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7 Functional polysaccharides from medicinal mushroom

8 Cordyceps sinensis as a potent food supplement: Extraction,
1 Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
9 characterization and therapeutically potential - a systematic

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

10 review
2 Received 00th January 2012,
3 Accepted 00th January 2012 11 G. M. Shashidhar1, 2, P. Giridhar3 and B. Manohar 1, 2*

4 DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
12 As a rich source of novel polysaccharides, Cordyceps sinensis (CS), one
13 of the valued traditional Chinese medicinal fungus, is a major focus of
14 many natural products research efforts. More than 33 polysaccharides
6 15 have been characterized till the date. Polysaccharides from CS possess
16 wide spectrum of biological activities like antitumor, antioxidant,
17 immunomodulatory activity, kidney and lungs protection, etc. This
18 review covers the recent literature and updates the information on
19 polysaccharides from CS, referring about 130 research articles
20 emphasizing on isolation, characterization of polysaccharides and their
21 biological functions.
1. Introduction structural variability.2 Shear’s polysaccharide
which was the earliest polysaccharide found to
Polysaccharides are biologically active have antitumor effect was reported way back in
biomolecules composed of simple sugars like 1943.3 Further numerous polysaccharides have
glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, etc. in been discovered from mushrooms, fungi, yeasts,
different ratio showing considerable diversity in algae, lichens and plants. Polysaccharides from
their structure and composition. These fungi enticed world attention for their use due to
polysaccharides find applications in food industries their potential health benefits such as: antitumor,
as thickeners, binders, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and antioxidative, antiinflammatory, antiviral,
suspending and gelling agents. Production of immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic and
polysaccharides production from microbial source immunestimulatory activities, etc. Bioactive
is preferred which is sustainable and economical as polysaccharides from fungi source with
the microbial fermentation utilizes cheap substrates unbelievable clinical applications have been found
enabling fast and high yield production process in traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). Since
under controlled fermentation conditions.1 these molecules are potent to demonstrate wide
Basically polysaccharides are biopolymers, used as spectrum of biological properties, they are suitable
a source of therapeutic agents that offer a for their application in many quite idiosyncratic
superlative extent for fetching biological areas, such as food, nutraceutical, biomedicine and
information because of their ability to possess cosmetic industries. Generally these

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polysaccharides remained non-toxic, possesses Viagra. In Chinese Pharmacopeia, CS has been

clinical efficacy in controlled trials while the regarded as a celebrated drug since 1963, it is
majority of such compounds remain as found to have similar medical effects of ginseng
nutraceuticals in preliminary research.4 Most of the and deer velvet.17 CS contains major class of
documented immunoactive polysaccharides from active ingredients like nucleosides,
medicinal fungi are β-glucans and α-(1,3)-D- polysaccharides, sterols, etc. and products
glucans wherein latter are less common than former formulated from these have gained great
but have been found in the cell walls of most popularity in Eastern medicines. In view of the
respiratory pathogenic fungi5 and linear α-(1,3)-D- above facts, there is an increased worldwide

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

glucans extracted from the fruiting bodies of demand for CS which has led to overharvesting
Agrocybe cylindracea and Amanita muscaria had and subsequent meagreness of wild species.
significant immunomodulatory activities after Hence researchers hunted for alternative
carboxymethylation.6,7 Polysaccharides from other approaches to produce CS artificially by
fungi sources are: Lentinan from Lentinula edodes bioreactor cultivating technology to meet
(Berk.) Pegler8, Schizophyllan from Schizophyllum human needs and to mitigate the pressure on
commune Fr.9, more commonly protein bound natural resources of the species.
polysaccharide K (PSK) from Coriolus versicolo In previous review article,18 potent bioactive
(L.) Quél.10,11 which have been found to aggrandize principles from CS, extraction methods and
and stimulate the immune system.12 Market size for health benefits and other aspects have been
food polysaccharides as additives is over US$ 3 discussed in detail. Since polysaccharides from
billion which includes major polysaccharides like CS are also believed to be major contributors to
starch and gelatine accounting for about 50%.13 overall pharmacological effects, a systematic,
informative review is felt necessary. This
Cordyceps sinensis (CS) is a one of the review will conceptually illustrate research
valuable traditional medicinal fungi among activities carried out till date on submerged
Chinese medicines having long history. Over fermentation of CS for polysaccharides
the millennia, CS has been treasured throughout production and to promote CS as health foods,
Asia as one of the most effective natural tonics functional foods or nutraceuticals. The
to strengthen vitality and promote longevity. methods, technologies and instruments used to
Since CS possesses number of far reaching isolate, purify and elucidate polysaccharides
health effects, it is regarded as one of the structures are also covered.
cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicines
for centuries.14 CS is basically entamophagus
fungus, parasitizes larvae of ghost moths 2. Cultural conditions for optimum
(Hepialus armoricanus) and produces a fruiting polysaccharides production
body assessed as an herbal remedy. It is mainly
Initial attempts to develop an efficient
distributed in China, Tibetan Plateau, Bhutan,
technology for cultivation of fruiting bodies
Nepal and northern part of India at an altitude
became futile because of major limitations.19
of 3500–5000 metres above sea level. In
Submerged fermentation is a popular
Chinese it is also called as Dong Chong Xia
alternative method for large scale cultivation of
Cao which means ‘‘winter worm summer
CS to meet the world demand. Nutritional
grass”15,16 and often known as a Himalayan
composition of media, temperature, pH and

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other supplements play decisive role in extract of Eupolyphaga sinensis have shown to
production of biomass and strongly affect the act as stimulator of cell growth and
chemical composition, structure and extracellular polysaccharides of CS. Addition
productivity of polysaccharides. The biomass of above mentioned stimulators along with the
and the yield of polysaccharides in the biomass modified basal media showed improved
will be low in the basal medium and so biomass and polysaccharides production by 1.5
optimisation studies are necessary. These fold.26 Liu and Wu (2012) investigated the
optimal cultural conditions vary among CS effects of surfactant additives and medium pH
strains. Figure 1 lists optimum cultural on mycelia morphology and EPS production in

