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Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

Zeolites as catalysts in oil refining

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60394f
Ana Primo*a and Hermenegildo Garcia*ab

Oil is nowadays the main energy source and this prevalent position most probably will continue in the next
decades. This situation is largely due to the degree of maturity that has been achieved in oil refining and
petrochemistry as a consequence of the large effort in research and innovation. The remarkable efficiency of
oil refining is largely based on the use of zeolites as catalysts. The use of zeolites as catalysts in refining and
petrochemistry has been considered as one of the major accomplishments in the chemistry of the XXth
century. In this tutorial review, the introductory part describes the main features of zeolites in connection with
their use as solid acids. The main body of the review describes important refining processes in which zeolites
Received 1st November 2013 are used including light naphtha isomerization, olefin alkylation, reforming, cracking and hydrocracking. The
DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60394f final section contains our view on future developments in the field such as the increase in the quality of the
transportation fuels and the coprocessing of increasing percentage of biofuels together with oil streams. This review is intended to provide the rudiments of zeolite science applied to refining catalysis.

Key learning points

 Role of zeolites in the most important oil refining processes.
 Nature of Brönsted and acid sites in zeolites.
 Relationship between structure and composition of zeolites and catalytic activity.
 Bifunctional acid and hydrogenation catalysts based on zeolites.
 Major general trends in oil refining.

Introduction and large surface area supports for developing environmentally

benign processes.8 This outstanding level of development in refin-
Modern societies require extensive consumption of energy that ing and petrochemistry has been achieved over the years by a
nowadays is predominantly based on the combustion of fossil fuels combination of intensive research and innovation.
provided by refining.1–3 From the point of view of Sustainability and The purpose of this tutorial review is to summarize the prevalence
Environment protection, currently there is much interest in repla- in refining of catalytic processes based on the use of zeolites. We will
cing as a primary energy resource fossil fuels by alternative renew- start with a brief description of the composition, structure and
able energy sources.4 However, considering the degree of maturity properties of zeolites with a focus on their application as solid
and efficiency in the use of oil and the difficulty in developing on a catalysts. The main part of this review will be the description of some
massive scale other energy sources, it is very likely that the catalytic processes, such as paraffin isomerization, isobutene–butene
prevalence of refining and petrochemistry will continue in the next alkylation, reforming, cracking and hydrocracking, currently per-
decades, particularly considering the new oil fields found and formed in the refining industry to produce massive amounts of fuels
modern extraction technologies that recover more exhaustively and lesser quantities of chemicals. In the final part, we will provide
hydrocarbons from bituminous sand and unconventional our view on future developments in the field, particularly, the quest
sources.5,6 The current efficiency of refining and petrochemistry is for even more efficient zeolites and co-processing of biofuels.
largely based on the use of highly active, selective and durable
catalysts,7,8 zeolites being the paradigmatic example of solid acids
Zeolites: composition, structure and
Instituto de Tecnologı́a Quı́mica CSIC-UPV, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia,
Av. De los naranjos s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain. E-mail:,
Zeolites can be defined as crystalline, porous aluminosilicates
Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, in which the primary building blocks are TO4 tetrahedra having
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia a Si4+ or Al3+ cation (T atoms) at the center and four oxygen

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Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

Fig. 1 Classification of zeolites and porous solids depending on the

dimensions of the voids. Scheme 1 Chemical composition of zeolites and possibilities for its
control. Key parameters are the nature of charge-balancing cations and
the Si/Al ratio.
atoms at the corners.9 Each corner is shared by two TO4 units
forming a tridimensional framework defining cavities, chan-
nels and empty spaces generally denoted as ‘‘micropores’’. This charge-balancing cations to ensure the electroneutrality of the
porosity defined by the rigid crystal lattice is open to the solid. These charge-balancing cations are occupying the micro-
exterior of the solid crystallite allowing the mass transfer from pore space and because they are not grafted into the framework
the exterior to the interior of the zeolite particle and the and are bonded to the lattice by Coulombic forces, they can be
intracrystalline diffusion of molecules smaller than the micro- totally or partially exchanged by different cations. In fact, one of
pore dimensions. Zeolites can be classified depending on the the main applications of zeolites is in detergent formulations as
pore size as small, medium and large pore size zeolites when water softener to remove Ca2+ ions from hard waters by ion
the openings of the micropores are constituted by rings of exchange with Na+.11–15 These compensating cations are intro-
eight, ten or twelve oxygen atoms (Fig. 1).10 duced primarily during the synthesis of the zeolites and can be
The key parameter that controls many properties of the either inorganic, typically alkali metal ions, or organic such as
zeolites having a large influence on their catalytic activity is quaternary ammonium ions. Quaternary ammonium ions are
their aluminum content. Depending on the zeolite family, this very common in the composition of synthetic zeolites because
aluminum content can vary from one Al atom per Si atom this type of organic cations act in the synthesis of zeolites as
(zeolite X) to the case of all-silica zeolite (silicalite) in which the structure directing compounds.16
amount of aluminum in the composition should be zero. Since zeolites are crystalline solids with a defined unit cell,
Scheme 1 summarizes the chemical composition of a zeolite the position of the charge compensating cations in the frame-
and the properties that derive from it. work can be fixed. Neutron diffraction has shown that alkali
Due to the different charge of Al3+ and Si4+, the TO4 tetra- metal ions in faujasites occupy three defined positions, corre-
hedra can have a net negative charge (AlO4) or can be neutral sponding to hexagonal prism faces (site I, 16 cations per unit
(SiO4). The consequence of the presence of Al3+ in framework cell), sodalite cages (site II, 32 cations per unit cell) and in the
positions is the appearance of an equivalent number of nega- large cavity (site III, variable number). In other zeolites, such as
tive charges in the framework that require the presence of bidirectional pentasil, the cations are preferentially located at

Ana Primo obtained her PhD from Hermenegildo Garcı́a (Herme) has
the Institute of Chemical been a full Professor and member
Technology (ITQ) in Valencia, of the Institute of Chemical
Spain, under the guidance of Technology at the Technical
Avelino Corma and Hermenegildo University of Valencia since 1996.
Garcı́a. She was a postdoctoral He has co-authored over 500
researcher in the Institut Charles papers, has supervised over 38
Gerhardt of Montpellier (France, PhDs and holds 14 international
2007–2009). She is currently an patents. His main current interests
associate researcher at the ITQ, are green chemistry and catalysis
where she works on the synthesis as well as the use of zeolites, metal
of heterogeneous catalysts based organic frameworks and meso-
Ana Primo on metal nanoparticles supported Hermenegildo Garcia porous materials in supra-
on porous polysaccharides, gra- molecular photochemistry, photo-
phenes and metal oxides for their application in biomass and catalysis and nanotechnology.
photochemistry. She has co-authored 28 publications.

