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Research Paper

Over attachment to sports clubs can negatively impact CGPA’s of university


Submitted to:

Ms. Fariah Hassan (FHS)

Department of English and Modern languages

Submitted by:


Tofayel Anwar 1711302630

Submission Date: 29-08-2019


First of all, I would like to thank my honorable faculty Ms. Fariah Hasan for her continuous

guidance and support. I would like to thank my best friend Fatima Binte Mijubul, Munjur

Islam and Shahadath Hossen for always being there for me. I want to thank my elder brother

and guardian Naimul Haque for his mentoring throughout the research paper. My sincere

gratitude to all the participants who took part in the survey and made the research possible.

Lastly Special thanks to my class mates for their cooperation.


The main goal of my report is to help students to know about the impact of the over

attachment of Sports club in their academic activities. University students spend a good

amount of time watching different sport matches. The Study examined the students time

spending and the impacts of watching sports. It also revealed the students love and emotions

towards their favorite sports club. The students stated that over attachments to sports club has

negative impact on their activities. The study also found that students felt distracted and time

maintain is difficult for students because of their love and affections for sports club. The

study found that students cannot properly concentrate on academic classes because of the

late-night matches of their favorite sports club.


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

Background ................................................................................................................................ 1

Research Questions: ................................................................................................................... 2

Hypothesis: ................................................................................................................................ 2

Research Methodology: ............................................................................................................. 3

Data Presentation and Analysis: ................................................................................................ 3

Summary of Research Findings: .............................................................................................. 15

Recommendations: ................................................................................................................... 17

Conclusion: .............................................................................................................................. 17

References: ............................................................................................................................... 18
Now a day’s young people are crazy for sports, specially university students. Some of them
play sports themselves and some of them are fans and followers of various sports club for
instance football clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona, cricket clubs like Melbourne Stars
and Sydney sixers, Basketball clubs like New York Knicks and Los Angeles Lakers and so
on. Some of the students are so attached to their favorite sports clubs that they consider the
team as part of their life. They do crazy things to support their team. They cheer for their
team in every single match. When any competitive tournament starts, they become so active,
they gossip about their favorite sports person, they talk about the possible outcome of the
matches and also the strength and weakness of their team.
On the other hand, university students have so many academic activities to look after, for
example classes, assignments exams and so many. Over attachment to particular sports club
has some sort of impact in their academic life. The purpose of my research will be on how
over attachment to sports club effect university students CGPA and their academic life. How
students maintain Academic life and their fan life. Does it create any kind of obstacle in their
academic life? I want to find these answers through my research work.

“Fandom is a term that describes a state of being a fan of something” (“Meaning of”, n.d).
Increasing sports fandom is one of the fastest things in world right now. Being a loyal fan of
a sport club is considered to be fancy and passionate among young people. Sports clubs have
a huge fan bases and followers who continuously follows and watches the game of the clubs.
These clubs earn a lot of money from selling tickets of the matches. Football sports club Real
Madrid earns an estimated of 1.3 billion dollars from broadcasting every year (“Soccer
Team”, 2019). As the technologies made life easier and the world smaller. It allows the sports
fans to watch their favorite sports club from home without going to the stadium. But it did not
make a cut in the earing of the sports club rather it has allowed the clubs to reach a greater
number of spectators through television. There are hundreds of sports channels that
continuously broadcasting thousands of live matches every day. Sports clubs are earing by
selling their broadcast right of their club. Tv channels are earning from companies who
sponsors those broadcasting. Those clubs have now fan and followers all over the world who
watches their game from different parts of the world. There are a lot of young students who
crazily supports those clubs from different geographical location. For example, Spanish

football clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona which a have a huge fan base in Bangladesh
Most of them are university students. These fan groups act more like a community. They
have different Facebook groups and sometimes they even get together for watching their
favorite club’s matches. University students who considered them as a fan of those clubs
simultaneously watches the game of their favorite clubs. They use social media to
communicate with one another and to keep updated each other about the games also different
insights of games. Students are also actively support their favorite clubs in social media.

Research Questions:
In my research I want to find out the impact of over attachment to sports club on university
students CGPA. My research will look for the answer of the following questions

▪ What does sport club mean to a University student?

