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10 Successful Tips to Ace Your Client Meetings Like A Pro

Meta Description: Looking to improve your winning streak when it comes to bagging a
client? Look no further. Here are 10 tips to ace that client meeting. Learn more.

Picture this- you have a novel business idea and have spent months on perfecting your model,
gathering resources to get started, making connections, and so on. However, once that first
meeting is confirmed, you stop rejoicing and start panicking- what if the client never turns
up? What if you’re not prepared enough for the meeting? What if the client doesn’t like your
ideas? Or worse, what if they dislike you?

Most of those questions are on a young entrepreneur’s mind when they’re just starting out.
But fret not, for there is a tonic for those pre-meeting nerves. Just keep in mind the following
points and you should easily ace your next client meeting:

1. Selecting the venue

While the turn of a meeting does depend primarily on your charisma and sales pitch, making
sure that the client feels comfortable plays a significantly important role in the negotiation.
Unless the meeting is to be held at a client’s office, a quiet location like a seldom-visited
café, where a discussion can be held in peace would be ideal. The location should be easily
accessible, have a work-friendly ambience, and serve good tea and coffee within a budget.
Wi-Fi access and power sockets to plug in your laptop would definitely be a bonus. While a
good ambience sets a good precedent and encourages conversation, dissatisfaction the venue
can cause your client's mood to sour, which leads to an adverse impact on the proceedings of
the meeting and your prospects as a whole.

2. Research

Knowledge is power. The more you know, the fewer chinks there are in your armour, and
you can take on all questions that prospective clients may throw at you. Background research,
market research, client information are just some of the broad categories that you should
acquaint yourself with, as this will help you understand the clients’ operative structure, wants
and needs more clearly. It will also allow you to avoid getting into business with any client
that might strike you as a bad choice. A well-researched entrepreneur usually deals with
fewer nasty surprises.

3. Preparing for client meetings

While research will give you all the details that are required, you need to know how to
implement it as well. Making notes, whether digitally or on a notepad, is one efficient way of
ensuring you have all the essential details on-hand for reference, before and during the
meeting. Narrow down on the angle with which you will approach your client, and practice
pitching the same. Always have all the necessary supplies for a meeting like notebooks or
scratchpads, pens, and most importantly your business card.

4. Dress for a meeting, not a meet-up

This point should be a no-brainer; the way you dress goes a long way in influencing your
client’s decision-making because it displays your professionalism. Make sure you are well-
dressed and presentable for meetings. Ideally, dress in formal attires when attending meetings
with clients. In case you know for certain that the client values individualism more, you can
incorporate some semi-formal elements. Remember; the first impression is the last
impression. So, your first impression matters a LOT.

5. Punctuality

Punctuality always impresses. Stick to the mutually confirmed schedule. There is no harm in
reaching a few minutes earlier and making yourself comfortable. Arriving at the meeting
venue after your clients tends to set a bad precedent.

6. Interaction

Interaction stays with people. Opening a meeting with the nitty-gritty details of the project
might seem highly professional to you, but it might come off as "too pushy" to your client,
which is not a good sign. You definitely do not want your potential clients to think you are
annoying. Always begin meetings with a warm, personal interaction while maintaining a
healthy amount of respect for your client. Avoid breaking into negative narratives like
complaining about the weather or the traffic when discussing such small-talk topics. Be
professional, but know how to make them like you. Don’t be over-enthusiastic, however.
That comes off as desperation. Exude just the right amount of confidence.

7. Listen before countering

Any pitch will require a lot of talking on your part, however, take the opportunity to listen to
what your clients have to say- their concerns, comments, counters and queries. Control the
impulse to correct your clients' statements. Interruptions serve to only portray you in a
negative light as an impatient, immature and irritable person. Always listen carefully and
formulate your responses before actually responding. Clients tend to ask a lot of questions.
Getting more predictable questions is usually a good sign- it shows, at the very least, they are
interested. On the contrary, they might throw you a curveball you did not expect. Never over-
promise or oversell yourself. Sometimes, recognizing your limitations is not a bad thing, and
you should bring your client on the same page. Make promises in accordance with your
capabilities and they will see you as a practical businessperson.

8. YSP- You’re the Selling Point!

In any negotiation, it is key to strike a balanced deal wherein both parties get what they want.
However, never sell yourself short. It is your creation that they want, so you should be the
one leading the conversation. The way you sell your concept is what turns their interest into
an investment. Your presentation must be backed up with case studies where you or your
product has been successful in market testing and solving consumer issues. The client needs
to be reassured that you have a reliable and competent track record. This makes it easier for
them to trust you while increasing your prospects of actually landing the deal.

9. Offer meaningful advice free of charge

Ensure that you can address some of their issues that are unrelated to the pitch by giving them
free advice. If they are going through a legal problem that they share with you in
conversation, and you know how they could address it, let them know. These freebies are
essential for developing a rapport with the client. It will make you memorable to your clients,
and if they manage to get their troubles solved, that is a bonus for both of you.
10. Always remember to wrap up nicely and follow up

The end of a meeting is just as important as the start, so be cordial. Expect small talk and be
ready to make a couple of social promises as well. If you have not yet given them your
business card, this is the perfect opportunity. Do not forget to follow up with your clients
after a respectful amount of time has elapsed. Even if you do not land the opportunity, do not
be disheartened. You win some, you lose some. The most important thing is what you take
away and how you improve.

MyHQ is a rental meeting room service that is perfect for alleviating at least some of your
client meeting related anxiety. The venue for a client meeting is perhaps as important as the
sales pitch itself. Choosing the ideal venue is not easy unless you know your city like the
back of your palm, and even so, it may not provide all the services you may need. This is
where myHQ saves the day.  MyHQ provides meeting room services to corporate and start-
ups at extremely economical rates, and provides all the amenities that one could want from
the ideal meeting scenario. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, myHQ also ensures that
all locations are heavily sanitized, well organized and kept infection-free. MyHQ not only
values your business endeavours but also your health and safety- dedicating themselves to
providing the safest possible environment for you to discuss strategy in peace.

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