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

conditions for the maximum production of both liquid culture of a valuable medicinal fungus
biomass and polysaccharides. Kim and Yun CS-HK1. Tween 80 (polysorbate 80) is one of
(2005) have studied the effect of carbon, the most favourable surfactants for EPS
nitrogen sources and minerals on highest production by many microorganisms including
biomass and polysaccharides in CS. The study medicinal fungi and found to enhance growth
suggests the optimal cultural conditions and and metabolite production. The mechanism
also suggests using different sugars, organic behind these effects is due to its surface active
nitrogen sources like corn steep powder and properties, lowering the mycelium liquid
Ca+, Mg+ minerals combination results in better interfacial tension and thus the potential or
biomass yield (20.9 g/L) and polysaccharides tendency of mycelia to form aggregates. A
(4.1 g/L) production.20 A study by Hsieh et al. decrease in the surface tension of the medium
(2005), demonstrates the effect of different by a surfactant lowers the thermodynamic
carbon sources (fructose, glucose, sucrose, potential for the aggregation but favours the
mannose, maltose and molasses), percentage of dispersion of mycelia.27 Selenium (Se) is an
nitrogen source (0.25-1.5%), and pH of the essential trace element of glutathione
medium. Regression model based on response peroxidase (GSH-Px) that participates in
surface methodology (RSM) predicted the synthesis of enzymes and protects the
optimum parameters like sucrose (6.17%), corn structure and function of biomembrane from
steep powder (0.53%) and pH 4.4 (pH lower over oxidation and damage. Researchers
than 3 favours) for maximum polysaccharides concluded that addition of Se to medium can
yield of 3.17 g/L.21 Another study suggests potentially enhance the antioxidant activity of
mass production of mycelium and polysaccharides which in turn enhances
exopolysaccharides from CS 16 is possible with adaptive immune responses.28 The study also
the modified basal media (PDB) composition revealed that the addition of citrus peel which is
(2% sucrose, 0.9% yeast extract, 0.3% K2HPO4, a source of pectin and flavonoids, along with
and 0.4% CaCl2).22 Some studies intended to culture broth containing different carbon
maximize polysaccharides content via media sources, principally rice bran could enhance
optimization.23-25 polysaccharides content and their
Few studies demonstrated the use of anticomplementary, radical scavenging
compounds other than sugars, nitrogen sources activities. Supplementing liquid medium with
and minerals that have significant impact on ammonium had stimulated the production of
biomass and polysaccharides production. EPS in mycelial culture of CS. The ammonium
Palmitic acid is basically a fatty acid and ether feeding has increased the EPS production by

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40% and also had a slightly positive effect at 5– and purification of the polysaccharides
10 mM/L, but a negative effect at higher according to their different solubility in water
concentrations on the mycelium growth.30 and organic solvents, or based on their different
Solid fermentation method of producing CS ionic properties and molecular weight
mycelia is not successfully followed because of distributions.35 The intention to extract
constraints in recovering biomass free of polysaccharides at high water temperature or
contamination. Polysaccharides were extracted probably at ebullition temperature and from
from CS mycelium grown on solid media mild to strong pH condition is to break the cell
containing soybean meal and rice bran (1:2 wall from outer layer to the inner layer.

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

w/w) where the optimum inoculation amount, Extracted polysaccharides can be further
fermentation temperature, water content of purified using a combination of techniques,
medium, air relative humidity and fermentation such as ethanol precipitation, fractional
time were found to be 20%, 26oC , 60%, 60% precipitation, acidic precipitation with acetic
and 7 days, respectively.31 acid, ion exchange chromatography, gel
filtration, and affinity chromatography.35
Miyazaki et al. (1977) for the first time
3. Extraction of crude polysaccharides
obtained water soluble crude polysaccharides
Wild whole fungus (both fruiting body and from ascocarps of CS by hot water extraction
dead caterpillar) and mycelium of CS are the and ethanol precipitation.36
two main sources of polysaccharides and many However, the major drawbacks of hot water
studies have been reported on the extraction of extraction are the high extraction temperature,
polysaccharides from CS. Extraction of long extraction time and low extraction
polysaccharides from CS and their far reaching efficiency. Various methods have been used to
bioactivities has become a research interest improve the extraction efficiency such as
since polysaccharides have gained potential treatment with enzymes like cellulose,37
commercial importance.32 Polysaccharides are microwave,38 high pressure homogenization
basic components of cell wall of fungal cell that and high power ultrasound.39 Figure 2 depicts
are arranged to create three dimensional steps involved and methods, techniques
network, literally saying they are armour of cell followed to extract, purify and characterize the
wall, which is dynamic as a result of polysaccharides from CS.
modifications in cultural conditions and
environmental stresses. Basically cell wall is an 4. Purification and characterization of
insolvable structure composed of two major polysaccharides
types of polysaccharides one is a rigid fibrillar
of chitin (or cellulose), and the other is a matrix The crude polysaccharides contain low
like β-glucan, α-glucan and glycoproteins33 molecular mass compounds and proteins, so
that must be solubilized to be precisely few steps are required to be followed to purify
analyzed.34 Appropriate downstream extraction and elucidate its structural features. Table 1
techniques are required to obtain above class of shows the structural features of polysaccharides
compounds. Basically polysaccharides are polar reported in literature.
in nature, extraction with polar solvents like hot
4.1 Removal of low molecular mass
water, hot alkali solution, etc. enables isolation compounds: Low molecular mass compounds

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associated with crude polysaccharides are monosaccharide composition of different

removed by means of dialysis through a 12–14 polysaccharides extracted from natural or
kDa membrane,40,41 ultracentrifugal filters with cultured CS. Li et al. (2003) analysed CSP-1
molecular mass cutoff: 10 kDa,42 3kDa.43 for composition by capillary electrophoresis by
4.2 Deproteinisation: Protein fraction was using TFA and found that CSP-1 contained
separated from crude polysaccharides by glucose, mannose and galactose in the a ratio of
Sevage method.40,44 Along with Sevage 1:0.6:0.75.48 Monosaccharide composition of
method, papain enzyme was also used to CBHP was determined by acid hydrolysing and
deproteinise the crude EPS and further analysed by high performance anion exchange

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decolorized by treating with activated carbon.41 chromatography with pulsed amperometric
4.3 Fractionation: Deproteinised crude detection (HPAEC-PAD). The results revealed
polysaccharides are subjected to fractionation that CBHP consisted glucose, mannose and
to elute different fractions. Acidic galactose (95.19%, 0.91% and 0.61%,
polysaccharide was isolated from the EPS respectively).49 Polysaccharides extracted by
fraction by ion exchange chromatography (IEC) pressurized liquid method were analysed for
on DEAE cellulose-52 and further isolated their sugars composition by TFA hydrolysis,
acidic polysaccharide was purified by gel derivatization by treating hydroxylamine
permeation chromatography (GPC) on a hydrochloridepyridine solution and GC-MS.
Sephadex G-75 column.45 Wang et al. (2011) The polysaccharides were found with to
used KTA Explorer chromatography system to mannose, glucose and galactose residues with a
fractionate crude EPS and eluted fractions were molar ratio of 1.00:16.61~3.82:1.60~1.28.50A
further repurified by running Superdex 200 HR heterpolysaccharide, PS-A was subjected to
10/30 column.26 activity guided fractionation and composition
4.4 Physicochemical characterization: The was analysed. PS-A composed of D-glucose, D-
physicochemical and structural features of a galactose, and D-mannose at a molar ratio of
polysaccharide include monosaccharide 2:1:1.51 Composition of CS-81002 was
composition, molecular weight, configuration determined after acid hydrolysis by methylation
of glycosidic linkages, type of glycosidic analysis and results showed that it composed of
linkage, position of glycosidic linkage, mannose, galactose and glucose in the ratio of
sequence of monosaccharide, number and 10.3, 3.6 and 1.52
location of appended non-carbohydrate groups, Molecular weight is one of the essential
and molecular chain conformation.46,47 physical characters of a polymer and various
Analysis of monosaccharide composition techniques such as viscometry, osmometry,
analysis involves cleavage of glycosidic sedimentation, and HPLC have been used to
linkages by acid hydrolysis, derivatization, determine the average polymer MW and
detection and quantification by GC. In addition, polydispersity index. And also high
high performance anion exchange performance gel permeation chromatography
chromatography with pulsed amperometric (HPGPC), size exclusion chromatography with
detection has been gradually developed to multi angle laser light scatter detection is also
supplement traditional methods as it does not an efficient method for the evaluation of the
require derivatization of monosaccharide with absolute MW of polysaccharides and provides
high resolution. Figure 3 shows the greater resolution than traditional gel