▪ What made them love the particular sports club?
▪ How loyal they are to their favorite clubs?
▪ What are the things they do to support their favorite club?
▪ How they react when their favorite club win or lose a game?
▪ What they do when there is an exam and a game of their favorite club at the same
▪ Does their love for the club effect their personal life?
▪ How do they maintain tight schedule of their study when there is tournament going
▪ How do they prioritize their Sports club?
▪ How does it affect their Study?

Over attachment to sports club can both lead towards bad academic performance and better
academic performance. Through my research I am expecting to find that it kills a lot of
valuable time of university students and create problem for them to study properly. Since
there are competitive tournaments throughout the year students who love sports can’t
concentrate sincerely on their studies. I think when there is an exam same day and match of
their favorite sports club, they prefer to watch the game instead of studying and that
ultimately results in bad scores in the exams. Match results also have a long time of effect in

student’s mind which is also another obstacle for students’ academic life. I also expect
students will also prioritize their favorite sports club over anything.

Research Methodology:
For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of representative sampling of various
university students in Dhaka who follow at least one sports club passionately and find out what
significant impact that particular have in their academic life. To that end I will design a
questionnaire with different type of questions to gather a range of useful data which will help
me to answer my research questions.

For secondary research I planned to use the various books and journal and will also interview
famous sports fan in the country who recognized countrywide for their actions, also sports
journalist. I will also use Google search engine and Google scholars for my research work.

Data Presentation and Analysis:

I have conducted a survey with 15 university students which includes 6 females and 9 males
from North South university, American International University Bangladesh and Independent
University Bangladesh. I designed a questionnaire with 15 questions related to my research
topic. Collected data analyzed and presented below:

In my first question, I asked students whether do they like sports or not? Because for my
research it was mandatory have students who likes or follows sports as I have conducted
research on the students who follows at least one sports club.

Do you like sports?

Not at all


Kind of

Yes, I do

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

And I continued my survey with these 15 university students who likes sports.

In my second question, I asked Students what sports do they like most? I wanted to start my
survey with a simple and interesting question to make student interested in answering the
survey questions. It also helped me to know their field of interest.

What sports do you like ?

Others 3

Basketball 4

Cricket 3

Football 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 of the 15 students mentioned that they like Football, 4 of them replied basketball and, 3 of
them said cricket and rest of the 3 had different answers like badminton, baseball and others.
What I found that football is most popular sports followed by the basketball and cricket.

My third question was; do they follow any particular sports club from the respective sports
they like. As I was looking only for students who has interest in sports and follow sports
clubs regularly.

Do you folow any particular sports clube from the respective

sports you like?

Yes No

And I have chosen 15 students who regularly follows sports club and watch their favorite
sports clubs play.

Next, I asked them how often they watch their favorite sports club play. It was an important
question for my research. I wanted to find out the engagement of student’s in

watching games. Which indicates the amount of time they spent in watching game.

How often do you watch your favorite sports club play?



Everyday Once a week Once a month More frequently

46% students said they watch their sports clubs play once a month, 27% students said they
watch once a week, 20% replied every day and rest 7% students mentioned more frequently.
The engagement of students in watching game was not that frequent I was expecting. Most of
the students prefer to watch only the game of their favorite sports club and that is the reason
of their less frequent engagement. As students have so many academic activities to do, More
the engagement in watching games lesser will be the time for studies. Students who said they
watch games more frequently found to have lower CGPAs than the others.

Then, I asked them how many hours do they study every day to know how many hours do
students spent in their studies. It helped me to find out the student’s involvement in academic

More than 3 hours Less than 3 hours I barely study everyday I Study only before exam




33 percent student said that they study less than hours a day, where 27 percent student said
that they study more than 3 hours a day. But rest 40% student said they don’t study regularly
including 20% students who studies only before the exam. Students have to maintain a daily
study schedule in order to well in exams. More they study, better will be the results.

Then I asked student how many hours do they study when there is match of their favorite
club? By the this and pervious question I tried to relate their engagement in studies and figure
out is there any impact of the watching game or not.

