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Dear Susan;

I wanted to follow-up on our conversation regarding the Camp Bow Wow Dog Park.
Your idea to form a taskforce is excellent, and I would like to take the initiative to form
and be the task force leader. Forming a Camp Bow Wow Park & Bark taskforce brings a
number of advantages. They include the following; (discuss advantages of forming this
team – 50 words)
Some of the advantages of having the taskforce is that the members will be able to
contribute to the project due to their varying professions and experiences in a great way,
adopt comprehensive problem-solving techniques that are based on teamwork and to
consolidate the previous experiences from the different people in management sector as
well as to reframing new insights in the sector.
There are a few disadvantages that you should be aware, so we will keep those in mind.
The disadvantages are; (discuss disadvantages of this team – 50 words)
Some of the disadvantages of this taskforce team is that it will constitute a few number of
people which might limit the level to which it will explore in regard to the establishment
of the dog park in the 10 acre land limiting the diversity of knowledge and lastly, the
resources in terms of finances might be a limiting factor and therefore a challenge to the
achievement of the overall goal.
Keeping the team advantages and disadvantages in mind, the following will map out how
I will plan, organize, lead, and control the Dog Park Task force formation, and how I will
communicate with the team for a successful outcome;
Task Force Formation;
1. Planning – Based on the concepts that we covered in this week’s reading discuss how
you will plan to assemble this task force and describe the various kinds of communication
you will use. (150 words) -
To get the taskforce onboard to discuss the issues regarding the establishment of this
project, I will have to look into their careers, experience and how they have been working
in the company in consideration to their history. This diversity of relevant professions is
key to the achievement of the main goal of establishing the project. I will select a
committee of 5 of whom will best serve a great help in achieving this beautiful dream of
the dog park. Another way is by ensuring that the whole team knows the respective duties
and they know each other so that they can be able to communicate and support each other
towards achieving their separately set goals that would help in setting up of the project.
To ensure the full execution of this whole project communication is key and, I will keep
the team on toes through regular communication by way of physical meetings, issuance
of memos through emails regarding the issues that are deliberated on and also the
meetings reports and minutes.
2. Organize – Discuss how you will organize the task force activities, goals, milestones,
and outcomes. (75 words)
Giving all the members of the taskforce team a role to play in the execution of the whole
project will be key in the realization of this goal since everyone will focus on doing their
rules the best way. Bringing all the members of the team together to share the ups and
downs or rather the challenges that they are experiencing in the follow-up of their duties.
Everybody in the team will participate in the achievement of the project. I will also
ensure that there is communication between the taskforce team and You the Boss to
ensure that everything is taken into account. This way I will be briefing you on their
deliberations and communicating back your decisions.
3. Lead – Discuss how you will lead the task force, and how will you appeal and motivate
your team members. (75 words) -
I will lead the taskforce by guiding them on what to do to achieve their already set goals.
Since I am entitled to inform you about the team’s progress, I am tasked with leading
them and ensuring that all is well for them. I will also chair the meetings in regards to the
project and assuring them as their leader to work harder to achieve their goals. I will give
the task force of the 5 member team stipend together with allowances to serve as external
motivation so that they can be able to diligently work towards the project.
4. Control – Discuss how you will monitor and follow-up with your team members. (75
To control and monitor my taskforce team, I will put in place a regular self and non-self-
evaluation system to gauge on how much one has achieved their goals. This enables them
to work more and more to achieve their goals knowing that they have a benchmark where
they look into to see the number of achievements that they have made. Keeping
communication between me and the team to ensure that they can be able to share their
achievements, frustrations and the challenges that they are facing.

Summary – Recap your email by summarizing your main points. (50 words)-
I will plan, lead, control and organize the taskforce team that will see the project being
executed. To achieve this I will take select a group of diverse people in terms of
professions and experiences to enable me to achieve this great task. I will meet with them
regularly as well as do evaluations to ensure check on the progress of the committee and
the project at large since they are core in its execution. Giving some stipend and
allowances for their work will be a good deal to ensure that that they feel motivated to
work towards the project.

Camp Bow Wow General Manager (insert your city here)

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