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19/5/2020 Describing places Listening Comprehension 2

Describing places
Listening Comprehension
Click in the following link and answer the statements correctly.

Puntos: 35/39

1. Who travelled the dangerous road along the Silk Route in ancient times? *
(2/2 puntos)


merchants 

2. What precious cargo did they carry? *

(2/2 puntos)

gunpowder, sandalwood and silk 

gunpowder and silk

gunpowder and cotton… 1/5
19/5/2020 Describing places Listening Comprehension 2

3. What mysterious country did a caravan cross? *

(2/2 puntos)



China 

4. Why did powerful dynasties build the Great Wall? *

(3/3 puntos)

to protect this road against invaders form the North 

to protect China against invaders from the North

because it is beaufitul

5. What was the link connecting China to the rest of the world called? *
(3/3 puntos)

The Great Silk Road 

The Great South Road

The Great Silk Route

6. How mnay miles per day can camels travel? *

(3/3 puntos)

13 miles per day

30 miles per day 

3 miles per day… 2/5
19/5/2020 Describing places Listening Comprehension 2

7. What in actual fact was the Silk Road? *

(3/3 puntos)

a chain of caravan trails 

a railroad

it wasn´t a road

8. What did the caravans bring from Persia to China? *

(3/3 puntos)


walnuts 

9. What did they bring from Central Asia? *

(3/3 puntos)

vegetables and horses

camels and superb horses

almonds, onions and superb horses 

10. What did they bring from India? *

(3/3 puntos)

spinach, sandalwood and cotton 

spinach, sandals and wood

sandals and wood and cotton… 3/5
19/5/2020 Describing places Listening Comprehension 2

11. What did they bring from China? *

(3/3 puntos)

flowers like roses and camellias

silk only, becase it was so precious

green ginger, roses, camellias and precious silk 

12. When was the caravan route well established? *

(3/3 puntos)

in the 3 century

in 13th. century 
in 11th. century

13. Who was a famous traveller that took this route? *

(-/2 puntos)

Ghenghis Khan

Marco Polo

Christopher Columbus

14. How were luxuries transported? *

(2/2 puntos)

on camel back 
on camel pack

on horses… 4/5
19/5/2020 Describing places Listening Comprehension 2

15. Why did the traders want to find new alternate routes? *
(0/2 puntos)

because of the danger

because it was a very long route

because of the cost of the goods 

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