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Master Lakhsmi said that a man’s heart has to be conquered. There are many brothers
that are dedicated to enriched their hearts, turning into honest men, full of Love, plenty of
Charity, full of Comprehension, that is correct, but not all of them are, most of them start
by keeping information into themselves and there it is the problem; that information has
to be rectified, to get rid of what we have more than enough, and to look for what we are

There are twelve fundamental aspects that have to do with the heart. Remember
that the teaching that Master Samuel legated to us was given in stages, and perhaps I’m
not understood, but the teaching that is going to be handed over to the Gnostic People by
the Master and that it will be continued at the Aquarius Era, it will be a teaching of an
incredible transcendence; but it will not be handed over by any other but Master Samael,
which he inspires to us, the Instructors.

When Master Samael was revealing the “PISTIS SOPHIA”, he was talking to us
with a terminology that can be found in the Esenian Gospels, in the Hebraic Bible and in
the Mental Super dynamic; it is the form that Master uses to give a teaching in one level
or the other, they are octaves that he gives to the teaching itself.

Then, there are Twelve levels in our Heart. If we talk from the medical point of
view, at an anatomical level, the heart has a Systole and a Diastole, a White Hall and a
Black Hall; in one of them it is the blood already cleaned and it is ready to come out
again, and in the other Hall it is the blood that returns carrying a huge amount of
Monoxide; it seems like nothing had to do with some of our physical conditions or state
of mind.

An outside person wakes up bored and says: “ Today I am fed up”; he goes to the
pub round the corner, he has plenty of drink till his blood boils and he feels better, or he
goes where he is better treated and time will past: But for us, being Gnostics, it is not like
that. Then we suffer from sadness, moments of antagonism will come to us that we do not
want anything...

What it has to be done? To do some breathing, to do some Pranayamas, to walk

on the ground barefoot, without shoes, this way a peristaltic energy will be discharged to
the feet and the brain will be enlighten, there is a mental clarity. The blood carrying a
series of toxins, from that long trip that it did from the heart, passing through the veins,
through arteries, until it returns, it brings too heavy substances that arriving to the heart
produce: nostalgia, sadness, nervous breakdown, anger. Therefore, exercising is needed,
that way the lungs can get enough oxygen for the blood to work better. When no much
oxygen arrives to the brain, the person feels heavy, walks slowly, it feels like that one can
not think; then a lot of breathing it is needed.
Life has to be looked after; we blame the Ego for everything, and that it is true.
Are you suffering from an ulcer and are you still with anger? Well, treat your ulcer;
How? At least, the first step for healing the ulcer is not getting upset or emotional, a
healthy life, good breathing, good reading, good conversations, a light classic music, so
that the stomach starts cooperating to heal the illness.

If what it is said at the Gnostic Mass was understood:

“Purify my internal glands where the rhythm of my life exists”. Those glands are nothing
more than our endocrine system; but we must understand that what we eat it is part of our
healing process. “We must not only eat to live, but to eat to heal ourselves”.


The first rule to keep a heart fit is: “Good breathing”. Some people will say that
breathing has to do with the lungs; but if the lungs do not do a good cleaning of the
blood, the heart will be prevented. Good breathing, it is what we called: “Prana”.

Few days back, the Master was telling us about certain Master that had been with
Manú rescuing all the people from Atlantis, that at the lunar chain the code that had to be
used for their rescue was the “Science of the Prana”.

EXERCISE: Light clothing has to be worn. If circumstances will allow it, it is

advised to exercise a little for warming up the body to activate the blood circulation.
Moving the arms, legs and trunk can do this. If it is possible, an open-air place should be
chosen; but if it is not possible, the important thing is to do it.

At 5:00 o’clock in the morning, facing the Dawn, standing, legs apart at about
25cm away from each other, we will start raising the arms over the head, touching the
palms together. While we are raising the arms, we will take the Prana in through the
nose, we will exhale through the mouth as we put the arms down.
This exercise must be done for a set of 30 times, with bare feet receiving the vital
energy and also the energy that comes from the air.