More than 3 hours Less than 3 hours I don’t study



I found that 40% do not study at all, 30% student less 3 hours and rest of the student study
more than 3 hours during the match day of their favorite sports club. I figured out that
students tend to study less than what they study regular days during a match day. There are
students who regularly study 3 hours or more normally, but study less than 3 hours. By
comparing findings of these two questions I found that there is tendency among students to
study less during the match of their favorite club. Which indicates the students who are
follower of any sports club spent less time in studies than other students. Obviously less time
spending in study has a negative impact on results.

After that I asked them what will they do when there is an important exam and big match of
their favorite sports club in a very close schedule. I wanted to know what is their main

priority, whether it is watching game or preparing themselves for the exam.


You will watch the game You will not watch the game. You will watch part of the game



Surprisingly, most of the students prioritized watching the game of their favorite sports club.

87 percent student said they will watch the game their favorite sports club and on the other
hand only 6 percent student told they will not watch the game. 7 percent student stated that
they will watch the game but not the entire match. Exams are important for students. One
must prepare himself/herself for exam in order to do well. If someone spent more time other
activities before exam, there is a huger possibility that he/she might end up with bad grades.

In the following question, I asked them Is it difficult for them to keep track of time because
of the game schedule of their favorite sports club.

Is it difficult to keep track of time because of the game schedule of your favorite sports club?

Now I am used to it. 1

Sometimes 2

No 3

Yes 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 of the 15 students find it difficult to keep track of time, where is it not difficult for 3
students. 2 students said not always it if difficult and 1 student said he is used to it. Discipline
is important for students. Studies proven that students who are more disciplined end up with
better grades. Students who are attracted to sports club found to be less disciplined and
vulnerable about time.

After that I wanted to know have, they ever feel distracted in studies because of the match
result of their favorite sports club or not. Match result is crucial for fans who follows a
particular sport. It might distract a student from studying if the student continuously thinking
about the result while studying.

Yes, Several times. Never



Most of the student, approximately 67% student agreed that they felt distracted in studies
because of the match result of their favorite sports club and only 33% percent student said no.
Most of the students feel that their studies have been affected by the match results of their
favorite sports club.

Next question I added in my questionnaire was does the result of the match linger in your
head even if the match is over? After watching the game fans have a tendency to think about
the game. So, I wanted to find out whether the students agree to that or not. It was important
to know after watching the game whether students can concentrate to the studies properly or

10 | P a g e
Does the result of the match linger in your head even if the
match is over?

Yes No

As expected, I found all them are agreed that the match result linger in their mind or head
even if the match is over. Nobody had a different answer.

After that I asked them how long do the results linger in their head. It was also important to
figure out how long it takes them back to normalcy after watching a game. Because if any
student feels about the match for a long time, it will affect his/her other activities.


1 hour Less than 1 hour 2-3 hours More than 3 hours




Almost half of the student feel that match results stay in their head for more than three hours.
Which indicates that match result is one of the obstacles in studying for university students.

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Where rest of the 57% student believe that match result stays in their head for less than 3

Then I wanted know their opinion by asking them do they think match result have any kind
of impact in their studies. Students opinion helped me to know whether they are aware of the
impact of the results in their studies.


Not at all Maybe Yes, I do I am not sure




33 percent students believe that match result have impact in their studies, 40% students feel
there is a possibility, 7% not sure about the impact and rest of the 20% denied the impact of
match result in their studies.

Then I asked the students, have they ever watched a game late at night that affected their
classes the following day. Classes are important to avail a good grade in exams. We all know
student must be sincere to classes for better result. So, I wanted to figure out whether
watching game affected their classes or not.

12 | P a g e
Have you ever watched a game late at night that have
affected your classes the following day?



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Number of students whose classes are affected due to watching game late at night double
than the students whose classes never affected. Watching game late at night made it difficult
for students properly concentrating in classes. Classes are important and students must attend
classes to do well in exam. Student agreed that watching late night game has affected their

Then I put a statement “Over attachment to any sports club results in a bad academic
performance”. To know the opinions of the students regarding the over attachment and its
impact in academic performance.

13 | P a g e
“Over attachment to any sports club results
in a bad academic performance”
I am __________ with the statement.


40% 53%

Agree Neutral Disagree

More than half of the students, approximately 53 percent students believe that over
attachment to any sports has negative impact in academic performance when only 7 percent
students denied the impact in academic performance. 40% students stayed neutral.

