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Insect-Cycad Symbiosis and its Relation to the Pollination of Zamia furfuracea (Zamiaceae) by

Rhopalotria mollis (Curculionidae)

Author(s): Knut J. Norstog and Priscilla K. S. Fawcett
Reviewed work(s):
Source: American Journal of Botany, Vol. 76, No. 9 (Sep., 1989), pp. 1380-1394
Published by: Botanical Society of America
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 27/03/2012 00:14

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Journal of Botany.
Amer.J. Bot. 76(9): 1380-1394. 1989.




FairchildTropicalGarden, 11935 Old CutlerRoad, Miami, Florida 33156

Zamiafutfuracea,a cycadof Mexicanorigin,in cultivationis pollinatedby the snout weevil,
Rhopalotriamollis, also of Mexican origin. This weevil apparentlyis host specific, swarming
upon male cones of the cycad, where mating, feeding, and oviposition occur. Sporophyllsof
male cones are rich in starch;those of female cones are poor in starch,and weevils feed upon
male cones and are visitors to but not feedersupon or within female cones. Pollen transport
to female cones occurs duringsuch visitation. All stages of metamorphosisof R. mollis occur
within male cones; larvae feed exclusivelyon parenchymaof microsporophylls,pupatewithin
stalksof microsporophylls,and emergeas adultsfromthe outerends of microsporophylls.They
do not feed on pollen and do not damage microsporangiaor pollen. Toward the end of the
breedingseason of the weevil (and the cycad),some larvaeenterdiapausein thick-walledpupal
cases within microsporangialstalks of pollen-spentcones. These remain in diapauseuntil the
next reproductiveseason of the cycad.

CYCAD pollination has been of particular in- racruz and inhabits male cones of this cycad
tetest to us because of the large number of in much the same way as related here (A. Vo-
exotic cycad genera and species growing at vides, personal communication). Now, we
Fairchild Tropical Garden (FTG) which re- present further evidence that the relationships
quire artificial pollination in order to produce between this insect and cycad are much more
viable seeds. In most cases, male and female intimately and mutually interrelated than we,
plants of the same species are growing and or others, have reported earlier for any insect-
coning at no great distance from each other; cycad interaction (see for ex. Rattray, 1913;
often the sexes are separated by only a few Baird, 1938; Norstog et al., 1986; Tang, 1987).
meters, sometimes by just a meter or two, yet
remain infertile unless hand-pollinated.
As we have related elsewhere, a fairly com- MATERIALS AND METHODS-Most observa-
mon assumption has been that cycads are wind- tions reported below were made during June-
pollinated plants, as are most other gymno- August 1988, upon a planting of 40 individuals
sperms (Norstog and Stevenson, 1980; Niklas of Zamia furfuracea L. fil. (FTG Accession
and Norstog, 1984; Norstog, Stevenson, and No. 66-341) collected in Mexico and planted
Niklas, 1986; Norstog, 1987). If so, one won- at FTG (Fig. 1). Eighteen female plants are
ders why healthy and cone-producing trans- interspersed among the male plants, and cones
plants to not behave in cultivation as they are of both male and female plants are sheltered
supposed to do in nature. During the past de- and partially hidden by foliage (Fig. 1). During
cade, we have accumulated evidence, both cir- July and into August, these plants year-after-
cumstantial and experimental, that a Mexican year harbor large numbers of Rhopalotria mol-
cycad, Zamia furfuracea, is in cultivation ef- lis Sharp, an exotic snout weevil probably in-
fectively pollinated by a small snout weevil, troduced from Mexico years ago along with Z.
Rhopalotria mollis (Fig. 1-6), which completes furfuracea.
at least one phase of its life cycle in pollen cones In order to obtain a better idea of the be-
of that cycad (Norstog and Stevenson, 1980; havior of the insect (Fig. 5) during those phases
Norstog et al., 1986). Field studies of polli- of its life in which it is involved with male and
nation of Z.furfuracea have not yet been made, female cones of Z. furfuracea, we collected
but R. mollis is present in wild plants in Ve- specimens daily and examined partially and
wholly dissected cones and their inhabitants.
I Receivedfor publication13 September1988;revision
Sketches, drawings, and photomicrographs
accepted 10 March 1989.
2 We dedicatethis paperto Dr. ArthurMontgomeryfor were prepared in order to record certain aspects
his long-time interestin and supportof cycad studies at of the relationship (Fig. 5-24). Representative
FairchildTropicalGarden. samples of cones and weevils were fixed in


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Fig. 1-4. Pollination of Zamia furfuraceaby Rhopalotriamollis. 1. Female (left) and male (center)cones of Z.
furfuracea.Male cones are at severalstagesof pollen developmentand weevil infestation.Note weevil swarmson two
cones in center of view. x 0.2. 2. Swarm of R. mollis on pollen cone of Z. furfuracea.Copulation,feeding, and egg
layingoccuralmost simultaneously.x 1. 3. Oldercone of Z. furfuraceaafterpollen dispersal.Note weevil holes in ends
of sporophylls(at arrows). x 2. 4. Pollen-receptivefemale cone of Z. furfuracea;note vertical cleft throughwhich
pollinatorsenter interior. x 0.8.