This Prana that comes from the top, if there is good concentration and harmony, it
comes in through the nose turned into a sky blue light flooding and harmonizing our
organism; the Prana or energy that comes up from the earth, it penetrates from
underneath the feet turned into a golden yellow colour, it comes up till the knees giving
us harmony, tranquillity and security.
After doing this exercise thirty times, we must sit in a comfortable position,
asking, praying to the Sacred Spirit to fuse these vibrations that have come in from the
top with those that have come up from the earth, healing us and getting our body ready
for the Magic Practise, pronouncing at the same time the Mantram “M” (mmm).

It has to be said that with this pranic exercise the three primary forces joined
together to create: the blue light of the Father, the yellow light of the Son, and the red
light of the Sacred Holy Spirit. This creation concentrates in our vital organs: prostate
gland and gonad in the man, ovaries and uterus in the woman.

In Colombia there is a calendar called the “Bristol Calendar”, where it says:

“Evening star, Jupiter from such month to such month; Morning star, Venus from such
month to such month”. It happens to be that the star that comes out in the morning, that
we called Aurora, it could be Venus, it could be Jupiter, it could be Saturn, etc., that it is
according to its turn, evening or morning. Then that star that we called Aurora is like the
arrival of the AVATAR that comes to prepare the arrival of the Maitreya.

The Aurora is the star that comes to prepare the Sun rising; the Aurora is the one
that stimulates all the life atoms that there are in the plants, in the animals and people.
We must get up to receive the harmony of the Aurora; the Aurora is the one that gives
harmony in the morning, she is the one that gives stimulates the birds to sing, the plants
to receive the morning with happiness. Anyone who gets up at that time, that day will
have a different day.


“Good feeding, good mastication and good insalivations”.

Many people say: “My heart is aching” and there are just neuralgias caused by a
lot of accumulation of gases and when the liver is affected it pressures the diaphragm and
the first ones feeling affected is the heart, with a fever, bringing disorders like: a heart
attack, a brain damage, embolism, etc.

“Gases not to be allowed” (Aerophagia Flatulencies).

The gases proliferation make that the brain starts having less work expansion, that
is because the gases get “calcified”.


“All the colon diseases revert toxins transporting them to the heart and brain”.

Anyone says: “But, I have been working over forty years in Gnosis and could
not....”, and they are people that have dedicated time for Meditation, for Vocalization, but
they had little interest for the their organism and there it is one of the biggest keys for not
being able to do anything, because from the moment that the body is ill “The tower goes
wrong” and obviously the heart is the one suffering all that problem.


“The noises”.

It happens to be that the receptor of the noise it is the heart and not the ears.
When rock music is heard and you listen to: punnn... punnn... punn, it is heard in the
heart, that is hardening the walls of the heart, damaging the elasticity that the heart must
have, because the emotional system is receiving that banging and sends them straight into
the heart without digesting them.
Noises are one of the reasons that are killing the humanity. It is necessary, now a
days, that we all understand the need of going to the country side; not for living, but for
sure, at least once a week that we do an outing to the country side.

It is important that we have places where to go to, and that we could dive in clear
water, pure water; when the body gets in contact with the current water of a well (not
swimming pool), that water pressure around the body is the best method to relax the
musculature. Anyone who submerges in a well will come out feeling like having a rest,
wanting a repairing sleep, he has a good appetite, blood circulation will improve, etc., etc.
Brothers, this is one of the wonderful things for improving our cardiovascular system.


“All the elaborated medicines with synthetic products have tendencies to

exchange the problem, that it means, they relieve a pain for another one”.
We are talking for Gnostic people; now we cannot fall into fanaticism. Master
Samael taught us the balance, but this will not provide us with any norm or rule, it will be
given by having common sense.

We are relieved from a toothache and the following day we are suffering from
acidity, and next day from constipation; we are relieved from the constipation and next
day the Colon will be inflamed, etc.; there will be an exchange, simply the surface of the
problem is changing.
We are talking about the heart and how to prepare the heart to be Gnostic
students. It is necessary to know which are the enemies and we are going to take the
advantage of our Doctors and besides that, let us appeal to the systems that are very
We must not get constipated. What is the origin of the constipation? The habit of
eating elaborated bread with refined flour, white rice or badly combined.
Now a day, all the Gnostic people should have a sauna at home. The sauna is a
medicine without rival to get rid of the internal fever. Cold-water hipbaths should be
done before going to sleep. To sleep with some mud dressing around the stomach. We
must go back to the natural way of life, but no falling into the trap of fanaticism to
become heavy naturist, it is not like that, but of course a Natural Way of Life that will
allow us having good health.
Depending of the health we have, it results the spirit that we have to start that
arduous and difficult work. Somebody suffering from an ulcer, with acidity, with
constipation, to face the ego of anger if he is upset for being ill. What is he going to
achieve if he sleeps till eight or nine o’clock in the morning and he does not receive the
morning fresh air?
Notice that the old people get up at five o’clock in the morning, but by nine
o’clock in the evening they are in bed; we get up at nine in the morning and we go to
sleep after midnight when the last TV. Program finishes. That means we live an inverted
life and that it is against the discipline that us, the Gnostic people, must have.