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the channel crossings. It is assumed that for divalent cations, formation of the MCM-22 framework is accessible after dela-
some of the positions will be vacant and that their location is mination. Thus, for ITQ-2, layers with zeolitic structure having
determined by maximization of the Coulombic forces, reducing sites totally accessible to reagents without intracrystalline dif-
the distances between the positive and negative centers. fusion limitations are obtained.
One type of zeolites that has attracted considerable attention
in recent years that holds promise as catalyst or support for
heavy oil fraction processing is the so-called delaminated Acidity in zeolites
zeolites. The first example of this type of delaminated zeolites
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

is the material known as ITQ-2.17 The preparation of this One particular case that is of considerable importance for the
material is based on the knowledge of the crystallization of use of zeolites as catalysts in refining is the case in which the
zeolites and in the particular case of ITQ-2 on the synthesis charge compensating cation is formally a proton. In this case,
of MCM-22.18 This MCM-22 zeolite is obtained by calcination of zeolites are called ‘‘solid acids’’ and due to the microporosity
the pre-MCM-22 solid resulting from the hydrothermal crystal- these internal protons can act as Brönsted centers in hetero-
lization of the mother aluminosilicate gel using hexamethylene geneous catalysis.19 Although Si4+ and Al3+ ions have very
imine as a structure directing agent. It happens that the pre- similar ionic radius and fit nicely in the center of TO4 tetra-
MCM-22 solid obtained in the hydrothermal crystallization is a hedra, the presence of Al3+ introduces a relative lattice instabil-
layered material that during calcination undergoes sintering of ity due to the somewhat larger ionic radius of Al3+ with respect
the layers forming a 3D framework characteristic of MCM-22 to Si4+, the charge unbalance and low coordination number
(Scheme 2). If the pre-MCM-22 solid is submitted to ion around Al3+. Thus, there is a tendency of Al3+ to migrate outside
exchange using cetyl trimethyl ammonium surfactant, then the lattice forming octahedrally coordinated Al species that are
those template molecules located at the interlayer space can generally denoted as extra framework aluminium (EFAL). EFAL
be exchanged by bulkier quaternary ammonium ions. This ion species are more probable when the Al3+ content of the zeolite
exchange results in an expansion of the interlayer distance is high and also when the zeolite is submitted to physical or
reducing Coulombic interactions between the layers that can be chemical stress as, for instance, in thermal treatments espe-
subsequently disordered by sonication. If, after this swelling cially in the presence of steam or other chemicals. According to
and disordering, the material is submitted to calcination, then Al NMR spectroscopic data, EFAL is constituted mainly by
the resulting aluminosilicate is not the expected well- octahedral Al3+, appearing at about 0 ppm, and this species is
crystallized MCM-22 but a new material that consists of zeolitic believed to be responsible for contributing to Lewis acidity in
layers without stacking in the Z direction. The layers have a zeolites. Initial proposals suggested that Lewis acid sites in
zeolitic nature being constituted by hexagonal prisms joining zeolites could be correlated with tricoordinated Al species
the upper and lower twelve-membered ring cups. The rims of similarly to what was accepted for conventional BX3 or AlX3
these cups contain terminal OH groups and are open to the halides as Lewis acids. However, spectroscopic techniques fail
exterior. to detect this type of tricoordinated aluminum atoms even for
The layered morphology of ITQ-2, characterized by dis- those zeolite samples in which the presence of Lewis acidity
ordered zeolitic layers, is responsible for a large external sur- was confirmed. In fact, by using pyridine as a probe molecule to
face area up to 700 m2 g 1 and a very limited microporosity. monitor the titration of acid sites by IR spectroscopy, it has
This surface area value is much higher than the normal BET been demonstrated that zeolites can exhibit Brönsted and Lewis
area of zeolites that ranges from 100 to 400 m2 g 1 and acid sites.20 The Brönsted acid sites are ascribed to bridging
indicates that part of the framework that is not accessible after OH groups between Al and Si tetrahedra [RAl–(OH)–SiR],
while the Lewis acid sites have been associated to the presence
of EFAL.
There are several polyaluminum species that can be pre-
pared in solution by well established synthetic procedures. In
particular, the so-called Al13 is a cluster of 13 Al ions connected
by hydroxyl and oxo bridges that can be prepared by controlled
hydrolysis of hydrated AlCl3. By analogy, EFAL are also con-
sidered as being constituted by clusters of a few Al atoms. The
number of Al atoms increases with the age of the zeolites and
the strength of steaming or reaction conditions. Since EFAL is
detached from the zeolite framework and several polyaluminum
species are soluble in water in a certain pH range, it should be
possible to remove completely or in part EFAL from zeolites. In
general, EFAL species with low Al content are more soluble than
when the number of Al is high.
The protonic forms of zeolites as solid acids differ from
Scheme 2 Preparation of delaminated ITQ-2 from pre-MCM-22. conventional molecular acids since they have a distribution of

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Scheme 4 Synergy between Lewis acid sites (AlO+) and Brönsted OH site
leading to an increase in acid strength.
Scheme 3 Brönsted acid strength of OH groups as a function of the
composition of the second coordination sphere and, therefore, the Si/Al
ratio of the zeolite. This acid strength is deduced from the positive charge
density on the H (qH) estimated by theoretical calculations. acidity in medium pore size zeolites such as ZSM-5 derives from
the so-called ‘‘confinement effect’’.20,26,27 This ‘‘confinement
effect’’ should be observed, according to theoretical calcula-
sites with different acid strength. Experimentally, the strength tions, when the dimensions of the zeolite pores are commen-
distribution of the acid sites for a particular zeolite can be surate with those of the base molecule adsorbed in the internal
determined by thermoprogrammed desorption techniques space.28 In this case, confinement leads to an increase in the
using ammonia as a probe.20,21 It is observed that a certain energy of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals, meaning that the lone
percentage of the total adsorbed ammonia can be removed by electron pair of the base is being activated in a restricted space.
heating at temperatures around 150 1C (ammonia absorbed on According to this concept, acidity of a given site does not
weak acid sites), while much higher temperatures, about 300 1C depend only on the local environment and composition of the
or more, are necessary to desorb ammonia from strong center but also on the long range ordering and dimensions
acid sites.22 Theoretically, the acid strength of a particular of the cavities. Also, the acidity of a site would be different
RSi–(OH)–AlR site depends on the electronegativity of the depending on the molecular size of the probe, being of max-
cations, Si4+ or Al3+, present in the second coordination sphere imum strength when the size of the molecule fits closely within
around the bridging OH group.23 Thus, as it can be seen in the interior of the cavities. In general terms, this confinement
Scheme 3, the strongest acid sites are those in which the second effect, particularly applied to the case of acid catalyst for
coordination sphere around acidic OH contains six Si4+ atoms refining, leads to the conclusion that medium pore size zeolites
and the strength decreases gradually as the number of Al3+ are those exhibiting the strongest acidic sites. This is a con-
atoms in the second coordination sphere increases. DFT calcu- sequence of the confinement and the matching of the pore
lations have shown that the distance between two neighbor Al dimension and the size of hydrocarbons found in oil fractions.
atoms should also influence the acid strength and that in the Acidity is an extremely important property in catalysis by
case of the faujasite structure Al atoms tend to be in the zeolites for refining since many of the processes29–32 are proteo-
sodalite cages and can be easily located in diagonal positions lytic C–C bond cleavages or involve the generation of carbo-
of the four membered ring. cations. As we will see later, the most widely accepted mechanism
The consequence of this relationship between Al3+ content for hydrocarbon cracking involves protonation of single C–C or
and the strength of the zeolite is that, as it is experimentally C–H bonds of alkanes and the generation of carbocations that
observed, zeolites having high Al3+ content exhibit a high subsequently undergo b-scission forming a smaller carbocation
density of low strength acid sites, while on the other hand and an alkene. One point that has been controversial and of wide
dealuminated zeolites have a low density of acid sites, but of interest is to determine whether or not the acid sites of zeolites
higher acid strength. In addition, high Al3+ content makes the can be considered as superacidic and what is the maximum acid
zeolites very prone to develop EFAL, generating Lewis acid sites. strength that can be achieved in zeolites. By means of solid-state
The Brönsted acidity of a zeolite is also influenced by the C NMR spectroscopy, searching for the detection of carbo-
presence of Lewis acidity. This synergy between EFAL and cations generated upon absorption of probe molecules inside
Brönsted acid sites resulting in an increase of the acid strength zeolites, Haw and co-workers have determined that the maximum
is similar to that found in liquid acids in which the combi- strength of an acid site that roughly corresponds to the average
nation of Brnsted and Lewis acids can render superacids with acidity of highly dealuminated ZSM-5 is equivalent to 70% of
remarkably enhanced strength (Scheme 4). sulfuric acid in water.33 However, all these measurements have
Besides the composition, the acidity of the zeolites also been carried out at room temperature and, since catalytic cracking
depends on their structure. It has been found that for similar is typically carried out at temperatures of 200 1C or above, the
chemical composition, the strength of acid sites in medium strength under these conditions has to be sufficiently high to
pore size zeolites is higher than that found in large pore size protonate single C–C and C–H bonds, characteristic of superacidic
zeolites.24,25 It has been proposed that this apparent increase in behavior at room temperature.34

