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1. Complete with the present perfect simple. (0.1 c/u) Complete los espacios con el
presente perfecto de los verbos en paréntesis.

1. Sara’s children have gone j(go) to get the balloons.

2. What have you done(you /do) with the snacks?

3. Natty and I have not seen(not / see) your friend Alice.

4Has he driven (he/drive) you mad today with his questions?

5Has Rachel worked (Rachel/work)in thecompany?

2. Choose the word that fits better in the sentences. (0.1 c/u) Escoja la palabra que
mejor complete cada oración. Subráyelo con otro color.

1. We haven’t arrived to Bucaramanga ______.  a) Already b) Yet

2. I have _________ been here.  a) Never b) Ever

3. She has ________ been a good student.  a) Always b) Ever

4. Have you _______ eaten sushi?  a) Ever b) Yet

5. Ana has studied here ________ a long time.  a) Since b) For

3. Write two things you haven’t done today yet? (0.2 c/u) Use present perfect.

Escriba dos cosas que usted todavía no haya hecho hoy.

1. I haven't done my homework yet

2. I have not yet ordered my clothes

4. Write two things you have done that you feel proud of. Use present perfect. (0.2

c/u) Escriba dos cosas que usted haya hecho de las cuales se sienta orgulloso.

a. I have won a contest

b. I have helped poor pleople

5. Match the phrasal verb with the image that better represents it. Relacione las
imágenes con el verbo compuesto que mejor representa.(0.1 c/u)

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)
1. Look for: ____f______

2. Stay up: ______b_____

3. Look after____a______

4. Count on: ____d______

5. Break up: __c________

6. Wait for: ______e_____

6. Choose the correct word to complete the text (0.1 c/u) Escoja la palabra correcta
para completar el texto. Subráyela en otro color.

1. A. ever B. never

2. A. already B. how long

3. A. since B. for

4. A. yet B. already

5. A. yet B. just
6. A. just B. never

7. A. since B. for

7. According to the text answer the following questions. (0,5 c/u) De acuerdo al

texto anterior conteste las siguientes preguntas.

1. The text is:

a. An advertisement.

b. A report.

c. A newspaper message.

2. What does the author of the text intend?

a. To sell a trip for ten people to a Greece Island.

b. To motivate the reader to travel to a Greek Island.

c. To persuade the reader to participate and win a trip to a Greek Island.

3. With the title the author wants to emphasize:

a. People’s desire of flying

b. The name of the travel agency

c. The interpretation of dreams

4. The phrase “now’s your chance” in the text means:

a. You have to take this opportunity as soon as possible.

b. You will win the lottery

c. It’s a long term offer.

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