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Do NOT F**king Procrastinate 

If you don’t have your shit in life together, or if you’re not accomplishing your goals, there’s a 
good chance it’s due to procrastination. 
Procrastination might not seem like a huge problem, but that’s because it’s the accumulation of a 
bunch of “little things” put together that don’t make you realize how much time you’re actually 
You procrastinate because you’ve trained your brain to form a bad habit. But you can beat this. Here 
are the 4 steps to overcoming procrastination:  
1. Stop lying to yourself: What excuses have you been giving yourself? 
2. Replace all bad habits with good ones: You can’t just cut out a bad habit without putting 
something else in its place. 
3. Plant a seed: Instead of setting unreasonable goals, create a realistic habit that will help you 
reach your goal. 
4. Don’t break the chain: Track your progress and give yourself additional motivation to stick 
with a seed behavior. Whenever you succeed with your new behavior, mark it down 
NOTE FOR FUTURE SELF: Come back to this worksheet every two months as you’re part of the 
Jumpcut program, and do the assignments below over again, starting from #1. This is very 
important. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to go through this assignment every two 
months, so that you remember. As you keep growing your channel, you’ll face different types of 
procrastination hurdles you have to overcome. It will be different every time. 
15 minutes 

There are things that you are doing right now that are preventing you from accomplishing 
your goals. Here’s an example list from one of our members: 
What I am doing wrong 
+ Wasting time looking at my phone on the bus to and from work 
+ Not eating breakfast 
+ Putting off thinking of ideas for my YouTube channel  
+ Not setting a workout schedule 
+ Not cleaning up my room 
+ Sleeping too late every night 
+ Not being more social and making more friends 
Note that this doesn’t just have to do with your YouTube channel, or your professional goals -- it 
includes everything that you do in life. 
Create this list for yourself. Answer each of these questions: 
+ What are you currently not doing but should be? 
+ What is blocking your progress? 
+ What do you want to cut out in your life? 
+ What do you want to add to your life? 
Don’t overthink this: write whatever comes to mind first, as those things are likely to be the most 
15 minutes 
Once you’ve brainstormed your bad habits, put them all into one column on a spreadsheet. Now, 
you’re going to come up with a good habit to replace each bad one. 
Remember that the good habit needs to start out as a seed. It needs to be small, manageable, and 
easily achievable, so that you don’t revert back to the old habit again. 
Here’s an example of what to write down: 


Bad Habit   Good Habit 

Wasting time on my phone on the bus   Bring a book for the ride and put phone on airplane 

Not eating breakfast   Boil 5 hardboiled eggs every Sunday night for the week  

Putting off thinking of ideas for  Schedule 1 hour a week on Monday to watch Jumpcut 
YouTube channel  Academy and write down 10 ideas for YouTube channel  

Not working out   Schedule 20 minute workout 4x a week into calendar 

before dinner 

Not cleaning up room  Before bed, clean up for 5 minutes - however much I 

Sleeping too late every night  Go to sleep earlier than the night before 

Not being more social and making  Reach out to 5 different friends every week and 
friends   schedule one dinner a week 
Now that you have a list of things that you want to improve, it’s time to go out and actually 
implement it.  
Don’t choose to do everything on your list immediately. Pick 3 things at most that you want to start 
forming a habit doing. Save the rest for later, when you’ve ingrained the first habits into your mind. 
Now it’s time to create a system to make sure you accomplish these things. Here are a few options: 
1. Buy a physical calendar that you use for your habits only. Each time you accomplish your 
goals, put an X on that day. 
2. Create a habit tracker in a notebook. For an example, just go onto Pinterest and look up 
"bullet journal habit tracker" -- you’ll find tons. 
3. Create a to-do list on your phone or laptop. 

Whatever system works best for you, do it! Use post-it notes, an expo marker on your bathroom 
mirror at home, whatever. If you have something that works really well, post it to the comments 
The goal of all this is this: for the next month, your #1 goal in life is to NOT BREAK THE CHAIN.  
This is crucial. Treat this as a life or death exercise. Whatever you set your positive habit as, do NOT 
break the chain. The key to forming the habit over and over is through repetition. 
If you miss a day, don’t give up. Keep going as if the missed day never existed. 
15 minutes 
One of the best ways to help in not breaking the chain is to be accountable to someone other than 
yourself for your actions. Choose one of your best friends, a family member, or someone else that 
you trust, and ask them to be your “Accountability coach.”  
Tell them the goal that you’ve set for yourself for the next 30 days, and ask them to check in with 
you for the next 30 days, about once every week, about whether you’ve been meeting your goal.  
If you want to go the extra step, give them something of value, and tell them they can’t give it back 
to you unless you achieve this goal. (Or the opposite -- promise to give them $50 if you can’t do it.)  
If you don’t have someone to do this with, either ask on the Jumpcut Academy forum for someone, 
or use a website like to make a personal pledge that you can keep. 

Do you have any tips or tricks on making the assignments better? Leave them in the comments below! 


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