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Besides acidity, another important catalytic activity of high

relevance in refining is hydrogenation/dehydrogenation. Acid
zeolites are not hydrogenation catalysts and this functionality
has to be implemented in these solids by adding metals,
particularly Pt, Pd or Ni. In this case, the zeolite acts as a support
providing a large surface area to deposit highly dispersed metal
nanoparticles. In this way, bifunctional, acidic and hydrogenat-
ing, catalysts based on impregnation or deposition of a metal on
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

a protonic zeolite can be developed. These bifunctional zeolites

are important in the isomerization of linear alkanes and hydro-
cracking of heavy oil fractions as it will be discussed below.
Scheme 5 Pictorial illustration of shape selectivity in ZSM-5 for the
formation of p-xylene in toluene disproportionation.

Diffusion and kinetics

One of the main problems in porous solids in which the reaction o- and p-xylenes, with lesser amounts of the meta isomer. How-
takes place predominantly inside the pores is intracrystalline ever, when carrying out the reaction inside the medium pore
diffusion. The pores defined by the framework are open to the zeolite ZSM-5 in which the pore dimension only allows diffusion
external surface allowing the mass transfer from the exterior of p-xylene, m- or p-xylene formed in the crossings of the channel
toward the interior of the particle, provided that the size of the system cannot diffuse out of the crystals and become entrapped
molecule is smaller than the dimensions of the pores. As until they rearrange to the p-xylene that is the only one that can go
commented above, zeolites are microporous materials (pore size out of the pores (Scheme 5).
o 2 nm), the prefix ‘‘micro’’ meaning that the pores are smaller Intracrystalline diffusion of linear alkanes decreases with the
than materials with ‘‘meso’’ (from 2 to 10 nm) or ‘‘macro’’ (larger chain length. Considering the pore size of large pore zeolites
than 10 nm) pores. As it can be seen in Fig. 1, zeolites can be employed in oil refining, there are some heavier fractions whose
classified according to the pore size. In ‘‘small pore’’ zeolites, diffusion inside the zeolite crystallites is slow. This is one of the
having apertures defined by 8 oxygen atoms, only small gas reasons why there is a frequent need to increase porosity in
molecules can access the interior. In the case of ‘‘medium pore’’ zeolites. This can be achieved by controlled damage of the crystal
zeolites (10-membered ring apertures) such as ZSM-5, benzene, structure and post-synthetic creation of larger pores by acid, base
toluene and para substituted aromatics can enter through the or steam treatments of the zeolite. Citric and phosphoric acids
pores. The range of molecules that can diffuse in ‘‘large pore’’ and sodium hydroxide at appropriate concentrations are com-
zeolites having 12 membered rings is much larger, since the mon reagents for this purpose. Ultrastable USY zeolites are
dimensions of these pores are typically around 0.7 nm. Besides generally obtained by steaming under optimal temperatures
pore dimension, the geometry of the pore system is crucial to and times from as-synthesised Y zeolite samples. Steaming leads
determine the intracrystalline diffusion coefficient of molecules. to partial framework dealumination and to the creation of larger
Diffusion in monodirectional zeolites having parallel channels, pores not present in well crystallized samples. As a consequence
like mordenite, is generally more difficult than in bi- and of steaming, diffusion in USY is favored and, in addition, deal-
tridirectional zeolites. In the case of monodirectional pores, umination results in a more robust and stable framework that is
molecules diffusing in the channel have to move one after the less prone to undergo further changes.
other following the same direction and can be easily blocked by a The above discussion highlights the crucial influence that
single molecule. In contrast, diffusion in open tridirectional pore dimension and porosity of zeolites have on the kinetics of
zeolites, like faujasites X and Y, is easier, since the cavities can the reactions taking place inside the confined reaction cavity
be accessed through four independent windows. Furthermore, defined by zeolite internal voids and how it can determine the
monodirectional zeolites are prone to become deactivated by a cracking severity and reaction product distribution.
small percentage of poisons blocking the entrance of the chan-
nels, while bi- and tridirectional zeolites can tolerate a larger
percentage of poisons before undergoing deactivation. Gasoline pool
Concerning reactivity, the pore size can be responsible for the
control of the product distribution. The term ‘‘shape selectivity’’ In the initial times of the automotive industry the light naphtha
has been coined to denote those cases using zeolites or other fraction of the crude oil refining was used directly as gasoline
microporous solids as catalysts in which the reason why a product (‘‘light straight run’’ gasoline). As the power of car engines
is predominantly formed is exclusively the molecular shape and increased, higher quality gasoline was needed to stand the
dimensions.7 This is the case of xylene isomerization, toluene pressure and temperature of the compression cycle in the
disproportionation or alkylation in ZSM-5 as solid acid, processes engine cylinders. The quality of the gasoline is quantitatively
that are carried out on a very large scale in petrochemistry. In this measured by the octane number, the higher the octane number,
case, the thermodynamic mixture at equilibrium should contain the higher the ability of the gasoline to stand high pressure and

