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Hatchet Questions

Write complete sentences when answering all questions and you must provide proof
from the book when answering most questions.

Chapter 1

1. What is Brian's state of mind as he heads from New York to visit his father in Canada?

2. Describe what happens to the pilot and Brian’s reaction.

3. How do you think you would feel if you were Brian at the end of this chapter?

Chapter 2

1. Brian has to make a decision about landing the plane. What do you think he will do?

2. What do you learn about Brian in this chapter? Give examples from the story that
support your observations.

Chapter 3

1. What emotions did Brian feel as the plane was crashing? Describe a time in your life
when you felt some of these emotions.

2. Explain what happened to Brian at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 4

1. Explain "The Secret".

2. Explain why Brian thought he had both good and bad luck.

3. Predict what Brian might do to save himself. What would be your first priority?

Chapter 5

1. Brian expects that he will be rescued soon. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

2. Brian has in his possession some items including his clothes. Which items do you
think will help his survival? Explain why you chose each item.

3. Relate the lesson that Brian learned from his former English teacher. How did he
apply this lesson to his situation?

4. Why does Brian finger the hatchet towards the end of the chapter?
Chapter 6

1. Brian chose to locate his shelter close to the lake. Explain his reasoning.

2. Why does Brian decide to eat before constructing the lean-to?

3. Explain why the author writes the word secret with a capital or uppercase letter.

4. Why does Brian stay close to the lake while searching for food?

Chapter 7

1. Why did Brian wake up in the middle of the night?

2. What memory did he have upon returning to the shelter?

3. Why did Brian slap the water with his hand?

4. How do we know that Brian is developing an affinity for his shelter?

5. Why did Brian place the hatchet by his head when he went to sleep that

Chapter 8

1. What caused Brian to cry until he was all cried out? Explain fully.

2. Brian discovered what he believed to be the most important rule of survival. Explain it.

3. What mistake did Brian make in the use of his hatchet? Why might this have been a
costly error?

4. Brian finally realized a way to make a fire. How did he get his idea?

Chapter 9

1. In what way did Brian’s past science lessons come in handy? How did he apply this
knowledge to his pursuit of fire?

2. What was Brian’s reaction when he finally achieved his goal? Why did this
accomplishment make him feel lonely?

Chapter 10

1. Fire brought with it many new advantages for Brian. There was, however, a
disadvantage. Explain.

2. Provide evidence that despite his perilous situation Brian remains optimistic.
Chapter 11

1. Explain how Brian's body and mind had changed.

2. How did Brian get the idea to catch a new source of food?

3. How did Brian hope to obtain this new source of food?

4. Many times in this chapter the author writes “there were things to do.” Judge the
importance of Brian’s having things to keep him occupied.

Chapter 12

1. Analyze Brian’s statement: “Maybe it was always that way, discoveries happened
because they needed to happen.”

2. Brian’s eating habits had changed. What did he notice about himself?

3. Why is Brian so distraught at the end of this chapter?

Chapter 13

1. Brian felt like he was a new person. Where and how did this take place?

2. Explain refraction. How did the understanding of this phenomenon help Brian catch his
first fish?

3. Brian showed ingenuity in this chapter. Cite examples.

4. What, do you think, did Brian mean when he said that he was full of tough hope?

Chapter 14

1. Judge Brian’s conclusion that mistakes were more serious in his situation than in the

2. According to Brian, what was the “great, single driving influence in nature”?

3. What lessons did the skunk teach Brian?

4. Explain Brian’s solution for storing fish.

Chapter 15

1. What special day was burned into Brian's memory?

2. What secret key finally enabled Brian to detect the birds before they exploded into

3. What problem did he face once he had killed the bird?

4. How does the author make us aware of Brian's appreciation for the new food?

Chapter 16

1. How does Brian’s response to the tornado show that he is a different person than he
was when he first came to the lake?

2. Make a prediction about how discovering the tail of the plane will change Brian’s life.

Chapter 17

1. If you were Brian, would you try to get the survival pack out of the plane? Why? If so,
how would you do it?

2. Describe a time when you made a plan to solve a problem. Did you have to change the
plan once you got started?

3. Summarize Brian’s problem at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 18

1. Make a prediction about the end of the story. On what do you base your prediction?

2. Write a journal entry from Brian’s point of view about how he felt when he dropped his
hatchet, saw the pilot in the plane, or finally crawled up on the beach. Include details
from the story in your entry.

Chapter 19

1. Brian felt changed by the rifle and the lighter. In your opinion, why did he dislike the

2. What happened that lead to Brian's rescue?


1. How has Brian’s life been changed permanently by this experience? Explain.

2. In the epilogue the author speculates what might have happened to Brian had he not
been rescued.  Do you agree?  Explain.

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