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permeation chromatography.53 Leung et al. 5. Bioactivities of polysaccharides

(2009) characterize the EPS for their MW by
using GPC, comparing against dextran MW Both dead larva and fruiting body of CS have
standards. GPC spectrum showed five peaks been used as a traditional medicine and health
correspond to molecules with MW range from food for hundreds of years for ‘‘lung
about 5 kDa to more than 200 kDa.40 High invigoration and kidney nourishment’’ in China
performance size exclusion chromatography and moreover it has been classically
(HPSEC) analysis was also followed to characterized as a tonic in nature. Many studies
determine MW of water soluble in vitro and in vivo support that bioactive

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

polysaccharides from CS. Combination of polysaccharides from CS have diverse
HPGPC and agarose gel electrophoresis biological activities and pharmacological
techniques have been used to determine the potential supporting human health.
MW of AEPS-1, an acidic polysaccharide 5.1 Liver protection
Chemical structural features of CS has been used to treat liver disease in
polysaccharides can be derived by using traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of
techniques such as Periodate oxidation, Smith years. Polysaccharide extracted from CS is the
degradation, methylation analysis, enzymatic major active components with antiliver injury
digestion, AFM, IR and NMR analyses. effects. A study evaluated the protective effects
Miyazaki et al. (1977) derived the chemical of six kinds of polysaccharides from different
structure of CS-1 by Periodate oxidation, Smith origins of Cordyceps on immunological liver
degradation, methylation analysis, partial injury in mice. Polysaccharides were given at ig
hydrolysis and 13C-NMR spectrometry. The 150 mg/D for 12 days and the activities of
data showed CS-1 consists of mannan core and serum transaminase (ALT, AST) and liver
galactosyl oligomer as a branch chain. The SOD, the concentration of liver MDA, the
mannan core mainly contains α-(1→2)-linked weighting indexes of liver and spleen, the liver
mannopyranosyl residues and branch chain pathology was comparatively observed. The
consists of (1→3), (1→5) and (1→6) linked D- result reflects the armouring effects of
galactofuranosyla and (1→4)-D- polysaccharides on immunological liver injury
galactopyranosyl residues. EPS-1A is a novel in mice wherein decreased level of MDA and
polysaccharides from CS characterised using increased activity of SOD in the liver
FTIR and NMR techniques.41 Guan et al. homogenates (P<0.05-0.01) were observed.55
(2011) compared and characterized Similar effects were also observed in a couple
polysaccharides from natural and cultured CS of studies.56-58 Polysaccharides were found to
by enzymatic digestion method where cellulase, prevent liver fibrosis and improve the function
lichenase, β- (1, 4)-D-galactanase, β- of liver and peripheral blood lymphocyte in
mannanase, α-amylase, and isoamylase have patients with chronic hepatitis C.5 In one of the
been selected for the study.19 Few studies have study, CS polysaccharides were proven to have
been reported in literature aimed at elucidating antifibrotic effect with their potent application
the polysaccharides structures from CS.43,49,54 in liver fibrosis. Polysaccharides dose at
and has been listed in Table 2. 10µg/ml, type I and typeⅢ procollagen mRNA
levels were inhibited at the rate 27.9% and

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45.4% (P=0.05 and P=0.05, respectively) thus fibrosis induced by immunologic injury in rats.
concluding these can markedly inhibit lto cell Results concluded that Cordyceps
proliferation and collagen synthesis in a dose polysaccharides attenuate liver fibrosis,
and time dependent manner, and down regulate decrease hepatic Hyp content and collagen
the expression of procollagen typeⅠ,Ⅲ mRNA production, reduce transforming growth factor
in vitro.60 Another similar study also revealed β1 and its receptor expression and decrease cell
inhibitory action of CS polysaccharides on Dm expression.66
Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) proliferation and
5.2 Kidney
collagen synthesis.61

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Peng et al. (2013) investigated the antiliver According to traditional Chinese medicines, the
injury effect of polysaccharides against carbon kidneys are known as a “root of life”, CS goes
tetra chloride (CCl4) where colchicine was used to kidney meridian, provides kidney
as a positive control. They observed the effects improvement and has been reported kidney
on hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation, nourishment.15,67-69 A water soluble
transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)/Smad polysaccharide (CPS-2) isolated from CS
pathway, as well as matrix metalloproteinase probably composed of glucose and mannose
MMP2, MMP9 and tissue inhibitor of residues having molecular weight of 43.9 kDa
metalloproteinase TIMP1, TIMP2 and was found to possess protective effect on the
inhibition of liver injury and fibrosis was model of chronic renal failure. The effect was
confirmed by drop in serum alanine confirmed as changes in blood urea nitrogen
aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and serum creatinine and revealed that CPS-2
total bilirubin, hepatic hydroxyproline and rise could significantly relieve renal failure caused
in serum albumin, as well as alleviation of by fulgerizing kidney.70 In similar study two
histological changes.62 In a similar study polysaccharide fractions named as CPA-1 and
pharmacological effect of Cordyceps CPS-2 separated by alcohol and DEAE-
polysaccharide on dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) cellulose showed to provide protection effect to
induced liver fibrosis in rats was investigated63 the kidney cells.71
and the treatment of polysaccharides showed The study aimed to provide scientific basis
significant reduction of protein expression of for the beneficial effect of soluble
proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in polysaccharides in renal disease. In ureteric
liver tissues.64 Cordyceps polysaccharides had obstruction (UUO) model of renal fibrosis and
also a significant suppression effect on hepatic tubular epithelial cell line HK-2, histological
stellate cells of rat, and the activity of nuclear and immunohistochemical assessment of renal
factor қB, and down regulated the expression of injury was made at day 7 and treated with
cytokine tumor necrosis factor in a dose characterized fraction of polysaccharide (Cp-
dependent manner. It also reduced the F1) of CS. The significant attenuation of UUO
proliferation of hepatic stellate cells by was noticed, evidencing the antagonist activity
inhibiting the activity of NF-қB and the by CS, mediated via large soluble
expression of TNF-α and also lowering the polysaccharide aggregate, preventing induction
level of protein.65 of fibronectin and α-SMA, and inhibition of the
Fang et al (2000) discovered the mechanism epithelial cell marker E-cadherin. Furthermore
behind the action of polysaccharides on liver Cp-F1 inhibits TGF-β1 dependent activation of