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a typical catalyst for linear paraffin isomerization is a bifunc-

tional zeolite or an acid metal oxide both containing noble
metals. Commercial linear paraffin isomerization reactions that
are based on zeolites are the HYSOMER from Shell/UOP and the
Cepsa HYSOPAR technology.35 In these two commercial pro-
cesses, acid zeolites, and particularly mordenite, are the pre-
ferred solid acids. Mordenite is a monodirectional zeolite whose
structure is defined by twelve membered ring channels of about
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

0.7 nm diameter. In order to increase the acidity of mordenite,

the as-synthesized zeolite is submitted to dealumination to reach
the optimal Si/Al ratio. Framework dealumination leads to the
formation of EFAL and heavy oligomers of this EFAL cannot be
removed by washing. The EFAL presence modifies the overall
Scheme 6 Streams contributing to the gasoline pool. acidity of the zeolite (total acid site population and strength
distribution), influencing the catalytic activity of the mordenite
for linear alkane isomerization, altering the proportion of iso-
temperature. In this scale the performance of n-heptane and 2,4,4- alkanes. In this context, highly dealuminated mordenites, with
trimethylpentane has been arbitrarily assigned 0 and 100. In the Si/Al ratio around 16, obtained by a combination of steaming
general, the octane number of a pure hydrocarbon increases with and acid washing, are more efficient for light straight run
the degree of branching, presence of cycles or for aromatic com- naphtha isomerization than alternative dealumination treat-
pounds. As the demand for gasoline increased as well as the need ments based exclusively on acid washings or steam treatment.
for octane numbers higher than those characteristic of light straight Also, it has been found that there is an optimal FAL/EFAL ratio in
run gasoline (about 70), it was necessary to blend various streams of the range from 2 to 4 to obtain a maximum isomerization
the refinery in a pool to meet the requirements of gasoline proportion for Pt-mordenite.
production and quality. Scheme 6 presents the composition of In the technology for linear straight run alkane isomerization,
a representative gasoline pool indicating the origin of the conventional zeolites undergo poisoning and deactivation due to
individual components. the presence of sulfur in the stream. The main advantage of the
HYSOPAR process based on Pt supported on dealuminated zeolite
Linear paraffin isomerization is the higher sulfur tolerance of the catalyst as it is shown in Fig. 2.
In fact, the two main current tendencies in the design of catalysts
One of the components of the gasoline pool is the naphtha for light straight run paraffin isomerization are to develop catalysts
fraction denoted as light straight run gasoline, generally after efficient at lower reaction temperatures from 100 to 200 1C and
submitting this stream to isomerization to increase its octane tolerant to sulfur and water. In a certain sense, the ideal catalyst
number. Light straight run naphtha is constituted, mainly, by should combine the high activity at low temperatures of chlori-
linear alkanes accompanied by a small percentage of aromatics, nated alumina with the good stability found for zeolites.
and has typically an octane number about 74 or below, insuffi- It has been proposed that Pt supported on sulfated zirconia
cient to be added directly to the gasoline pool. This light could be an alternative to zeolites for light straight run paraffin
straight run naphtha should be, therefore, submitted to iso- isomerization. Sulfated zirconia has been considered as a super-
merization, a process that is based on the use of acid zeolites as acid solid and can perform isomerization of linear alkanes at
catalysts. The octane number of linear alkanes decreases as the temperatures between 150 and 200 1C, which is an interval
number of carbons increases, and therefore, these long-chain remarkably lower than that employed in zeolites that operate in
linear compounds present in this fraction (mainly C7 and C8) the range from 240 to 280 1C. Unfortunately, Pt supported on
should be preferentially isomerized in the process. sulfated zirconia has a low stability in the presence of sulfur
Isomerization of linear alkanes is a process controlled
thermodynamically and the composition of the equilibrium
depends on the temperature. Thus, at a given temperature the
equilibrium distribution among isomers limits the extent in
which linear paraffins are converted into branched isomers.
The general tendency is that isomerization is disfavored as the
temperature increases in the range from 0 to 600 1C. Therefore,
from the thermodynamic point of view, it is convenient to work
at the lowest possible temperature. Thus, the role of the catalyst
is to increase the reaction rate allowing the reaction to reach
equilibrium at the lowest possible temperature. Fig. 2 Influence of sulfur content on the catalytic activity of modified
Isomerization of linear alkanes requires acidity combined mordenite (HYSOPAR) (a) for n-pentane isomerization compared to
with dehydrogenation/hydrogenation capability. For this reason, chlorinated alumina (b).

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and water. Even addition of Nb to the Pt supported on zirconia to high octane number, ideally 100, and is much valued since it
increase catalyst resistance towards sulfur or water is not sufficient does not contribute to the gasoline sulfur content, because
to maintain the stability of this material and, for this reason, isobutane and butene are free of this element.
zeolites still continue to be the preferred catalysts for this process. Classical alkylation processes are based on the use of homo-
Another current tendency in the refinery is to operate the light geneous liquid acids and particularly HF and H2SO4.37,38 From
straight run isomerization with a stream in which components the catalytic point of view, the two main relevant properties of the
coming from reformate, particularly benzene, are present. Since the liquid acids are their decay and isobutane solubility in the acid
percentage of benzene allowed in the reformate is decreasing due to phase. Isobutane solubility is much higher in HF than in H2SO4.
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

environmental concerns, there is a surplus of benzene which should This allows reaching a higher concentration of isoalkane favoring
be introduced into the gasoline pool after adequate hydrogenation. hydrogen transfer steps to carbenium ions, reducing the carbo-
In particular, one option is co-processing light straight run and cation lifetime and minimizing secondary reactions. These
benzene, in such a way that the isomerization of linear alkanes advantages exhibited by HF allow shorter contact times and
takes place simultaneously with benzene hydrogenation and iso- operation at higher temperatures where the reaction rate is
merization. A convenient catalyst for co-processing linear alkanes higher. In contrast, although the acid strength of H2SO4 is much
and benzene has Pt nanoparticles supported on nanocrystalline higher, this acid presents also high viscosity and density unfavor-
Beta (ncBeta) zeolite.36 The comparative activity data of the conver- able for the mixing with hydrocarbons, complicating significantly
sion of n-alkanes into the corresponding isoalkanes in the presence reactor design to ensure sufficient contact between the two
of benzene have shown that the Pt-ncBeta is more stable and phases. An additional problem with the use of H2SO4 is that
efficient than Pt-mordenite. In addition, Pt-ncBeta is able to perform the amount of acid lost in the products is much higher, requiring
hydrogenation of benzene to a mixture of cyclohexane and methyl- larger catalyst make up. Make up and regeneration are about 30%
cyclopentane with complete conversion under the conditions where of the total operation cost in the case of H2SO4, while they
isomerization of linear alkanes takes place. Also, Pt-ncBeta is more represent only 5% for HF. The main problem of HF is, however,
tolerant to sulfur than catalysts based on zirconia. its large negative environmental impact that requires strict safety
measures due to the high risk of accidental leakages and the fact
that HF aerosol can stand as highly corrosive, persistent clouds
Isobutane–butene alkylation over long periods of time. For this reason, there is no clear
advantage in the use of HF vs. H2SO4 as alkylation catalyst.
About 12% of the blend in the gasoline pool may come from One alternative to the use of liquid acids is the use of solid
butene alkylation. The acid catalyzed mechanism for isobu- acids. Amorphous silica–alumina has been used as solid
tane–butene alkylation is shown in Scheme 7. This stream has a catalyst, but zeolites have the advantage of a higher activity,
higher durability and lower deactivation. The activity of zeolites
depends on the Si/Al ratio and on the crystal structure. Table 1
presents a typical product distribution of isobutane alkylation
depending on the zeolite used as catalyst.
It appears that the use of large pore zeolites favors the
formation of preferred trimethylpentanes and that stronger acidity
leads to 2,2,4-trimethylpentane that is the standard isoalkane with
an octane number of 100. Of large pore zeolites, zeolite Beta is the
one that exhibits higher stability against deactivation. Large pore
acid zeolites are preferred to minimize the loss of activity along the
time on stream. Besides deactivation, it appears that the presence
of some coke causing a partial decrease of the catalytic activity also
affects the product distribution, reducing the percentage of C5–C7
with respect to C8–C9+, while dimerization of butenes may become
the predominant process vs. isobutane alkylation.
In isobutane alkylation, as in most of the refining processes
using microporous solids, catalyst reactivation is the key issue.
Catalyst regeneration requires, on the one hand, adequate

