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Administration, Bussiness and Economical Sciences , Vol. 1, No.

1, April 2020
Brawijaya International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology 202014

Ceper Foundry Industries, Technology Management Readiness

for Industrial Revolution 4.0

Vivin Zulfa Atina1,a)*, Anas Yusuf Mahmudi1,b), Hamid Abdillah1,c)

1 Foundry Engineering Department, Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper Klaten



The development of the industrial revolution 4.0 will certainly be a new problem in The Ceper
Metal Casting Industry if it is not accompanied by technological developments. This research has an
important goal which is to be reference data for determining policies to government, to provide protection
and support the metal casting industry players. Interviews and questionnaires become a method to collect
this data and there were 110 respondents. The method to process the data used SPSS 18 and Excel. 30
respondents from outside the sample have been tested for validity and reliability. The results are reliable,
76.5 ≥ 0.5. The data showed that 47.3% of respondents thought that their human resources ready to faced
industrial revolution 4.0. And then, 50.9% of respondents assumed that the metal casting industry still used
manual systems in the manufacturing process. Therefore the conclusion is that industrial revolution 4.0 has
not yet been fully implemented in the metal casting industry because the technology used still manual and
not yet automatic.

Keywords: technology; metal; casting; revolution 4.0.

Industry 4.0 was born from the idea of the
The Metal Industry is a metal casting fourth industrial revolution. European
industrial area that has been established since Parliamentary Research Service in Davies (2015)
ancient times. This industrial center has core said that the industrial revolution occurred four
business as a metal casting expert. Various kinds times. The first industrial revolution took place
In its journey, the development of metal casting in England in 1784 where the invention of steam
technology has little and little impact on the engines and mechanization began to replace
craftsmen of the metal industry in Ceper. For human work. The second revolution took place
business people who are able and ready to at the end of the 19th century in which
compete will certainly be able to survive and production machines powered by electricity were
develop. But, it will happen for business actors used for mass production activities. The use of
who do not have openness to the development of computer technology for manufacturing
the times. automation starting in 1970 marked the third
industrial revolution. At present, the rapid
development of sensor technology,
interconnection and data analysis has led to the
idea of integrating all of these technologies into
various fields of industry.
The development of the industrial
revolution 4.0 will certainly become a new
--------------------- turmoil if it is not matched by adequate readiness
Corresponding author:

ISSN : 2720-894X

and knowledge. Therefore research is needed that are often referred to as "smart" systems. For
that focuses on discussing the knowledge and example, smart cables, smart meters, smart grid
readiness of the flat metal industry center on the sensors According to Atzori, et al. (2010).
industrial revolution 4.0. With this study, it is Changes in the industry in the form of
expected to be able to provide an overview and additive manufacturing, sophisticated materials,
input for further development activities, so as to intelligent machinery, automatic machinery, and
be able to maintain the existence and existence of other technologies, usher in a new era of physical
the flat casting industry center. production. At the same time, increased
connectivity and more sophisticated data
At this time Industry 4.0 began and new trends collection and analytical capabilities made
occurred in various industries (Kemper, 2016). possible by IoT have led to a shift towards an
According to Kemper (2016) Companies that are information-based economy. With IoT, data,
ready to welcome the industrial revolution 4.0 besides physical objects, are a source of value
are companies that can build production and connectivity makes it possible to build
ecosystems based on the Industry 4.0 concept, smarter supply chains, manufacturing processes,
such as companies that can provide network and even ecosystems from upstream to
infrastructure for the Industrial Internet. For downstream (Sniderman et al., 2016).
developed countries, Industry 4.0 can be a way to The development of the industrial
regain infrastructure competitiveness, especially revolution 4.0 will certainly become a new
for Western European countries, which are not turmoil if it is not matched by adequate readiness
currently experiencing cuts in electricity costs and knowledge. Therefore, research is needed
like in the US. that focuses on discussing the knowledge and
As for developing countries, Industry 4.0 readiness of metal industry centers for the
can help simplify the production supply chain. industrial revolution 4.0.
This is of course very much needed to reduce the Current literature regarding the work
rising production costs. 2011 marks the first subject should be examined and the differences
official use of the term Industry 4.0. Publicity of the said work from the past, similar works
and demonstrations of how this could benefit the should be presented clearly in the introduction
company began to appear in the presentation. In section.
2013, the German manufacturing industry chose
to invest in the Industry 4.0 process and the
German government increased funding, which MATERIALS AND METHODS
led to the Industry 4.0 Platform being created. In
2014, digital product manufacturing activities This type of research has been conducted
and use of IoT began to occur (Kemper, 2016). in the form of quantitative descriptive research.
The development of IoT is in line with The method that will be used in this research is
Industry 4.0, although to date there is no the Explanatory Survey Method. Explanatory
definitive definition of IoT, research in the field Survey Method is a survey research method that
of IoT is still in the development stage. aims to test hypotheses by basing on
Following are some alternative definitions put observations of the consequences that occur and
forward to understand IoT. According to Ashton looking for factors that might be the cause
K (2009) the initial definition of IoT is that the through certain data (Rusidi, 1992). This method
Internet of Things has the potential to change the is limited to the understanding of sample surveys
world as the Internet did. According to IDCH aimed at testing hypotheses that have been
(2016) "A Things" on IoT can be defined as previously formulated (testing research).
subjects such as people with heart implant Although the description also contains a
monitors, farm animals with biochip description, but as a relational study the focus
transponders, a car that has a built-in sensor to lies in explaining the relationships between
warn the driver when tire pressure is low. So far, variables. According to Sanapiah Faisal (2007:
IoT is most closely related to machine-to- 18) explains that: Explanation research is a study
machine communication in manufacturing and that is intended to find and develop theories, so
electricity, oil and gas. Products are built with the results or research products can explain why
Machine to machine communication capabilities or why (any antecedent variables that affect) the