“Remember that, from a good Relaxation we get a good Meditation”.

Observation: A simple course of human relations will teach you how to observe
yourself. If you watch a politician when another, the politician smiles, is insulting him.
It is like that the man has not had ego; the mayoralty of the politicians observe
themselves. The observation obeys simply to the tridimentional part.
If I am here now talking to you and I’m not observing myself, I get the chock and
I crumble it up, I am doing such amount of gestures, that obviously, you will see that I
am asleep. Someone observes himself to be aware of the gestures that he is doing. If a
person says: “Hey, you silly” and you do an ugly gesture back, you are not observing
yourself, you show your dislike because somebody told you silly.
Auto-observation: It obeys to the Astral part because it is the vehicle that follows
in its order; The Vital part is nothing more than the life stabilizing an organism. The
Auto-observation obeys to the Astral to know what we are thinking, ... what I am doing
and how I am proceeding; that is why the objective Conscious, its first place from here
upwards is in the Astral in the order of worlds.

Inspiration: It obeys to the Mind. An inspired mind is a creative mind, open,

dynamic, etc. A poet in order to write his poem, he inspires himself; meaning that, who
ever inspires himself in what he is doing with a purpose that his presentation will be
Devotion: It obeys to the Causal world. We are talking about a conscious
devotion. We have a devotion to pray, a devotion to meditate, a devotion to auto-observe
ourselves; that devotion is something that obeys to the Soul, it obeys to the Causal World.

Contemplation: It obeys to the Divine Conscious, to its Buddhist part; it is the

Intuitional World, it is the most beautiful thing that there is inside of the structure of this
organism in this Septuplet world.

Worship: It obeys to the Intimate World, where we worship, where we pay that
tribute so well deserved to the Intimate.

That is the order that it should exist in a person that is living the Magisterial Art
of Waking up the Conscious.
Coming back again: we have to Observe ourselves here on earth; to Auto-observe
ourselves so that we could transmit the Conscious that we do here, to the Conscious that
we do in the Astral World.
We could be conscious here and be unconscious in the Astral World, we could be
conscious in the Astral World and be unconscious here, and then there is a disco
ordination between the Auto-observation and the Observation. Meaning that, in order to
Auto-observe ourselves, with great dignity, we have to inspire ourselves at a given time.
So, somebody that Auto-observes himself feels like a little cheer inside, isn’t it like that?
That is because he found himself with a Conscious that he was not activating in that


“A good music”.
That type of music that not only you will listen to it when you are going to
meditate; like for example: Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Liszt; but because it is tiresome
to listen to classic music all the time, then how nice it is to listen to some folk music, a
samba, etc! That, it is not a sin. On the contrary, anyone feels stimulated, anyone feels
happy when listening to folk music, when the guitars are sounding, those harps, that flute.
That folk music of those grates cultures that have existed. Those are the things that will
make anyone happy and stimulate.
Therefore, good music must be heard every day, a little of nice classic music that
proves that we are men and women living happily, cheerful, that vibrate with the notes
that keep the balance of the Universe, those things are very interesting and help us to
enrich the values of our heart.


“Good Prayers and good Meditation”.

Before thinking about learning to Meditate we have to learn to Relax, and before
learning anything else we have to learn the Concentration, but we are not going into that
now. There is simply a transition between the Prayer and the Meditation; meaning that, I
relax, I do my prayers, not by words but with feelings, to my Divine Mother, to my
Internal Father, to my Internal Christ so that they will guide me, for them to lighten me,
for them to protect me, for them to concede me the privilege of achieving the Objective;
and I let myself go into lassitude that comes between the Prayers and the Meditation, an
there it is the result of the Meditation.
Anyone who follows these step sequences could become an athlete of the
Meditation. It is not just to come, sit and that is it, and I am meditating.
Master Samael says: “Sit in a comfortable sofa, leave your mind empty and come
into meditation”. But he is the Master of the Synthesis and he is giving practically ten
words for what we need a thousand to explain the same, then it has to be understood that
there must be a broad comprehension to the Gnostic Message for the students.
First is the Prayer, then the Meditation, because anyone after being meditating is
not praying anymore, it is logical. We must Pray first, and the Meditate!