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a Smad signalling and suppresses the the renal function improvement.77 Few studies
expression of TGF-β receptor mRNA and brief the protective effects of polysaccharides
protein.72 In the similar studies, acute kidney on renal injury.79-81
injury in rat was induced by denaturation
haemoglobin and treatment with Cordyceps 5.3 Immunomodulatory effects
polysaccharides showed significant palliation in
In recent years, studies explored the potential
injury of renal function (P 0.01) and renal
modulating effects of polysaccharides from CS,
pathologic changes (P 0.01) concluding its
on stimulation or suppression components of
possible mechanism maybe related to improve
the immune system. Polysaccharides were

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

renal function, rectify abnormal metabolism,
shown to be immunomodulators, effective
promote renal tubular restoring and
against treating or preventing diseases and
regeneration. The therapeutic effects of
illnesses that stem from certain
Cordyceps polysaccharide on occluding renal
immunodeficiencies and other depressed states
artery induced acute kidney injury in dog and
of immunity.
on adenine induced chronic renal failure (CRF)
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) from CS were found
in rats. Renal function, biochemical indicators,
to possess both immunomodulatory and
kidney index, renal pathologic changes were
antitumor effects by activating the
observed after treatment confirming the
immunocytes and promote cytokines
protective effect of polysaccharides on kidney
expressions. Spleanocytes were treated with
and kidney improvement.74,75
EPS having molecular weight about 1.04×105 at
An investigation discovers therapeutic effect
different doses and different treatment timings.
of Cordyceps polysaccharides on the kidneys
EPS elevated proliferation ability of spleen
frozen chronic renal failure in rats is available.
lymphocytes only at 100 µg/ml after 48 h
The study was conducted on rats divided into
treatment and tumor necrosis factor alpha
six groups among which three groups were
(TNF-α), interferon-α (IFN-γ), and interleukin-
treated with high, medium and low dose of
2 (IL-2) mRNA levels in splenocytes and
polysaccharides 160, 80 and 40 mg/kg,
thymocytes were increased after EPS treatment
respectively. After administration biochemical
for 2, 4, 8, or 20 h. EPS also significantly
indices of blood of the rats, serum total
elevated splenic TNF-α and IFN-γ protein
superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde
expressions at 100µg/ml and increased thymic
(MDA) levels were detected as well as changes
TNF-α and IFN-γ protein levels at 50 and
in renal pathology. Results concluded that
100µg/ml.82 Cheung et al. (2009) have
Cordyceps polysaccharides can be effective in
successfully isolated the novel EPS, namely
preventing the occurrence of chronic renal
Cordysinocan with the molecular weight
failure and development, improve renal
∼82kD which induce cell proliferation and the
function, correct metabolic disorders, and
secretion of interleukin-2, interleukin-6 and
promote the repair and regeneration of renal
interleukin-8. In addition, the phosphorylation
units.76 Chen et al. (2009) established CRF rat
of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK)
model by 5/6 nephrectomy to study the
was induced transiently by the treatment of
therapeutic effects of polysaccharides and
cordysinocan. Moreover, application of
biochemical indicator, renal function, and renal
cordysinocan in cultured macrophages
pathologic changes were observed confirming
increased the phagocytosis activity and the

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enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase, fractionated from the EPS produced by CS-
confirming the triggering potential of immune HK1 fungus in mycelial culture, were treated
responses.83 The immunomodulating effects of on Raw264.7 macrophage cell cultures to
polysaccharides from cultured CS (PCCS) have evaluate the immunomodulatory effect at
been evaluated on non-specific and specific suitable doses between 25 and 250g/ml. The
immunologic function of immunosuppressed results suggest that the treatment significantly
mice. The treatment of PCCS has increased the stimulated the release of four major cytokines,
K and α indices in carbon clearance test, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 indicating strong
enhanced the phagocytosis function of immunostimulatory activity of AEPS-1.7

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mononuclear macrophage, murine ear swelling Polysaccharides from CS play major role in
and elevated the hemolysin level in inducing monocyte activation. Among active
immunosuppressed mice, suggesting that components crude (CS-P), soluble (CS-Ps) and
polysaccharides could improve the cellular and insoluble (CS-Pp), the macrophage production
humoral immunologic function in of TNF-α by CS-Pp was to the highest extent.90
immunosuppressed mice. Administration of The polysaccharide namely, CS-81002 was
CS polysaccharides to LACA mice for 15 days found to exhibit immunostimulatory effect on
at the dose of 6.85mg/kg not only enhanced phagocytic function of macrophages in normal
delayed type hypersensitivity response but also mice at dosages of 5 mg/kg.52 A study
promoted the plaque forming cell (PFC) demonstrated the potential effect of various
response and hemagglutination titers against extracts of CS mycelium like, petroleum ether
sheep red cell (SRBC) indicating CS extract (PE), ethyl acetate extract (EAE),
polysaccharides could enhance immune ethanol extract (EE), glycoprotein (GP) and a
response in mice.86 The polysaccharide purified polysaccharide (PS) on cellular and
treatment caused increase in the weight of humoral immune responses of ICR mice
thymus gland and improved the delayed against ovalbumin (OVA). The immunized ICR
hypersensitivity induced by DNFB and also mice were treated with polysaccharides having
enhanced the phagocytic ability of monocyte molecular wt. ~83kDa at 3 dose levels
macrophages.87 enhanced the OVA specific IgG, IgG1 and
He et al. (2013) isolated a novel protein bound IgG2b antibody in serum to significant levels,
polysaccharide, namely HS002-II, from concluding these polysaccharides can
Hirsutella sinensis with 44 kDa molecular potentially acts as safe adjuvants.
weight and found to enhance the secretion and Exopolysaccharides fraction (EPSF) from
expression of the cytokines iNOS, TNF-α, IL- CS mycelium posed activity on B16 melanoma
1β and NF-қB by HS002-II, which could be bearing mice and proved to be a potential
developed as a potential immunomodulatory adjuvant in cancer therapy. The mice were
source. The graphical representation shows the administered with EPSF peritoneally at 3
IқB-NF-қB pathway behind the different doses for 14 times, c-Myc, c-Fos, and
immunomodulatory effect of HS002-II in figure VEGF levels in the lungs and livers were found
4.88 Similar effects were observed with the acid to be significantly lower than those of untreated
polysaccharide fraction (APSF) treatment on mice.92 Similar study demonstrated the effect of
murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7.89 EPSF on immunocytes of H22 tumor bearing
Novel acidic polysaccharides AEPS-1, mice where mice were treated by

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intraperitoneal injection at doses of 15 mg/kg macrophages expressing nonspecific esterase

(low dose), 30 mg/kg (mid dose) and 60 mg/kg (NSE) activity and the surface antigens of
(high dose). It was observed that EPSF not only CD11b, CD14, and CD68. The levels of
significantly inhibited the H22 tumor growth, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor
but also significantly elevated immunocytes (TNF)-α, and interleukin (IL)-1 were greatly
activity. It significantly enhanced the increased with PSCS stimulation concluding
phagocytosis capacity of peritoneal especially IFN-γ and TNF-α acted
macrophages and proliferation ability of spleen synergistically on inhibiting cell growth and
lymphocytes at all the three doses; it inducing differentiation of the target U937