Table 1 Activity and selectivity of some acid zeolites as alkylation catalysts

Zeolite USY Beta Mordenite ZSM-5 MCM-22

Scheme 7 Simplified mechanism for isobutane–butene alkylation and 2-Butene conv. (%) 100 97 94 100 95
competing unwanted processes. t-C4+: tert-butyl cation; 2-C4Q: isobutene; C8 (wt%) 40.9 50.6 70.2 83.5 33.0
TMP: trimethylpentanes; sec-C4+: sec-butyl cation; DMH: dimethylhexanes; Trimethylpentanes 74.1 76.9 76.9 20.9 36.9
HT: hydride transfer. 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 37.7 52.4 57.2 27.3 4.1

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engineering of the process using moving bed reactors to allow The elementary steps taking place in alkane cracking in
continuous regeneration and, on the other hand, also requires zeolites are complex but require strong Brönsted acid sites
durable formulations. Thus, the presence on the catalyst of leading to proteolytic cracking and carbonium ion generation,
some noble or transition metals is advisable since these metals as well as strong Lewis acids forming carbenium anions by
allow in the regeneration step the use of hydrogen to perform hydride abstraction. Subsequently, most of the chemistry
gasification and hydrocracking of coke which is the poison that derives from the behavior of the carbenium anions including
deactivates the catalyst by neutralizing the acid sites and by rearrangements, hydride abstraction, b-scission and olefin
pore blocking. With hydrogen and noble metals, the coke is formation (Scheme 9).
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

completely removed in the zeolite regeneration. Typically, the FCC catalyst contains an active component
Several commercial isobutane alkylation technologies like (10 to 50 wt%) dispersed on a solid matrix (between 50 and 90%
the Lurgi Eurofuel, Exsact and Alkyclean processes are using of the total) providing physical and mechanical resistance and
solid catalysts,39 some of them based on acid zeolites as the embedding the active component, and some additives that
active component. In the Alkyclean technology, noble metal- increase the tolerance of the catalyst against deactivation by
containing zeolites, probably Y or b zeolites, are used in multi- poisoning (Scheme 10). The active phase is generally a large
ple fixed bed reactors in a swing configuration, allowing pore zeolite and most commonly dealuminated zeolite Y con-
continuous operation through reactors with active catalysts taining rare earths. In general, an increase in the percentage of
while the others are in the regeneration cycle. rare earths leads in an increase in feed conversion accompa-
nied by an undesirable decrease in the octane number of the
resulting gasoline. Also, framework dealumination results in an
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) increase in the activity of the zeolite, particularly considering
FCC provides a surplus of high octane number gasoline by that zeolite Y has high Al content. Steam treatment is a
converting vacuum distillates, particularly vacuum gasoil, into convenient procedure to reduce framework Al, producing a
gasoline. From the chemical point of view, several molecular USY zeolite with high structural stability. Besides dealumina-
transformations are concurrently taking place during FCC, tion, this treatment with steam also increases mesoporosity of
including shortening of linear long alkanes, isomerization of the crystallites due to the partial damage of the zeolite particles
linear into branched alkanes and dehydrogenation of cyclic leading to the creation of mesopores above 6 nm, highly
olefins into aromatic naphthenes (Scheme 8). beneficial for the activity and stability of the zeolite by favoring
intracrystalline diffusion of substrates and products reducing
poisoning derived from long contact times of substrates and
products with the acid sites. Besides composition (Si/Al ratio)
and post-synthetic treatments (steaming) the crystal size of the
Y zeolite is also a key parameter controlling activity and
selectivity, which in general increase as the average crystal size
decreases. Scheme 11 summarizes the parameters that control
the activity of zeolites as cracking catalysts.
As commented earlier, strong Lewis acid sites are conveni-
ent to promote hydrocarbon cracking. Therefore, the presence
of EFAL may be convenient in USY catalyst. EFALs can be
classified between those with a few Al atoms that can be
dissolved by acids and those oligo- and polymeric EFALs
formed by condensation of low-weight EFALs that cannot be
dissolved in acids remaining entrapped on the zeolite pores.
Scheme 8 Elementary processes taking place in FCC. There is a strong influence of the EFAL type on the Lewis

Scheme 9 Elementary steps assumed to take place in catalytic cracking on zeolites.

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compounds present in the FCC feed. Deposition of Ni on the

catalyst favors the generation of coke on the catalyst due to its
dehydrogenating capability. To minimize the influence of Ni,
FCC catalysts contain additives, such as Sb that acts as a poison
of Ni by forming Ni–Sb alloys, inactive to promote dehydro-
genation. Also, the effect of Ni can be neutralized by alumina
present abundantly in the catalyst matrix by forming Ni alumi-
Scheme 10 Components present in general formulations of a FCC
nates that have much lower dehydrogenation activity. V also
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