“A well done gesture of charity”.

This is one of the things that rescue the Values of the Heart.
There are nice details, beautiful, they do it with me, but I ask them to do that with
anybody else. It is not like saying: “I do not have anything to serve with”. How nice it
would be if you are to eat to pies, you wrap one of them, you go out and find a mother
with a little child that has nothing to buy him a pie with, you come near them and you
give it to them.
You see, those are the things that ennoble, than soften the heart of the person, and
they are so simple things that some people will say: “Now I have to be silly by giving to
anyone who I find out there”. No sir, they are people that have nothing like us, in many
occasions, we have far too much.
I have seen people that collect the left over from the table and go out to give them
to the old man outside the house who is not allowed to come in to the restaurant
otherwise people will leave.
Brothers, those are proper things of us the Christians, they are proper of us the
people who consider that the fighting Sole in that physical body, it is like the one inside
I write in “Light in the Darkness”: “What differences are there between the life of
a little dog that it’s thrown a piece of bread to car wheels, and from the life that fended
for Jesus in his Human part?”... The life is the same; ones see the life of King and see the
life of a beggar and it is the same. Cannot you see that life is the same? Life has not
distinctions; the distinctions exist in the human side and in the Spiritual side, which is the
only difference that is there.
What difference is there between that poor who sleeps under the bridges on dirty
papers, filthy that never showers, that he has no father, he has no mother, he has no
friend, he is only victim of scorn from everybody; from the life of that young gentlemen
that it is spent behind the desk? Isn’t it truth that it is the same?


“Good Human Relationship”.

We are all obliged and entitled to a Christian dignity, to reign the happiness of the
music in our homes, to have gardens in our homes, to have flowers where it shows that
we give them tribute, that sacred worship to the Nature.
We seed a plant because we want to see the love for the Nature reflected in our
homes, to have pictures, paintings allusive to wisdom; we want our children, our brothers
to learn to greet when somebody comes and to say: “Good afternoon, sir; How do you
do? Do you need anything? How can I help you? At times we despise that because we
cannot see the transcendence, we believe that we are beyond the human relationship.
When anyone sees that we pay a vital importance to his needs, he is a person that
he sees in us a Guide, he sees an Apostle, he sees a friend, even when he has not seen him
ever before.
It is necessary that we cultivate the good human relationship in our inner wealth,
to know how to give an answer to a person.
We must lead a straight life. To be noticed a Gnostic when he speaks because he
is a person that stands out in his lexical, inside his creative larynge, the culture. Gnosis is
nothing else but “Culture from the Gods and for the Gods”.
As we aspire to incarnate our God, we have to learn how to live the Gnostic

“To learn how to live the Rituals, the Chains and anything that has a taste of

To life and feel the Ritual, not to come in and see at the Altar a man and say:
“Look who is there?” No, sir. Behind that man there is a stone called Ara and this one is
the Christ.
Therefore, that man and that woman, she is the Isis, are receiving a superior vibration
from the Stone of the Altar that it is capable to spread in each and everyone of the
Congregation in all the Hall, so that we all have harmony and leave from there covered
with a superior strength to carry on facing life during the rest of the week, till we come
back for the next Ritual.
It is necessary that these little life rules we make them flesh and blood. To have
daily suggestions in the Lumisials like: “Look brothers, let’s do some breathing
exercises”; we are going to teach our children, our wives, our women how to breathe
because breathing is a Science.
We are going to feed ourselves well. There are very reach literature aspects about
cooking, what food can be combined and which cannot. There are men and women that
were born with the Gift for healing others, an advice or an orientation could be asked to
them so that we do not take all the time antacids, digestive enzymes, chemical products.
Three glasses of Papaya juice should be drank daily; they export the Papaya to Unite
States and they bring it back to us like digestive enzymes.

Inverential Peace,


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