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significantly promoted macrophages TNF-α cells.96
expression and spleen lymphocytes Heteropolysaccharide from the fruiting
cytotoxicity. EPSF also significantly elevated bodies of cultured CS (CS-PS) having average
TNF-α and IFN-γ mRNA expression of splenic molecular weight of 12 kD were investigated
lymphocytes.93 Similar dual effects were for their effect on immune function of BALB/c
observed by others also.94 The effect of EPS mice exposed to 60Co gamma radiation. Mice
from submerged cultured CS on were administered CS-PS with doses of 50, 100
immunomodulatoy enhancement of cytokine or 200 mg/kg body weight, then exposed to
synthesis, CD11b expression, and phagocytosis Co for four days. The treatment showed
was well explained in a study. This significant enhancement in lymphocyte
immonmodulatory study explored the effect of proliferation, the activity of macrophage
polysaccharides (Fr. A & Fr. B) on cytokines phagocytosis, DTH and total SOD enzyme
release, CD11b expression, and phagocytosis in activity compared to control group. And also
monocytes, PMN, leukocytes. The study significant reduction in lipid peroxidation level
concluded that EPS induced the production of and levels of cytokine IL-4, IL-5 and IL-17
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), were found to be affected as compared to
interleukin IL-6, and IL-10 dose dependently. control group.97 Song et al (2011) evaluated the
Moreover EPS could significantly augment effect of EPS from one of the anamorph of CS
surface expression of CD11b and has induced on murine dendritic cells (DCs). In this
phagocytosis in monocytes and experimental study murine DCs were derived
polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN). The from the bone marrow of C57BL/6 mice which
graphical representation of immunomodulatory are treated with EPS. During the study
study is depicted in figure 5. phenotype molecules, level of phosphorylated
In an in vitro culture system leukemic U937 signal transducers and activators of
cells were treated with polysaccharides fraction transcription 3 (p-STAT3) of DCs were
from CS (PSCS). The study revealed that the evaluated. The results showed that EPS
conditioned medium with PSCS (10µg/ml) promoted the levels of surface molecules MHC
stimulated the blood mononuclear cells (PSCS- II, CD40, CD80 and CD86 of DCs and
MNC-CM), significantly inhibiting the decreased their ingestion ability. The mRNA
proliferation of U937 cells with growth expressions of cytokines (IL-12p40 and TNF-α)
inhibition rate of 78–83%. The treatment of and inducible nitric oxide synthase were up
PSCS induced about 50% of the cells regulated by EPS. It was also found that EPS
differentiating into mature monocytes/ significantly down regulated p-STAT3 level of

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DCs. The results concluded that the promotion with exopolysaccharide fraction (EPSF) from
of DC's maturation and activation by EPS is one of the anamorph strains of CS at 15 mg/kg
probably related to the inhibition of STAT3 (low dose), 30 mg/kg (mid dose) and 60 mg/kg
phosphorylation.98 Potential application of (high dose) for 7 days showed significant
polysaccharide fraction of CS (PSCS) on rapid immunocytes activity. But results indicated
generation of activated DCs that can be utilized there was no significant inhibition on tumor
as vaccine for treating chronic myeloid growth. It might significantly enhance the
leukaemia (CML). PSCS can increase T cell phagocytosis capacity of peritoneal
immunoresponse when CML-DCs incubated by macrophages and proliferation ability of spleen

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

PSCS caused the rapid generation of the co- lymphocytes at all the three doses. And also it
stimulatory molecules, CD86 and HLA-DR, promoted macrophages TNF-α, IFN-γ mRNA
and the enhancement of IL-12 expression and expression and spleen lymphocytes
stimulatory capacity in allogeneic mixed cytotoxicity. In the similar study, the dual
lymphocyte reaction (MLR).99 functions of inmmnomodulatory and antitumor
Polysaccharides from CS were observed to were observed.103 Two novel polysaccharides
have immune enhanced function in adjuvant (α-D-glucans), WIPS (Mw 1180kDa) and AIPS
arthritis (AA) rats in vitro. Irnmune cells were (Mw 1150kDa) isolated and characterized from
treated with CP in order to detect the change of hot and alkaline water extracts of CS mycelium
ConA induced splenocyte proliferation, IL-1 were studied for their antitumor activities.104
and IL-2 synthesis wherein CP (10. 100mg/L) Yalin et al. (2005) isolated the cell wall
could not only enhance the reduced ConA- polysaccharides from CS mycelium named as a
induced splenocyte proliferation, but also cordyglucans and tested for their antitumor
improve the decreased IL-2 synthesis in AA activities. They concluded that the activity is
rats.100 Furthermore, crude polysaccharides attributed to β-(1→3)-D-glucan linkages.105
from wild type and mycelia of CS were also Studies also suggested that polysaccharides
observed to induce macrophage from mouse from CS can be used for the immunotherapy of
abdominal cavity to produce the tumor necrosis clinical tumors.106
factor (TNF-α).101 Combination treatment of the polysaccharide
rich fraction of CS and cisplatin was tested on
5.4 Antitumor effect H157 NSCLC cells with aim to investigate
adjuvant role of CS in the treatment of non-
Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-protein small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The
complexes have been discovered as effective expression levels of VEGF and bFGF protein
therapies to control human malignancies were significantly reduced in the cells treated
because chemotherapy drugs cause serious side with a combination of CS and cisplatin,
effects. Many studies have been focused on concluding CS may be a potential adjuvant
discovering anticancer polysaccharides and chemotherapeutic agent in NSCLC therapy.107
complexes for the development of effective Shen et al. (2009) studied the effects of
therapeutics for various human cancers.102 polysaccharide from CS (PSCS) on triptolide
Natural polysaccharides from CS are reported (TPL) induced apoptosis in the HL-60 cells.
to show potent inhibitory effects on many MTT assays showed that different
cancers. Intraperitoneal injection of ICR mice concentrations of PSCS inhibited the cell

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viability. Flow cytometry indicated that TPL reduced plasma glucose level which was
markedly increased the apoptosis rate of the attributed due to increased hepatic glucokinase,
HL-60 cells, and PSCS enhanced the apoptosis hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate
in a dose dependent relationship. Western blot dehydrogenase activities. Another purified
showed that TPL did not inhibit the expression polysaccharide fraction (CS-F10) obtained
of the Caspase-3, 6, 7, 9 and NF-kB proteins, from water extract of CS mycelium having
and when cells were treated with PSCS, the comb type structure and has α-D-
expression of proteins decreased as the PSCS glucopyranosyl, β (1→5) linked-D-
concentration increased. So PSCS can enhance galactofuranosyl residues, could significantly