Fig. 5. Rhopalotriamollis Sharp.a. Female pupa. b. Adult female, ventral view. c. Adult female, dorsal view. d.
Male pupa, note its shorter snout. e. Adult male, ventral view, note inflated front femurs, short snout, large eyes,
genitaliacf. female. f. Adult male dorsal view. All are x 13.5.

FAA, CRAF, and OS04 for sectioning and 12KI-fastgreen(cones, for starchand cellulose),
study. and sudan IV (for lipids) (Jensen, 1962).
Microsporophyllswere collected and fixed Our observations and conclusions are nec-
in FAA just before, during, and just after egg- essarily rather subjective, since we made no
layingactivity was observed;megasporophylls effortto do large-scalesamplings;however, in
were collected and fixed in FAA at the time no case do we report instances of unique be-
female cones were pollen receptive. Freehand havior of single individuals-in most cases,
sections of portions of male and female cones observations of particular actions were re-
were stained with I2KI and sudan IV, and mi- peatedly observed.
crotome sections of cones and weevils were
stained in PAS (periodic acid-Schiff, for car- RESULTSAND OBSERVATIONS-Rhopalotria
bohydrate),ninhydrin-Schiff(forprotein),I2KI- mollis is an excellent flyerand duringthe early
erythrosin(weevils, for protein and starch)or part of the reproductiveseason of Z. furfura-

4 .- ~~~~~~excavated

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Fig. 6. Examplesof feedingbehaviorof R. mollis on Z. furfuracea.All but f are drawnfrom life using a dissecting
microscope.a. Three feeding(and oviposition) holes in side of microsporophyllend. This stagewhen dissectedwould
approximatelycorrespondto d. x 4.8. b. Somewhatlater than a. Some sporophyllseparationhas taken place and a
few microsporangiaare visible. This stagewould correspondapproximatelyto diagramf. x 4.8. c. Eggand earlylarva
of R. mollis. x 14.5. d. Dissection of microsporophyllto show egg chamberbeneath feeding (and oviposition) holes.
x 4.8. e. Full-sizelarva at time of pupal case formation. x 14.5. f Diagramshowing larva encapsulatedin pupal case
of its own construction.It has entirely excavated the interior of the sporophyll,but microsporangiaremain intact.
x 4.8. g. Microsporophyllafter adult weevil has emergedby chewingthroughthe tip. Althoughmicrosporangiahave
dehisced and dischargedpollen, they have not been damaged by weevils. Occasionallyweevils will emerge through
side of sporophylland then some disruptionof microsporangiaoccurs. x 4.8.

cea, males and females are attracted to male offemales areslightlylongerthanthose of males
cones where they feed upon sporophyll tissue (Fig. 5), they are able to probe more deeply.
by making small holes in the ends of the spo- Cones of both sexes of Z. furfuraceaare buff-
rophylls through which they probe for food colored as is R. mollis, and it is noteworthy
(Fig. 2; 6a, b). Presumably,because the snouts thatanotherspeciesof Rhopalotria,R. slossoni,

Fig. 7. Diagramillustratingreproductivecycle of R. mollis duringearlyand middle phasesof its breedingbehavior

and of pollen productionby Z. furfuracea.a. Male plant. b. Male cone with swarmingweevils. c. Pollen-receptive
female cone and visitation by weevils. d. Cross section of male cone showing weevil feeding, oviposition, and larval
activity. e. Egg and several larvae excavatinga microsporophyll.Commonly only one larva survives in a sporophyll.
f. Larvain pupal case. g. Pupa. h. Emergenceof adult. The entire cycle is completed in about 7-9 days.

which pollinates Zamia pumila (Tang, 1987) parentlyis a generalmode of oviposition among
is black and brown and blends with the darker female snout weevils which may employ their
cones of that cycad. Both weevils, therefore, long snouts to position the eggs in the holes
have coloration matching the cones of the (Comstock, 1936). As a result, the eggs of R.
species they pollinate. mollis come to lie in hollow spaces beneath
Mating takes place at this time and the fe- the feeding holes (Fig. 6d, 15);the diameter of
males lay eggs in the feeding holes. This ap- the egg is slightly less than that of the snout of