has some activity for hydrogen evolution and coke formation
during the FCC process. However, the main problem caused by
V is the formation of strong acids during regeneration of FCC
catalyst that produce deterioration of the zeolite crystal struc-
ture reducing its service life. To minimize this effect of V, the
use of more robust zeolites, generally those having low Na and
Al content, as well as the presence of vanadium trapping
compounds in the additives, generally basic solids such as
CaO, Al2O3 or MgO, is recommended.
The fraction of additives of FCC catalysts may also contain
some components to effect NOx decomposition. Nitrogen is
present in the FCC feed and about 50% of the N in the FCC feed
becomes deposited on the catalyst as coke. During FCC catalyst
regeneration by combustion of coke, part of the nitrogen
evolves as N2, but the other part forms NOx that have to be
Scheme 11 Main parameters that influence the catalytic activity of zeo-
decomposed to avoid their emission to the atmosphere.
lites in FCC formulations.
Another problem of the FCC stream is that this fraction
contributes to a large extent to the total sulfur content present
acidity, with low-weight EFALs being stronger Lewis acids and in gasoline and diesel. About 90% of the total sulfur content of
with a higher tendency to interact with Brönsted acid sites.40 the gasoline is due to the FCC contribution, coming mainly
Besides as active components in catalysis, other zeolites can from the heaviest fractions. Typical sulfur-containing com-
also form part of the FCC catalysts as additives, for instance, to pounds in FCC gasoline are mercaptans, dialkylsulfides, thio-
increase the octane number of the resulting FCC gasoline. Thus, phenes, alkylthiophenes and benzothiophene, while heavier
the presence of HZSM-5 in the FCC catalyst formulation favors aromatic sulfur components particularly dibenzothiophene
the selective cracking of linear olefins with molecular weights and its alkyl derivatives are present in diesel. Legal regulations
in the range of the gasoline fraction. This preferential conversion are constantly reducing the sulfur content of fuels and achieve-
of linear olefins into smaller olefins, mainly propylene, by HZSM-5 ment of such low S contents currently requires the combination
leads indirectly to an increase in the octane number of the of several technologies. The overall strategy to control the sulfur
gasoline by removing linear alkenes from the liquid fraction. content in fuels includes the selection of crude oil and ade-
The medium pore size of HZSM-5 only allows diffusion of linear quate fractionation of FCC gasoline to reduce the sulfur in the
hydrocarbons but not branched alkanes. On the other hand, feed, but also post-treatment of FCC gasoline and diesel.
propylene from FCC can be a desirable byproduct as feedstock Among FCC desulfuration post-treatments, one of the emerging
in bulk chemical industry and operation and unit design can technologies is the selective liquid-phase oxidation of thio-
be adjusted to increase the severity of the cracking, to yield pro- phene and aromatic S compounds under mild conditions,
pylene of up to 20% of the initial feed weight. using tert-butyl hydroperoxide or H2O2 as the oxidizing reagent.
One problem of FCC catalysts is the tolerance to the In this way, the sulfur atom becomes oxidized to sulfoxide or
presence of metals and particularly Ni and V. These and other sulfone, increasing considerably water solubility and boiling
metals can be present in high molecular weight organic point of the sulfur compounds, allowing their easier separation

Scheme 12 Desulfuration based on catalytic oxidation of sulfur compounds present in heavy gasoil fractions.

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from the fuel (Scheme 12). This catalytic oxidative desulfura-

tion could lead to fuels with sulfur content below 10 ppm that
will be the legal specification in the very near future in many
Western countries. One promising catalyst for oxidative desul-
furation is Beta zeolite containing Ti atoms.
Other alternative strategy to reduce the sulfur content con-
sists in the olefin alkylation of thiophenic compounds. This
process, combined with adequate pretreatments, can reduce
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

the fuel sulfur content to less than 10 ppm, consuming only a Scheme 14 Co-processing of benzene in naphtha isomerization.
small amount of hydrogen and without reducing the octane
number of gasoline. The process consists in increasing the
boiling point of sulfur compounds above 200 1C by increasing use represents around 10% of the total reforming capacity. Two
the molecular weight of sulfur compounds by alkylation with processes related to the industrial use of reformate are toluene
olefins. Since over 90% of the total sulfur compounds present disproportionation and xylene isomerization.
in FCC gasoline and gasoil are aromatics, they can undergo The composition of gasoline and transportation fuels have
Friedel–Crafts alkylation with olefins. The alkylated sulfur been evolving to comply with legal regulations, and one com-
compounds are heavier and easier to separate from the FCC mon trend in developed countries, together with providing
stream. Later, these alkylated aromatic sulfur compounds can gasoline with high octane number and the use of the three
be combined with the diesel stream submitted to hydrotreat- way catalysts to avoid the presence of unburned hydrocarbons
ment and partially recovered increasing desulfuration in the flue emissions, has been to limit and reduce the
efficiency. percentage of benzene in gasoline. Among all the aromatic
compounds, benzene is the most toxic one and has a well
proven carcinogenic effect. Thus, the tendency in the refinery
has been to reduce the percentage of benzene in reformate by
Reforming adjusting the operation conditions and also to separate ben-
One of the most important processes in refining is the reform- zene from reformate to reprocess this chemical mainly with
ing of the heavy naphtha fraction into mixtures in which linear alkenes in the isomerization process. Scheme 14 illus-
aromatic compounds and particularly benzene, toluene and trates the use of reformate and the connection between refor-
xylenes are the predominant compounds. Chemically, the mate and linear isomerization of alkanes.
reforming corresponds to the chemical transformation of satu- Since according to the chemical transformation dehydro-
rated acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons into aromatic compounds genation with hydrogen evolution is the major individual
by dehydrogenation without reducing substantially the number process taking place in the reforming, acidity is not a require-
of carbons of the products with respect to the substrates. ment for the catalyst, which, in contrast, should have noble
Scheme 13 presents the elementary transformations that take metals with high hydrogenation/dehydrogenation activity as
place in reforming. These transformations include cyclization the main active component. Thus, most of the commercial
of acyclic compounds, isomerization of cyclic compounds into reforming catalysts are based on Pt supported on large surface
cyclohexene and dehydrogenation and aromatization. area solids such as non-acidic zeolites or metal oxides.
The main purpose of reforming is to obtain aromatics
because these compounds exhibit octane numbers over 100
and following their addition into the gasoline pool they lead to
a notable increase in the octane number of the resulting blend.
A minor percentage of reformate is used by the chemical One constant feature in refining is the need to convert effi-
industry to obtain pure benzene, toluene and xylenes and from ciently less-valuable, heavier fractions into mixtures of hydro-
them bulk chemicals, monomers and commodities, but this carbons of lesser number of carbons for their consumption as
transportation fuels. For the conversion of heavier into lighter
fractions, one of the processes that is performed on a large
scale is the hydrocracking of heavy gasoil, vacuum gasoil and
gasoil from coke into lighter compounds. To carry out this
process hydrogen is required to minimize the formation of coke
and carbonaceous residues on the catalyst and for this reason is
termed ‘‘hydrocracking’’.
Several elementary chemical transformations are taking
place in the hydrocracking process, similar to those that have
been already commented for the cracking. These classes of
Scheme 13 Elementary reactions occurring simultaneously in the individual reactions include shortening of the chain length of
reforming of naphtha. the paraffins in the feed, isomerization of the linear into

