small intestine and stimulates the pancreas to release
A. bicarbonate.
B. acid.
C. bile.
D. mucus.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.20
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #39
59. Partially digested food that enters the small intestine from the stomach is called
A. bolus.
B. mass.
C. chyme.
D. bile.
Bloom's Level: Remember
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #40
60. Which of the following substances is primarily involved in the absorption of fat to facilitate its
A. Bicarbonate
B. Pancreatic juices
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Bile
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.20

Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #41
61. Which of the following is true regarding bile?
A. It is secreted in response to the presence of carbohydrates in the small intestine.
B. It stimulates the release of pancreatic juices.
C. It is produced by the liver.
D. It is a hormone.
S. Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.20
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #42
62. The most active area for the absorption of nutrients into the body is the
A. stomach.
B. small intestine.
C. large intestine.
D. liver.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.19
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #43
63. The villi of the small intestine
A. provide an enormous surface area that facilitates absorption.
B. store fat-soluble vitamins.
C. continuously move food through the small intestine to the colon.
D. inactivate enzymes consumed with food.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.16
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #44
64. In passive absorption, nutrients enter the cell
A. with a carrier.
B. with the expenditure of energy.
C. from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
D. from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration.
Figure: 3.17
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #45
65. A recurrent and more serious form of heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is called
A. gastroesophageal reflux disease.
B. cardiovascular reflux disease.
C. esophageal ulceritis.
D. gastric distress.
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #46
66. A function of the large intestine is to absorb
A. fats and proteins.
B. vitamins and minerals.
C. water and minerals.
D. proteins and carbohydrates.
Figure: 3.19
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
S. played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Section: 3.08
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #47
67. Which of the following therapies is appropriate for ulcer treatment?
A. Aspirin
B. Antacids
C. Orange juice
D. Milk and cream
Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #48
68. All of the following are characteristics of heartburn except which one?
A. It is a gnawing pain in the upper chest.
B. It is caused by a backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.
C. It can damage the esophagus because it has no mucus lining to protect the esophagus.
D. It subsides when a person relaxes and lies down after a meal.
Bloom's Level: Apply
Figure: 3.24
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #49
69. Constipation can best be prevented by
A. eating dietary fiber.
B. restricting fluids.
C. restricting physical exercise.
D. using laxatives.
Bloom's Level: Apply
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #50
70. Which of the following is an important dietary recommendation for avoiding heartburn?
A. Eat smaller meals that are lower in fat.
B. Eat large meals.
C. Eat meals low in carbohydrate.
D. Avoid fluids.
Bloom's Level: Apply
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #51
71. Antibiotic treatment of infection with the bacteria ______________ heals some stomach ulcers and
prevents their recurrence.
A. Salmonella
B. Helicobacter pylori
C. E. coli
D. Clostridium botulinum
Bloom's Level: Understand
Figure: 3.23
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment

Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #52

Matching Questions
72. Match the following with the descriptions below
1. Heartbu Collections of cells adapted to perform a specific function
rn 1
2. Enzyme A group of tissues designed to perform a specific function
3. Organ A collection of organs that work together to perform an
system overall function 3
4. Umami The site of hereditary information in cells
5. Esop The process whereby food is broken into forms that can be
hageal absorbed across the wall of the GI tract 9
6. Bile A brothy, meaty, savory flavor in some foods; monosodium
glutamate enhances this flavor 4
7. Ulcer A compound that speeds the rate of chemical processes but

is not altered by the process 2
8. Active A substance released into the small intestine to aid fat
absorption absorption 6

9. Digesti A muscular valve that controls the flow of foodstuffs into

on the stomach 5
10. Tissue A pain emanating from the esophagus caused by stomach
acid backing up and irritating its tissue 1
S. 11. Chym
A mixture of stomach secretions and partially digested food
12. Urea Tissue lining erosion in the stomach or upper small intestine
13. DNA Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that participate
in digestion and absorption of foodstuffs 1
14. Organ Movement of nutrients from an area of higher concentration
to an area of lower concentration; from the intestinal lumen into1
absorptive cells 6
15. Villi Movement of nutrients into absorptive cells using a carrier
and expending energy 8
16. P Nitrogen-containing waste product found in urine
assive 1
absorption 2

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 3.01 Identify the functions of the common cellular components
Learning Outcome: 3.02 Define tissue, organ, and organ system
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, as well as the roles
played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment
Section: 3.01
Section: 3.02
Section: 3.03
Section: 3.08
Section: 3.09
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 #69
Chapter 03 Test Bank: The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective Summary
Category # of Questions
Bloom's Level: Apply 4
Bloom's Level: Remember 13
Bloom's Level: Understand 49
Figure: 3.01 2
Figure: 3.02 1
Figure: 3.03 1
Figure: 3.04 7
Figure: 3.05 1
Figure: 3.06 1
Figure: 3.07 2
Figure: 3.08 1
Figure: 3.10 5
Figure: 3.11 1
Figure: 3.12 3

Figure: 3.13 3
Figure: 3.14 5
Figure: 3.15 2
Figure: 3.16 2
Figure: 3.17 4
Figure: 3.19 2
Figure: 3.20 6
Figure: 3.23 1
Figure: 3.24
Learning Outcome: 3.01 Identify the functions of the common cellular components
Learning Outcome: 3.02 Define tissue, organ, and organ system
Learning Outcome: 3.03 List some basic characteristics of the 12 organ systems and outline a role for each related to nutrition 8
Learning Outcome: 3.04 Outline the overall processes of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and large 50
intestine, as well as the roles played by the liver, galllbladder, and pancreas
Learning Outcome: 3.05 Understand the role of genetic background in development of nutrition-related diseases 2
Learning Outcome: 3.06 Identify the major nutrition-related gastrointestinal health problems and approaches to treatment 11
Section: 3.01 2
Section: 3.02 3
Section: 3.03 2
Section: 3.04 4
Section: 3.05 1
Section: 3.06 2
Section: 3.07 1
Section: 3.08 51
Section: 3.09 1
Section: 3.11 2
Section: Nutrition and Your Health: Common Problems with Digestion 10
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption 71
Wardlaw - Chapter 03 72

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