Fig. 8-13. Sections showing parenchymain distal ends of micro- and megasporophyllsof Z. furfuracea.8. Mi-
crosporophyllsection stainedwith 12KIand fast green.Cells (arrow)are filledwith starchgrains;idioblastat arrowhead.
Inset-starch (arrow)and idioblast (i). x 100; inset x 400. 9. Megasporophyllsections stainedwith I2KIand fast green
showingabsence of starch.Some idioblasts (arrow)appearempty, others (arrowhead)tend to stain with I2KI.Inset-
empty idioblast (i) containingtrabeculae. x 100; inset x 400. 10. Microsporophyllsection stained with PAS (for car-
bohydrate)showingdenselystainedstarchcells (arrow),unstainedidioblasts(arrowhead).Inset-idioblast (i) and starch
(arrow). x 100; inset x 400. 11. Megasporophyllsection stained with PAS showing absence of starch,densely stained
idioblasts (arrowhead).Inset-idioblast (i). x 100; inset x 400. 12. Microsporophyllsection stained with ninhydrin-

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Schiff,a proteinstain, showingdensely brown-purple-staining idioblasts (arrowhead).Inset-idioblast (i). x 100; inset

x 400. 13. Megasporophyllsection stainedwith ninhydrin-Schiff.Note that few idioblasts(arrow)stain densely, others
appearempty (arrowhead).Inset-idioblast (i). x 100; inset x 400.

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Fig. 14-19. Tissues and organsof Z. furfuraceain relationto activities of R. mollis. 14. Sectionedmale cone axis
shows relativelylight starchcontentas indicatedby isolated starchgrains(arrow),cf. Fig. 8. x 100. 15. Microsporophyll
section with egg chamberand egg (E) of R. mollis, stainedwith I2K1. Note cells filled with starch(arrow)and remnants
of what appearto have been idioblasts(largearrowhead).The lattermay indicateavoidanceof toxins by feedingadults.
x 100. 16. Cross sectionsof male cone, cut surfacesof left-handsection stainedwith 12K1.Arrowis at junction between
more heavily stainedsporophylland lightly stainedaxis. x 1.3. 17. Megasporophyllsfrom postpollinationcone (ovules

the female weevil. Females are gravid upon and respond to the slightest touch by twisting
emerging from pupation, in fact eggs are found and turning vigorously.
in late pupal stages; three large eggs per female Although up to six eggs may be laid in one
is the usual number. Ends of microsporophylls sporophyll, and as many hatchling larvae may
often become rather hollowed out and as many be present, subsequently each sporophyll will
as six eggs can be present in one sporophyll. contain only one large larva and, later on, a
The weevils that start the annual breeding single pupa or a recently metamorphosed adult.
cycle ofR. mollis on Z.furfuraceaemerge from Possibly surplus larvae migrate to other parts
pupae, which in turn develop from larvae that of the cone, but a more likely outcome is that
"winter" in old pollen cones at the base of the as the larvae eat away the sporophyll tissue,
cycads they later infest. At first the breeding they meet, and one eats the other. We have
cycle of the weevil involves just a few indi- observed larvae biting each other, have found
viduals, but increasingly large numbers of off- that when several are confined in a petri dish,
spring in succeeding generations soon follow. only one or two survive-the others being rep-
resented only by shrivelled bits of cuticle. We
Brood-place selection - Swarming weevils also have observed large larvae in sporophyll
exhibit cone preferences, selecting only one or chambers accompanied by the shrivelled re-
two cones from among as many as 15-20, and mains of others. We have not, however, ob-
remaining upon the chosen cone 1-2 days be- served the entire process of cannibalism.
fore abandoning it (Fig. 1, 2). (Male cones of Sexual dimorphism- Pupae and adults ofR.
Z. furfuracea mature sequentially; the cones mollis are sexually dimorphic. Males have rel-
upon which swarming occurs are those in which atively short, broad snouts, large bulging eyes
sporophyll separation, which gives access to and inflated foreleg femurs; females have lon-
the cone's interior, will occur within about 24- ger narrower snouts, smaller eyes and less-in-
48 hr; cf. Fig. 6a, b; 18a, b.) flated femurs (Fig. 5). Sex ratios based upon
When a cone opens up, weevils enter, shel- samplings of pupae and emerging adults in-
tering and feeding and, in doing so, become cluded slightly more females (55%) than males
covered with pollen (Fig. 7d, 24c). We have (79 females: 65 males), among pupae, we found
not, however, observed weevils feeding upon 34 females and 27 males (females = 5 6%). Male
pollen. A single cone at this stage may contain and female pupae and adults were about the
more than 100 weevils, and it is at this stage same average size but among individuals of
that visitation to female cones takes place. Fe- each sex, an appreciable variation in size was
male cones are not fed upon, although interior apparent.
surfaces sometimes exhibit healed scars of su-
perficial, punctate wounds which may have Feeding behavior-With the possible excep-
been made by weevils (Fig. 17). tion of cannibalism mentioned above, larvae
feed almost exclusively on parenchyma; the gut
Larval stages-Within a day or so of ovi- is packed with material that stains lightly with
position, eggs hatch, producing larvae which 12KI but intensely with PAS. Also included are
eat their way inwardly from the outer end of particles that stain heavily with ninhydrin-
a microsporophyll into its stalk (Fig. 7e, 24d). Schiffand these are concentrated in the hindgut
Some larvae also find their way into the cone (Fig. 20). Pupae, as one might expect, have
axis but during the period of most intense wee- relatively empty fore- and hindguts (Fig. 21),
vil activity in the planting, most of the larvae and adults killed and fixed before emerging
are found in the sporophylls. The larvae are from pupae cases also had empty fore- and
legless grubs (vermiform), as is typical of wee- hindguts (Fig. 22). Both had extensive storage
vils (Borror and DeLong, 1964), and within reserves. Adults taken after emerging, feeding,
the confines of the sporophylls are quite active and sheltering generally had full guts and de-