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average number of chain carbons takes place predominantly in

the second hydrocracker.
Hydrocracking requires bifunctional catalysts able to pro-
mote hydrogenation of olefins and cracking of alkanes. At the
metal sites of the catalyst dehydrogenation of the n-paraffin
gives rise to the formation of n-olefins that subsequently are
protonated by the acid sites to form secondary carbenium ions
that undergo spontaneous rearrangement to more stable
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

tertiary carbenium ions. These tertiary carbenium ions can

Scheme 15 Elementary steps occurring simultaneously during hydrocracking.
form cracked products through b-scission at the carbocation
center or can give rise to an isoolefin that upon hydrogenation
branched alkanes, ring closure and hydrogenation/dehydro- will form finally isomerized alkanes.
genation of the C–C bond (Scheme 15). Conventional catalysts for hydrocracking contain a metal
There are two main general types of hydrocracking processes that has as the main function the capability to perform hydro-
although each of them can be subjected to modifications genation/dehydrogenation of unsaturated/saturated hydro-
depending on the needs of each refinery. One of these types is carbons. This metal component can be noble metals such as
the single-stage hydrocracking in which the fractionating unit is Pt, Pd or their alloys or can be even metal sulfides such as
located after the hydrocracker (Scheme 16). In this type, it can be combinations of Ni, Mo, Ni–W and Co–Mo. The hydrogenating
more than one hydrocracker in series and it could be also capability is the highest for Pt and noble metals and is lower for
recycling or not of the unconverted feed. In the other case, the metal sulfides that require higher percentages and higher tem-
process is known as once-through, single-stage hydrocracking. peratures in order to exhibit the desired activity, but are less
The two-stage hydrocracking is characterized by having the prone to deactivation by sulfur. The order of hydrogenating
main fractionating unit located between two hydrocrackers performance of sulfides is Ni/W 4 Ni/Mo 4 Co/Mo. This
(Scheme 16). Generally the first reactor is used to perform metallic component is supported on an acid solid such as
hydrotreatment of the feed to eliminate sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen amorphous silica–alumina or preferably zeolites such as morde-
and metals that could be present in the heavy gasoil fractions. nite, zeolite Y and Beta. The acid strength of zeolites is higher
In this first reactor, it could also be a light hydrocracking of the than that of amorphous silica–alumina and, for this reason,
alkanes with formation of a certain percentage of lighter zeolites require lower temperature to act as hydrocracking
alkanes. Hydrocracking producing effective shortening of the catalysts, typically, between 300 and 330 1C. In contrast, amor-
phous silica–aluminas operate at temperatures between 340 and
390 1C. In addition, zeolites also exhibit a lower tendency to
deactivate which can be measured, for instance, by keeping
constant the operation temperature required to perform 50%
conversion of the feed. Generally, amorphous silica–aluminas
undergo a quick deactivation at short time on stream leaving a
residual acidity that then decreases in activity more gradually for
longer times on stream.
Concerning the performance of zeolites in hydrocracking, it
has been found that high acid strength leads to an increase in
the percentage of naphtha formation in hydrocracking at the
expense of middle distillates. Increasing the catalyst zeolite
content and using strong acid zeolites increases feed conver-
sion and naphtha selectivity.
One problem of zeolites as catalysts is the impeded diffusion
of large molecules through the internal pores. It has been
found that the catalytic activity of Ni-containing Y zeolite
decreases drastically along the alkane chain length, a para-
meter that correlates with the boiling point of the gasoil. In
contrast, amorphous silica–aluminas lacking porosity exhibit
higher activity as the boiling point of the feed increases. This
increase of feed conversion with the average chain length of the
paraffin is a reflection of the intrinsic higher reactivity of long
alkanes towards cracking and should also be observed for zeolites if
intracrystalline diffusion was not opposing to this effect.
Scheme 16 Diagram of a single-stage (top) and a two-stage (bottom) In order to increase the activity of zeolites for high boiling
hydrocracking process. point gasoil fractions, it is necessary to increase accessibility of

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the reactants to the acid sites. One way to enhance the popula-
tion of accessible sites is to increase the zeolite external surface
area. This increase of the external area can be achieved by
reducing the average particle size of the zeolite crystallites from
the micro to the nanometer length. As commented in the
paraffin isomerization, ncBeta can be obtained by varying the
synthesis conditions of these zeolites, reducing crystallization
time and increasing the concentration gel of the zeolite precur-
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

sors in the synthesis. This decrease in the particle size of ncBeta Fig. 3 Relative performance of MCM-41 containing Ni–Mo for hydro-
is beneficial for its catalytic activity in hydrocracking with respect cracking of vacuum gasoil; (E) MCM-41, (’) USY, (m) amorphous silica–
to conventional USY zeolite of micrometric particle size or with alumina.
respect to less acidic amorphous silica–alumina. In addition,
ncBeta zeolite shows higher product selectivity than USY zeolite
for middle distillates at the expense of lower weight percentage through the smaller channels without undergoing undesirable
of undesirable gaseous alkanes. These gases are undesirable consecutive cracking. Scheme 17 illustrates the process.
byproducts in hydrocracking, where the aim is to convert An alternative to the use of microporous zeolites for hydro-
vacuum gasoil and heavy fractions into liquid fuels for transpor- cracking of long-chain, high-boiling point hydrocarbons is the use
tation, and the evolved gases have low commercial value. of acidic mesoporous aluminosilicates. The synthesis in the 80s of
A new type of zeolite that shows considerable promise in MCM-41 and related mesoporous silicas by Mobil researchers
hydrocracking due to the accessibility of its acid sites is constituted a breakthrough in materials science, since these
delaminated zeolites. The advantages of delaminated zeolites, porous materials overcome the pore size limitation found for
and specifically ITQ-2, as catalysts for hydrocracking of vacuum conventional large pore zeolites below 1 nm and constitute a
gasoil derive from the accessibility of their active sites that are logical expansion of porous aluminosilicates into the mesopore
located on the layers and not embedded in the microporous range.42 Since one of the main problems for cracking of long
system. Thus, comparison of the vacuum gasoil conversion in chain hydrocarbons is the small diffusion coefficient for micro-
the range of temperatures from 340 to 460 1C shows that Ni porous zeolites, this problem could be alleviated by using meso-
supported on ITQ-2 performs better than Ni–USY and much porous acid solids. Thus, not surprisingly, a catalyst constituted
better than Ni supported acid alumina, while exhibiting lower by Ni–Mo supported on MCM-41 performs better than analogous
selectivity than USY for undesirable gas formation. Ni–Mo/USY and Ni–Mo/amorphous silica–aluminas, while also
One example of how the dimensions and geometry of the leading to a reaction mixture where the percentage of the gaseous
pore system can control the product distribution that has fraction is lower (Fig. 3). Typically, gaseous hydrocarbons are
considerable implications in refining is the cracking of heavy formed by consecutive cracking processes and the probability
gas oil to gasoline with minimum amounts of gases using a that more than one cracking occurs in a substrate increases along
bidirectional zeolite ITQ-36 zeolite.41 In this case, there are two the residence time of substrates and primary products inside the
intersecting channels with different dimensions. Gas oil mole- micropores of the catalyst. This contact time is related to low
cules can diffuse through the larger channels accessing the acid diffusion coefficients. In other words, if the time spent by a
sites, but not through the smaller channels. In the acid sites, hydrocarbon inside the micropores of a zeolite increases, then
gas oil molecules undergo cracking forming smaller molecules the probability to reduce the size of this hydrocarbon to C1–C4
in the range of the gasoline fraction that diffuse away preferentially products by consecutive cracking increases.
In spite of the promises initially held by acidic MCM-41 and
related mesoporous catalysts, none of these materials have
become yet commercial catalysts due to their very poor structural
stability, especially to steam regeneration. During cracking and
hydrocracking operation, the catalytic activity of fresh materials
mostly disappears in a few seconds, and for this reason, con-
tinuous addition of fresh catalyst in the reactor and continuous
reactivation of used catalyst is necessary. Thus, during the
service life of a solid catalyst, many cycles of catalyst deactiva-
tion/regeneration have to be performed. Unfortunately, while the
initial activity of mesoporous MCM-41 materials is very high, due
to their large pore size, their structural stability is so low that it is
notoriously insufficient for meeting the high durability required
in the hydrocracking units. Other mesoporous acid alumino-
Scheme 17 Molecular traffic of gas oil through the 18 membered ring
silicates either with structural ordering (SBA-15, FSM) or with
channels reaching acid sites and diffusion of gasoline through the smaller worm-like mesopores having increased stability have been synthe-
channels. sized or tested, but their performance is yet far from application.

