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10 th : Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter

11 th : Jupiter

12 th : Saturn

Though the above list is supported by standard works such as Phala Deepika, Sarvartha Chintamani,
Jataka Parijata etc, Parasara mentions only one planet as the significator for a house. According to the
BPHS only Moon is considered for the 4th house, Mars for the 6 th , Jupiter for the ninth and Mercury
for the tenth. Who is correct? Depending on the context both versions are correct. For instance Mars is
the significator for the sixth if one is referring to enemies. But for other general indications Saturn is
also appropriate.

Anitya (Temporary) bhavakarakas:

As already stated a temporary significator of a bhava (house) is a planet that acquires the power to
signify matters governed by that house by virtue of its lordship, position, aspects etc in the chart
under question. So the lord of the second house, planets in the second house and planets aspecting,
all these become the bhavakarakas for the second house in a particular chart.


Jaimini makes a distinction between Sthira (Fixed) and Chara (Variable) karakas.


As indicated by the name, these significations of a planet are fixed or permanent in nature. For
instance Sun is the karaka for the soul, Moon for the mind, Mercury for the intellect, Mars for courage
and Jupiter for children. These are to be learnt from other standard texts. Most texts agree on a
majority of the common significations in a general way. The detailed natural significations for various
planets, based on standard texts, are given in another article. Here I will confine myself to a few
important differences.

Generally it is acceptable to take the Sun as the karaka for father and Moon for the mother. But certain
authorities make a distinction between night and day births.

In Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira suggests that Sun is the significator for father and Venus for mother in
case of day birth. Likewise Saturn is the significator for father and Moon for mother for night births.
Parasara has something else to suggest though it has no distinction between day and night births.
The stronger one between Sun and Venus is the significator for father, while the stronger one between
Moon and Mars is the significator for mother.

My own observation is that Varahamihira is more accurate in this regard. One thing should be kept in
mind though. In spite of considering Venus and Saturn too for the mother and father according to day
or night birth the general signification of Sun for father and Moon for mother should not be ignored.
It works well in practice.
As for Parasara‟s suggestion, it could be reframed. Though it does not seem appropriate to take the
stronger one between Sun and Venus for father, Venus does have a role in another way. Venus is the
significator for „shukla‟ or „semen‟ and in that sense indicates the male fecundity factor. Likewise Mars
is the significator for „sonita‟ and in that sense indicates the female fecundity factor at least. Perhaps
this may have a bearing on the conception chart. Since no valid research or study has been done on
conception charts by anyone so far, I will not speculate.

It is accepted by all that that Venus is the karaka for „beeja‟ (seed) and Mars for the „kshetra‟ (field), a
concept that has been used by Mantreswara in calculating the „beeja sphuta‟ and „kshetra sphuta‟ in
assessing the fecundity/fertility factor. The sphuta is calculated in a male chart by adding the
longitudes of Sun, Venus and Jupiter. In a female chart it is done by adding the longitudes of Moon,
Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter is the fixed karaka for children for all charts. Additionally Sun, Venus for
males and Moon, Mars for females are taken by Mantreswara in accordance with the above
mentioned logic. Parasara‟s suggestion too could be founded on a similar principle and could be
useful in a different context. But for all general purposes SOME believe Varahamihira is more
acceptable while the standard significations ofSun for father and Moon for mother should be kept in
mind at all times.

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