removed). There are punctatescars (arrows)remainingfrom insect (weevil?)bites. x 0.75. 18. Longitudinalsections
of preelongation(a), elongated(b), and postpollination(c) cones. Cone (a) is at the weevil egg-layingstage, (b) was
largerthan (a) priorto elongationand thereforedoes not reflectespeciallygreatelongation(see text);it is at the weevil-
shelteringstage. Cone (c) has releasedmost of its early-stageweevils but retainssome larvaein diapause.Its axis has
been riddledby larvae and is filled with frass. x 0.5. 19. Longitudinal-sectionof microsporophyllstalk with encased
larva(L).The caseis composedof brittle,brown-coloredmaterial(arrow),separatedfromthe outsideonly by sporophyll
epidermis(small arrowheads).x 33.

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Fig. 2023. Metamorphosisof R. molis. 20. Longitudinalsection of larva stained with ninhydnin-Schiff,showing
full gut (G). Gut contents include heavily stained particles(arrows),which also are found in hindgut (largearrowat

Fig. 24. Diagramillustratingthe late stagesof weevil infestationof Z. furfuracea.a. Male plants.b. Weevils swarm
on male cones where copulating,feeding, and egg-layingoccurs, but differsin locale from earlieractivity (cf. Fig. 7).
c. Weevils do not lay eggs in outer partsof microsporophylls(which now contain chlorophyll)but ratherat sides and
in stalksof sporophylls.d. Larvaeexcavatemuch of sporophyllbut avoid outerends. e. Some early-seasonlarvaeform
thin-walledpupalcases in which metamorphosisgoes to completion (g-h). f. Other,late-seasonlarvaeproducethick-
walledcases and enter diapause.

pleted reserves. The gut contents in emerged mains of idioblasts. These are concentratedin
adults stained faintly for starch with I2KIbut the hindgut (Fig. 23).
gave an intense PAS-positive reaction. Sec- Very little structureappeared osmiophilic,
tions stained with ninhydrin-Schiffshow par- exceptions being eyes, eggs, gut contents
ticles in the gut which may be undigested re- (slightly osmiophilic), and in some sections

upperright). x 33. 21. Longitudinalsection of pupa stained with ninhydrin-Schiff.Note empty gut (G), abundanceof
storagematter(S). x 33. 22. Longitudinalsection of just-emergedmale adult weevil stainedwith erythrosin-I2KIand
showing an empty gut. x 33. 23. Longitudinal,ninhydrin-Schiff-stainedsection of feeding adult-gut (G) probably
containspartiallydigestedparenchymafrom microsporophylls,includingdenselystainedparticles(arrowheads)which
may be remainsof idioblasts.Note also concentrationof densely stained matterin hindgut(arrow). x 33.