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In order to increase the quality of gasoil for diesel engines, A further improvement would be to prepare a catalyst in
measured by the cetane number, it is necessary to increase the which Pt promoting aromatic hydrogenation and Ir catalyzing
initial cetane number of each of the individual gasoil effluents to selective ring opening are supported on the same acid zeolite.
the required range between 50 and 70. In general terms, a low Thus, it has been reported that decalin undergoes transforma-
cetane number of a gasoil fraction can be associated to a high tion to acyclic decanes with high cetane numbers in high yields
percentage of aromatics in the composition. In particular, the using Pt and Ir supported on Y zeolite. This acid Y zeolite is
percentage of aromatics in the light cycle oil stream can be as high obtained by partial proton exchange with alkali metal ions.
as 60–70%. Therefore, one of the chemical processes that should
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

take place during hydrocracking is the conversion of aromatics into

linear alkanes, i.e., the selective opening of naphthenic rings.43–49 Conclusions and future prospects
Some catalysts have been developed to produce the selective
opening of naphthene rings into linear acyclic hydrocarbons. Modern societies are based on the massive consumption of
Most of them contain noble metals and particularly Ir sup- fossil fuels to obtain energy for heating, transportation, and
ported on large surface area solids. Ir as an active component of electricity production. Since the reserves of crude oil and
the catalyst has the advantage of a high selectivity for the natural gas are still very high, it is clear that the present
naphthene ring opening with a very low tendency to promote situation, in which about 80% of the total energy consumption
cracking.50 However, Ir has several drawbacks that have to be in 2013 derives from fossil fuels according to the data issued by
solved independently, the two major ones being the low toler- the International Energy Agency (Energy Outlook 2013), will
ance to the presence of sulfur in the feed and the low ability to still continue for the next decades. In the transformation of
promote hydrogenation of aromatics. This last problem can be the fossil fuels and refining processes, zeolites play a key role
solved by performing the conversion of C10+ aromatics into as catalysts. In the present tutorial, we have shown that for
linear saturated hydrocarbons in two separate stages consisting key processes, like paraffin isomerization, isobutane–butene
in aromatic hydrogenation followed by Ir catalyzed ring opening. alkylation, cracking, hydrocracking and reforming, the current
In the context of developing highly efficient catalysts for commercial catalysts contain zeolites as the key components
selective naphthene ring opening, it has been found that the responsible for the catalytic activity, overall selectivity and
presence of acid zeolites can boost the activity of Ir metal. The stability. Considering the degree of maturity and the enormous
reason for this synergy between Ir-catalyzed ring opening and investment in research that has been made in refining, it can
acid zeolites derives from the ability of acid sites to promote be expected that the future advances in the formulation of
cycloisomerization of six membered rings into cyclopentyl catalysts will be relatively minor and mostly driven by more
rings. This isomerization arises from the fact that cyclopentenyl stringent legal regulations on the quality of transportation
ions are among the most stable carbenium ions and acid fuels. Desulfuration and hydrodesulfuration have to be com-
zeolites promote the formation of carbenium anions from plemented by new catalytic processes to reduce even further the
saturated hydrocarbons that evolve through spontaneous alkyl sulfur content of fuels below the legal limits. Also in trans-
and hydride rearrangements toward the thermodynamically portation fuels, the continued tendency is to reduce the
more stable carbocations. Thus, decaline having two fused C6 presence of aromatics, particularly benzene, and alkenes in
rings undergoes in the presence of Ir/Al2O3 ring opening at their composition. This will require probably some adjust-
275 1C under 3540 kPa with only 4% conversion, while under ments in the operation conditions of the reactors and minor
the same conditions, perhydroindane having fused C6 and C5 modifications in the catalyst formulation to improve the final
rings and bicyclo(3,3,0)octane having two fused C5 rings are product distribution and also new processes to convert these
converted with 68 and 81% conversion, respectively. The combi- unwanted unsaturated compounds into suitable mixtures.
nation of Pt/USY together with Ir/Al2O3 to effect the ring opening Perhaps the major changes, also forced by governmental
of naphthene exhibits a synergy with respect to the activity of the regulations, could be the need to combine classical refining
separate components, since it can be envisioned that the zeolite processes with biofuel conversion. In this way, the feed of
is able to isomerize methyl cyclohexane to a mixture containing certain processes could contain some streams coming from
dimethylcyclopentanes and subsequently the Ir/Al2O3 promotes second or third generation of biodiesel or fractions from
the opening of the cyclopentane to the acyclic alkane. biomass pyrolysis and conversion. Since the quality of the fuel
In this selective naphthene ring opening process, the struc- provided by refineries is very high fulfilling the market require-
ture of the zeolite host also plays a role. Thus, comparison of ments, the idea is to blend this high quality fuel from refining
the catalytic activity of Pt supported on three large pore zeolites with some relatively minor proportion (5–10%) of streams
including USY, Beta and ITQ-21 at constant selectivity towards coming from renewable resources. In the long term, this
C10 of 85% has shown that ITQ-21 (zeolite with a 3D pore tendency of combining fossil and renewable fuels can increase
network containing 1.18 nm-wide cavities, each of which is the proportion of the stream coming from renewables adjusting
accessible through six circular 0.74 nm-wide windows) is the one their percentage to the target set by economical and political
that exhibits the best performance reaching a yield of tetralin ring grounds. Certainly, co-processing of fossil and renewable fuels
opening products of about 20%, in comparison with the 17 or 14% would require changes in the nature of the catalyst that
yield that can be achieved for Beta and USY, respectively. gradually would be evolving in parallel with the composition

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of the streams. It can be anticipated that zeolites with higher 27 F. Márquez, H. Garcı́a, E. Palomares, L. Fernández and
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29 G. Bellussi, G. Pazzuconi, C. Perego, G. Girotti and
Acknowledgements G. Terzoni, J. Catal., 1995, 157, 227–234.
30 Y. W. Bizreh and B. C. Gates, J. Catal., 1984, 88, 240–243.
Published on 27 March 2014. Downloaded by University of Southern California on 07/04/2014 07:33:10.

Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Com- 31 H. Krannila, W. O. Haag and B. C. Gates, J. Catal., 1992, 135,
petitiveness (Severo Ochoa and CTQ2012-32315) and Generalidad 115–124.
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