Lastly, I wanted to know the CGPA’s of those 15 students who regularly follows a sports
club and tried to relate their characteristics for instance engagement in watching game,
priorities in watching games and their passion for the clubs with their CGPAs. Which helped
me to come up with a conclusion whether the over attachment has negative or positive impact
in their CGPAs.

14 | P a g e
Less than 2 2 to 3 3-3.5 More than 3.5

0% 7%



Almost half of the students CGPA’s were in between 3 to 3.5 and rest of the half of the
Students CGPA’s fall in between 2 to 3. I found only 7% percent students with a CGPA of
less than 2. Surprisingly I haven’t found any student with CPGA more than 3.5. Comparing
the characteristics of the students I have found that who engages more in watching games has
lesser CGPA than who engages less. Not finding any students with CGPA of more than 3.5
indicates that maintaining a CGPA of more than 3.5 requires a good amount of time spending
in studies which do not allow student spending time in watching games and it requires sloe
concentration in studies.

Summary of Research Findings:

What I have found through my primary research are summarized below:

❖ More engagement in watching game results in less CGPA: Students who

engages more in watching games has lesser CGPA. 20% Students who engages in
watching game every day found to have CGPA in between 2 to 3 and on the other
hand those who watches game once a month has a CGPA in between 3 to 3.5. That
means spending time in watching game have negative impacts in CGPA of university
❖ Less academic performance during the match days: we know, less the
academic performance lower will be the grades. Students have a tendency to study
less during the match day of their favorite club. I compared their spending time in
studies during a normal day and a day when there is game. I found students who

15 | P a g e
studies more than 3 hours in a normal day, studies less than 3 hours in match day of
their favorite sports club. Which is another indicator that proves over attachment has a
negative impact in CGPA’s of students.
❖ Maintaining time schedule are difficult: According to my finding I can
conclude that it is difficult for the students to maintain time schedule. More than half
of the students admitted that it is difficult for them to maintain time schedule of their
academic activities.
❖ Match results plays a huge role: all of the 15 students agreed that match results
stay with them even if the match is over. What causes less concentration in studies?
And students who said match results stays in their head for more than 3 hours have
less CGPA than those who said match do not linger in their head.
❖ CGPA’s of the fans are Satisfactory: overall CGPAs of the students follows
sports are average. 14 of 15 students have a CGPA of in between 2 to 3.5. But what I
found through my primary research is that students who watches game more has a
lower CGPA than the one who watches less. And student who priorities watching
game over exams also found to have lower CGPAs.

According to my primary research, my hypothesis is proven to be right. Over attachment has

a negative impact on CGPA’s of university students.

16 | P a g e

From the research findings it has proven that over attachment to sports club has negative
impact on student’s academic performance. Being a fan of certain club can benefit a student
if the purpose of his/her is entertainment. It helps a person to be entertained and refreshed.
But when it reaches to an excessive level it starts hampering students by wasting a lot of
valuable time. Students first priority should be focusing on studies. Students have a busy
academic life; they should not get too attached to any sports club that make their academic
life disaster. Student should be wiser regarding their time allocation. Classes are important
students must attend classes in order to do well in exams. Watching late night games cause
problem for students in doing classes properly. Students must be careful about watching late
night games.

Sports has been a great medium of entertainment. people love enjoying sports. There has
been a great amount of love and desire for sports among young students. But student’s
fiduciary responsibility is to study and wisely spent their time. Watching late night matches,
thinking about the match results for a long time, frequent engagement in watching games,
watching games before important before important exams have been proven to be distractive
for students CGPA’s. To avail good grades in exams, requires a great deal of effort in studies.
For every single course of three credits a student should study at least 6-9 hours to attain a
decent grade. Besides that, there are other factors like commitments, study skills, time
management skills, and self-discipline are also play a huge role. (“Course Load”, n.d) So,
student should be more careful in watching and following sports club as it has negative
impact in their studies.

17 | P a g e
Meaning of Fandom in English. (n.d.). Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved from

Soccer Team Valuation. (2019, May). Forbes. Retrieved from

Course Load recommendation. (n.d). Surviving college. Retrieved from

Almendrala, A. (2017, December 7). How Being A Sports Fan Makes You Happier And

Healthier. HuffPost. Retrieved from


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