nerve tissue. However, penetration of weevil Pupation-The larvae grow rapidly, soon
cuticle by OS04 was imperfect and the results hollowing out most of the sporophyll (Fig. 6,
therefore were inconclusive insofar as lipid 7). The epidermis of the sporophyll is tough
content is concerned. Although lipids tend to and it together with the microsporangia re-
be leached out from paraffin sections by sol- mains intact throughout the feeding period of
vents (xylene, toluene), sudan IV gave a faint the larvae. Within about 3-4 days after hatch-
reaction in some larval and pupal tissues, prin- ing, a larva constructs a chamber in the spo-
cipally those we interpret to be food reserves. rophyll stalk within which it pupates (Fig. 6f,
7g). The pupa nearly always is oriented with
Pollen foraging- Gut contents of larvae and its head toward the outer end of the micro-
adults contained no pollen grains or distin- sporophyll and its abdomen toward the base
guishable pollen fragments, hence it does not of the cone; female pupae often are found to
appear that either larval or adult weevils feed contain up to three developing eggs. The pupal
on pollen, although it is possible that some case is constructed from a clear liquid secreted
browsing on pollen by the latter may occur. by the larvae and fecal matter, which, upon
Moreover, the sporangia do not seem damaged hardening, lines the hollowed-out sporophyll
as a result of weevil activity (Fig. 6d, g). stalk with a brittle, brown-colored substance.
The case is completed by construction of end
Food content of male and female sporo- walls (Fig. 19), so the larva and later pupa is
phylls-Freehand sections of the axis of the housed within a tough, cylindrical capsule.
male cone stained less intensely with I2KI than When metamorphosis is complete, the adult
did microsporophylls, indicating that the latter emerges, usually by boring out through the tip
contain considerably more starch than does the of the sporophyll, leaving a distinctive exit hole
axis (Fig. 14, 16). The epidermis of the mi- (Fig. 3, 6g). We have not watched the entire
crosporophyll is thick and stained heavily with process of metamorphosis of any particular egg,
sudan IV. Microsporophyll parenchyma is soft but cones tagged at the beginning of swarming
and rather mushy and stained intensely with and egg laying, and observed daily, suggest the
12KI but only lightly with sudan IV. Micro- entire process is completed in 7-9 days. Thus
sporophyll sections prepared just before, dur- it is possible that over the 6-wk period, or so,
ing, and just after egg-laying activity, show of the annual coning and pollination cycle of
parenchyma cells loaded with starch grains (Fig. the cycad, at least six generations of weevils
8, 10, 15). Soon afterwards, the microsporo- may have been produced from an initial mat-
phyll parenchyma is entirely eaten by larvae. ing.
Freehand megasporophyll sections stained less
intensely with I2KI than did the microsporo- Seasonal changes-For most of the repro-
phylls and microtome sections show almost a ductive period ofboth weevils and cones, events
complete absence of starch grains (Fig. 9), but progressed pretty much as outlined above.
they did contain more lipid as evidenced by However, during the last week or so before
heavy staining with sudan IV. pollen production ceased, we observed a change
In both micro- and megasporophylls scat- in the morphology and behavior of adult and
tered storage cells (idioblasts according to Gre- larval weevils. We also noticed that the outer
guss, 1968) are present and these contain sub- ends of microsporophylls of late male cones
stance(s) that stain variously with I2KI, sudan contained quite a bit more chlorophyll than
IV, PAS and ninhydrin-Schiff (Fig. 8-13). The the earlier ones (Fig. 24). During this phase,
idioblasts are elongated in parallel with the female weevils laid 1-3 eggs either at the sides
long axis of the sporophyll but appear more- of the sporophyll ends or in the junction of the
or-less circular in cross section. In microspo- sporophyll and cone axis or in the axis itself
rophylls, they are amber-colored before stain- (Fig. 24). As a result, larvae were more fre-
ing and did not stain with sudan IV, I2KI, and quently found in the cone axes than earlier and
PAS (Fig. 8, 10) but they did stain intensely it is this "second wave" of larvae that accounts
with ninhydrin-Schiff(Fig. 12). Those ofmega- for the complete riddling and destruction of
sporophylls, stained intensely with sudan IV, the axis which becomes hollowed out and filled
and PAS (Fig. 11), variably with ninhydrin- with frass (Fig. 18).
Schiff(Fig. 13), and occasionally with I2KI (Fig. Whereas, "early-season," but late-instar lar-
9). Many idioblasts of megasporophylls ap- vae are covered with thin cuticles through which
peared to have been degraded, losing stain- internal structures are visible, "late-season,"
ability with PAS and ninhydrin-Schiff but not late-instar larvae have thick, opaque cuticles.
with sudan IV; their contents appear to consist During this latter phase, at the end of the sea-
mostly of amber-colored trabeculae (insets Fig. son, about half the eggs were laid in the corners
9, 13). of the sporophyll end, away from the green