ISSN : 2720-894X

occurrence of a symptom or certain social

This study involved 110 respondents
consisting of 3 employees of the Klaten Metal
Casting Industry. These companies include Kop.
Batur Jaya, Pt. Aneka Adhi Logam and PT. Cipta
Guna Lestari. This study uses the SPPS
application to test the validity and reliability of
the questionnaire. Also, conducting crosstab and a. 12 cells (75,0%) have expected count less than 5.
chi-square tests to test the relationship and The minimum expected count is ,16
If assumed, the first hypothesis; Ho: there
is a relationship between technology and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION readiness to face the industrial revolution 4.0.
H1: there is no relationship between technology
Test results with the Frostst and Chi- and readiness to face revolution 4.0. The second
square tests that have been carried out with the hypothesis; Ho: there is a relationship between
age factor and educational background on the human resources and readiness to face the
readiness of the Flat Industry HR in the Industrial industrial revolution 4.0. H1: there is no
Revolution Era 4.0 are presented in the table relationship between human resources and
whose data has been processed below. readiness to face the industrial revolution 4.0.
Thus, the results of the first hypothesis
Table 1. Technology Readiness * Industry 4.0 chi-square analysis show that a value of 0.00
<0.05 means that Ho is accepted and H1 is
rejected. Frostab analysis shows that all
respondents' age categories of 50.9% agree that
the technology used in the manufacturing process
is still manual and not automatic. 40.9%
disagree, 1.8 strongly disagree and 6.4% strongly
agree. So based on the survey above, the majority
stated that technology was not ready to face the
4.0 revolution.
The results of the second hypothesis chi-
square analysis show that a value of 0.005 <0.05
means that Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected.
Frostab analysis shows that all categories of
human resources in the face of the industrial
a. 11 cells (68,8%) have expected count less than 5. revolution 4.0 of 47.3% are ready. 40% were not
The minimum expected count is ,05. ready, 2.7% were very unprepared and 10% were
very ready. So based on the survey above, the
Table 2. HR Readiness * Industry 4.0 majority stated that human resources in the metal
casting industry were ready to face the 4.0


The conclusions of this study state that

there is a link between technological updates and
the readiness of human resources for the
industrial revolution 4.0. however, this is not
matched by the readiness of the technology
because the majority of the metal casting

ISSN : 2720-894X

industry in Ceper still uses manual systems and

is not yet automated.


This research was supported by

Kemenristekditi. We thank our colleague from
Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper Klaten who
provided insight and expertise that greatly
assisted the research, although they may not
agree with all the conclusion of this paper.


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ISSN : 2720-894X

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