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

TPL induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells and lower the plasma glucose level in normal,
inhibit the expression of NF-kB and Caspase 3, streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic and
6, 7, 9, which might be a possible signalling epinephrine induced hyperglycemic mice after
pathway of inducing apoptosis.108 intraperitoneal administration (50 mg/kg). The
effect is due to increased hepatic glucokinase
5.5 Hypoglycaemic effect activity causing reduced hepatic glucose output
which was observed following the infusion of
Hypoglycaemic effect is a medical emergency CS-F10 using the perfused rat liver.111
that involves drastic reduction in blood glucose Purified polysaccharides named as a CSP-1
content which occurs as a complication of found to show hypoglycemic activity with
treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin or antioxidation effect in normal, alloxan diabetic
oral medication. Recently natural mice and streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats.
polysaccharides were found to have positive Oral administration of CSP-1 at 200 and 400
effect on blood glucose reduction. CS mg/kg body wt/day for 7 days significantly
polysaccharides can be a potent ingredient reduced the blood glucose level by 12.07±3.2%
possessing hypoglycemic effect. Kiho et al. and 22.57±4.7% in normal mice, respectively.
(1993) studied the effect of polysaccharides on In case of both STZ induced diabetic rats and
plasma glucose level. Normal mice and alloxan induced diabetic mice at a dose higher
streptozotocin induced diabetic mice were than 200 mg/kg body wt. daily for 7 days
treated with crude polysaccharides from caused significant drop in blood glucose level.
fermented CS mycelium by intraperitoneal The study concluded that CSP-1 has increased
injection, showed significant response. Crude insulin level in diabetic animals, which
polysaccharides (CS-OHEP) obtained by alkali suggests that CSP-1 may stimulate pancreatic
extraction method, caused slight reduction in release of insulin and/or reduce insulin
plasma glucose level. A neutral polysaccharide metabolism.112 Similar studies have been
(CS-F30) composed of galactose, glucose and reported the hypoglycemic effect of purified
mannose (molar ratio 62:28:10) with molecular fraction of polysaccharides.113,114 Huang et al.
weight of about 45000, exhibited higher (2002), proposed the mechanism behind the
hypoglycemic activity than its crude form.109 hypoglycemic activity induced by
Effect of CS-F30 polysaccharides on polysaccharides (PCS) from CS mycelium.
hypoglycemic activity in genetic diabetic mice PCS has raised the glucose uptake in insulin
after intraperitoneal administration was studied. resistant adipocytes.115
The results revealed that CS-F30 has quickly

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5.6 Antioxidative activity concentration to 133% and 125% and APS

significantly inhibited overproduction of
Oxidative stress is a physiological stress on the MDA.116 Similar studies are also been reported
body that is caused by the cumulative damage to demonstrate antioxidative activity in
done by reactive species and human biological literature.28
system has an ability to readily detoxify the Four fractions of ethanol extracts of CS,
reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting which was fractionated using supercritical CO2
damage failing which can lead to chronic as the elution solvent were characterized to be a
diseases or sometime fatality. The use of polysaccharides and cordycepin showed strong

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

synthetic antioxidants posed many side effects, scavenging ability of free radicals. The four
so natural antioxidants or/and natural products fractions at 2 mg/ml showed free radical
possessing antioxidants are right options with scavenging potency, 93%, 75%, 66%, 47%, and
nil side effects. CS is one among them or/and 27%, respectively.117 Dong and Yao (2008)
polysaccharides from CS have reported to investigated and evaluated the antioxidant
exhibit potent antioxidative effects. potency of polysaccharides isolated from water
Li et al. (2003) isolated polysaccharides extract of CS using six in vitro assays. Among
(CSP-1) by using antioxidation activity guided these assays, the extracts showed the best effect
fractionation which have reported to exhibit on the inhibition of linoleic peroxidation with
strong protective effect against hydrogen the lowest IC50 values and with an inhibition
peroxide (H2O2) induced insult in the cultured rate over 90% at concentration of 0.8–1.6
rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. The mg/ml, which proved to be more stable than
treatment of H2O2 at 200 µM reduced the that of α-tocopherol, a recognized natural
activities of antioxidant enzymes GSH-Px and antioxidant. The findings demonstrated that
SOD by 86% and 81%, respectively and pre- superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals
treatment with CSP-1 attenuated the changes of scavenging activities were less than BHT,
GSH-Px and SOD activities in a dose DPPH assay showed 80% inhibition, finally
dependent manner. At 100 µg/ml of CSP-1, the moderate reducing power and ferrous ion
H2O2 decreased GSH-Px and SOD activities chelating activity.118 Antioxidant potential was
were revered by over 50% and evaluated by using xanthine oxidase assay, the
malondialdehyde production also reduced. The induction of haemolysis assay and the lipid
study concluded that polysaccharides from CS peroxidation assay. The study concluded that
can provide protection against the free radical partial purification of crude polysaccharides
induced neuronal cell toxicity.48 Shen et al. enhances the activity by 10 to 30 folds.119
(2011) carried out the study where the Crude EPS isolated from CS mycelium, are
pheochromocytoma PC12 cells were treated basically polysaccharide protein complexes and
with H2O2 at 300µM to induce oxidative stress. were studied for their ability to scavenge
The oxidative stress was reduced by radicals and ferric reducing ability of plasma.
polysaccharides (APS) treatment which was The results showed that EPS have moderate
manifested through changes in activities of effect, concluding these biopolymers from the
GSH-Px, CAT, and SOD, inhibition of ROS CS mycelial fermentation provide a source of
accumulation at 100 and 200µg/mL of APS for natural antioxidants with potential value for
24 h, inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ health foods and therapeutics.40 Hydrolysed

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EPS fractions reported to exhibit high (30-80%) fermentation medium of a medicinal fungus CS
antioxidant and radical scavenging by gradient precipitation with ethanol at 1/5,
activities. Polysaccharides (PS) isolated 2/5, 1, 2, and 5 volume ratios to the liquid
from CS studied for their antioxidative activity medium. Each fraction was tested for its
against H22 bearing mice, showed that the PS antioxidant activity among which P1/5 and
treatment for 9 days had significantly inhibited P2/5 showed poor response, P1 and P2 showed
H22 tumor growth, enhanced SOD activity of low to moderate and P5 showed very strong
liver, brain and serum as well as GSH-Px activity.122
activity of liver and brain in tumor bearing