areas, and half in the sporophyll base or in the Gigliano, 1983; Rothschild, Nash, and Bell,
cone axis (Fig. 24). About half of the eggs pro- 1986; Spencer et al., 1987). Recently, it has
duced early-season larvae which had thin, been found that micro- and megasporophylls
transparent cuticles and formed thin-walled of Z. furfuracea contain the neurotoxin BMAA
pupal cases from which adults soon emerged (Mark Duncan, personal communication). Both
(Fig. 24e-h); halfbecame waxy, yellowish, late- male and female tissues contained equivalent
season larvae which produced and resided in concentrations of BMAA, but the analyses were
thick-walled pupal cases (Fig. 24f). No adults made with whole ground sporophylls so it is
emerged from these pupal cases during Au- not known whether toxin was localized or dis-
gust-March; a few emerged in early April, and persed, or whether its distribution differed in
many more had emerged by late May 1989, as male and female tissues. Although BMAA (p3-N-
cones began to appear. methylamino-L-alanine) has not been local-
ized within specific cells of cycads, ninhydrin-
Schiff-stained sections suggest that it might be
DISCUSSION-Rhopalotria mollis is, as far as present in idioblasts, especially those of mi-
we know, host specific, although it also infests crosporophylls. BMAA is reported to produce
an experimental hybrid of two closely related a brown-purple reaction with ninhydrin (Vega
Mexican species Z. furfuracea and Z. spartea and Bell, 1967), and all idioblasts in micro-
(Norstog et al., 1986). We have not found R. sporophyll sections and some in megasporo-
mollis in the Florida cycad, Zamia pumila, phyll sections stained similarly with ninhy-
which has its own closely related weevil pol- drin-Schiff (Fig. 12, 13), but in the latter most
linator, Rhopalotria slossoni (Tang, 1987). But of the idioblasts appeared degraded (Fig. 13).
recently, Tang (personal communication) Idioblasts in microsporophylls, on the other
found several individuals of R. mollis in a fe- hand, do not appear to have undergone the
male cone of Dioon spinulosum; however, at degree of degradation exhibited by those in
FTG they are not regular visitors to any other megasporophylls. In the latter, we also inter-
cycad. Members of the Curculionidae exhibit pret positive staining reactions with PAS and
host specificity or feed upon closely related sudan IV (cf. Fig. 10, 11) as indicating that
plant species; the cotton boll weevil, Anthon- some substance had undergone a chemical
omus grandis, for example, feeds upon seven change, possibly with release of product (tox-
species of Gossypium (Burke, 1976). in?). We do not at this time have information
on the presence or absence of two other cycad
Brood-place selection by R. mollis-Mor- toxins, cycasin and macrozamin, in sporo-
phologically, male and female cones of Z. fur- phylls of Z. furfuracea, although we have been
furacea are of similar color and form, which, informed that such assays are in progress (Rob-
it has been suggested, may account for visit- ert Nash, personal communication).
ations to female cones by pollen-carrying adult Larvae and probably adults ingest idioblasts
weevils (Norstog et al., 1986). Because R. mol- of microsporophylls along with parenchyma-
lis exhibits such a strong feeding preference for tous tissue, but there also is some evidence that
male cones, we looked for differences in mor- adults may partially avoid ingesting idio-
phology and food content of male and female blasts-see Fig. 15. Larvae, however, are in-
cones. Aside from size, an obvious gross dif- discriminate feeders and scattered ninhydrin-
ference in sporophylls, readily visible in stained Schiff-stained particles are present throughout
freehand and microtome sections, is the greater the gut contents, but are more concentrated in
amount of starch present in microsporophylls the hindgut (Fig. 20). Similarly stained parti-
(Fig. 8-11, 16). Because we have repeatedly cles also are present in the gut of feeding adults
observed adult and larval weevils feeding on (Fig. 23), and in both larvae and adults these
microsporophylls, we assume that the feeding, particles might represent ingested idioblasts
mating, and egg-laying preferences have which have resisted digestion. If, in fact, they
evolved in response to this higher starch con- actually are undigested idioblasts, it suggests
tent. There may, however, be more subtle dif- that sequestered toxin may be eliminated in
ferences between micro- and megasporophylls fecal matter. Pupae cases, which are construct-
which have not been investigated or of which ed from fecal matter, might therefore have some
we are presently unaware. toxic properties. If idioblasts of male tissues
Foremost among other putative differences store toxins, equivalent toxins might not be
between micro- and megasporophylls is the similarly avoidable in megasporophylls. In
possibility that there may be higher toxicity them, most of the idioblasts appear to have
levels in female tissues. Cycads are well known been modified in some way for they do not
for their content of toxic compounds (Vega and stain with ninhydrin-Schiff and are PAS-pos-
Bell, 1967; Moretti, Sabato, and Siniscalco itive. Some also appear empty and it is possible

that BMAA (or other toxin) has already been of chlorophyll-rich areas of microsporophylls
released into parenchyma tissue. If so, this may both by egg-laying females and by larvae (Fig.
account for avoidance of megasporophylls by 24c, d). Although the cause of diapause in-
feeding and egg-laying adult weevils. Still, nei- duction is conjectural, the fact that it occurs
ther the differential presence or absence of free when it does is further evidence of the intimacy
toxins or other compounds in micro- or mega- of this weevil/cycad symbiosis. Dormancy
sporophylls would detract from a hypothesis strategies in which an insect remains in dia-
that the reproductive behavior of R. mollis pause throughout the nonreproductive phase
exploits the high concentration of starch in of a specific host plant are well-documented
microsporophylls of Z. furfuracea. (Denlinger, 1986).
Because we have noted the metamorphosis
Exploitation of Z. furfuracea-The repro- of late larvae of R. mollis only after some 7
ductive cycle of R. mollis appears almost months in diapause, we suspect reproductive
uniquely adapted to exploitation of Z. furfur- continuity of the weevil from season to season
acea as a feeding and breeding site. Protective hinges on year-to-year survival of larvae in
coloration, mating upon male cones alone, and diapause in the remnants of pollen cones which
only those about to mature; egg deposition in are more-or-less persistent at the bases of male
food-rich microsporophylls; excavation of mi- plants.
crosporophylls, including the pupation site in
the sporophyll stalk which precisely accom- Exploitation of R. mollis-As reported by
modates the larva, pupa and pre-emergent Norstog et al. (1986) exclusion experiments
adult, all suggest an intimate and long-standing show R. mollis to be an effective pollinator of
relationship involving both behavioral and Z. furfuracea. Moreover, airborne pollen prob-
morphological adaptations on the part of the ably is unimportant in pollination of cultivated
insect. Z. furfuracea, a conclusion based on exposure
of pollen traps (greased slides) in the vicinity
Dormancy of R. mollis-If R. mollis is in- of pollen-receptive female cones. Calculations
deed host specific in its breeding cycle, then it suggested that if every trapped pollen grain had
becomes important to know what the insect instead impacted on a micropyle, fertility from
does during the 10 months, or so, when Z. that source might be 22%, whereas actual fer-
furfuracea is not coning. We have not attempt- tility of cones adjacent to slides averaged 97%
ed to follow dispersion of adult weevils after (Norstog, unpublished observations). With re-
they leave the host. They might feed on other spect to this experimental population, the ob-
plants, might even reproduce on other species, servations reinforce the conclusion that wee-
but we have no evidence of this. vils acocunt for most if not all pollinations.
Dormancy in insects is a mechanism where- We think this cycad owes its high fertility in
by some kind of adversity is circumvented, cultivation almost exclusively to pollination
whether of climate, or of availability of food by R. mollis, and see adaptations in weevil
and/or oviposition sites (Burke, 1976; Denlin- morphology and behavior that exploit the re-
ger, 1986). The dormant period, or diapause, sources of Z. furfuracea. A corollary question
may take place at any stage in the insect's life therefore is, has Z. furfuracea evolved phys-
cycle, occurring at the larval stage in about 30% iological and morphological adaptations that
of examples. Its onset can be triggered by sea- exploit parasitism by R. mollis?
sonal events such as drought, high rainfall, or It seems clear to us that a mutually profitable
changes in photo- or thermoperiod. These fac- partnership has evolved in which Z. furfuracea
tors often are less pronounced in the tropics has developed certain structural, physiological,
but diapause occurs there about as frequently and possibly other features that have resulted
as in temperate zones. Rhopalotria mollis en- in an increase in its pollination efficiency. These
ters diapause toward the end of male-cone pro- include some kind of signalling to the polli-
duction when late-season larvae develop thick, nator that certain cones have attained readi-
waxy cuticles and construct thick-walled pupal ness as brood places; interception of this signal
cases (Fig. 24). Within this brief time-frame by the pollinator then results in these cones
there probably are few climatic clues, so dia- being singled out for congregational mating,
pause most likely is induced either by endog- feeding, and brood place selection. Concentra-
enous factors in the weevil itself or is an in- tion of foodstuffs almost exclusively in ends
duction resulting from some physiological and stalks of microsporophylls and not in the
change in the tissues of the cycad. We favor cone axis can be seen as a strategy which fo-
the latter interpretation solely on the basis of cuses weevil activity at the site of pollen pro-
an increased chlorophyll content in micro- duction, and some manner of microsporangial
sporophylls, coupled with observed avoidance protection and/or isolation exists so that they