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

mice. PS also significantly reduced the level of Other
MDA in liver and brain of tumor bearing A study was designed to determine the
mice.24 Heteropolysaccharides from fruiting effects of polysaccharides from CS
bodies of cultured CS have effectively reduced mycelium (CSP) on physical fatigue in mice.
oxidative injury to BALB/c mice upon The mice were treated with CSP at 100, 200
exposure to 60Co. The total SOD enzyme and 400 mg/kg, ig for 28 days. Forced
activity in the CS-PS groups was significantly swimming test was performed to evaluate
enhanced and lipid peroxidation level was endurance capacity of mice and some
significantly reduced.97 The biochemical parameters related to fatigue
glucomannogalactan (CPS1), a water soluble were examined. The results showed the
polysaccharide has been evaluated for its exhaustive swimming time of mice for treated
antioxidant activity by using assays like; group was significantly prolonged as compared
hydroxyl radicals scavenging, the reducing to control group.124 The polysaccharides from
power, Fe2+ chelating activity, scavenging CS have been evaluated for their protection
effect on superoxide radicals, as well as the activity on photoaging skin fibroblasts which
inhibition of hydrogen peroxide induced were induced by 8-MOP/UVA. CS
haemolysis. The results concluded that CPS1 polysaccharides were administrated before 8-
showed a high antioxidant effect, especially MOP/UVA. HE stained, MTT, hydroxyproline
scavenging effect of hydroxyl radicals, the (HYP), MDA and SOD quantitate were used to
reducing power and Fe2+ chelating activity.44 test the effects of polysaccharides. Cell crimple,
Li and Li (2013) studied the enzymatic condensation of nuclear chromatin in 8-
method of extracting water soluble MOP/UVA model group were observed in the
polysaccharides and evaluation for their study.125 polysaccharides found to provide
antioxidative activity. Water soluble protection against photoaging of the dermis
polysaccharides have been extracted by layer of skin in mice.126
incubating water with 7.5 U or 375 U of Cordyceps pretreatment has significantly
cellulase at 50oC for 2h. The soluble lowered DNA damage in UVB irradiated
polysaccharide yield increased 30.38% to human fibroblast cells (P< 0.01) after 30 min
33.23% ~38.10%, while DPPH free radicals and 24h. There was a 27% reduction in
scavenging and reducing power were found to cyclobutanepyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in
be higher than those of untreated control.37 irradiated cells with 24h pretreatment with
Huang et al. (2013) isolated five EPS fractions 200mg/mL of the hot water extract, and a 34%
P1/5, P2/5, P1, P2 and P5 from the reduction with 24h pretreatment with

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200mg/mL of the exopolysaccharide extract. The author (SMG) acknowledges the award of
Clear evidence of protection against UVB senior research fellowship from CSIR, New
induced CPDs was seen with Cordyceps Delhi, India. The authors also acknowledge the
mycelial extracts. CS may thus offer Director, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore, India for the
photoprotection and lower the risk of basal cell encouragement given.
carcinoma, the main skin cancer caused by
CPDs.127 *Address for correspondence:
Dr. Manohar B, Chief Scientist,
6. Future prospects Department of Food Engineering,

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

Central Food Technological Research Institute,
Cordycep sinenis is a medicinal edible
Mysore – 570020, India.
mushroom and polysaccharides from CS can
undoubtedly be supplemented in ordinary E-mail address:
foods, healthy foods, and functional foods. Fax: +91-821-2517233.
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Table captions:

1) The structural features of polysaccharides

isolated from different natural and cultured CS.
2) List of polysaccharides with their proposed

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RSC Advances Page 20 of 29

Table 1. Structural
REVIEW features of polysaccharides isolated from different natural and cultured CS. RSC Advances

Monomers MW
POLYS Main chain Branch Bioactivities Reference
compositional ratio kDa
APSFC Man:Glc:Gal= 3.5:1:1.5 - - - Immunomodulatory effects 89
(1→6)-α-D-glucose residues (~77%) and (1→ (1-6)-α-D-mannose residues and (1→6)-α-D-glucose
EPS-1AC 6) - α-D-mannose residues (~23%) residues at O-3 position of (1→6)-α-D-mannose residues 40 - 41
of the backbone

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

Glcp:GlcUp =8:1 with a (1→3)-linked α-D-Glcp α-D-Glcp and α-D-Glc Up , attached to the main chain by
AEPSC 36 Immunomodulatory effects 7
trace amount of mannose (1→6) glycosidic bonds at every 7th α-D-Glcp unit
→3-α-D-Glcp-1→3-β-D-Glcp-1→3-β-D- branch residue (α-D- Manp - 1→) linked at the O-2
PS-AC Glc:D-Gal:D-Man =2:1:1 460 Antihypercholesterolemia 51
Galp-1→ position of residue 3-α-D-Glcp-1
Antitumour &
WIPSC α-D-glucose (1→4)-linked α- D-Glcp (1→6)-linked α-D -Glcp 1180 104
Immunostimulating effects
(1→4)-linked α-D-Glcp Antitumour &
AIPSC α-D-glucose - 1150 104
Immunostimulating effects
Glcp joined by 1→4 linkages and 1→3
Glc:Man:Gal= the branching points are located at O-2 or O-6 of
CBHPC linkages - Antifibrotic effect 49, 72
95.19%:0.91%:0.61% Glcp with α terminal-D-Glcp as side chain
1,3-β-D glucan
CS-PpC Glc:Man:Gal= 21:2:1 1,6-branched chain - Monocyte activation 90
Glu:Man:Gal:Ara= 46: 1,6-Man
CPS1C glucose at C2,C3,C4 position 99.1 Kidney protection 71
36: 18:1
CPS2C Ara:Rha= 1,6-Glc, 1,6-Man, 1,6-Gal Different monosaccharide residues at C3 position 25.6 Kidney protection 71
Man:Gal:Glc Immunoenhancing &
PCB IIC - - ~60 128
=1:0.51:0.50 tumorinhibiting effects
(1→4)-linked Manp Immunoenhancing &
PCB IC Man:Gal = 1:0.73 Galf and Manp ~60 128
tumorinhibiting effects
Immunoenhancing &
PCA IC Man:Gal = 1:1 (1→4)-linked Manp 1→2, 1→3, 1→6 linkages Galf and Manp ~556 128
tumorinhibiting effects
Man:Gal:Glc = - Immunoenhancing &
PC IC - ~350 128
1:0.65:0.30 tumorinhibiting effects
Glucomanno Glc: Man: Gal
long backbone of (1→2),(1→4)-linked Man
-galactanFCC = 2.8: 2.9: 1 (1→3)-linked Gal units and (1→)-linked Glc units 8.1 Antioxidant activity 44
units and (1→3,6)-Glc units
CAPSC Man:Gal:Glc - - 2.7 Kidney protection 81
PolyhexNAcC - -4-β-D-ManNAc-(1→3)-β-D-GalNAc-(1→ -Gal- at 3-position of ManNAc 6 Antioxidant activity 128

(1→4) linked-α-D-Glc units, (1→4) linked-β-

UNKC & N Glc, and Gal - - - 43
D-Glc units and (1→4) -linked α-D-Gal
Man: Glc: Gal =
UNKN 1.00:16.61~3.82:1.60~1.2 - - - - 50

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Table.1 (continued….)