are not damaged by the weevils (but, equally separate the microsporophylls and allow wee-
possible, avoidance behavior has evolved in vils access to the cone's interior (Fig. 18). It
the weevil). Also, there may be differential con- may, however, not be sufficient for pollen dis-
centrations of toxins in tissues of micro- and persal by air currents. In cones of this cycad,
megasporophylls in which the former have we think the major function of starch, is that
levels sufficiently low to be attractive to R. of a nutritional reward for the cosymbiont, R.
mollis, and, importantly, provide access to pol- mollis; a secondary function may be to provide
len. Finally, we think the mode of female cone fuel for odor volatilization which probably
opening (by a vertical crack) is an adaptation serves as a signal to the pollinator. (Both male
for insect pollination which also tends to limit and female cones give off an odor we have
random visitation by other insects as well as described as "musty" [Norstog et al., 1986].)
entry of foreign pollen, mold spores, and the In pollination symbioses, a reward is pro-
like. After pollination, the cone closes up and vided animal pollinators, often in the form of
protection of ovules from predation is en- nectar, and its presence is signaled by odor or
hanced in a manner analogous to the closed color, or a combination of odor and color (Fae-
carpels of angiosperms. gri and van der Pijl, 1971; Kevan and Baker,
1984). Faegri and van der Pijl mention that
Cone expansion -While we have considered pollen may be a reward for beetles which they
the rather complex interactions between R. say might polinate some cycads, but neither
mollis and Z. furfuracea to exemplify a co- the cycad nor the pollinator are specified: "there
evolution of long standing (Norstog, 1987), it we found a possible attractant in the male flow-
is possible that structural and behavioral char- er, viz. pollen for pollen-eating beetles." Since
acteristics noted in Z. furfuracea relate to func- there is no evidence that either larvae or adults
tions other than insect/plant mutualism per se. of R. mollis feed upon pollen of Z. furfuracea,
Differential starch distribution, for example, we conclude that in this instance the reward,
may not have evolved as a pollinator reward, perhaps the sole reward, is starch-laden paren-
but relates rather to a more general mechanism chyma of microsporophylls. We have not ob-
involving thermogenesis, cone expansion, and served weevils feeding within female cones;
odor volatilization. Tang, Stemnberg,and Price possibly, they may feed upon micropylar ex-
( 1987) examined starch and lipid levels in male udates although their mode of feeding does not
cones of five cycads (Dioon edule, Encepha- seem to be consistent with lapping fluid drop-
lartos ferox, E. hildebrandtii, Macrozamia lets. We think their entry into female cones is
moorei, and Zamia pumila) during cone elon- a sheltering response to similarities of form,
gation and pollen-shedding. They report that color and, perhaps, odor of male and female
at the onset of elongation, microsporophylls of cones.
M. moorei contain high levels of starch (7.1- In addition to furnishing food for adults and
16.8% fresh wt.) and it was noted that the starch larvae, male cones function as "shelter blos-
content of the axis is relatively lower, a dif- soms." Shelter blossoms which provide food
ferential we also have noted in male cones of and a haven for adult insect pollinators and a
Z. furfuracea. In M. moorei, sporophyll starch broodplace for their young are well-known
is "significantly depleted" during cone elon- (Faegri and van der Pijl, 1972; Kevan and Ba-
gation and Tang and his colleagues conclude ker, 1984). A thrip shelters and mates in the
that cone thermogenesis and elongation is flowers of Calluna vulgaris, taking food from
fueled by starch and lipid. They further reason nectar, stamens, and petals, and laying eggs in
that thermogenesis in cycad cones is important the filaments of stamens. The eggs remain dor-
in volatilizing odors which may be attractive mant over winter in the stamen filaments of
to insect pollinators. persistent flowers before hatching into larvae.
Cone elongation, which accompanies ther- Another pollinator, the Yucca moth, Tegiticula
mogenesis in cycads, is important not only in yuccasella, does not feed at all as an adult, but
freeing pollen in those species in which wind visits and pollinates Yucca blossoms solely in
pollination is thought to occur, but it also pro- search of a place to deposit its eggs. The at-
vides access to pollen and ovules by insect tractant, in this case is odor and the reward is
pollen vectors. In some cycads, pollen cone the brood-place. Because its eggs are laid in
elongation may result in length increases ap- the pistils of Yucca blossoms and its larvae
proaching 50% or more, but is somewhat less feed upon ovules, the relationship is destruc-
in Z. furfuracea. In that species, much of the tive and some of the host's reproductive pro-
microsporophyll tissue is consumed by wee- ductivity is sacrificed in the furtherance of pol-
vils, so that the contribution of sporophyll lination. While pollination of Z. furfuracea
starch to male-cone elongation cannot be very resembles that of Yucca in some respects, it is
great; however cone elongation is sufficient to perhaps more analogous to the pollination sys-

tem of Calluna for the reason that R. mollis is habitat,the cycad/pollinatorrelationshipin Z.

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parablewith the rewardsofferedpollinatorsof also prevail in nature.
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