Monomers MW,
POLYS Main chain Branch Bioactivities References
compositional ratio kDa

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

→3,6-)-Man-(1→side chains at C3
CS-81002C Man:Gal:Glc =10.3:3.6:1 →6-)-Man-(1→ position→2,6-)-Man-(1→side chain at C2 43 Immunostimulating effect 52
CHWpC - - ~32 Hypoglycaemic activity 133
= 1.0:2.7:1.8
MannoglucanC Man:Glc = 1:9 (1→4)-and(1→3)-linked α-D-glucan α- D-(1→6)-Manp 7.7 Anticancer effect 130
Glc:D-Man:L-Ara: D-Gal
PSC - - ~83 Immunomodulatory effect 91
= 8:90:1:1
Cordyglucans Glucose (1→3)-linked backbone (1→6)-linked branches 12.86 Antitumor activity 105
D-glucan Glucose (1→3)-β-D-glucosyl residues (1→4)-β-linked D-glucosyl residue 13.62 Antitumor activity 105

SCP-IC Glucose α-(1→4)-linked backbone α-(1→6)-linkage 184 - 54

CS-F10C Gal:Glc:Man =43:33:24 (1→5 and/or 6)-linked β-D-Galf residues (1→2)-linked α-D-manp residues 15 Hypoglycemic activity 111
CS-F30C Gal:Glc:Man = 62:28:10 - - 45 Hypoglycemic activity 109, 110
Antioxidant activity;
CSP-1C Glc:Man:Gal = 1:0.6:0.75 - - ~210 48
Hypoglycemic activity
PSCS - - - 100 Antitumor effect 96
N (1→5)-linked β-D-galf residues, and(1→6)- linked
CT-4N Man:D-Gal = 3:5 (1→6)-and(1→2)-linked α-D –Manp residues ~23 - 131
α-D-galp residues
(1→3), (1→5), and (1→6)-linked-D-galf,(1→4)-
CS-IN Gal : D-Man =1:1 (1→2)-α linked-D-manp residues - - 36
linked D-galp residues
C Immunomodulatory &
EPS Man:Glu:Gal = 23:1:2.6 - - 104 82
Cordysinocan Glc:Man:Gal =2.4:2:1 - - 82 Immunomodulatory activity 83
long backbone of (1→3)-linked α-D-ribofuranosyl
β-D-mannopyranosyl residues and β-D-
units, (1→4)-linked α-D-xylopyranosyl units and
HS002-IIC - galactopyranosyl residues terminated with α-L- 44 Immunomodulatory activity 88
(1→4)-linked β-D-glucopyranosyl units, substituted
arabinopyranosyl residues
at C-6 position
Antioxidation activity &
Man, Rha, Ara, Xyl, 97
CS-PSC - - 12 Modulate immune
Glc, and Gal.
(1 → 6)-linked galactose residues attached to
CME-1C Man : Gal = 4:6 Backbone of (1 → 4)-linked mannose 27.6 Cytoprotective effect 127
the O -6 of mannose
POLY-Polysaccharides; S-Source of CS; C-Cultured; N-Natural; FCC-Fruiting bodies of cultured CS; UNK-Unknown.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 | 21
Table.2. List of polysaccharides with their proposed structures. RSC Advances Page 22 of 29


Table 2. List of polysaccharides with their proposed structures.

Polysaccharides Structure Method used Bioactivity Reference

Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)-Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)-

3 3 3 3 3

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
1 1 1 1 1
Man Man Gal Man Man
2 3 4
↑ ↑ ↑
1 1 1 Immunostimulating
CS-81002 Gal Man Man GF, Methylation, GC 52
Man-(1→6)-Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)- Man-(1→6)- effect
3 2 2 2 2
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
1 1 1 1 1
Man Man Glc Man Gal
4 4 3
↑ ↑ ↑
1 1 1
Gal Gal Glc

→ {4)-α-D-Xylp-(1→4)- β-D-(Glcp-(1→4)-[ β-D-Glcp-(1→4)]29- β-D-Glcp-(1→3)- α-D-Ribf-(1→}n FTIR, HPGPC, AGE, Immunomodulatory

↓ ↓ AFM, NMR activity 88
α-L-Arap-(1[→6)- β-D-Galp-(1]8→6, α-L-Arap-(1[→6)- β-D-Manp-(1]3→6

1 1
↓ ↓
2 2 Methylation analysis,1D
G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 (4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 3G1 4G1 4G1)2 4G1 4G1 3G1 4G1 4G1 4G1 4G1
CBHP 6 6 6 6
and 2D NMR spectr- 47, 72
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ oscopy Antifibrotic effect
1 1 1 1

SCP-I ↓ Methylation, SD - 54
→4)-α-D-Glcp-(1→4)-[ α-D-Glcp-(1→4)-]8- α-D-Glcp-(1→
degradation, acetolysis,

22 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
Page 23 of 29 RSC Advances


Table.2. (continued...)
→[6)-α-D-Glcp-(1]5 → 6)- α-D-Manp-(1→ 6)- α-D-Manp-(1→ 6)- α-D-Manp-(1→[6)- α-D-Glcp-(1]5- GC, GC–MS, FTIR, 1H
3 NMR and
↑ 13
EPS-1A. 1
C NMR, Acid
β-D-Galp-(1→[6)- α-D-Glcp-(1]5→6)- α-D-Manp hydrolysis, Methylation, - 104
PO and SD.

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

3 MS, Methylation and
Antioxidant activity
PolyhexNAc ↑ NMR
1 129
6 6
↑ ↑ FTIR and NMR Anticancer effect
Mannoglucan 1 1 130
Manp Manp
͡2 H,13C NMR, CS, and Antihyper-
PS-A ↑
NOS cholesterolemia 51

6 GF, GC-MS and NMR
CME-1 →[4)-β-D-Man-(1→4)-β-D-Man-(1→4)-β-D-Man-(1→]n Cytoprotective effect 123
6 (DOSY)


CS-Correlation spectroscopy; NOS- nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy; SD-Smoth degradation; PO-Periodate oxidation, AFM-Atomic force microscopy; AGE-Agarose gel
electrophoresis; HPGPC-High performance gel permeation chromatography; GF-Gel filteration; DOSY-Diffusion ordered spectroscopy.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 | 23
RSC Advances Page 24 of 29

Figure captions

Figure 1. Depicts the significant impacts of various cultural conditions and additives on biomass
and polysaccharides production. BM-Biomass; PS-Polysaccharides; EES-Ether extract
of Eupolyphaga sinensis.

Figure 2. Depicts steps involved, methods, and techniques followed to extract, purify and
haracterise the polysaccharides from CS. LMMC-Low molecular mass compounds;

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

PS- Polysaccharides; HPAEC-High performance anion exchange chromatography;
EP-Electrophoresis; TFA-Tri-flouro acetic acid ;HPGPC-High performance gel
permeation chromatography; PO- Periodate oxidation; SD-Smith degradation; AFM-
Atomic force microscopy.

Figure 3. Monosaccharide compositions (MC) of different extracted polysaccharides from

natural or cultured Cordyceps sinensis. Data referred from Soltani et al. (2013).132

Figure 4. Explains the immuno-stimulation induced via IκB -NF- κB signalling pathway by
HS002-II from CS. A study demonstrates the HS002-II polysaccharide treatment of
RAW264.7 cells, caused the activation of NF-қB happened via phosphorylation of
serine residues and degradation of IκB by IKK. The active NF-қB was translocated
into nucleus and modulates gene expressions. NF-қB --nuclear factor kappa-light-
chain-enhancer of activated B cells; IKK- IκB kinase; iNOS-Inducible nitric oxide
synthase; TNF-Tumor necrosis factor; IL-Interleukin. Adopted from He et al. (2013).

Figure 5. Polysaccharides induced cytokine production, CR3 expression, and phagocytosis.

Adopted from Kuo et al. (2007), Sheng et al. (2011), Akaki et al (2009). 82, 90, 95
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Figure 1
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Figure 2
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Figure 3
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Figure 4
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Figure 5

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